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Various improvements to iFrame

Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/iFrame_improvements into master

This MR makes the following improvements to iFrame:

  1. Framing under implications P → Q (since we already allowed framing under magic wands). This is possible if either the frame is persistent, or P is persistent.
  2. Framing in both sides of a conjunction P ∧ Q (previously, it would frame in just one side). Concretely, framing in a conjunction will succeed if framing in either (or both) P or Q succeeds.
  3. Stronger framing for disjunctions P ∨ Q Framing of a spatial frame will succeed if:
  • Framing in both P and Q succeeds.
  • Framing in P succeeds and turns it into True.
  • Similarly for Q. Framing of a persistent frame will succeed if it succeeds in either (or both) P or Q.

Note that I previously objected to (3) in #145 (closed), however, I come back from that point. The example was artificial, and we already have plenty of situations where framing may lead to information loss. For example, try framing P in (False -∗ P) ∗ stuff.

This MR closes #145 (closed).

Edited by Robbert Krebbers

Merge request reports