From 09611c068c930656bdf0759c22296f53f39536da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ike Mulder <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:27:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Replaced 'try cont' with 'cont', should avoid TC search on
 sideconditions when hints are not found.

 theories/biabd/search.v     | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 theories/biabd/search_abd.v | 25 +++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/biabd/search.v b/theories/biabd/search.v
index 48ebe972..575414fc 100644
--- a/theories/biabd/search.v
+++ b/theories/biabd/search.v
@@ -444,46 +444,46 @@ Ltac biabd_step_sep P :=
 Ltac biabd_step_hyp_exist cont := 
   notypeclasses refine (biabdhyp_exist' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC | 
-      intros?; do 3 eexists; split; [ try cont | simple notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _); last cbn beta ] | ].
+      intros?; do 3 eexists; split; [ cont | simple notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _); last cbn beta ] | ].
 Ltac biabd_step_hyp_mod cont :=
-  notypeclasses refine (biabdhyp_mod_intro_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC | iSolveTC | try cont | ].
+  notypeclasses refine (biabdhyp_mod_intro_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC | iSolveTC | cont | ].
 Ltac biabd_step_wand :=
   notypeclasses refine (biabdhyp_wand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC| ].
 Ltac biabd_step_forall cont :=
   notypeclasses refine (biabdhyp_forall_postpone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [ iSolveTC |
-    intros ?; do 4 eexists; split; [ try cont | split; [ | simple notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _); last cbn beta ] ] | ].
+    intros ?; do 4 eexists; split; [ cont | split; [ | simple notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _); last cbn beta ] ] | ].
 Ltac biabd_step_from_goal p P :=
   assert_fails (assert (AtomAndConnective p P) as _ by (iSolveTC));
     simple eapply biabdhyp_from_unfold_goal.
 Ltac biabd_step_hyp_naive p P cont :=
-  (biabd_step_atom_shortcut; try cont) + (
-  (biabd_step_later_mono; try cont) ||
-  (biabd_step_sep P; try cont) ||
+  (biabd_step_atom_shortcut; cont) + (
+  tryif biabd_step_later_mono then cont else (* ensures ⊳ (P ∗ Q) is not also tried as ⊳P ∗ ⊳ Q *)
+  tryif biabd_step_sep P then cont else
   (biabd_step_hyp_exist cont) ||
   (biabd_step_hyp_mod cont) ||
-  (biabd_step_wand; try cont) ||
+  (biabd_step_wand; cont) ||
   (biabd_step_forall cont) ||
-  (biabd_step_from_goal p P; try cont)
+  (biabd_step_from_goal p P; cont)
 Ltac connective_as_atom_shortcut := fail.
 (* this keeps open the option of seeing all wands also as atoms *)
 Ltac biabd_step_hyp p P cont :=
-  (connective_as_atom_shortcut; try cont) +
+  (connective_as_atom_shortcut; cont) +
   lazymatch P with
-  | bi_later _ => biabd_step_later_mono; try cont
-  | bi_laterN _ _ => biabd_step_later_mono; try cont
-  | bi_sep _ _ => biabd_step_sep P; try cont
+  | bi_later _ => biabd_step_later_mono; cont
+  | bi_laterN _ _ => biabd_step_later_mono; cont
+  | bi_sep _ _ => biabd_step_sep P; cont
   | bi_exist _ => biabd_step_hyp_exist cont
   | fupd _ _ _ => biabd_step_hyp_mod cont
   | bupd _ => biabd_step_hyp_mod cont
-  | bi_wand _ _ => biabd_step_wand; try cont
+  | bi_wand _ _ => biabd_step_wand; cont
   | bi_forall _ => biabd_step_forall cont
   | _ => biabd_step_hyp_naive p P cont
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ Ltac biabd_step_goal_mod :=
 Ltac biabd_step_goal_exist cont :=
   notypeclasses refine (biabdgoal_witness_both_v3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
   [ intros; do 4 (notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _)); split; 
-    [ try cont
+    [ cont
     | simple notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _); 
       | simpl; simple notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _); last simpl ] ] 
@@ -503,19 +503,24 @@ Ltac biabd_step_goal_exist cont :=
 Ltac diaframe_hint_search := iSolveTC.
 Ltac biabd_step_goal cont :=
-  (solve [eapply unfoldgoal_from_base; [diaframe_hint_search | iSolveTC]]) || 
-  (biabd_step_goal_mod; try cont) ||
-  (biabd_step_goal_exist cont).
+  (solve [eapply unfoldgoal_from_base; [diaframe_hint_search | iSolveTC]]) || (
+    tryif biabd_step_goal_mod then cont else
+    biabd_step_goal_exist cont
+  ).
 Ltac pre_step := idtac.
 Ltac find_biabd_steps :=
-  let cont := ltac:(pre_step; find_biabd_steps) in
+  let cont := ltac:(pre_step; find_biabd_steps) in 
+    (* if you want to inspect the goal after applying all recursive rules, use
+      cont := ltac:(pre_step; try find_biabd_steps) *)
   lazymatch goal with
   | |- BiAbdUnfoldHypMod ?p ?P _ _ _ _ _ _ => biabd_step_hyp p P cont
   | |- BiAbdUnfoldGoalMod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => biabd_step_goal cont
-  (* this CPS version ensures we don't start (possibly costly) TC search until we are sure all recursive rules have been applied.
-    TODO: maybe this can be improved even further, by not doing 'try cont' *)
+  (* this CPS version ensures we don't start (possibly costly) TC search until we are sure all recursive rules have been applied. 
+     Note that find_biabd_steps intentionally FAILS if it cannot find a hint. 
+      this means it fails before initiating TC search, as desired. If it does succeed, it only leaves sideconditions for TC search
+  *)
 Ltac find_biabd_initial_step := 
   notypeclasses refine (biabd_from_unfold_hyp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
diff --git a/theories/biabd/search_abd.v b/theories/biabd/search_abd.v
index 2414f42b..93dbdc1f 100644
--- a/theories/biabd/search_abd.v
+++ b/theories/biabd/search_abd.v
@@ -274,32 +274,32 @@ Ltac abd_step_sep P :=
 Ltac abd_step_hyp_exist cont := 
   simple eapply abdhyp_exist; [iSolveTC | 
-        cbn [tforall tele_fold tele_bind tele_app tele_appd_dep]; intros; try cont | idtac..]. 
+        cbn [tforall tele_fold tele_bind tele_app tele_appd_dep]; intros; cont | idtac..]. 
   (* TODO: this might be broken like it was for BiAbd, in the case of nested exists *)
 Ltac abd_step_hyp_mod cont :=
-  notypeclasses refine (abdhyp_mod_intro_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC | iSolveTC | try cont | ].
+  notypeclasses refine (abdhyp_mod_intro_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC | iSolveTC | cont | ].
 Ltac abd_step_wand cont :=
-  notypeclasses refine (abdhyp_wand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC| try cont | ].
+  notypeclasses refine (abdhyp_wand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [iSolveTC| cont | ].
 Ltac abd_step_forall cont :=
   notypeclasses refine (abdhyp_forall_both _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); [ iSolveTC |
-    intros ?; do 2 eexists; split; [try cont | ] | ].
+    intros ?; do 2 eexists; split; [cont | ] | ].
 Ltac abd_step_from_goal p P := 
   assert_fails (assert (AtomAndConnective p P) as _ by (iSolveTC));
     simple eapply abdhyp_from_unfold_goal.
 Ltac abd_step_hyp p P cont :=
-  (abd_step_atom_shortcut; try cont) + (
-  (abd_step_later_mono; try cont) ||
-  (abd_step_sep P; try cont) ||
+  (abd_step_atom_shortcut; cont) + (
+  tryif abd_step_later_mono then cont else
+  tryif abd_step_sep P then cont else
   (abd_step_hyp_exist cont) ||
   (abd_step_hyp_mod cont) ||
   (abd_step_wand cont) ||
   (abd_step_forall cont) ||
-  (abd_step_from_goal p P; try cont)
+  (abd_step_from_goal p P; cont)
 Ltac abd_step_goal_mod := 
@@ -307,12 +307,13 @@ Ltac abd_step_goal_mod :=
 Ltac abd_step_goal_exist cont :=
   notypeclasses refine (abdgoal_witness_both _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-    [ intros ?; do 2 (notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _)); split; [try cont | ] | ].
+    [ intros ?; do 2 (notypeclasses refine (ex_intro _ _ _)); split; [cont | ] | ].
 Ltac abd_step_goal cont :=
-  (solve [eapply abd_unfoldgoal_from_base; [diaframe_hint_search | iSolveTC]]) || 
-  (abd_step_goal_mod; try cont) ||
-  (abd_step_goal_exist cont).
+  (solve [eapply abd_unfoldgoal_from_base; [diaframe_hint_search | iSolveTC]]) || (
+    tryif abd_step_goal_mod then cont else
+    abd_step_goal_exist cont
+  ).
 Ltac find_abd_steps :=
   let cont := ltac:(pre_step; find_abd_steps) in