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  • iris/iris
  • jeehoon.kang/iris-coq
  • amintimany/iris-coq
  • dfrumin/iris-coq
  • Villetaneuse/iris
  • gares/iris
  • shiatsumat/iris
  • Blaisorblade/iris
  • jihgfee/iris-coq
  • mrhaandi/iris
  • tlsomers/iris
  • Quarkbeast/iris-coq
  • janno/iris
  • amaurremi/iris-coq
  • proux/iris
  • tchajed/iris
  • herbelin/iris-coq
  • msammler/iris-coq
  • maximedenes/iris-coq
  • bpeters/iris
  • haidang/iris
  • lepigre/iris
  • lczch/iris
  • simonspies/iris
  • gpirlea/iris
  • dkhalanskiyjb/iris
  • gmalecha/iris
  • germanD/iris
  • aa755/iris
  • jules/iris
  • abeln/iris
  • simonfv/iris
  • atrieu/iris
  • arthuraa/iris
  • simonh/iris
  • jung/iris
  • mattam82/iris
  • Armael/iris
  • adamAndMath/iris
  • gmevel/iris
  • snyke7/iris
  • johannes/iris
  • NiklasM/iris
  • simonspies/iris-parametric-index
  • svancollem/iris
  • proux1/iris
  • wmansky/iris
  • LukeXuan/iris
  • ivanbakel/iris
  • SkySkimmer/iris
  • tjhance/iris
  • yiyunliu/iris
  • Lee-Janggun/iris
  • thomas-lamiaux/iris
  • dongjae/iris
  • dnezam/iris
  • Tragicus/iris
  • clef-men/iris
  • ffengyu/iris
59 results
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Showing with 3038 additions and 168 deletions
set -e
## Process an opam.pins file from stdin: Add all the given pins, but don't install anything.
## Usage:
## ./ < opam.pins
if ! which curl >/dev/null; then
echo "opam-pins needs curl. Please install curl and try again."
exit 1
# Process stdin
while read PACKAGE URL HASH; do
if echo "$URL" | egrep '^https://gitlab\.mpi-sws\.org' > /dev/null; then
echo "[opam-pins] Recursing into $URL"
# an MPI URL -- try doing recursive pin processing
curl -f "$URL/raw/$HASH/opam.pins" 2>/dev/null | "$0"
if opam pin list | fgrep "$$HASH " > /dev/null; then
echo "[opam-pins] $PACKAGE already at commit $HASH"
echo "[opam-pins] Applying pin: $PACKAGE -> $URL#$HASH"
opam pin add "$$HASH" "$URL#$HASH" -k git -y -n
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <>"
authors: "The Iris Team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
version: "dev"
synopsis: "Deprecated Iris libraries"
description: """
This package contains libraries that have been deprecated from Iris, and are planned to be
entirely removed at some point.
depends: [
"coq-iris" {= version}
build: ["./make-package" "iris_deprecated" "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: ["./make-package" "iris_deprecated" "install"]
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <>"
authors: "The Iris Team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
version: "dev"
synopsis: "The canonical example language for Iris"
description: """
This package defines HeapLang, a concurrent lambda calculus with references, and
uses Iris to build a program logic for HeapLang programs.
tags: [
depends: [
"coq-iris" {= version}
build: ["./make-package" "iris_heap_lang" "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: ["./make-package" "iris_heap_lang" "install"]
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <>"
authors: "The Iris Team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
version: "dev"
synopsis: "Unfinished Iris libraries"
description: """
This package contains libraries that have been proposed for inclusion in Iris, but more
work is needed before they are ready for this.
depends: [
"coq-iris" {= version}
"coq-iris-heap-lang" {= version}
build: ["./make-package" "iris_unstable" "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: ["./make-package" "iris_unstable" "install"]
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "Ralf Jung <>"
authors: "The Iris Team"
license: "BSD-3-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
version: "dev"
synopsis: "A Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic Framework with support for interactive proofs"
description: """
Iris is a framework for reasoning about the safety of concurrent programs using
concurrent separation logic. It can be used to develop a program logic, for
defining logical relations, and for reasoning about type systems, among other
applications. This package includes the base logic, Iris Proof Mode (IPM) /
MoSeL, and a general language-independent program logic; see coq-iris-heap-lang
for an instantiation of the program logic to a particular programming language.
tags: [
depends: [
"coq" { (>= "8.19" & < "9.1~") | (= "dev") }
"coq-stdpp" { (= "dev.2025-03-30.0.9274984b") | (= "dev") }
build: ["./make-package" "iris" "-j%{jobs}%"]
install: ["./make-package" "iris" "install"]
set -e
## A simple shell script checking for some common Coq issues.
if grep -E -n '^\s*((Existing\s+|Program\s+|Declare\s+)?Instance|Arguments|Remove|Hint\s+(Extern|Constructors|Resolve|Immediate|Mode|Opaque|Transparent|Unfold|Rewrite)|(Open|Close)\s+Scope|Opaque|Transparent|Typeclasses (Opaque|Transparent))\b' "$FILE"; then
echo "ERROR: $FILE contains 'Instance'/'Arguments'/'Hint' or another side-effect without locality (see above)."
echo "Please add 'Global' or 'Local' as appropriate."
exit 1
Support for the dune build system
**NOTE:** in case of problem with the dune build, you can ask @lepigre or
@Blaisorblade for help.
The library can be built using dune by running `dune build`. Note that `dune`
needs to be installed separately with `opam install dune`, as it is currently
not part of the dependencies of the project.
Useful links:
- [dune documentation](
- [coq zulip channel](
Editor support
Good dune support in editors is lacking at the moment, but there are tricks you
can play to make it work.
One option is to configure your editor to invoke the `dune coq top` command
instead of `coqtop`, but that is not easy to configure.
Another option is to change the `_CoqProject` file to something like:
-Q iris iris
-Q _build/default/iris iris
-Q iris_heap_lang iris.heap_lang
-Q _build/default/iris_heap_lang iris.heap_lang
-Q iris_unstable iris.unstable
-Q _build/default/iris_unstable iris.unstable
-Q iris_deprecated iris.deprecated
-Q _build/default/iris_deprecated iris.deprecated
Note that this includes two bindings for each logical path: a binding to a
folder in the source tree (where editors will find the `.v` files), and a
binding to the same folder under `_build/default` (where editors will find
the corresponding `.vo` files). The binding for a source folder must come
before the binding for the corresponding build folder, so that editors know
to jump to source files in the source tree (and not their read-only copy in
the build folder).
If you do this, you still need to invoke `dune` manually to make sure that the
dependencies of the file you are stepping through are up-to-date. To build a
single file, you can do, e.g., `dune build iris/prelude/options.vo`. To build
only the `iris` folder, you can do `dune build iris`.
Here we collect some information on how to set up your editor to properly input
and output the unicode characters used throughout Iris.
If you really want to, you can also avoid having to type unicode characters by
importing ``. That enables parsing-only ASCII alternatives to many
unicode notations. (Feel free to report an issue when you notice that a notation
is missing.) The easiest way to learn the ASCII syntax is to
[read this file](../iris/bi/ascii.v).
Note however that this will make your code harder to read and work on for Iris
developers that are used to our default unicode notation---generally, our
recommendation is to use the unicode syntax whenever possible. In particular,
Unicode syntax is required for MRs to Iris itself and other Iris-managed
## General: Unicode Fonts
Most editors will just use system fonts for rendering unicode characters and do
not need further configuration once the fonts are installed. Here are some
combinations of fonts that are known to give readable results (i.e., each of
these sets of fonts covers all the required characters):
* Fira Mono, DejaVu Mono, Symbola
## Emacs
### Unicode Input
First, install `math-symbol-lists` by doing `M-x package-install math-symbol-lists`.
Next, add the following to your `~/.emacs` to configure an input method based
on the math symbol list, and with some custom aliases for symbols used a lot in Iris:
;; Input of unicode symbols
(require 'math-symbol-lists)
; Automatically use math input method for Coq files
(add-hook 'coq-mode-hook (lambda () (set-input-method "math")))
; Input method for the minibuffer
(defun my-inherit-input-method ()
"Inherit input method from `minibuffer-selected-window'."
(let* ((win (minibuffer-selected-window))
(buf (and win (window-buffer win))))
(when buf
(activate-input-method (buffer-local-value 'current-input-method buf)))))
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'my-inherit-input-method)
; Define the actual input method
(quail-define-package "math" "UTF-8" "Ω" t)
(quail-define-rules ; add whatever extra rules you want to define here...
("\\fun" ?λ)
("\\mult" ?⋅)
("\\ent" ?⊢)
("\\valid" ?✓)
("\\diamond" ?◇)
("\\box" ?□)
("\\bbox" ?■)
("\\later" ?▷)
("\\pred" ?φ)
("\\and" ?∧)
("\\or" ?∨)
("\\comp" ?∘)
("\\ccomp" ?◎)
("\\all" ?∀)
("\\ex" ?∃)
("\\to" ?→)
("\\sep" ?∗)
("\\lc" ?⌜)
("\\rc" ?⌝)
("\\Lc" ?⎡)
("\\Rc" ?⎤)
("\\lam" ?λ)
("\\empty" ?∅)
("\\Lam" ?Λ)
("\\Sig" ?Σ)
("\\-" ?∖)
("\\aa" ?●)
("\\af" ?◯)
("\\auth" ?●)
("\\frag" ?◯)
("\\iff" ?↔)
("\\gname" ?γ)
("\\incl" ?≼)
("\\latert" ?▶)
("\\update" ?⇝)
;; accents (for iLöb)
("\\\"o" ?ö)
;; subscripts and superscripts
("^^+" ?⁺) ("__+" ?₊) ("^^-" ?⁻)
("__0" ?₀) ("__1" ?₁) ("__2" ?₂) ("__3" ?₃) ("__4" ?₄)
("__5" ?₅) ("__6" ?₆) ("__7" ?₇) ("__8" ?₈) ("__9" ?₉)
("__a" ?ₐ) ("__e" ?ₑ) ("__h" ?ₕ) ("__i" ?ᵢ) ("__k" ?ₖ)
("__l" ?ₗ) ("__m" ?ₘ) ("__n" ?ₙ) ("__o" ?ₒ) ("__p" ?ₚ)
("__r" ?ᵣ) ("__s" ?ₛ) ("__t" ?ₜ) ("__u" ?ᵤ) ("__v" ?ᵥ) ("__x" ?ₓ)
(mapc (lambda (x)
(if (cddr x)
(quail-defrule (cadr x) (car (cddr x)))))
; need to reverse since different emacs packages disagree on whether
; the first or last entry should take priority...
; see <> for discussion
(reverse (append math-symbol-list-basic math-symbol-list-extended)))
### Font Configuration
Even when usable fonts are installed, Emacs tends to pick bad fonts for some
symbols like universal and existential quantifiers. The following configuration
results in a decent choice for the symbols used in Iris:
;; Fonts
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 110) ; height is in 1/10pt
(dolist (ft (fontset-list))
; Main font
(set-fontset-font ft 'unicode (font-spec :name "Monospace"))
; Fallback font
; Appending to the 'unicode list makes emacs unbearably slow.
;(set-fontset-font ft 'unicode (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono") nil 'append)
(set-fontset-font ft nil (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono"))
; Fallback-fallback font
; If we 'append this to all fontsets, it picks Symbola even for some cases where DejaVu could
; be used. Adding it only to the "t" table makes it Do The Right Thing (TM).
(set-fontset-font t nil (font-spec :name "Symbola"))
### Automated Indentation
The default indentation configuration of company-coq is not compatible with the Iris syntax.
As a result, automatic indentation will indent lines incorrectly.
To solve some of these indentation errors you can add the following line to your Emacs
initialisation file:
(setq coq-smie-user-tokens
'(("," . ":=")
("∗" . "->")
("-∗" . "->")
("∗-∗" . "->")
("==∗" . "->")
("=∗" . "->") ;; Hack to match ={E1,E2}=∗
("|==>" . ":=")
("⊢" . "->")
("⊣⊢" . "->")
("↔" . "->")
("←" . "<-")
("→" . "->")
("=" . "->")
("==" . "->")
("/\\" . "->")
("⋅" . "->")
(":>" . ":=")
("by" . "now")
("forall" . "now") ;; NB: this breaks current ∀ indentation.
This will let the indentation strategy treat the Iris symbols (e.g. `-∗`) similar to the
closely related Coq symbols (e.g. `->`).
Note that `->` is used in many places, as its indentation behaviour is:
P ->
This is the indentation behaviour is what we want, e.g. for `∗`:
P ∗
Note that this configuration has some caveats.
Notably, the change to `forall` (which gives good behavior to e.g.
`iInduction xs as [|x xs IHxs] forall (ys).`), now gives the following indentation
behavior to universal quantification:
∀ x,
P x
This is not what we want; the second line should be indented by 2 spaces.
## CoqIDE 8.9 and earlier on Linux (ibus-m17n)
On Linux with old versions of CoqIDE you can use the Intelligent
Input Bus (IBus) framework to input Unicode symbols. First, install `ibus-m17n`
via your system's package manager. Next, create a file `~/.m17n.d/coq.mim` to
configure an input method based on the math symbol list, and with some custom
aliases for symbols used a lot in Iris as defined [here](ibus).
To use this input method, you should:
1. Enable the "Coq" input using your system settings or using the IBus
configuration tool. The Coq input method typically appears in the category
2. On some systems: In CoqIDE, you have to enable the input method by performing
a right click on the text area, and selecting "System (IBus)" under "input
## CoqIDE 8.10+ Unicode input
Instead of configuring the input system-wide, you can use CoqIDE's support for
inputting Unicode symbols (introduced in Coq v8.10). To input a symbol, type a
LaTeX-like escape sequence, for example `\alpha` and then type
`<Shift>-<Space>`, which will expand it into `α`. Expansion will work on a
prefix of the command as well. You can also customize the expansion keyboard
shortcut, which is under Tools/LaTeX-to-unicode.
This system is configurable by adding a Unicode bindings file with additional
expansion sequences. On Linux this file should go in
`~/.config/coq/coqide.bindings` while on macOS it should go in
`~/Library/Application Support/Coq/coqide.bindings` (or under `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`
if you have that set).
Here is a `coqide.bindings` file for a variety of symbols used in Iris:
# LaTeX-like sequences are natively supported (eg, \forall, \mapsto)
# Iris-specific abbreviations
\fun λ
\mult ⋅ 1
\ent ⊢ 1
\valid ✓
\diamond ◇
\box □ 1
\bbox ■
\later ▷
\pred φ
\and ∧
\or ∨
\comp ∘ 1
\ccomp ◎
\all ∀
\ex ∃
\to →
\sep ∗
\lc ⌜ 1
\rc ⌝ 1
\Lc ⎡ 1
\Rc ⎤ 1
\lam λ
\empty ∅
\Lam Λ
\Sig Σ
\- ∖ 1
\aa ● 1
\af ◯ 1
\auth ●
\frag ◯
\iff ↔ 1
\gname γ
\incl ≼
\latert ▶
\update ⇝
# accents
\"o ö
\Lob Löb
# subscripts and superscripts
\^+ ⁺
\_+ ₊
\^- ⁻
\_0 ₀
\_1 ₁
\_2 ₂
\_3 ₃
\_4 ₄
\_5 ₅
\_6 ₆
\_7 ₇
\_8 ₈
\_9 ₉
\_a ₐ
\_e ₑ
\_h ₕ
\_i ᵢ
\_k ₖ
\_l ₗ
\_m ₘ
\_n ₙ
\_o ₒ
\_p ₚ
\_r ᵣ
\_s ₛ
\_t ₜ
\_u ᵤ
\_v ᵥ
\_x ₓ
## Visual Studio Code
### VSCoq setup
The recommended extension as of December 2019 is [Maxime Dénès's
Press `Ctrl Shift P` or `Cmd Shift P` and then type "coq" to see the list of Coq
commands and keyboard shortcuts.
### Font setup
To use unicode you need a font that supports all the symbols, such as [Fira
Code]( Download and install
the font, and in VS Code press `Cmd ,` or `Ctrl ,` to go to the settings, search
for "font", and use "FiraCode-Retina" on macOS or "Fira Code Retina" on Linux as the font-family and optionally enable
### Unicode input setup
Install the [Generic input method
To insert a symbol, type the code for a symbol such as `\to` and then press
`Space` or `Tab`. To enable Iris unicode input support, open your user settings,
press `Cmd ,` or `Ctrl ,`, type "generic-input-methods.input-methods", and then
click on "Edit in settings.json" and add the contents of [this file](vscode).
## Vim
The [Coqtail]( plugin can be used to develop Coq code in `vim` (install it with your favorite plugin manager).
Follow the installation instructions in Coqtail's README to setup your keybinds and find out about its usage.
### Unicode support
For Unicode support, make sure that your terminal emulator supports Unicode and configure it to use a font with Unicode support.
For entering Unicode symbols, one option is the plugin [latex-unicoder](
Install it with your favorite plugin manager.
To enter a Unicode symbol, hit `C-l` in normal or insert mode. For more details on the usage, see its README.
latex-unicoder comes with a large set of pre-configured symbols known from LaTeX, but you can also add your own by adding (and adapting) the following to your `.vimrc`:
let g:unicode_map = {
\ "\\fun" : "λ",
\ "\\mult" : "⋅",
\ "\\ent" : "⊢",
\ "\\valid" : "✓",
\ "\\diamond" : "◇",
\ "\\box" : "□",
\ "\\bbox" : "■",
\ "\\later" : "▷",
\ "\\pred" : "φ",
\ "\\and" : "∧",
\ "\\or" : "∨",
\ "\\comp" : "∘",
\ "\\ccomp" : "◎",
\ "\\all" : "∀",
\ "\\ex" : "∃",
\ "\\to" : "→",
\ "\\sep" : "∗",
\ "\\lc" : "⌜",
\ "\\rc" : "⌝",
\ "\\Lc" : "⎡",
\ "\\Rc" : "⎤",
\ "\\lam" : "λ",
\ "\\empty" : "∅",
\ "\\Lam" : "Λ",
\ "\\Sig" : "Σ",
\ "\\-" : "∖",
\ "\\aa" : "●",
\ "\\af" : "◯",
\ "\\auth" : "●",
\ "\\frag" : "◯",
\ "\\iff" : "↔",
\ "\\gname" : "γ",
\ "\\incl" : "≼",
\ "\\latert" : "▶",
\ "\\update" : "⇝",
\ "\\\"o" : "ö",
\ "_a" : "ₐ",
\ "_e" : "ₑ",
\ "_h" : "ₕ",
\ "_i" : "ᵢ",
\ "_k" : "ₖ",
\ "_l" : "ₗ",
\ "_m" : "ₘ",
\ "_n" : "ₙ",
\ "_o" : "ₒ",
\ "_p" : "ₚ",
\ "_r" : "ᵣ",
\ "_s" : "ₛ",
\ "_t" : "ₜ",
\ "_u" : "ᵤ",
\ "_v" : "ᵥ",
\ "_x" : "ₓ",
\ }
Alternatively, you can use snippets using [UltiSnips](
Install it with your favorite plugin manager, and register a completion key in your configuration:
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<c-l>"
To insert a unicode character, type its trigger word, such as `\forall` or `->`, and then press `<c-l>` while still in insert mode.
To register most common unicode characters, put [this file](vim_ultisnips) either at `~/.vim/UltiSnips/coq_unicode.snippets` or `~/.config/nvim/UltiSnips/coq_unicode.snippets`, depending on your preferred variant of Vim.
# Equalities in Iris
Using std++ and Iris involves dealing with a few subtly different equivalence and equality
relations, especially among propositions.
This document summarizes these relations and the subtle distinctions among them.
This is not a general introduction to Iris: instead, we discuss the different
Iris equalities and the interface to their Coq implementation. In particular, we
- Equality ("=") in the *on-paper* Iris metatheory
- Coq's Leibniz equality (`=`) and std++'s setoid equivalence (`≡`);
- Iris `n`-equivalence on OFEs (`≡{n}≡`);
- Iris internal equality (`≡` in `bi_scope`);
- Iris entailment and bi-entailment (`⊢`, `⊣⊢`).
We use `code font` for Coq notation and "quotes" for paper notation.
## Leibniz equality and setoids
First off, in the metalogic (Coq) we have both the usual propositional (or
Leibniz) equality `=`, and setoid equality `equiv` / `≡` (defined in `stdpp`).
Both of these are metalogic connectives from the perspective of Iris, and as
such are declared in Coq scope `stdpp_scope`.
Setoid equality for a type `A` is defined by the instance of `Equiv A`. This
should be accompanied by an `Equivalence` instance which proves that the given
relation indeed is an equivalence relation. The handling of setoidsis based on
[generalized rewriting](
Setoid equality can coincide with Leibniz equality, which is reflected by the
`LeibnizEquiv` typeclass. We say that types with this property are "Leibniz
types". `equivL` provides a convenient way to define a setoid with Leibniz
equality. The tactics `fold_leibniz` and `unfold_leibniz` can be used to
automatically turn all equalities of Leibniz types into `≡` or `=`.
Given setoids `A` and `B` and a function `f : A → B`, an instance `Proper ((≡)
==> (≡)) f` declares that `f` respects setoid equality, as usual in Coq. Such
instances enable rewriting with setoid equalities.
Here, stdpp adds the following facilities:
- `solve_proper` for automating proofs of `Proper` instances.
- `f_equiv` generalizes `f_equal` to setoids (and indeed arbitrary relations
registered with Coq's generalized rewriting). It will for instance turn the
goal `f a ≡ f b` into `a ≡ b` given an appropriate `Proper` instance (here,
`Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) f`).
## Defining Proper instances
- For each function `f` that could be used in generalized rewriting (e.g., has
setoid, ofe, ordered arguments), there should be a `Params f n` instance. This
instance forces Coq's setoid rewriting mechanism not to rewrite in the first
`n` arguments of the function `f`. This significantly reduces backtracking
during `Proper` search and thus improves performance/avoids failing instance
searches that diverge. These first arguments typically include type variables
(`A : Type` or `B : A → Type`), type class parameters (`C A`), and Leibniz
arguments (`i : nat` or `i : Z`), so they cannot be rewritten or do not need
setoid rewriting.
+ For `cons : ∀ A, A → list A → list A` we have `Params (@cons) 1`,
indicating that the type argument named `A` is not up to rewriting.
+ For `replicate : ∀ A, nat → A → list A` we have `Params (@replicate) 2`
indicating that the type argument `A` is not up to rewriting and that the
`nat`-typed argument also does not show up as rewriteable in the `Proper`
instance (because rewriting with `=` doesn't need such an instance).
+ For `lookup : ∀ {Lookup K A M}, K → M → option A` we have
`Params (@lookup) 5`: there are 3 Type parameters, 1 type class, and a key
(which is Leibniz for all instances).
- Consequenently, `Proper .. f` instances are always written in such a way
that `f` is partially applied with the first `n` arguments from `Params f n`.
Note that implicit arguments count here.
Further note that `Proper` instances never start with `(=) ==>`.
+ `Proper ((≡@{A}) ==> (≡@{list A}) ==> (≡@{list A})) cons`,
where `cons` is `@cons A`, matching the 1 in `Params`.
+ `Proper ((≡@{A}) ==> (≡@{list A})) (replicate n)`,
where `replicate n` is `@replicate A n`.
+ `Proper ((≡@{M}) ==> (≡@{option A})) (lookup k)`,
where `lookup k` is `@lookup K A M _ k`, so 5 parameters are fixed, matching
the `Params` instance.
- Lemmas about higher-order functions often need `Params` premises.
These are also written using the convention above. Example:
Lemma set_fold_ind `{FinSet A C} {B} (P : B C Prop) (f : A B B) (b : B) :
( x, Proper (() ==> impl) (P x)) ...
- For premises involving predicates (such as `P` in `set_fold_ind` above), we
always write the weakest `Proper`: that is, use `impl` instead of `iff` (and
in Iris, write `(⊢)` instead of `(⊣⊢)`). For "simple" `P`s, there should be
instances to solve both `impl` and `iff` using `solve_proper`, and for more
complicated cases where `solve_proper` fails, an `impl` is much easier to
prove by hand than an `iff`.
## Equivalences on OFEs
On paper, OFEs involve two relations, equality "=" and distance "=_n". In Coq,
equality "=" is formalized as setoid equality, written `≡` or `equiv`, as before;
distance "=_n" is formalized as relation `dist n`, also written `≡{n}≡`.
Tactics `solve_proper` and `f_equiv` also support distance. There is no
correspondence to Coq's `=` on paper.
Some OFE constructors choose interesting equalities.
- `discreteO` constructs discrete OFEs (where distance coincides with setoid equality).
- `leibnizO` constructs discrete OFEs (like `discreteO`) but using `equivL`, so
that both distance and setoid equality coincide with Leibniz equality. This
should only be used for types that do not have a setoid equality registered.
Given OFEs `A` and `B`, non-expansive functions from `A` to `B` are functions
`f : A → B` with a proof of `NonExpansive f` (which is notation for `∀ n, Proper
(dist n ==> dist n) f`).
The type `A -n> B` packages a function with a non-expansiveness proof. This is
useful because `A -n> B` is itself an OFE, but should be avoided whenever
possible as it requires the caller to specifically package up function and proof
(which works particularly badly for lambda expressions).
When an OFE structure on a function type is required but the domain is discrete,
one can use the type `A -d> B`. This has the advantage of not bundling any
proofs, i.e., this is notation for a plain Coq function type. See the
`discrete_fun` documentation in [`iris.algebra.ofe`](../iris/algebra/ofe.v)
for further details.
In both OFE function spaces (`A -n> B` and `A -d> B`), setoid equality is
defined to be pointwise equality, so that functional extensionality holds for `≡`.
## Inside the Iris logic
Next, we introduce notions internal to the Iris logic. Such notions often
overload symbols used for external notions; however, those overloaded notations
are declared in scope `bi_scope`. When writing `(P)%I`, notations in `P` are
resolved in `bi_scope`; this is done implicitly for the arguments of all
variants of Iris entailments.
The Iris logic has an internal concept of equality: if `a` and `b` are Iris
terms of type `A`, then their internal equality is written (on paper) "a =_A b";
in Coq, that's written `(a ≡@{A} b)%I` (notation for `bi_internal_eq` in scope
`bi_scope`). You can leave away the `@{A}` to let Coq infer the type.
As shown in the Iris appendix, an internal equality `(a ≡ b)%I` is interpreted using
OFE distance at the current step-index. Many types have `_equivI` lemmas
characterizing internal equality on them. For instance, if `f, g : A -d> B`,
lemma `discrete_fun_equivI` shows that `(f ≡ g)%I` is equivalent to
`(∀ x, f x ≡ g x)%I`.
An alternative to internal equality is to embed Coq equality into the Iris logic
using `⌜ _ ⌝%I`. For discrete types, `(a ≡ b)%I` is equivalent to `⌜a ≡ b⌝%I`,
and the latter can be moved into the Coq context, making proofs more convenient.
For types with Leibniz equality, we can even equivalently write `⌜a = b⌝%I`, so
no `Proper` is needed for rewriting. Note that there is no on-paper equivalent
to using these embedded Coq equalities for types that are not discrete/Leibniz.
## Relations among Iris propositions
In this section, we discuss relations among internal propositions, and in particular equality/equivalence of propositions themselves.
Even though some of these notes generalize to all internal logics (other
`bi`s), we focus on Iris propositions (`iProp`), to discuss both their proof
theory and their model.
As Iris propositions form a separation logic, we assume some familiarity with
separation logics, connectives such as `-∗`, `∗`, `emp` and `→`, and the idea
that propositions in separation logics are interpreted with predicates over
resources (see for instance Sec. 2.1 of the MoSEL paper).
In the metalogic, Iris defines the entailment relation between uniform
predicates: intuitively, `P` entails `Q` (written `P ⊢ Q`) means that `P`
implies `Q` on _every_ resource and at all step-indices (for details see Iris appendix [Sec. 6]).
Entailment `P ⊢ Q` is distinct from the magic wand, `(P -∗ Q)%I`: the former is
a Coq-level statement of type `Prop`, the latter an Iris-level statement of type
`iProp`. However, the two are closely related: `P ⊢ Q` is equivalent to `emp ⊢
P -∗ Q` (per Iris lemmas `entails_wand` and `wand_entails`). Iris also defines
a "unary" form of entailment, `⊢ P`, which is short for `emp ⊢ P`.
We can also use bi-entailment `P ⊣⊢ Q` to express that both `P ⊢ Q` and `Q ⊢ P` hold.
On paper, uniform predicates are defined by quotienting by an equivalence
relation ([Iris appendix, Sec. 3.3]); in Coq, that relation is chosen as the
setoid equivalent for the type of Iris propositions.
This equivalence is actually equivalent to bi-entailment, per lemma `equiv_spec`:
Lemma equiv_spec P Q : P Q (P Q) (Q P).
Relying on this equivalence, bi-entailment `P ⊣⊢ Q` is defined as notation for `≡`.
## Internal equality of Iris propositions
Inside the logic, we can use internal equality `(≡)%I` on any type, including
propositions themselves. However, there is a pitfall here: internal equality
`≡` is in general strictly stronger than `∗-∗` (the bidirectional version of the
magic wand), because `Q1 ≡ Q2` means that `Q1` and `Q2` are equivalent
_independently of the available resources_. This makes `≡` even stronger than `□
(_ ∗-∗ _)`, because `□` does permit the usage of some resources (namely, the RA
core of the available resources can still be used).
The two notions of internal equivalence and equality of propositions are related
by the following law of propositional extensionality:
Lemma prop_ext P Q : P Q ⊣⊢ (P ∗-∗ Q).
This uses the plainly modality `■` to reflect that equality corresponds to
equivalence without any resources available: `■ R` says that `R` holds
independent of any resources that we might own (but still taking into account
the current step-index).
\section{Extensions of the Base Logic}
In this section we discuss some additional constructions that we define within and on top of the base logic.
These are not ``extensions'' in the sense that they change the proof power of the logic, they just form useful derived principles.
\subsection{Derived rules about base connectives}
We collect here some important and frequently used derived proof rules.
{\prop \Ra \propB \proves \prop \wand \propB}
{\prop * \Exists\var.\propB \provesIff \Exists\var. \prop * \propB}
{\prop * \All\var.\propB \proves \All\var. \prop * \propB}
{\always(\prop*\propB) \provesIff \always\prop * \always\propB}
{\always(\prop \Ra \propB) \proves \always\prop \Ra \always\propB}
{\always(\prop \wand \propB) \proves \always\prop \wand \always\propB}
{\always(\prop \wand \propB) \provesIff \always(\prop \Ra \propB)}
{\later(\prop \Ra \propB) \proves \later\prop \Ra \later\propB}
{\later(\prop \wand \propB) \proves \later\prop \wand \later\propB}
{\prop \proves \later\prop}
\subsection{Persistent assertions}
We call an assertion $\prop$ \emph{persistent} if $\prop \proves \always\prop$.
These are assertions that ``don't own anything'', so we can (and will) treat them like ``normal'' intuitionistic assertions.
Of course, $\always\prop$ is persistent for any $\prop$.
Furthermore, by the proof rules given in \Sref{sec:proof-rules}, $\TRUE$, $\FALSE$, $t = t'$ as well as $\ownGhost\gname{\mcore\melt}$ and $\mval(\melt)$ are persistent.
Persistence is preserved by conjunction, disjunction, separating conjunction as well as universal and existential quantification and $\later$.
\subsection{Timeless assertions and except-0}
One of the troubles of working in a step-indexed logic is the ``later'' modality $\later$.
It turns out that we can somewhat mitigate this trouble by working below the following \emph{except-0} modality:
\[ \diamond \prop \eqdef \later\FALSE \lor \prop \]
This modality is useful because there is a class of assertions which we call \emph{timeless} assertions, for which we have
\[ \timeless{\prop} \eqdef \later\prop \proves \diamond\prop \]
In other words, when working below the except-0 modality, we can \emph{strip away} the later from timeless assertions.
The following rules can be derived about except-0:
{\prop \proves \propB}
{\diamond\prop \proves \diamond\propB}
{\prop \proves \diamond\prop}
{\diamond\diamond\prop \proves \diamond\prop}
\diamond{(\prop * \propB)} &\provesIff& \diamond\prop * \diamond\propB \\
\diamond{(\prop \land \propB)} &\provesIff& \diamond\prop \land \diamond\propB \\
\diamond{(\prop \lor \propB)} &\provesIff& \diamond\prop \lor \diamond\propB
\diamond{\All x. \prop} &\provesIff& \All x. \diamond{\prop} \\
\diamond{\Exists x. \prop} &\provesIff& \Exists x. \diamond{\prop} \\
\diamond\always{\prop} &\provesIff& \always\diamond{\prop} \\
\diamond\later\prop &\proves& \later{\prop}
The following rules identify the class of timeless assertions:
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop} \and \vctx \proves \timeless{\propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop \land \propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop} \and \vctx \proves \timeless{\propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop \lor \propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop} \and \vctx \proves \timeless{\propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop * \propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\always\prop}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop \Ra \propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\propB}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\prop \wand \propB}}
{\vctx,\var:\type \proves \timeless{\prop}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\All\var:\type.\prop}}
{\vctx,\var:\type \proves \timeless{\prop}}
{\vctx \proves \timeless{\Exists\var:\type.\prop}}
{\text{$\term$ or $\term'$ is a discrete OFE element}}
{\timeless{\term =_\type \term'}}
{\text{$\melt$ is a discrete OFE element}}
{\text{$\melt$ is an element of a discrete CMRA}}
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# HeapLang overview
HeapLang is the example language that gets shipped with Iris. It is not the
only language you can reason about with Iris, but meant as a reasonable demo
language for simple examples.
## Language
HeapLang is a lambda-calculus with operations to allocate individual locations,
`load`, `store`, `CmpXchg` (compare-and-exchange) and `FAA` (fetch-and-add). Moreover,
it has a `fork` construct to spawn new threads. In terms of values, we have
integers, booleans, unit, heap locations, as well as (binary) sums and products.
Recursive functions are the only binders, so the sum elimination (`Case`)
expects both branches to be of function type and passes them the data component
of the sum.
For technical reasons, the only terms that are considered values are those that
begin with the `Val` expression former. This means that, for example, `Pair
(Val a) (Val b)` is *not* a value -- it reduces to `Val (PairV a b)`, which is.
This leads to some administrative redexes, and to a distinction between "value
pairs", "value sums", "value closures" and their "expression" counterparts.
However, this also makes values syntactically uniform, which we exploit in the
definition of substitution which just skips over `Val` terms, because values
should be closed and hence not affected by substitution. As a consequence, we
can entirely avoid even talking about "closed terms", that notion just does not
have to come up anywhere. We also exploit this when writing specifications,
because we can just write lemmas involving terms of the form `Val ?v` and Coq
can determine `?v` by unification (because all values start with the `Val`
## Notation
Notation for writing HeapLang terms is defined in
[`notation.v`](../iris_heap_lang/notation.v). There are two scopes, `%E` for
expressions and `%V` for values. For example, `(a, b)%E` is an expression pair
and `(a, b)%V` a value pair. The `e` of a `WP e {{ Q }}` is implicitly in `%E`
We define a whole lot of short-hands, such as non-recursive functions (`λ:`),
let-bindings, sequential composition, and a more conventional `match:` that has
binders in both branches.
The widely used `#` is a short-hand to turn a basic literal (an integer, a
location, a boolean literal or a unit value) into a value. Since values coerce
to expressions, `#` is widely used whenever a Coq value needs to be placed into
a HeapLang term.
## Tactics
HeapLang comes with a bunch of tactics that facilitate stepping through HeapLang
programs as part of proving a weakest precondition. All of these tactics assume
that the current goal is of the shape `WP e @ E {{ Q }}`.
Tactics to take one or more pure program steps:
- `wp_pure pat credit:"H"`: Perform one pure reduction step. `pat` optionally
defines the pattern that the redex has to match; it defaults to `_` (any
redex). The `credit:` argument is optional, too; when present, a later credit
will be generated in a fresh hypothesis named `"H"`.
Pure steps are defined by the `PureExec` typeclass and include beta reduction,
projections, constructors, as well as unary and binary arithmetic operators.
- `wp_pures`: Perform as many pure reduction steps as possible. This
tactic will **not** reduce lambdas/recs that are hidden behind a definition.
If the computation reaches a value, the `WP` will be entirely removed and the
postcondition becomes the new goal.
- `wp_rec`, `wp_lam`: Perform a beta reduction. Unlike `wp_pure`, this will
also reduce lambdas that are hidden behind a definition.
- `wp_let`, `wp_seq`: Reduce a let-binding or a sequential composition.
- `wp_proj`: Reduce a projection.
- `wp_if_true`, `wp_if_false`, `wp_if`: Reduce a conditional expression. The
discriminant must already be `true` or `false`.
- `wp_unop`, `wp_binop`, `wp_op`: Reduce a unary, binary or either kind of
arithmetic operator.
- `wp_case`, `wp_match`: Reduce `Case`/`match:` constructs.
- `wp_inj`, `wp_pair`, `wp_closure`: Reduce constructors that turn expression
sums/pairs/closures into their value counterpart.
Tactics for the heap:
- `wp_alloc l as "H"`: Reduce an allocation instruction and call the new
location `l` (in the Coq context) and the points-to assertion `H` (in the
spatial context). You can leave out the `as "H"` to introduce it as an
anonymous assertion, which is equivalent to `as "?"`.
- `wp_load`: Reduce a load operation. This automatically finds the points-to
assertion in the spatial context, and fails if it cannot be found.
- `wp_store`: Reduce a store operation. This automatically finds the points-to
assertion in the spatial context, and fails if it cannot be found.
- `wp_cmpxchg_suc`, `wp_cmpxchg_fail`: Reduce a succeeding/failing CmpXchg. This
automatically finds the points-to assertion. It also automatically tries to
solve the (in)equality to show that the CmpXchg succeeds/fails, and opens a new
goal if it cannot prove this goal.
- `wp_cmpxchg as H1 | H2`: Reduce a CmpXchg, performing a case distinction over whether
it succeeds or fails. This automatically finds the points-to assertion. The
proof of equality in the first new subgoal will be called `H1`, and the proof
of the inequality in the second new subgoal will be called `H2`.
- `wp_faa`: Reduce a FAA. This automatically finds the points-to assertion.
Further tactics:
- `wp_bind pat`: Apply the bind rule to "focus" the term matching `pat`. For
example, `wp_bind (!_)%E` focuses a load operation. This is useful in
particular when accessing invariants, which is only possible when the `WP` in
the goal is for a single, atomic operation -- `wp_bind` can be used to bring
the goal into the right shape.
- `wp_apply pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat1 ... ipatn"`:
Apply a lemma whose conclusion is a `WP`, automatically applying `wp_bind` as
needed. The `as` clause is optional and can be used to introduce the
postcondition; this works particularly well for Texan triples. See the
[ProofMode docs](./ for an explanation of `pm_trm` and `ipat`.
- `wp_smart_apply pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat1 ... ipatn"`:
like `wp_apply`, but also performs pure reduction steps to reveal a redex that
matches `pm_trm`. To be precise, if applying the lemma fails, `wp_smart_apply`
will perform a step of pure reduction (via `wp_pure`), and repeat. (This means
that `wp_smart_apply` is not the same as `wp_pures; wp_apply`.)
There is no tactic for `Fork`, just do `wp_apply wp_fork`.
To verify a recursive function, use `iLöb`. Make sure you do `wp_pures` before
running `iLöb`; otherwise the induction hypothesis will likely not be applicable
when you need it. (This makes sure that all administrative redexes are reduced
in your induction hypothesis, just like we state our `WP` specifications with
all of the redexes reduced.)
## Notation and lemmas for derived notions involving a thunk
Sometimes, it is useful to define a derived notion in HeapLang that involves
thunks. For example, the parallel composition `e1 ||| e2` is definable in
HeapLang, but that requires thunking `e1` and `e2` before passing them to
`par`. (This is defined in [`par.v`](../iris_heap_lang/lib/par.v).) However,
this is somewhat subtle because of the distinction between expression lambdas
and value lambdas.
The normal `e1 ||| e2` notation uses expression lambdas, because clearly we want
`e1` and `e2` to behave normal under substitution (which they would not in a
value lambda). However, the *specification* for parallel composition should use
value lambdas, because prior to applying it the term will be reduced as much as
possible to achieve a normal form. To facilitate this, we define a copy of the
`e1 ||| e2` notation in the value scope that uses value lambdas.
This is not actually a value, but we still put it in the value scope to
differentiate from the other notation that uses expression lambdas. (In the
future, we might decide to add a separate scope for this.) Then, we write the
canonical specification using the notation in the value scope.
This works very well for non-recursive notions. For `while` loops, the
situation is unfortunately more complex and proving the desired specification
will likely be more involved than expected, see this [discussion].
;; Usage: copy to ~/.m17n.d/coq.mim
(input-method t coq)
(description "Input method for Coq")
(title "Coq")
(map (trans
;; Standard LaTeX math notations
("\\forall" "∀")
("\\exists" "∃")
("\\lam" "λ")
("\\not" "¬")
("\\/" "∨")
("/\\" "∧")
("->" "→")
("<->" "↔")
("\\<-" "←") ;; we add a backslash because the plain <- is used for the rewrite tactic
("\\==" "≡")
("\\/==" "≢")
("/=" "≠")
("<=" "≤")
("\\in" "∈")
("\\notin" "∉")
("\\cup" "∪")
("\\cap" "∩")
("\\setminus" "∖")
("\\subset" "⊂")
("\\subseteq" "⊆")
("\\sqsubseteq" "⊑")
("\\sqsubseteq" "⊑")
("\\notsubseteq" "⊈")
("\\meet" "⊓")
("\\join" "⊔")
("\\top" "⊤")
("\\bottom" "⊥")
("\\vdash" "⊢")
("\\dashv" "⊣")
("\\Vdash" "⊨")
("\\infty" "∞")
("\\comp" "∘")
("\\prf" "↾")
("\\bind" "≫=")
("\\mapsto" "↦")
("\\hookrightarrow" "↪")
("\\uparrow" "↑")
;; Iris specific
("\\fun" "λ")
("\\mult" "⋅")
("\\ent" "⊢")
("\\valid" "✓")
("\\diamond" "◇")
("\\box" "□")
("\\bbox" "■")
("\\later" "▷")
("\\pred" "φ")
("\\and" "∧")
("\\or" "∨")
("\\comp" "∘")
("\\ccomp" "◎")
("\\all" "∀")
("\\ex" "∃")
("\\to" "→")
("\\sep" "∗")
("\\lc" "⌜")
("\\rc" "⌝")
("\\Lc" "⎡")
("\\Rc" "⎤")
("\\empty" "∅")
("\\Lam" "Λ")
("\\Sig" "Σ")
("\\-" "∖")
("\\aa" "●")
("\\af" "◯")
("\\auth" "●")
("\\frag" "◯")
("\\iff" "↔")
("\\gname" "γ")
("\\incl" "≼")
("\\latert" "▶")
("\\update" "⇝")
("\\bind" "≫=")
;; accents (for iLöb)
("\\\"o" "ö")
;; subscripts and superscripts
("^^+" "⁺") ("__+" "₊") ("^^-" "⁻")
("__0" "₀") ("__1" "₁") ("__2" "₂") ("__3" "₃") ("__4" "₄")
("__5" "₅") ("__6" "₆") ("__7" "₇") ("__8" "₈") ("__9" "₉")
("__a" "ₐ") ("__e" "ₑ") ("__h" "ₕ") ("__i" "ᵢ") ("__k" "ₖ")
("__l" "ₗ") ("__m" "ₘ") ("__n" "ₙ") ("__o" "ₒ") ("__p" "ₚ")
("__r" "ᵣ") ("__s" "ₛ") ("__t" "ₜ") ("__u" "ᵤ") ("__v" "ᵥ") ("__x" "ₓ")
;; Greek alphabet
("\\Alpha" "Α") ("\\alpha" "α")
("\\Beta" "Β") ("\\beta" "β")
("\\Gamma" "Γ") ("\\gamma" "γ")
("\\Delta" "Δ") ("\\delta" "δ")
("\\Epsilon" "Ε") ("\\epsilon" "ε")
("\\Zeta" "Ζ") ("\\zeta" "ζ")
("\\Eta" "Η") ("\\eta" "η")
("\\Theta" "Θ") ("\\theta" "θ")
("\\Iota" "Ι") ("\\iota" "ι")
("\\Kappa" "Κ") ("\\kappa" "κ")
("\\Lamda" "Λ") ("\\lamda" "λ")
("\\Lambda" "Λ") ("\\lambda" "λ")
("\\Mu" "Μ") ("\\mu" "μ")
("\\Nu" "Ν") ("\\nu" "ν")
("\\Xi" "Ξ") ("\\xi" "ξ")
("\\Omicron" "Ο") ("\\omicron" "ο")
("\\Pi" "Π") ("\\pi" "π")
("\\Rho" "Ρ") ("\\rho" "ρ")
("\\Sigma" "Σ") ("\\sigma" "σ")
("\\Tau" "Τ") ("\\tau" "τ")
("\\Upsilon" "Υ") ("\\upsilon" "υ")
("\\Phi" "Φ") ("\\phi" "φ")
("\\Chi" "Χ") ("\\chi" "χ")
("\\Psi" "Ψ") ("\\psi" "ψ")
("\\Omega" "Ω") ("\\omega" "ω")
(state (init (trans)))
# Iris Proof Guide
This work-in-progress document serves to explain how Iris proofs are typically
carried out in Coq: what are the common patterns and conventions, what are the
common pitfalls. This complements the tactic documentation for the
[proof mode](./ and [HeapLang](./
## Order of `Requires`
In Coq, declarations in modules imported later may override the
previous definition. Therefore, in order to make sure the most
relevant declarations and notations always take priority, we recommend
importing dependencies from the furthest to the closest.
In particular, when importing Iris, Stdpp and Coq stdlib modules, we
recommend importing in the following order:
- Coq
- stdpp
- iris.algebra
- iris.proofmode
- iris.base_logic
- iris.program_logic
- iris.heap_lang
## Resolving mask mismatches
Sometimes, `fupd` masks are not exactly what they need to be to make progress.
There are two situations to distinguish here.
#### Eliminating a [fupd] with a mask smaller than the current one
When your goal is `|={E,_}=> _` and you want to do `iMod` on an `|={E',_}=> _`, Coq will complain even if `E' ⊆ E`.
To resolve this, you first need to explicitly weaken your mask from `E` to `E'` by doing:
iMod (fupd_mask_subseteq E') as "Hclose".
{ (* Resolve subset sidecondition. *) }
Later, you can `iMod "Hclose" as "_"` to restore the mask back from `E'` to `E`.
Notice that this will make the invariants in `E' ∖ E` unavailable until you use `Hclose`.
Usually this is not a problem, but there are theoretical situations where using `fupd_mask_subseteq` like this can prevent you from proving a goal.
In that case, you will have to experiment with rules like `fupd_mask_frame`, but those are not very convenient to use.
#### Introducing a [fupd] when the masks are not yet the same
When your goal is `|={E,E'}=> _` and you want to do `iModIntro`, Coq will complain even if `E' ⊆ E`.
This arises, for example, in clients of TaDA-style logically atomic specifications.
To resolve this, do:
iApply fupd_mask_intro.
{ (* Resolve subset sidecondition. *) }
iIntros "Hclose".
Later, you can `iMod "Hclose" as "_"` to restore the mask back from `E'` to `E`.
## Canonical structures and type classes
In Iris, we use both canonical structures and type classes, and some careful
tweaking is necessary to make the two work together properly. The details of
this still need to be written up properly, but here is some background material:
* [Type Classes for Mathematics in Type Theory](
* [Canonical Structures for the working Coq user](
## Implicit generalization
We often use the implicit generalization feature of Coq, triggered by a backtick:
`` `{!term A B}`` means that an implicit argument of type `term A B` is added,
and if any of the identifiers that are used here is not yet bound, it gets added
as well. Usually, `term` will be some existing type class or similar, and we
use this syntax to also generalize over `A` and `B`; then the above is
equivalent to `{A B} {Hterm: term A B}`. The `!` in front of the term disables
an even stronger form of generalization, where if `term` is a type class then
all missing arguments get implicitly generalized as well. This is sometimes
useful, e.g. we can write `` `{Countable C}`` instead of `` `{!EqDecision C,
!Countable C}``. However, generally it is more important to be aware of the
assumptions you are making, so implicit generalization without `!` should be
## Type class resolution control
When you are writing a module that exports some Iris term for others to use
(e.g., `join_handle` in the [spawn module](../iris_heap_lang/lib/spawn.v)), be
sure to mark these terms as opaque for type class search at the *end* of your
module (and outside any section):
Typeclasses Opaque join_handle.
This makes sure that the proof mode does not "look into" your definition when it
is used by clients.
## Library type class assumptions
When a parameterized library needs to make some type class assumptions about its
parameters, it is convenient to add those to the `libG` class that the library
will likely need anyway (see the [resource algebra docs](
for further details on `libG` classes). For example, the STS library is
parameterized by an STS and assumes that the STS state space is inhabited:
Class stsG Σ (sts : stsT) := {
#[local] sts_inG :: inG Σ (stsR sts);
sts_inhabited :> Inhabited (sts.state sts);
In this case, the `Instance` for this `libG` class has more than just a `subG`
Instance subG_stsΣ Σ sts :
subG (stsΣ sts) Σ Inhabited (sts.state sts) stsG Σ sts.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
One subtle detail here is that the `subG` assumption comes first in
`subG_stsΣ`, i.e., it appears before the `Inhabited`. This is important because
otherwise, `sts_inhabited` and `subG_stsΣ` form an instance cycle that makes
type class search diverge.
## Notations
Notations starting with `(` or `{` should be left at their default level (`0`),
and inner subexpressions that are bracketed by delimiters should be left at
their default level (`200`).
Moreover, correct parsing of notations sometimes relies on Coq's automatic
left-factoring, which can require coordinating levels of certain "conflicting"
notations and their subexpressions. For instance, to disambiguate `(⊢@{ PROP
})` and `(⊢@{ PROP } P)`, Coq must factor out a nonterminal for `⊢@{ PROP }`,
but it can only do so if all occurrences of `⊢@{ PROP }` agree on the
precedences for all subexpressions. This also requires using the same
tokenization in all cases, i.e., the notation has to consistently be declared as
`(⊢@{` or `('⊢@{'`, but not a mixture of the two. The latter form of using
explicit tokenization with `'` is preferred to avoid relying on Coq's default.
For details, consult [the Coq manual](
## Naming conventions for variables/arguments/hypotheses
### small letters
* a : A = cmra or ofe
* b : B = cmra or ofe
* c
* d
* e : expr = expressions
* f = some generic function
* g = some generic function
* h : heap
* i
* j
* k
* l
* m* = prefix for option ("maybe")
* n
* o
* p
* q
* r : iRes = (global) resources inside the Iris model
* s = state (STSs)
* s = stuckness bits
* t
* u
* v : val = values of language
* w
* x
* y
* z
### capital letters
* A : Type, cmra or ofe
* B : Type, cmra or ofe
* C
* D
* E : coPset = mask of fancy update or WP
* F = a functor
* G
* H = hypotheses
* I = indexing sets
* J
* K : ectx = evaluation contexts
* K = keys of a map
* L
* M = maps / global CMRA
* N : namespace
* O
* P : uPred, iProp or Prop
* Q : uPred, iProp or Prop
* R : uPred, iProp or Prop
* S : set state = state sets in STSs
* T : set token = token sets in STSs
* U
* V
* W
* X : sets
* Y : sets
* Z : sets
### small greek letters
* γ : gname = name of ghost state instance
* σ : state = state of language
* φ : Prop = pure proposition embedded into uPred or iProp
### capital greek letters
* Φ : general predicate (in uPred, iProp or Prop)
* Ψ : general predicate (in uPred, iProp or Prop)
## Naming conventions for algebraic classes
### Suffixes
* O: OFEs
* R: cameras
* UR: unital cameras or resources algebras
* F: functors (can be combined with all of the above, e.g. OF is an OFE functor)
* G: global camera functor management (typeclass; see the [resource algebra docs](
* GS: global singleton (a `*G` type class with extra data that needs to be unique in a proof)
* GpreS: collecting preconditions to instantiate the corresponding `*GS`
* I: bunched implication logic (of type `bi`)
* SI: step-indexed bunched implication logic (of type `sbi`)
* T: canonical structures for algebraic classes (for example ofe for OFEs, cmra for cameras)
* Σ: global camera functor management (`gFunctors`; see the [resource algebra docs](
Tactic overview
This reference manual defines a few different syntaxes that are used
pervasively. These are defined in dedicated sections in this manual.
- An "[introduction pattern][ipat]" `ipat` like `"H"` or `"[H1 H2]"` is used to
_destruct_ a hypothesis (sometimes called _eliminating_ a hypothesis). This is
directly used by `iDestruct` and `iIntros`, but many tactics also integrate
support for `ipat`s to combine some other work with destructing, such as
`iMod`. The name "introduction pattern" comes from a similar term in Coq which
is used in tactics like `destruct` and `intros`.
- A "[selection pattern][selpat]" `selpat` like `"H1 H2"` or `"#"` names a collection of
hypotheses. Most commonly used in `iFrame`.
- A "[specialization pattern][spat]" `spat` like `H` or `[$H1 H2]` is used to specialize
a wand to some hypotheses along with specifying framing. Commonly used as part
of proof mode terms (described just below).
- A "[proof mode term][pm-trm]" `pm_trm` like `lemma with spat` or `"H" $! x with spat`
allows to specialize a wand (which can be either a Gallina lemma or a
hypothesis) on the fly, as an argument to `iDestruct` for example.
Many of the tactics below apply to more goals than described in this document
since the behavior of these tactics can be tuned via instances of the type
classes in the file [proofmode/classes](../iris/proofmode/classes.v). Most notably, many
of the tactics can be applied when the connective to be introduced or to be eliminated
appears under a later, an update modality, or in the conclusion of a
weakest precondition.
[ipat]: #introduction-patterns-ipat
[selpat]: #selection-patterns-selpat
[spat]: #specialization-patterns-spat
[pm-trm]: #proof-mode-terms-pm_trm
Starting and stopping the proof mode
- `iStartProof` : start the proof mode by turning a Coq goal into a proof
mode entailment. This tactic is performed implicitly by all proof mode tactics
described in this file, and thus should generally not be used by hand.
+ `iStartProof PROP` : explicitly specify which BI logic `PROP : bi` should be
used. This is useful to drop down in a layered logic, e.g. to drop down from
`monPred PROP` to `PROP`.
- `iStopProof` : turn the proof-mode entailment into an ordinary Coq goal
`big star of context ⊢ proof mode goal`.
Applying hypotheses and lemmas
- `iExact "H"` : finish the goal if the conclusion matches the hypothesis `H`
- `iAssumption` : finish the goal if the conclusion matches any hypothesis in
either the proofmode or the Coq context. Only hypotheses in the Coq context
that are _syntactically_ of the shape `⊢ P` are recognized by this tactic
(this means that assumptions of the shape `P ⊢ Q` are not recognized).
- `iApply pm_trm` : match the conclusion of the current goal against the
conclusion of `pm_trm` and generates goals for the premises of `pm_trm`. See
[proof mode terms][pm-trm] below.
If the applied term has more premises than given specialization patterns, the
pattern is extended with `[] ... []`. As a consequence, all unused spatial
hypotheses move to the last premise.
Context management
- `iIntros (x1 ... xn) "ipat1 ... ipatn"` : introduce universal quantifiers
using Coq introduction patterns `x1 ... xn` and implications/wands using proof
mode [introduction patterns][ipat] `ipat1 ... ipatn`.
- `iClear (x1 ... xn) "selpat"` : clear the hypotheses given by the [selection
pattern][selpat] `selpat` and the Coq level hypotheses/variables `x1 ... xn`.
- `iClear select (pat)%I` : clear the last hypothesis of the intuitionistic
or spatial context that matches pattern `pat`.
- `iRevert (x1 ... xn) "selpat"` : revert the hypotheses given by the [selection
pattern][selpat] `selpat` into wands, and the Coq level hypotheses/variables
`x1 ... xn` into universal quantifiers. Intuitionistic hypotheses are wrapped
into the intuitionistic modality.
- `iRevert select (pat)%I` : revert the last hypothesis of the intuitionistic
or spatial context that matches pattern `pat`.
- `iRename "H1" into "H2"` : rename the hypothesis `H1` into `H2`.
- `iRename select (pat)%I into "H"` : rename the last hypothesis of the
intuitionistic or spatial context that matches pattern `pat` into `H`. This
is particularly useful to give a name to an anonymous hypothesis.
- `iSpecialize pm_trm` : instantiate universal quantifiers and eliminate
implications/wands of a hypothesis `pm_trm`. See [proof mode terms][pm-trm] below.
- `iSpecialize pm_trm as #` : instantiate universal quantifiers and eliminate
implications/wands of a hypothesis `pm_trm` whose conclusion is persistent.
All hypotheses can be used for proving the premises of `pm_trm`, as well as
for the resulting main goal.
- `iPoseProof pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : put `pm_trm` into the context and
destruct it using the [introduction pattern][ipat] `ipat`. This tactic is
essentially the same as `iDestruct` with the difference that `pm_trm` is not
thrown away if possible.
- `iAssert (P)%I with "spat" as "H"` : generate a new subgoal `P` and add the
hypothesis `P` to the current goal as `H`. The [specialization pattern][spat] `spat`
specifies which hypotheses will be consumed by proving `P`.
+ `iAssert (P)%I with "spat" as "ipat"` : like the above, but immediately destruct
the generated hypothesis using the [introduction pattern][ipat] `ipat`. If `ipat`
is "intuitionistic" (most commonly, it starts with `#` or `%`), then all spatial
hypotheses are available in both the subgoal for `P` as well as the current
goal. An `ipat` is considered intuitionistic if all branches start with a
`#` (which causes `P` to be moved to the intuitionistic context) or with a
`%` (which causes `P` to be moved to the pure Coq context).
+ `iAssert (P)%I as %cpat` : assert `P` and destruct it using the Coq introduction
pattern `cpat`. All hypotheses can be used for proving `P` as well as for
proving the current goal.
- `iSelect (pat)%I tac` : run the tactic `tac H`, where `H` is the name of the
last hypothesis in the intuitionistic or spatial hypothesis context that
matches pattern `pat`. There is no backtracking to select the next hypothesis
in case `tac H` fails.
Introduction of logical connectives
- `iPureIntro` : turn a pure goal, typically of the form `⌜φ⌝`, into a Coq
goal. This tactic also works for goals of the shape `a ≡ b` on discrete
OFEs, and `✓ a` on discrete cameras.
- `iLeft` : prove a disjunction `P ∨ Q` by proving the left side `P`.
- `iRight` : prove a disjunction `P ∨ Q` by proving the right side `Q`.
- `iSplitL "H1 ... Hn"` : split a conjunction `P ∗ Q` into two proofs. The
hypotheses `H1 ... Hn` are used for the left conjunct, and the remaining ones
for the right conjunct. Intuitionistic hypotheses are always available in both
proofs. Also works on `P ∧ Q`, although in that case you can use `iSplit` and
retain all the hypotheses in both goals.
- `iSplitR "H0 ... Hn"` : symmetric version of the above, using the hypotheses
`H1 ... Hn` for the right conjunct. Note that the goals are still ordered
left-to-right; you can use `iSplitR "..."; last
first` to reverse the generated goals.
- `iSplit` : split a conjunction `P ∧ Q` into two goals. Also works for
separating conjunction `P ∗ Q` provided one of the operands is persistent (and both
proofs may use the entire spatial context).
- `iExists t1, .., tn` : provide a witness for an existential quantifier `∃ x, ...`. `t1
... tn` can also be underscores, which are turned into evars. (In fact they
can be arbitrary terms with holes, or `open_constr`s, and all of the
holes will be turned into evars.)
Elimination of logical connectives
- `iExFalso` : change the goal to proving `False`.
- `iDestruct` is an important enough tactic to describe several special cases:
+ `iDestruct "H1" as (x1 ... xn) "H2"` : eliminate a series of existential
quantifiers in hypothesis `H1` using Coq introduction patterns `x1 ... xn`
and name the resulting hypothesis `H2`. The Coq introduction patterns can
also be used for pure conjunctions; for example we can destruct
`∃ x, ⌜v = x⌝ ∗ l ↦ x` using `iDestruct "H" as (x Heq) "H"` to immediately
put `Heq: v = x` in the Coq context. This variant of the tactic will always
throw away the original hypothesis `H1`.
+ `iDestruct pm_trm as "ipat"` : specialize the [proof-mode term][pm-trm] (see
below) and destruct it using the [introduction pattern][ipat] `ipat`. If
`pm_trm` starts with a hypothesis, and that hypothesis resides in the
intuitionistic context, it will not be thrown away.
+ `iDestruct pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : combine the above, first
specializing `pm_trm`, then eliminating existential quantifiers (and pure
conjuncts) with `x1 ... xn`, and finally destructing the resulting term
using the [introduction pattern][ipat] `ipat`.
+ `iDestruct pm_trm as %cpat` : destruct the pure conclusion of a term
`pr_trm` using the Coq introduction pattern `cpat`. When using this tactic,
all hypotheses can be used for proving the premises of `pm_trm`, as well as
for proving the resulting goal.
+ `iDestruct num as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` / `iDestruct num as %cpat` :
introduce `num : nat` hypotheses and destruct the last introduced hypothesis.
+ `iDestruct select (pat)%I as ...` is the same as `iDestruct "H" as ...`,
where `H` is the name of the last hypothesis of the intuitionistic or
spatial context matching pattern `pat`.
In case all branches of `ipat` start with a `#` (which causes the hypothesis
to be moved to the intuitionistic context), with an `%` (which causes the
hypothesis to be moved to the pure Coq context), or with an `->`/`<-` (which
performs a rewrite), then one can use all hypotheses for proving the premises
of `pm_trm`, as well as for proving the resulting goal. Note that in this case
the hypotheses still need to be subdivided among the spatial premises.
Separation logic-specific tactics
- `iFrame (t1 .. tn) "selpat"` : cancel the Coq terms (or Coq hypotheses)
`t1 ... tn` and Iris hypotheses given by [`selpat`][selpat] in the goal. The constructs
of the selection pattern have the following meaning:
+ `%` : repeatedly frame hypotheses from the Coq context.
+ `#` : repeatedly frame hypotheses from the intuitionistic context.
+ `∗` : frame as much of the spatial context as possible. (N.B: this
is the unicode symbol `∗`, not the regular asterisk `*`.)
Notice that framing spatial hypotheses makes them disappear, but framing Coq
or intuitionistic hypotheses does not make them disappear.
This tactic solves the goal if everything in the conclusion has been framed.
- `iFrame select (pat)%I` : cancel the last hypothesis of the intuitionistic
of spatial context that matches pattern `pat`.
- `iCombine "H1 H2" as "ipat"` : combine `H1 : P1` and `H2 : P2` into `H: P1 ∗
P2` or something simplified but equivalent, then `destruct` the combined
hypothesis using `ipat`. Some examples of simplifications `iCombine` knows
about are to combine `own γ x` and `own γ y` into `own γ (x ⋅ y)`, and to
combine `l ↦{1/2} v` and `l ↦{1/2} v` into `l ↦ v`.
- `iCombine "H1 H2" gives "ipat"` : from `H1 : P1` and `H2 : P2`, find
persistent consequences of `P1 ∗ P2`, then `destruct` this consequence with
`ipat`. Some examples of persistent consequences `iCombine` knows about are
that `own γ x` and `own γ y` gives `✓ (x ⋅ y)`, and that
`l ↦{#q1} v1` and `l ↦{#q2} v2` gives `⌜(q1 + q2 ≤ 1) ∧ v1 = v2⌝`.
- `iCombine "H1 H2" as "ipat1" gives "ipat2"` combines the two functionalities
of `iCombine` described above.
- `iAccu` : solve a goal that is an evar by instantiating it with all
hypotheses from the spatial context joined together with a separating
conjunction (or `emp` in case the spatial context is empty). Not commonly
used, but can be extremely useful when combined with automation.
- `iModIntro` : introduce a modality in the goal. The type class `FromModal` is
used to specify which modalities this tactic should introduce, and how
introducing that modality affects the hypotheses. Instances of
that type class include: later, except 0, basic update and fancy update,
intuitionistically, persistently, affinely, plainly, absorbingly, objectively,
and subjectively.
+ `iModIntro mod` (rarely used): introduce a specific modality named by
`mod`, which is a term pattern (i.e., a term with holes as underscores).
`iModIntro mod` will find a subterm matching `mod`, and try introducing its
topmost modality. For instance, if the goal is `⎡|==> P⎤`, using `iModIntro
⎡|==> P⎤%I` or `iModIntro ⎡_⎤%I` would introduce `⎡_⎤` and produce goal `|==>
P`, while `iModIntro (|==> _)%I` would introduce `|==>` and produce goal
+ `iNext` : an alias of `iModIntro (▷^_ _)` (that is, introduce the later
modality). This eliminates a later in the goal, and in exchange also strips
one later from all the hypotheses.
+ `iNext n` : an alias of `iModIntro (▷^n _)` (that is, introduce the `▷^n`
+ `iAlways` : a deprecated alias of `iModIntro` (intended to introduce the `□`
- `iMod pm_trm as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : eliminate a modality `pm_trm` that is
an instance of the `ElimModal` type class, and destruct the resulting
hypothesis using `ipat`. Instances include: later, except 0,
basic update `|==>` and fancy update `|={E}=>`.
+ `iMod "H"` : equivalent to `iMod "H" as "H"` (eliminates the modality and
keeps the name of the hypothesis).
+ `iMod pm_trm` : equivalent to `iMod pm_term as "?"` (the resulting
hypothesis will be introduced anonymously).
- `iLöb as "IH"` : perform Löb induction by
generating a hypothesis `IH : ▷ goal`.
+ `iLöb as "IH" forall (x1 ... xn) "selpat"` : perform Löb induction,
generalizing over the Coq level variables `x1 ... xn`, the hypotheses given by
the selection pattern `selpat`, and the spatial context as usual.
- `iInduction x as cpat` : perform induction on the Coq term `x`. The
Coq introduction pattern `cpat` is used to name the introduced variables,
including the induction hypotheses which are introduced into the proof mode
context. Note that induction hypotheses should not be put into string
quotation marks `".."`, e.g., use `iInduction n as [|n IH]` to perform
induction on a natural number `n`. An implementation caveat is that the names
of the induction hypotheses should be fresh in both the Coq context and the
proof mode context.
+ `iInduction x as cpat forall (x1 ... xn) "selpat"` : perform induction,
generalizing over the Coq level variables `x1 ... xn`, the hypotheses given by
the selection pattern `selpat`, and the spatial context.
+ `iInduction x as cpat using t` : perform induction using the induction
scheme `t`. Common examples of induction schemes are `map_ind`, `set_ind_L`,
and `gmultiset_ind` for `gmap`, `gset`, and `gmultiset`.
+ `iInduction x as cpat using t forall (x1 ... xn) "selpat"` : the above
variants combined.
+ `iInduction x as cpat "IH" "selpat"` : ignore the names of the induction
hypotheses from `cpat` and call them `IH`, `IH1`, `IH2`, etc. Here "IH" is
a string (in string quotation marks). This is *legacy* syntax that might be
deprecated in the future. Similar legacy syntax exists for all variants above.
Rewriting / simplification
- `iRewrite pm_trm` / `iRewrite pm_trm in "H"` : rewrite using an internal
equality in the proof mode goal / hypothesis `H`.
- `iRewrite -pm_trm` / `iRewrite -pm_trm in "H"` : rewrite in reverse direction
using an internal equality in the proof mode goal / hypothesis `H`.
- `iEval (tac)` / `iEval (tac) in "selpat"` : perform a tactic `tac`
on the proof mode goal / hypotheses given by the selection pattern
`selpat`. Using `%` as part of the selection pattern is unsupported.
The tactic `tac` should be a reduction or rewriting tactic like
`simpl`, `cbv`, `lazy`, `rewrite` or `setoid_rewrite`. The `iEval`
tactic is implemented by running `tac` on `?evar ⊢ P` / `P ⊢ ?evar`
where `P` is the proof goal / a hypothesis given by `selpat`. After
running `tac`, `?evar` is unified with the resulting `P`, which in
turn becomes the new proof mode goal / a hypothesis given by
`selpat`. Note that parentheses around `tac` are needed.
- `iSimpl` / `iSimpl in "selpat"` : perform `simpl` on the proof mode
goal / hypotheses given by the selection pattern `selpat`. This is a
shorthand for `iEval (simpl)`.
- `iUnfold xs` / `iUnfold xs in "selpat"` : perform `unfold xs` on the proof
mode goal / hypotheses given by the selection pattern `selpat`. This is a
shorthand for `iEval (unfold xs)`. Similar to Coq's `unfold`, the argument
`xs` should be a comma-separated non-empty list.
- `iInv H as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : open an invariant in hypothesis H. The result
is destructed using the Coq intro patterns `x1 ... xn` (for existential
quantifiers) and then the proof mode [introduction pattern][ipat] `ipat`.
+ `iInv H with "selpat" as (x1 ... xn) "ipat" "Hclose"` : generate an update
for closing the invariant and put it in a hypothesis named `Hclose`.
+ `iInv H with "selpat" as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : supply a selection pattern
`selpat`, which is used for any auxiliary assertions needed to open the
invariant (e.g. for cancelable or non-atomic invariants).
+ `iInv N as (x1 ... xn) "ipat"` : identify the invariant to be opened with a
namespace `N` rather than giving a specific hypothesis.
+ `iInv S with "selpat" as (x1 ... xn) "ipat" "Hclose"` : combine all the
above, where `S` is either a proof-mode identifier or a namespace.
- The tactic `done` of [std++](
(which solves "trivial" goals using `intros`, `reflexivity`, `symmetry`,
`eassumption`, `trivial`, `split`, `discriminate`, `contradiction`, etc.) is
extended so that it also, among other things:
+ performs `iAssumption`,
+ introduces `∀`, `→`, and `-∗` in the proof mode,
+ introduces pure goals `⌜ φ ⌝` using `iPureIntro` and calls `done` on `φ`, and,
+ solves other trivial proof mode goals, such as `emp`, `x ≡ x`, big operators
over the empty list/map/set/multiset.
(Note that ssreflect also has a `done` tactic. Although Iris uses ssreflect,
it overrides ssreflect's `done` tactic with std++'s.)
- The proof mode adds hints to the core `eauto` database so that `eauto`
automatically introduces: conjunctions and disjunctions, universal and
existential quantifiers, implications and wand, plainness, persistence, later
and update modalities, and pure connectives.
Selection patterns (`selpat`)
Selection patterns are used to select hypotheses in the tactics `iRevert`,
`iClear`, `iFrame`, `iLöb` and `iInduction`. The proof mode supports the
following _selection patterns_:
- `H` : select the hypothesis named `H`.
- `%` : select the entire pure/Coq context.
- `#` : select the entire intuitionistic context.
- `∗` : select the entire spatial context. (N.B: this
is the unicode symbol `∗`, not the regular asterisk `*`.)
Introduction patterns (`ipat`)
Introduction patterns are used to perform introductions and eliminations of
multiple connectives on the fly. The proof mode supports the following
_introduction patterns_:
- `H` : create a hypothesis named `H`.
- `?` : create an anonymous hypothesis.
- `_` : clear the hypothesis.
- `$` : frame the hypothesis in the goal.
- `[ipat1 ipat2]` : (separating) conjunction elimination. In order to destruct
conjunctions `P ∧ Q` in the spatial context, one of the following conditions
should hold:
+ Either the proposition `P` or `Q` should be persistent.
+ Either `ipat1` or `ipat2` should be `_`, which results in one of the
conjuncts to be thrown away.
- `[%x ipat]`/`[% ipat]` : existential elimination, naming the witness `x` or
keeping it anonymous. Falls back to (separating) conjunction elimination in
case the hypothesis is not an existential, so this pattern also works for
(separating) conjunctions with a pure left-hand side.
- `(pat1 & pat2 & ... & patn)` : syntactic sugar for `[pat1 [pat2 .. patn ..]]`
to destruct nested (separating) conjunctions.
- `[ipat1|ipat2]` : disjunction elimination.
- `[]` : false elimination.
- `%H` : move the hypothesis to the pure Coq context, and name it `H`.
- `%` : move the hypothesis to the pure Coq context (anonymously). Note that if
`%` is followed by an identifier, and not another token, a space is needed
to disambiguate from `%H` above.
- `->` and `<-` : rewrite using a pure Coq equality
- `# ipat` : move the hypothesis into the intuitionistic context. The tactic
will fail if the hypothesis is not intuitionistic. On success, the tactic will
strip any number of intuitionistic and persistence modalities. If the
hypothesis is already in the intuitionistic context, the tactic will still
strip intuitionistic and persistence modalities (it is a no-op if the
hypothesis does not contain such modalities).
- `-# ipat` (uncommon) : move the hypothesis into the spatial context. This can
move a hypothesis from the intuitionistic context to the spatial context, or
can explicitly specify the spatial context when the intuitionistic context
could be used (e.g., because a hypothesis was proven without using spatial
hypotheses). If the hypothesis is already in the spatial context, the tactic
is a no-op. If the hypothesis is not affine, an `<affine>` modality is added
to the hypothesis.
- `> ipat` : eliminate a modality (if the goal permits); commonly used to strip
a later from the hypothesis when it is timeless and the goal is either a `WP`
or an update modality `|={E}=>`.
Apart from this, there are the following introduction patterns that can only
appear at the top level:
- `{selpat}` : clear the hypotheses given by the selection pattern `selpat`.
Items of the selection pattern can be prefixed with `$`, which cause them to
be framed instead of cleared.
- `!%` : introduce a pure goal (and leave the proof mode).
- `!>` : introduce a modality by calling `iModIntro`.
- `!#` : introduce a modality by calling `iModIntro` (deprecated).
- `/=` : perform `simpl`.
- `//` : perform `try done` on all goals.
- `//=` : syntactic sugar for `/= //`
- `*` : introduce all universal quantifiers. (N.B.: this is the asterisk `*` and
not the separating conjunction `∗`)
- `**` : introduce all universal quantifiers, as well as all arrows and wands.
For example, given:
∀ x, <affine> ⌜ x = 0 ⌝ ⊢
□ (P → False ∨ □ (Q ∧ ▷ R) -∗
P ∗ ▷ (R ∗ Q ∧ ⌜ x = pred 2 ⌝)).
You can write
iIntros (x Hx) "!> $ [[] | #[HQ HR]] /= !>".
which results in:
x : nat
Hx : x = 0
"HQ" : Q
"HR" : R
R ∗ Q ∧ x = 1
Specialization patterns (`spat`)
Since we are reasoning in a spatial logic, when eliminating a lemma or
hypothesis of type ``P_0 -∗ ... -∗ P_n -∗ R``, one has to specify how the
hypotheses are split between the premises. The proof mode supports the following
_specialization patterns_ to express splitting of hypotheses:
- `H` : use the hypothesis `H`, which should match the premise exactly. If `H` is
spatial, it will be consumed.
- `(H spat1 .. spatn)` : first recursively specialize the hypothesis `H` using
the specialization patterns `spat1 .. spatn`, and finally use the result of
the specialization of `H`, which should match the premise exactly. If `H` is
spatial, it will be consumed.
- `[H1 .. Hn]` and `[H1 .. Hn //]` : generate a goal for the premise with the
(spatial) hypotheses `H1 ... Hn` and all intuitionistic hypotheses. The
spatial hypotheses among `H1 ... Hn` will be consumed, and will not be
available for subsequent goals. Hypotheses prefixed with a `$` will be framed
in the goal for the premise. The pattern can be terminated with a `//`, which
causes `done` to be called to close the goal (after framing).
- `[-H1 ... Hn]` and `[-H1 ... Hn //]` : the negated forms of the above
patterns, where the goal for the premise will have all spatial premises except
`H1 .. Hn`.
- `[> H1 ... Hn]` and `[> H1 ... Hn //]` : like the above patterns, but these
patterns can only be used if the goal is a modality `M`, in which case
the goal for the premise will be wrapped in the modality `M`.
- `[> -H1 ... Hn]` and `[> -H1 ... Hn //]` : the negated forms of the above
- `[# $H1 .. $Hn]` and `[# $H1 .. $Hn //]` : generate a goal for a persistent
premise in which all hypotheses are available. This pattern does not consume
any hypotheses; all hypotheses are available in the goal for the premise as
well in the subsequent goal. The hypotheses `$H1 ... $Hn` will be framed in
the goal for the premise. These patterns can be terminated with a `//`, which
causes `done` to be called to close the goal (after framing).
- `[%]` and `[% //]` : generate a Coq goal for a pure premise. This pattern
does not consume any hypotheses. The pattern can be terminated with a `//`
which causes `done` to be called to close the goal.
- `[$]` : solve the premise by framing. It will first repeatedly frame and
consume the spatial hypotheses, and then repeatedly frame the intuitionistic
hypotheses. Spatial hypotheses that are not framed are carried over to the
subsequent goal.
- `[> $]` : like the above pattern, but this pattern can only be used if the
goal is a modality `M`, in which case the goal for the premise will be wrapped
in the modality `M` before framing.
- `[# $]` : solve the persistent premise by framing. It will first repeatedly
frame the spatial hypotheses, and then repeatedly frame the intuitionistic
hypotheses. This pattern does not consume any hypotheses.
For example, given:
H : □ P -∗ P 2 -∗ R -∗ x = 0 -∗ Q1 ∗ Q2
One can write:
iDestruct ("H" with "[#] [H1 $H2] [$] [% //]") as "[H4 H5]".
Proof mode terms (`pm_trm`)
Many of the proof mode tactics (such as `iDestruct`, `iApply`, `iRewrite`) can
take both hypotheses and lemmas, and allow one to instantiate universal
quantifiers and implications/wands of these hypotheses/lemmas on the fly.
The syntax for the arguments of these tactics, called _proof mode terms_, is:
(H $! t1 ... tn with "spat1 .. spatn")
Here, `H` can be either a hypothesis or a Coq lemma whose conclusion is
of the shape `P ⊢ Q`. In the above, `t1 ... tn` are arbitrary Coq terms used
for instantiation of universal quantifiers, and `spat1 .. spatn` are
[specialization patterns][spat] to eliminate implications and wands.
Proof mode terms can be written down using the following shorthand syntaxes, too:
(H with "spat1 .. spatn")
(H $! t1 ... tn)
HeapLang tactics
If you came here looking for the `wp_` tactics, those are described in the
[HeapLang documentation](./
## Global resource algebra management
The type of Iris propositions `iProp Σ` is parameterized by a *global* list `Σ:
gFunctors` of resource algebras that the proof may use. (Actually this list
contains functors instead of resource algebras, but you only need to worry about
that when dealing with higher-order ghost state -- see "Camera functors" below.)
In our proofs, we always keep the `Σ` universally quantified to enable composition of proofs.
Each proof just assumes that some particular resource algebras are contained in that global list.
This is expressed via the `inG Σ R` typeclass, which roughly says that `R ∈ Σ`
("`R` is in the `G`lobal list of RAs `Σ` -- hence the `G`).
Libraries typically bundle the `inG` they need in a `libG` typeclass, so they do
not have to expose to clients what exactly their resource algebras are. For
example, in the [one-shot example](../tests/one_shot.v), we have:
Class one_shotG Σ := { one_shot_inG : inG Σ one_shotR }.
Local Existing Instances one_shot_inG.
Here, the projection `one_shot_inG` is registered as an instance for type-class
resolution. If you need several resource algebras, just add more `inG` fields.
If you are using another module as part of yours, add a field like
`one_shot_other : otherG Σ`. All of these fields should be added to the
`Local Existing Instances` command.
The code above enables these typeclass instances only in the surrounding file
where they are used to define the new abstractions by the library. The
interface of these abstractions will only depend on the `one_shotG` class.
Since `one_shot_inG` will be hidden from clients, they will not accidentally
rely on it in their code.
Having defined the type class, we need to provide a way to instantiate it. This
is an important step, as not every resource algebra can actually be used: if
your resource algebra refers to `Σ`, the definition becomes recursive. That is
actually legal under some conditions (see "Camera functors" below), but for now
we will ignore that case. We have to define a list that contains all the
resource algebras we need:
Definition one_shotΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor one_shotR].
This time, there is no `Σ` in the context, so we cannot accidentally introduce a
bad dependency. If you are using another module as part of yours, add their
`somethingΣ` to yours, as in `#[GFunctor one_shotR; somethingΣ]`. (The
`#[F1; F2; ...]` syntax *appends* the functor lists `F1`, `F2`, ... to each
other; together with a coercion from a single functor to a singleton list, this
means lists can be nested arbitrarily.)
Now we can define the one and only instance that our type class will ever need:
Instance subG_one_shotΣ {Σ} : subG one_shotΣ Σ one_shotG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
The `subG` assumption here says that the list `one_shotΣ` is a sublist of the
global list `Σ`. Typically, this should be the only assumption your instance
needs, showing that the assumptions of the module (and all the modules it
uses internally) can trivially be satisfied by picking the right `Σ`.
Now you can add `one_shotG` as an assumption to all your module definitions and
proofs. We typically use a section for this:
Section proof.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !one_shotG Σ}.
Notice that besides our own assumptions `one_shotG`, we also assume `heapGS`,
which are assumptions that every HeapLang proof makes (they are related to
defining the `↦` connective as well as the basic Iris infrastructure for
invariants and WP). For this purpose, `heapGS` contains not only assumptions
about `Σ`, it also contains some ghost names to refer to particular ghost state
(see "global ghost state instances" below).
The backtick (`` ` ``) is used to make anonymous assumptions and to automatically
generalize the `Σ`. When adding assumptions with backtick, you should most of
the time also add a `!` in front of every assumption. If you do not then Coq
will also automatically generalize all indices of type-classes that you are
assuming. This can easily lead to making more assumptions than you are aware
of, and often it leads to duplicate assumptions which breaks type class
## Resource algebra combinators
Defining a new resource algebra `one_shotR` for each new proof and verifying all
the algebra laws would be quite cumbersome, so instead Iris provides a rich set
of resource algebra combinators that one can use to build up the desired
resource algebras. For example, `one_shotR` is defined as follows:
Definition one_shotR := csumR (exclR unitO) (agreeR ZO).
The suffixes `R` and `O` indicate that we are not working on the level of Coq
types here, but on the level of `R`esource algebras and `O`FEs,
respectively. Unfortunately this means we cannot use Coq's usual type notation
(such as `*` for products and `()` for the unit type); we have to spell out the
underlying OFE or resource algebra names instead.
## Obtaining a closed proof
To obtain a closed Iris proof, i.e., a proof that does not make assumptions like
`inG`, you have to assemble a list of functors of all the involved modules,
and if your proof relies on some singleton (most do, at least indirectly; also
see the next section), you have to call the respective initialization or
adequacy lemma. [For example](../tests/one_shot.v):
Section client.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !one_shotG Σ, !spawnG Σ}.
Lemma client_safe : WP client {{ _, True }}%I.
(* ... *)
End client.
(** Assemble all functors needed by the [client_safe] proof. *)
Definition clientΣ : gFunctors := #[ heapΣ; one_shotΣ; spawnΣ ].
(** Apply [heap_adequacy] with this list of all functors. *)
Lemma client_adequate σ : adequate NotStuck client σ (λ _ _, True).
Proof. apply (heap_adequacy clientΣ)=> ?. apply client_safe. Qed.
## Advanced topic: Ghost state singletons
Some Iris modules involve a form of "global state". For example, defining the
`↦` for HeapLang involves a piece of ghost state that matches the current
physical heap. The `gname` of that ghost state must be picked once when the
proof starts, and then globally known everywhere. Hence `gen_heapGS`, the type
class for the generalized heap module, bundles the usual `inG` assumptions
together with the `gname`:
Class gen_heapGpreS (L V : Type) (Σ : gFunctors) `{Countable L} := {
#[local] gen_heapGpreS_heap :: ghost_mapG Σ L V;
Class gen_heapGS (L V : Type) (Σ : gFunctors) `{Countable L} := GenHeapGS {
#[local] gen_heap_inG :: gen_heapGpreS L V Σ;
gen_heap_name : gname;
The trailing `S` here is for "singleton", because the idea is that only one
instance of `gen_heapGS` ever exists. This is important, since two instances
might have different `gname`s, so `↦` based on these two distinct instances
would be incompatible with each other.
The `gen_heapGpreS` typeclass (without the singleton data) is relevant for
initialization, i.e., to create an instance of `gen_heapGS`. This is happening as
part of [`heap_adequacy`](../iris_heap_lang/adequacy.v) using the
initialization lemma for `gen_heapGS` from
Lemma gen_heap_init `{gen_heapGpreS L V Σ} σ :
(|==> _ : gen_heapGS L V Σ, gen_heap_ctx σ)%I.
These lemmas themselves only make assumptions the way normal modules (those
without global state) do. Just like in the normal case, `somethingGpreS` type
classes have an `Instance` showing that a `subG` is enough to instantiate them:
Global Instance subG_gen_heapGpreS {Σ L V} `{Countable L} :
subG (gen_heapΣ L V) Σ gen_heapGpreS L V Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
The initialization lemma then shows that the `somethingGpreS` type class is
enough to create an instance of the main `somethingGS` class *below a view
shift*. This is written with an existential quantifier in the lemma because the
statement after the view shift (`gen_heap_ctx σ` in this case) depends on having
an instance of `gen_heapGS` in the context.
Given that these global ghost state instances are singletons, they must be
assumed explicitly everywhere. Bundling `heapGS` in a (non-singleton) module
type class like `one_shotG` would lose track of the fact that there exists just
one `heapGS` instance that is shared by everyone.
## Advanced topic: Camera functors and higher-order ghost state
As we already alluded to, `Σ` actually consists of functors, not resource
algebras. This enables you to use *higher-order ghost state*: ghost state that
recursively refers to `iProp`.
**Background: Iris Model.** To understand how this works, we have to dig a bit
into the model of Iris. In Iris, the type of propositions `iProp` is described
by the solution to the recursive domain equation:
iProp uPred (F (iProp))
Here, `uPred M` describes "propositions with resources of type `M`". The
peculiar aspect of this definition is that the notion of resources can itself
refer to the set propositions that we are just defining; that dependency is
expressed by `F`. `F` is a user-chosen locally contractive bifunctor from COFEs
to unital Cameras (a step-indexed generalization of unital resource
algebras). Having just a single fixed `F` would however be rather inconvenient,
so instead we have a list `Σ`, and then we define the global functor `F_global`
roughly as follows:
F_global X := Π_{F Σ} gmap nat (F X)
In other words, each functor in `Σ` is applied to the recursive argument `X`,
wrapped in a finite partial function, and then we take a big product of all of
that. The product ensures that all `F ∈ Σ` are available, and the `gmap` is
needed to provide the proof rule `own_alloc`, which lets you create new
instances of the given type of resource any time.
However, this on its own would be too restrictive, as it requires all
occurrences of `X` to be in positive positions (otherwise the functor laws
would not hold for `F`). To mitigate this, we instead work with "bifunctors":
functors that take two arguments, `X` and `X⁻`, where `X⁻` is used for
negative positions. This leads us to the following domain equation:
iProp uPred (F_global (iProp,iProp))
F_global (X,X) := Π_{F Σ} gmap nat (F (X,X))
To make this equation well-defined, the bifunctors `F ∈ Σ` need to be "contractive".
For further details, see §7.4 of
[The Iris Documentation](; here we
describe the user-side Coq aspects of this approach.
Below, when we say "functor", we implicitly mean "bifunctor".
**Higher-order ghost state.** To use higher-order ghost state, you need to give
a functor whose "hole" will later be filled with `iProp` itself. For example,
let us say you would like to have ghost state of type `gmap K (agree (nat *
later iProp))`, using the "type-level" `later` operator which ensures
contractivity. Then you will have to define a functor such as:
F (X,X) := gmap K (agree (nat * X))
To make it convenient to construct such functors and prove their contractivity,
we provide a number of abstractions:
- [`oFunctor`](../iris/algebra/ofe.v): functors from COFEs to OFEs.
- [`rFunctor`](../iris/algebra/cmra.v): functors from COFEs to cameras.
- [`urFunctor`](../iris/algebra/cmra.v): functors from COFEs to unital
Besides, there are the classes `oFunctorContractive`, `rFunctorContractive`, and
`urFunctorContractive` which describe the subset of the above functors that are
To compose these functors, we provide a number of combinators, e.g.:
- `constOF (A : ofe) : oFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), A `
- `idOF : oFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), B`
- `prodOF (F1 F2 : oFunctor) : oFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), F1 (B,B⁻) * F2 (B,B⁻)`
- `ofe_morOF (F1 F2 : oFunctor) : oFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), F1 (B⁻,B) -n> F2 (B,B⁻)`
- `laterOF (F : oFunctor) : oFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), later (F (B,B⁻))`
- `agreeRF (F : oFunctor) : rFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), agree (F (B,B⁻))`
- `gmapURF K (F : rFunctor) : urFunctor := λ (B,B⁻), gmap K (F (B,B⁻))`
Note in particular how the functor for the function space, `ofe_morOF`, swaps
`B` and `B⁻` for the functor `F1` describing the domain. This reflects the fact
that that functor is used in a negative position.
Using these combinators, one can easily construct bigger functors in point-free
style and automatically infer their contractivity, e.g:
F := gmapURF K (agreeRF (prodOF (constOF natO) (laterOF idOF)))
which effectively defines the desired example functor
`F := λ (B,B⁻), gmap K (agree (nat * later B))`.
To make it a little bit more convenient to write down such functors, we make
the constant functors (`constOF`, `constRF`, and `constURF`) a coercion, and
provide the usual notation for products, etc. So the above functor can be
written as follows:
F := gmapRF K (agreeRF (natO * ))
Basically, the functor can be written "as if" you were writing a resource
algebra, except that there need to be extra "F" suffixes to indicate that we are
working with functors, and the desired recursive `iProp` is replaced by the
"hole" `∙`.
Putting it all together, the `libG` typeclass and `libΣ` list of functors for
your example would look as follows:
Class libG Σ :=
{ #[local] lib_inG :: inG Σ (gmapR K (agreeR (prodO natO (laterO (iPropO Σ))))) }.
Definition libΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor (gmapRF K (agreeRF (natO * )))].
Instance subG_libΣ {Σ} : subG libΣ Σ libG Σ.
Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
It is instructive to remove the `▶` and see what happens: the `libG` class still
works just fine, but `libΣ` complains that the functor is not contractive. This
demonstrates the importance of always defining a `libΣ` alongside the `libG` and
proving their relation.
# Iris proof style
**Warning:** this document is still in development and rather incomplete.
If you run across a question of style (for example, something comes
up in an MR) and it's not on this list, please do reach out to us on Mattermost
so we can add it.
## Basic syntax
### Binders
This applies to Context, Implicit Types, and definitions.
- **Put a space on both sides of the colon.**
Good: `(a : B)` <br>
Bad: `(a:B)`, `(a: B)`
- **Prefer `(a : B)` to `a : B`.** (TODO)
### Patterns
#### Disjunctions & branches
- **Always mark the disjuncts when destructuring a disjunctive pattern, even if you don't bind anything, to indicate that the proof branches.**
Lemma foo : b : bool, b = true b = false.
intros [|].
Lemma foo : b : bool, b = true b = false.
intros [].
#### Uncategorized
- **Use `"[H1 H2]"` when possible otherwise do `"(H1 & H2 & H3)"`.** (TODO)
### Unicode
- **Always use Unicode variants of forall, exists, ->, <=, >=.**
Good: `∀ ∃ → ≤ ≥`<br>
Bad: `forall exists -> <= >=`
### Equivalent vernacular commands
- **Use `Context`, never `Variable`.**
- **Use `Implicit Types`, never `Implicit Type`.** (TODO)
- **Use `Lemma`, not `Theorem` (or the other variants: `Fact`, `Corollary`, `Remark`)**.
- **Always add `Global` or `Local` to `Hint`, `Arguments`, and `Instance`.** (TODO)
### `Require`
- **Never put `Require` in the middle of a file.** All `Require` must be at the top.
If you only want to *import* a certain module in some specific place (for instance, in a `Section` or other `Module`), you can do something like:
From lib Require component.
(* ... *)
Import component.
### Ltac
- **Prefer `first [ t1 | fail 1 "..." ]` to `t1 || fail "..."`.** This is better because the latter will fail if `t1` doesn't make progress. See Note that `first [ t1 | fail "..."]` is simply incorrect; the failure message will never show up and will be replaced with a generic failure.
### Coqdoc comments
- **Module-level comments (covering the entire file) go at the top of the file, before the `Require`.**
### Uncategorized
- **Indent the body of a match by one space.**
match foo with
| Some x =>
long line here using
*RJ*: This is odd, usually everything is in (multiples of) 2 spaces, I think.
- **Avoid using the extra square brackets around an Ltac match.**
match goal with
| |- ?g => idtac g
match goal with
| [ |- ?g ] => idtac g
- **Use coqdoc syntax in comments for Coq identifiers and inline code, e.g. `[cmraT]`.**
- **Put proofs either all on one line (`Proof. reflexivity. Qed.`) or split up the usual way with indentation.**
Lemma foo : 2 + 2 = 4 1 + 2 = 3.
Proof. split.
- reflexivity.
- done.
- **Put the entire theorem statement on one line or one premise per line, indented by 2 spaces.**
Lemma foo x y z :
x < y y < z
x < z.
Lemma foo x y z : x < y y < z x < z.
Good: (particularly if premises are longer)
Lemma foo x y z :
x < y
y < z
x < z.
- **If the parameters before the `:` become too long, indent later lines by 4 spaces and always have a newline after `:`.**
Lemma foo (very_long_name : has_a_very_long_type)
(even_longer_name : has_an_even_longer_type) : x < y y < z
x < z.
Lemma foo (very_long_name : has_a_very_long_type)
(even_longer_name : has_an_even_longer_type) :
x < y y < z x < z.
- **For definitions that don't fit into one line, put `:=` before the linebreak, not after.**
Definition foo (arg1 arg2 arg3 : name_of_the_type)
:= the body that is very long.
Definition foo (arg1 arg2 arg3 : name_of_the_type) :=
the body that is very long.
- **For tests with output put `Check "theorem name in a string"` before it so that the output from different tests is separated.**
- **For long `t1; t2; t3` and `t; [t1 | t2 | t3]` split them like this, and indent by 2 spaces.**
## File organization
theories/algebra is for primitive ofe/RA/CMRA constructions
theories/algebra/lib is for derived constructions
theories/base_logic/lib is for constructions in the base logic (using own)
## Naming
* `*_ctx` for persistent facts (often an invariant) needed by everything in a library
* `*_interp` for a function from some representation to iProp
* If you have lemma `foo` which is an iff and you want single direction versions, name them `foo_1` (forward) and `foo_2` (backward)
* If you have a lemma `foo` parametrized by an equivalence relation, you might want a version specialized to Leibniz equality for better rewrite support; name that version `foo_L` and state it with plain equality (e.g., `dom_empty_L` in stdpp). You might take an assumption `LeibnizEquiv A` if the original version took an equivalence (say the OFE equivalence) to assume that the provided equivalence is plain equality.
* Lower-case theorem names, lower-case types, upper-case constructors
* **TODO:** how should `f (g x) = f' (g' x)` be named?
* `list_lookup_insert` is named by context (the type involved), then the two functions outside-in on the left-hand-side, so it has the type `lookup (insert …) = …` where the `insert` is on a list. Notations mean it doesn’t actually look like this and the insert is textually first.
* Operations that "extract" from the data structure (`lookup`, `elem_of`, ...) should come before operations that "alter" the data structure (`filter`, `insert`, `union`, `fmap`). For example, use `map_lookup_filter` instead of `map_filter_lookup`.
* Injectivity theorems are instances of `Inj` and then are used with `inj`
* Suffixes `_l` and `_r` when we have binary `op x y` and a theorem related to the left or right. For example, `sep_mono_l` says bi_sep is monotonic in its left argument (holding the right constant).
* Suffix `'` (prime) is used when `foo'` is a corollary of `foo`. Try to avoid
these since the name doesn't convey how `foo'` is related to `foo`.
* Given a polymorphic function/relation `f` (e.g., `eq`, `equiv`, `subseteq`), the instance of type `A` is called `A_f_instance`, and we add a lemma `A_f` that characterizes the instance. In case of many instances, this lemma is proved by unfolding the definition of the instance, e.g., `frac_op`, `frac_valid`. However, in some cases, e.g., `list_eq`, `map_eq`, `set_eq` this lemma might require non-trivial proof work.
* For lemmas involving modalities, we usually follow this naming scheme:
M1_into_M2: M1 P ⊢ M2 P
M1_M2_elim: M1 (M2 P) ⊣⊢ M1 P
M1_elim_M2: M1 (M2 P) ⊣⊢ M2 P
M1_M2: M1 (M2 P) ⊣⊢ M2 (M1 P)
* Monotonicity lemmas where the relation can be ambiguous are called `<f>_<relation>_mono`, e.g. `Some_included_mono`.
* For lemmas `f x = g ...` that give a definition of function `f` in terms of `g`, we use `f_as_g`. For example, `map_compose_as_omap : m ∘ₘ n = omap (m !!.) n`.
### Naming algebra libraries
**TODO:** describe any conclusions we came to with the `mono_nat` library
## Parameter order and implicitness for lemmas
* Parameter order is usually from more higher-order to less higher-order (types, functions, plain values), and otherwise follows the order in which variables appear in the lemma statement.
* In new lemmas, arguments should be marked as implicit when they can be inferred by unification in all intended usage scenarios. (If an argument can *sometimes* be inferred, we do not have a clear guideline yet -- consider on a case-by-case basis, for now.)
## Lemma statements
### Iris lemmas: `-∗` vs `⊢`
* For low-level lemmas, in particular if there is a high likelihood someone would want to rewrite with it / use them in non-proofmode goals (e.g. modality intro rules), use `⊢`
* `P ⊢ |==£> P`
* `(|==£> |==£> P) ⊢ |==£> P`
* `▷ own γ a ⊢ ◇ ∃ b, own γ b ∧ ▷ (a ≡ b)`
* `(P -∗ Q) i ⊢ (P i -∗ Q i)`
* If a lemma is a Coq implication of Iris entailments (where the entailments are visible, not hidden behind e.g. `Persistent`), then use `⊢`
* `(P1 ⊢ P2) → recv l P1 ⊢ recv l P2`
* Else use -∗
* `a1 ⋅ a2 ~~> a' → own γ a1 -∗ own γ a2 ==∗ own γ a'` (curried and hence not rewrite-friendly)
## Metavariables
**TODO:** move these to the right place
* `P` `Q` for bi:PROP (or specifically `iProp Σ`)
* `Φ` and `Ψ` for (?A -> iProp), like postconditions
* `φ` and `ψ` for `Prop`
* `A` `B` for types, ofeT, or cmraT
Suffixes like O, R, UR (already documented)
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snippet \exists "" i
snippet \lam "" i
snippet \not "" i
snippet \lor "" i
snippet \land "" i
snippet \/ "" i
snippet /\ "" i
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snippet \implies "" i
snippet -> "" i
snippet \iff "" i
snippet <-> "" i
snippet \<- "" i
snippet \cong "" i
snippet \== "" i
snippet \/== "" i
snippet \neq "" i
snippet /= "" i
snippet \less "" i
snippet \le "" i
snippet <= "" i
snippet \in "" i
snippet \notin "" i
snippet \cup "" i
snippet \cap "" i
snippet \setminus "" i
snippet \subset "" i
snippet \subseteq "" i
snippet \sqsubseteq "" i
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snippet \false "" i
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snippet \vDash "" i
snippet \Vdash
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snippet \Rc "" i
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snippet \alpha "" i
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snippet \delta "" i
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snippet \eta "" i
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snippet \theta "" i
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snippet \Nu "" i
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snippet \xi "" i
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snippet \omicron "" i
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snippet \rho "" i
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snippet \phi "" i
snippet \varphi "" i
snippet \Chi "" i
snippet \chi "" i
snippet \Psi "" i
snippet \psi "" i
snippet \Omega "" i
snippet \omega "" i
"generic-input-methods.input-methods": [
"name": "Iris Math",
"commandName": "text.math",
"languages": [
"triggers": [
"dictionary": [
// Standard LaTeX math notations
{ "label": "forall", "body": "∀", "description": "∀" },
{ "label": "exists", "body": "∃", "description": "∃" },
{ "label": "lam", "body": "λ", "description": "λ" },
{ "label": "not", "body": "¬", "description": "¬" },
{ "label": "->", "body": "→", "description": "→" },
{ "label": "<->", "body": "↔", "description": "↔" },
{ "label": "<-", "body": "←", "description": "←" },
{ "label": "==", "body": "≡", "description": "≡" },
{ "label": "/==", "body": "≢", "description": "≢" },
{ "label": "/=", "body": "≠", "description": "≠" },
{ "label": "neq", "body": "≠", "description": "≠" },
{ "label": "nequiv", "body": "≢", "description": "≢" },
{ "label": "<=", "body": "≤", "description": "≤" },
{ "label": "leq", "body": "≤", "description": "≤" },
{ "label": "in", "body": "∈", "description": "∈" },
{ "label": "notin", "body": "∉", "description": "∉" },
{ "label": "cup", "body": "∪", "description": "∪" },
{ "label": "cap", "body": "∩", "description": "∩" },
{ "label": "setminus", "body": "∖", "description": "∖" },
{ "label": "subset", "body": "⊂", "description": "⊂" },
{ "label": "subseteq", "body": "⊆", "description": "⊆" },
{ "label": "sqsubseteq", "body": "⊑", "description": "⊑" },
{ "label": "sqsubseteq", "body": "⊑", "description": "⊑" },
{ "label": "notsubseteq", "body": "⊈", "description": "⊈" },
{ "label": "meet", "body": "⊓", "description": "⊓" },
{ "label": "join", "body": "⊔", "description": "⊔" },
{ "label": "top", "body": "⊤", "description": "⊤" },
{ "label": "bottom", "body": "⊥", "description": "⊥" },
{ "label": "vdash", "body": "⊢", "description": "⊢" },
{ "label": "|-", "body": "⊢", "description": "⊢" },
{ "label": "dashv", "body": "⊣", "description": "⊣" },
{ "label": "Vdash", "body": "⊨", "description": "⊨" },
{ "label": "infty", "body": "∞", "description": "∞" },
{ "label": "comp", "body": "∘", "description": "∘" },
{ "label": "prf", "body": "↾", "description": "↾" },
{ "label": "bind", "body": "≫=", "description": "≫=" },
{ "label": "mapsto", "body": "↦", "description": "↦" },
{ "label": "hookrightarrow", "body": "↪", "description": "↪" },
{ "label": "uparrow", "body": "↑", "description": "↑" },
// Iris specific
{ "label": "fun", "body": "λ", "description": "λ" },
{ "label": "mult", "body": "⋅", "description": "⋅" },
{ "label": "ent", "body": "⊢", "description": "⊢" },
{ "label": "valid", "body": "✓", "description": "✓" },
{ "label": "diamond", "body": "◇", "description": "◇" },
{ "label": "box", "body": "□", "description": "□" },
{ "label": "bbox", "body": "■", "description": "■" },
{ "label": "later", "body": "▷", "description": "▷" },
{ "label": "pred", "body": "φ", "description": "φ" },
{ "label": "and", "body": "∧", "description": "∧" },
{ "label": "or", "body": "∨", "description": "∨" },
{ "label": "comp", "body": "∘", "description": "∘" },
{ "label": "ccomp", "body": "◎", "description": "◎" },
{ "label": "all", "body": "∀", "description": "∀" },
{ "label": "ex", "body": "∃", "description": "∃" },
{ "label": "to", "body": "→", "description": "→" },
{ "label": "sep", "body": "∗", "description": "∗" },
{ "label": "star", "body": "∗", "description": "∗" },
{ "label": "lc", "body": "⌜", "description": "⌜" },
{ "label": "rc", "body": "⌝", "description": "⌝" },
{ "label": "Lc", "body": "⎡", "description": "⎡" },
{ "label": "Rc", "body": "⎤", "description": "⎤" },
{ "label": "empty", "body": "∅", "description": "∅" },
{ "label": "Lam", "body": "Λ", "description": "Λ" },
{ "label": "Sig", "body": "Σ", "description": "Σ" },
{ "label": "-", "body": "∖", "description": "∖" },
{ "label": "aa", "body": "●", "description": "●" },
{ "label": "af", "body": "◯", "description": "◯" },
{ "label": "auth", "body": "●", "description": "●" },
{ "label": "frag", "body": "◯", "description": "◯" },
{ "label": "iff", "body": "↔", "description": "↔" },
{ "label": "gname", "body": "γ", "description": "γ" },
{ "label": "incl", "body": "≼", "description": "≼" },
{ "label": "latert", "body": "▶", "description": "▶" },
{ "label": "update", "body": "⇝", "description": "⇝" },
{ "label": "bind", "body": "≫=", "description": "≫=" },
// accents (for iLöb)
{ "label": "\"o", "body": "ö", "description": "ö" },
// subscripts and superscripts
{ "label": "^^+", "body": "⁺", "description": "⁺" },
{ "label": "__+", "body": "₊", "description": "₊" },
{ "label": "^^-", "body": "⁻", "description": "⁻" },
{ "label": "__0", "body": "₀", "description": "₀" },
{ "label": "__1", "body": "₁", "description": "₁" },
{ "label": "__2", "body": "₂", "description": "₂" },
{ "label": "__3", "body": "₃", "description": "₃" },
{ "label": "__4", "body": "₄", "description": "₄" },
{ "label": "__5", "body": "₅", "description": "₅" },
{ "label": "__6", "body": "₆", "description": "₆" },
{ "label": "__7", "body": "₇", "description": "₇" },
{ "label": "__8", "body": "₈", "description": "₈" },
{ "label": "__9", "body": "₉", "description": "₉" },
{ "label": "__a", "body": "ₐ", "description": "ₐ" },
{ "label": "__e", "body": "ₑ", "description": "ₑ" },
{ "label": "__h", "body": "ₕ", "description": "ₕ" },
{ "label": "__i", "body": "ᵢ", "description": "ᵢ" },
{ "label": "__k", "body": "ₖ", "description": "ₖ" },
{ "label": "__l", "body": "ₗ", "description": "ₗ" },
{ "label": "__m", "body": "ₘ", "description": "ₘ" },
{ "label": "__n", "body": "ₙ", "description": "ₙ" },
{ "label": "__o", "body": "ₒ", "description": "ₒ" },
{ "label": "__p", "body": "ₚ", "description": "ₚ" },
{ "label": "__r", "body": "ᵣ", "description": "ᵣ" },
{ "label": "__s", "body": "ₛ", "description": "ₛ" },
{ "label": "__t", "body": "ₜ", "description": "ₜ" },
{ "label": "__u", "body": "ᵤ", "description": "ᵤ" },
{ "label": "__v", "body": "ᵥ", "description": "ᵥ" },
{ "label": "__x", "body": "ₓ", "description": "ₓ" },
// Greek alphabet
{ "label": "Alpha", "body": "Α", "description": "Α" },
{ "label": "alpha", "body": "α", "description": "α" },
{ "label": "Beta", "body": "Β", "description": "Β" },
{ "label": "beta", "body": "β", "description": "β" },
{ "label": "Gamma", "body": "Γ", "description": "Γ" },
{ "label": "gamma", "body": "γ", "description": "γ" },
{ "label": "Delta", "body": "Δ", "description": "Δ" },
{ "label": "delta", "body": "δ", "description": "δ" },
{ "label": "Epsilon", "body": "Ε", "description": "Ε" },
{ "label": "epsilon", "body": "ε", "description": "ε" },
{ "label": "Zeta", "body": "Ζ", "description": "Ζ" },
{ "label": "zeta", "body": "ζ", "description": "ζ" },
{ "label": "Eta", "body": "Η", "description": "Η" },
{ "label": "eta", "body": "η", "description": "η" },
{ "label": "Theta", "body": "Θ", "description": "Θ" },
{ "label": "theta", "body": "θ", "description": "θ" },
{ "label": "Iota", "body": "Ι", "description": "Ι" },
{ "label": "iota", "body": "ι", "description": "ι" },
{ "label": "Kappa", "body": "Κ", "description": "Κ" },
{ "label": "kappa", "body": "κ", "description": "κ" },
{ "label": "Lamda", "body": "Λ", "description": "Λ" },
{ "label": "lamda", "body": "λ", "description": "λ" },
{ "label": "Lambda", "body": "Λ", "description": "Λ" },
{ "label": "lambda", "body": "λ", "description": "λ" },
{ "label": "Mu", "body": "Μ", "description": "Μ" },
{ "label": "mu", "body": "μ", "description": "μ" },
{ "label": "Nu", "body": "Ν", "description": "Ν" },
{ "label": "nu", "body": "ν", "description": "ν" },
{ "label": "Xi", "body": "Ξ", "description": "Ξ" },
{ "label": "xi", "body": "ξ", "description": "ξ" },
{ "label": "Omicron", "body": "Ο", "description": "Ο" },
{ "label": "omicron", "body": "ο", "description": "ο" },
{ "label": "Pi", "body": "Π", "description": "Π" },
{ "label": "pi", "body": "π", "description": "π" },
{ "label": "Rho", "body": "Ρ", "description": "Ρ" },
{ "label": "rho", "body": "ρ", "description": "ρ" },
{ "label": "Sigma", "body": "Σ", "description": "Σ" },
{ "label": "sigma", "body": "σ", "description": "σ" },
{ "label": "Tau", "body": "Τ", "description": "Τ" },
{ "label": "tau", "body": "τ", "description": "τ" },
{ "label": "Upsilon", "body": "Υ", "description": "Υ" },
{ "label": "upsilon", "body": "υ", "description": "υ" },
{ "label": "Phi", "body": "Φ", "description": "Φ" },
{ "label": "phi", "body": "φ", "description": "φ" },
{ "label": "Chi", "body": "Χ", "description": "Χ" },
{ "label": "chi", "body": "χ", "description": "χ" },
{ "label": "Psi", "body": "Ψ", "description": "Ψ" },
{ "label": "psi", "body": "ψ", "description": "ψ" },
{ "label": "Omega", "body": "Ω", "description": "Ω" },
{ "label": "omega", "body": "ω", "description": "ω" }
(_ ; Applies to all profiles (dev, release, ...).
(flags ; Configure the coqc flags.
(:standard ; Keeping the default flags.
; Add custom flags (to be kept in sync with _CoqProject).
-w -notation-overridden
-w -redundant-canonical-projection
-w -unknown-warning
-w -argument-scope-delimiter
-w -notation-incompatible-prefix
(lang dune 3.8)
(using coq 0.8)