From c3a22c76aebf9c440b990d631f6b47abb629013f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2024 13:21:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 01/81] Synchronous ghost theory for binary session types

 theories/channel/proto.v | 1361 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 706 insertions(+), 655 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/proto.v b/theories/channel/proto.v
index 92c4c00..c12d547 100644
--- a/theories/channel/proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/proto.v
@@ -245,38 +245,53 @@ Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
 Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
-(** * Protocol entailment *)
-Definition iProto_le_pre {Σ V}
-    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  (p1 ≡ END ∗ p2 ≡ END) ∨
-  ∃ a1 a2 m1 m2,
-    (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ (p2 ≡ <a2> m2) ∗
-    match a1, a2 with
-    | Recv, Recv => ∀ v p1',
-       iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')
-    | Send, Send => ∀ v p2',
-       iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
-    | Recv, Send => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2',
-       iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
-         ▷ rec p1' (<!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ rec (<?> MSG v1; pt) p2'
-    | Send, Recv => False
-    end.
-Global Instance iProto_le_pre_ne {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) :
-  NonExpansive2 (iProto_le_pre rec).
+Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ)
+  (pl pr : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  (∀ a1 a2 m1 m2,
+    (pl ≡ <a1> m1) -∗ (pr ≡ <a2> m2) -∗
+      match a1,a2 with
+      | Send,Recv => ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+                            ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ (rec p1 p2)
+      | Recv,Send => ∀ v p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) -∗
+                            ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ (rec p1 p2)
+      | _, _ => True
+      end).
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
+       (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  NonExpansive2 (iProto_consistent_pre (λ p1 p2, rec p1 p2)).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Program Definition iProto_le_pre' {Σ V}
-    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
-    iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ := λne p1 p2,
-  iProto_le_pre (λ p1' p2', rec p1' p2') p1 p2.
+Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
+  (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ :=
+  λne p1 p2, iProto_consistent_pre (λ p1 p2, rec p1 p2) p1 p2.
 Solve Obligations with solve_proper.
-Local Instance iProto_le_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_le_pre' Σ V).
+Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
-  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1 p2. rewrite /iProto_le_pre' /iProto_le_pre /=.
-  by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec pl pr. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre' /iProto_consistent_pre /=.
+  repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv). done. done.
+Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (pl pr : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' pl pr.
+Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 2 := {}.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (pl pr : iProto Σ V) :
+  iProto_consistent pl pr ≡ (iProto_consistent_pre iProto_consistent) pl pr.
+  apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
 Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
+  ∀ p3, iProto_consistent p1 p3 -∗ iProto_consistent p2 p3.
 Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
 Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
@@ -291,8 +306,6 @@ Fixpoint iProto_app_recvs {Σ V} (vs : list V) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :
   | [] => p
   | v :: vs => <?> MSG v; iProto_app_recvs vs p
-Definition iProto_interp {Σ V} (vsl vsr : list V) (pl pr : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ p, iProto_app_recvs vsr p ⊑ pl ∗ iProto_app_recvs vsl (iProto_dual p) ⊑ pr.
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_l_name : gname; proto_r_name : gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
@@ -325,11 +338,11 @@ Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : proto_name) (s : side)
   own (side_elim s proto_l_name proto_r_name γ) (●E (Next p)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
-    (γ : proto_name) (vsl vsr : list V) : iProp Σ :=
+    (γ : proto_name) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ pl pr,
     iProto_own_auth γ Left pl ∗
     iProto_own_auth γ Right pr ∗
-    â–· iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr.
+    â–· iProto_consistent pl pr.
 (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
@@ -604,413 +617,531 @@ Section proto.
       iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
-  (** ** Protocol entailment **)
-  Lemma iProto_le_unfold p1 p2 : iProto_le p1 p2 ≡ iProto_le_pre iProto_le p1 p2.
-  Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_le_pre'). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iLeft. auto 10. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
-    (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "H". iRight. auto 10. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
-    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "H". iRight. auto 10. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_swap m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v1 v2 p1' p2',
-       iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
-         ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2')) -∗
-    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "H". iRight. auto 10. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //".
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)".
-    by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //".
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)".
-    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send_inv p1 m2 :
-    p1 ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ ∃ a1 m1,
-      (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗
-      match a1 with
-      | Send => ∀ v p2',
-         iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
-           ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
-      | Recv => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2',
-         iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
-           ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2')
-      end.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    iExists _, _; iSplit; [done|]. destruct a1, a2.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_flip p1 p2 :
+    iProto_consistent p2 p1 -∗
+    iProto_consistent p1 p2.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
+    iIntros "Hprot".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2 Hm1") as "Hprot".
+    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
+    - iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hprot Hrec]".
+      iExists p2'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
     - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2".
-      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm".
-      iApply "H". by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v (Next p2')).
-    - done.
-    - iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "Hm1 Hm2".
-      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm".
-      iApply ("H" with "Hm1"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v2 (Next p2')).
-    - iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as ([=]) "_".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv m1 m2 v p2' :
-    (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm1 H]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (<-) "Hm1".
-    iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]".
-    iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv_send_inv m1 m2 v1 v2 p1' p2' :
-    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2').
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hm1 Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm H]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (<-) "{Hm} #Hm".
-    iApply ("H" with "[Hm1] Hm2"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v1 (Next p1')).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv p1 m2 :
-    p1 ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
-      (p1 ≡ <?> m1) ∗
-      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-        ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    iExists m1.
-    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (<-) "{Hp2} #Hm2".
-    destruct a1; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    iIntros (v p1') "Hm". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p2') "[Hle Hm]".
-    iExists p2'. iIntros "{$Hle}". by iRewrite ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv m1 m2 v p1' :
-    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
-    iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1".
-    by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')).
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hprot Hrec]".
+      iExists p1'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_step m1 m2 v p1 :
+    iProto_consistent (<!> m1) (<?> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent p1 p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hprot Hm1".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//] Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    iExists p2. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_dual p :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent p (iProto_dual p).
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p).
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "#Hmeq1 #Hmeq2".
+    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
+    - iIntros (v p') "Hm1".
+      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
+      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
+      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next (iProto_dual p'))).
+      iExists (iProto_dual p').
+      iRewrite -"Hmeq2".
+      iSplitL; [|iNext; by iApply "IH"].
+      simpl. iExists p'. iFrame. done.
+    - iIntros (v p') "Hm2".
+      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
+      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
+      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next p')).
+      iRewrite -"Hmeq2" in "Hm2".
+      simpl.
+      iDestruct "Hm2" as (p'') "[Hm2 Hmeq']".
+      iExists p''. iFrame.
+      iNext. iRewrite "Hmeq'".
+      iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_l pl pl' pr :
+    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pl ⊑ pl' -∗ iProto_consistent pl' pr.
+  Proof. iIntros "Hprot Hle". by iApply "Hle". Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_r pl pr pr' :
+    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pr ⊑ pr' -∗ iProto_consistent pl pr'.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hle". iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
+    iApply "Hle". by iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
   Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&m&->)].
-    - iApply iProto_le_end.
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
-    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&m3&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2. destruct a2.
-      + iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-        iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. destruct a1.
-        * iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
-          iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-          iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
-          iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
-        * iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v3 p1' p3') "Hm1 Hm3".
-          iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-          iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2") as (pt) "[Hp1' Hp2']".
-          iExists pt. iIntros "{$Hp1'} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hp2'").
-      + iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-        iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. iApply iProto_le_swap.
-        iIntros (v1 v3 p1' p3') "Hm1 Hm3".
-        iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-        iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm2 Hm3") as (pt) "[Hp2' Hp3']".
-        iExists pt. iIntros "{$Hp3'} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
-      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l a m v P p :
-    (P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) ⊢
-    (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
-    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= (#?&#?&HP) Hm2 /=".
-      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
-      iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r a m v P p :
-    (P -∗ (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) ⊢
-    (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
-      iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
-    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 (->&#?&HP) /=".
-      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP) Hm1"); simpl; auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l v P p :
-    P -∗ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
-    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r v P p :
-    P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
-    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) a m2 :
-    (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) ⊢
-    (<? x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
-    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=".
-      iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1".
-      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
-      by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l_inhabited `{!Inhabited A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
-    (∀ x, (<?> m x) ⊑ p) ⊢
-    (<? x> m x) ⊑ p.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
-    destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]].
-    - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _.
-      rewrite Heq.
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H".
-      rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq.
-      iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]".
-    - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a.
-      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=".
-        iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1".
-        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
-        iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
-      + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
-        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
-        by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) ⊢
-    (<a> m1) ⊑ (<! x> m2 x).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
-      by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
-    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1".
-      iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2".
-      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r_inhabited `{Hinh : Inhabited A} p (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    (∀ x, p ⊑ (<!> m x)) ⊢
-    p ⊑ (<! x> m x).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
-    destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]].
-    - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _.
-      rewrite Heq.
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H".
-      rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq.
-      iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]".
-    - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a.
-      + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
-        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
-        by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
-      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1".
-        iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2".
-        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
-        iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
-    ⊢ (<! x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m a).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
-    ⊢ (<?> m a) ⊑ (<? x> m x).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) a m2 :
-    (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) ⊢
-    (<?.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
-    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x).
-    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} a m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
-    (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗
-    (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!.. x> m2 x).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
-    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x).
-    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
-    ⊢ (<!.. x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m x).
-  Proof.
-    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
-    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
-    iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
-    ⊢ (<?> m x) ⊑ (<?.. x> m x).
-  Proof.
-    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
-    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
-    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
-  Qed.
+  Proof. iIntros (p') "$". Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
-    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) ⊢
-    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
-      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
-      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_base_swap v1 v2 P1 P2 p :
-    ⊢ (<?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; <!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; p)
-    ⊑ (<!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; <?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite {1 3}iMsg_base_eq. iApply iProto_le_swap.
-    iIntros (v1' v2' p1' p2') "/= (->&#Hp1&HP1) (->&#Hp2&HP2)". iExists p.
-    iSplitL "HP2".
-    - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp1". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
-    - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp2". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
-    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&m1&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H".
-      iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl.
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message).
-      destruct a2; simpl.
-      + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d).
-        iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]".
-        iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]".
-        iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2').
-        iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto.
-      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1d p2d).
-        iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
-        iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2 Hm1") as (pt) "[H1 H2]".
-        iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "H1". iDestruct ("IH" with "H2") as "H2 {IH}".
-        rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=. iExists (iProto_dual pt). iSplitL "H2".
-        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base.
-        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp2d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base.
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=).
-      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d).
-      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
-      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]".
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1').
-      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_amber_internal (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V)
-      `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}:
-    □ (∀ rec1 rec2, ▷ (rec1 ⊑ rec2) → p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) ⊢
-    fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "#H". iLöb as "IH".
-    iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p1)).
-    iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2)).
-    iApply "H". iApply "IH".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_amber_external (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V)
-      `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}:
-    (∀ rec1 rec2, (⊢ rec1 ⊑ rec2) → ⊢ p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) →
-    ⊢ fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2.
-  Proof.
-    intros IH. apply fixpoint_ind.
-    - by intros p1' p2' -> ?.
-    - exists (fixpoint p2). iApply iProto_le_refl.
-    - intros p' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2). by apply IH.
-    - apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; [done|solve_proper].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 ⊢ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)).
-    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 ⊢ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)).
-    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
-  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
+  Proof. iApply iProto_le_refl. Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_send m1 m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
+  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (m1 m2). *)
+  (*   iIntros "Hle". *)
+  (*   repeat (unfold iProto_le at 3). *)
+  (*   iIntros (p) "Hprot". *)
+  (*   repeat rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold; unfold iProto_consistent_pre. *)
+  (*   iSplit; [iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]"|iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]"]. *)
+  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "H") as (Heq) "{H} #Hmeq"; subst. *)
+  (*     iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" with "[//]"). *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hmeq" $! v (Next p')). iRewrite -"Hmeq" in "Hm". *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hle" $! _ _ with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p'') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*     iApply "Hle". iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". } *)
+  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ with "H"). *)
+  (*     destruct a. *)
+  (*     - iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
+  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle]"). *)
+  (*       { iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
+  (*         iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). *)
+  (*         iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*         iExists p'''. iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" | iApply "Hm"]. } *)
+  (*       iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". *)
+  (*     - iIntros (v vs Heq); subst. *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ eq_refl). *)
+  (*       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
+  (*       iExists (p'). iFrame "Hm". *)
+  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle] [Hprot]"); [|iApply "Hprot"]. *)
+  (*       iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*       iExists p'''; iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" |iApply "Hm"]. } *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv m1 m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
+  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H" (vsl vsr p) "Hprot". *)
+  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (vsl vsr m2 p). *)
+  (*   iEval (rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold). *)
+  (*   rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
+  (*   iSplit; last first. *)
+  (*   { *)
+  (*     iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]". *)
+  (*     iIntros ([] m) "Heq". *)
+  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as "Hprot". *)
+  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
+  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
+  (*       iExists p'. iFrame. *)
+  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
+  (*   } *)
+  (*   destruct vsr. *)
+  (*   { iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
+  (*     iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
+  (*     iIntros (v vs Heq). done. } *)
+  (*   iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
+  (*   iIntros (w vs Heq). *)
+  (*   assert (v = w) as <- by set_solver. *)
+  (*   assert (vsr = vs) as <- by set_solver. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//]") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p'') "[Hle H]". *)
+  (*   iExists p''. *)
+  (*   iSpecialize ("Heq" $! v (Next p'')). iRewrite -"Heq". *)
+  (*   iFrame. iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hprot Hle"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //". *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)". *)
+  (*   by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //". *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_inv p1 m2 : *)
+  (*   p1 ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ ∃ a1 m1, *)
+  (*     (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ *)
+  (*     match a1 with *)
+  (*     | Send => ∀ v p2', *)
+  (*        iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
+  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') *)
+  (*     | Recv => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2', *)
+  (*        iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
+  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2') *)
+  (*     end. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
+  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
+  (*   iExists _, _; iSplit; [done|]. destruct a1, a2. *)
+  (*   - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
+  (*     iApply "H". by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v (Next p2')). *)
+  (*   - done. *)
+  (*   - iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "Hm1 Hm2". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
+  (*     iApply ("H" with "Hm1"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v2 (Next p2')). *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as ([=]) "_". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv m1 m2 v p2' : *)
+  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (<-) "Hm1". *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*   iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_send_inv m1 m2 v1 v2 p1' p2' : *)
+  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
+  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H Hm1 Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm H]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (<-) "{Hm} #Hm". *)
+  (*   iApply ("H" with "[Hm1] Hm2"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v1 (Next p1')). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv p1 m2 : *)
+  (*   p1 ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, *)
+  (*     (p1 ≡ <?> m1) ∗ *)
+  (*     ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
+  (*       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
+  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
+  (*   iExists m1. *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (<-) "{Hp2} #Hm2". *)
+  (*   destruct a1; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iIntros (v p1') "Hm". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p2') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*   iExists p2'. iIntros "{$Hle}". by iRewrite ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv m1 m2 v p1' : *)
+  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
+  (*   iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1". *)
+  (*   by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&m&->)]. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_end. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 :
-    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4.
+  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4).
-    destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&m2&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1".
-      iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id.
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl.
-      + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24).
-        iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
-        iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]".
-        iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto].
-        iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
-      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p13 p24).
-        iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
-        iSpecialize ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2").
-        iDestruct "H1" as (pt) "[H1 H1']".
-        iExists (pt <++> p3). iSplitL "H1".
-        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13".
-          rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message.
-          iApply ("IH" with "H1"). iApply iProto_le_refl.
-        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24".
-          rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message.
-          iApply ("IH" with "H1' H2").
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv.
-      iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]".
-      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]".
-      iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto].
-      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
-  Qed.
+    iIntros "H1 H2" (p) "Hprot".
+    iApply "H2". iApply "H1". done.
+  Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l a m v P p : *)
+  (*   (P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= (#?&#?&HP) Hm2 /=". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r a m v P p : *)
+  (*   (P -∗ (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 (->&#?&HP) /=". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP) Hm1"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l v P p : *)
+  (*   P -∗ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r v P p : *)
+  (*   P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<? x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
+  (*     iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l_inhabited `{!Inhabited A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m x) ⊑ p) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<? x> m x) ⊑ p. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
+  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
+  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
+  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
+  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
+  (*       iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<! x> m2 x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
+  (*     iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r_inhabited `{Hinh : Inhabited A} p (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, p ⊑ (<!> m x)) -∗ *)
+  (*   p ⊑ (<! x> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
+  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
+  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H". *)
+  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
+  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<! x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m a). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<?> m a) ⊑ (<? x> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<?.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x). *)
+  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} a m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!.. x> m2 x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x). *)
+  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<!.. x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
+  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<?> m x) ⊑ (<?.. x> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
+  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_base_swap v1 v2 P1 P2 p : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; <!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; p) *)
+  (*   ⊑ (<!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; <?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite {1 3}iMsg_base_eq. iApply iProto_le_swap. *)
+  (*   iIntros (v1' v2' p1' p2') "/= (->&#Hp1&HP1) (->&#Hp2&HP2)". iExists p. *)
+  (*   iSplitL "HP2". *)
+  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp1". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
+  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp2". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&m1&->)]. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message). *)
+  (*     destruct a2; simpl. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2'). *)
+  (*       iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1d p2d). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2 Hm1") as (pt) "[H1 H2]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "H1". iDestruct ("IH" with "H2") as "H2 {IH}". *)
+  (*       rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=. iExists (iProto_dual pt). iSplitL "H2". *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp2d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=). *)
+  (*     iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d). *)
+  (*     iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
+  (*     iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]". *)
+  (*     iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1'). *)
+  (*     iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_internal (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
+  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
+  (*   □ (∀ rec1 rec2, ▷ (rec1 ⊑ rec2) → p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) -∗ *)
+  (*   fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "#H". iLöb as "IH". *)
+  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p1)). *)
+  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2)). *)
+  (*   iApply "H". iApply "IH". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_external (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
+  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
+  (*   (∀ rec1 rec2, (⊢ rec1 ⊑ rec2) → ⊢ p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) → *)
+  (*   ⊢ fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   intros IH. apply fixpoint_ind. *)
+  (*   - by intros p1' p2' -> ?. *)
+  (*   - exists (fixpoint p2). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*   - intros p' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2). by apply IH. *)
+  (*   - apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; [done|solve_proper]. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)). *)
+  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 -∗ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)). *)
+  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 : *)
+  (*   p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4). *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&m2&->)]. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]". *)
+  (*       iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
+  (*       iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p13 p24). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (*       iDestruct "H1" as (pt) "[H1 H1']". *)
+  (*       iExists (pt <++> p3). iSplitL "H1". *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". *)
+  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
+  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1"). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". *)
+  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
+  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1' H2"). *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv. *)
+  (*     iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". *)
+  (*     iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]". *)
+  (*     iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
+  (*     iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   (** ** Lemmas about the auxiliary definitions and invariants *)
   Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_ne vs :
@@ -1019,12 +1150,6 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_proper vs :
     Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_app_recvs (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vs).
   Proof. induction vs; solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_interp_ne vsl vsr :
-    NonExpansive2 (iProto_interp (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vsl vsr).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_interp_proper vsl vsr :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_interp (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vsl vsr).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
@@ -1032,8 +1157,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ s p p' :
     iProto_own_auth γ s p -∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p' -∗ ▷ (p ≡ p').
-    iIntros "H● H◯". iCombine "H● H◯" gives "H✓".
-    iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "{H✓} H✓".
+    iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
+    iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓".
     iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓").
@@ -1046,67 +1171,6 @@ Section proto.
     by rewrite own_op.
-  Lemma iProto_interp_nil p : ⊢ iProto_interp [] [] p (iProto_dual p).
-  Proof. iExists p; simpl. iSplitL; iApply iProto_le_refl. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_interp_flip vsl vsr pl pr :
-    iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr -∗ iProto_interp vsr vsl pr pl.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp]". iExists (iProto_dual p).
-    rewrite (involutive iProto_dual). iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_interp_le_l vsl vsr pl pl' pr :
-    iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr -∗ pl ⊑ pl' -∗ iProto_interp vsl vsr pl' pr.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp]". iIntros "Hle". iExists p.
-    iFrame "Hdp". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hp").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_interp_le_r vsl vsr pl pr pr' :
-    iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr -∗ pr ⊑ pr' -∗ iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr'.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hle". iApply iProto_interp_flip.
-    iApply (iProto_interp_le_l with "[H] Hle"). by iApply iProto_interp_flip.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_interp_send vl ml vsl vsr pr pl' :
-    iProto_interp vsl vsr (<!> ml) pr -∗
-    iMsg_car ml vl (Next pl') -∗
-    â–·^(length vsr) iProto_interp (vsl ++ [vl]) vsr pl' pr.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp] /="; iIntros "Hml".
-    iDestruct (iProto_le_trans _ _ (<!> MSG vl; pl') with "Hp [Hml]") as "Hp".
-    { iApply iProto_le_send. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
-      iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. by iRewrite -"Hp". }
-    iInduction vsr as [|vr vsr] "IH" forall (pl'); simpl.
-    { iExists pl'; simpl. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|].
-      iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[Hp] Hdp").
-      iInduction vsl as [|vl' vsl] "IH"; simpl.
-      { iApply iProto_le_dual_r. rewrite iProto_dual_message iMsg_dual_base /=.
-        by rewrite involutive. }
-      iApply iProto_le_base; iIntros "!>". by iApply "IH". }
-    iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_send_inv _ _ vr vl
-      (iProto_app_recvs vsr p) pl' with "Hp [] []") as (p') "[H1 H2]";
-      [rewrite iMsg_base_eq; by auto..|].
-    iIntros "!>". iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hdp H1"). iIntros "!>".
-    iDestruct "IH" as (p'') "[Hp'' Hdp'']". iExists p''. iFrame "Hdp''".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[Hp''] H2"); simpl. by iApply iProto_le_base.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_interp_recv vl vsl vsr pl mr :
-    iProto_interp (vl :: vsl) vsr pl (<?> mr) -∗
-    ∃ pr, iMsg_car mr vl (Next pr) ∗ ▷ iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp] /=".
-    iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "Hdp") as (m) "[#Hm Hpr]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (_) "{Hm} #Hm".
-    iDestruct ("Hpr" $! vl (iProto_app_recvs vsl (iProto_dual p)) with "[]")
-      as (pr'') "[Hler Hpr]".
-    { iRewrite -("Hm" $! vl (Next (iProto_app_recvs vsl (iProto_dual p)))).
-      rewrite iMsg_base_eq; auto. }
-    iExists pr''. iIntros "{$Hpr} !>". iExists p. iFrame.
-  Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
@@ -1121,8 +1185,7 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_init p :
     ⊢ |==> ∃ γ,
-      iProto_ctx γ [] [] ∗
-      iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p).
+      iProto_ctx γ ∗ iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p).
     iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]".
     { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
@@ -1130,166 +1193,154 @@ Section proto.
       ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]".
     { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
     pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "H●l H●r".
-    { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_interp_nil. }
+    { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. }
     iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Lemma iProto_send_l γ m vsr vsl vl p :
-    iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr -∗
-    iProto_own γ Left (<!> m) -∗
-    iMsg_car m vl (Next p) ==∗
-      ▷^(length vsr) iProto_ctx γ (vsl ++ [vl]) vsr ∗
-      iProto_own γ Left p.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hle Hâ—¯]". iIntros "Hm".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯") as "#Hp".
-    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m))%I
-      with "[Hle]" as "{Hp} Hle"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hp").
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_l with "Hinterp Hle") as "Hinterp".
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_send with "Hinterp [Hm //]") as "Hinterp".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p with "H●l H◯") as "[H●l H◯]".
-    iIntros "!>". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
-    - iIntros "!>". iExists p, pr. iFrame.
-    - iExists p. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_send_r γ m vsr vsl vr p :
-    iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr -∗
-    iProto_own γ Right (<!> m) -∗
-    iMsg_car m vr (Next p) ==∗
-      ▷^(length vsl) iProto_ctx γ vsl (vsr ++ [vr]) ∗
-      iProto_own γ Right p.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hle Hâ—¯]". iIntros "Hm".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯") as "#Hp".
-    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m))%I
-      with "[Hle]" as "{Hp} Hle"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hp").
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_flip with "Hinterp") as "Hinterp".
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_l with "Hinterp Hle") as "Hinterp".
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_send with "Hinterp [Hm //]") as "Hinterp".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p with "H●r H◯") as "[H●r H◯]".
-    iIntros "!>". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
-    - iIntros "!>". iExists pl, p. iFrame. by iApply iProto_interp_flip.
-    - iExists p. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_recv_l γ m vr vsr vsl :
-    iProto_ctx γ vsl (vr :: vsr) -∗
-    iProto_own γ Left (<?> m) ==∗
-    ▷ ∃ p,
-      iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr ∗
-      iProto_own γ Left p ∗
-      iMsg_car m vr (Next p).
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hle Hâ—¯]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯") as "#Hp".
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_l with "Hinterp [Hle]") as "Hinterp".
-    { iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp". }
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_flip with "Hinterp") as "Hinterp".
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_recv with "Hinterp") as (q) "[Hm Hinterp]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ q with "H●l H◯") as "[H●l H◯]".
-    iIntros "!> !> /=". iExists q. iFrame "Hm". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
-    - iExists q, pr. iFrame. by iApply iProto_interp_flip.
-    - iExists q. iIntros "{$Hâ—¯} !>". iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_recv_r γ m vl vsr vsl :
-    iProto_ctx γ (vl :: vsl) vsr -∗
-    iProto_own γ Right (<?> m) ==∗
-    ▷ ∃ p,
-      iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr ∗
-      iProto_own γ Right p ∗
-      iMsg_car m vl (Next p).
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hle Hâ—¯]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯") as "#Hp".
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_r with "Hinterp [Hle]") as "Hinterp".
-    { iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp". }
-    iDestruct (iProto_interp_recv with "Hinterp") as (q) "[Hm Hinterp]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ q with "H●r H◯") as "[H●r H◯]".
-    iIntros "!> !> /=". iExists q. iFrame "Hm". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
-    - iExists pl, q. iFrame.
-    - iExists q. iIntros "{$Hâ—¯} !>". iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros],
-  [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *)
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name :
-    AsIdentName m1 name →
-    FromForall (iProto_message Recv (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<a> m2))
-               (λ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2))%I name | 10.
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name :
-    AsIdentName m2 name →
-    FromForall ((<a> m1) ⊑ iProto_message Send (iMsg_exist m2))
-               (λ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x))%I name | 11.
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l a m v P p :
-    TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue →
-    FromWand ((<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) P ((<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) | 10.
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r a m v P p :
-    FromWand ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) | 11.
-  Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
-    FromExist ((<! x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<!> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
-    FromExist (p ⊑ <? x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<?> m a))%I | 11.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l m v P p :
-    FromSep ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) P ((<!> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r m v P p :
-    FromSep ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v; p)) | 11.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l q m v R P Q p :
-    Frame q R P Q →
-    Frame q R ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m))
-              ((<!> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r.
-    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r q m v R P Q p :
-    Frame q R P Q →
-    Frame q R ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p))
-              ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l.
-    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 :
-    FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2)
-              ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2).
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_base. Qed.
+  Definition side_dual s :=
+    match s with
+    | Left => Right
+    | Right => Left
+    end.
+  Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
+      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
+    iIntros "Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
+    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m1))%I
+      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
+    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <?> m2))%I
+      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
+      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
+    iIntros "!>!>".
+    iExists p2. iFrame.
+    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
+    - iExists _, _. iFrame.
+    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗
+      ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
+    iIntros "Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
+    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <?> m1))%I
+      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
+    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m2))%I
+      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_flip with "Hconsistent") as
+      "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
+      (p1) "[Hm1 Hconsistent]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
+    iIntros "!>!>".
+    iExists p1. iFrame.
+    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
+    - iExists _, _. iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_flip. iFrame.
+    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
+  (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name : *)
+  (*   AsIdentName m1 name → *)
+  (*   FromForall (iProto_message Recv (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<a> m2)) *)
+  (*              (λ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2))%I name | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name : *)
+  (*   AsIdentName m2 name → *)
+  (*   FromForall ((<a> m1) ⊑ iProto_message Send (iMsg_exist m2)) *)
+  (*              (λ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x))%I name | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l a m v P p : *)
+  (*   TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue → *)
+  (*   FromWand ((<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) P ((<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r a m v P p : *)
+  (*   FromWand ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
+  (*   FromExist ((<! x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<!> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
+  (*   FromExist (p ⊑ <? x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<?> m a))%I | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l m v P p : *)
+  (*   FromSep ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) P ((<!> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r m v P p : *)
+  (*   FromSep ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l q m v R P Q p : *)
+  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
+  (*   Frame q R ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) *)
+  (*             ((<!> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r q m v R P Q p : *)
+  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
+  (*   Frame q R ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) *)
+  (*             ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2) *)
+  (*             ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2). *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_base. Qed. *)
 End proto.
-Global Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
+Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
 Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
   first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.

From eda6b39599b8471315cb0011cee48001bbb21997 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 01:27:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/81] WIP: Multiparty definition

 _CoqProject                          |    2 +
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v       | 1724 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v |  307 +++++
 3 files changed, 2033 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 theories/channel/multi_proto.v
 create mode 100644 theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index bdcd5f1..330aec8 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ theories/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2fbacb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1724 @@
+(** This file defines the core of the Actris logic: It defines dependent
+separation protocols and the various operations on it like dual, append, and
+Dependent separation protocols [iProto] are defined by instantiating the
+parameterized version in [proto_model] with the type of propositions [iProp] of Iris.
+We define ways of constructing instances of the instantiated type via two
+- [iProto_end], which is identical to [proto_end].
+- [iProto_message], which takes an [action] and an [iMsg]. The type [iMsg] is a
+  sequence of binders [iMsg_exist], terminated by the payload constructed with
+  [iMsg_base] based on arguments [v], [P] and [prot], which are the value, the
+  carried proposition and the [iProto] tail, respectively.
+For convenience sake, we provide the following notations:
+- [END], which is simply [iProto_end].
+- [∃ x, m], which is [iMsg_exist] with argument [m].
+- [MSG v {{ P }}; prot], which is [iMsg_Base] with arguments [v], [P] and [prot].
+- [<a> m], which is [iProto_message] with arguments [a] and [m].
+We also include custom notation to more easily construct complete constructions:
+- [<a x1 .. xn> m], which is [<a> ∃ x1, .. ∃ xn, m].
+- [<a x1 .. xn> MSG v; {{ P }}; prot], which constructs a full protocol.
+Futhermore, we define the following operations:
+- [iProto_dual], which turns all [Send] of a protocol into [Recv] and vice-versa.
+- [iProto_app], which appends two protocols.
+In addition we define the subprotocol relation [iProto_le] [⊑], which generalises
+the following inductive definition for asynchronous subtyping on session types:
+                 p1 <: p2           p1 <: p2          p1 <: !B.p3    ?A.p3 <: p2
+----------   ----------------   ----------------     ----------------------------
+end <: end    !A.p1 <: !A.p2     ?A.p1 <: ?A.p2             ?A.p1 <: !B.p2
+!R <: !R  ?Q <: ?Q      ?Q <: ?Q
+-------------------  --------------
+?Q.!R <: !R.?Q       ?P.?Q <: ?P.?Q
+   ?P.?Q.!R <: !R.?P.?Q
+Lastly, relevant type classes instances are defined for each of the above
+notions, such as contractiveness and non-expansiveness, after which the
+specifications of the message-passing primitives are defined in terms of the
+protocol connectives. *)
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
+From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
+From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Export action.
+(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
+Class protoG Σ V :=
+  protoG_authG ::
+    inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))).
+Definition protoΣ V := #[
+  GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))
+Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V.
+Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+(** * Types *)
+Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
+Declare Scope proto_scope.
+Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
+Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
+Local Open Scope proto.
+(** * Messages *)
+Section iMsg.
+  Set Primitive Projections.
+  Record iMsg Σ V := IMsg { iMsg_car : V → laterO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ }.
+End iMsg.
+Arguments IMsg {_ _} _.
+Arguments iMsg_car {_ _} _.
+Declare Scope msg_scope.
+Delimit Scope msg_scope with msg.
+Bind Scope msg_scope with iMsg.
+Global Instance iMsg_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iMsg Σ V) := populate (IMsg inhabitant).
+Section imsg_ofe.
+  Context {Σ : gFunctors} {V : Type}.
+  Instance iMsg_equiv : Equiv (iMsg Σ V) := λ m1 m2,
+    ∀ w p, iMsg_car m1 w p ≡ iMsg_car m2 w p.
+  Instance iMsg_dist : Dist (iMsg Σ V) := λ n m1 m2,
+    ∀ w p, iMsg_car m1 w p ≡{n}≡ iMsg_car m2 w p.
+  Lemma iMsg_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (iMsg Σ V).
+  Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin (iMsg_car : _ → V -d> _ -n> _)). Qed.
+  Canonical Structure iMsgO := Ofe (iMsg Σ V) iMsg_ofe_mixin.
+  Global Instance iMsg_cofe : Cofe iMsgO.
+  Proof. by apply (iso_cofe (IMsg : (V -d> _ -n> _) → _) iMsg_car). Qed.
+End imsg_ofe.
+Program Definition iMsg_base_def {Σ V}
+    (v : V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  IMsg (λ v', λne p', ⌜ v = v' ⌝ ∗ Next p ≡ p' ∗ P)%I.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_base_aux : seal (@iMsg_base_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_base := iMsg_base_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iMsg_base_eq : @iMsg_base = @iMsg_base_def := iMsg_base_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%V _%I _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_base) 3 := {}.
+Program Definition iMsg_exist_def {Σ V A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  IMsg (λ v', λne p', ∃ x, iMsg_car (m x) v' p')%I.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_exist_aux : seal (@iMsg_exist_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_exist := iMsg_exist_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iMsg_exist_eq : @iMsg_exist = @iMsg_exist_def := iMsg_exist_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%msg.
+Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_exist) 3 := {}.
+Definition iMsg_texist {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  tele_fold (@iMsg_exist Σ V) (λ x, x) (tele_bind m).
+Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%msg /.
+Notation "'MSG' v {{ P } } ; p" := (iMsg_base v P p)
+  (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
+   format "MSG  v  {{  P  } } ;  p") : msg_scope.
+Notation "'MSG' v ; p" := (iMsg_base v True p)
+  (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
+   format "MSG  v ;  p") : msg_scope.
+Notation "∃ x .. y , m" :=
+  (iMsg_exist (λ x, .. (iMsg_exist (λ y, m)) ..)%msg) : msg_scope.
+Notation "'∃..' x .. y , m" :=
+  (iMsg_texist (λ x, .. (iMsg_texist (λ y, m)) .. )%msg)
+  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity,
+   format "∃..  x  ..  y ,  m") : msg_scope.
+Lemma iMsg_texist_exist {Σ V} {TT : tele} w lp (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
+  iMsg_car (∃.. x, m x)%msg w lp ⊣⊢ (∃.. x, iMsg_car (m x) w lp).
+  rewrite /iMsg_texist iMsg_exist_eq.
+  induction TT as [|T TT IH]; simpl; [done|]. f_equiv=> x. apply IH.
+(** * Operators *)
+Definition iProto_end_def {Σ V} : iProto Σ V := proto_end.
+Definition iProto_end_aux : seal (@iProto_end_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_end := iProto_end_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_end_eq : @iProto_end = @iProto_end_def := iProto_end_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_end {_ _}.
+Definition iProto_message_def {Σ V} (a : action) (m : iMsg Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  proto_message a (iMsg_car m).
+Definition iProto_message_aux : seal (@iProto_message_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_message := iProto_message_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_message_eq :
+  @iProto_message = @iProto_message_def := iProto_message_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%msg.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_message) 3 := {}.
+Notation "'END'" := iProto_end : proto_scope.
+Notation "< a > m" := (iProto_message a m)
+  (at level 200, a at level 10, m at level 200,
+   format "< a >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "< a @ x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..))
+  (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "< a  @  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "< a @.. x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..))
+  (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "< a  @..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "<!> m" := (<Send> m) (at level 200, m at level 200) : proto_scope.
+Notation "<! x1 .. xn > m" := (<!> ∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..)
+  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "<!  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "<!.. x1 .. xn > m" := (<!> ∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..)
+  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "<!..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "<?> m" := (<Recv> m) (at level 200, m at level 200) : proto_scope.
+Notation "<? x1 .. xn > m" := (<?> ∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..)
+  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "<?  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "<?.. x1 .. xn > m" := (<?> ∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..)
+  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "<?..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Class MsgTele {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : iMsg Σ V)
+    (tv : TT -t> V) (tP : TT -t> iProp Σ) (tp : TT -t> iProto Σ V) :=
+  msg_tele : m ≡ (∃.. x, MSG tele_app tv x {{ tele_app tP x }}; tele_app tp x)%msg.
+Global Hint Mode MsgTele ! ! - ! - - - : typeclass_instances.
+(** * Operations *)
+Program Definition iMsg_map {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) (m : iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  IMsg (λ v, λne p1', ∃ p1, iMsg_car m v (Next p1) ∗ p1' ≡ Next (rec p1))%I.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Program Definition iProto_map_app_aux {Σ V}
+    (f : action → action) (p2 : iProto Σ V)
+    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V := λne p,
+  proto_elim p2 (λ a m,
+    proto_message (f a) (iMsg_car (iMsg_map rec (IMsg m)))) p.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros Σ V f p2 rec n p1 p1' Hp. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
+  apply proto_message_ne=> v p' /=. by repeat f_equiv.
+Global Instance iProto_map_app_aux_contractive {Σ V} f (p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+  Contractive (iProto_map_app_aux f p2).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1; simpl. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
+  apply proto_message_ne=> v p' /=. by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
+Definition iProto_map_app {Σ V} (f : action → action)
+    (p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V :=
+  fixpoint (iProto_map_app_aux f p2).
+Definition iProto_app_def {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  iProto_map_app id p2 p1.
+Definition iProto_app_aux : seal (@iProto_app_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_app := iProto_app_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_app_eq : @iProto_app = @iProto_app_def := iProto_app_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_app) 2 := {}.
+Infix "<++>" := iProto_app (at level 60) : proto_scope.
+Notation "m <++> p" := (iMsg_map (flip iProto_app p) m) : msg_scope.
+Definition iProto_dual_def {Σ V} (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  iProto_map_app action_dual proto_end p.
+Definition iProto_dual_aux : seal (@iProto_dual_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_dual := iProto_dual_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_dual_eq :
+  @iProto_dual = @iProto_dual_def := iProto_dual_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual) 2 := {}.
+Notation iMsg_dual := (iMsg_map iProto_dual).
+Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  if d then iProto_dual p else p.
+Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
+(** * Proofs *)
+Section proto.
+  Context `{!protoG Σ V}.
+  Implicit Types v : V.
+  Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
+  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
+  (** ** Equality *)
+  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ a m, p ≡ <a> m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq.
+    destruct (proto_case p) as [|(a&m&?)]; [by left|right].
+    by exists a, (IMsg m).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
+    (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧
+      (∀ v lp, iMsg_car m1 v lp ≡ iMsg_car m2 v lp).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. apply proto_message_equivI. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
+    (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq. apply proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
+    END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+  (** ** Non-expansiveness of operators *)
+  Global Instance iMsg_car_proper :
+    Proper (iMsg_equiv ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
+  Proof.
+    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
+    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_car_ne n :
+    Proper (iMsg_dist n ==> (=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
+  Proof.
+    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
+    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_contractive v n :
+    Proper (dist n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_contractive. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_ne v : NonExpansive2 (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_proper v :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_exist_ne A n :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_exist_proper A :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_tele_base (v:V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) :
+    MsgTele (TT:=TeleO) (MSG v {{ P }}; p) v P p.
+  Proof. done. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_tele_exist {A} {TT : A → tele} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) tv tP tp :
+  (∀ x, MsgTele (TT:=TT x) (m x) (tv x) (tP x) (tp x)) →
+  MsgTele (TT:=TeleS TT) (∃ x, m x) tv tP tp.
+  Proof. intros Hm. rewrite /MsgTele /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_message_ne a :
+    NonExpansive (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_message_proper a :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_equiv {TT1 TT2 : tele} a1 a2
+        (m1 m2 : iMsg Σ V)
+        (v1 : TT1 -t> V) (v2 : TT2 -t> V)
+        (P1 : TT1 -t> iProp Σ) (P2 : TT2 -t> iProp Σ)
+        (prot1 : TT1 -t> iProto Σ V) (prot2 : TT2 -t> iProto Σ V) :
+    MsgTele m1 v1 P1 prot1 →
+    MsgTele m2 v2 P2 prot2 →
+    ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ -∗
+    (■ ∀.. (xs1 : TT1), tele_app P1 xs1 -∗
+       ∃.. (xs2 : TT2), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
+                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
+                        tele_app P2 xs2) -∗
+    (■ ∀.. (xs2 : TT2), tele_app P2 xs2 -∗
+       ∃.. (xs1 : TT1), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
+                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
+                        tele_app P1 xs1) -∗
+      (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm1 Hm2 Heq) "#Heq1 #Heq2".
+    unfold MsgTele in Hm1. rewrite Hm1. clear Hm1.
+    unfold MsgTele in Hm2. rewrite Hm2. clear Hm2.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq proto_message_equivI.
+    iSplit; [ done | ].
+    iIntros (v p').
+    do 2 rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=.
+    iApply prop_ext.
+    iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
+      iDestruct ("Heq1" with "HP1") as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
+      iExists xs2. rewrite -Hveq1 Hveq2.
+      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP2"; [ | done ].
+      iRewrite -"Hrec1". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec2".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
+      iDestruct ("Heq2" with "HP2") as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
+      iExists xs1. rewrite -Hveq2 Hveq1.
+      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP1"; [ | done ].
+      iRewrite -"Hrec2". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec1".
+  Qed.
+  (** Helpers *)
+  Lemma iMsg_map_base f v P p :
+    NonExpansive f →
+    iMsg_map f (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; f p)%msg.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. intros ? v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[(->&Hp&$) Hp']". iSplit; [done|].
+      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp".
+    - iIntros "(->&Hp'&$)". iExists p. iRewrite -"Hp'". auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_map_exist {A} f (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    iMsg_map f (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_map f (m x))%msg.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. intros v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[H Hp']". iDestruct "H" as (x) "H"; auto.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (x p'') "[Hm Hp']". auto.
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Dual *)
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_ne : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_dual_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_ne d : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_proper d :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_end : iProto_dual (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) END ≡ END.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_message a m :
+    iProto_dual (<a> m) ≡ <action_dual a> iMsg_dual m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+    intros a' m1 m2 Hm; f_equiv; solve_proper.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_dual_base v P p :
+    iMsg_dual (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; iProto_dual p)%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_base, _. Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_dual_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    iMsg_dual (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_dual (m x))%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_involutive : Involutive (≡) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !iProto_dual_end. }
+    rewrite !iProto_dual_message involutive.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (pd) "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
+      iDestruct "H" as (pdd) "[H #Hpd]".
+      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
+      iRewrite "Hpd". by iRewrite ("IH" $! pdd).
+    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists _.
+      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Append *)
+  Global Instance iProto_app_end_l : LeftId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_app_message a m p2 : (<a> m) <++> p2 ≡ <a> m <++> p2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+    intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_ne : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    assert (∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> dist n) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
+    { intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
+    assert (Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
+    { intros p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
+    intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' Hp2. rewrite Hp1. clear p1 Hp1.
+    revert p1'. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros p1.
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !left_id. }
+    rewrite !iProto_app_message. f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 4 f_equiv.
+    f_contractive. apply IH; eauto using dist_le with lia.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_app_base v P p1 p2 :
+    ((MSG v {{ P }}; p1) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; p1 <++> p2)%msg.
+  Proof. apply: iMsg_map_base. Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_app_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p2 :
+    ((∃ x, m x) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (∃ x, m x <++> p2)%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_end_r : RightId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite left_id. }
+    rewrite iProto_app_message.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
+      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
+      by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
+    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists p''.
+      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p1 p2 p3. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !left_id. }
+    rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p123) "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp']".
+      iExists (p1' <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". iApply "IH".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p12) "[H #Hp123]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12]".
+      iExists p1'. iFrame "H". iRewrite "Hp123".
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_app p1 p2 :
+    iProto_dual (p1 <++> p2) ≡ iProto_dual p1 <++> iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite iProto_dual_end !left_id. }
+    rewrite iProto_dual_message !iProto_app_message iProto_dual_message /=.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p12) "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p12d) "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12d]".
+      iExists (iProto_dual p1'). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12d". iApply "IH".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1d) "[H #Hp1']".
+      iExists (p1d <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
+  Qed.
+End proto.
+Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
+           (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+  (∀ a1 a2 m1 m2,
+    (ps !!! i ≡ <a1> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <a2> m2) -∗
+      match a1,a2 with
+      | Send j, Recv i => ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+                             ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
+                                   â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps)))
+      | Recv j, Send i => ∀ v p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) -∗
+                             ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗
+                                   â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps)))
+      | _, _ => True
+      end).
+Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
+  (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∀ i j, ⌜i ∈ dom ps⌝ -∗ ⌜j ∈ dom ps⌝ -∗ can_step rec ps i j.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
+       (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps)).
+Proof. Admitted.
+Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
+  (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ :=
+  λne ps, iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps) ps.
+Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
+Proof. Admitted.
+Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
+Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 1 := {}.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) :
+  iProto_consistent ps ≡ (iProto_consistent_pre iProto_consistent) ps.
+  apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
+(* Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := *)
+(*   ∀ p3, iProto_consistent p1 p3 -∗ iProto_consistent p2 p3. *)
+(* Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto. *)
+(* Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}. *)
+(* Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope. *)
+(* Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
+(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
+(* Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
+(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
+Definition iProto_example1 {Σ V} : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) :=
+  ∅.
+Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ V} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ V).
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iIntros (i j Hi Hj). set_solver.
+Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
+  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+   ∅).
+Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 _ Σ invGS0 P).
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite /iProto_example2.
+  iIntros (i j Hi Hj).
+  iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i, j.
+  - rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "#Hm2".
+    done.
+  - destruct j; [|set_solver].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "#Hm2".
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
+    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+    iExists END. 
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END)).
+    iRewrite -"Hm2". 
+    simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
+    iSplitL.
+    { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq". 
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (i' j' Hi' Hj').
+    iIntros (a1 a2 m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
+    destruct i'.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+      done. }
+    destruct i'.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. 
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+      done. }
+    set_solver.
+  - destruct i; [|set_solver].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "#Hm2".
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next p1)).
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
+    iRewrite -"Hm2" in "Hm1'".
+    iExists END. 
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next END)).
+    iRewrite -"Hm1". 
+    simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
+    iSplitL.
+    { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq". 
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (i' j' Hi' Hj').
+    iIntros (a1 a2 m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
+    destruct i'.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+      done. }
+    destruct i'.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. 
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+      done. }
+    set_solver.
+  - destruct i; [|set_solver].
+    destruct j; [|set_solver].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "Hm2".
+    done.
+(* Lemma iProto_consistent_step {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : *)
+(*   (∀ i j m1 m2, *)
+(*      ⌜ps !! i = Some (<(Send j)> m1)%proto⌝ -∗ *)
+(*      ⌜ps !! j = Some (<(Recv i)> m2)⌝ -∗ *)
+(*      iProto_consistent (ps))%I -∗ *)
+(*   iProto_consistent ps. *)
+Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_l_name : gname; proto_r_name : gname }.
+Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
+  populate (ProtName inhabitant inhabitant).
+Global Instance proto_name_eq_dec : EqDecision proto_name.
+Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
+Global Instance proto_name_countable : Countable proto_name.
+ refine (inj_countable (λ '(ProtName γl γr), (γl,γr))
+   (λ '(γl, γr), Some (ProtName γl γr)) _); by intros [].
+Inductive side := Left | Right.
+Global Instance side_inhabited : Inhabited side := populate Left.
+Global Instance side_eq_dec : EqDecision side.
+Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
+Global Instance side_countable : Countable side.
+ refine (inj_countable (λ s, if s is Left then true else false)
+   (λ b, Some (if b then Left else Right)) _); by intros [].
+Definition side_elim {A} (s : side) (l r : A) : A :=
+  match s with Left => l | Right => r end.
+Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : proto_name) (s : side)
+    (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  own (side_elim s proto_l_name proto_r_name γ) (◯E (Next p)).
+Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : proto_name) (s : side)
+    (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  own (side_elim s proto_l_name proto_r_name γ) (●E (Next p)).
+(* Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V} *)
+(*     (γ : proto_name) : iProp Σ := *)
+(*   ∃ ps, *)
+(*     iProto_own_auth γ Left pl ∗ *)
+(*     iProto_own_auth γ Right pr ∗ *)
+(*     â–· iProto_consistent ps. *)
+(* (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *) *)
+(* Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V} *)
+(*     (γ : proto_name) (s : side) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := *)
+(*   ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p'. *)
+(* Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _%proto. *)
+(* Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}. *)
+(* Global Instance iProto_own_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ s : *)
+(*   Contractive (iProto_own γ s). *)
+(* Proof. solve_contractive. Qed. *)
+(** * Proofs *)
+Section proto.
+  Context `{!protoG Σ V}.
+  Implicit Types v : V.
+  Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
+  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
+  (** ** Equality *)
+  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ a m, p ≡ <a> m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq.
+    destruct (proto_case p) as [|(a&m&?)]; [by left|right].
+    by exists a, (IMsg m).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
+    (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧
+      (∀ v lp, iMsg_car m1 v lp ≡ iMsg_car m2 v lp).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. apply proto_message_equivI. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
+    (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq. apply proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
+    END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+  (** ** Non-expansiveness of operators *)
+  Global Instance iMsg_car_proper :
+    Proper (iMsg_equiv ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
+  Proof.
+    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
+    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_car_ne n :
+    Proper (iMsg_dist n ==> (=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
+  Proof.
+    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
+    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_contractive v n :
+    Proper (dist n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_contractive. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_ne v : NonExpansive2 (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_proper v :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_exist_ne A n :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_exist_proper A :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_tele_base (v:V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) :
+    MsgTele (TT:=TeleO) (MSG v {{ P }}; p) v P p.
+  Proof. done. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_tele_exist {A} {TT : A → tele} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) tv tP tp :
+  (∀ x, MsgTele (TT:=TT x) (m x) (tv x) (tP x) (tp x)) →
+  MsgTele (TT:=TeleS TT) (∃ x, m x) tv tP tp.
+  Proof. intros Hm. rewrite /MsgTele /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_message_ne a :
+    NonExpansive (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_message_proper a :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_equiv {TT1 TT2 : tele} a1 a2
+        (m1 m2 : iMsg Σ V)
+        (v1 : TT1 -t> V) (v2 : TT2 -t> V)
+        (P1 : TT1 -t> iProp Σ) (P2 : TT2 -t> iProp Σ)
+        (prot1 : TT1 -t> iProto Σ V) (prot2 : TT2 -t> iProto Σ V) :
+    MsgTele m1 v1 P1 prot1 →
+    MsgTele m2 v2 P2 prot2 →
+    ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ -∗
+    (■ ∀.. (xs1 : TT1), tele_app P1 xs1 -∗
+       ∃.. (xs2 : TT2), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
+                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
+                        tele_app P2 xs2) -∗
+    (■ ∀.. (xs2 : TT2), tele_app P2 xs2 -∗
+       ∃.. (xs1 : TT1), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
+                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
+                        tele_app P1 xs1) -∗
+      (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm1 Hm2 Heq) "#Heq1 #Heq2".
+    unfold MsgTele in Hm1. rewrite Hm1. clear Hm1.
+    unfold MsgTele in Hm2. rewrite Hm2. clear Hm2.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq proto_message_equivI.
+    iSplit; [ done | ].
+    iIntros (v p').
+    do 2 rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=.
+    iApply prop_ext.
+    iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
+      iDestruct ("Heq1" with "HP1") as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
+      iExists xs2. rewrite -Hveq1 Hveq2.
+      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP2"; [ | done ].
+      iRewrite -"Hrec1". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec2".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
+      iDestruct ("Heq2" with "HP2") as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
+      iExists xs1. rewrite -Hveq2 Hveq1.
+      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP1"; [ | done ].
+      iRewrite -"Hrec2". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec1".
+  Qed.
+  (** Helpers *)
+  Lemma iMsg_map_base f v P p :
+    NonExpansive f →
+    iMsg_map f (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; f p)%msg.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. intros ? v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[(->&Hp&$) Hp']". iSplit; [done|].
+      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp".
+    - iIntros "(->&Hp'&$)". iExists p. iRewrite -"Hp'". auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_map_exist {A} f (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    iMsg_map f (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_map f (m x))%msg.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. intros v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[H Hp']". iDestruct "H" as (x) "H"; auto.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (x p'') "[Hm Hp']". auto.
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Dual *)
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_ne : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_dual_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_ne d : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_proper d :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_end : iProto_dual (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) END ≡ END.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_message a m :
+    iProto_dual (<a> m) ≡ <action_dual a> iMsg_dual m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+    intros a' m1 m2 Hm; f_equiv; solve_proper.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_dual_base v P p :
+    iMsg_dual (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; iProto_dual p)%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_base, _. Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_dual_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    iMsg_dual (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_dual (m x))%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_involutive : Involutive (≡) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !iProto_dual_end. }
+    rewrite !iProto_dual_message involutive.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (pd) "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
+      iDestruct "H" as (pdd) "[H #Hpd]".
+      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
+      iRewrite "Hpd". by iRewrite ("IH" $! pdd).
+    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists _.
+      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Append *)
+  Global Instance iProto_app_end_l : LeftId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_app_message a m p2 : (<a> m) <++> p2 ≡ <a> m <++> p2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+    intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_ne : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    assert (∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> dist n) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
+    { intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
+    assert (Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
+    { intros p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
+    intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' Hp2. rewrite Hp1. clear p1 Hp1.
+    revert p1'. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros p1.
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !left_id. }
+    rewrite !iProto_app_message. f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 4 f_equiv.
+    f_contractive. apply IH; eauto using dist_le with lia.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_app_base v P p1 p2 :
+    ((MSG v {{ P }}; p1) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; p1 <++> p2)%msg.
+  Proof. apply: iMsg_map_base. Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_app_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p2 :
+    ((∃ x, m x) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (∃ x, m x <++> p2)%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_end_r : RightId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite left_id. }
+    rewrite iProto_app_message.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
+      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
+      by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
+    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists p''.
+      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p1 p2 p3. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !left_id. }
+    rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p123) "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp']".
+      iExists (p1' <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". iApply "IH".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p12) "[H #Hp123]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12]".
+      iExists p1'. iFrame "H". iRewrite "Hp123".
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_app p1 p2 :
+    iProto_dual (p1 <++> p2) ≡ iProto_dual p1 <++> iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite iProto_dual_end !left_id. }
+    rewrite iProto_dual_message !iProto_app_message iProto_dual_message /=.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p12) "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p12d) "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12d]".
+      iExists (iProto_dual p1'). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12d". iApply "IH".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1d) "[H #Hp1']".
+      iExists (p1d <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_flip p1 p2 :
+    iProto_consistent p2 p1 -∗
+    iProto_consistent p1 p2.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
+    iIntros "Hprot".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2 Hm1") as "Hprot".
+    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
+    - iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hprot Hrec]".
+      iExists p2'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
+    - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2".
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hprot Hrec]".
+      iExists p1'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_step m1 m2 v p1 :
+    iProto_consistent (<!> m1) (<?> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent p1 p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hprot Hm1".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//] Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    iExists p2. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_dual p :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent p (iProto_dual p).
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p).
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "#Hmeq1 #Hmeq2".
+    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
+    - iIntros (v p') "Hm1".
+      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
+      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
+      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next (iProto_dual p'))).
+      iExists (iProto_dual p').
+      iRewrite -"Hmeq2".
+      iSplitL; [|iNext; by iApply "IH"].
+      simpl. iExists p'. iFrame. done.
+    - iIntros (v p') "Hm2".
+      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
+      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
+      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next p')).
+      iRewrite -"Hmeq2" in "Hm2".
+      simpl.
+      iDestruct "Hm2" as (p'') "[Hm2 Hmeq']".
+      iExists p''. iFrame.
+      iNext. iRewrite "Hmeq'".
+      iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_l pl pl' pr :
+    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pl ⊑ pl' -∗ iProto_consistent pl' pr.
+  Proof. iIntros "Hprot Hle". by iApply "Hle". Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_r pl pr pr' :
+    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pr ⊑ pr' -∗ iProto_consistent pl pr'.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hle". iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
+    iApply "Hle". by iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
+  Proof. iIntros (p') "$". Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
+  Proof. iApply iProto_le_refl. Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_send m1 m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
+  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (m1 m2). *)
+  (*   iIntros "Hle". *)
+  (*   repeat (unfold iProto_le at 3). *)
+  (*   iIntros (p) "Hprot". *)
+  (*   repeat rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold; unfold iProto_consistent_pre. *)
+  (*   iSplit; [iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]"|iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]"]. *)
+  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "H") as (Heq) "{H} #Hmeq"; subst. *)
+  (*     iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" with "[//]"). *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hmeq" $! v (Next p')). iRewrite -"Hmeq" in "Hm". *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hle" $! _ _ with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p'') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*     iApply "Hle". iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". } *)
+  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
+  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ with "H"). *)
+  (*     destruct a. *)
+  (*     - iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
+  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle]"). *)
+  (*       { iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
+  (*         iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). *)
+  (*         iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*         iExists p'''. iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" | iApply "Hm"]. } *)
+  (*       iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". *)
+  (*     - iIntros (v vs Heq); subst. *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ eq_refl). *)
+  (*       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
+  (*       iExists (p'). iFrame "Hm". *)
+  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle] [Hprot]"); [|iApply "Hprot"]. *)
+  (*       iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*       iExists p'''; iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" |iApply "Hm"]. } *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv m1 m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
+  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H" (vsl vsr p) "Hprot". *)
+  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (vsl vsr m2 p). *)
+  (*   iEval (rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold). *)
+  (*   rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
+  (*   iSplit; last first. *)
+  (*   { *)
+  (*     iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]". *)
+  (*     iIntros ([] m) "Heq". *)
+  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as "Hprot". *)
+  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
+  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
+  (*       iExists p'. iFrame. *)
+  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
+  (*   } *)
+  (*   destruct vsr. *)
+  (*   { iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
+  (*     iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
+  (*     iIntros (v vs Heq). done. } *)
+  (*   iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
+  (*   iIntros (w vs Heq). *)
+  (*   assert (v = w) as <- by set_solver. *)
+  (*   assert (vsr = vs) as <- by set_solver. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//]") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p'') "[Hle H]". *)
+  (*   iExists p''. *)
+  (*   iSpecialize ("Heq" $! v (Next p'')). iRewrite -"Heq". *)
+  (*   iFrame. iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hprot Hle"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //". *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)". *)
+  (*   by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //". *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_inv p1 m2 : *)
+  (*   p1 ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ ∃ a1 m1, *)
+  (*     (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ *)
+  (*     match a1 with *)
+  (*     | Send => ∀ v p2', *)
+  (*        iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
+  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') *)
+  (*     | Recv => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2', *)
+  (*        iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
+  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2') *)
+  (*     end. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
+  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
+  (*   iExists _, _; iSplit; [done|]. destruct a1, a2. *)
+  (*   - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
+  (*     iApply "H". by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v (Next p2')). *)
+  (*   - done. *)
+  (*   - iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "Hm1 Hm2". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
+  (*     iApply ("H" with "Hm1"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v2 (Next p2')). *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as ([=]) "_". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv m1 m2 v p2' : *)
+  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (<-) "Hm1". *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*   iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_send_inv m1 m2 v1 v2 p1' p2' : *)
+  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
+  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H Hm1 Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm H]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (<-) "{Hm} #Hm". *)
+  (*   iApply ("H" with "[Hm1] Hm2"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v1 (Next p1')). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv p1 m2 : *)
+  (*   p1 ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, *)
+  (*     (p1 ≡ <?> m1) ∗ *)
+  (*     ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
+  (*       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
+  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
+  (*   iExists m1. *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (<-) "{Hp2} #Hm2". *)
+  (*   destruct a1; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iIntros (v p1') "Hm". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p2') "[Hle Hm]". *)
+  (*   iExists p2'. iIntros "{$Hle}". by iRewrite ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv m1 m2 v p1' : *)
+  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
+  (*   iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1". *)
+  (*   by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&m&->)]. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_end. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2" (p) "Hprot".
+    iApply "H2". iApply "H1". done.
+  Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l a m v P p : *)
+  (*   (P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= (#?&#?&HP) Hm2 /=". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r a m v P p : *)
+  (*   (P -∗ (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 (->&#?&HP) /=". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP) Hm1"); simpl; auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l v P p : *)
+  (*   P -∗ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r v P p : *)
+  (*   P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<? x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
+  (*     iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l_inhabited `{!Inhabited A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m x) ⊑ p) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<? x> m x) ⊑ p. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
+  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
+  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
+  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
+  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
+  (*       iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<! x> m2 x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
+  (*     iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
+  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r_inhabited `{Hinh : Inhabited A} p (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, p ⊑ (<!> m x)) -∗ *)
+  (*   p ⊑ (<! x> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
+  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
+  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H". *)
+  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
+  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
+  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
+  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<! x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m a). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<?> m a) ⊑ (<? x> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
+  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<?.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x). *)
+  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} a m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) : *)
+  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!.. x> m2 x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x). *)
+  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<!.. x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
+  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<?> m x) ⊑ (<?.. x> m x). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
+  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
+  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
+  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
+  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_base_swap v1 v2 P1 P2 p : *)
+  (*   ⊢ (<?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; <!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; p) *)
+  (*   ⊑ (<!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; <?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite {1 3}iMsg_base_eq. iApply iProto_le_swap. *)
+  (*   iIntros (v1' v2' p1' p2') "/= (->&#Hp1&HP1) (->&#Hp2&HP2)". iExists p. *)
+  (*   iSplitL "HP2". *)
+  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp1". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
+  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp2". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&m1&->)]. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message). *)
+  (*     destruct a2; simpl. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2'). *)
+  (*       iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1d p2d). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2 Hm1") as (pt) "[H1 H2]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "H1". iDestruct ("IH" with "H2") as "H2 {IH}". *)
+  (*       rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=. iExists (iProto_dual pt). iSplitL "H2". *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp2d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=). *)
+  (*     iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d). *)
+  (*     iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
+  (*     iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]". *)
+  (*     iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1'). *)
+  (*     iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_internal (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
+  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
+  (*   □ (∀ rec1 rec2, ▷ (rec1 ⊑ rec2) → p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) -∗ *)
+  (*   fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "#H". iLöb as "IH". *)
+  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p1)). *)
+  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2)). *)
+  (*   iApply "H". iApply "IH". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_external (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
+  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
+  (*   (∀ rec1 rec2, (⊢ rec1 ⊑ rec2) → ⊢ p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) → *)
+  (*   ⊢ fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   intros IH. apply fixpoint_ind. *)
+  (*   - by intros p1' p2' -> ?. *)
+  (*   - exists (fixpoint p2). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*   - intros p' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2). by apply IH. *)
+  (*   - apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; [done|solve_proper]. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)). *)
+  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 -∗ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)). *)
+  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 : *)
+  (*   p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4). *)
+  (*   destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&m2&->)]. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id. *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl. *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
+  (*       iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]". *)
+  (*       iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
+  (*       iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
+  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p13 p24). *)
+  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
+  (*       iSpecialize ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2"). *)
+  (*       iDestruct "H1" as (pt) "[H1 H1']". *)
+  (*       iExists (pt <++> p3). iSplitL "H1". *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". *)
+  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
+  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1"). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". *)
+  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
+  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1' H2"). *)
+  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
+  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv. *)
+  (*     iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". *)
+  (*     iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]". *)
+  (*     iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
+  (*     iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (** ** Lemmas about the auxiliary definitions and invariants *)
+  Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_ne vs :
+    NonExpansive (iProto_app_recvs (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vs).
+  Proof. induction vs; solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_proper vs :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_app_recvs (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vs).
+  Proof. induction vs; solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ s p p' :
+    iProto_own_auth γ s p -∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p' -∗ ▷ (p ≡ p').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
+    iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓".
+    iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ s p p' p'' :
+    iProto_own_auth γ s p -∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p' ==∗
+    iProto_own_auth γ s p'' ∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p''.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "H".
+    { eapply (excl_auth_update _ _ (Next p'')). }
+    by rewrite own_op.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
+    iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'".
+    iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_init p :
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ,
+      iProto_ctx γ ∗ iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p).
+  Proof.
+    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]".
+    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
+    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅
+      ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]".
+    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
+    pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "H●l H●r".
+    { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. }
+    iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Definition side_dual s :=
+    match s with
+    | Left => Right
+    | Right => Left
+    end.
+  Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
+      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
+    iIntros "Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
+    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m1))%I
+      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
+    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <?> m2))%I
+      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
+      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
+    iIntros "!>!>".
+    iExists p2. iFrame.
+    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
+    - iExists _, _. iFrame.
+    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗
+      ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
+    iIntros "Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
+    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <?> m1))%I
+      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
+    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m2))%I
+      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_flip with "Hconsistent") as
+      "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
+      (p1) "[Hm1 Hconsistent]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
+    iIntros "!>!>".
+    iExists p1. iFrame.
+    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
+    - iExists _, _. iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_flip. iFrame.
+    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
+  (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name : *)
+  (*   AsIdentName m1 name → *)
+  (*   FromForall (iProto_message Recv (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<a> m2)) *)
+  (*              (λ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2))%I name | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name : *)
+  (*   AsIdentName m2 name → *)
+  (*   FromForall ((<a> m1) ⊑ iProto_message Send (iMsg_exist m2)) *)
+  (*              (λ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x))%I name | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l a m v P p : *)
+  (*   TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue → *)
+  (*   FromWand ((<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) P ((<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r a m v P p : *)
+  (*   FromWand ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
+  (*   FromExist ((<! x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<!> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
+  (*   FromExist (p ⊑ <? x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<?> m a))%I | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l m v P p : *)
+  (*   FromSep ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) P ((<!> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r m v P p : *)
+  (*   FromSep ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l q m v R P Q p : *)
+  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
+  (*   Frame q R ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) *)
+  (*             ((<!> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r q m v R P Q p : *)
+  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
+  (*   Frame q R ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) *)
+  (*             ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
+  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2) *)
+  (*             ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2). *)
+  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_base. Qed. *)
+End proto.
+Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
+Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
+  first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c6c8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+(** This file defines the model of dependent separation protocols as the
+solution of a recursive domain equation, along with various primitive
+operations, such as append and map.
+Important: This file should not be used directly, but rather the wrappers in
+[proto] should be used.
+Dependent Separation Protocols are modeled as the solution of the following
+recursive domain equation:
+[proto = 1 + (action * (V → ▶ proto → PROP))]
+Here, the left-hand side of the sum is used for the terminated process, while
+the right-hand side is used for the communication constructors. The type
+[action] is an inductively defined datatype with two constructors [Send] and
+[Recv]. Compared to having an additional sum in [proto], this makes it
+possible to factorize the code in a better way.
+The remainder [V → ▶ proto → PROP] is a predicate that ranges over the
+communicated value [V] and the tail protocol [proto]. Note that to solve this
+recursive domain equation using Iris's COFE solver, the recursive occurrence
+of [proto] appear under the later [â–¶].
+On top of the type [proto], we define the constructors:
+- [proto_end], which constructs the left-side of the sum.
+- [proto_msg], which takes an action and a predicate and constructs the
+  right-hand side of the sum accordingly.
+The defined functions on the type [proto] are:
+- [proto_map], which can be used to map the actions and the propositions of
+  a given protocol.
+- [proto_app], which appends two protocols [p1] and [p2], by substituting
+  all terminations [END] in [p1] with [p2]. *)
+From iris.base_logic Require Import base_logic.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
+From actris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Module Export action.
+  Inductive action := Send (n:nat) | Recv (n:nat).
+  Global Instance action_inhabited : Inhabited action := populate (Send 0).
+  Definition action_dual (a : action) : action :=
+    match a with Send n => Recv n | Recv n => Send n end.
+  Global Instance action_dual_involutive : Involutive (=) action_dual.
+  Proof. by intros []. Qed.
+  Canonical Structure actionO := leibnizO action.
+End action.
+Definition proto_auxO (V : Type) (PROP : ofe) (A : ofe) : ofe :=
+  optionO (prodO actionO (V -d> laterO A -n> PROP)).
+Definition proto_auxOF (V : Type) (PROP : ofe) : oFunctor :=
+  optionOF (actionO * (V -d> ▶ ∙ -n> PROP)).
+Definition proto_result (V : Type) := result_2 (proto_auxOF V).
+Definition proto (V : Type) (PROPn PROP : ofe) `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : ofe :=
+  solution_2_car (proto_result V) PROPn _ PROP _.
+Global Instance proto_cofe {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : Cofe (proto V PROPn PROP).
+Proof. apply _. Qed.
+Lemma proto_iso {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
+  ofe_iso (proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn)) (proto V PROPn PROP).
+Proof. apply proto_result. Qed.
+Definition proto_fold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
+  proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> proto V PROPn PROP := ofe_iso_1 proto_iso.
+Definition proto_unfold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
+  proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn) := ofe_iso_2 proto_iso.
+Lemma proto_fold_unfold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
+  proto_fold (proto_unfold p) ≡ p.
+Proof. apply (ofe_iso_12 proto_iso). Qed.
+Lemma proto_unfold_fold {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP}
+    (p : proto_auxO V PROP (proto V PROP PROPn)) :
+  proto_unfold (proto_fold p) ≡ p.
+Proof. apply (ofe_iso_21 proto_iso). Qed.
+Definition proto_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} : proto V PROPn PROP :=
+  proto_fold None.
+Definition proto_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (a : action)
+    (m : V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) : proto V PROPn PROP :=
+  proto_fold (Some (a, m)).
+Global Instance proto_message_ne {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a n :
+  Proper (pointwise_relation V (dist n) ==> dist n)
+         (proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
+Proof. intros c1 c2 Hc. rewrite /proto_message. f_equiv. by repeat constructor. Qed.
+Global Instance proto_message_proper {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a :
+  Proper (pointwise_relation V (≡) ==> (≡))
+         (proto_message (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a).
+Proof. intros c1 c2 Hc. rewrite /proto_message. f_equiv. by repeat constructor. Qed.
+Lemma proto_case {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
+  p ≡ proto_end ∨ ∃ a m, p ≡ proto_message a m.
+  destruct (proto_unfold p) as [[a m]|] eqn:E; simpl in *; last first.
+  - left. by rewrite -(proto_fold_unfold p) E.
+  - right. exists a, m. by rewrite /proto_message -E proto_fold_unfold.
+Global Instance proto_inhabited {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} :
+  Inhabited (proto V PROPn PROP) := populate proto_end.
+Lemma proto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
+  proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a1 m1 ≡ proto_message a2 m2
+  ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧ (∀ v p', m1 v p' ≡ m2 v p').
+  trans (proto_unfold (proto_message a1 m1) ≡ proto_unfold (proto_message a2 m2) : SPROP)%I.
+  { iSplit.
+    - iIntros "Heq". by iRewrite "Heq".
+    - iIntros "Heq". rewrite -{2}(proto_fold_unfold (proto_message _ _)).
+      iRewrite "Heq". by rewrite proto_fold_unfold. }
+  rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold option_equivI prod_equivI /=.
+  rewrite discrete_eq discrete_fun_equivI.
+  by setoid_rewrite ofe_morO_equivI.
+Lemma proto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m :
+  proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m ≡ proto_end ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  trans (proto_unfold (proto_message a m) ≡ proto_unfold proto_end : SPROP)%I.
+  { iIntros "Heq". by iRewrite "Heq". }
+  by rewrite /proto_message !proto_unfold_fold option_equivI.
+Lemma proto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} a m :
+  proto_end ≡ proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+(** The eliminator [proto_elim x f p] is only well-behaved if the function [f]
+is contractive *)
+Definition proto_elim {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A}
+    (x : A) (f : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A)
+    (p : proto V PROPn PROP) : A :=
+  match proto_unfold p with None => x | Some (a, m) => f a m end.
+Lemma proto_elim_ne {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
+    (x : A) (f1 f2 : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A) p1 p2 n :
+  (∀ a m1 m2, (∀ v, m1 v ≡{n}≡ m2 v) → f1 a m1 ≡{n}≡ f2 a m2) →
+  p1 ≡{n}≡ p2 →
+  proto_elim x f1 p1 ≡{n}≡ proto_elim x f2 p2.
+  intros Hf Hp. rewrite /proto_elim.
+  apply (_ : NonExpansive proto_unfold) in Hp
+    as [[a1 m1] [a2 m2] [-> ?]|]; simplify_eq/=; [|done].
+  apply Hf. destruct n; by simpl.
+Lemma proto_elim_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
+    (x : A) (f : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A) :
+  proto_elim x f proto_end ≡ x.
+  rewrite /proto_elim /proto_end.
+  pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) None) as Hfold.
+  by destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold None)) as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold.
+Lemma proto_elim_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
+    (x : A) (f : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A)
+    `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} a m :
+  proto_elim x f (proto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
+  rewrite /proto_elim /proto_message /=.
+  pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn)
+    (PROP:=PROP) (Some (a, m))) as Hfold.
+  destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold (Some (a, m))))
+    as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold as [?? [Ha Hc]|]; simplify_eq/=.
+  by f_equiv=> v.
+(** Functor *)
+Program Definition proto_map_aux {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (g : PROP -n> PROP') (rec : proto V PROP' PROPn' -n> proto V PROP PROPn) :
+    proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' := λne p,
+  proto_elim proto_end (λ a m, proto_message a (λ v, g ◎ m v ◎ laterO_map rec)) p.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros V PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROP ? PROP' ? g rec n p1 p2 Hp.
+  apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm. by repeat f_equiv.
+Global Instance proto_map_aux_contractive {V}
+   `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'} (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
+  Contractive (proto_map_aux (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROPn':=PROPn') g).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p. simpl. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
+  f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 2 f_equiv; [done|].
+  apply Next_contractive; by dist_later_intro as n' Hn'.
+Definition proto_map_aux_2 {V}
+   `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP')
+    (rec : proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP') :
+    proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' :=
+  proto_map_aux g (proto_map_aux gn rec).
+Global Instance proto_map_aux_2_contractive {V}
+   `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
+  Contractive (proto_map_aux_2 (V:=V) gn g).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec. rewrite /proto_map_aux_2.
+  f_equiv. by apply proto_map_aux_contractive.
+Definition proto_map {V}
+   `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
+    proto V PROPn PROP -n> proto V PROPn' PROP' :=
+  fixpoint (proto_map_aux_2 gn g).
+Lemma proto_map_unfold {V}
+    `{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') p :
+  proto_map (V:=V) gn g p ≡ proto_map_aux g (proto_map g gn) p.
+  apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn g p.
+  induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=>
+    PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn g p.
+  etrans; [apply equiv_dist, (fixpoint_unfold (proto_map_aux_2 gn g))|].
+  apply proto_map_aux_contractive; constructor=> n' ?. symmetry. apply: IH. lia.
+Lemma proto_map_end {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') :
+  proto_map (V:=V) gn g proto_end ≡ proto_end.
+Proof. by rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_map_aux /= proto_elim_end. Qed.
+Lemma proto_map_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g : PROP -n> PROP') a m :
+  proto_map (V:=V) gn g (proto_message a m)
+  ≡ proto_message a (λ v, g ◎ m v ◎ laterO_map (proto_map g gn)).
+  rewrite proto_map_unfold /proto_map_aux /=.
+  rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+  intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
+Lemma proto_map_ne {V}
+    `{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn1 gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g1 g2 : PROP -n> PROP') p n :
+  gn1 ≡{n}≡ gn2 → g1 ≡{n}≡ g2 →
+  proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p ≡{n}≡ proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
+  revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROP Hc PROP' Hc' gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p.
+  induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=>
+    PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROP ? PROP' ? gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p Hgn Hg /=.
+  destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & m & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
+  rewrite !proto_map_message /=.
+  apply proto_message_ne=> // v p' /=. f_equiv; [done|]. f_equiv.
+  apply Next_contractive; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; eauto using dist_le with lia.
+Lemma proto_map_ext {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROPn', !Cofe PROP, !Cofe PROP'}
+    (gn1 gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn) (g1 g2 : PROP -n> PROP') p :
+  gn1 ≡ gn2 → g1 ≡ g2 → proto_map (V:=V) gn1 g1 p ≡ proto_map (V:=V) gn2 g2 p.
+  intros Hgn Hg. apply equiv_dist=> n.
+  apply proto_map_ne=> // ?; by apply equiv_dist.
+Lemma proto_map_id {V} `{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hc:!Cofe PROP} (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
+  proto_map cid cid p ≡ p.
+  apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROP Hc p.
+  induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> PROPn ? PROP ? p /=.
+  destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & m & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
+  rewrite !proto_map_message /=. apply proto_message_ne=> // v p' /=. f_equiv.
+  apply Next_contractive; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; auto.
+Lemma proto_map_compose {V}
+   `{Hcn:!Cofe PROPn, Hcn':!Cofe PROPn', Hcn'':!Cofe PROPn'',
+     Hc:!Cofe PROP, Hc':!Cofe PROP', Hc'':!Cofe PROP''}
+    (gn1 : PROPn'' -n> PROPn') (gn2 : PROPn' -n> PROPn)
+    (g1 : PROP -n> PROP') (g2 : PROP' -n> PROP'') (p : proto V PROPn PROP) :
+  proto_map (gn2 ◎ gn1) (g2 ◎ g1) p ≡ proto_map gn1 g2 (proto_map gn2 g1 p).
+  apply equiv_dist=> n. revert PROPn Hcn PROPn' Hcn' PROPn'' Hcn''
+    PROP Hc PROP' Hc' PROP'' Hc'' gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p.
+  induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]=> PROPn ? PROPn' ? PROPn'' ?
+    PROP ? PROP' ? PROP'' ? gn1 gn2 g1 g2 p /=.
+  destruct (proto_case p) as [->|(a & c & ->)]; [by rewrite !proto_map_end|].
+  rewrite !proto_map_message /=. apply proto_message_ne=> // v p' /=.
+  do 3 f_equiv. apply Next_contractive; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; simpl; auto.
+Program Definition protoOF (V : Type) (Fn F : oFunctor)
+    `{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car Fn A B)}
+    `{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car F A B)} : oFunctor := {|
+  oFunctor_car A _ B _ := proto V (oFunctor_car Fn B A) (oFunctor_car F A B);
+  oFunctor_map A1 _ A2 _ B1 _ B2 _ fg :=
+    proto_map (oFunctor_map Fn (fg.2, fg.1)) (oFunctor_map F fg)
+Next Obligation.
+  intros V Fn F ?? A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n f g [??] p; simpl in *.
+  apply proto_map_ne=> // y; by apply oFunctor_map_ne.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros V Fn F ?? A ? B ? p; simpl in *. rewrite /= -{2}(proto_map_id p).
+  apply proto_map_ext=> //= y; by rewrite oFunctor_map_id.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros V Fn F ?? A1 ? A2 ? A3 ? B1 ? B2 ? B3 ? f g f' g' p; simpl in *.
+  rewrite -proto_map_compose.
+  apply proto_map_ext=> //= y; by rewrite ofe.oFunctor_map_compose.
+Global Instance protoOF_contractive (V : Type) (Fn F : oFunctor)
+    `{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car Fn A B)}
+    `{!∀ A B `{!Cofe A, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car F A B)} :
+  oFunctorContractive Fn → oFunctorContractive F → 
+  oFunctorContractive (protoOF V Fn F).
+  intros HFn HF A1 ? A2 ? B1 ? B2 ? n f g Hfg p; simpl in *.
+  apply proto_map_ne=> y //=.
+  + apply HFn. dist_later_intro as n' Hn'. f_equiv; apply Hfg.
+  + apply HF. by dist_later_intro as n' Hn'.

From 0baa9a22c10a75aca4ef6f0ead52977ff9740f96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 16:07:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/81] WIP: Proof of iProto_consistent_step

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 987 ++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 877 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index c2fbacb..878792e 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -509,6 +509,8 @@ Section proto.
 End proto.
+Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate (END).
 Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
            (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   (∀ a1 a2 m1 m2,
@@ -740,795 +742,26 @@ Section proto.
   Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
   Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
-  (** ** Equality *)
-  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ a m, p ≡ <a> m.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq.
-    destruct (proto_case p) as [|(a&m&?)]; [by left|right].
-    by exists a, (IMsg m).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
-    (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧
-      (∀ v lp, iMsg_car m1 v lp ≡ iMsg_car m2 v lp).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. apply proto_message_equivI. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
-    (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False.
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq. apply proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
-    END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False.
-  Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
-  (** ** Non-expansiveness of operators *)
-  Global Instance iMsg_car_proper :
-    Proper (iMsg_equiv ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
-  Proof.
-    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
-    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_car_ne n :
-    Proper (iMsg_dist n ==> (=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
-  Proof.
-    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
-    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_contractive v n :
-    Proper (dist n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_contractive. Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_ne v : NonExpansive2 (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_proper v :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_exist_ne A n :
-    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_exist_proper A :
-    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
-  Global Instance msg_tele_base (v:V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) :
-    MsgTele (TT:=TeleO) (MSG v {{ P }}; p) v P p.
-  Proof. done. Qed.
-  Global Instance msg_tele_exist {A} {TT : A → tele} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) tv tP tp :
-  (∀ x, MsgTele (TT:=TT x) (m x) (tv x) (tP x) (tp x)) →
-  MsgTele (TT:=TeleS TT) (∃ x, m x) tv tP tp.
-  Proof. intros Hm. rewrite /MsgTele /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_message_ne a :
-    NonExpansive (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_message_proper a :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_message_equiv {TT1 TT2 : tele} a1 a2
-        (m1 m2 : iMsg Σ V)
-        (v1 : TT1 -t> V) (v2 : TT2 -t> V)
-        (P1 : TT1 -t> iProp Σ) (P2 : TT2 -t> iProp Σ)
-        (prot1 : TT1 -t> iProto Σ V) (prot2 : TT2 -t> iProto Σ V) :
-    MsgTele m1 v1 P1 prot1 →
-    MsgTele m2 v2 P2 prot2 →
-    ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ -∗
-    (■ ∀.. (xs1 : TT1), tele_app P1 xs1 -∗
-       ∃.. (xs2 : TT2), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
-                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
-                        tele_app P2 xs2) -∗
-    (■ ∀.. (xs2 : TT2), tele_app P2 xs2 -∗
-       ∃.. (xs1 : TT1), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
-                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
-                        tele_app P1 xs1) -∗
-      (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hm1 Hm2 Heq) "#Heq1 #Heq2".
-    unfold MsgTele in Hm1. rewrite Hm1. clear Hm1.
-    unfold MsgTele in Hm2. rewrite Hm2. clear Hm2.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq proto_message_equivI.
-    iSplit; [ done | ].
-    iIntros (v p').
-    do 2 rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=.
-    iApply prop_ext.
-    iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
-      iDestruct ("Heq1" with "HP1") as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
-      iExists xs2. rewrite -Hveq1 Hveq2.
-      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP2"; [ | done ].
-      iRewrite -"Hrec1". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec2".
-    - iDestruct 1 as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
-      iDestruct ("Heq2" with "HP2") as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
-      iExists xs1. rewrite -Hveq2 Hveq1.
-      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP1"; [ | done ].
-      iRewrite -"Hrec2". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec1".
-  Qed.
-  (** Helpers *)
-  Lemma iMsg_map_base f v P p :
-    NonExpansive f →
-    iMsg_map f (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; f p)%msg.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. intros ? v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[(->&Hp&$) Hp']". iSplit; [done|].
-      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp".
-    - iIntros "(->&Hp'&$)". iExists p. iRewrite -"Hp'". auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_map_exist {A} f (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    iMsg_map f (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_map f (m x))%msg.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. intros v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[H Hp']". iDestruct "H" as (x) "H"; auto.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (x p'') "[Hm Hp']". auto.
-  Qed.
-  (** ** Dual *)
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_ne : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual Σ V).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_dual_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_ne d : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_proper d :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_end : iProto_dual (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) END ≡ END.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_message a m :
-    iProto_dual (<a> m) ≡ <action_dual a> iMsg_dual m.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
-    intros a' m1 m2 Hm; f_equiv; solve_proper.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_dual_base v P p :
-    iMsg_dual (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; iProto_dual p)%msg.
-  Proof. apply iMsg_map_base, _. Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_dual_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    iMsg_dual (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_dual (m x))%msg.
-  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_involutive : Involutive (≡) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite !iProto_dual_end. }
-    rewrite !iProto_dual_message involutive.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (pd) "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
-      iDestruct "H" as (pdd) "[H #Hpd]".
-      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
-      iRewrite "Hpd". by iRewrite ("IH" $! pdd).
-    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists _.
-      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
-  Qed.
-  (** ** Append *)
-  Global Instance iProto_app_end_l : LeftId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p. rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_app_message a m p2 : (<a> m) <++> p2 ≡ <a> m <++> p2.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
-    intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_ne : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    assert (∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> dist n) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
-    { intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
-    assert (Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
-    { intros p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
-    intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' Hp2. rewrite Hp1. clear p1 Hp1.
-    revert p1'. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros p1.
-    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite !left_id. }
-    rewrite !iProto_app_message. f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 4 f_equiv.
-    f_contractive. apply IH; eauto using dist_le with lia.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_app_base v P p1 p2 :
-    ((MSG v {{ P }}; p1) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; p1 <++> p2)%msg.
-  Proof. apply: iMsg_map_base. Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_app_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p2 :
-    ((∃ x, m x) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (∃ x, m x <++> p2)%msg.
-  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_end_r : RightId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite left_id. }
-    rewrite iProto_app_message.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
-      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
-      by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
-    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists p''.
-      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p1 p2 p3. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite !left_id. }
-    rewrite !iProto_app_message.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p123) "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp']".
-      iExists (p1' <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
-      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". iApply "IH".
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p12) "[H #Hp123]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12]".
-      iExists p1'. iFrame "H". iRewrite "Hp123".
-      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_app p1 p2 :
-    iProto_dual (p1 <++> p2) ≡ iProto_dual p1 <++> iProto_dual p2.
-  Proof.
-    apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite iProto_dual_end !left_id. }
-    rewrite iProto_dual_message !iProto_app_message iProto_dual_message /=.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p12) "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p12d) "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12d]".
-      iExists (iProto_dual p1'). iSplitL; [by auto|].
-      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12d". iApply "IH".
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1d) "[H #Hp1']".
-      iExists (p1d <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
-      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_flip p1 p2 :
-    iProto_consistent p2 p1 -∗
-    iProto_consistent p1 p2.
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
-    iIntros "Hprot".
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2 Hm1") as "Hprot".
-    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
-    - iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hprot Hrec]".
-      iExists p2'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
-    - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2".
-      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hprot Hrec]".
-      iExists p1'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_step m1 m2 v p1 :
-    iProto_consistent (<!> m1) (<?> m2) -∗
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
+    ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
+    ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent p1 p2.
+    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
+          â–· iProto_consistent (<[i := p1]>(<[j := p2]>ps)).
-    iIntros "Hprot Hm1".
+    iIntros "#Hi #Hj Hprot Hm1".
     rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//] Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j with "[] [] Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_alt elem_of_dom.
+      destruct (ps !! i) eqn: Hi; [done|]=> /=.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_alt elem_of_dom.
+      destruct (ps !! j) eqn: Hj; [done|]=> /=.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
     iExists p2. iFrame.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_dual p :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent p (iProto_dual p).
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p).
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "#Hmeq1 #Hmeq2".
-    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
-    - iIntros (v p') "Hm1".
-      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
-      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
-      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
-      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next (iProto_dual p'))).
-      iExists (iProto_dual p').
-      iRewrite -"Hmeq2".
-      iSplitL; [|iNext; by iApply "IH"].
-      simpl. iExists p'. iFrame. done.
-    - iIntros (v p') "Hm2".
-      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
-      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
-      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
-      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next p')).
-      iRewrite -"Hmeq2" in "Hm2".
-      simpl.
-      iDestruct "Hm2" as (p'') "[Hm2 Hmeq']".
-      iExists p''. iFrame.
-      iNext. iRewrite "Hmeq'".
-      iApply "IH".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_l pl pl' pr :
-    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pl ⊑ pl' -∗ iProto_consistent pl' pr.
-  Proof. iIntros "Hprot Hle". by iApply "Hle". Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_r pl pr pr' :
-    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pr ⊑ pr' -∗ iProto_consistent pl pr'.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hle". iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
-    iApply "Hle". by iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
-  Proof. iIntros (p') "$". Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
-  Proof. iApply iProto_le_refl. Qed.
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_send m1 m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
-  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (m1 m2). *)
-  (*   iIntros "Hle". *)
-  (*   repeat (unfold iProto_le at 3). *)
-  (*   iIntros (p) "Hprot". *)
-  (*   repeat rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold; unfold iProto_consistent_pre. *)
-  (*   iSplit; [iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]"|iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]"]. *)
-  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "H") as (Heq) "{H} #Hmeq"; subst. *)
-  (*     iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" with "[//]"). *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hmeq" $! v (Next p')). iRewrite -"Hmeq" in "Hm". *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hle" $! _ _ with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p'') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*     iApply "Hle". iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". } *)
-  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ with "H"). *)
-  (*     destruct a. *)
-  (*     - iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
-  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle]"). *)
-  (*       { iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
-  (*         iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). *)
-  (*         iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*         iExists p'''. iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" | iApply "Hm"]. } *)
-  (*       iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". *)
-  (*     - iIntros (v vs Heq); subst. *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ eq_refl). *)
-  (*       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
-  (*       iExists (p'). iFrame "Hm". *)
-  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle] [Hprot]"); [|iApply "Hprot"]. *)
-  (*       iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*       iExists p'''; iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" |iApply "Hm"]. } *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv m1 m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
-  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H" (vsl vsr p) "Hprot". *)
-  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (vsl vsr m2 p). *)
-  (*   iEval (rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold). *)
-  (*   rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
-  (*   iSplit; last first. *)
-  (*   { *)
-  (*     iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]". *)
-  (*     iIntros ([] m) "Heq". *)
-  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as "Hprot". *)
-  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
-  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
-  (*       iExists p'. iFrame. *)
-  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
-  (*   } *)
-  (*   destruct vsr. *)
-  (*   { iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
-  (*     iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
-  (*     iIntros (v vs Heq). done. } *)
-  (*   iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
-  (*   iIntros (w vs Heq). *)
-  (*   assert (v = w) as <- by set_solver. *)
-  (*   assert (vsr = vs) as <- by set_solver. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//]") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p'') "[Hle H]". *)
-  (*   iExists p''. *)
-  (*   iSpecialize ("Heq" $! v (Next p'')). iRewrite -"Heq". *)
-  (*   iFrame. iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hprot Hle"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //". *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)". *)
-  (*   by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //". *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_inv p1 m2 : *)
-  (*   p1 ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ ∃ a1 m1, *)
-  (*     (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ *)
-  (*     match a1 with *)
-  (*     | Send => ∀ v p2', *)
-  (*        iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
-  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') *)
-  (*     | Recv => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2', *)
-  (*        iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
-  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2') *)
-  (*     end. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
-  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
-  (*   iExists _, _; iSplit; [done|]. destruct a1, a2. *)
-  (*   - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
-  (*     iApply "H". by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v (Next p2')). *)
-  (*   - done. *)
-  (*   - iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "Hm1 Hm2". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
-  (*     iApply ("H" with "Hm1"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v2 (Next p2')). *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as ([=]) "_". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv m1 m2 v p2' : *)
-  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (<-) "Hm1". *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*   iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_send_inv m1 m2 v1 v2 p1' p2' : *)
-  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
-  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H Hm1 Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm H]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (<-) "{Hm} #Hm". *)
-  (*   iApply ("H" with "[Hm1] Hm2"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v1 (Next p1')). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv p1 m2 : *)
-  (*   p1 ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, *)
-  (*     (p1 ≡ <?> m1) ∗ *)
-  (*     ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
-  (*       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
-  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
-  (*   iExists m1. *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (<-) "{Hp2} #Hm2". *)
-  (*   destruct a1; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iIntros (v p1') "Hm". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p2') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*   iExists p2'. iIntros "{$Hle}". by iRewrite ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv m1 m2 v p1' : *)
-  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
-  (*   iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1". *)
-  (*   by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&m&->)]. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_end. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H1 H2" (p) "Hprot".
-    iApply "H2". iApply "H1". done.
-  Qed.
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l a m v P p : *)
-  (*   (P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= (#?&#?&HP) Hm2 /=". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r a m v P p : *)
-  (*   (P -∗ (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 (->&#?&HP) /=". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP) Hm1"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l v P p : *)
-  (*   P -∗ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r v P p : *)
-  (*   P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<? x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
-  (*     iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l_inhabited `{!Inhabited A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m x) ⊑ p) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<? x> m x) ⊑ p. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
-  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
-  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
-  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
-  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
-  (*       iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<! x> m2 x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
-  (*     iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r_inhabited `{Hinh : Inhabited A} p (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, p ⊑ (<!> m x)) -∗ *)
-  (*   p ⊑ (<! x> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
-  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
-  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H". *)
-  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
-  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<! x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m a). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<?> m a) ⊑ (<? x> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<?.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x). *)
-  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} a m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!.. x> m2 x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x). *)
-  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<!.. x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
-  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<?> m x) ⊑ (<?.. x> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
-  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_base_swap v1 v2 P1 P2 p : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; <!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; p) *)
-  (*   ⊑ (<!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; <?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite {1 3}iMsg_base_eq. iApply iProto_le_swap. *)
-  (*   iIntros (v1' v2' p1' p2') "/= (->&#Hp1&HP1) (->&#Hp2&HP2)". iExists p. *)
-  (*   iSplitL "HP2". *)
-  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp1". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
-  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp2". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&m1&->)]. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message). *)
-  (*     destruct a2; simpl. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2'). *)
-  (*       iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1d p2d). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2 Hm1") as (pt) "[H1 H2]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "H1". iDestruct ("IH" with "H2") as "H2 {IH}". *)
-  (*       rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=. iExists (iProto_dual pt). iSplitL "H2". *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp2d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=). *)
-  (*     iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d). *)
-  (*     iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
-  (*     iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]". *)
-  (*     iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1'). *)
-  (*     iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_internal (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
-  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
-  (*   □ (∀ rec1 rec2, ▷ (rec1 ⊑ rec2) → p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) -∗ *)
-  (*   fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "#H". iLöb as "IH". *)
-  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p1)). *)
-  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2)). *)
-  (*   iApply "H". iApply "IH". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_external (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
-  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
-  (*   (∀ rec1 rec2, (⊢ rec1 ⊑ rec2) → ⊢ p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) → *)
-  (*   ⊢ fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   intros IH. apply fixpoint_ind. *)
-  (*   - by intros p1' p2' -> ?. *)
-  (*   - exists (fixpoint p2). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*   - intros p' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2). by apply IH. *)
-  (*   - apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; [done|solve_proper]. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)). *)
-  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 -∗ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)). *)
-  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 : *)
-  (*   p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4). *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&m2&->)]. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]". *)
-  (*       iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
-  (*       iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p13 p24). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (*       iDestruct "H1" as (pt) "[H1 H1']". *)
-  (*       iExists (pt <++> p3). iSplitL "H1". *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". *)
-  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
-  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1"). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". *)
-  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
-  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1' H2"). *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv. *)
-  (*     iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". *)
-  (*     iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]". *)
-  (*     iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
-  (*     iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (** ** Lemmas about the auxiliary definitions and invariants *)
-  Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_ne vs :
-    NonExpansive (iProto_app_recvs (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vs).
-  Proof. induction vs; solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_proper vs :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_app_recvs (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vs).
-  Proof. induction vs; solve_proper. Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
@@ -1549,101 +782,101 @@ Section proto.
     by rewrite own_op.
-  Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  (* Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s). *)
+  (* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
+  (* Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s). *)
+  (* Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
-    iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'".
-    iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle").
-  Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 : *)
+  (*   iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'". *)
+  (*   iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_init p :
-    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ,
-      iProto_ctx γ ∗ iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p).
-  Proof.
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]".
-    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅
-      ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]".
-    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
-    pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "H●l H●r".
-    { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. }
-    iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_init p : *)
+  (*   ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, *)
+  (*     iProto_ctx γ ∗ iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]". *)
+  (*   { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
+  (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅ *)
+  (*     ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]". *)
+  (*   { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
+  (*   pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "H●l H●r". *)
+  (*   { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. } *)
+  (*   iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
-  Definition side_dual s :=
-    match s with
-    | Left => Right
-    | Right => Left
-    end.
+  (* Definition side_dual s := *)
+  (*   match s with *)
+  (*   | Left => Right *)
+  (*   | Right => Left *)
+  (*   end. *)
-  Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v :
-    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
-            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
-    iIntros "Hm".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
-    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m1))%I
-      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
-    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <?> m2))%I
-      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
-      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
-    iIntros "!>!>".
-    iExists p2. iFrame.
-    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
-    - iExists _, _. iFrame.
-    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v :
-    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
-            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
-    iIntros "Hm".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
-    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <?> m1))%I
-      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
-    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m2))%I
-      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_flip with "Hconsistent") as
-      "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
-      (p1) "[Hm1 Hconsistent]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
-    iIntros "!>!>".
-    iExists p1. iFrame.
-    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
-    - iExists _, _. iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_flip. iFrame.
-    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v : *)
+  (*   iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗ *)
+  (*     ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗ *)
+  (*           iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)". *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]". *)
+  (*   iIntros "Hm". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr". *)
+  (*   iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m1))%I *)
+  (*     with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl"). *)
+  (*   iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <?> m2))%I *)
+  (*     with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr"). *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as *)
+  (*     (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]". *)
+  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]". *)
+  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]". *)
+  (*   iIntros "!>!>". *)
+  (*   iExists p2. iFrame. *)
+  (*   iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r". *)
+  (*   - iExists _, _. iFrame. *)
+  (*   - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l". *)
+  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (* Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v : *)
+  (*   iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗ *)
+  (*   iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗ *)
+  (*     ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗ *)
+  (*           iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)". *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]". *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]". *)
+  (*   iIntros "Hm". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr". *)
+  (*   iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <?> m1))%I *)
+  (*     with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl"). *)
+  (*   iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m2))%I *)
+  (*     with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr"). *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_flip with "Hconsistent") as *)
+  (*     "Hconsistent". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as *)
+  (*     (p1) "[Hm1 Hconsistent]". *)
+  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]". *)
+  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]". *)
+  (*   iIntros "!>!>". *)
+  (*   iExists p1. iFrame. *)
+  (*   iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r". *)
+  (*   - iExists _, _. iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_flip. iFrame. *)
+  (*   - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l". *)
+  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
@@ -1718,7 +951,7 @@ Section proto.
 End proto.
-Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
+(* Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own. *)
-Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
-  first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.
+(* Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) => *)
+(*   first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core. *)

From 4d5fbe48c807923e466e991c9571532b46f55d49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 16:50:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/81] Wrapped up API for multiparty ghost theory

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 208 +++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 878792e..d13ba79 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -57,14 +57,39 @@ Export action.
 (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
 Class protoG Σ V :=
   protoG_authG ::
-    inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))).
+    inG Σ (authUR (gmapR natO
+      (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ))))))).
 Definition protoΣ V := #[
-  GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))
+  GFunctor (authRF (gmapURF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))))
 Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V.
 Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+(* (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) *)
+(* Class protoG Σ V := *)
+(*   protoG_authG :: *)
+(*     inG Σ (gmapR natO *)
+(*       (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ))))). *)
+(* Definition protoΣ V := #[ *)
+(*   GFunctor (gmapRF natO (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))) *)
+(* ]. *)
+(* Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. *)
+(* Proof. solve_inG. Qed. *)
+(* (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) *)
+(* Class protoG Σ V := *)
+(*   protoG_authG :: *)
+(*     inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))). *)
+(* Definition protoΣ V := #[ *)
+(*   GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))) *)
+(* ]. *)
+(* Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. *)
+(* Proof. solve_inG. Qed. *)
 (** * Types *)
 Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
 Declare Scope proto_scope.
@@ -687,53 +712,45 @@ Qed.
 (*      iProto_consistent (ps))%I -∗ *)
 (*   iProto_consistent ps. *)
-Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_l_name : gname; proto_r_name : gname }.
+Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
-  populate (ProtName inhabitant inhabitant).
+  populate (ProtName inhabitant).
 Global Instance proto_name_eq_dec : EqDecision proto_name.
 Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
 Global Instance proto_name_countable : Countable proto_name.
- refine (inj_countable (λ '(ProtName γl γr), (γl,γr))
-   (λ '(γl, γr), Some (ProtName γl γr)) _); by intros [].
+ refine (inj_countable (λ '(ProtName γs), (γs))
+   (λ '(γs), Some (ProtName γs)) _); by intros [].
-Inductive side := Left | Right.
-Global Instance side_inhabited : Inhabited side := populate Left.
-Global Instance side_eq_dec : EqDecision side.
-Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
-Global Instance side_countable : Countable side.
- refine (inj_countable (λ s, if s is Left then true else false)
-   (λ b, Some (if b then Left else Right)) _); by intros [].
-Definition side_elim {A} (s : side) (l r : A) : A :=
-  match s with Left => l | Right => r end.
-Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : proto_name) (s : side)
-    (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  own (side_elim s proto_l_name proto_r_name γ) (◯E (Next p)).
-Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : proto_name) (s : side)
-    (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  own (side_elim s proto_l_name proto_r_name γ) (●E (Next p)).
-(* Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V} *)
-(*     (γ : proto_name) : iProp Σ := *)
-(*   ∃ ps, *)
-(*     iProto_own_auth γ Left pl ∗ *)
-(*     iProto_own_auth γ Right pr ∗ *)
-(*     â–· iProto_consistent ps. *)
-(* (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *) *)
-(* Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V} *)
-(*     (γ : proto_name) (s : side) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := *)
-(*   ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p'. *)
-(* Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _%proto. *)
-(* Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}. *)
-(* Global Instance iProto_own_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ s : *)
-(*   Contractive (iProto_own γ s). *)
-(* Proof. solve_contractive. Qed. *)
+Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
+    (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  own γ (◯ ({[i := Excl' (Next p)]})).
+(* TODO: Fix this def. *)
+Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
+    (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  own γ (● ∅).
+  (* own γ (● ((λ (p : iProto Σ V), Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps)). *)
+Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
+    (γ : gname) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ ps, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
+(** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
+Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
+    (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  iProto_own_frag γ i p.
+Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}.
+Global Instance iProto_own_frag_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
+  Contractive (iProto_own_frag γ i).
+Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_own_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
+  Contractive (iProto_own γ i).
+Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
 (** * Proofs *)
 Section proto.
@@ -765,39 +782,33 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ s p p' :
-    iProto_own_auth γ s p -∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p' -∗ ▷ (p ≡ p').
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
-    iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓".
-    iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ s p p' p'' :
-    iProto_own_auth γ s p -∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p' ==∗
-    iProto_own_auth γ s p'' ∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p''.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "H".
-    { eapply (excl_auth_update _ _ (Next p'')). }
-    by rewrite own_op.
-  Qed.
-  (* Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s). *)
-  (* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s). *)
-  (* Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed. *)
+  (* TODO: Relies on above def *)
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓". *)
+  (*   iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'". *)
-  (*   iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle"). *)
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
+    iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "H". *)
+  (*   { eapply (excl_auth_update _ _ (Next p'')). } *)
+  (*   by rewrite own_op. *)
   (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_init p : *)
-  (*   ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, *)
-  (*     iProto_ctx γ ∗ iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
+  Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_init ps :
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+  Proof. Admitted.
   (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]". *)
   (*   { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
   (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅ *)
@@ -808,18 +819,14 @@ Section proto.
   (*   iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
   (* Qed. *)
-  (* Definition side_dual s := *)
-  (*   match s with *)
-  (*   | Left => Right *)
-  (*   | Right => Left *)
-  (*   end. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v : *)
-  (*   iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗ *)
-  (*     ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗ *)
-  (*           iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
+  Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ -∗
+    iProto_own γ i (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
+    iProto_own γ j (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
+      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+            iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
+  Proof. Admitted.
   (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)". *)
   (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]". *)
   (*   iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]". *)
@@ -845,39 +852,6 @@ Section proto.
   (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
   (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v : *)
-  (*   iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗ *)
-  (*     ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗ *)
-  (*           iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)". *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]". *)
-  (*   iIntros "Hm". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr". *)
-  (*   iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <?> m1))%I *)
-  (*     with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl"). *)
-  (*   iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m2))%I *)
-  (*     with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr"). *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_flip with "Hconsistent") as *)
-  (*     "Hconsistent". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as *)
-  (*     (p1) "[Hm1 Hconsistent]". *)
-  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]". *)
-  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]". *)
-  (*   iIntros "!>!>". *)
-  (*   iExists p1. iFrame. *)
-  (*   iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r". *)
-  (*   - iExists _, _. iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_flip. iFrame. *)
-  (*   - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l". *)
-  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
   (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name : *)

From 6d189579dea6ce9b01f8b729a9d102dd7038421d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 16:57:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/81] Proved ghost theory stepping relation

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 42 ++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index d13ba79..6f35f29 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -760,14 +760,14 @@ Section proto.
   Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
     ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
     ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
-    iProto_consistent ps -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
     ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
           â–· iProto_consistent (<[i := p1]>(<[j := p2]>ps)).
-    iIntros "#Hi #Hj Hprot Hm1".
+    iIntros "Hprot #Hi #Hj Hm1".
     rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
     iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j with "[] [] Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
     { rewrite !lookup_total_alt elem_of_dom.
@@ -824,33 +824,19 @@ Section proto.
     iProto_own γ i (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
     iProto_own γ j (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
             iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)". *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]". *)
-  (*   iIntros "Hm". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr". *)
-  (*   iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m1))%I *)
-  (*     with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl"). *)
-  (*   iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <?> m2))%I *)
-  (*     with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr"). *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as *)
-  (*     (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]". *)
-  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]". *)
-  (*   iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]". *)
-  (*   iIntros "!>!>". *)
-  (*   iExists p2. iFrame. *)
-  (*   iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r". *)
-  (*   - iExists _, _. iFrame. *)
-  (*   - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l". *)
-  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*     + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
+    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hi") as "#Hpi".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [//] [//] [Hm //]") as
+      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
+    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame. iIntros "!>". iExists _. iFrame.
+  Qed.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)

From 207ec3c0c3699a8c0fe3ef35819f891d741c8e65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 05:43:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/81] Added proof of consistency for roundtrip example

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 319 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 237 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 6f35f29..89da164 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -538,21 +538,15 @@ Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate (END).
 Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
            (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
-  (∀ a1 a2 m1 m2,
-    (ps !!! i ≡ <a1> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <a2> m2) -∗
-      match a1,a2 with
-      | Send j, Recv i => ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-                             ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
-                                   â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps)))
-      | Recv j, Send i => ∀ v p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) -∗
-                             ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗
-                                   â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps)))
-      | _, _ => True
-      end).
+  ∀ m1 m2,
+  (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send j)> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <Recv i> m2) -∗
+  ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+          ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
+                â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
 Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
   (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ i j, ⌜i ∈ dom ps⌝ -∗ ⌜j ∈ dom ps⌝ -∗ can_step rec ps i j.
+  ∀ i j, can_step rec ps i j.
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
        (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
@@ -601,7 +595,9 @@ Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ V} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ V).
   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  iIntros (i j Hi Hj). set_solver.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hi Hj".
+  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
 Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
@@ -614,103 +610,268 @@ Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
   rewrite /iProto_example2.
-  iIntros (i j Hi Hj).
-  iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
   destruct i, j.
   - rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
     rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "#Hm2".
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  - destruct j; [|set_solver].
+  - destruct j; last first.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
     rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
     rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "#Hm2".
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
     iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
     iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
     rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
     rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
     iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-    iExists END. 
+    iExists END.
     iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm2". 
+    iRewrite -"Hm2".
     iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
     { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq". 
+    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq".
     rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
     rewrite insert_insert.
     rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
     rewrite insert_insert.
     rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (i' j' Hi' Hj').
-    iIntros (a1 a2 m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
+    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
     destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
       iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
       done. }
     destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. 
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
       iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
       done. }
-    set_solver.
-  - destruct i; [|set_solver].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+    done.
+  - destruct i; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
+      done. }
     rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
     rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "#Hm2".
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next p1)).
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
-    iRewrite -"Hm2" in "Hm1'".
-    iExists END. 
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next END)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm1". 
-    simpl.
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
-    iSplitL.
-    { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq". 
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (i' j' Hi' Hj').
-    iIntros (a1 a2 m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
-    destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-      done. }
-    destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. 
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert. 
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-      done. }
-    set_solver.
-  - destruct i; [|set_solver].
-    destruct j; [|set_solver].
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done.
+  - destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (<-) "Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (<-) "Hm2".
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
-(* Lemma iProto_consistent_step {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : *)
-(*   (∀ i j m1 m2, *)
-(*      ⌜ps !! i = Some (<(Send j)> m1)%proto⌝ -∗ *)
-(*      ⌜ps !! j = Some (<(Recv i)> m2)⌝ -∗ *)
-(*      iProto_consistent (ps))%I -∗ *)
-(*   iProto_consistent ps. *)
+Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ}  : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
+  <[0 := <(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG x; END ]>
+  (<[1 := <(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 2)> MSG x; END ]>
+  (<[2 := <(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 0)> MSG x; END ]>
+    ∅)).
+Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 _ Σ invGS0).
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite /iProto_example3.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i; last first.
+  { destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  destruct j.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+  destruct j; last first.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+  rewrite !iMsg_base_eq.
+  rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END))).
+  iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END).
+  iRewrite -"Hm2".
+  simpl.
+  iSplitL.
+  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+  iNext.
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i; last first.
+  { destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  destruct j.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct j.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct j; last first.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END))).
+  iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END).
+  iRewrite -"Hm2".
+  simpl.
+  iSplitL.
+  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+  iNext.
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 2); [|done].
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 0); [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 0); [|done].
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i; last first.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  destruct j; last first.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END)).
+  iExists END.
+  iRewrite -"Hm2".
+  simpl.
+  iSplitL; [done|].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  iNext.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
@@ -769,13 +930,7 @@ Section proto.
     iIntros "Hprot #Hi #Hj Hm1".
     rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j with "[] [] Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_alt elem_of_dom.
-      destruct (ps !! i) eqn: Hi; [done|]=> /=.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_alt elem_of_dom.
-      destruct (ps !! j) eqn: Hj; [done|]=> /=.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
     iExists p2. iFrame.
@@ -809,8 +964,8 @@ Section proto.
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
     |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
   Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]". *)
-  (*   { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
+  (* iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]". *)
+  (* { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
   (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅ *)
   (*     ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]". *)
   (*   { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)

From 1fab9b4d1f44df9e45dcc65c776cf51554949ee3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 06:51:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/81] Solve remaining admits

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 122 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 89da164..e5507e8 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Lastly, relevant type classes instances are defined for each of the above
 notions, such as contractiveness and non-expansiveness, after which the
 specifications of the message-passing primitives are defined in terms of the
 protocol connectives. *)
-From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth.
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
@@ -57,39 +57,15 @@ Export action.
 (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
 Class protoG Σ V :=
   protoG_authG ::
-    inG Σ (authUR (gmapR natO
-      (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ))))))).
+    inG Σ (gmap_viewR natO
+      (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))))).
 Definition protoΣ V := #[
-  GFunctor (authRF (gmapURF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))))
+  GFunctor ((gmap_viewRF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))))
 Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V.
 Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
-(* (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) *)
-(* Class protoG Σ V := *)
-(*   protoG_authG :: *)
-(*     inG Σ (gmapR natO *)
-(*       (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ))))). *)
-(* Definition protoΣ V := #[ *)
-(*   GFunctor (gmapRF natO (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))) *)
-(* ]. *)
-(* Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. *)
-(* Proof. solve_inG. Qed. *)
-(* (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) *)
-(* Class protoG Σ V := *)
-(*   protoG_authG :: *)
-(*     inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))). *)
-(* Definition protoΣ V := #[ *)
-(*   GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))) *)
-(* ]. *)
-(* Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. *)
-(* Proof. solve_inG. Qed. *)
 (** * Types *)
 Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
 Declare Scope proto_scope.
@@ -550,8 +526,8 @@ Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
        (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
-  NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps)).
-Proof. Admitted.
+  NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre rec).
+Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step. solve_proper. Qed.
 Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
   (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
@@ -559,7 +535,10 @@ Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
   λne ps, iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps) ps.
 Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
-Proof. Admitted.
+  rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre' /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step.
+  solve_contractive.
 Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
   fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
@@ -872,7 +851,7 @@ Proof.
   rewrite lookup_total_empty.
   by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
   populate (ProtName inhabitant).
@@ -886,13 +865,12 @@ Qed.
 Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
     (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  own γ (◯ ({[i := Excl' (Next p)]})).
+  own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))).
-(* TODO: Fix this def. *)
 Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
     (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  own γ (● ∅).
-  (* own γ (● ((λ (p : iProto Σ V), Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps)). *)
+  (* own γ (● ∅). *)
+  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps) : gmap _ _)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
     (γ : gname) : iProp Σ :=
@@ -937,42 +915,66 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  (* TODO: Relies on above def *)
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
     iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓". *)
-  (*   iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯". 
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
+    rewrite gmap_view_both_validI.
+    iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]".
+    rewrite lookup_total_alt.
+    rewrite lookup_fmap.
+    destruct (ps !! i); last first.
+    { simpl. rewrite !option_equivI. done. }
+    simpl.
+    rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI.
+    by iNext.
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
     iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
     iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "H". *)
-  (*   { eapply (excl_auth_update _ _ (Next p'')). } *)
-  (*   by rewrite own_op. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯".
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro].
+    { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. }
+    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. done.
+  Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
   Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+  Proof.
+    iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth".
+    { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. }
+    iExists γ.
+    iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind.
+    { iModIntro. iFrame.
+      by iApply big_sepM_empty. }
+    iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]".
+    rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags".
+    iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]".
+    { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))).
+      - rewrite lookup_fmap. rewrite Hin. done.
+      - done.
+      - done. }
+    iFrame.
+    iModIntro.
+    rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame.
+  Qed.      
   Lemma iProto_init ps :
-    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
     |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (* iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]". *)
-  (* { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
-  (*   iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅ *)
-  (*     ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]". *)
-  (*   { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *)
-  (*   pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "H●l H●r". *)
-  (*   { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. } *)
-  (*   iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hconsistnet".
+    iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
+    iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. done.
+  Qed. 
   Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗
@@ -988,8 +990,8 @@ Section proto.
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [//] [//] [Hm //]") as
       (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
     iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame. iIntros "!>". iExists _. iFrame.

From 4af1c72f8abb90b036463e032dd1e2fda6cd35fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 07:16:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/81] Moved examples to other file. Added naive def of

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v                | 322 ++----------------
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 293 ++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index e5507e8..984b84c 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -556,302 +556,17 @@ Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) :
   apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
-(* Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := *)
-(*   ∀ p3, iProto_consistent p1 p3 -∗ iProto_consistent p2 p3. *)
-(* Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto. *)
-(* Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}. *)
-(* Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope. *)
-(* Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
-(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
-(* Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
-(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
-Definition iProto_example1 {Σ V} : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) :=
-  ∅.
-Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ V} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ V).
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hi Hj".
-  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
-Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
-  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
-   ∅).
-Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 _ Σ invGS0 P).
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  rewrite /iProto_example2.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i, j.
-  - rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    done.
-  - destruct j; last first.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
-    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-    iExists END.
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm2".
-    simpl.
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
-    iSplitL.
-    { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq".
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
-    destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-      done. }
-    destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-      done. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
-    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-    done.
-  - destruct i; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
-      done. }
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done.
-  - destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
-    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
-    done.
+Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (i:nat) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∀ ps, iProto_consistent (<[i:=p1]>ps) -∗ iProto_consistent (<[i:=p2]>ps).
+Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _ _%proto _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 3 := {}.
+(* Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le i p q) : bi_scope. *)
-Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ}  : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
-  <[0 := <(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG x; END ]>
-  (<[1 := <(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 2)> MSG x; END ]>
-  (<[2 := <(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 0)> MSG x; END ]>
-    ∅)).
+Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} n : Proper ((=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 _ Σ invGS0).
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  rewrite /iProto_example3.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i; last first.
-  { destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  destruct j.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-  destruct j; last first.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-  rewrite !iMsg_base_eq.
-  rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END))).
-  iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END).
-  iRewrite -"Hm2".
-  simpl.
-  iSplitL.
-  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-  iNext.
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i; last first.
-  { destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  destruct j.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct j.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct j; last first.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END))).
-  iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END).
-  iRewrite -"Hm2".
-  simpl.
-  iSplitL.
-  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-  iNext.
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 2); [|done].
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 0); [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 0); [|done].
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i; last first.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  destruct j; last first.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END)).
-  iExists END.
-  iRewrite -"Hm2".
-  simpl.
-  iSplitL; [done|].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  iNext.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
   populate (ProtName inhabitant).
@@ -898,6 +613,17 @@ Section proto.
   Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
   Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
+    ps !! i = Some p1 →
+    iProto_le i p1 p2 -∗
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (HSome) "Hle".
+    rewrite -{1}(insert_id ps i p1); [|done].
+    iApply "Hle".
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
     ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
@@ -918,7 +644,7 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
     iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
-    iIntros "H● H◯". 
+    iIntros "H● H◯".
     iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
     rewrite gmap_view_both_validI.
     iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]".
@@ -930,7 +656,7 @@ Section proto.
     rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI.
     by iNext.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
     iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
     iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
@@ -965,7 +691,7 @@ Section proto.
     rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame.
-  Qed.      
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_init ps :
     ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
@@ -974,7 +700,7 @@ Section proto.
     iIntros "Hconsistnet".
     iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
     iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. done.
-  Qed. 
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4863f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
+From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
+From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Export action.
+Definition iProto_example1 {Σ V} : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) :=
+  ∅.
+Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ V} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ V).
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hi Hj".
+  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
+Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
+  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+   ∅).
+Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 _ Σ invGS0 P).
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite /iProto_example2.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i, j.
+  - rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+    done.
+  - destruct j; last first.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
+    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+    iExists END%proto.
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END%proto)).
+    iRewrite -"Hm2".
+    simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
+    iSplitL.
+    { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq".
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
+    destruct i'.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+      done. }
+    destruct i'.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+      done. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
+    done.
+  - destruct i; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
+      done. }
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done.
+  - destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
+    done.
+Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ}  : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
+  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 2)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 0)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
+    ∅)).
+Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 _ Σ invGS0).
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite /iProto_example3.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i; last first.
+  { destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  destruct j.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+  destruct j; last first.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+  rewrite !iMsg_base_eq.
+  rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END)))%proto.
+  iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END)%proto.
+  iRewrite -"Hm2".
+  simpl.
+  iSplitL.
+  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+  iNext.
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i; last first.
+  { destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  destruct j.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct j.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct j; last first.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END)))%proto.
+  iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END)%proto.
+  iRewrite -"Hm2".
+  simpl.
+  iSplitL.
+  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+  iNext.
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 2); [|done].
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 0); [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 0); [|done].
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i; last first.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  destruct j; last first.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END))%proto.
+  iExists END%proto.
+  iRewrite -"Hm2".
+  simpl.
+  iSplitL; [done|].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+  rewrite insert_insert.
+  iNext.
+  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  destruct i.
+  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.

From 6a4c7570c444aa329c720069c26ae67118f81e98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:29:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/81] Proof of concept for synchronous resource transfer

 theories/channel/channel.v | 487 +++++++++++++++++--------------------
 theories/channel/proto.v   |   8 +-
 2 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 271 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/channel.v b/theories/channel/channel.v
index e8d038e..1dbb8d8 100644
--- a/theories/channel/channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/channel.v
@@ -21,88 +21,85 @@ In this file we define the three message-passing connectives:
 It is additionaly shown that the channel ownership [c ↣ prot] is closed under
 the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
 From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
+From actris.utils Require Export llist.
+From Require Import proto_model.
 From Require Export proto.
-From actris.utils Require Import llist skip.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Local Existing Instance spin_lock.
 (** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
 Definition new_chan : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "l" := lnil #() in
-     let: "r" := lnil #() in
-     let: "lk" := newlock #() in
-     ((("l","r"),"lk"), (("r","l"),"lk")).
+  λ: <>, let: "l1" := ref NONEV in
+         let: "l2" := ref NONEV in
+         (("l1","l2"), ("l2","l1")).
 Definition fork_chan : val := λ: "f",
   let: "cc" := new_chan #() in
   Fork ("f" (Snd "cc"));; Fst "cc".
+Definition wait : val :=
+  rec: "go" "l" :=
+    match: !"l" with
+      NONE => #()
+    | SOME <> => "go" "l"
+    end.
 Definition send : val :=
   λ: "c" "v",
-    let: "lk" := Snd "c" in
-    let: "l" := Fst (Fst "c") in
-    let: "r" := Snd (Fst "c") in
-    acquire "lk";;
-    lsnoc "l" "v";;
-    release "lk".
+    let: "l" := Fst "c" in
+    "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l".
-Definition try_recv : val :=
-  λ: "c",
-    let: "lk" := Snd "c" in
-    acquire "lk";;
-    let: "l" := Snd (Fst "c") in
-    let: "ret" := if: lisnil "l" then NONE else SOME (lpop "l") in
-    release "lk";; "ret".
+(* Definition recv : val := *)
+(*   rec: "go" "c" "i" := *)
+(*     let: "l" := Snd (llookup "c" "i") in *)
+(*     match: !"l" with *)
+(*       NONE => "go" "c" *)
+(*     | SOME "v" => "c" <- NONE;; "v"  *)
+(*     end. *)
 Definition recv : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" :=
-    match: try_recv "c" with
-      SOME "p" => "p"
-    | NONE => "go" "c"
+    let: "l" := Snd "c" in
+    let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
+    match: "v" with
+      NONE => "go" "c"
+    | SOME "v" => "v" 
-(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
 Class chanG Σ := {
-  chanG_lockG :: lockG Σ;
+  chanG_tokG :: inG Σ (exclR unitO);
   chanG_protoG :: protoG Σ val;
-Definition chanΣ : gFunctors := #[ spin_lockΣ; protoΣ val ].
+Definition chanΣ : gFunctors := #[ protoΣ val; GFunctor (exclR unitO) ].
 Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ} : subG chanΣ Σ → chanG Σ.
 Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
-Record chan_name := ChanName {
-  chan_lock_name : gname;
-  chan_proto_name : proto_name;
-Global Instance chan_name_inhabited : Inhabited chan_name :=
-  populate (ChanName inhabitant inhabitant).
-Global Instance chan_name_eq_dec : EqDecision chan_name.
-Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
-Global Instance chan_name_countable : Countable chan_name.
- refine (inj_countable (λ '(ChanName γl γr), (γl,γr))
-   (λ '(γl, γr), Some (ChanName γl γr)) _); by intros [].
 (** * Definition of the pointsto connective *)
 Notation iProto Σ := (iProto Σ val).
 Notation iMsg Σ := (iMsg Σ val).
+Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
+Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt s (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
+  (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt) ∨
+  (∃ v m, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
+          iProto_own γ s (<!> m)%proto ∗
+          (∃ p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p)))) ∨
+  (∃ p, l ↦ NONEV ∗
+          iProto_own γ s p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ s (l r : loc) (lk : val),
-    ⌜ c = ((#(side_elim s l r), #(side_elim s r l)), lk)%V ⌝ ∗
-    is_lock (chan_lock_name γ) lk (∃ vsl vsr,
-      llist internal_eq l vsl ∗
-      llist internal_eq r vsr ∗
-      steps_lb (length vsl) ∗ steps_lb (length vsr) ∗
-      iProto_ctx (chan_proto_name γ) vsl vsr) ∗
-    iProto_own (chan_proto_name γ) s p.
+  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 s (l1 l2:loc),
+    ⌜ c = PairV #l1 #l2 ⌝ ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 s l1) ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 (side_dual s) l2) ∗
+    own γE1 (●E (Next p)) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p)) ∗
+    iProto_own γ s p.
 Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
@@ -112,25 +109,6 @@ Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 4 := {}.
 Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
   (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
-Global Instance iProto_pointsto_contractive `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} c :
-  Contractive (iProto_pointsto c).
-Proof. rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. solve_contractive. Qed.
-Definition iProto_choice {Σ} (a : action) (P1 P2 : iProp Σ)
-    (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
-  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b {{ if b then P1 else P2 }}; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
-Global Typeclasses Opaque iProto_choice.
-Arguments iProto_choice {_} _ _%I _%I _%proto _%proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_choice) 2 := {}.
-Infix "<{ P1 }+{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Send P1 P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<{ P1 }&{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Recv P1 P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<+{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Send True P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<&{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Recv True P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<{ P1 }+>" := (iProto_choice Send P1 True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<{ P1 }&>" := (iProto_choice Recv P1 True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<+>" := (iProto_choice Send True True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
-Infix "<&>" := (iProto_choice Recv True True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
@@ -141,64 +119,12 @@ Section channel.
   Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_pointsto c).
   Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]".
-    iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
-    by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H").
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_choice_contractive n a :
-    Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==>
-            dist_later n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (@iProto_choice Σ a).
-  Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_choice_ne n a :
-    Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) (@iProto_choice Σ a).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_choice_proper a :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_choice Σ a).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_choice_equiv a1 a2 (P11 P12 P21 P22 : iProp Σ)
-        (p11 p12 p21 p22 : iProto Σ) :
-    ⌜a1 = a2⌝ -∗ ((P11 ≡ P12):iProp Σ) -∗ (P21 ≡ P22) -∗
-    ▷ (p11 ≡ p12) -∗ ▷ (p21 ≡ p22) -∗
-    iProto_choice a1 P11 P21 p11 p21 ≡ iProto_choice a2 P12 P22 p12 p22.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (->) "#HP1 #HP2 #Hp1 #Hp2".
-    rewrite /iProto_choice. iApply iProto_message_equiv; [ eauto | | ].
-    - iIntros "!>" (b) "H". iExists b. iSplit; [ done | ].
-      destruct b;
-        [ iRewrite -"HP1"; iFrame "H Hp1" | iRewrite -"HP2"; iFrame "H Hp2" ].
-    - iIntros "!>" (b) "H". iExists b. iSplit; [ done | ].
-      destruct b;
-        [ iRewrite "HP1"; iFrame "H Hp1" | iRewrite "HP2"; iFrame "H Hp2" ].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 :
-    iProto_dual (iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2)
-    ≡ iProto_choice (action_dual a) P1 P2 (iProto_dual p1) (iProto_dual p2).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_choice iProto_dual_message /= iMsg_dual_exist.
-    f_equiv; f_equiv=> -[]; by rewrite iMsg_dual_base.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_app_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 q :
-    (iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 <++> q)%proto
-    ≡ (iProto_choice a P1 P2 (p1 <++> q) (p2 <++> q))%proto.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_choice iProto_app_message /= iMsg_app_exist.
-    f_equiv; f_equiv=> -[]; by rewrite iMsg_app_base.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 p1' p2' :
-    (P1 -∗ P1 ∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p1')) ∧ (P2 -∗ P2 ∗ ▷ (p2 ⊑ p2')) -∗
-    iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 ⊑ iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1' p2'.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". rewrite /iProto_choice. destruct a;
-      iIntros (b) "HP"; iExists b; destruct b;
-      iDestruct ("H" with "HP") as "[$ ?]"; by iModIntro.
-  Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]". *)
+  (*   iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk". *)
+  (*   by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec p :
@@ -206,19 +132,36 @@ Section channel.
       new_chan #()
     {{{ c1 c2, RET (c1,c2); c1 ↣ p ∗ c2 ↣ iProto_dual p }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ". wp_lam. iMod (steps_lb_0) as "#Hlb".
-    wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (l) "Hl".
-    wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (r) "Hr".
+    iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_alloc l1 as "Hl1".
+    wp_alloc l2 as "Hl2".
     iMod (iProto_init p) as (γp) "(Hctx & Hcl & Hcr)".
-    wp_smart_apply (newlock_spec (∃ vsl vsr,
-      llist internal_eq l vsl ∗ llist internal_eq r vsr ∗
-      steps_lb (length vsl) ∗ steps_lb (length vsr) ∗
-      iProto_ctx γp vsl vsr) with "[Hl Hr Hctx]").
-    { iExists [], []. iFrame "#∗". }
-    iIntros (lk γlk) "#Hlk". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
-    set (γ := ChanName γlk γp). iSplitL "Hcl".
-    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. by iFrame "Hcl #".
-    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. by iFrame "Hcr #".
+    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (γl) "[H●l H◯l]".
+    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
+    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅ ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (γr) "[H●r H◯r]".
+    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
+    iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γtl) "Htokl".
+    { done. }
+    iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γtr) "Htokr".
+    { done. }
+    wp_pures.
+    iMod (inv_alloc _ ⊤ (iProto_ctx γp) with "[Hctx]")
+      as "#IH".
+    { done. }
+    iMod (inv_alloc _ ⊤ (chan_inv γp γl γtl Left l1) with "[Hl1 Htokl]")
+      as "#IHl".
+    { iLeft. iFrame. }
+    iMod (inv_alloc _ ⊤ (chan_inv γp γr γtr Right l2) with "[Hl2 Htokr]")
+      as "#IHr".
+    { iLeft. iFrame. }
+    iModIntro.
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iSplitL "Hcl H●l H◯l".
+    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. eauto with iFrame.
+    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. 
+      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". 
   Lemma fork_chan_spec p Φ (f : val) :
@@ -233,149 +176,159 @@ Section channel.
     wp_pures. iApply ("HΦ" with "Hc1").
+  Lemma own_prot_excl γ (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
+    own γ (◯E (Next p1)) -∗ own γ (◯E (Next p2)) -∗ False.
+  Proof. Admitted.
   Lemma send_spec c v p :
     {{{ c ↣ <!> MSG v; p }}}
       send c v
     {{{ RET #(); c ↣ p }}}.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
-    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ s l r lk ->) "[#Hlk H]"; wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlk"); iIntros "[Hlkd Hinv]".
-    iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & #Hlbl & #Hlbr & Hctx)".
-    destruct s; simpl.
-    - wp_pures. wp_bind (lsnoc _ _).
-      iApply (wp_step_fupdN_lb with "Hlbr [Hctx H]"); [done| |].
-      { iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]. simpl.
-        iIntros "Hclose !>!>".
-        iMod (iProto_send_l with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
-        { rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
-        iModIntro.
-        iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|].
-        iIntros "!>". iMod "Hclose".
-        iCombine ("Hctx H") as "H".
-        iExact "H". }
-      iApply (wp_lb_update with "Hlbl").
-      wp_smart_apply (lsnoc_spec with "[$Hl //]"); iIntros "Hl".
-      iIntros "#Hlbl' [Hctx H] !>".
-      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]").
-      { iExists (vsl ++ [v]), vsr.
-        rewrite app_length /=.
-        replace (length vsl + 1) with (S (length vsl)) by lia.
-        iFrame "#∗". }
-      iIntros "_". iApply "HΦ". iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame.
-    - wp_pures. wp_bind (lsnoc _ _).
-      iApply (wp_step_fupdN_lb with "Hlbl [Hctx H]"); [done| |].
-      { iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]. simpl.
-        iIntros "Hclose !>!>".
-        iMod (iProto_send_r with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
-        { rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
-        iModIntro.
-        iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|].
-        iIntros "!>". iMod "Hclose".
-        iCombine ("Hctx H") as "H".
-        iExact "H". }
-      iApply (wp_lb_update with "Hlbr").
-      wp_smart_apply (lsnoc_spec with "[$Hr //]"); iIntros "Hr".
-      iIntros "#Hlbr' [Hctx H] !>".
-      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]").
-      { iExists vsl, (vsr ++ [v]).
-        rewrite app_length /=.
-        replace (length vsr + 1) with (S (length vsr)) by lia.
-        iFrame "#∗". }
-      iIntros "_". iApply "HΦ". iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT)
-        (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
-      send c (v tt)
-    {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ".
-    iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]")
-      as "Hc".
-    { iIntros "!>".
-      iApply iProto_le_trans.
-      iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l.
-      by iFrame "HP". }
-    by iApply (send_spec with "Hc").
+    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 s l1 l2 ->)
+                        "(#IH & #IHl & #IHr & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_bind (Store _ _).
+    iInv "IHl" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
+        wp_store.
+        rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[_ Hown]".
+        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p'') "[_ Hown']".
+        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
+        wp_store.
+        rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct "Hown" as (p'') "[_ Hown]".
+        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p''') "[_ Hown']".
+        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl Htok]".
+    wp_store.
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+    { apply excl_auth_update. }
+    iModIntro.
+    iSplitL "Hl H● Hown". 
+    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
+      iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl. done. }
+    wp_pures.
+    iLöb as "HL".
+    wp_lam.
+    wp_bind (Load _).
+    iInv "IHl" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl Htok']".
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %H. done. }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown & HIp)".
+      wp_load. iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl Hown HIp".
+      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Htok H◯").
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl & Hown & H●)".
+      wp_load.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl Htok".
+      { iLeft. iFrame. }
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "#Hagree".
+      iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "Hagree") as "Hagree'".
+      wp_pures.
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+      { apply excl_auth_update. }
+      iModIntro.
+      iApply "HΦ".
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
+      iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
-  Lemma try_recv_spec {TT} c (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣ <?.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
-      try_recv c
-    {{{ w, RET w; (⌜w = NONEV⌝ ∗ c ↣ <?.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∨
-                  (∃.. x, ⌜w = SOMEV (v x)⌝ ∗ c ↣ p x ∗ P x) }}}.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
-    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ s l r lk ->) "[#Hlk H]"; wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlk"); iIntros "[Hlkd Hinv]".
-    iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & #Hlbl & #Hlbr & Hctx)". destruct s; simpl.
-    - wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hr"); iIntros "Hr".
-      destruct vsr as [|vr vsr]; wp_pures.
-      { wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
-        iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iLeft. iSplit; [done|].
-        iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
-      wp_smart_apply (lpop_spec with "Hr"); iIntros (v') "[% Hr]"; simplify_eq/=.
-      iMod (iProto_recv_l with "Hctx H") as (q) "(Hctx & H & Hm)". wp_pures.
-      rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
-      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
-      iDestruct (steps_lb_le _ (length vsr) with "Hlbr") as "#Hlbr'"; [lia|].
-      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
-      iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iRight. iExists x. iSplit; [done|].
-      iFrame "HP". iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
-      by iRewrite "Hp".
-    - wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl".
-      destruct vsl as [|vl vsl]; wp_pures.
-      { wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
-        iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iLeft. iSplit; [done|].
-        iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
-      wp_smart_apply (lpop_spec with "Hl"); iIntros (v') "[% Hl]"; simplify_eq/=.
-      iMod (iProto_recv_r with "Hctx H") as (q) "(Hctx & H & Hm)". wp_pures.
-      rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
-      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
-      iDestruct (steps_lb_le _ (length vsl) with "Hlbl") as "#Hlbl'"; [lia|].
-      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
-      iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iRight. iExists x. iSplit; [done|].
-      iFrame "HP". iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
-      by iRewrite "Hp".
-  Qed.
+  (* Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT) *)
+  (*       (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) : *)
+  (*   {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}} *)
+  (*     send c (v tt) *)
+  (*   {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]") *)
+  (*     as "Hc". *)
+  (*   { iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*     iApply iProto_le_trans. *)
+  (*     iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l. *)
+  (*     by iFrame "HP". } *)
+  (*   by iApply (send_spec with "Hc"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
     {{{ c ↣ <?.. x> MSG v x {{ ▷ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c
     {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣ p x ∗ P x }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (try_recv_spec with "Hc"); iIntros (w) "[[-> H]|H]".
-    { wp_pures. by iApply ("IH" with "[$]"). }
-    iDestruct "H" as (x ->) "[Hc HP]". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  (** ** Specifications for choice *)
-  Lemma select_spec c (b : bool) P1 P2 p1 p2 :
-    {{{ c ↣ (p1 <{P1}+{P2}> p2) ∗ if b then P1 else P2 }}}
-      send c #b
-    {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (if b then p1 else p2) }}}.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_choice. iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ".
-    iApply (send_spec with "[Hc HP] HΦ").
-    iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "Hc").
-    iIntros "!>". iExists b. by iFrame "HP".
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
+    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ E1 γE2 γt1 γt2 s l1 l2 ->)
+                        "(#IH & #IHl & #IHr & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
+    iInv "IHr" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl Htok]".
+      wp_xchg.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl Htok".
+      { iLeft. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[>Hl [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
+      wp_xchg.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl Hown' Hâ—¯'".
+      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[Hm Hp']".
+    iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
+    wp_xchg.
+    destruct s.
+    - simpl.
+      iMod (iProto_step_r with "Hctx Hown Hown' Hm") as
+        (p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl Hown' Hp'".
+      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pure _.
+      rewrite iMsg_base_eq. 
+      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
+      wp_pures. 
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+      { apply excl_auth_update. }
+      iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
+      iFrame.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+      iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". done.
+    - simpl.
+      iMod (iProto_step_l with "Hctx Hown' Hown Hm") as
+        (p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl Hown Hp'".
+      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pure _.
+      rewrite iMsg_base_eq. 
+      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
+      wp_pures. 
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+      { apply excl_auth_update. }
+      iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
+      iFrame.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+      iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". done.
-  Lemma branch_spec c P1 P2 p1 p2 :
-    {{{ c ↣ (p1 <{P1}&{P2}> p2) }}}
-      recv c
-    {{{ b, RET #b; c ↣ (if b : bool then p1 else p2) ∗ if b then P1 else P2 }}}.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_choice. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    iApply (recv_spec _ (tele_app _)
-      (tele_app (TT:=[tele _ : bool]) (λ b, if b then P1 else P2))%I
-      (tele_app _) with "[Hc]").
-    { iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "Hc").
-      iIntros "!> /=" (b) "HP". iExists b. by iSplitL. }
-    rewrite -bi_tforall_forall.
-    iIntros "!>" (x) "[Hc H]". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
-  Qed.
 End channel.
diff --git a/theories/channel/proto.v b/theories/channel/proto.v
index c12d547..f7b54fe 100644
--- a/theories/channel/proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/proto.v
@@ -1206,8 +1206,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
-            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
+      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+              iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
     iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
     iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
@@ -1237,8 +1237,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
-            iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
+      ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+              iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
     iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
     iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".

From cb563064db46beee2102087acc420202e954950b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 18:35:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/81] WIP multi_channel

 _CoqProject                    | 3 ++-
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 330aec8..2fcbc7e 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ theories/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 984b84c..05b31f7 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ Section proto.
     iProto_own γ i (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
     iProto_own γ j (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
             iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
     iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ Section proto.
       (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
-    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame. iIntros "!>". iExists _. iFrame.
+    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)

From e7a4245076ba9cf7896e2fa8fc7d4fe402ed94fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 19:30:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/81] Added multi channels and more

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              | 327 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        |  97 +++++-
 2 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 theories/channel/multi_channel.v

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..878772e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+(** This file contains the definition of the channels, encoded as a pair of
+lock-protected buffers, and their primitive proof rules. Moreover:
+- It defines the connective [c ↣ prot] for ownership of channel endpoints,
+  which describes that channel endpoint [c] adheres to protocol [prot].
+- It proves Actris's specifications of [send] and [recv] w.r.t. dependent
+  separation protocols.
+An encoding of the usual (binary) choice connectives [prot1 <{Q1}+{Q2}> prot2]
+and [prot1 <{Q1}&{Q2}> prot2], inspired by session types, is also included in
+this file.
+In this file we define the three message-passing connectives:
+- [new_chan] creates references to two empty buffers and a lock, and returns a
+  pair of endpoints, where the order of the two references determines the
+  polarity of the endpoints.
+- [send] takes an endpoint and adds an element to the first buffer.
+- [recv] performs a busy loop until there is something in the second buffer,
+  which it pops and returns, locking during each peek.
+It is additionaly shown that the channel ownership [c ↣ prot] is closed under
+the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
+From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
+From actris.utils Require Export llist.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model.
+From Require Export multi_proto.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+(* TODO: Update new_chan definition to use pointers with offsets *)
+(** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
+Definition new_chan : val :=
+  λ: "n",
+    let: "l" := AllocN ("n"*"n") NONEV in
+    let: "xxs" := lnil #() in
+    (rec: "go1" "i" := if: "i" = "n" then #() else
+       let: "xs" := lnil #() in
+       (rec: "go2" "j" := if: "j" = "n" then #() else
+          lcons ("l" +â‚— ("i"*"n"+"j"), "l" +â‚— ("j"*"n"+"i")) "xs";;
+          "go2" ("j"+#1)) #0;;
+       lcons "xs" "xxs";;
+       "go1" ("i"+#1)) #0;; "xxs".
+Definition wait : val :=
+  rec: "go" "c" :=
+    match: !"c" with
+      NONE => #()
+    | SOME <> => "go" "c"
+    end.
+Definition send : val :=
+  λ: "c" "i" "v",
+    let: "len" := Fst "c" in
+    if: "i" < "len" then
+      let: "l" := Fst (! ((Snd "c") +â‚— "i")) in
+      "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l"
+    (* OBS: Hacky *)
+    else (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
+Definition recv : val :=
+  rec: "go" "c" "i" :=
+    let: "len" := Fst "c" in
+    if: "i" < "len" then
+      let: "l" := Snd (! ((Snd "c") +â‚— "i")) in
+      let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
+      match: "v" with
+        NONE => "go" "c" "i"
+      | SOME "v" => "v"
+      end
+    (* OBS: Hacky *)
+    else (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
+(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
+Class proto_exclG Σ V :=
+  protoG_exclG ::
+    inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))).
+Definition proto_exclΣ V := #[
+  GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))
+Class chanG Σ := {
+  chanG_proto_exclG :: proto_exclG Σ val;
+  chanG_tokG :: inG Σ (exclR unitO);
+  chanG_protoG :: protoG Σ val;
+Definition chanΣ : gFunctors := #[ proto_exclΣ val; protoΣ val; GFunctor (exclR unitO) ].
+Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ} : subG chanΣ Σ → chanG Σ.
+Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+(** * Definition of the pointsto connective *)
+Notation iProto Σ := (iProto Σ val).
+Notation iMsg Σ := (iMsg Σ val).
+Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
+Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
+  (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt) ∨
+  (∃ v m, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
+            iProto_own γ i (<Send j> m)%proto ∗
+            (∃ p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p)))) ∨
+  (∃ p, l ↦ NONEV ∗
+          iProto_own γ i p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
+Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
+    (c : val) (i:nat) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 (l:loc) ls,
+    ⌜ c = PairV #(length ls) #l ⌝ ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
+    l ↦∗ ls ∗
+    ([∗list] j ↦ v ∈ ls, 
+       ∃ (l1 l2 : loc),
+         ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗
+         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗
+         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) ∗
+    (* llist (λ l v, *)
+    (*          ∃ (j:nat) (l1 l2 : loc), *)
+    (*            ⌜l = (j,(l1,l2))⌝ ∗ ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗ *)
+    (*            inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗ *)
+    (*            inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) l *)
+    (*       (zip (seq 0 (length ls)) ls) ∗ *)
+    own γE1 (●E (Next p)) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p)) ∗
+    iProto_own γ i p.
+Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
+  @iProto_pointsto = @iProto_pointsto_def := iProto_pointsto_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_pointsto {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 4 := {}.
+Notation "c ↣{ i } p" := (iProto_pointsto c i p)
+  (at level 20, format "c  ↣{  i  }  p").
+Section channel.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
+  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  Global Instance iProto_pointsto_ne c i : NonExpansive (iProto_pointsto c i).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c i : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_pointsto c i).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  (* Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]". *)
+  (*   iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk". *)
+  (*   by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
+  Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
+    (∀ i, i < n → is_Some (ps !! i)) →
+    {{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
+      new_chan #n
+    {{{ cs ls, RET #cs;
+        ⌜length ls = n⌝ ∗ cs ↦∗ ls ∗
+        [∗list] i ↦ l ∈ ls, l ↣{i} (ps !!! i) }}}.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
+    False.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  Lemma send_spec c i j v p :
+    {{{ c ↣{i} <Send j> MSG v; p }}}
+      send c #j v
+    {{{ RET #(); c ↣{i} p }}}.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
+    iDestruct "Hc" as
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    wp_pures.
+    case_bool_decide; last first.
+    { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
+      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
+    (* assert (is_Some ((zip (seq 0 (length ls)) ls) !! j)) as [l' HSome]. *)
+    (* { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. } *)
+    (* wp_smart_apply (llookup_spec with "Hls"); [done|]. *)
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
+    { done. } 
+    iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
+    iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
+    { iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_bind (Store _ _).
+    iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+        wp_store.
+        rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+        wp_store.
+        rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
+    wp_store.
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+    { apply excl_auth_update. }
+    iModIntro.
+    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown". 
+    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
+      iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl. done. }
+    wp_pures.
+    iLöb as "HL".
+    wp_lam.
+    wp_bind (Load _).
+    iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok']".
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
+      wp_load. iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
+      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Hl Hls Htok H◯").
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
+      wp_load.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
+      { iLeft. iFrame. }
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "#Hagree".
+      iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "Hagree") as "Hagree'".
+      wp_pures.
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+      { apply excl_auth_update. }
+      iModIntro.
+      iApply "HΦ".
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
+      iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
+  Qed.
+  (* Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT) *)
+  (*       (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) : *)
+  (*   {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}} *)
+  (*     send c (v tt) *)
+  (*   {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}. *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]") *)
+  (*     as "Hc". *)
+  (*   { iIntros "!>". *)
+  (*     iApply iProto_le_trans. *)
+  (*     iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l. *)
+  (*     by iFrame "HP". } *)
+  (*   by iApply (send_spec with "Hc"). *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma recv_spec {TT} c i j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
+    {{{ c ↣{i} <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ ▷ P x }}; p x }}}
+      recv c #j
+    {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣{i} p x ∗ P x }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
+    iDestruct "Hc" as
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    wp_pures.
+    case_bool_decide; last first.
+    { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
+      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
+    wp_pures.
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
+    { done. } 
+    iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
+    iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
+    { iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }    
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
+    iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok]".
+      wp_xchg.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
+      { iLeft. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[>Hl' [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
+      wp_xchg.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl' Hown' Hâ—¯'".
+      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[Hm Hp']".
+    iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
+    wp_xchg.
+    iMod (iProto_step with "Hctx Hown' Hown Hm") as
+      (p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
+    iModIntro.
+    iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
+    iModIntro.
+    iSplitL "Hl' Hown Hp'".
+    { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
+    wp_pure _.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
+    wp_pures.
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+    { apply excl_auth_update. }
+    iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
+    iFrame.
+    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+    iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗".
+  Qed.
+End channel.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 4863f4a..345c5c8 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
 From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
-Definition iProto_example1 {Σ V} : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) :=
+Definition iProto_example1 {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ V} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ V).
+Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ).
   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
   iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hi Hj".
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ Proof.
   by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
-Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
-  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
 Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 _ Σ invGS0 P).
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 Σ invGS0 P).
   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
   rewrite /iProto_example2.
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ Proof.
-Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ}  : gmap nat (iProto Σ Z) :=
-  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 2)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG x ; <(Send 0)> MSG x; END)%proto ]>
+Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+   <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
 Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 _ Σ invGS0).
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 Σ invGS0).
   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
   rewrite /iProto_example3.
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Proof.
   rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
   iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
   iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END)))%proto.
-  iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def x True END)%proto.
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
+  iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
   iRewrite -"Hm2".
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ Proof.
   iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
   iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
   iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END)))%proto.
-  iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def x True END)%proto.
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
+  iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
   iRewrite -"Hm2".
@@ -291,3 +291,66 @@ Proof.
   rewrite lookup_total_empty.
   by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
+Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "c0" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #0) in 
+     let: "c1" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #1) in 
+     let: "c2" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #2) in 
+     Fork (let: "x" := recv "c1" #0 in send "c1" #2 "x");;
+     Fork (let: "x" := recv "c2" #1 in send "c2" #0 "x");;
+     send "c0" #1 #42;;
+     recv "c0" #2.
+Section channel.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
+  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3 with "[]").
+    { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { iApply iProto_example3_consistent. }
+    iIntros (cs ls) "[%Hlen [Hcs Hls]]".
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! 0)) as [c0 HSome0].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! 1)) as [c1 HSome1].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! 2)) as [c2 HSome2].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 0 with "Hls") as "[Hc0 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 1 with "Hls") as "[Hc1 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 2 with "Hls") as "[Hc2 _]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct ("Hc1" with "[//]") as "Hc1".
+    iDestruct ("Hc2" with "[//] [//]") as "Hc2".
+    rewrite /iProto_example3.
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_pures.
+      wp_apply (recv_spec c1 _ 0 with "[Hc1]"); [admit|].
+      admit. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_pures.
+      wp_apply (recv_spec c2 _ 1 with "[Hc2]"); [admit|].
+      admit. }
+    wp_pures. wp_apply (send_spec c0 0 1 #42 with "[Hc0]"); [admit|].
+    iIntros "Hc0".
+  Admitted.
+End channel.

From 4229311f43e326535ea4e583020de66248fe9b60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 21:32:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/81] First closed proof!

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              | 99 +++++++++++++++----
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 42 ++++++--
 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 878772e..763567f 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -178,9 +178,6 @@ Section channel.
     case_bool_decide; last first.
     { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
       iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
-    (* assert (is_Some ((zip (seq 0 (length ls)) ls) !! j)) as [l' HSome]. *)
-    (* { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. } *)
-    (* wp_smart_apply (llookup_spec with "Hls"); [done|]. *)
     assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
     { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
@@ -243,24 +240,88 @@ Section channel.
       iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
-  (* Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT) *)
-  (*       (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) : *)
-  (*   {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}} *)
-  (*     send c (v tt) *)
-  (*   {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]") *)
-  (*     as "Hc". *)
-  (*   { iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*     iApply iProto_le_trans. *)
-  (*     iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l. *)
-  (*     by iFrame "HP". } *)
-  (*   by iApply (send_spec with "Hc"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c j i (tt : TT)
+        (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
+    {{{ c ↣{i} (<(Send j) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
+      send c #j (v tt)
+    {{{ RET #(); c ↣{i} (p tt) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.    
+    iDestruct "Hc" as
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    wp_pures.
+    case_bool_decide; last first.
+    { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
+      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". iFrame. }
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
+    { done. } 
+    iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
+    iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
+    { iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_bind (Store _ _).
+    iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+        wp_store.
+        rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+        wp_store.
+        rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
+    wp_store.
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+    { apply excl_auth_update. }
+    iModIntro.
+    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown HP". 
+    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
+      iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
+      iApply iMsg_texist_exist.
+      simpl. iExists tt.
+      iSplit; [done|]. 
+      iSplit; [done|]. 
+      done. }
+    wp_pures.
+    iLöb as "HL".
+    wp_lam.
+    wp_bind (Load _).
+    iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok']".
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
+      wp_load. iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
+      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Hl Hls Htok H◯").
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
+      wp_load.
+      iModIntro.
+      iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
+      { iLeft. iFrame. }
+      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "#Hagree".
+      iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "Hagree") as "Hagree'".
+      wp_pures.
+      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
+      { apply excl_auth_update. }
+      iModIntro.
+      iApply "HΦ".
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
+      iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
+  Qed.
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c i j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣{i} <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ ▷ P x }}; p x }}}
+    {{{ c ↣{i} <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c #j
     {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣{i} p x ∗ P x }}}.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 345c5c8..e934156 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Section channel.
   Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
-  Proof.
+  Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3 with "[]").
@@ -342,15 +342,39 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_pures.
-      wp_apply (recv_spec c1 _ 0 with "[Hc1]"); [admit|].
-      admit. }
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      wp_smart_apply
+        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c1 1 0
+                   (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
+          with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (x') "[Hc1 _]".
+      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
+      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c1 1 2 with "Hc1").
+      by iIntros "_". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_pures.
-      wp_apply (recv_spec c2 _ 1 with "[Hc2]"); [admit|].
-      admit. }
-    wp_pures. wp_apply (send_spec c0 0 1 #42 with "[Hc0]"); [admit|].
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      wp_smart_apply
+        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c2 2 1
+                   (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
+                   with "Hc2").
+      iIntros (x') "[Hc1 _]".
+      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
+      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c2 2 0 with "Hc1").
+      by iIntros "_". }
+    wp_smart_apply
+      (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele Z]) c0 1 0 ([tele_arg 42%Z])
+                      (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I
+                      (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
+                   with "[Hc0]").
+    { iSplitL; [|done]. simpl. iFrame "Hc0". }
     iIntros "Hc0".
-  Admitted.
+    wp_smart_apply (recv_spec (TT:=[tele]) c0 0 2
+                              (λ _, #42)
+                              (λ _, True)%I
+                              (λ _, _)
+                      with "Hc0").
+    iIntros (_) "Hc0".
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
 End channel.

From d6df07bf72487fdbb4cdf6eff281a3ff7aebf369 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:07:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/81] Hid the channel index on the channel ownership

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              | 52 +++++++++----------
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 24 ++++-----
 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 763567f..04b3286 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :
           iProto_own γ i p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
-    (c : val) (i:nat) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 (l:loc) ls,
+    (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i (l:loc) ls,
     ⌜ c = PairV #(length ls) #l ⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
     l ↦∗ ls ∗
@@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
   @iProto_pointsto = @iProto_pointsto_def := iProto_pointsto_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_pointsto {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 4 := {}.
-Notation "c ↣{ i } p" := (iProto_pointsto c i p)
-  (at level 20, format "c  ↣{  i  }  p").
+Arguments iProto_pointsto {_ _ _} _ _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 5 := {}.
+Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
+  (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
   Implicit Types TT : tele.
-  Global Instance iProto_pointsto_ne c i : NonExpansive (iProto_pointsto c i).
+  Global Instance iProto_pointsto_ne c : NonExpansive (iProto_pointsto c).
   Proof. rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c i : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_pointsto c i).
+  Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_pointsto c).
   Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
   (* Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2. *)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Section channel.
       new_chan #n
     {{{ cs ls, RET #cs;
         ⌜length ls = n⌝ ∗ cs ↦∗ ls ∗
-        [∗list] i ↦ l ∈ ls, l ↣{i} (ps !!! i) }}}.
+        [∗list] i ↦ l ∈ ls, l ↣ (ps !!! i) }}}.
   Proof. Admitted.
   Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ Section channel.
   Proof. Admitted.
-  Lemma send_spec c i j v p :
-    {{{ c ↣{i} <Send j> MSG v; p }}}
+  Lemma send_spec c j v p :
+    {{{ c ↣ <Send j> MSG v; p }}}
       send c #j v
-    {{{ RET #(); c ↣{i} p }}}.
+    {{{ RET #(); c ↣ p }}}.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     case_bool_decide; last first.
     { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
@@ -235,20 +235,20 @@ Section channel.
       { apply excl_auth_update. }
       iApply "HΦ".
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
       iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
       iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
-  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c j i (tt : TT)
+  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c j (tt : TT)
         (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣{i} (<(Send j) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
+    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send j) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
       send c #j (v tt)
-    {{{ RET #(); c ↣{i} (p tt) }}}.
+    {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.    
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     case_bool_decide; last first.
     { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
@@ -315,20 +315,20 @@ Section channel.
       { apply excl_auth_update. }
       iApply "HΦ".
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
       iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
       iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
-  Lemma recv_spec {TT} c i j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣{i} <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
+  Lemma recv_spec {TT} c j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
+    {{{ c ↣ <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c #j
-    {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣{i} p x ∗ P x }}}.
+    {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣ p x ∗ P x }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     case_bool_decide; last first.
     { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ Section channel.
       iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
       { iLeft. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[>Hl' [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ Section channel.
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown' Hâ—¯'".
       { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
     iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
     iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[Hm Hp']".
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ Section channel.
     { apply excl_auth_update. }
     iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
     iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗".
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index e934156..2813020 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -300,8 +300,7 @@ Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
      let: "c2" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #2) in 
      Fork (let: "x" := recv "c1" #0 in send "c1" #2 "x");;
      Fork (let: "x" := recv "c2" #1 in send "c2" #0 "x");;
-     send "c0" #1 #42;;
-     recv "c0" #2.
+     send "c0" #1 #42;; recv "c0" #2.
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
@@ -312,8 +311,7 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3 with "[]").
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3 with "[]").
     { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
     { iApply iProto_example3_consistent. }
     iIntros (cs ls) "[%Hlen [Hcs Hls]]".
@@ -344,37 +342,33 @@ Section channel.
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c1 1 0
+        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c1 0
                    (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
           with "Hc1").
       iIntros (x') "[Hc1 _]".
       epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
-      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c1 1 2 with "Hc1").
+      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c1 2 with "Hc1").
       by iIntros "_". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c2 2 1
+        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c2 1
                    (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
                    with "Hc2").
       iIntros (x') "[Hc1 _]".
       epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
-      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c2 2 0 with "Hc1").
+      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c2 0 with "Hc1").
       by iIntros "_". }
-      (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele Z]) c0 1 0 ([tele_arg 42%Z])
+      (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele Z]) c0 1 ([tele_arg 42%Z])
                       (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I
                       (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
                    with "[Hc0]").
     { iSplitL; [|done]. simpl. iFrame "Hc0". }
     iIntros "Hc0".
-    wp_smart_apply (recv_spec (TT:=[tele]) c0 0 2
-                              (λ _, #42)
-                              (λ _, True)%I
-                              (λ _, _)
+    wp_smart_apply (recv_spec (TT:=[tele]) c0 2 (λ _, #42) (λ _, True)%I (λ _, _)
                       with "Hc0").
-    iIntros (_) "Hc0".
-    by iApply "HΦ".
+    iIntros (_) "Hc0". by iApply "HΦ".
 End channel.

From b93dcfb8ee1c13775442d0e26f2dc8a0ee22d87c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:13:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 14/81] Updated definition of new_chan

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v | 17 +++++++----------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 04b3286..c78f0e7 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -22,12 +22,9 @@ In this file we define the three message-passing connectives:
 It is additionaly shown that the channel ownership [c ↣ prot] is closed under
 the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
-From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
-From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
-From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
-From actris.utils Require Export llist.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model.
-From Require Export multi_proto.
+From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (* TODO: Update new_chan definition to use pointers with offsets *)
@@ -35,13 +32,13 @@ Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Definition new_chan : val :=
   λ: "n",
     let: "l" := AllocN ("n"*"n") NONEV in
-    let: "xxs" := lnil #() in
+    let: "xxs" := AllocN "n" NONEV in
     (rec: "go1" "i" := if: "i" = "n" then #() else
-       let: "xs" := lnil #() in
+       let: "xs" := AllocN "n" NONEV in
        (rec: "go2" "j" := if: "j" = "n" then #() else
-          lcons ("l" +â‚— ("i"*"n"+"j"), "l" +â‚— ("j"*"n"+"i")) "xs";;
+          ("xs" +â‚— "j") <- ("l" +â‚— ("i"*"n"+"j"), "l" +â‚— ("j"*"n"+"i"));;
           "go2" ("j"+#1)) #0;;
-       lcons "xs" "xxs";;
+       ("xxs" +â‚— "i") <- "xs";;
        "go1" ("i"+#1)) #0;; "xxs".
 Definition wait : val :=

From 8d3cbcfbd5f50a2984a81fcfaa4ea59646fffc03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 14:55:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 15/81] Added example with resource transfer

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 301 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 301 insertions(+)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 2813020..c3c3743 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -372,3 +372,304 @@ Section channel.
 End channel.
+Section example4.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition iProto_example4 : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Recv 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
+      (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+               <(Send 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
+         (<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+                  <(Send 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
+            ∅)).
+  Lemma iProto_example4_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent (iProto_example4).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    rewrite /iProto_example4.
+    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+    destruct i; last first.
+    { destruct i.
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+        by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+      destruct i.
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+        by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    destruct j; last first.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      destruct j.
+      { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+        by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+    rewrite !iMsg_base_eq.
+    rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
+    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (l x <-) "[#Hm1' Hl]". simpl.
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #l
+                                                          (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)))%proto.
+    Unshelve. 2-4: apply _.     (* Why is this needed? *)
+    iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #l (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)%proto.
+    simpl.
+    iSplitL.
+    { iRewrite -"Hm2". iExists l, x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+    iNext.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+    iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct i; last first.
+    { destruct i.
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+        by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct j; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (<-) "[#Hm1' Hl]".
+    simpl.
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)))%proto.
+    iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)%proto.
+    Unshelve. 2-4: apply _.    
+    iRewrite -"Hm2".
+    simpl.
+    iSplitL.
+    { iExists l, (x+1)%Z. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
+    iNext.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 2); [|done].
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 0); [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 0); [|done].
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+    iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct i; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    destruct j; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      destruct j.
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+        by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      destruct j.
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+        by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
+    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
+    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (<-) "[#Hm1' Hl]".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#() (Next END))%proto.
+    iExists END%proto.
+    iRewrite -"Hm2".
+    simpl.
+    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia.
+    iSplitL; [iFrame;done|].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+    rewrite insert_insert.
+    iNext.
+    iRewrite -"Hm1'".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
+    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct i.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
+    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
+  Qed.
+End example4.
+Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "c0" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #0) in 
+     let: "c1" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #1) in 
+     let: "c2" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #2) in 
+     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l");;
+     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #());;
+     let: "l" := ref #40 in send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
+Section proof.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
+  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  Lemma roundtrip_ref_prog_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
+  Proof using chanG0.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example4 with "[]").
+    { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { iApply iProto_example4_consistent. }
+    iIntros (cs ls) "[%Hlen [Hcs Hls]]".
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! 0)) as [c0 HSome0].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! 1)) as [c1 HSome1].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! 2)) as [c2 HSome2].
+    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 0 with "Hls") as "[Hc0 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 1 with "Hls") as "[Hc1 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 2 with "Hls") as "[Hc2 _]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct ("Hc1" with "[//]") as "Hc1".
+    iDestruct ("Hc2" with "[//] [//]") as "Hc2".
+    rewrite /iProto_example4.
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      wp_smart_apply
+        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele loc Z]) c1 0
+                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), #l))
+                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), l ↦ #x)%I)
+                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), _))
+          with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (x') "[Hc1 Hl]".
+      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [l [y' ->]]. simpl.
+      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv y') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
+      wp_load. wp_store.
+      wp_smart_apply (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele]) c1 2
+                                     ([tele_arg])
+                                     (λ _, #l)
+                                     (λ _, l ↦ #(x+1))%I
+                                     (λ _, _) with "[$Hc1 $Hl]").
+      by iIntros "_". }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      wp_smart_apply
+        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele loc Z]) c2 1
+                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), #l))
+                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), l ↦ #x)%I)
+                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), _))
+          with "Hc2").
+      iIntros (x') "[Hc2 Hl]".
+      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [l [y' ->]]. simpl.
+      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv y') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
+      wp_load. wp_store.
+      wp_smart_apply (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele]) c2 0
+                                     ([tele_arg])
+                                     (λ _, #())
+                                     (λ _, l ↦ #(x+1))%I
+                                     (λ _, _) with "[$Hc2 $Hl]").
+      by iIntros "_". }
+    wp_alloc l as "Hl".
+    wp_smart_apply
+      (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele l Z]) c0 1 ([tele_arg l ; 40%Z])
+                      (tele_app (λ (l:loc) (x:Z), #l))
+                      (tele_app (λ (l:loc) (x:Z), l ↦ #x)%I)
+                      (tele_app (λ (l:loc) (x:Z), _))
+                   with "[$Hc0 $Hl]").
+    iIntros "Hc0".
+    wp_smart_apply (recv_spec (TT:=[tele]) c0 2
+                              (λ _, #()) (λ _, l ↦ #(40 + 2))%I (λ _, _)
+                      with "Hc0").
+    iIntros (_) "[Hc0 Hl]". wp_load. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End proof.

From ad01352aa1385f0915ba5be614b93df0c29dfb73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:01:39 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 16/81] Proved subprotocol lemmas

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v |   6 --
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v   | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index c78f0e7..157bf8e 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -113,12 +113,6 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
          ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) ∗
-    (* llist (λ l v, *)
-    (*          ∃ (j:nat) (l1 l2 : loc), *)
-    (*            ⌜l = (j,(l1,l2))⌝ ∗ ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗ *)
-    (*            inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗ *)
-    (*            inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) l *)
-    (*       (zip (seq 0 (length ls)) ls) ∗ *)
     own γE1 (●E (Next p)) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p)) ∗
     iProto_own γ i p.
 Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 05b31f7..d0e29de 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@ Qed.
 Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (i:nat) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ ps, iProto_consistent (<[i:=p1]>ps) -∗ iProto_consistent (<[i:=p2]>ps).
 Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _ _%proto _%proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 3 := {}.
-(* Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le i p q) : bi_scope. *)
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
+Notation "p ⊑{ i } q" := (iProto_le i p q) (at level 20) : bi_scope.
 Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} n : Proper ((=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
     ps !! i = Some p1 →
-    iProto_le i p1 p2 -∗
+    p1 ⊑{i} p2 -∗
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
     iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
@@ -624,6 +624,117 @@ Section proto.
     iApply "Hle".
+  Lemma iProto_le_refl i p : ⊢ iProto_le i p p.
+  Proof. iIntros (ps) "$". Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send i j m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑{i} p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
+    (<Send j> m1) ⊑{i} (<Send j> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle".
+    iIntros (ps) "H".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (ps m1 m2).
+    rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "#Hm1' #Hm2'".
+    iAssert (⌜i ≠ j'⌝)%I as %Hneq'.
+    { destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq]; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm2'" as (Heq) "_". inversion Heq. }
+    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hne]; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      iDestruct ("H" $! i' j' with "[Hm1'] [Hm2']") as "H".
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+      iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 H]".
+      iExists p2. iFrame. iNext.
+      rewrite !(insert_commute _ j' i); [|done..].
+      rewrite !(insert_commute _ i' i); [|done..].
+      iApply ("IH" with "Hle H"). }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm1'" as "[%Heq #Hm1']".
+    inversion Heq. simplify_eq.
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1'" $! v (Next p1)).
+    iRewrite -"Hm1'" in "Hm1".
+    iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1") as (p2) "[Hle Hm2]".
+    iDestruct ("H" $!i with "[] [] Hm2") as (p2') "[Hm2 H]".
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+    iExists p2'.
+    iFrame.
+    iNext. iApply "Hle".
+    rewrite !(insert_commute _ j' i); [|done..].
+    rewrite !insert_insert. done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv i j m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑{i} p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
+    (<Recv j> m1) ⊑{i} (<Recv j> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle".
+    iIntros (ps) "H".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (ps m1 m2).
+    rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "#Hm1' #Hm2'".
+    iAssert (⌜i ≠ i'⌝)%I as %Hneq'.
+    { destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq]; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "_". inversion Heq. }
+    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hne]; last first.
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      iDestruct ("H" $! i' j' with "[Hm1'] [Hm2']") as "H".
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+      iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 H]".
+      iExists p2. iFrame. iNext.
+      rewrite !(insert_commute _ j' i); [|done..].
+      rewrite !(insert_commute _ i' i); [|done..].
+      iApply ("IH" with "Hle H"). }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hm2'" as "[%Heq #Hm2']".
+    inversion Heq. simplify_eq.
+    iDestruct ("H" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1") as (p2') "[Hm2 H]".
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
+    iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm2") as (p2) "[Hle Hm2]".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2'" $! v (Next p2)).
+    iRewrite "Hm2'" in "Hm2".
+    iExists p2.
+    iFrame.
+    iNext.
+    rewrite !insert_insert.
+    rewrite !(insert_commute _ i' i); [|done..].
+    iApply "Hle". done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_base i a v P p1 p2 :
+    ▷ (p1 ⊑{i} p2) -∗
+    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑{i} (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_trans i p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑{i} p2 -∗ p2 ⊑{i} p3 -∗ p1 ⊑{i} p3.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2" (p) "Hprot".
+    iApply "H2". iApply "H1". done.
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
     ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send j)> m1) -∗

From 5770cc5f767e2f85ecb74cad8a14699e83d7a880 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 13:53:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 17/81] Updated subprotocol definition and proved lemmas

 _CoqProject                                   |   1 +
 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              |   8 +-
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v                | 491 +++++++++++++-----
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        |  38 +-
 theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v          |   9 +-
 5 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 2fcbc7e..1b9d3a3 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ theories/channel/channel.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 157bf8e..40f61e1 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
 Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
   (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt) ∨
   (∃ v m, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
-            iProto_own γ i (<Send j> m)%proto ∗
+            iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m)%proto ∗
             (∃ p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p)))) ∨
   (∃ p, l ↦ NONEV ∗
           iProto_own γ i p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Section channel.
   Proof. Admitted.
   Lemma send_spec c j v p :
-    {{{ c ↣ <Send j> MSG v; p }}}
+    {{{ c ↣ <(Send, j)> MSG v; p }}}
       send c #j v
     {{{ RET #(); c ↣ p }}}.
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Section channel.
   Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c j (tt : TT)
         (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send j) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
+    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send, j) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
       send c #j (v tt)
     {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}.
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Section channel.
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣ <(Recv j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
+    {{{ c ↣ <(Recv, j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c #j
     {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣ p x ∗ P x }}}.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index d0e29de..a24b94e 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@ Section proto.
   Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
   (** ** Equality *)
-  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ a m, p ≡ <a> m.
+  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ t n m, p ≡ <(t,n)> m.
     rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq.
-    destruct (proto_case p) as [|(a&m&?)]; [by left|right].
-    by exists a, (IMsg m).
+    destruct (proto_case p) as [|([a n]&m&?)]; [by left|right].
+    by exists a, n, (IMsg m).
   Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
     (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_dual_involutive : Involutive (≡) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
     intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&n&m&->)].
     { by rewrite !iProto_dual_end. }
     rewrite !iProto_dual_message involutive.
     iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ Section proto.
     { intros p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
     intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' Hp2. rewrite Hp1. clear p1 Hp1.
     revert p1'. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros p1.
-    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
     { by rewrite !left_id. }
     rewrite !iProto_app_message. f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 4 f_equiv.
     f_contractive. apply IH; eauto using dist_le with lia.
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_app_end_r : RightId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
     intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
     { by rewrite left_id. }
     rewrite iProto_app_message.
     iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_app_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@iProto_app Σ V).
     intros p1 p2 p3. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
     { by rewrite !left_id. }
     rewrite !iProto_app_message.
     iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p123) "/=".
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Section proto.
     iProto_dual (p1 <++> p2) ≡ iProto_dual p1 <++> iProto_dual p2.
     apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&m&->)].
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
     { by rewrite iProto_dual_end !left_id. }
     rewrite iProto_dual_message !iProto_app_message iProto_dual_message /=.
     iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p12) "/=".
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate (END).
 Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
            (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ m1 m2,
-  (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send j)> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <Recv i> m2) -∗
+  (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
   ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
           ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
                 â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
@@ -556,17 +556,56 @@ Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) :
   apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
-Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (i:nat) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ ps, iProto_consistent (<[i:=p1]>ps) -∗ iProto_consistent (<[i:=p2]>ps).
-Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _ _%proto _%proto.
+(** * Protocol entailment *)
+Definition iProto_le_pre {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  (p1 ≡ END ∗ p2 ≡ END) ∨
+  ∃ a1 a2 m1 m2,
+    (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ (p2 ≡ <a2> m2) ∗
+    match a1, a2 with
+    | (Recv,i), (Recv,j) => ⌜i = j⌝ ∗ ∀ v p1',
+       iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')
+    | (Send,i), (Send,j) => ⌜i = j⌝ ∗ ∀ v p2',
+       iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
+    | _, _ => False
+    end.
+Global Instance iProto_le_pre_ne {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) :
+  NonExpansive2 (iProto_le_pre rec).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Program Definition iProto_le_pre' {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
+    iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ := λne p1 p2,
+  iProto_le_pre (λ p1' p2', rec p1' p2') p1 p2.
+Solve Obligations with solve_proper.
+Local Instance iProto_le_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_le_pre' Σ V).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1 p2. rewrite /iProto_le_pre' /iProto_le_pre /=.
+  by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
+Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
+Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
-Notation "p ⊑{ i } q" := (iProto_le i p q) (at level 20) : bi_scope.
+Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
-Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} n : Proper ((=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
+Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_le Σ V).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
+Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+(* Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (i:nat) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := *)
+(*   ∀ ps, iProto_consistent (<[i:=p1]>ps) -∗ iProto_consistent (<[i:=p2]>ps). *)
+(* Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _ _%proto _%proto. *)
+(* Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}. *)
+(* Notation "p ⊑{ i } q" := (iProto_le i p q) (at level 20) : bi_scope. *)
+(* Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} n : Proper ((=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
+(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
+(* Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
+(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
   populate (ProtName inhabitant).
@@ -613,132 +652,352 @@ Section proto.
   Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
   Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
-    ps !! i = Some p1 →
-    p1 ⊑{i} p2 -∗
-    iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
+  (** ** Protocol entailment **)
+  Lemma iProto_le_unfold p1 p2 : iProto_le p1 p2 ≡ iProto_le_pre iProto_le p1 p2.
+  Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_le_pre'). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iLeft. auto 10. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
-    iIntros (HSome) "Hle".
-    rewrite -{1}(insert_id ps i p1); [|done].
-    iApply "Hle".
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //".
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)".
+    by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
-  Lemma iProto_le_refl i p : ⊢ iProto_le i p p.
-  Proof. iIntros (ps) "$". Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //".
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)".
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
+  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send i j m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑{i} p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
-    (<Send j> m1) ⊑{i} (<Send j> m2).
+  Lemma iProto_le_send_inv i p1 m2 :
+    p1 ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
+      (p1 ≡ <(Send,i)> m1) ∗
+      ∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
-    iIntros "Hle".
-    iIntros (ps) "H".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (ps m1 m2).
-    rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "#Hm1' #Hm2'".
-    iAssert (⌜i ≠ j'⌝)%I as %Hneq'.
-    { destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq]; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm2'" as (Heq) "_". inversion Heq. }
-    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hne]; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      iDestruct ("H" $! i' j' with "[Hm1'] [Hm2']") as "H".
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
-      iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 H]".
-      iExists p2. iFrame. iNext.
-      rewrite !(insert_commute _ j' i); [|done..].
-      rewrite !(insert_commute _ i' i); [|done..].
-      iApply ("IH" with "Hle H"). }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. 
+    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
+    simplify_eq.
+    destruct a1 as [[]]; [|done].
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+    iExists m1. iFrame.
+    iIntros (v p2).
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2)).
+    iRewrite "Hm2". iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv i m1 m2 v p2' :
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (Heq) "Hm1".
+    iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]".
+    iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_l i m1 p2 :
+    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2,
+      (p2 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m2) ∗
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. 
+    iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp1" as "[%Heq Hm1]".
+    simplify_eq.
+    destruct a2 as [[]]; [done|].
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+    iExists m2. iFrame.
+    iIntros (v p1).
+    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p1)).
+    iRewrite "Hm1". iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_r i p1 m2 :
+    (p1 ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
+      (p1 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m1) ∗
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. 
+    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
     rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as "[%Heq #Hm1']".
-    inversion Heq. simplify_eq.
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1'" $! v (Next p1)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm1'" in "Hm1".
-    iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1") as (p2) "[Hle Hm2]".
-    iDestruct ("H" $!i with "[] [] Hm2") as (p2') "[Hm2 H]".
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
-    iExists p2'.
-    iFrame.
-    iNext. iApply "Hle".
-    rewrite !(insert_commute _ j' i); [|done..].
-    rewrite !insert_insert. done.
+    iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
+    simplify_eq.
+    destruct a1 as [[]]; [done|].
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+    iExists m1. iFrame.
+    iIntros (v p2).
+    iIntros "Hm1". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle H]".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
+    iExists p2'. iFrame.
+    iRewrite "Hm2". iApply "H".
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv i j m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑{i} p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
-    (<Recv j> m1) ⊑{i} (<Recv j> m2).
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv i m1 m2 v p1' :
+    (<(Recv, i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
+    iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1".
+    by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
+    ps !! i = Some p1 →
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
-    iIntros "Hle".
-    iIntros (ps) "H".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (ps m1 m2).
+    iIntros (HSome) "Hle Hprot".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps HSome).
     rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "#Hm1' #Hm2'".
-    iAssert (⌜i ≠ i'⌝)%I as %Hneq'.
-    { destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq]; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "_". inversion Heq. }
-    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hne]; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      iDestruct ("H" $! i' j' with "[Hm1'] [Hm2']") as "H".
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+    iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
+    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
+      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
+      destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
+      setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
+      destruct a; last first.
+      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]". done. }
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]".
+      inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
+      iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
+      iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p)).
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "Hle") as "Hle". 
+      iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+      iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq H]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1'") as (p') "[Hle H]".
+      destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq].
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. }
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j' with "[] [] H") as "Hprot".
+      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !lookup_total_alt. rewrite HSome. done. }
       { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
-      iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 H]".
-      iExists p2. iFrame. iNext.
-      rewrite !(insert_commute _ j' i); [|done..].
-      rewrite !(insert_commute _ i' i); [|done..].
-      iApply ("IH" with "Hle H"). }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
+      iExists p''. iFrame. 
+      iNext.
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "[] Hle Hprot") as "HI".
+      { iPureIntro. by rewrite lookup_insert. }
+      iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
+      rewrite insert_insert.
+      rewrite (insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
+      rewrite insert_insert. done. }
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
-    rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm2'" as "[%Heq #Hm2']".
-    inversion Heq. simplify_eq.
-    iDestruct ("H" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1") as (p2') "[Hm2 H]".
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
-    iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm2") as (p2) "[Hle Hm2]".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2'" $! v (Next p2)).
-    iRewrite "Hm2'" in "Hm2".
-    iExists p2.
-    iFrame.
+    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq'].
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+      pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
+      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
+      destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
+      setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
+      destruct a.
+      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]". done. }
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]".
+      inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
+      iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle". 
+      (* iRewrite -"Hm2" in "Hm2'". *)
+      iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
+      { done. }
+      { rewrite !lookup_total_alt. rewrite HSome. done. }
+      iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
+      iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']". 
+      iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
+      iExists p2'.
+      iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "[] Hle Hprot") as "HI".
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
+      rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
+      rewrite !insert_insert. done. }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' j' with "[//] [//] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
+    iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm2' Hprot]".
+    iExists p'. iFrame.
-    rewrite !insert_insert.
-    rewrite !(insert_commute _ i' i); [|done..].
-    iApply "Hle". done.
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
+    rewrite (insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
+    iApply ("IH" with "[] Hle Hprot").
+    iPureIntro.
+    rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+    done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send i m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iRight. iExists (Send, i), (Send, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv i m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
+    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iRight. iExists (Recv, i), (Recv, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
-  Lemma iProto_le_base i a v P p1 p2 :
-    ▷ (p1 ⊑{i} p2) -∗
-    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑{i} (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
+  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
+    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗
+    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a as [[]].
     - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
       iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
     - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
       iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-  Lemma iProto_le_trans i p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑{i} p2 -∗ p2 ⊑{i} p3 -∗ p1 ⊑{i} p3.
+  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
+  Proof. 
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
+    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&i&m3&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1.
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
+      iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
+      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&i&m&->)].
+    - iApply iProto_le_end.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l i m v P p :
+    (P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) ⊢
+    (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". 
+    iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
+    iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r i m v P p :
+    (P -∗ (<(Send, i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send, i)> MSG v; p)) ⊢
+    (<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".    
+    iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l i v P p :
+    P -∗ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r i v P p :
+    P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 :
+    (∀ x, (<(Recv,i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2)) ⊢
+    (<(Recv,i) @ x> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+    by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} i m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x)) ⊢
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i) @ x> m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+    by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
+    ⊢ (<(Send,i) @ x> m x) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m a).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
+    ⊢ (<(Recv,i)> m a) ⊑ (<(Recv,i) @ x> m x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} i (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) m2 :
+    (∀ x, (<(Recv,i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2)) ⊢
+    (<(Recv,i) @.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
+    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x).
+    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} i m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x)) -∗
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i) @.. x> m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
+    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x).
+    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} i (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
+    ⊢ (<(Send,i) @.. x> m x) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m x).
+  Proof.
+    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
+    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} i (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
+    ⊢ (<(Recv,i)> m x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i) @.. x> m x).
-    iIntros "H1 H2" (p) "Hprot".
-    iApply "H2". iApply "H1". done.
+    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
+    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
-    ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
+    ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
     ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
           â–· iProto_consistent (<[i := p1]>(<[j := p2]>ps)).
@@ -815,8 +1074,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗
-    iProto_own γ i (<(Send j)> m1) -∗
-    iProto_own γ j (<(Recv i)> m2) -∗
+    iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
+    iProto_own γ j (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
     ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
             iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index c3c3743..f9ec28f 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Proof.
 Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-  <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+  <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
 Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ Proof.
 Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-   <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+   <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
 Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Proof.
   rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
   iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
   iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
-  iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
+  iExists (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
   iRewrite -"Hm2".
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ Proof.
   iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
   iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
   iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
-  iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
+  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
+  iExists (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
   iRewrite -"Hm2".
@@ -377,12 +377,12 @@ Section example4.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
   Definition iProto_example4 : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-            <(Recv 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
-      (<[1 := (<(Recv 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-               <(Send 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
-         (<[2 := (<(Recv 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-                  <(Send 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
+    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
+      (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+               <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
+         (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+                  <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
   Lemma iProto_example4_consistent :
@@ -434,10 +434,10 @@ Section example4.
     rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
     iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
     iDestruct "Hm1'" as (l x <-) "[#Hm1' Hl]". simpl.
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #l
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #l
                                                           (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)))%proto.
     Unshelve. 2-4: apply _.     (* Why is this needed? *)
-    iExists (<Send 2> iMsg_base_def #l (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)%proto.
+    iExists (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #l (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)%proto.
     { iRewrite -"Hm2". iExists l, x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
@@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ Section example4.
     iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
     iDestruct "Hm1'" as (<-) "[#Hm1' Hl]".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)))%proto.
-    iExists (<Send 0> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)%proto.
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)))%proto.
+    iExists (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)%proto.
     Unshelve. 2-4: apply _.    
     iRewrite -"Hm2".
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
index 9c6c8be..e32bc26 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
@@ -39,12 +39,13 @@ From actris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Module Export action.
-  Inductive action := Send (n:nat) | Recv (n:nat).
-  Global Instance action_inhabited : Inhabited action := populate (Send 0).
+  Inductive tag := Send | Recv.
+  Definition action : Set := tag * nat.
+  Global Instance action_inhabited : Inhabited action := populate (Send,0).
   Definition action_dual (a : action) : action :=
-    match a with Send n => Recv n | Recv n => Send n end.
+    match a with (Send, n) => (Recv, n) | (Recv, n) => (Send, n) end.
   Global Instance action_dual_involutive : Involutive (=) action_dual.
-  Proof. by intros []. Qed.
+  Proof. by intros [[]]. Qed.
   Canonical Structure actionO := leibnizO action.
 End action.

From 652f69a544355b423f7ea9b26f29db2e38e6dd08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 14:28:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 18/81] Subprotocols done

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v | 156 +++++++++++--------------------
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v   |  78 +++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 40f61e1..17cb350 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i (l:loc) ls,
+  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i (l:loc) ls p',
     ⌜ c = PairV #(length ls) #l ⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
     l ↦∗ ls ∗
@@ -113,8 +113,9 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
          ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) ∗
-    own γE1 (●E (Next p)) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p)) ∗
-    iProto_own γ i p.
+    ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗
+    own γE1 (●E (Next p')) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p')) ∗
+    iProto_own γ i p'.
 Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
@@ -134,12 +135,15 @@ Section channel.
   Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_pointsto c).
   Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  (* Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]". *)
-  (*   iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk". *)
-  (*   by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
+    iDestruct 1 as
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls p ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, γE1, γE2, γt1, γt2, i, l, ls, p.
+    iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle Hle'").
+  Qed.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
@@ -155,7 +159,9 @@ Section channel.
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
-  Proof. Admitted.
+  Proof. 
+    iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
+  Qed.
   Lemma send_spec c j v p :
     {{{ c ↣ <(Send, j)> MSG v; p }}}
@@ -164,11 +170,11 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls p' ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     case_bool_decide; last first.
     { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
-      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
+      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". done. }
     assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
     { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
@@ -187,18 +193,24 @@ Section channel.
       - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
         rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct "Hown" as (p'') "[Hle' Hown]".
+        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p''') "[Hle'' Hown']".
         iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
         rewrite /iProto_own.
+        iDestruct "Hown" as (p''') "[Hle' Hown]".
+        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p'''') "[Hle'' Hown']".
         iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
     iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
     { apply excl_auth_update. }
-    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown". 
+    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown Hle". 
     { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
+      iSplitL "Hown Hle".
+      { iApply (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle"). }
       iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl. done. }
     iLöb as "HL".
@@ -214,7 +226,7 @@ Section channel.
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
       { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Hl Hls Htok H◯").
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
       iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
@@ -226,91 +238,28 @@ Section channel.
       { apply excl_auth_update. }
       iApply "HΦ".
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iExists _,_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
       iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
-      iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
+      iRewrite -"Hagree'". iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c j (tt : TT)
+  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c i (tt : TT)
         (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send, j) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
-      send c #j (v tt)
+    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,i) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
+      send c #i (v tt)
     {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}.
-    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.    
-    iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    wp_pures.
-    case_bool_decide; last first.
-    { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
-      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". iFrame. }
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
-    { done. } 
-    iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
-    iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
-    { iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_bind (Store _ _).
-    iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
-        wp_store.
-        rewrite /iProto_own.
-        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
-        wp_store.
-        rewrite /iProto_own.
-        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
-    wp_store.
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-    { apply excl_auth_update. }
-    iModIntro.
-    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown HP". 
-    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
-      iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
-      iApply iMsg_texist_exist.
-      simpl. iExists tt.
-      iSplit; [done|]. 
-      iSplit; [done|]. 
-      done. }
-    wp_pures.
-    iLöb as "HL".
-    wp_lam.
-    wp_bind (Load _).
-    iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok']".
-      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
-      wp_load. iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
-      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Hl Hls Htok H◯").
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
-      wp_load.
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
-      { iLeft. iFrame. }
-      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "#Hagree".
-      iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "Hagree") as "Hagree'".
-      wp_pures.
-      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-      { apply excl_auth_update. }
-      iModIntro.
-      iApply "HΦ".
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
-      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
-      iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ".
+    iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<(Send,i)> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]")
+      as "Hc".
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      iApply iProto_le_trans.
+      iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l.
+      by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. }
+    by iApply (send_spec with "Hc").
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
     {{{ c ↣ <(Recv, j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c #j
@@ -319,11 +268,11 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls p' ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     case_bool_decide; last first.
     { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
-      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". }
+      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". done. }
     assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
     { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
@@ -343,22 +292,23 @@ Section channel.
       iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
       { iLeft. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl Hle] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[>Hl' [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
+    { iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "[>Hl' [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown' Hâ—¯'".
       { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl Hle] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
     iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[Hm Hp']".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "[Hm Hp']".
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle") as "Hown".
     iMod (iProto_step with "Hctx Hown' Hown Hm") as
-      (p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
+      (p''') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
     iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
@@ -372,8 +322,8 @@ Section channel.
     { apply excl_auth_update. }
     iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
-    iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗".
+    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+    iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". iApply iProto_le_refl.
 End channel.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index a24b94e..bf04ec6 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
 (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
     (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  iProto_own_frag γ i p.
+  ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
 Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}.
@@ -757,13 +757,15 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
-    ps !! i = Some p1 →
-    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
     iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
-    iIntros (HSome) "Hle Hprot".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps HSome).
+    iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle".
+    iRevert "HSome".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps).
+    iIntros "#HSome".
     rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
     iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
@@ -788,13 +790,13 @@ Section proto.
       { rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
         iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j' with "[] [] H") as "Hprot".
-      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !lookup_total_alt. rewrite HSome. done. }
+      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
       iExists p''. iFrame. 
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "[] Hle Hprot") as "HI".
-      { iPureIntro. by rewrite lookup_insert. }
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
+      { by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
       iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
       rewrite insert_insert.
       rewrite (insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
@@ -816,17 +818,16 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle". 
       (* iRewrite -"Hm2" in "Hm2'". *)
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
       { done. }
-      { rewrite !lookup_total_alt. rewrite HSome. done. }
+      { rewrite !lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
       iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']". 
       iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
       iExists p2'.
       iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "[] Hle Hprot") as "HI".
-      { iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []") as "HI".
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
       rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
       rewrite !insert_insert. done. }
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
@@ -837,10 +838,9 @@ Section proto.
     rewrite (insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
     rewrite (insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
-    iApply ("IH" with "[] Hle Hprot").
-    iPureIntro.
-    rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+    iApply ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []").
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
@@ -1060,7 +1060,16 @@ Section proto.
       - done. }
-    rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame.
+    rewrite -fmap_insert.
+    iFrame.
+    iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
+    iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'".
+    iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle").
   Lemma iProto_init ps :
@@ -1072,6 +1081,12 @@ Section proto.
     iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. done.
+  Lemma own_prot_idx γ i j (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag j (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
+    ⌜i ≠ j⌝.
+  Proof. Admitted.
   Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗
     iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
@@ -1081,14 +1096,33 @@ Section proto.
             iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
     iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
+    iDestruct "Hi" as (pi) "[Hile Hi]".
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (pj) "[Hjle Hj]".
     iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hi") as "#Hpi".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [//] [//] [Hm //]") as
+    iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq. 
+    iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; done. }
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
       (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. } 
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
-    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame.
+    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame.
+    iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
+    { iExists _. iFrame. rewrite insert_insert.
+      rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite insert_insert.
+      rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. done. }
+    iSplitL "Hi".
+    - iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    - iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
@@ -1164,7 +1198,7 @@ Section proto.
 End proto.
-(* Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own. *)
+Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
-(* Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) => *)
-(*   first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core. *)
+Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
+  first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.

From 56371c908a45f88496c3bf2def2186d4234b8cb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:54:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 19/81] Added get_chan primitive

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              | 48 ++++++++++-
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 83 ++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 17cb350..d8d0f7d 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ Definition new_chan : val :=
        ("xxs" +â‚— "i") <- "xs";;
        "go1" ("i"+#1)) #0;; "xxs".
+Definition get_chan : val :=
+  λ: "cs" "i", ! ("cs" +ₗ "i").
 Definition wait : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" :=
     match: !"c" with
@@ -125,6 +128,13 @@ Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 5 := {}.
 Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
   (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
+Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
+    (cs : val) (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ (l:loc) (ls : list val),
+    ⌜cs = #l⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, is_Some (ps !! i) → is_Some (ls !! i)⌝ ∗
+    l ↦∗ ls ∗
+    [∗list] i ↦ c ∈ ls, (∀ p, ⌜ps !! i = Some p⌝ -∗ c ↣ p).
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
@@ -148,13 +158,45 @@ Section channel.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
     (∀ i, i < n → is_Some (ps !! i)) →
+    n = (size (dom ps)) →
     {{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
       new_chan #n
-    {{{ cs ls, RET #cs;
-        ⌜length ls = n⌝ ∗ cs ↦∗ ls ∗
-        [∗list] i ↦ l ∈ ls, l ↣ (ps !!! i) }}}.
+    {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs ps }}}.
   Proof. Admitted.
+  Lemma get_chan_spec cs (i:nat) ps p :
+    ps !! i = Some p →
+    {{{ chan_pool cs ps }}}
+      get_chan cs #i
+    {{{ c, RET c; c ↣ p ∗ chan_pool cs (delete i ps) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (HSome Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
+    iDestruct "Hcs" as (l ls -> Hlen) "[Hl Hls]".
+    wp_lam.
+    assert (is_Some (ls !! i)) as [c HSome'].
+    { by apply Hlen. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl"); [done|].
+    iIntros "Hcs".
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ i with "Hls") as "[Hc Hls]"; [set_solver|].
+    iDestruct ("Hc" with "[//]") as "Hc".
+    iFrame.
+    iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hcs".
+    iSplitR.
+    { iPureIntro. intros j HSome''.
+      destruct (decide (i=j)) as [<-|Hneq].
+      { rewrite lookup_delete in HSome''. done. }
+      rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome''; [|done].
+      by apply Hlen. }
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hls").
+    iIntros "!>" (j v Hin) "H".
+    iIntros (p' HSome'').
+    destruct (decide (i=j)) as [<-|Hneq].
+    { rewrite lookup_delete in HSome''. done. }
+    rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome''; [|done].
+    by iApply "H".
+  Qed.
   Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index f9ec28f..2031476 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
-From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
 From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
@@ -295,9 +294,9 @@ Qed.
 Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
      let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
-     let: "c0" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #0) in 
-     let: "c1" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #1) in 
-     let: "c2" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #2) in 
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in 
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in 
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
      Fork (let: "x" := recv "c1" #0 in send "c1" #2 "x");;
      Fork (let: "x" := recv "c2" #1 in send "c2" #0 "x");;
      send "c0" #1 #42;; recv "c0" #2.
@@ -307,38 +306,23 @@ Section channel.
   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
   Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  (* TODO: Fix nat/Z coercion. *)
   Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3 with "[]").
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3).
     { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { set_solver. }
     { iApply iProto_example3_consistent. }
-    iIntros (cs ls) "[%Hlen [Hcs Hls]]".
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! 0)) as [c0 HSome0].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! 1)) as [c1 HSome1].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! 2)) as [c2 HSome2].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 0 with "Hls") as "[Hc0 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 1 with "Hls") as "[Hc1 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 2 with "Hls") as "[Hc2 _]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct ("Hc1" with "[//]") as "Hc1".
-    iDestruct ("Hc2" with "[//] [//]") as "Hc2".
-    rewrite /iProto_example3.
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
@@ -578,9 +562,9 @@ End example4.
 Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
      let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
-     let: "c0" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #0) in 
-     let: "c1" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #1) in 
-     let: "c2" := ! ("cs" +â‚— #2) in 
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in 
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in 
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in 
      Fork (let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l");;
      Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #());;
      let: "l" := ref #40 in send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
@@ -596,32 +580,15 @@ Section proof.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example4 with "[]").
     { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { set_solver. }
     { iApply iProto_example4_consistent. }
-    iIntros (cs ls) "[%Hlen [Hcs Hls]]".
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! 0)) as [c0 HSome0].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! 1)) as [c1 HSome1].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! 2)) as [c2 HSome2].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset _ _ _ _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 0 with "Hls") as "[Hc0 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 1 with "Hls") as "[Hc1 Hls]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ 2 with "Hls") as "[Hc2 _]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct ("Hc1" with "[//]") as "Hc1".
-    iDestruct ("Hc2" with "[//] [//]") as "Hc2".
-    rewrite /iProto_example4.
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
+    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".

From 3d41696f3d19c8f2fc64216ccb3f79f2fe37bec1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:02:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 20/81] Bumped subprotocol typeclasses

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 136 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index bf04ec6..199c5f8 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -1127,74 +1127,74 @@ Section proto.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name : *)
-  (*   AsIdentName m1 name → *)
-  (*   FromForall (iProto_message Recv (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<a> m2)) *)
-  (*              (λ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2))%I name | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name : *)
-  (*   AsIdentName m2 name → *)
-  (*   FromForall ((<a> m1) ⊑ iProto_message Send (iMsg_exist m2)) *)
-  (*              (λ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x))%I name | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l a m v P p : *)
-  (*   TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue → *)
-  (*   FromWand ((<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) P ((<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r a m v P p : *)
-  (*   FromWand ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
-  (*   FromExist ((<! x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<!> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
-  (*   FromExist (p ⊑ <? x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<?> m a))%I | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l m v P p : *)
-  (*   FromSep ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) P ((<!> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r m v P p : *)
-  (*   FromSep ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l q m v R P Q p : *)
-  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
-  (*   Frame q R ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) *)
-  (*             ((<!> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r q m v R P Q p : *)
-  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
-  (*   Frame q R ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) *)
-  (*             ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2) *)
-  (*             ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2). *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_base. Qed. *)
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name :
+    AsIdentName m1 name →
+    FromForall (iProto_message (Recv,i) (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2))
+               (λ x, (<(Recv, i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))%I name | 10.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} i m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name :
+    AsIdentName m2 name →
+    FromForall ((<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ iProto_message (Send,i) (iMsg_exist m2))
+               (λ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x))%I name | 11.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l i m v P p :
+    TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue →
+    FromWand ((<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) P ((<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) | 10.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r i m v P p :
+    FromWand ((<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v; p)) | 11.
+  Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    FromExist ((<(Send,i) @ x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<(Send,i)> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    FromExist (p ⊑ <(Recv,i) @ x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m a))%I | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l i m v P p :
+    FromSep ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) P ((<(Send,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r i m v P p :
+    FromSep ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p)) | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l i q m v R P Q p :
+    Frame q R P Q →
+    Frame q R ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m))
+              ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r.
+    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r i q m v R P Q p :
+    Frame q R P Q →
+    Frame q R ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p))
+              ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l.
+    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 :
+    FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2)
+              ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2).
+  Proof. intros _. iApply iProto_le_base. Qed.
 End proto.

From de80a6934ad6b4a1f15648df482bcec818acbbd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:42:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 21/81] Proofmode!!

 _CoqProject                                   |   1 +
 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              |   5 +-
 theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v            | 382 ++++++++++++++++++
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v                |  55 +++
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        |  87 +---
 5 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 1b9d3a3..d5da394 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ theories/channel/channel.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index d8d0f7d..0868ed6 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model.
+From Require Export multi_proto.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (* TODO: Update new_chan definition to use pointers with offsets *)
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ Section channel.
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
-    {{{ c ↣ <(Recv, j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
+    {{{ c ↣ <(Recv, j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ ▷ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c #j
     {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣ p x ∗ P x }}}.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v b/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937f4b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+(** This file contains the definitions of Actris's tactics for symbolic
+execution of message-passing programs. The API of these tactics is documented
+in the [] file. The implementation follows the same pattern for the
+implementation of these tactics that is used in Iris. In addition, it uses a
+standard pattern using type classes to perform the normalization.
+In addition to the tactics for symbolic execution, this file defines the tactic
+[solve_proto_contractive], which can be used to automatically prove that
+recursive protocols are contractive. *)
+From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics reduction spec_patterns.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode notation.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model.
+From actris Require Export multi_channel.
+Export action.
+(** * Tactics for proving contractiveness of protocols *)
+Ltac f_dist_le :=
+  match goal with
+  | H : _ ≡{?n}≡ _ |- _ ≡{?n'}≡ _ => apply (dist_le n); [apply H|lia]
+  end.
+Ltac solve_proto_contractive :=
+  solve_proper_core ltac:(fun _ =>
+    first [f_contractive; simpl in * | f_equiv | f_dist_le]).
+(** * Normalization of protocols *)
+Class ActionDualIf (d : bool) (a1 a2 : action) :=
+  dual_action_if : a2 = if d then action_dual a1 else a1.
+Global Hint Mode ActionDualIf ! ! - : typeclass_instances.
+Global Instance action_dual_if_false a : ActionDualIf false a a := eq_refl.
+Global Instance action_dual_if_true_send i : ActionDualIf true (Send,i) (Recv,i) := eq_refl.
+Global Instance action_dual_if_true_recv i : ActionDualIf true (Recv,i) (Send,i) := eq_refl.
+Class ProtoNormalize {Σ} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ)
+    (pas : list (bool * iProto Σ)) (q : iProto Σ) :=
+  proto_normalize :
+    ⊢ iProto_dual_if d p <++>
+        foldr (iProto_app ∘ uncurry iProto_dual_if) END%proto pas ⊑ q.
+Global Hint Mode ProtoNormalize ! ! ! ! - : typeclass_instances.
+Arguments ProtoNormalize {_} _ _%proto _%proto _%proto.
+Notation ProtoUnfold p1 p2 := (∀ d pas q,
+  ProtoNormalize d p2 pas q → ProtoNormalize d p1 pas q).
+Class MsgNormalize {Σ} (d : bool) (m1 : iMsg Σ)
+    (pas : list (bool * iProto Σ)) (m2 : iMsg Σ) :=
+  msg_normalize a :
+    ProtoNormalize d (<a> m1) pas (<(if d then action_dual a else a)> m2).
+Global Hint Mode MsgNormalize ! ! ! ! - : typeclass_instances.
+Arguments MsgNormalize {_} _ _%msg _%msg _%msg.
+Section classes.
+  Context `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ}.
+  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
+  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ.
+  Implicit Types P : iProp Σ.
+  Lemma proto_unfold_eq p1 p2 : p1 ≡ p2 → ProtoUnfold p1 p2.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize=> Hp d pas q. by rewrite Hp. Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_done p : ProtoNormalize false p [] p | 0.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize /= right_id. auto. Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_done_dual p :
+    ProtoNormalize true p [] (iProto_dual p) | 0.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize /= right_id. auto. Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_done_dual_end :
+    ProtoNormalize (Σ:=Σ) true END [] END | 0.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize /= right_id iProto_dual_end. auto. Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_dual d p pas q :
+    ProtoNormalize (negb d) p pas q →
+    ProtoNormalize d (iProto_dual p) pas q.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize. by destruct d; rewrite /= ?involutive. Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_app_l d p1 p2 pas q :
+    ProtoNormalize d p1 ((d,p2) :: pas) q →
+    ProtoNormalize d (p1 <++> p2) pas q.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /ProtoNormalize /=. rewrite assoc.
+    by destruct d; by rewrite /= ?iProto_dual_app.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_end d d' p pas q :
+    ProtoNormalize d p pas q →
+    ProtoNormalize d' END ((d,p) :: pas) q | 0.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /ProtoNormalize /=.
+    destruct d'; by rewrite /= ?iProto_dual_end left_id.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_app_r d p1 p2 pas q :
+    ProtoNormalize d p2 pas q →
+    ProtoNormalize false p1 ((d,p2) :: pas) (p1 <++> q) | 0.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize /= => H. by iApply iProto_le_app. Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_app_r_dual d p1 p2 pas q :
+    ProtoNormalize d p2 pas q →
+    ProtoNormalize true p1 ((d,p2) :: pas) (iProto_dual p1 <++> q) | 0.
+  Proof. rewrite /ProtoNormalize /= => H. by iApply iProto_le_app. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_normalize_base d v P p q pas :
+    ProtoNormalize d p pas q →
+    MsgNormalize d (MSG v {{ P }}; p) pas (MSG v {{ P }}; q).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /MsgNormalize /ProtoNormalize=> H a.
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_base].
+    destruct d; by rewrite /= ?iProto_dual_message ?iMsg_dual_base
+      iProto_app_message iMsg_app_base.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_normalize_exist {A} d (m1 m2 : A → iMsg Σ) pas :
+    (∀ x, MsgNormalize d (m1 x) pas (m2 x)) →
+    MsgNormalize d (∃ x, m1 x) pas (∃ x, m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /MsgNormalize /ProtoNormalize=> H a.
+    destruct d, a as [[|]];
+                simpl in *; rewrite ?iProto_dual_message ?iMsg_dual_exist
+      ?iProto_app_message ?iMsg_app_exist /=; iIntros (x); iExists x; first
+      [move: (H x (Send,n)); by rewrite ?iProto_dual_message ?iProto_app_message
+      |move: (H x (Recv,n)); by rewrite ?iProto_dual_message ?iProto_app_message].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance proto_normalize_message d a1 a2 m1 m2 pas :
+    ActionDualIf d a1 a2 →
+    MsgNormalize d m1 pas m2 →
+    ProtoNormalize d (<a1> m1) pas (<a2> m2).
+  Proof. by rewrite /ActionDualIf /MsgNormalize /ProtoNormalize=> ->. Qed.
+  (** Automatically perform normalization of protocols in the proof mode when
+  using [iAssumption] and [iFrame]. *)
+  Global Instance pointsto_proto_from_assumption q c p1 p2 :
+    ProtoNormalize false p1 [] p2 →
+    FromAssumption q (c ↣ p1) (c ↣ p2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromAssumption /ProtoNormalize /= right_id.
+    rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim.
+    iIntros (?) "H". by iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance pointsto_proto_from_frame q c p1 p2 :
+    ProtoNormalize false p1 [] p2 →
+    Frame q (c ↣ p1) (c ↣ p2) True.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /ProtoNormalize /= right_id.
+    rewrite bi.intuitionistically_if_elim.
+    iIntros (?) "[H _]". by iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "H").
+  Qed.
+End classes.
+(** * Symbolic execution tactics *)
+(* TODO: Maybe strip laters from other hypotheses in the future? *)
+Lemma tac_wp_recv `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ} {TT : tele} Δ i j K v (n:nat) c p m tv tP tP' tp Φ :
+  v = #n →
+  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (false, c ↣ p)%I →
+  ProtoNormalize false p [] (<(Recv,n)> m) →
+  MsgTele m tv tP tp →
+  (∀.. x, MaybeIntoLaterN false 1 (tele_app tP x) (tele_app tP' x)) →
+  let Δ' := envs_delete false i false Δ in
+  (∀.. x : TT,
+    match envs_app false
+        (Esnoc (Esnoc Enil j (tele_app tP' x)) i (c ↣ tele_app tp x)) Δ' with
+    | Some Δ'' => envs_entails Δ'' (WP fill K (of_val (tele_app tv x)) {{ Φ }})
+    | None => False
+    end) →
+  envs_entails Δ (WP fill K (recv c v) {{ Φ }}).
+  intros ->.
+  rewrite envs_entails_unseal /ProtoNormalize /MsgTele /MaybeIntoLaterN /=.
+  rewrite !tforall_forall right_id.
+  intros ? Hp Hm HP HΦ. rewrite envs_lookup_sound //; simpl.
+  assert (c ↣ p ⊢ c ↣ <(Recv,n) @.. x>
+    MSG tele_app tv x {{ â–· tele_app tP' x }}; tele_app tp x) as ->.
+  { iIntros "Hc". iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "Hc"). iIntros "!>".
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [iApply Hp|rewrite Hm].
+    iApply iProto_le_texist_elim_l; iIntros (x).
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|iApply (iProto_le_texist_intro_r _ _ x)]; simpl.
+    iIntros "H". by iDestruct (HP with "H") as "$". }
+  rewrite -wp_bind. eapply bi.wand_apply;
+    [by eapply bi.wand_entails, (recv_spec _ n (tele_app tv) (tele_app tP') (tele_app tp))|f_equiv; first done].
+  rewrite -bi.later_intro; apply bi.forall_intro=> x.
+  specialize (HΦ x). destruct (envs_app _ _) as [Δ'|] eqn:HΔ'=> //.
+  rewrite envs_app_sound //; simpl. by rewrite right_id HΦ.
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv_core" tactic3(tac_intros) "as" tactic3(tac) :=
+  let solve_pointsto _ :=
+    let c := match goal with |- _ = Some (_, (?c ↣ _)%I) => c end in
+    iAssumptionCore || fail "wp_recv: cannot find" c "↣ ? @ ?" in
+  wp_pures;
+  let Hnew := iFresh in
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- envs_entails _ (wp ?s ?E ?e ?Q) =>
+    first
+      [reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => eapply (tac_wp_recv _ _ Hnew K))
+      |fail 1 "wp_recv: cannot find 'recv' in" e];
+    [try done|
+      solve_pointsto ()
+       |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_recv: protocol not of the shape <?>"
+    |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_recv: cannot convert to telescope"
+    |tc_solve
+    |pm_reduce; simpl; tac_intros;
+     tac Hnew;
+     wp_finish]
+  | _ => fail "wp_recv: not a 'wp'"
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "as" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (idtac) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
+(* Section channel. *)
+(*   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}. *)
+(*   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ. *)
+(*   Implicit Types TT : tele. *)
+(*   Lemma recv_test c p : *)
+(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
+(*       recv c #0 *)
+(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
+(*   Proof. *)
+(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
+(*     wp_recv (x) as "_". *)
+Lemma tac_wp_send `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ} {TT : tele} Δ neg i js K (n:nat) w c v p m tv tP tp Φ :
+  w = #n →
+  envs_lookup i Δ = Some (false, c ↣ p)%I →
+  ProtoNormalize false p [] (<(Send,n)> m) →
+  MsgTele m tv tP tp →
+  let Δ' := envs_delete false i false Δ in
+  (∃.. x : TT,
+    match envs_split (if neg is true then base.Right else base.Left) js Δ' with
+    | Some (Δ1,Δ2) =>
+       match envs_app false (Esnoc Enil i (c ↣ tele_app tp x)) Δ2 with
+       | Some Δ2' =>
+          v = tele_app tv x ∧
+          envs_entails Δ1 (tele_app tP x) ∧
+          envs_entails Δ2' (WP fill K (of_val #()) {{ Φ }})
+       | None => False
+       end
+    | None => False
+    end) →
+  envs_entails Δ (WP fill K (send c w v) {{ Φ }}).
+  intros ->.
+  rewrite envs_entails_unseal /ProtoNormalize /MsgTele /= right_id texist_exist.
+  intros ? Hp Hm [x HΦ]. rewrite envs_lookup_sound //; simpl.
+  destruct (envs_split _ _ _) as [[Δ1 Δ2]|] eqn:? => //.
+  destruct (envs_app _ _ _) as [Δ2'|] eqn:? => //.
+  rewrite envs_split_sound //; rewrite (envs_app_sound Δ2) //; simpl.
+  destruct HΦ as (-> & -> & ->). rewrite right_id assoc.
+  assert (c ↣ p ⊢
+    c ↣ <(Send,n) @.. (x : TT)> MSG tele_app tv x {{ tele_app tP x }}; tele_app tp x) as ->.
+  { iIntros "Hc". iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "Hc"); iIntros "!>".
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [iApply Hp|]. by rewrite Hm. }
+  eapply bi.wand_apply; [rewrite -wp_bind; by eapply bi.wand_entails, send_spec_tele|].
+  by rewrite -bi.later_intro.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send_core" tactic3(tac_exist) "with" constr(pat) :=
+  let solve_pointsto _ :=
+    let c := match goal with |- _ = Some (_, (?c ↣ _)%I) => c end in
+    iAssumptionCore || fail "wp_send: cannot find" c "↣ ? @ ?" in
+  let solve_done d :=
+    lazymatch d with
+    | true =>
+       done ||
+       let Q := match goal with |- envs_entails _ ?Q => Q end in
+       fail "wp_send: cannot solve" Q "using done"
+    | false => idtac
+    end in
+  lazymatch spec_pat.parse pat with
+  | [SGoal (SpecGoal GSpatial ?neg ?Hs_frame ?Hs ?d)] =>
+     let Hs' := eval cbv in (if neg then Hs else Hs_frame ++ Hs) in
+     wp_pures;
+     lazymatch goal with
+     | |- envs_entails _ (wp ?s ?E ?e ?Q) =>
+       first
+         [reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => eapply (tac_wp_send _ neg _ Hs' K))
+         |fail 1 "wp_send: cannot find 'send' in" e];
+       [try done|solve_pointsto ()
+       |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_send: protocol not of the shape <!>"
+       |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_send: cannot convert to telescope"
+       |pm_reduce; simpl; tac_exist;
+        repeat lazymatch goal with
+        | |- ∃ _, _ => eexists _
+        end;
+        lazymatch goal with
+        | |- False => fail "wp_send:" Hs' "not found"
+        | _ => notypeclasses refine (conj (eq_refl _) (conj _ _));
+                [iFrame Hs_frame; solve_done d
+                |wp_finish]
+        end]
+     | _ => fail "wp_send: not a 'wp'"
+     end
+  | _ => fail "wp_send: only a single goal spec pattern supported"
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (idtac) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) ")"
+    "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
+    "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4)
+    uconstr(x5) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
+    uconstr(x5) uconstr(x6) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
+                eexists x6) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
+    uconstr(x5) uconstr(x6) uconstr(x7) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
+                eexists x6; eexists x7) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
+    uconstr(x5) uconstr(x6) uconstr(x7) uconstr(x8) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
+                eexists x6; eexists x7; eexists x8) with pat.
+(* Section channel. *)
+(*   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}. *)
+(*   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ. *)
+(*   Implicit Types TT : tele. *)
+(*   (* Lemma recv_test c p : *) *)
+(*   (*   {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *) *)
+(*   (*     recv c #0 *) *)
+(*   (*   {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *) *)
+(*   (* Proof. *) *)
+(*   (*   iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *) *)
+(*   (*   wp_recv (x) as "_". *) *)
+(*   (*   { done. } *) *)
+(*   (*   iApply "HΦ". *) *)
+(*   Lemma send_test c p : *)
+(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
+(*       send c #0 #42 *)
+(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
+(*   Proof. *)
+(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
+(*     wp_send (42%Z) with "[]". *)
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 199c5f8..898b391 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -903,6 +903,61 @@ Section proto.
     - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
+Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&i&m1&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H".
+      iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message).
+      iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2').
+      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=).
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]".
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1').
+      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 ⊢ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)).
+    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 ⊢ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)).
+    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 :
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4).
+    destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&i&m2&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1".
+      iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]".
+      iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto].
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv.
+      iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]".
+      iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto].
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l i m v P p :
     (P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) ⊢
     (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 2031476..0c3b22a 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel.
+From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel multi_proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
@@ -325,34 +325,18 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_smart_apply
-        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c1 0
-                   (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
-          with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (x') "[Hc1 _]".
-      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
-      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c1 2 with "Hc1").
-      by iIntros "_". }
+      (* TODO: Fix unification *)
+      wp_recv (x) as "_"; [done|].
+      wp_send with "[//]"; [done|].
+      done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_smart_apply
-        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele Z]) c2 1
-                   (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
-                   with "Hc2").
-      iIntros (x') "[Hc1 _]".
-      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
-      wp_smart_apply (send_spec c2 0 with "Hc1").
-      by iIntros "_". }
-    wp_smart_apply
-      (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele Z]) c0 1 ([tele_arg 42%Z])
-                      (tele_app (λ (x:Z), #x)) (λ _, True)%I
-                      (tele_app (λ (x:Z), _))
-                   with "[Hc0]").
-    { iSplitL; [|done]. simpl. iFrame "Hc0". }
-    iIntros "Hc0".
-    wp_smart_apply (recv_spec (TT:=[tele]) c0 2 (λ _, #42) (λ _, True)%I (λ _, _)
-                      with "Hc0").
-    iIntros (_) "Hc0". by iApply "HΦ".
+      wp_recv (x) as "_"; [done|].
+      wp_send with "[//]"; [done|].
+      done. }
+    wp_send with "[//]"; [done|].
+    wp_recv as "_"; [done|].
+    by iApply "HΦ".
 End channel.
@@ -591,52 +575,19 @@ Section proof.
     iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_smart_apply
-        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele loc Z]) c1 0
-                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), #l))
-                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), l ↦ #x)%I)
-                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), _))
-          with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (x') "[Hc1 Hl]".
-      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [l [y' ->]]. simpl.
-      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv y') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
+      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl"; [done|].
       wp_load. wp_store.
-      wp_smart_apply (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele]) c1 2
-                                     ([tele_arg])
-                                     (λ _, #l)
-                                     (λ _, l ↦ #(x+1))%I
-                                     (λ _, _) with "[$Hc1 $Hl]").
-      by iIntros "_". }
+      wp_send with "[$Hl]"; [done|].
+      done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_smart_apply
-        (recv_spec (TT:=[tele loc Z]) c2 1
-                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), #l))
-                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), l ↦ #x)%I)
-                   (tele_app (λ (l : loc) (x:Z), _))
-          with "Hc2").
-      iIntros (x') "[Hc2 Hl]".
-      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv x') as [l [y' ->]]. simpl.
-      epose proof (tele_arg_S_inv y') as [x [[] ->]]. simpl.
+      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl"; [done|].
       wp_load. wp_store.
-      wp_smart_apply (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele]) c2 0
-                                     ([tele_arg])
-                                     (λ _, #())
-                                     (λ _, l ↦ #(x+1))%I
-                                     (λ _, _) with "[$Hc2 $Hl]").
-      by iIntros "_". }
+      wp_send with "[$Hl]"; [done|].
+      done. }
     wp_alloc l as "Hl".
-    wp_smart_apply
-      (send_spec_tele (TT:=[tele l Z]) c0 1 ([tele_arg l ; 40%Z])
-                      (tele_app (λ (l:loc) (x:Z), #l))
-                      (tele_app (λ (l:loc) (x:Z), l ↦ #x)%I)
-                      (tele_app (λ (l:loc) (x:Z), _))
-                   with "[$Hc0 $Hl]").
-    iIntros "Hc0".
-    wp_smart_apply (recv_spec (TT:=[tele]) c0 2
-                              (λ _, #()) (λ _, l ↦ #(40 + 2))%I (λ _, _)
-                      with "Hc0").
-    iIntros (_) "[Hc0 Hl]". wp_load. by iApply "HΦ".
+    wp_send with "[$Hl]"; [done|].
+    wp_recv as "Hl"; [done|]. wp_load. by iApply "HΦ".
 End proof.

From d88939b6aac91a33167d38737cea7da84f076d03 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 17:11:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 22/81] Made proofmode resolve idx unification

 theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v            | 55 ++++++++++---------
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 36 +++++-------
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v b/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
index 937f4b8..a86ad89 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
@@ -194,14 +194,13 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_recv_core" tactic3(tac_intros) "as" tactic3(tac) :=
       [reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => eapply (tac_wp_recv _ _ Hnew K))
       |fail 1 "wp_recv: cannot find 'recv' in" e];
-    [try done|
-      solve_pointsto ()
+    [|solve_pointsto ()
        |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_recv: protocol not of the shape <?>"
     |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_recv: cannot convert to telescope"
     |pm_reduce; simpl; tac_intros;
      tac Hnew;
-     wp_finish]
+     wp_finish];[try done|]
   | _ => fail "wp_recv: not a 'wp'"
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send_core" tactic3(tac_exist) "with" constr(pat) :=
          [reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => eapply (tac_wp_send _ neg _ Hs' K))
          |fail 1 "wp_send: cannot find 'send' in" e];
-       [try done|solve_pointsto ()
+       [|solve_pointsto ()
        |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_send: protocol not of the shape <!>"
        |tc_solve || fail 1 "wp_send: cannot convert to telescope"
        |pm_reduce; simpl; tac_exist;
@@ -323,7 +322,7 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send_core" tactic3(tac_exist) "with" constr(pat) :=
         | _ => notypeclasses refine (conj (eq_refl _) (conj _ _));
                 [iFrame Hs_frame; solve_done d
-        end]
+        end]; [try done|..]
      | _ => fail "wp_send: not a 'wp'"
   | _ => fail "wp_send: only a single goal spec pattern supported"
@@ -357,26 +356,28 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")
   wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
                 eexists x6; eexists x7; eexists x8) with pat.
-(* Section channel. *)
-(*   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}. *)
-(*   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ. *)
-(*   Implicit Types TT : tele. *)
+Section channel.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
+  Implicit Types TT : tele.
-(*   (* Lemma recv_test c p : *) *)
-(*   (*   {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *) *)
-(*   (*     recv c #0 *) *)
-(*   (*   {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *) *)
-(*   (* Proof. *) *)
-(*   (*   iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *) *)
-(*   (*   wp_recv (x) as "_". *) *)
-(*   (*   { done. } *) *)
-(*   (*   iApply "HΦ". *) *)
-(*   Lemma send_test c p : *)
-(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
-(*       send c #0 #42 *)
-(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
-(*   Proof. *)
-(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
-(*     wp_send (42%Z) with "[]". *)
+  (* TODO: Why do the tactics not strip laters? *)
+  Lemma recv_test c p :
+    {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}}
+      recv c #0
+    {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    wp_recv (x) as "_".
+  Admitted.
+  Lemma send_test c p :
+    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}}
+      send c #0 #42
+    {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    wp_send (42%Z) with "[//]".
+  Admitted.
+End channel.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 0c3b22a..bdbb9ae 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -325,17 +325,16 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      (* TODO: Fix unification *)
-      wp_recv (x) as "_"; [done|].
-      wp_send with "[//]"; [done|].
+      wp_recv (x) as "_".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
       done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_recv (x) as "_"; [done|].
-      wp_send with "[//]"; [done|].
+      wp_recv (x) as "_".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
       done. }
-    wp_send with "[//]"; [done|].
-    wp_recv as "_"; [done|].
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv as "_".
     by iApply "HΦ".
@@ -347,10 +346,10 @@ Section example4.
   Definition iProto_example4 : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
             <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
-      (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-               <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
-         (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-                  <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
+   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
+   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
   Lemma iProto_example4_consistent :
@@ -575,19 +574,12 @@ Section proof.
     iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl"; [done|].
-      wp_load. wp_store.
-      wp_send with "[$Hl]"; [done|].
-      done. }
+      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. by wp_send with "[$Hl]". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl"; [done|].
-      wp_load. wp_store.
-      wp_send with "[$Hl]"; [done|].
-      done. }
-    wp_alloc l as "Hl".
-    wp_send with "[$Hl]"; [done|].
-    wp_recv as "Hl"; [done|]. wp_load. by iApply "HΦ".
+      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. by wp_send with "[$Hl]". }
+    wp_alloc l as "Hl". wp_send with "[$Hl]". wp_recv as "Hl". wp_load.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
 End proof.

From f14549a3b64b9e83351962cb81d3f873b10f64f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 03:15:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 23/81] Automation for proving consistency relation

 theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v            |  57 +-
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 549 ++++--------------
 2 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 487 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v b/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
index a86ad89..ff8c57b 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
@@ -240,19 +240,6 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_i
     simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
     simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
   wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
-(* Section channel. *)
-(*   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}. *)
-(*   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ. *)
-(*   Implicit Types TT : tele. *)
-(*   Lemma recv_test c p : *)
-(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
-(*       recv c #0 *)
-(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
-(*   Proof. *)
-(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
-(*     wp_recv (x) as "_". *)
 Lemma tac_wp_send `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ} {TT : tele} Δ neg i js K (n:nat) w c v p m tv tP tp Φ :
   w = #n →
@@ -356,28 +343,28 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")
   wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
                 eexists x6; eexists x7; eexists x8) with pat.
-Section channel.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
-  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+(* Section channel. *)
+(*   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}. *)
+(*   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ. *)
+(*   Implicit Types TT : tele. *)
-  (* TODO: Why do the tactics not strip laters? *)
-  Lemma recv_test c p :
-    {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}}
-      recv c #0
-    {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    wp_recv (x) as "_".
-  Admitted.
+(*   (* TODO: Why do the tactics not strip laters? *) *)
+(*   Lemma recv_test c p : *)
+(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
+(*       recv c #0 *)
+(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
+(*   Proof. *)
+(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
+(*     wp_recv (x) as "_". *)
+(*   Admitted. *)
-  Lemma send_test c p :
-    {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}}
-      send c #0 #42
-    {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    wp_send (42%Z) with "[//]".
-  Admitted.
+(*   Lemma send_test c p : *)
+(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
+(*       send c #0 #42 *)
+(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
+(*   Proof. *)
+(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
+(*     wp_send (42%Z) with "[//]". *)
+(*   Admitted. *)
-End channel.
+(* End channel. *)
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index bdbb9ae..7378b82 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -6,17 +6,83 @@ From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel m
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
+Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
+  (∀ i j m1 m2,
+     (ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto) -∗
+     (ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto) -∗
+     ∃ m1' m2' (TT1:tele) (TT2:tele) tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2,
+       (<(Send, j)> m1')%proto ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto ∗
+       (<(Recv, i)> m2')%proto ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto ∗
+       ⌜MsgTele (TT:=TT1) m1' tv1 tP1 tp1⌝ ∗
+       ⌜MsgTele (TT:=TT2) m2' tv2 tP2 tp2⌝ ∗
+   ∀.. (x : TT1), tele_app tP1 x -∗
+   ∃.. (y : TT2), ⌜tele_app tv1 x = tele_app tv2 y⌝ ∗
+                  tele_app tP2 y ∗
+                  â–· (iProto_consistent
+                       (<[i:=tele_app tp1 x]>(<[j:=tele_app tp2 y]>ps)))) -∗
+  iProto_consistent ps.
+  iIntros "H".
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1 Hm2")
+    as (m1' m2' TT1 TT2 tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2)
+         "(Heq1 & Heq2& %Hm1' & %Hm2' & H)".
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Heq1" as "[_ Heq1]".
+  iDestruct "Heq2" as "[_ Heq2]".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+  iSpecialize ("Heq1" $! v (Next p1)).
+  iRewrite -"Heq1" in "Hm1".
+  rewrite Hm1'.
+  rewrite iMsg_base_eq. rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (x Htv1) "[Hp1 HP1]".
+  iDestruct ("H" with "HP1") as (y Htv2) "[HP2 H]".
+  iExists (tele_app tp2 y).
+  iSpecialize ("Heq2" $! v (Next (tele_app tp2 y))).
+  iRewrite -"Heq2".
+  rewrite Hm2'. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+  iSplitL "HP2".
+  { iExists y. iFrame.
+    iSplit; [|done].
+    iPureIntro. subst. done. }
+  iNext. iRewrite -"Hp1". done.
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
+  let i := fresh in
+  let j := fresh in
+  let m1 := fresh in
+  let m2 := fresh in
+  iApply iProto_consistent_equiv_proof;
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
+  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
+          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
+           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
+                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
+            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
+  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm2")
+    as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq;
+  try (iClear "Hm1' Hm2'";
+       iExists _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_;
+       iSplitL; [iFrame "#"|];
+       iSplitL; [iFrame "#"|];
+       iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
+       iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
+       simpl; iClear "#"; clear m1 m2).
 Definition iProto_example1 {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
 Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ).
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hi Hj".
-  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
+Proof. iProto_consistent_take_step. Qed.
 Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
   <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
@@ -26,79 +92,10 @@ Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
 Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 Σ invGS0 P).
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
   rewrite /iProto_example2.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i, j.
-  - rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    done.
-  - destruct j; last first.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. simpl.
-    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-    iExists END%proto.
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END%proto)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm2".
-    simpl.
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Heq HP]".
-    iSplitL.
-    { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-    iNext. iRewrite -"Heq".
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (i' j' m1' m2') "Hm1' Hm2'".
-    destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-      done. }
-    destruct i'.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-      done. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
-    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1'") as "H".
-    done.
-  - destruct i; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
-      done. }
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done.
-  - destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". done. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
-    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm1") as "H".
-    done.
+  iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  iIntros (x) "HP". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+  iProto_consistent_take_step.
 Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
@@ -110,192 +107,21 @@ Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
 Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 Σ invGS0).
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
   rewrite /iProto_example3.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i; last first.
-  { destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  destruct j.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-  destruct j; last first.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-  rewrite !iMsg_base_eq.
-  rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (x Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
-  iExists (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
-  iRewrite -"Hm2".
-  simpl.
-  iSplitL.
-  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-  iNext.
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i; last first.
-  { destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  destruct j.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct j.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct j; last first.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)))%proto.
-  iExists (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #x True END)%proto.
-  iRewrite -"Hm2".
-  simpl.
-  iSplitL.
-  { iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-  iNext.
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 2); [|done].
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 0); [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 0); [|done].
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i; last first.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  destruct j; last first.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-  iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-  iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-  iDestruct "Hm1'" as (Heq) "[#Hm1' _]".
-  iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!v (Next END))%proto.
-  iExists END%proto.
-  iRewrite -"Hm2".
-  simpl.
-  iSplitL; [done|].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-  rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
-  rewrite insert_insert.
-  iNext.
-  iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1 v Heq) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  destruct i.
-  { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-  by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
+  iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+  iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  iIntros "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+  iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+  iProto_consistent_take_step.
 Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
      let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in 
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in 
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
      let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
      Fork (let: "x" := recv "c1" #0 in send "c1" #2 "x");;
      Fork (let: "x" := recv "c2" #1 in send "c2" #0 "x");;
@@ -306,7 +132,6 @@ Section channel.
   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
   Implicit Types TT : tele.
   (* TODO: Fix nat/Z coercion. *)
   Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
@@ -324,15 +149,9 @@ Section channel.
     wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
     iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
-    { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_recv (x) as "_".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      done. }
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
-    { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_recv (x) as "_".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      done. }
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
     wp_send with "[//]".
     wp_recv as "_".
     by iApply "HΦ".
@@ -355,189 +174,15 @@ Section example4.
   Lemma iProto_example4_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent (iProto_example4).
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
     rewrite /iProto_example4.
-    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-    destruct i; last first.
-    { destruct i.
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-        by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-      destruct i.
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-        by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    destruct j; last first.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      destruct j.
-      { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-        by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-    rewrite !iMsg_base_eq.
-    rewrite !iMsg_exist_eq.
-    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (l x <-) "[#Hm1' Hl]". simpl.
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #l
-                                                          (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)))%proto.
-    Unshelve. 2-4: apply _.     (* Why is this needed? *)
-    iExists (<(Send, 2)> iMsg_base_def #l (l ↦ #(x+1)) END)%proto.
-    simpl.
-    iSplitL.
-    { iRewrite -"Hm2". iExists l, x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-    iNext.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-    iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct i; last first.
-    { destruct i.
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-        by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_empty=> /=.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct j; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (<-) "[#Hm1' Hl]".
-    simpl.
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#l (Next (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)))%proto.
-    iExists (<(Send, 0)> iMsg_base_def #() (l ↦ #(x+1+1)) END)%proto.
-    Unshelve. 2-4: apply _.    
-    iRewrite -"Hm2".
-    simpl.
-    iSplitL.
-    { iExists l, (x+1)%Z. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. done. }
-    iNext.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 2); [|done].
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ 1 0); [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 0); [|done].
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-    iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite !lookup_total_insert.
-      rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-      by iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct i; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    destruct j; last first.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      destruct j.
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-        by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      destruct j.
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-        rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-        by iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2". }
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-      by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-    rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hm1" as (Hieq) "#Hm1".
-    iDestruct "Hm2" as (Hjeq) "#Hm2".
-    iIntros (v p1) "Hm1'".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $!v (Next p1)).
-    iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-    iDestruct "Hm1'" as (<-) "[#Hm1' Hl]".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $!#() (Next END))%proto.
-    iExists END%proto.
-    iRewrite -"Hm2".
-    simpl.
-    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia.
-    iSplitL; [iFrame;done|].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
-    rewrite insert_insert.
-    iNext.
-    iRewrite -"Hm1'".
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iClear (m1 m2 Hieq Hjeq p1) "Hm1 Hm2 Hm1'".
-    iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct i.
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
-      by rewrite !iProto_end_message_equivI. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_empty.
-    by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (l x) "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "Hloc". iSplit; [done|].
+    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame. iNext.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
 End example4.
@@ -545,9 +190,9 @@ End example4.
 Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
      let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in 
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in 
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in 
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
      Fork (let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l");;
      Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #());;
      let: "l" := ref #40 in send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".

From 25aa020787a63cf67d228a48419b10177621036a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 03:52:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 24/81] More automation

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 102 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 7378b82..af4b7af 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ Proof.
   iNext. iRewrite -"Hp1". done.
+(* TODO: Improve automation *)
+(* Could clean up repeated inserts to save traverses *)
+(* Need bug fixin (see example 5) *)
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
   let i := fresh in
   let j := fresh in
@@ -66,6 +69,8 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
             repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
             try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
   repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
+  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
   rewrite lookup_total_insert;
   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm2")
     as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq;
@@ -75,7 +80,15 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
        iSplitL; [iFrame "#"|];
        iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
        iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
-       simpl; iClear "#"; clear m1 m2).
+       simpl; iClear "#"; clear m1 m2);
+  try (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
+  rewrite insert_insert;
+  repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ j); [|done]);
+  rewrite insert_insert).
+Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
+  repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
+  rewrite (insert_insert _ i).
 Definition iProto_example1 {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
@@ -228,3 +241,90 @@ Section proof.
 End proof.
+Section example5.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition iProto_example5 : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Recv, 3)> MSG #x; <(Recv, 4)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
+   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 3)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
+   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 4)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
+   (<[4 := (<(Recv, 2) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+            ∅)))).
+  Lemma iProto_example5_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_example5.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_example5.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        * iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
+          iProto_consistent_take_step.
+          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          clean_map 0. clean_map 3.
+          iProto_consistent_take_step.
+          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        * iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
+          iProto_consistent_take_step.
+          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
+          iProto_consistent_take_step.
+          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
+          iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 1. clean_map 3.      
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 0. clean_map 2.      
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.      
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.      
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.      
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      + iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.              
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.              
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.              
+        iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  Qed.
+End example5.

From 66c993e21ae588d9789680f626709bc581102242 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 17:48:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 25/81] Added two_buyer protocol

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 76 +++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index af4b7af..c5dcdfd 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -302,29 +302,89 @@ Section example5.
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
     - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-      clean_map 1. clean_map 3.      
+      clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
       iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-      clean_map 0. clean_map 2.      
+      clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
       + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.      
+        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
         iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.      
+        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
         iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.      
+        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
       + iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.              
+        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
         iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.              
+        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
         iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
-        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.              
+        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
 End example5.
+Section two_buyer.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition two_buyer_prot : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+            <(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+            <(Send, 2) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+            <(Send, 0) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+            <(Send, 2)> MSG #quote ;
+            <(Recv, 2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+            if b then
+              <(Recv, 2) @ (address:Z)> MSG #address ;
+              <(Send, 2) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+            else END)%proto]>
+   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+            <(Recv, 0) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
+            if bool_decide (contrib >= quote/2)%Z then
+              <(Send, 1)> MSG #true ;
+              <(Send, 1) @ (address:Z)> MSG #address ;
+              <(Recv, 1) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+            else
+              <(Send, 1)> MSG #false ; END)%proto]>
+      ∅)).
+  Lemma two_buyer_prot_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_prot.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /two_buyer_prot.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (title) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (quote) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (contrib) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
+    case_bool_decide.
+    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros (address) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros (date) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  Qed.
+End two_buyer.

From c741f4dd3d40a92d3fd4f9e40696efe2e0dcd2d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 18:55:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 26/81] Two Buyer Ref protocol

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 151 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index c5dcdfd..27537f2 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ Qed.
 (* TODO: Improve automation *)
 (* Could clean up repeated inserts to save traverses *)
-(* Need bug fixin (see example 5) *)
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
   let i := fresh in
   let j := fresh in
   let m1 := fresh in
   let m2 := fresh in
+  try iNext;
   iApply iProto_consistent_equiv_proof;
   iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
   repeat (destruct i as [|i];
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
   rewrite /iProto_example2.
-  iIntros (x) "HP". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+  iIntros (x) "HP". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
   rewrite /iProto_example3.
-  iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+  iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-  iIntros "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+  iIntros "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-  iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+  iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ Section example4.
     rewrite /iProto_example4.
-    iIntros (l x) "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+    iIntros (l x) "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-    iIntros "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+    iIntros "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
     iIntros "Hloc". iSplit; [done|].
-    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame. iNext.
+    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame.
@@ -263,66 +263,66 @@ Section example5.
     rewrite /iProto_example5.
-    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-        * iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        * iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 0. clean_map 3.
-          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        * iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        * iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-      + iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      + iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
@@ -359,32 +359,109 @@ Section two_buyer.
     rewrite /two_buyer_prot.
-    iIntros (title) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    iIntros (title) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iIntros (quote) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    iIntros (quote) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
-    iIntros (contrib) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+    iIntros (contrib) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
     - iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iIntros (address) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      iIntros (address) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iIntros (date) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      iIntros (date) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
     - iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. iNext.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
 End two_buyer.
+Section two_buyer_ref.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition two_buyer_ref_b1_prot : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, 1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+     <(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, 2) @ (l : loc) (amount:Z) (contrib:Z)>
+       MSG (#l,#contrib) {{ l ↦ #amount }} ;
+     <(Recv, 2) @ (b : bool)>
+       MSG #b {{ l ↦ #(if b then amount - contrib else amount) }};
+     END)%proto.
+  Definition two_buyer_ref_s_prot : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, 0) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+     <(Send, 0) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, 2)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, 2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+     if b then
+       <(Recv, 2) @ (l2 : loc) (amount2:Z) (address:Z)> 
+         MSG (#l2,#address) {{ l2 ↦ #amount2 }} ;
+       <(Send, 2) @ (date : Z)> MSG #date {{ l2 ↦ #(amount2-quote) }}; END
+     else END)%proto.
+  Definition two_buyer_ref_b2_prot : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, 0) @ (l1 : loc) (amount1:Z) (contrib:Z)>
+       MSG (#l1,#contrib) {{ l1 ↦ #amount1 }};
+     <(Send, 0) @ (b : bool)>
+       MSG #b {{ l1 ↦ #(if b then amount1 - contrib else amount1) }};
+     <(Send, 1)> MSG #b;
+     if b then
+       <(Send, 1) @ (l2 : loc) (amount2:Z) (address:Z)>
+         MSG (#l2,#address) {{ l2 ↦ #amount2 }} ;
+       <(Recv, 1) @ (date : Z)> MSG #date {{ l2 ↦ #(amount2-quote) }};
+       END
+     else END)%proto.
+  Definition two_buyer_ref_prot : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := two_buyer_ref_b1_prot]>
+   (<[1 := two_buyer_ref_s_prot]>
+   (<[2 := two_buyer_ref_b2_prot]>
+      ∅)).
+  Lemma two_buyer_ref_prot_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_ref_prot.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /two_buyer_prot.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (title) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (quote) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (l1 amount1 contrib) "Hl1". iExists _,_,_. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (b) "Hl1". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+    clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
+    destruct b.
+    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros (l2 amount2 address) "Hl2". iExists _,_,_. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros (date) "Hl2". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  Qed.
+End two_buyer_ref.

From 34fe7e0d7a7a2a8082b671a3e3569aa585183ac1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 23:46:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 27/81] Added recursive example

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 148 ++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 27537f2..31aaa16 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -80,47 +80,46 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
        iSplitL; [iFrame "#"|];
        iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
        iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
-       simpl; iClear "#"; clear m1 m2);
+       simpl; iClear "Hm1 Hm2"; clear m1 m2);
   try (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
   rewrite insert_insert;
   repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ j); [|done]);
   rewrite insert_insert).
 Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
-  repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
+  iEval (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]));
   rewrite (insert_insert _ i).
-Definition iProto_example1 {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-  ∅.
+Definition iProto_empty {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) := ∅.
-Lemma iProto_example1_consistent {Σ} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example1 Σ).
+Lemma iProto_consistent_empty {Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_empty Σ).
 Proof. iProto_consistent_take_step. Qed.
-Definition iProto_example2 `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+Definition iProto_binary `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
   <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
-Lemma iProto_example2_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example2 Σ invGS0 P).
+Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_binary Σ invGS0 P).
-  rewrite /iProto_example2.
+  rewrite /iProto_binary.
   iIntros (x) "HP". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-Definition iProto_example3 `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+Definition iProto_roundtrip `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-Lemma iProto_example3_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_example3 Σ invGS0).
+Lemma iProto_roundtrip_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_roundtrip Σ invGS0).
-  rewrite /iProto_example3.
+  rewrite /iProto_roundtrip.
   iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
@@ -150,10 +149,10 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example3).
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip).
     { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
     { set_solver. }
-    { iApply iProto_example3_consistent. }
+    { iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent. }
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
     wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
     iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
@@ -172,10 +171,10 @@ Section channel.
 End channel.
-Section example4.
+Section roundtrip_ref.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition iProto_example4 : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
             <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
@@ -184,10 +183,10 @@ Section example4.
             <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
-  Lemma iProto_example4_consistent :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent (iProto_example4).
+  Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip_ref.
-    rewrite /iProto_example4.
+    rewrite /iProto_roundtrip_ref.
     iIntros (l x) "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
@@ -198,7 +197,7 @@ Section example4.
-End example4.
+End roundtrip_ref.
 Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
@@ -219,10 +218,10 @@ Section proof.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_example4 with "[]").
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip_ref with "[]").
     { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
     { set_solver. }
-    { iApply iProto_example4_consistent. }
+    { iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent. }
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
     wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
     iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
@@ -242,10 +241,99 @@ Section proof.
 End proof.
-Section example5.
+Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition iProto_example5 : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+     <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_contractive :
+    Contractive iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux.
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1 :=
+    fixpoint iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux.
+  Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_unfold :
+    iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1 ≡
+                (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+     <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; rec)%proto.
+  Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_contractive :
+    Contractive iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux.
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2 :=
+    fixpoint iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux.
+  Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold :
+    iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2 ≡
+                (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+     <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; rec)%proto.
+  Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_contractive :
+    Contractive iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux.
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3 :=
+    fixpoint iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux.
+  Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_unfold :
+    iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3 ≡
+                (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1]>
+   (<[1 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2]>
+   (<[2 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3]> ∅)).
+  Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH".
+    rewrite /iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec.
+    iEval (rewrite iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_unfold).
+    iEval (rewrite iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold).
+    iEval (rewrite iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_unfold).
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (l x) "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame. iNext.
+    rewrite iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "Hloc". iSplit; [done|].
+    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame.
+    rewrite -iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold.
+    do 2 clean_map 0. do 2 clean_map 1. do 2 clean_map 2.
+    done.
+  Qed.
+End roundtrip_ref_rec.
+Section parallel.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  (**
+         0 
+       /   \
+      1     2
+      |     |
+      3     4
+       \   /
+         0
+   *)
+  Definition iProto_parallel : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x ;
             <(Recv, 3)> MSG #x; <(Recv, 4)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
@@ -258,10 +346,10 @@ Section example5.
             <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
-  Lemma iProto_example5_consistent :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_example5.
+  Lemma iProto_parallel_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_parallel.
-    rewrite /iProto_example5.
+    rewrite /iProto_parallel.
     iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
@@ -327,7 +415,7 @@ Section example5.
-End example5.
+End parallel.
 Section two_buyer.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.

From 7ed95fcd436ed61883afbfe625e553ccf73cb1b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2024 11:31:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 28/81] Proved example using recursive protocol

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 66 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 31aaa16..ec48cd0 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -260,6 +260,11 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_proto_unfold :
+    ProtoUnfold iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1
+                (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
      <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; rec)%proto.
@@ -276,6 +281,11 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_proto_unfold :
+    ProtoUnfold iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2
+                (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
      <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; rec)%proto.
@@ -292,6 +302,11 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_proto_unfold :
+    ProtoUnfold iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3
+                (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1]>
    (<[1 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2]>
@@ -320,6 +335,57 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
 End roundtrip_ref_rec.
+Definition roundtrip_ref_rec_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     Fork ((rec: "go" "c1" :=
+             let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l";;
+             "go" "c1") "c1");;
+     Fork ((rec: "go" "c2" :=
+           let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #();;
+           "go" "c2") "c2");;
+     let: "l" := ref #38 in
+     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;;
+     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
+Section proof.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
+  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  Lemma roundtrip_ref_rec_prog_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_rec_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
+  Proof using chanG0.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec with "[]").
+    { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { set_solver. }
+    { iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent. }
+    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_pure _. iLöb as "IH".
+      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. wp_send with "[$Hl]".
+      do 2 wp_pure _. by iApply "IH". }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_pure _. iLöb as "IH".
+      wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. wp_send with "[$Hl]".
+      do 2 wp_pure _. by iApply "IH". }
+    wp_alloc l as "Hl". wp_send with "[$Hl]". wp_recv as "Hl".
+    wp_send with "[$Hl]". wp_recv as "Hl". wp_load.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End proof.
 Section parallel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.

From 8a295caf8d31d23f629ecc7357de3a21165109a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 02:17:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 29/81] Proved admitted ghost lemma

 theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 7 ++++++-
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 898b391..8cab819 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -1140,7 +1140,12 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
     own γ (gmap_view_frag j (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
     ⌜i ≠ j⌝.
-  Proof. Admitted.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hown Hown'" (->).
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hown'") as "H".
+    rewrite uPred.cmra_valid_elim.
+    iDestruct "H" as %H%gmap_view_frag_op_validN. by destruct H.
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ -∗

From b52cc463aa772e32a7c90d8722b8c705a4fb9e70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 03:02:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 30/81] Proved new_chan spec (but add a stronger

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v | 407 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 300 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 0868ed6..590820f 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -28,22 +28,19 @@ From Require Import multi_proto_model.
 From Require Export multi_proto.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-(* TODO: Update new_chan definition to use pointers with offsets *)
 (** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
 Definition new_chan : val :=
-  λ: "n",
-    let: "l" := AllocN ("n"*"n") NONEV in
-    let: "xxs" := AllocN "n" NONEV in
-    (rec: "go1" "i" := if: "i" = "n" then #() else
-       let: "xs" := AllocN "n" NONEV in
-       (rec: "go2" "j" := if: "j" = "n" then #() else
-          ("xs" +â‚— "j") <- ("l" +â‚— ("i"*"n"+"j"), "l" +â‚— ("j"*"n"+"i"));;
-          "go2" ("j"+#1)) #0;;
-       ("xxs" +â‚— "i") <- "xs";;
-       "go1" ("i"+#1)) #0;; "xxs".
+  λ: "n", (AllocN ("n"*"n") NONEV, "n").
 Definition get_chan : val :=
-  λ: "cs" "i", ! ("cs" +ₗ "i").
+  λ: "cs" "i", ("cs","i").
+Definition diverge : val :=
+  λ: <>, (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
+Definition guard : val :=
+  λ: "i" "n",
+    if: "i" < "n" then #() else diverge #().
 Definition wait : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" :=
@@ -52,27 +49,30 @@ Definition wait : val :=
     | SOME <> => "go" "c"
+Definition pos (n i j : nat) : nat := i * n + j.
+Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
 Definition send : val :=
-  λ: "c" "i" "v",
-    let: "len" := Fst "c" in
-    if: "i" < "len" then
-      let: "l" := Fst (! ((Snd "c") +â‚— "i")) in
-      "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l"
-    (* OBS: Hacky *)
-    else (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
+  λ: "c" "j" "v",
+    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in guard "j" "n";;
+    let: "ls" := Fst (Fst "c") in
+    let: "i" := Snd "c" in
+    let: "l" := "ls" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j" in
+    "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l".
+(* TODO: Move recursion further in *)
 Definition recv : val :=
-  rec: "go" "c" "i" :=
-    let: "len" := Fst "c" in
-    if: "i" < "len" then
-      let: "l" := Snd (! ((Snd "c") +â‚— "i")) in
-      let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
-      match: "v" with
-        NONE => "go" "c" "i"
-      | SOME "v" => "v"
-      end
-    (* OBS: Hacky *)
-    else (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
+  rec: "go" "c" "j" :=
+    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in guard "j" "n";;
+    let: "ls" := Fst (Fst "c") in
+    let: "i" := Snd "c" in
+    let: "l" := "ls" +â‚— vpos "n" "j" "i" in
+    let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
+    match: "v" with
+      NONE     => "go" "c" "j"
+    | SOME "v" => "v"
+    end.
 (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
 Class proto_exclG Σ V :=
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Notation iMsg Σ := (iMsg Σ val).
 Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
 Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
-  (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt) ∨
+  (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt)%I ∨
   (∃ v m, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
             iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m)%proto ∗
             (∃ p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p)))) ∨
@@ -108,15 +108,13 @@ Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i (l:loc) ls p',
-    ⌜ c = PairV #(length ls) #l ⌝ ∗
+  ∃ γ γE1 (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
+    ⌜ c = (#l,#n,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
-    l ↦∗ ls ∗
-    ([∗list] j ↦ v ∈ ls, 
-       ∃ (l1 l2 : loc),
-         ⌜v = PairV #l1 #l2⌝ ∗
-         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j l1) ∗
-         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i l2)) ∗
+    ([∗list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), 
+       ∃ γE2 γt1 γt2,
+         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
+         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i (l +ₗ (pos n j i)))) ∗
     ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗
     own γE1 (●E (Next p')) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p')) ∗
     iProto_own γ i p'.
@@ -131,10 +129,18 @@ Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
 Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (cs : val) (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ (l:loc) (ls : list val),
-    ⌜cs = #l⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, is_Some (ps !! i) → is_Some (ls !! i)⌝ ∗
-    l ↦∗ ls ∗
-    [∗list] i ↦ c ∈ ls, (∀ p, ⌜ps !! i = Some p⌝ -∗ c ↣ p).
+  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (l:loc) (n:nat),
+    ⌜cs = (#l,#n)%V⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, is_Some (ps !! i) → i < n⌝ ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+      (∀ p, ⌜ps !! i = Some p⌝ -∗
+            own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p)) ∗
+            own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p)) ∗
+            iProto_own γ i p) ∗    
+      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+        ∃ γt1 γt2,
+        inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
+        inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! j) γt2 j i (l +ₗ (pos n j i))).
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
@@ -150,20 +156,185 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
     iDestruct 1 as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls p ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, γE1, γE2, γt1, γt2, i, l, ls, p.
+      (γ γE l n i p ->) "(#IH & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, γE, l, n, i, p.
     iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
     iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle Hle'").
+  Lemma big_sepL_replicate {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn".
+    { done. }
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add. 
+    simpl. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
+    iSplitL "H1".
+    { by iApply "IHn". }
+    simpl. rewrite !replicate_length. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+      (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn".
+    { done. }
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add. simpl.
+    rewrite array_app.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[H1 H2]".
+    iDestruct ("IHn" with "H1") as "H1".
+    iFrame.
+    simpl. 
+    rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
+    rewrite !replicate_length.
+    replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
+    iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma array_to_matrix l n v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (n * n) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+        (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H".
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "H") as "H".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome) "H".
+    clear HSome.
+    rewrite /array.
+    iApply big_sepL_replicate.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
+    rewrite /pos.
+    rewrite Loc.add_assoc. 
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
+    apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _]. done.
+  Qed.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
-    (∀ i, i < n → is_Some (ps !! i)) →
-    n = (size (dom ps)) →
+    0 < n →
+    (∀ i, i < n ↔ is_Some (ps !! i)) →     (* TODO: Weaken this! *)
+    (* n = (size (dom ps)) → *)
     {{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
       new_chan #n
     {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs ps }}}.
-  Proof. Admitted.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hle HSome Φ) "Hps HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
+    iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
+    iMod (iProto_init with "Hps") as (γ) "[Hps Hps']".
+    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
+    iAssert (|==> ∃ (γEs : list gname),
+                ⌜length γEs = n⌝ ∗ 
+                [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+                  own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
+                  own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
+                  iProto_own γ i (ps !!! i))%I with "[Hps']" as "H".
+    { clear Hle.
+      (* iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps HSome Heq). *)
+      iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps HSome).
+      { iExists []. iModIntro. simpl. done. }
+      assert (n < S n) by lia.
+      apply HSome in H. destruct H as [p ?]. 
+      iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ n with "Hps'") as "[Hp Hps']".
+      { done. }
+      iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (γE) "[Hauth Hfrag]".
+      { apply excl_auth_valid. }
+      iMod ("IHn" with "[] Hps'") as (γEs Hlen) "H".
+      { iPureIntro.
+        intros i.
+        split.
+        - intros Hle. 
+          rewrite lookup_delete_ne; [|lia].
+          apply HSome. lia.
+        - intros HSome'. 
+          destruct (decide (i=n)).
+          + simplify_eq. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'.
+          + rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'; [|lia]. apply HSome in HSome'.
+            lia.
+      }        
+      iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
+      replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+      rewrite replicate_add.
+      rewrite big_sepL_app.
+      rewrite app_length.
+      rewrite Hlen. iSplit; [done|].
+      simpl.
+      iSplitL "H".
+      { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+        iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
+        assert (i < n).
+        { by apply lookup_replicate_1 in HSome' as [? ?]. }
+        assert (delete n ps !!! i = ps !!! i) as Heq'.
+        { apply lookup_total_delete_ne. lia. }          
+        rewrite Heq'. iFrame.
+        rewrite lookup_total_app_l; [|lia]. iFrame. }
+      simpl. rewrite replicate_length. rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_middle; [|done].
+      rewrite lookup_total_alt. rewrite H. simpl. iFrame. }
+    iMod "H" as (γEs Hlen) "H".
+    iAssert (|={⊤}=>
+        [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+            ∃ γt,
+            inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j
+                                       (l +â‚— (pos n i j))))%I with "[Hl]" as "IH".
+    { replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat n)) with (n*n) by lia.
+      iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
+      iApply big_sepL_fupd.
+      iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+      iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "H1".
+      iApply big_sepL_fupd.
+      iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H1").
+      iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome'') "H1".
+      iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ') "Hγ'".
+      { done. }
+      iExists γ'.
+      iApply inv_alloc.
+      iLeft. iFrame. }
+    iMod "IH" as "#IH".
+    iMod (inv_alloc with "Hps") as "#IHp".
+    iExists _,_,_,_.
+    iModIntro. iSplit; [done|].
+    iSplit.
+    { iPureIntro. intros. apply HSome in H. done. } 
+    iFrame "IHp".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
+    iSplitL.
+    { iIntros (p HSome'').
+      rewrite lookup_total_alt. rewrite HSome''.
+      iFrame. }
+    iApply big_sepL_intro.
+    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome'').
+    assert (i < n) as Hle'.
+    { apply lookup_replicate in HSome' as [_ Hle']. done. }
+    assert (j < n) as Hle''.
+    { apply lookup_replicate in HSome'' as [_ Hle'']. done. }
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "IH") as "IH''".
+    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH''") as "IH'''".
+    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
+    iFrame "#".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH") as "H".
+    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "H") as "H'".
+    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
+    iDestruct "IH'''" as (γ1) "?".
+    iDestruct "H'" as (γ2) "?".
+    iExists _, _. iFrame "#".
+  Qed.
   Lemma get_chan_spec cs (i:nat) ps p :
     ps !! i = Some p →
@@ -172,30 +343,37 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ c, RET c; c ↣ p ∗ chan_pool cs (delete i ps) }}}.
     iIntros (HSome Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
-    iDestruct "Hcs" as (l ls -> Hlen) "[Hl Hls]".
-    wp_lam.
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! i)) as [c HSome'].
-    { by apply Hlen. }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl"); [done|].
-    iIntros "Hcs".
+    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs l n -> Hle) "[#IHp Hl]".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures.
+    assert (i < n).
+    { apply Hle. eexists _. done. }
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete _ _ i () with "Hl") as "[[Hi #IHs] H]".
+    { by apply lookup_replicate. }
+    iDestruct ("Hi" with "[//]") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)". 
+    iModIntro.
     iApply "HΦ".
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete' _ _ i with "Hls") as "[Hc Hls]"; [set_solver|].
-    iDestruct ("Hc" with "[//]") as "Hc".
-    iFrame.
-    iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hcs".
-    iSplitR.
-    { iPureIntro. intros j HSome''.
-      destruct (decide (i=j)) as [<-|Hneq].
-      { rewrite lookup_delete in HSome''. done. }
-      rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome''; [|done].
-      by apply Hlen. }
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hls").
-    iIntros "!>" (j v Hin) "H".
-    iIntros (p' HSome'').
-    destruct (decide (i=j)) as [<-|Hneq].
-    { rewrite lookup_delete in HSome''. done. }
-    rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome''; [|done].
-    by iApply "H".
+    iSplitR "H".
+    { rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iSplit; [done|].
+      iFrame "#∗". iSplit; [|iNext; done].
+      iApply (big_sepL_impl with "IHs").
+      iIntros "!>" (???). iDestruct 1 as (γt1 γt2) "[H1 H2]".
+      iExists _,_,_. iFrame. }
+    iExists _, _, _, _.
+    iSplit; [done|].
+    iSplit.
+    { iPureIntro. intros i' HSome'. apply Hle.
+      assert (i ≠ i').
+      { intros ->. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'. } 
+      rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'; done. }
+    iFrame "#∗".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
+    case_decide.
+    { simplify_eq. iFrame "#".
+      iIntros "_" (p' Hin). simplify_eq. by rewrite lookup_delete in Hin. }
+    rewrite lookup_delete_ne; [|done]. eauto.
   Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
@@ -206,6 +384,33 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
+  Lemma diverge_spec P : 
+    {{{ True }}} diverge #() {{{ RET #(); P }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". 
+    wp_lam. iLöb as "IH".
+    wp_pures. by iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma guard_spec (i n : nat) : 
+    {{{ True }}} guard #i #n {{{ RET #(); ⌜i < n⌝ }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". 
+    wp_lam. wp_pures. 
+    case_bool_decide.
+    - wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. lia. 
+    - by wp_smart_apply diverge_spec. 
+  Qed.
+  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) : 
+    {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j)) by lia.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
   Lemma send_spec c j v p :
     {{{ c ↣ <(Send, j)> MSG v; p }}}
       send c #j v
@@ -213,27 +418,21 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls p' ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    case_bool_decide; last first.
-    { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
-      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". done. }
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
+    wp_smart_apply guard_spec; [done|].
+    iDestruct 1 as %Hle.
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
-    { done. } 
-    iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
-    iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
-    { iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }
+    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
+    { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
     wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".       
         rewrite /iProto_own.
         iDestruct "Hown" as (p'') "[Hle' Hown]".
@@ -268,7 +467,7 @@ Section channel.
       wp_load. iModIntro.
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
       { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Hl Hls Htok H◯").
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Htok H◯").
     - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
@@ -281,11 +480,11 @@ Section channel.
       { apply excl_auth_update. }
       iApply "HΦ".
-      iExists _,_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
       iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
       iRewrite -"Hagree'". iApply iProto_le_refl.
   Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c i (tt : TT)
         (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
     {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,i) @.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
@@ -302,7 +501,6 @@ Section channel.
     by iApply (send_spec with "Hc").
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c j (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
     {{{ c ↣ <(Recv, j) @.. x> MSG v x {{ ▷ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c #j
@@ -311,21 +509,16 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
-      (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 i l ls p' ->) "(#IH & Hl & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+      (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    wp_pures.
-    case_bool_decide; last first.
-    { wp_pures. iClear "IH H● H◯ Hown HΦ Hls Hl".
-      iLöb as "IH". wp_lam. iApply "IH". done. }
+    wp_smart_apply guard_spec; [done|].
+    iDestruct 1 as %Hle.
-    assert (is_Some (ls !! j)) as [l' HSome].
-    { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. lia. }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_load_offset with "Hl").
-    { done. } 
-    iIntros "Hl". wp_pures.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj Hls]"; [done|].
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (l1 l2 ->) "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
-    iDestruct ("Hls" with "[]") as "Hls".
-    { iExists _, _. iFrame "#". done. }    
+    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
+    { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
     iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
@@ -335,16 +528,16 @@ Section channel.
       iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
       { iLeft. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl Hle] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hle] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "[>Hl' [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown' Hâ—¯'".
       { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hls Hl Hle] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
+      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hle] HΦ").
+      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
     iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
     iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "[Hm Hp']".
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
@@ -365,7 +558,7 @@ Section channel.
     { apply excl_auth_update. }
     iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
     iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". iApply iProto_le_refl.

From 0677da80f695c4e53ccfd7f1a5e7a58d81be6c6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 11:41:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 31/81] Improved new_chan spec and closed example proofs

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              | 88 ++++++++++--------
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 93 ++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 590820f..c5cc715 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
   ∃ γ γE1 (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
     ⌜ c = (#l,#n,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
-    ([∗list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), 
+    ([∗list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
        ∃ γE2 γt1 γt2,
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i (l +ₗ (pos n j i)))) ∗
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
       (∀ p, ⌜ps !! i = Some p⌝ -∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p)) ∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p)) ∗
-            iProto_own γ i p) ∗    
+            iProto_own γ i p) ∗
       [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
         ∃ γt1 γt2,
         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ Section channel.
     iInduction n as [|n] "IHn".
     { done. }
     replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add. 
+    rewrite !replicate_add.
     simpl. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
     iSplitL "H1".
     { by iApply "IHn". }
     simpl. rewrite !replicate_length. iFrame.
   Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
     l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
     [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct "Hl" as "[H1 H2]".
     iDestruct ("IHn" with "H1") as "H1".
-    simpl. 
+    simpl.
     rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
     rewrite !replicate_length.
     replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Section channel.
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
     rewrite /pos.
-    rewrite Loc.add_assoc. 
+    rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
     replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
       (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
     apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _]. done.
@@ -224,46 +224,48 @@ Section channel.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
     0 < n →
-    (∀ i, i < n ↔ is_Some (ps !! i)) →     (* TODO: Weaken this! *)
-    (* n = (size (dom ps)) → *)
+    dom ps = list_to_set $ seq 0 n → (* TODO: Consider using [set_eq] instead *)
     {{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
       new_chan #n
     {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs ps }}}.
-    iIntros (Hle HSome Φ) "Hps HΦ". wp_lam.
+    iIntros (Hle Hdom Φ) "Hps HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
     iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
     iMod (iProto_init with "Hps") as (γ) "[Hps Hps']".
     wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
     iAssert (|==> ∃ (γEs : list gname),
-                ⌜length γEs = n⌝ ∗ 
+                ⌜length γEs = n⌝ ∗
                 [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
                   own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   iProto_own γ i (ps !!! i))%I with "[Hps']" as "H".
     { clear Hle.
       (* iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps HSome Heq). *)
-      iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps HSome).
+      iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps Hdom).
       { iExists []. iModIntro. simpl. done. }
-      assert (n < S n) by lia.
-      apply HSome in H. destruct H as [p ?]. 
+      (* assert (n < S n) by lia. *)
+      assert (is_Some (ps !! n)) as [p ?].
+      { apply elem_of_dom.
+        rewrite Hdom.
+        rewrite list_to_set_seq.
+        apply elem_of_set_seq.
+        lia. }
       iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ n with "Hps'") as "[Hp Hps']".
       { done. }
       iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (γE) "[Hauth Hfrag]".
       { apply excl_auth_valid. }
       iMod ("IHn" with "[] Hps'") as (γEs Hlen) "H".
       { iPureIntro.
-        intros i.
-        split.
-        - intros Hle. 
-          rewrite lookup_delete_ne; [|lia].
-          apply HSome. lia.
-        - intros HSome'. 
-          destruct (decide (i=n)).
-          + simplify_eq. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'.
-          + rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'; [|lia]. apply HSome in HSome'.
-            lia.
-      }        
+        rewrite dom_delete_L. rewrite Hdom.
+        replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+        rewrite seq_app.
+        simpl. rewrite list_to_set_app_L. simpl.
+        rewrite right_id_L.
+        rewrite difference_union_distr_l_L.
+        rewrite difference_diag_L. rewrite right_id_L.
+        assert (n ∉ seq 0 n); [|set_solver].
+        intros Hin%elem_of_seq. lia. }
       iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
       replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
       rewrite replicate_add.
@@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ Section channel.
         assert (i < n).
         { by apply lookup_replicate_1 in HSome' as [? ?]. }
         assert (delete n ps !!! i = ps !!! i) as Heq'.
-        { apply lookup_total_delete_ne. lia. }          
+        { apply lookup_total_delete_ne. lia. }
         rewrite Heq'. iFrame.
         rewrite lookup_total_app_l; [|lia]. iFrame. }
       simpl. rewrite replicate_length. rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
@@ -308,7 +310,11 @@ Section channel.
     iExists _,_,_,_.
     iModIntro. iSplit; [done|].
-    { iPureIntro. intros. apply HSome in H. done. } 
+    { iPureIntro. intros.
+      apply elem_of_dom in H.
+      rewrite Hdom in H.
+      rewrite list_to_set_seq in H.
+      apply elem_of_set_seq in H. lia. }
     iFrame "IHp".
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
@@ -349,7 +355,7 @@ Section channel.
     { apply Hle. eexists _. done. }
     iDestruct (big_sepL_delete _ _ i () with "Hl") as "[[Hi #IHs] H]".
     { by apply lookup_replicate. }
-    iDestruct ("Hi" with "[//]") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)". 
+    iDestruct ("Hi" with "[//]") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)".
     iApply "HΦ".
     iSplitR "H".
@@ -365,7 +371,7 @@ Section channel.
     { iPureIntro. intros i' HSome'. apply Hle.
       assert (i ≠ i').
-      { intros ->. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'. } 
+      { intros ->. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'. }
       rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'; done. }
     iFrame "#∗".
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
@@ -380,29 +386,29 @@ Section channel.
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
     own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
-  Proof. 
+  Proof.
     iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
-  Lemma diverge_spec P : 
+  Lemma diverge_spec P :
     {{{ True }}} diverge #() {{{ RET #(); P }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". 
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
     wp_lam. iLöb as "IH".
     wp_pures. by iApply "IH".
-  Lemma guard_spec (i n : nat) : 
+  Lemma guard_spec (i n : nat) :
     {{{ True }}} guard #i #n {{{ RET #(); ⌜i < n⌝ }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". 
-    wp_lam. wp_pures. 
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures.
-    - wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. lia. 
-    - by wp_smart_apply diverge_spec. 
+    - wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. lia.
+    - by wp_smart_apply diverge_spec.
-  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) : 
+  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
     {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
@@ -426,13 +432,13 @@ Section channel.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
     iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
     { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
     wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".       
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
         rewrite /iProto_own.
         iDestruct "Hown" as (p'') "[Hle' Hown]".
@@ -449,7 +455,7 @@ Section channel.
     iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
     { apply excl_auth_update. }
-    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown Hle". 
+    iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown Hle".
     { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
       iSplitL "Hown Hle".
       { iApply (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle"). }
@@ -518,7 +524,7 @@ Section channel.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
     iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
     { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]". 
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
     iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index ec48cd0..78e48a6 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
     as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq;
   try (iClear "Hm1' Hm2'";
        iExists _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_;
-       iSplitL; [iFrame "#"|];
-       iSplitL; [iFrame "#"|];
-       iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
-       iSplitL; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
+       iSplitL "Hm1"; [iFrame "#"|];
+       iSplitL "Hm2"; [iFrame "#"|];
+       iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
+       iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
        simpl; iClear "Hm1 Hm2"; clear m1 m2);
   try (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
   rewrite insert_insert;
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ Lemma iProto_consistent_empty {Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_empty Σ).
 Proof. iProto_consistent_take_step. Qed.
-Definition iProto_binary `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-  <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x {{ P }} ; END)%proto ]>
+Definition iProto_binary `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+  <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto ]>
+  (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto ]>
-Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!invGS Σ} (P : iProp Σ) :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_binary Σ invGS0 P).
+Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_binary Σ invGS0).
   rewrite /iProto_binary.
@@ -113,8 +113,7 @@ Qed.
 Definition iProto_roundtrip `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-    ∅)).
+  (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]> ∅)).
 Lemma iProto_roundtrip_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_roundtrip Σ invGS0).
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ Section channel.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip).
-    { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { lia. }
     { set_solver. }
     { iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent. }
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ Section proof.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip_ref with "[]").
-    { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { lia. }
     { set_solver. }
     { iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent. }
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
@@ -361,7 +360,7 @@ Section proof.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec with "[]").
-    { intros i Hle. destruct i as [|[|[]]]; try set_solver. lia. }
+    { lia. }
     { set_solver. }
     { iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent. }
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
@@ -389,7 +388,16 @@ End proof.
 Section parallel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  (**
+  (** 
+    0 -> 1 : (x1:Z) < x1 > .
+    0 -> 2 : (x2:Z) < x2 > .
+    2 -> 3 : (y1:Z) < x1+y1 > ;
+    3 -> 4 : (y2:Z) < x2+y2 > ;
+    3 -> 0 : < x1+y1 > ;
+    4 -> 0 : < x2+y2 > ;
+    end
        /   \
       1     2
@@ -400,83 +408,84 @@ Section parallel.
   Definition iProto_parallel : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Recv, 3)> MSG #x; <(Recv, 4)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
+    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x1:Z)> MSG #x1 ;
+            <(Send, 2) @ (x2:Z)> MSG #x2 ;
+            <(Recv, 3) @ (y1:Z)> MSG #(x1+y1);
+            <(Recv, 4) @ (y2:Z)> MSG #(x2+y2); END)%proto]>
    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 3)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
+            <(Send, 3) @ (y:Z)> MSG #(x+y); END)%proto]>
    (<[2 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 4)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+            <(Send, 4) @ (y:Z)> MSG #(x+y) ; END)%proto]>
    (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
    (<[4 := (<(Recv, 2) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
-            ∅)))).
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]> ∅)))).
   Lemma iProto_parallel_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_parallel.
     rewrite /iProto_parallel.
-    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iIntros (x1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
     clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    - iIntros (x2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      + iIntros (y1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-        * iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        * iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 0. clean_map 3.
-          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        * iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        * iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+          iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-          iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
           clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      + iIntros (y1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-    - iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    - iIntros (y1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iIntros (x2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      + iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-      + iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros (z) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
         clean_map 4. clean_map 0.

From 9c584bab0ff4423f5ea9f156faecbfe16e53a00c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 11:43:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 32/81] Added forwarder example

 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        | 38 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 78e48a6..826b9b4 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -628,3 +628,41 @@ Section two_buyer_ref.
 End two_buyer_ref.
+Section fwd.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition iProto_fwd : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 1) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+            <(Send, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Recv, 0) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b;
+            if b
+            then <(Send,2)> MSG #x ; END
+            else <(Send,3)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]> ∅))).
+  Lemma iProto_fwd_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_fwd.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_fwd.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros ([]) "_".
+    - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  Qed.
+End fwd.

From 8db776a5c34fe1107a9fba5a63d1449266089902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 11:51:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 33/81] [list_to_set $ seq] -> [set_eq]

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v | 20 +++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index c5cc715..3164899 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Section channel.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
     0 < n →
-    dom ps = list_to_set $ seq 0 n → (* TODO: Consider using [set_eq] instead *)
+    dom ps = set_seq 0 n →
     {{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
       new_chan #n
     {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs ps }}}.
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ Section channel.
       assert (is_Some (ps !! n)) as [p ?].
       { apply elem_of_dom.
         rewrite Hdom.
-        rewrite list_to_set_seq.
         apply elem_of_set_seq.
         lia. }
       iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ n with "Hps'") as "[Hp Hps']".
@@ -259,13 +258,13 @@ Section channel.
       { iPureIntro.
         rewrite dom_delete_L. rewrite Hdom.
         replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-        rewrite seq_app.
-        simpl. rewrite list_to_set_app_L. simpl.
+        rewrite set_seq_add_L.
+        simpl. 
         rewrite right_id_L.
         rewrite difference_union_distr_l_L.
         rewrite difference_diag_L. rewrite right_id_L.
-        assert (n ∉ seq 0 n); [|set_solver].
-        intros Hin%elem_of_seq. lia. }
+        assert (n ∉ (set_seq 0 n:gset _)); [|set_solver].
+        intros Hin%elem_of_set_seq. lia. }
       iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
       replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
       rewrite replicate_add.
@@ -310,11 +309,10 @@ Section channel.
     iExists _,_,_,_.
     iModIntro. iSplit; [done|].
-    { iPureIntro. intros.
-      apply elem_of_dom in H.
-      rewrite Hdom in H.
-      rewrite list_to_set_seq in H.
-      apply elem_of_set_seq in H. lia. }
+    { iPureIntro. intros i HSome.
+      apply elem_of_dom in HSome.
+      rewrite Hdom in HSome.
+      apply elem_of_set_seq in HSome. lia. }
     iFrame "IHp".
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".

From cf65eca7abd24f5a261aa70ad864cdc37a6a1594 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2024 15:12:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 34/81] Added valid targets to consistency relation and removed

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v              |  73 +++---
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v                | 215 ++++++++++++++----
 .../multi_proto_consistency_examples.v        |  38 +++-
 3 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 3164899..aabf48d 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -35,13 +35,6 @@ Definition new_chan : val :=
 Definition get_chan : val :=
   λ: "cs" "i", ("cs","i").
-Definition diverge : val :=
-  λ: <>, (rec: "go" <> := "go" #())%V #().
-Definition guard : val :=
-  λ: "i" "n",
-    if: "i" < "n" then #() else diverge #().
 Definition wait : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" :=
     match: !"c" with
@@ -55,7 +48,7 @@ Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
 Definition send : val :=
   λ: "c" "j" "v",
-    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in guard "j" "n";;
+    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in
     let: "ls" := Fst (Fst "c") in
     let: "i" := Snd "c" in
     let: "l" := "ls" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j" in
@@ -64,7 +57,7 @@ Definition send : val :=
 (* TODO: Move recursion further in *)
 Definition recv : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" "j" :=
-    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in guard "j" "n";;
+    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in
     let: "ls" := Fst (Fst "c") in
     let: "i" := Snd "c" in
     let: "l" := "ls" +â‚— vpos "n" "j" "i" in
@@ -110,7 +103,7 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ γ γE1 (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
     ⌜ c = (#l,#n,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)) ∗
     ([∗list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
        ∃ γE2 γt1 γt2,
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
@@ -131,7 +124,7 @@ Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (cs : val) (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (l:loc) (n:nat),
     ⌜cs = (#l,#n)%V⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, is_Some (ps !! i) → i < n⌝ ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)) ∗
     [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
       (∀ p, ⌜ps !! i = Some p⌝ -∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p)) ∗
@@ -313,7 +306,7 @@ Section channel.
       apply elem_of_dom in HSome.
       rewrite Hdom in HSome.
       apply elem_of_set_seq in HSome. lia. }
-    iFrame "IHp".
+    rewrite Hdom. iFrame "IHp".
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
@@ -388,24 +381,6 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
-  Lemma diverge_spec P :
-    {{{ True }}} diverge #() {{{ RET #(); P }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
-    wp_lam. iLöb as "IH".
-    wp_pures. by iApply "IH".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma guard_spec (i n : nat) :
-    {{{ True }}} guard #i #n {{{ RET #(); ⌜i < n⌝ }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
-    wp_lam. wp_pures.
-    case_bool_decide.
-    - wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iPureIntro. lia.
-    - by wp_smart_apply diverge_spec.
-  Qed.
   Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
     {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
@@ -423,11 +398,24 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
       (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply guard_spec; [done|].
-    iDestruct 1 as %Hle.
+    wp_bind (Fst _).
+    iInv "IH" as "HI".
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
+    iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
+    iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
+                iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext.
+      iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[H1 [H2 H3]]".
+      iFrame.
+      iNext.
+      iDestruct "H1" as %Hin. iPureIntro.
+      set_solver. }
+    iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown".
+    wp_pures. iModIntro.
+    iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
+    iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
     iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
     { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
     iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
@@ -514,12 +502,23 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
       (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    do 6 wp_pure _. wp_bind (Fst _). wp_pure _.
+    iInv "IH" as "HI".
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
+    iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
+    iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
+                iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext.
+      iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[H1 [H2 H3]]".
+      iFrame.
+      iNext.
+      iDestruct "H1" as %Hin. iPureIntro.
+      set_solver. }
+    iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply guard_spec; [done|].
-    iDestruct 1 as %Hle.
-    wp_pures.
+    iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
+    iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
     iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
     { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
     iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 8cab819..90368e6 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -515,19 +515,23 @@ Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate (END).
 Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
            (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ m1 m2,
-  (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+  ((ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
   ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
           ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
-                â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
+                â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps)))).
+Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∀ a m, ((ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝).
 Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
   (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ i j, can_step rec ps i j.
+  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
+  (∀ i j, can_step rec ps i j).
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
        (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
   NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre rec).
-Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step. solve_proper. Qed.
+Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step /valid_target. solve_proper. Qed.
 Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
   (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
@@ -595,17 +599,6 @@ Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
 Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-(* Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (i:nat) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := *)
-(*   ∀ ps, iProto_consistent (<[i:=p1]>ps) -∗ iProto_consistent (<[i:=p2]>ps). *)
-(* Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _ _%proto _%proto. *)
-(* Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}. *)
-(* Notation "p ⊑{ i } q" := (iProto_le i p q) (at level 20) : bi_scope. *)
-(* Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} n : Proper ((=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
-(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
-(* Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V). *)
-(* Proof. solve_proper. Qed. *)
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
   populate (ProtName inhabitant).
@@ -627,8 +620,8 @@ Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
   own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps) : gmap _ _)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
-    (γ : gname) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ ps, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
+    (γ : gname) (ps_dom : gset nat) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ ps, ⌜dom ps = ps_dom⌝ ∗ iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
 (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
@@ -659,14 +652,14 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
   Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iLeft. auto 10. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
     rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //".
     iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)".
     by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
-  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
     rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //".
     iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)".
@@ -679,7 +672,7 @@ Section proto.
       ∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. 
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
     iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
     { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
@@ -703,14 +696,13 @@ Section proto.
     iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame.
   Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_l i m1 p2 :
     (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2,
       (p2 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m2) ∗
       ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. 
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
     iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
     { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
@@ -730,7 +722,7 @@ Section proto.
       ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. 
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
     iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
     { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
@@ -756,6 +748,79 @@ Section proto.
     by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')).
+  Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_l i a m1 p2 :
+    (<(a,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2, p2 ≡ <(a,i)> m2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre.
+    iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    destruct a1 as [t1 ?], a2 as [t2 ?].
+    destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+      iExists _. done.
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+      iExists _. done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_r j a p1 m2 :
+    (p1 ⊑ <(a,j)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, p1 ≡ <(a,j)> m1.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre.
+    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    destruct a1 as [t1 ?], a2 as [t2 ?].
+    destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+      iExists _. done.
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+      iExists _. done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma valid_target_le ps i p1 p2 :
+    (∀ i' j', valid_target ps i' j') -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
+    (∀ i' j', valid_target (<[i := p2]>ps) i' j') ∗ p1 ⊑ p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle".
+    pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg].
+    { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H".
+      iFrame "Hle".
+      iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm".
+      destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
+      { rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
+      rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+      destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
+      { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm".
+        by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". }
+      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      by iApply "Hprot". }
+    destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg).
+    setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq".
+    iFrame.
+    iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm".
+    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
+    { rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
+    rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
+    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm".
+      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm".
+      simplify_eq. by iApply "Hprot". }
+    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    by iApply "Hprot".
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
     ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
@@ -767,6 +832,9 @@ Section proto.
     iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps).
     iIntros "#HSome".
     rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iDestruct "Hprot" as "(Htar & Hprot)".
+    iDestruct (valid_target_le with "Htar HSome Hle") as "[Htar Hle]".
+    iFrame.
     iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
     { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
@@ -782,7 +850,7 @@ Section proto.
       inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
       iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
       iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p)).
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "Hle") as "Hle". 
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "Hle") as "Hle".
       iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq H]".
       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1'") as (p') "[Hle H]".
@@ -793,7 +861,7 @@ Section proto.
       { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
-      iExists p''. iFrame. 
+      iExists p''. iFrame.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
       { by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
@@ -815,19 +883,20 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]".
       inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
       iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle". 
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle".
       (* iRewrite -"Hm2" in "Hm2'". *)
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
       { done. }
       { rewrite !lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
-      iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']". 
+      iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']".
       iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
       iExists p2'.
       iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []") as "HI".
-      { iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
       rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
       rewrite !insert_insert. done. }
     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
@@ -874,10 +943,10 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-  Proof. 
+  Proof.
     iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
     destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&i&m3&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
     - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
       iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2.
       iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
@@ -907,7 +976,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
     destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&i&m1&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H".
       iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl.
     - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
       iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message).
@@ -941,7 +1010,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4).
     destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&i&m2&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H1") as "H1".
       iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id.
     - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
       iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
@@ -962,7 +1031,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     (P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) ⊢
     (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". 
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
     iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
     iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
@@ -971,7 +1040,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     (<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
     rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
-    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".    
+    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
     iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
   Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l i v P p :
@@ -1049,6 +1118,16 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_target ps m a i j :
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ (<(a, j)> m) -∗
+    ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]".
+    iApply "Htar".
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
     ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
@@ -1059,6 +1138,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iIntros "Hprot #Hi #Hj Hm1".
     rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]".
     iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
     iExists p2. iFrame.
@@ -1129,7 +1209,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
   Lemma iProto_init ps :
     ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (dom ps) ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
     iIntros "Hconsistnet".
     iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
@@ -1147,23 +1227,42 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iDestruct "H" as %H%gmap_view_frag_op_validN. by destruct H.
-  Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v :
-    iProto_ctx γ -∗
+  Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
     iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
     iProto_own γ j (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
+    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗
             iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
     iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
     iDestruct "Hi" as (pi) "[Hile Hi]".
     iDestruct "Hj" as (pj) "[Hjle Hj]".
-    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
+    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hi") as "#Hpi".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
-    iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq. 
+    iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
     iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
     { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; done. }
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝ ∗ (pi ⊑ (<(Send, j)> m1))))%I with "[Hile]"
+      as "[Hi' Hile]".
+    { iNext.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#H".
+      iFrame.
+      iRewrite "H" in "Hpi".
+      rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+      destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
+      simpl. iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ (pj ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))))%I with "[Hjle]"
+      as "[Hj' Hjle]".
+    { iNext.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#H".
+      iFrame.
+      iRewrite "H" in "Hpj".
+      rewrite !lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+      destruct (ps !! j); [done|].
+      simpl. iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
@@ -1172,12 +1271,19 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
       rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
       iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
     { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. } 
+      iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
     iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame.
+    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi.
+    iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj.
     iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
-    { iExists _. iFrame. rewrite insert_insert.
+    { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
+      iSplit.
+      { rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done|..].
+        - done.
+        - by rewrite lookup_insert_ne. }
+      iFrame. rewrite insert_insert.
       rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite insert_insert.
       rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. done. }
     iSplitL "Hi".
@@ -1185,6 +1291,31 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     - iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
+    iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
+    iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m) -∗
+    ▷ (⌜j ∈ ps_dom⌝) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hctx Hown".
+    rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
+    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hps]".
+    iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[Hle Hown]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hown") as "#H".
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ iProto_consistent ps))%I
+      with "[Hps]" as "[H1 H2]".
+    { iNext.
+      iRewrite "Heq" in "H".
+      iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps H") as "#H'".
+      iFrame. done. }
+    iSplitL "H1".
+    { iNext. iDestruct "H1" as %Heq.
+      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. apply elem_of_dom. done. }
+    iSplitL "Hauth H2".
+    { iExists _. iFrame. done. }
+    iExists _. iFrame.
+  Qed.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
   Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name :
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
index 826b9b4..a52088b 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
 Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
+  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
   (∀ i j m1 m2,
      (ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto) -∗
      (ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto) -∗
@@ -22,8 +23,9 @@ Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
                        (<[i:=tele_app tp1 x]>(<[j:=tele_app tp2 y]>ps)))) -∗
   iProto_consistent ps.
-  iIntros "H".
+  iIntros "[H' H]".
   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iFrame.
   iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1 Hm2")
     as (m1' m2' TT1 TT2 tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2)
@@ -51,13 +53,11 @@ Qed.
 (* TODO: Improve automation *)
 (* Could clean up repeated inserts to save traverses *)
-Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_step" :=
   let i := fresh in
   let j := fresh in
   let m1 := fresh in
   let m2 := fresh in
-  try iNext;
-  iApply iProto_consistent_equiv_proof;
   iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
   repeat (destruct i as [|i];
           [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
@@ -86,6 +86,36 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
   repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ j); [|done]);
   rewrite insert_insert).
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_target" :=
+  let i := fresh in
+  iIntros (i j a m); rewrite /valid_target;
+            iIntros "#Hm";
+  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
+          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
+           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
+                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
+            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
+  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
+  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm")
+    as "[%Heq Hm']";simplify_eq;
+  repeat (try rewrite lookup_empty;
+          try rewrite lookup_insert;
+          rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+    try rewrite lookup_insert; try done.
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
+  try iNext;
+  iApply iProto_consistent_equiv_proof;
+  iSplitR; [iProto_consistent_take_step_target|
+             iProto_consistent_take_step_step].
 Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
   iEval (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]));
   rewrite (insert_insert _ i).

From d74e871f5777052e02796f566e5d13a51c617289 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2024 16:24:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 35/81] Some cleanup

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v | 114 +++++++++-------------
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v   | 158 ++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index aabf48d..2cf1f6d 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -148,9 +148,8 @@ Section channel.
   Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
-    iDestruct 1 as
-      (γ γE l n i p ->) "(#IH & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, γE, l, n, i, p.
+    iDestruct 1 as (?????? ->) "(#IH & Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
+    iIntros "Hle'". iExists _,_,_,_,_,p'.
     iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
     iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle Hle'").
@@ -160,36 +159,28 @@ Section channel.
     ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
     iIntros "H".
-    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn".
-    { done. }
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
     replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add.
-    simpl. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
-    iSplitL "H1".
-    { by iApply "IHn". }
-    simpl. rewrite !replicate_length. iFrame.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
+    iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
+    by rewrite !replicate_length.
   Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
     l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
-    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-      (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
     iIntros "Hl".
-    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn".
-    { done. }
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
     replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
     replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add. simpl.
-    rewrite array_app.
-    iDestruct "Hl" as "[H1 H2]".
-    iDestruct ("IHn" with "H1") as "H1".
-    iFrame.
-    simpl.
-    rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
-    rewrite !replicate_length.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /= array_app=> /=.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
+    iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iFrame=> /=.
+    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
     replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
-    iFrame.
+    by iFrame.
   Lemma array_to_matrix l n v :
@@ -198,20 +189,17 @@ Section channel.
       [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
         (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
-    iIntros "H".
-    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "H") as "H".
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
-    iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome) "H".
-    clear HSome.
-    rewrite /array.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? _) "Hl".
     iApply big_sepL_replicate.
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
     iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
-    rewrite /pos.
     rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
     replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
       (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
-    apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _]. done.
+    by apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _].
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
@@ -234,49 +222,37 @@ Section channel.
                   own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   iProto_own γ i (ps !!! i))%I with "[Hps']" as "H".
     { clear Hle.
-      (* iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps HSome Heq). *)
       iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps Hdom).
       { iExists []. iModIntro. simpl. done. }
-      (* assert (n < S n) by lia. *)
-      assert (is_Some (ps !! n)) as [p ?].
-      { apply elem_of_dom.
-        rewrite Hdom.
-        apply elem_of_set_seq.
-        lia. }
-      iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ n with "Hps'") as "[Hp Hps']".
-      { done. }
+      assert (is_Some (ps !! n)) as [p HSome].
+      { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hdom. apply elem_of_set_seq. lia. }
+      iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ n with "Hps'") as "[Hp Hps']"; [done|].
       iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (γE) "[Hauth Hfrag]".
       { apply excl_auth_valid. }
       iMod ("IHn" with "[] Hps'") as (γEs Hlen) "H".
       { iPureIntro.
-        rewrite dom_delete_L. rewrite Hdom.
+        rewrite dom_delete_L Hdom.
         replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-        rewrite set_seq_add_L.
-        simpl. 
-        rewrite right_id_L.
-        rewrite difference_union_distr_l_L.
-        rewrite difference_diag_L. rewrite right_id_L.
+        rewrite set_seq_add_L /= right_id_L difference_union_distr_l_L
+          difference_diag_L right_id_L.
         assert (n ∉ (set_seq 0 n:gset _)); [|set_solver].
         intros Hin%elem_of_set_seq. lia. }
       iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
       replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-      rewrite replicate_add.
-      rewrite big_sepL_app.
-      rewrite app_length.
-      rewrite Hlen. iSplit; [done|].
-      simpl.
+      rewrite replicate_add big_sepL_app app_length Hlen.
+      iSplit; [done|]=> /=.
       iSplitL "H".
       { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
         iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
-        assert (i < n).
-        { by apply lookup_replicate_1 in HSome' as [? ?]. }
+        assert (i < n) as Hle.
+        { by apply lookup_replicate_1 in HSome' as [??]. }
         assert (delete n ps !!! i = ps !!! i) as Heq'.
         { apply lookup_total_delete_ne. lia. }
         rewrite Heq'. iFrame.
         rewrite lookup_total_app_l; [|lia]. iFrame. }
-      simpl. rewrite replicate_length. rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
+      rewrite replicate_length Nat.add_0_r.
       rewrite list_lookup_total_middle; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_alt. rewrite H. simpl. iFrame. }
+      rewrite lookup_total_alt HSome. by iFrame. }
     iMod "H" as (γEs Hlen) "H".
     iAssert (|={⊤}=>
         [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
@@ -292,11 +268,8 @@ Section channel.
       iApply big_sepL_fupd.
       iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H1").
       iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome'') "H1".
-      iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ') "Hγ'".
-      { done. }
-      iExists γ'.
-      iApply inv_alloc.
-      iLeft. iFrame. }
+      iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ') "Hγ'"; [done|].
+      iExists γ'. iApply inv_alloc. iLeft. iFrame. }
     iMod "IH" as "#IH".
     iMod (inv_alloc with "Hps") as "#IHp".
     iExists _,_,_,_.
@@ -319,16 +292,15 @@ Section channel.
     { apply lookup_replicate in HSome' as [_ Hle']. done. }
     assert (j < n) as Hle''.
     { apply lookup_replicate in HSome'' as [_ Hle'']. done. }
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "IH") as "IH''".
-    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH''") as "IH'''".
-    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
-    iFrame "#".
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH") as "H".
-    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "H") as "H'".
-    { rewrite lookup_replicate. done. }
-    iDestruct "IH'''" as (γ1) "?".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "IH") as "IH'";
+      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH'") as "IH''";
+      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH") as "H";
+      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "H") as "H'";
+      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
+    iDestruct "IH''" as (γ1) "?".
     iDestruct "H'" as (γ2) "?".
     iExists _, _. iFrame "#".
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 90368e6..86f4505 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -510,23 +510,23 @@ Section proto.
 End proto.
-Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate (END).
+Global Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate END.
 Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
            (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ m1 m2,
-  ((ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗ (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
-  ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-          ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
-                â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps)))).
+    (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗
+    (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+            ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
+                  â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
 Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ a m, ((ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝).
+  ∀ a m, (ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
 Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
   (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
-  (∀ i j, can_step rec ps i j).
+  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗ (∀ i j, can_step rec ps i j).
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
        (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
@@ -616,7 +616,6 @@ Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
 Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
     (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  (* own γ (● ∅). *)
   own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps) : gmap _ _)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
@@ -669,21 +668,18 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_le_send_inv i p1 m2 :
     p1 ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
       (p1 ≡ <(Send,i)> m1) ∗
-      ∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
+      ∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗
+               ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
     rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
     iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    { by iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
     rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
     destruct a1 as [[]]; [|done].
-    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-    iExists m1. iFrame.
-    iIntros (v p2).
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2)).
-    iRewrite "Hm2". iApply "H".
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". iExists m1. iFrame "Hp1".
+    iIntros (v p2). iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2)). by iRewrite "Hm2".
   Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv i m1 m2 v p2' :
@@ -699,8 +695,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_l i m1 p2 :
     (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2,
       (p2 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m2) ∗
-      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗
+               ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
     rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
     iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
@@ -709,18 +705,15 @@ Section proto.
     rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp1" as "[%Heq Hm1]".
     destruct a2 as [[]]; [done|].
-    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-    iExists m2. iFrame.
-    iIntros (v p1).
-    iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p1)).
-    iRewrite "Hm1". iApply "H".
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". iExists m2. iFrame "Hp2".
+    iIntros (v p1). iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p1)). by iRewrite "Hm1".
   Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_r i p1 m2 :
     (p1 ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
       (p1 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m1) ∗
-      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗
+               ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
     rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
     iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
@@ -759,12 +752,10 @@ Section proto.
     destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
     - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
       iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-      iExists _. done.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
     - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
       iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-      iExists _. done.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
   Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_r j a p1 m2 :
@@ -778,12 +769,10 @@ Section proto.
     destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
     - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
       iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-      iExists _. done.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
     - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
       iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-      iExists _. done.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
   Lemma valid_target_le ps i p1 p2 :
@@ -798,7 +787,7 @@ Section proto.
       iFrame "Hle".
       iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm".
       destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
-      { rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
+      { by rewrite lookup_insert. }
       rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
       destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
       { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm".
@@ -807,8 +796,7 @@ Section proto.
       by iApply "Hprot". }
     destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg).
     setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
-    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq".
-    iFrame.
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle".
     iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm".
     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
     { rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
@@ -1020,7 +1008,8 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
       iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto].
       iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
     - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv.
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+      iApply iProto_le_recv.
       iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]".
       iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]".
       iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto].
@@ -1123,9 +1112,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     ps !!! i ≡ (<(a, j)> m) -∗
     ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]".
-    iApply "Htar".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold. iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]". iApply "Htar".
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
@@ -1153,13 +1140,10 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
     rewrite gmap_view_both_validI.
     iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]".
-    rewrite lookup_total_alt.
-    rewrite lookup_fmap.
+    rewrite lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap.
     destruct (ps !! i); last first.
-    { simpl. rewrite !option_equivI. done. }
-    simpl.
-    rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI.
-    by iNext.
+    { by rewrite !option_equivI. }
+    simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
@@ -1184,19 +1168,13 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. }
     iExists γ.
     iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind.
-    { iModIntro. iFrame.
-      by iApply big_sepM_empty. }
+    { iModIntro. iFrame. by iApply big_sepM_empty. }
     iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]".
     rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags".
     iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]".
-    { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))).
-      - rewrite lookup_fmap. rewrite Hin. done.
-      - done.
-      - done. }
-    iFrame.
-    iModIntro.
-    rewrite -fmap_insert.
-    iFrame.
+    { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done].
+      by rewrite lookup_fmap Hin. }
+    iModIntro. rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame.
     iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
@@ -1211,9 +1189,9 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
     |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (dom ps) ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
-    iIntros "Hconsistnet".
+    iIntros "Hconsistent".
     iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
-    iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. done.
+    iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. by iFrame.
   Lemma own_prot_idx γ i j (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
@@ -1224,7 +1202,7 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iIntros "Hown Hown'" (->).
     iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hown'") as "H".
     rewrite uPred.cmra_valid_elim.
-    iDestruct "H" as %H%gmap_view_frag_op_validN. by destruct H.
+    by iDestruct "H" as %[]%gmap_view_frag_op_validN.
   Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
@@ -1243,52 +1221,40 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
     iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
     iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; done. }
+    { by rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne. }
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝ ∗ (pi ⊑ (<(Send, j)> m1))))%I with "[Hile]"
       as "[Hi' Hile]".
-    { iNext.
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#H".
-      iFrame.
-      iRewrite "H" in "Hpi".
-      rewrite lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#Heq".
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". rewrite lookup_total_alt.
       destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
-      simpl. iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ (pj ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))))%I with "[Hjle]"
       as "[Hj' Hjle]".
-    { iNext.
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#H".
-      iFrame.
-      iRewrite "H" in "Hpj".
-      rewrite !lookup_total_alt. simpl.
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#Heq".
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj". rewrite !lookup_total_alt.
       destruct (ps !! j); [done|].
-      simpl. iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
       (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
     { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
       rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
+      by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
     { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      iNext. rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
+      by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
-    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame.
-    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi.
-    iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj.
+    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame "Hm2".
+    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi. iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj.
     iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
     { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
-      { rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done|..].
-        - done.
-        - by rewrite lookup_insert_ne. }
+      { rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done..|by rewrite lookup_insert_ne]. }
       iFrame. rewrite insert_insert.
       rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite insert_insert.
-      rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. done. }
-    iSplitL "Hi".
-    - iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-    - iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+      by rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. }
+    iSplitL "Hi"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
   Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
@@ -1300,20 +1266,16 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
     iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hps]".
     iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[Hle Hown]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hown") as "#H".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hown") as "#Hi".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ iProto_consistent ps))%I
-      with "[Hps]" as "[H1 H2]".
-    { iNext.
-      iRewrite "Heq" in "H".
-      iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps H") as "#H'".
-      iFrame. done. }
-    iSplitL "H1".
-    { iNext. iDestruct "H1" as %Heq.
-      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. apply elem_of_dom. done. }
-    iSplitL "Hauth H2".
-    { iExists _. iFrame. done. }
-    iExists _. iFrame.
+      with "[Hps]" as "[HSome Hps]".
+    { iNext. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hi".
+      iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps Hi") as "#$". by iFrame. }
+    iSplitL "HSome".
+    { iNext. iDestruct "HSome" as %Heq.
+      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. by apply elem_of_dom. }
+    iSplitL "Hauth Hps"; iExists _; by iFrame.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)

From 53a26ad32a0d2824def8fd227612c2cb58ed7637 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2024 12:35:08 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/81] More cleanup

 theories/channel/multi_channel.v | 98 +++++++++++---------------------
 theories/channel/multi_proto.v   | 27 +++++----
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
index 2cf1f6d..0b87509 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
@@ -314,43 +314,31 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros (HSome Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
     iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs l n -> Hle) "[#IHp Hl]".
     wp_lam. wp_pures.
-    assert (i < n).
-    { apply Hle. eexists _. done. }
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete _ _ i () with "Hl") as "[[Hi #IHs] H]".
-    { by apply lookup_replicate. }
+    assert (i < n); [by apply Hle|].
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete _ _ i () with "Hl") as "[[Hi #IHs] H]";
+      [by apply lookup_replicate|].
     iDestruct ("Hi" with "[//]") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)".
     iApply "HΦ".
     iSplitR "H".
-    { rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
-      iSplit; [done|].
-      iFrame "#∗". iSplit; [|iNext; done].
+    { rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
+      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". iSplit; [|iNext; done].
       iApply (big_sepL_impl with "IHs").
-      iIntros "!>" (???). iDestruct 1 as (γt1 γt2) "[H1 H2]".
+      iIntros "!>" (???). iDestruct 1 as (γt1 γt2) "[??]".
       iExists _,_,_. iFrame. }
-    iExists _, _, _, _.
-    iSplit; [done|].
+    iExists _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
     { iPureIntro. intros i' HSome'. apply Hle.
       assert (i ≠ i').
       { intros ->. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'. }
-      rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'; done. }
+      by rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'. }
     iFrame "#∗".
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
     { simplify_eq. iFrame "#".
       iIntros "_" (p' Hin). simplify_eq. by rewrite lookup_delete in Hin. }
-    rewrite lookup_delete_ne; [|done]. eauto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
-    False.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
+    rewrite lookup_delete_ne; [|done]. by eauto.
   Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
@@ -375,24 +363,17 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
     iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext.
-      iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[H1 [H2 H3]]".
-      iFrame.
-      iNext.
-      iDestruct "H1" as %Hin. iPureIntro.
-      set_solver. }
-    iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown".
-    wp_pures. iModIntro.
-    iFrame.
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
+                iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]"
+      as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[Hin [$ $]]".
+      iFrame. iNext. iDestruct "Hin" as %Hin. by set_solver. }
+    iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
+    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
     iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
-    { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]";
+      [by apply lookup_replicate_2|].
     iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_bind (Store _ _).
+    wp_pures. wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
@@ -410,14 +391,12 @@ Section channel.
         iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-    { apply excl_auth_update. }
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]"; [by apply excl_auth_update|].
     iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown Hle".
     { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
-      iSplitL "Hown Hle".
-      { iApply (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle"). }
-      iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl. done. }
+      iSplitL "Hown Hle"; [by iApply (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle")|].
+      iExists _. iFrame. by rewrite iMsg_base_eq. }
     iLöb as "HL".
@@ -456,11 +435,9 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ".
-    iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<(Send,i)> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]")
-      as "Hc".
-    { iIntros "!>".
-      iApply iProto_le_trans.
-      iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l.
+    iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<(Send,i)> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto
+                with "Hc [HP]") as "Hc".
+    { iIntros "!>". iApply iProto_le_trans. iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l.
       by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. }
     by iApply (send_spec with "Hc").
@@ -480,27 +457,20 @@ Section channel.
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
     iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
                 iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext.
-      iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[H1 [H2 H3]]".
-      iFrame.
-      iNext.
-      iDestruct "H1" as %Hin. iPureIntro.
-      set_solver. }
-    iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown".
-    wp_pures.
-    iModIntro. iFrame.
-    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]. iIntros "_".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[Hin [$$]]".
+      iFrame. iNext. iDestruct "Hin" as %Hin. by set_solver. }
+    iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
+    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
     iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]".
-    { by apply lookup_replicate_2. }
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]";
+      [by apply lookup_replicate_2|].
     iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
     iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
     { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok]".
-      wp_xchg.
-      iModIntro.
+      wp_xchg. iModIntro.
       iSplitL "Hl' Htok".
       { iLeft. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hle] HΦ").
@@ -529,11 +499,9 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
     iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-    { apply excl_auth_update. }
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]";[apply excl_auth_update|].
     iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-    iFrame.
-    iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+    iFrame. iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
     iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". iApply iProto_le_refl.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
index 86f4505..e178523 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
@@ -644,6 +644,23 @@ Section proto.
   Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
   Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
+  Lemma own_prot_idx γ i j (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag j (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
+    ⌜i ≠ j⌝.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hown Hown'" (->).
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hown'") as "H".
+    rewrite uPred.cmra_valid_elim.
+    by iDestruct "H" as %[]%gmap_view_frag_op_validN.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
+    False.
+  Proof. iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %?. Qed.
   (** ** Protocol entailment **)
   Lemma iProto_le_unfold p1 p2 : iProto_le p1 p2 ≡ iProto_le_pre iProto_le p1 p2.
   Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_le_pre'). Qed.
@@ -1194,16 +1211,6 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. by iFrame.
-  Lemma own_prot_idx γ i j (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag j (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
-    ⌜i ≠ j⌝.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hown Hown'" (->).
-    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hown'") as "H".
-    rewrite uPred.cmra_valid_elim.
-    by iDestruct "H" as %[]%gmap_view_frag_op_validN.
-  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗

From 7132239ebf0f013ba6ebbb5344b2a6639b0511aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 13:59:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 37/81] Refactoring

 _CoqProject                                   |   13 +-
 .../channel/channel.v                         |    4 +-
 .../channel/proofmode.v                       |    4 +-
 .../channel/proto.v                           |    2 +-
 .../channel/proto_consistency_examples.v      |    3 +-
 .../channel/proto_model.v                     |    2 +-
 multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v            |   88 ++
 theories/channel/channel.v                    |  487 +++---
 theories/channel/proto.v                      | 1361 ++++++++---------
 9 files changed, 1025 insertions(+), 939 deletions(-)
 rename theories/channel/multi_channel.v => multi_actris/channel/channel.v (99%)
 rename theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v => multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v (99%)
 rename theories/channel/multi_proto.v => multi_actris/channel/proto.v (99%)
 rename theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v => multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v (99%)
 rename theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v => multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v (99%)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index d5da394..98b145e 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 -Q theories actris
+-Q multi_actris multi_actris
 # We sometimes want to locally override notation, and there is no good way to do that with scopes.
 -arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
 # Cannot use non-canonical projections as it causes massive unification failures
@@ -17,11 +18,6 @@ theories/utils/switch.v
@@ -58,3 +54,10 @@ theories/logrel/examples/mapper.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/channel/multi_channel.v
rename to multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 0b87509..89937a2 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model.
-From Require Export multi_proto.
+From Require Import proto_model.
+From Require Export proto.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
rename to multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index ff8c57b..33e7d5a 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ In addition to the tactics for symbolic execution, this file defines the tactic
 recursive protocols are contractive. *)
 From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics reduction spec_patterns.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode notation.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model.
-From actris Require Export multi_channel.
+From Require Import proto_model.
+From multi_actris Require Export channel.
 Export action.
 (** * Tactics for proving contractiveness of protocols *)
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/channel/multi_proto.v
rename to multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index e178523..2575c7a 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
 From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model.
+From Require Import proto_model.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
rename to multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
index a52088b..14771d2 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
-From Require Import multi_proto_model multi_proto multi_channel multi_proofmode.
+From Require Import proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Export action.
 Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
   (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
similarity index 99%
rename from theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
rename to multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
index e32bc26..8bd4bd3 100644
--- a/theories/channel/multi_proto_model.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ The defined functions on the type [proto] are:
   all terminations [END] in [p1] with [p2]. *)
 From iris.base_logic Require Import base_logic.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
-From actris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
+From multi_actris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Module Export action.
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v b/multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a2425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+From iris.algebra Require Import cofe_solver.
+(** Version of the cofe_solver for a parametrized functor. Generalize and move
+to Iris. *)
+Record solution_2 (F : ofe → oFunctor) := Solution2 {
+  solution_2_car : ∀ An `{!Cofe An} A `{!Cofe A}, ofe;
+  solution_2_cofe `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} : Cofe (solution_2_car An A);
+  solution_2_iso `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} :>
+    ofe_iso (oFunctor_apply (F A) (solution_2_car A An)) (solution_2_car An A);
+Arguments solution_2_car {F}.
+Global Existing Instance solution_2_cofe.
+Section cofe_solver_2.
+  Context (F : ofe → oFunctor).
+  Context `{Fcontr : !∀ T, oFunctorContractive (F T)}.
+  Context `{Fcofe : !∀ `{!Cofe T, Cofe Bn, !Cofe B}, Cofe (oFunctor_car (F T) Bn B)}.
+  Context `{Finh : !∀ `{!Cofe T, Cofe Bn, !Cofe B}, Inhabited (oFunctor_car (F T) Bn B)}.
+  Notation map := (oFunctor_map (F _)).
+  Definition F_2 (An : ofe) `{!Cofe An} (A : ofe) `{!Cofe A} : oFunctor :=
+    oFunctor_oFunctor_compose (F A) (F An).
+  Definition T_result `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} : solution (F_2 An A) := solver.result _.
+  Definition T (An : ofe) `{!Cofe An} (A : ofe) `{!Cofe A} : ofe :=
+    T_result (An:=An) (A:=A).
+  Instance T_cofe `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} : Cofe (T An A) := _.
+  Instance T_inhabited `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} : Inhabited (T An A) :=
+    populate (ofe_iso_1 T_result inhabitant).
+  Definition T_iso_fun_aux `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A}
+      (rec : prodO (oFunctor_apply (F An) (T An A) -n> T A An)
+                   (T A An -n> oFunctor_apply (F An) (T An A))) :
+      prodO (oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An) -n> T An A)
+            (T An A -n> oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An)) :=
+    (ofe_iso_1 T_result â—Ž map (rec.1,rec.2), map (rec.2,rec.1) â—Ž ofe_iso_2 T_result).
+  Instance T_iso_aux_fun_contractive `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} :
+    Contractive (T_iso_fun_aux (An:=An) (A:=A)).
+  Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition T_iso_fun_aux_2 `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A}
+      (rec : prodO (oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An) -n> T An A)
+                   (T An A -n> oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An))) :
+      prodO (oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An) -n> T An A)
+            (T An A -n> oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An)) :=
+    T_iso_fun_aux (T_iso_fun_aux rec).
+  Instance T_iso_fun_aux_2_contractive `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} :
+    Contractive (T_iso_fun_aux_2 (An:=An) (A:=A)).
+  Proof.
+    intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec. rewrite /T_iso_fun_aux_2.
+    f_equiv. by apply T_iso_aux_fun_contractive.
+  Qed.
+  Definition T_iso_fun `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} :
+      prodO (oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An) -n> T An A)
+            (T An A -n> oFunctor_apply (F A) (T A An)) :=
+    fixpoint T_iso_fun_aux_2.
+  Definition T_iso_fun_unfold_1 `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} y :
+    T_iso_fun (An:=An) (A:=A).1 y ≡ (T_iso_fun_aux (T_iso_fun_aux T_iso_fun)).1 y.
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold T_iso_fun_aux_2). Qed.
+  Definition T_iso_fun_unfold_2 `{!Cofe An, !Cofe A} y :
+    T_iso_fun (An:=An) (A:=A).2 y ≡ (T_iso_fun_aux (T_iso_fun_aux T_iso_fun)).2 y.
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold T_iso_fun_aux_2). Qed.
+  Lemma result_2 : solution_2 F.
+  Proof using Fcontr Fcofe Finh.
+    apply (Solution2 F T _)=> An Hcn A Hc.
+    apply (OfeIso (T_iso_fun.1) (T_iso_fun.2)).
+    - intros y. apply equiv_dist=> n. revert An Hcn A Hc y.
+      induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros An ? A ? y.
+      rewrite T_iso_fun_unfold_1 T_iso_fun_unfold_2 /=.
+      rewrite -{2}(ofe_iso_12 T_result y). f_equiv.
+      rewrite -(oFunctor_map_id (F _) (ofe_iso_2 T_result y))
+              -!oFunctor_map_compose.
+      f_equiv; apply Fcontr; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; split=> x /=;
+        rewrite ofe_iso_21 -{2}(oFunctor_map_id (F _) x)
+          -!oFunctor_map_compose; do 2 f_equiv; split=> z /=; auto.
+    - intros y. apply equiv_dist=> n. revert An Hcn A Hc y.
+      induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros An ? A ? y.
+      rewrite T_iso_fun_unfold_1 T_iso_fun_unfold_2 /= ofe_iso_21.
+      rewrite -(oFunctor_map_id (F _) y) -!oFunctor_map_compose.
+      f_equiv; apply Fcontr; dist_later_intro as n' Hn'; split=> x /=;
+        rewrite -{2}(ofe_iso_12 T_result x); f_equiv;
+        rewrite -{2}(oFunctor_map_id (F _) (ofe_iso_2 T_result x))
+                -!oFunctor_map_compose;
+        do 2 f_equiv; split=> z /=; auto.
+  Qed.
+End cofe_solver_2.
diff --git a/theories/channel/channel.v b/theories/channel/channel.v
index 1dbb8d8..e8d038e 100644
--- a/theories/channel/channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/channel.v
@@ -21,85 +21,88 @@ In this file we define the three message-passing connectives:
 It is additionaly shown that the channel ownership [c ↣ prot] is closed under
 the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
-From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
 From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
-From actris.utils Require Export llist.
-From Require Import proto_model.
 From Require Export proto.
+From actris.utils Require Import llist skip.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Local Existing Instance spin_lock.
 (** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
 Definition new_chan : val :=
-  λ: <>, let: "l1" := ref NONEV in
-         let: "l2" := ref NONEV in
-         (("l1","l2"), ("l2","l1")).
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "l" := lnil #() in
+     let: "r" := lnil #() in
+     let: "lk" := newlock #() in
+     ((("l","r"),"lk"), (("r","l"),"lk")).
 Definition fork_chan : val := λ: "f",
   let: "cc" := new_chan #() in
   Fork ("f" (Snd "cc"));; Fst "cc".
-Definition wait : val :=
-  rec: "go" "l" :=
-    match: !"l" with
-      NONE => #()
-    | SOME <> => "go" "l"
-    end.
 Definition send : val :=
   λ: "c" "v",
-    let: "l" := Fst "c" in
-    "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l".
+    let: "lk" := Snd "c" in
+    let: "l" := Fst (Fst "c") in
+    let: "r" := Snd (Fst "c") in
+    acquire "lk";;
+    lsnoc "l" "v";;
+    release "lk".
-(* Definition recv : val := *)
-(*   rec: "go" "c" "i" := *)
-(*     let: "l" := Snd (llookup "c" "i") in *)
-(*     match: !"l" with *)
-(*       NONE => "go" "c" *)
-(*     | SOME "v" => "c" <- NONE;; "v"  *)
-(*     end. *)
+Definition try_recv : val :=
+  λ: "c",
+    let: "lk" := Snd "c" in
+    acquire "lk";;
+    let: "l" := Snd (Fst "c") in
+    let: "ret" := if: lisnil "l" then NONE else SOME (lpop "l") in
+    release "lk";; "ret".
 Definition recv : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" :=
-    let: "l" := Snd "c" in
-    let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
-    match: "v" with
-      NONE => "go" "c"
-    | SOME "v" => "v" 
+    match: try_recv "c" with
+      SOME "p" => "p"
+    | NONE => "go" "c"
+(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
 Class chanG Σ := {
-  chanG_tokG :: inG Σ (exclR unitO);
+  chanG_lockG :: lockG Σ;
   chanG_protoG :: protoG Σ val;
-Definition chanΣ : gFunctors := #[ protoΣ val; GFunctor (exclR unitO) ].
+Definition chanΣ : gFunctors := #[ spin_lockΣ; protoΣ val ].
 Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ} : subG chanΣ Σ → chanG Σ.
 Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+Record chan_name := ChanName {
+  chan_lock_name : gname;
+  chan_proto_name : proto_name;
+Global Instance chan_name_inhabited : Inhabited chan_name :=
+  populate (ChanName inhabitant inhabitant).
+Global Instance chan_name_eq_dec : EqDecision chan_name.
+Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
+Global Instance chan_name_countable : Countable chan_name.
+ refine (inj_countable (λ '(ChanName γl γr), (γl,γr))
+   (λ '(γl, γr), Some (ChanName γl γr)) _); by intros [].
 (** * Definition of the pointsto connective *)
 Notation iProto Σ := (iProto Σ val).
 Notation iMsg Σ := (iMsg Σ val).
-Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
-Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt s (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
-  (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt) ∨
-  (∃ v m, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
-          iProto_own γ s (<!> m)%proto ∗
-          (∃ p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p)))) ∨
-  (∃ p, l ↦ NONEV ∗
-          iProto_own γ s p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 s (l1 l2:loc),
-    ⌜ c = PairV #l1 #l2 ⌝ ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ) ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 s l1) ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 (side_dual s) l2) ∗
-    own γE1 (●E (Next p)) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p)) ∗
-    iProto_own γ s p.
+  ∃ γ s (l r : loc) (lk : val),
+    ⌜ c = ((#(side_elim s l r), #(side_elim s r l)), lk)%V ⌝ ∗
+    is_lock (chan_lock_name γ) lk (∃ vsl vsr,
+      llist internal_eq l vsl ∗
+      llist internal_eq r vsr ∗
+      steps_lb (length vsl) ∗ steps_lb (length vsr) ∗
+      iProto_ctx (chan_proto_name γ) vsl vsr) ∗
+    iProto_own (chan_proto_name γ) s p.
 Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
@@ -109,6 +112,25 @@ Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 4 := {}.
 Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
   (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
+Global Instance iProto_pointsto_contractive `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} c :
+  Contractive (iProto_pointsto c).
+Proof. rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. solve_contractive. Qed.
+Definition iProto_choice {Σ} (a : action) (P1 P2 : iProp Σ)
+    (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b {{ if b then P1 else P2 }}; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
+Global Typeclasses Opaque iProto_choice.
+Arguments iProto_choice {_} _ _%I _%I _%proto _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_choice) 2 := {}.
+Infix "<{ P1 }+{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Send P1 P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<{ P1 }&{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Recv P1 P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<+{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Send True P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<&{ P2 }>" := (iProto_choice Recv True P2) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<{ P1 }+>" := (iProto_choice Send P1 True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<{ P1 }&>" := (iProto_choice Recv P1 True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<+>" := (iProto_choice Send True True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
+Infix "<&>" := (iProto_choice Recv True True) (at level 85) : proto_scope.
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
@@ -119,12 +141,64 @@ Section channel.
   Global Instance iProto_pointsto_proper c : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_pointsto c).
   Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  (* Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]". *)
-  (*   iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk". *)
-  (*   by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_pointsto_le c p1 p2 : c ↣ p1 ⊢ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ c ↣ p2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iDestruct 1 as (γ s l r lk ->) "[Hlk H]".
+    iIntros "Hle'". iExists γ, s, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
+    by iApply (iProto_own_le with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_choice_contractive n a :
+    Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==>
+            dist_later n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (@iProto_choice Σ a).
+  Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_choice_ne n a :
+    Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) (@iProto_choice Σ a).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_choice_proper a :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_choice Σ a).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_choice_equiv a1 a2 (P11 P12 P21 P22 : iProp Σ)
+        (p11 p12 p21 p22 : iProto Σ) :
+    ⌜a1 = a2⌝ -∗ ((P11 ≡ P12):iProp Σ) -∗ (P21 ≡ P22) -∗
+    ▷ (p11 ≡ p12) -∗ ▷ (p21 ≡ p22) -∗
+    iProto_choice a1 P11 P21 p11 p21 ≡ iProto_choice a2 P12 P22 p12 p22.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (->) "#HP1 #HP2 #Hp1 #Hp2".
+    rewrite /iProto_choice. iApply iProto_message_equiv; [ eauto | | ].
+    - iIntros "!>" (b) "H". iExists b. iSplit; [ done | ].
+      destruct b;
+        [ iRewrite -"HP1"; iFrame "H Hp1" | iRewrite -"HP2"; iFrame "H Hp2" ].
+    - iIntros "!>" (b) "H". iExists b. iSplit; [ done | ].
+      destruct b;
+        [ iRewrite "HP1"; iFrame "H Hp1" | iRewrite "HP2"; iFrame "H Hp2" ].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 :
+    iProto_dual (iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2)
+    ≡ iProto_choice (action_dual a) P1 P2 (iProto_dual p1) (iProto_dual p2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_choice iProto_dual_message /= iMsg_dual_exist.
+    f_equiv; f_equiv=> -[]; by rewrite iMsg_dual_base.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_app_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 q :
+    (iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 <++> q)%proto
+    ≡ (iProto_choice a P1 P2 (p1 <++> q) (p2 <++> q))%proto.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_choice iProto_app_message /= iMsg_app_exist.
+    f_equiv; f_equiv=> -[]; by rewrite iMsg_app_base.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 p1' p2' :
+    (P1 -∗ P1 ∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p1')) ∧ (P2 -∗ P2 ∗ ▷ (p2 ⊑ p2')) -∗
+    iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1 p2 ⊑ iProto_choice a P1 P2 p1' p2'.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". rewrite /iProto_choice. destruct a;
+      iIntros (b) "HP"; iExists b; destruct b;
+      iDestruct ("H" with "HP") as "[$ ?]"; by iModIntro.
+  Qed.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec p :
@@ -132,36 +206,19 @@ Section channel.
       new_chan #()
     {{{ c1 c2, RET (c1,c2); c1 ↣ p ∗ c2 ↣ iProto_dual p }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_alloc l1 as "Hl1".
-    wp_alloc l2 as "Hl2".
+    iIntros (Φ _) "HΦ". wp_lam. iMod (steps_lb_0) as "#Hlb".
+    wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (l) "Hl".
+    wp_smart_apply (lnil_spec internal_eq with "[//]"); iIntros (r) "Hr".
     iMod (iProto_init p) as (γp) "(Hctx & Hcl & Hcr)".
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (γl) "[H●l H◯l]".
-    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next (iProto_dual p)) ⋅ ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (γr) "[H●r H◯r]".
-    { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γtl) "Htokl".
-    { done. }
-    iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γtr) "Htokr".
-    { done. }
-    wp_pures.
-    iMod (inv_alloc _ ⊤ (iProto_ctx γp) with "[Hctx]")
-      as "#IH".
-    { done. }
-    iMod (inv_alloc _ ⊤ (chan_inv γp γl γtl Left l1) with "[Hl1 Htokl]")
-      as "#IHl".
-    { iLeft. iFrame. }
-    iMod (inv_alloc _ ⊤ (chan_inv γp γr γtr Right l2) with "[Hl2 Htokr]")
-      as "#IHr".
-    { iLeft. iFrame. }
-    iModIntro.
-    iApply "HΦ".
-    iSplitL "Hcl H●l H◯l".
-    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. eauto with iFrame.
-    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. 
-      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". 
+    wp_smart_apply (newlock_spec (∃ vsl vsr,
+      llist internal_eq l vsl ∗ llist internal_eq r vsr ∗
+      steps_lb (length vsl) ∗ steps_lb (length vsr) ∗
+      iProto_ctx γp vsl vsr) with "[Hl Hr Hctx]").
+    { iExists [], []. iFrame "#∗". }
+    iIntros (lk γlk) "#Hlk". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
+    set (γ := ChanName γlk γp). iSplitL "Hcl".
+    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. by iFrame "Hcl #".
+    - rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. by iFrame "Hcr #".
   Lemma fork_chan_spec p Φ (f : val) :
@@ -176,159 +233,149 @@ Section channel.
     wp_pures. iApply ("HΦ" with "Hc1").
-  Lemma own_prot_excl γ (p1 p2 : iProto Σ) :
-    own γ (◯E (Next p1)) -∗ own γ (◯E (Next p2)) -∗ False.
-  Proof. Admitted.
   Lemma send_spec c v p :
     {{{ c ↣ <!> MSG v; p }}}
       send c v
     {{{ RET #(); c ↣ p }}}.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
-    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ γE1 γE2 γt1 γt2 s l1 l2 ->)
-                        "(#IH & #IHl & #IHr & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_bind (Store _ _).
-    iInv "IHl" as "HIp".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
-        wp_store.
-        rewrite /iProto_own.
-        iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[_ Hown]".
-        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p'') "[_ Hown']".
-        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
-        wp_store.
-        rewrite /iProto_own.
-        iDestruct "Hown" as (p'') "[_ Hown]".
-        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p''') "[_ Hown']".
-        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl Htok]".
-    wp_store.
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-    { apply excl_auth_update. }
-    iModIntro.
-    iSplitL "Hl H● Hown". 
-    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
-      iExists _. iFrame. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. simpl. done. }
-    wp_pures.
-    iLöb as "HL".
-    wp_lam.
-    wp_bind (Load _).
-    iInv "IHl" as "HIp".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl Htok']".
-      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %H. done. }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown & HIp)".
-      wp_load. iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl Hown HIp".
-      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Htok H◯").
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "(>Hl & Hown & H●)".
-      wp_load.
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl Htok".
-      { iLeft. iFrame. }
-      iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "#Hagree".
-      iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "Hagree") as "Hagree'".
-      wp_pures.
-      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-      { apply excl_auth_update. }
-      iModIntro.
-      iApply "HΦ".
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.
-      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗".
-      iRewrite -"Hagree'". done.
+    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ s l r lk ->) "[#Hlk H]"; wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlk"); iIntros "[Hlkd Hinv]".
+    iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & #Hlbl & #Hlbr & Hctx)".
+    destruct s; simpl.
+    - wp_pures. wp_bind (lsnoc _ _).
+      iApply (wp_step_fupdN_lb with "Hlbr [Hctx H]"); [done| |].
+      { iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]. simpl.
+        iIntros "Hclose !>!>".
+        iMod (iProto_send_l with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
+        { rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
+        iModIntro.
+        iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|].
+        iIntros "!>". iMod "Hclose".
+        iCombine ("Hctx H") as "H".
+        iExact "H". }
+      iApply (wp_lb_update with "Hlbl").
+      wp_smart_apply (lsnoc_spec with "[$Hl //]"); iIntros "Hl".
+      iIntros "#Hlbl' [Hctx H] !>".
+      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]").
+      { iExists (vsl ++ [v]), vsr.
+        rewrite app_length /=.
+        replace (length vsl + 1) with (S (length vsl)) by lia.
+        iFrame "#∗". }
+      iIntros "_". iApply "HΦ". iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame.
+    - wp_pures. wp_bind (lsnoc _ _).
+      iApply (wp_step_fupdN_lb with "Hlbl [Hctx H]"); [done| |].
+      { iApply fupd_mask_intro; [set_solver|]. simpl.
+        iIntros "Hclose !>!>".
+        iMod (iProto_send_r with "Hctx H []") as "[Hctx H]".
+        { rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=; auto. }
+        iModIntro.
+        iApply step_fupdN_intro; [done|].
+        iIntros "!>". iMod "Hclose".
+        iCombine ("Hctx H") as "H".
+        iExact "H". }
+      iApply (wp_lb_update with "Hlbr").
+      wp_smart_apply (lsnoc_spec with "[$Hr //]"); iIntros "Hr".
+      iIntros "#Hlbr' [Hctx H] !>".
+      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]").
+      { iExists vsl, (vsr ++ [v]).
+        rewrite app_length /=.
+        replace (length vsr + 1) with (S (length vsr)) by lia.
+        iFrame "#∗". }
+      iIntros "_". iApply "HΦ". iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT)
+        (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
+    {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}}
+      send c (v tt)
+    {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ".
+    iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]")
+      as "Hc".
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      iApply iProto_le_trans.
+      iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l.
+      by iFrame "HP". }
+    by iApply (send_spec with "Hc").
-  (* Lemma send_spec_tele {TT} c (tt : TT) *)
-  (*       (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) : *)
-  (*   {{{ c ↣ (<!.. x > MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∗ P tt }}} *)
-  (*     send c (v tt) *)
-  (*   {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (p tt) }}}. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_pointsto_le _ _ (<!> MSG v tt; p tt)%proto with "Hc [HP]") *)
-  (*     as "Hc". *)
-  (*   { iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*     iApply iProto_le_trans. *)
-  (*     iApply iProto_le_texist_intro_l. *)
-  (*     by iFrame "HP". } *)
-  (*   by iApply (send_spec with "Hc"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma try_recv_spec {TT} c (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
+    {{{ c ↣ <?.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x }}}
+      try_recv c
+    {{{ w, RET w; (⌜w = NONEV⌝ ∗ c ↣ <?.. x> MSG v x {{ P x }}; p x) ∨
+                  (∃.. x, ⌜w = SOMEV (v x)⌝ ∗ c ↣ p x ∗ P x) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam; wp_pures.
+    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ s l r lk ->) "[#Hlk H]"; wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply (acquire_spec with "Hlk"); iIntros "[Hlkd Hinv]".
+    iDestruct "Hinv" as (vsl vsr) "(Hl & Hr & #Hlbl & #Hlbr & Hctx)". destruct s; simpl.
+    - wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hr"); iIntros "Hr".
+      destruct vsr as [|vr vsr]; wp_pures.
+      { wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
+        iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iLeft. iSplit; [done|].
+        iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
+      wp_smart_apply (lpop_spec with "Hr"); iIntros (v') "[% Hr]"; simplify_eq/=.
+      iMod (iProto_recv_l with "Hctx H") as (q) "(Hctx & H & Hm)". wp_pures.
+      rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
+      iDestruct (steps_lb_le _ (length vsr) with "Hlbr") as "#Hlbr'"; [lia|].
+      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
+      iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iRight. iExists x. iSplit; [done|].
+      iFrame "HP". iExists γ, Left, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
+      by iRewrite "Hp".
+    - wp_smart_apply (lisnil_spec with "Hl"); iIntros "Hl".
+      destruct vsl as [|vl vsl]; wp_pures.
+      { wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
+        iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iLeft. iSplit; [done|].
+        iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
+      wp_smart_apply (lpop_spec with "Hl"); iIntros (v') "[% Hl]"; simplify_eq/=.
+      iMod (iProto_recv_r with "Hctx H") as (q) "(Hctx & H & Hm)". wp_pures.
+      rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
+      iDestruct (steps_lb_le _ (length vsl) with "Hlbl") as "#Hlbl'"; [lia|].
+      wp_smart_apply (release_spec with "[Hl Hr Hctx $Hlk $Hlkd]"); [by eauto with iFrame|].
+      iIntros "_". wp_pures. iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". iRight. iExists x. iSplit; [done|].
+      iFrame "HP". iExists γ, Right, l, r, lk. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "Hlk".
+      by iRewrite "Hp".
+  Qed.
   Lemma recv_spec {TT} c (v : TT → val) (P : TT → iProp Σ) (p : TT → iProto Σ) :
     {{{ c ↣ <?.. x> MSG v x {{ ▷ P x }}; p x }}}
       recv c
     {{{ x, RET v x; c ↣ p x ∗ P x }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "HL". wp_lam.
-    rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
-    iDestruct "Hc" as (γ E1 γE2 γt1 γt2 s l1 l2 ->)
-                        "(#IH & #IHl & #IHr & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
-    iInv "IHr" as "HIp".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl Htok]".
-      wp_xchg.
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl Htok".
-      { iLeft. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
-    { iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[>Hl [Hown' Hâ—¯']]".
-      wp_xchg.
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl Hown' Hâ—¯'".
-      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown] HΦ").
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as (p') "[Hm Hp']".
-    iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
-    wp_xchg.
-    destruct s.
-    - simpl.
-      iMod (iProto_step_r with "Hctx Hown Hown' Hm") as
-        (p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl Hown' Hp'".
-      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pure _.
-      rewrite iMsg_base_eq. 
-      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
-      wp_pures. 
-      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-      { apply excl_auth_update. }
-      iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-      iFrame.
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
-      iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". done.
-    - simpl.
-      iMod (iProto_step_l with "Hctx Hown' Hown Hm") as
-        (p'') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].
-      iModIntro.
-      iSplitL "Hl Hown Hp'".
-      { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
-      wp_pure _.
-      rewrite iMsg_base_eq. 
-      iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
-      wp_pures. 
-      iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]".
-      { apply excl_auth_update. }
-      iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-      iFrame.
-      iExists _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
-      iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". done.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". iLöb as "IH". wp_lam.
+    wp_smart_apply (try_recv_spec with "Hc"); iIntros (w) "[[-> H]|H]".
+    { wp_pures. by iApply ("IH" with "[$]"). }
+    iDestruct "H" as (x ->) "[Hc HP]". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Specifications for choice *)
+  Lemma select_spec c (b : bool) P1 P2 p1 p2 :
+    {{{ c ↣ (p1 <{P1}+{P2}> p2) ∗ if b then P1 else P2 }}}
+      send c #b
+    {{{ RET #(); c ↣ (if b then p1 else p2) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_choice. iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ".
+    iApply (send_spec with "[Hc HP] HΦ").
+    iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "Hc").
+    iIntros "!>". iExists b. by iFrame "HP".
+  Lemma branch_spec c P1 P2 p1 p2 :
+    {{{ c ↣ (p1 <{P1}&{P2}> p2) }}}
+      recv c
+    {{{ b, RET #b; c ↣ (if b : bool then p1 else p2) ∗ if b then P1 else P2 }}}.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_choice. iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    iApply (recv_spec _ (tele_app _)
+      (tele_app (TT:=[tele _ : bool]) (λ b, if b then P1 else P2))%I
+      (tele_app _) with "[Hc]").
+    { iApply (iProto_pointsto_le with "Hc").
+      iIntros "!> /=" (b) "HP". iExists b. by iSplitL. }
+    rewrite -bi_tforall_forall.
+    iIntros "!>" (x) "[Hc H]". iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+  Qed.
 End channel.
diff --git a/theories/channel/proto.v b/theories/channel/proto.v
index f7b54fe..92c4c00 100644
--- a/theories/channel/proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/proto.v
@@ -245,53 +245,38 @@ Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
 Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
-Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ)
-  (pl pr : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  (∀ a1 a2 m1 m2,
-    (pl ≡ <a1> m1) -∗ (pr ≡ <a2> m2) -∗
-      match a1,a2 with
-      | Send,Recv => ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-                            ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ (rec p1 p2)
-      | Recv,Send => ∀ v p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) -∗
-                            ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ ▷ (rec p1 p2)
-      | _, _ => True
-      end).
-Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
-       (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
-  NonExpansive2 (iProto_consistent_pre (λ p1 p2, rec p1 p2)).
+(** * Protocol entailment *)
+Definition iProto_le_pre {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  (p1 ≡ END ∗ p2 ≡ END) ∨
+  ∃ a1 a2 m1 m2,
+    (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ (p2 ≡ <a2> m2) ∗
+    match a1, a2 with
+    | Recv, Recv => ∀ v p1',
+       iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')
+    | Send, Send => ∀ v p2',
+       iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
+    | Recv, Send => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2',
+       iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
+         ▷ rec p1' (<!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ rec (<?> MSG v1; pt) p2'
+    | Send, Recv => False
+    end.
+Global Instance iProto_le_pre_ne {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) :
+  NonExpansive2 (iProto_le_pre rec).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
-  (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
-  iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ :=
-  λne p1 p2, iProto_consistent_pre (λ p1 p2, rec p1 p2) p1 p2.
+Program Definition iProto_le_pre' {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
+    iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ := λne p1 p2,
+  iProto_le_pre (λ p1' p2', rec p1' p2') p1 p2.
 Solve Obligations with solve_proper.
-Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
+Local Instance iProto_le_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_le_pre' Σ V).
-  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec pl pr. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre' /iProto_consistent_pre /=.
-  repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv). done. done.
-Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (pl pr : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' pl pr.
-Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 2 := {}.
-Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_consistent_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (pl pr : iProto Σ V) :
-  iProto_consistent pl pr ≡ (iProto_consistent_pre iProto_consistent) pl pr.
-  apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1 p2. rewrite /iProto_le_pre' /iProto_le_pre /=.
+  by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
 Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ p3, iProto_consistent p1 p3 -∗ iProto_consistent p2 p3.
+  fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
 Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
 Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
@@ -306,6 +291,8 @@ Fixpoint iProto_app_recvs {Σ V} (vs : list V) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :
   | [] => p
   | v :: vs => <?> MSG v; iProto_app_recvs vs p
+Definition iProto_interp {Σ V} (vsl vsr : list V) (pl pr : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ p, iProto_app_recvs vsr p ⊑ pl ∗ iProto_app_recvs vsl (iProto_dual p) ⊑ pr.
 Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_l_name : gname; proto_r_name : gname }.
 Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
@@ -338,11 +325,11 @@ Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : proto_name) (s : side)
   own (side_elim s proto_l_name proto_r_name γ) (●E (Next p)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
-    (γ : proto_name) : iProp Σ :=
+    (γ : proto_name) (vsl vsr : list V) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ pl pr,
     iProto_own_auth γ Left pl ∗
     iProto_own_auth γ Right pr ∗
-    â–· iProto_consistent pl pr.
+    â–· iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr.
 (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
@@ -617,531 +604,413 @@ Section proto.
       iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_flip p1 p2 :
-    iProto_consistent p2 p1 -∗
-    iProto_consistent p1 p2.
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
-    iIntros "Hprot".
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2 Hm1") as "Hprot".
-    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
-    - iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hprot Hrec]".
-      iExists p2'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
+  (** ** Protocol entailment **)
+  Lemma iProto_le_unfold p1 p2 : iProto_le p1 p2 ≡ iProto_le_pre iProto_le p1 p2.
+  Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_le_pre'). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iLeft. auto 10. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
+    (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "H". iRight. auto 10. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
+    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "H". iRight. auto 10. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_swap m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v1 v2 p1' p2',
+       iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
+         ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2')) -∗
+    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "H". iRight. auto 10. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //".
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)".
+    by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //".
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)".
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send_inv p1 m2 :
+    p1 ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ ∃ a1 m1,
+      (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗
+      match a1 with
+      | Send => ∀ v p2',
+         iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+           ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
+      | Recv => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2',
+         iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
+           ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2')
+      end.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    iExists _, _; iSplit; [done|]. destruct a1, a2.
     - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2".
-      iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hprot Hrec]".
-      iExists p1'. iFrame. by iApply "IH".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_step m1 m2 v p1 :
-    iProto_consistent (<!> m1) (<?> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent p1 p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hprot Hm1".
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//] Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
-    iExists p2. iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_dual p :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent p (iProto_dual p).
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p).
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iIntros (a1 a2 m1 m2) "#Hmeq1 #Hmeq2".
-    destruct a1, a2; [done| | |done].
-    - iIntros (v p') "Hm1".
-      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
-      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
-      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
-      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next (iProto_dual p'))).
-      iExists (iProto_dual p').
-      iRewrite -"Hmeq2".
-      iSplitL; [|iNext; by iApply "IH"].
-      simpl. iExists p'. iFrame. done.
-    - iIntros (v p') "Hm2".
-      iRewrite "Hmeq1" in "Hmeq2".
-      rewrite iProto_dual_message. simpl.
-      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hmeq2" as (_) "Hmeq2".
-      iSpecialize ("Hmeq2" $! v (Next p')).
-      iRewrite -"Hmeq2" in "Hm2".
-      simpl.
-      iDestruct "Hm2" as (p'') "[Hm2 Hmeq']".
-      iExists p''. iFrame.
-      iNext. iRewrite "Hmeq'".
-      iApply "IH".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_l pl pl' pr :
-    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pl ⊑ pl' -∗ iProto_consistent pl' pr.
-  Proof. iIntros "Hprot Hle". by iApply "Hle". Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_le_r pl pr pr' :
-    iProto_consistent pl pr -∗ pr ⊑ pr' -∗ iProto_consistent pl pr'.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hle". iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
-    iApply "Hle". by iApply iProto_consistent_flip.
+      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm".
+      iApply "H". by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v (Next p2')).
+    - done.
+    - iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "Hm1 Hm2".
+      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm".
+      iApply ("H" with "Hm1"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v2 (Next p2')).
+    - iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as ([=]) "_".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv m1 m2 v p2' :
+    (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm1 H]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (<-) "Hm1".
+    iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]".
+    iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_send_inv m1 m2 v1 v2 p1' p2' :
+    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt,
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm1 Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm H]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (<-) "{Hm} #Hm".
+    iApply ("H" with "[Hm1] Hm2"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v1 (Next p1')).
-  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
-  Proof. iIntros (p') "$". Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv p1 m2 :
+    p1 ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
+      (p1 ≡ <?> m1) ∗
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+        ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    iExists m1.
+    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (<-) "{Hp2} #Hm2".
+    destruct a1; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iIntros (v p1') "Hm". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p2') "[Hle Hm]".
+    iExists p2'. iIntros "{$Hle}". by iRewrite ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv m1 m2 v p1' :
+    (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
+    iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1".
+    by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')).
+  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
-  Proof. iApply iProto_le_refl. Qed.
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_send m1 m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
-  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (m1 m2). *)
-  (*   iIntros "Hle". *)
-  (*   repeat (unfold iProto_le at 3). *)
-  (*   iIntros (p) "Hprot". *)
-  (*   repeat rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold; unfold iProto_consistent_pre. *)
-  (*   iSplit; [iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]"|iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]"]. *)
-  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "H") as (Heq) "{H} #Hmeq"; subst. *)
-  (*     iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" with "[//]"). *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hmeq" $! v (Next p')). iRewrite -"Hmeq" in "Hm". *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hle" $! _ _ with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p'') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*     iApply "Hle". iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". } *)
-  (*   { iIntros (a m) "H". *)
-  (*     iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ with "H"). *)
-  (*     destruct a. *)
-  (*     - iIntros (v p') "Hm". *)
-  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle]"). *)
-  (*       { iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
-  (*         iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). *)
-  (*         iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*         iExists p'''. iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" | iApply "Hm"]. } *)
-  (*       iApply "Hprot". iApply "Hm". *)
-  (*     - iIntros (v vs Heq); subst. *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("Hprot" $! _ _ eq_refl). *)
-  (*       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
-  (*       iExists (p'). iFrame "Hm". *)
-  (*       iApply ("IH" with "[Hle] [Hprot]"); [|iApply "Hprot"]. *)
-  (*       iNext. iIntros (v' p'') "Hm". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("Hle" with "Hm"). iDestruct "Hle" as (p''') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*       iExists p'''; iSplitR "Hm"; [iApply "Hle" |iApply "Hm"]. } *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv m1 m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
-  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H" (vsl vsr p) "Hprot". *)
-  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (vsl vsr m2 p). *)
-  (*   iEval (rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold). *)
-  (*   rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre. *)
-  (*   iSplit; last first. *)
-  (*   { *)
-  (*     iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]". *)
-  (*     iIntros ([] m) "Heq". *)
-  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as "Hprot". *)
-  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
-  (*     { iIntros (v vs) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Heq Hm") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
-  (*       iExists p'. iFrame. *)
-  (*       iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*       by iApply ("IH" with "H"). } *)
-  (*   } *)
-  (*   destruct vsr. *)
-  (*   { iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
-  (*     iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
-  (*     iIntros (v vs Heq). done. } *)
-  (*   iIntros (a m) "Heq". rewrite iProto_message_equivI. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "Heq" as (<-) "Heq". *)
-  (*   iIntros (w vs Heq). *)
-  (*   assert (v = w) as <- by set_solver. *)
-  (*   assert (vsr = vs) as <- by set_solver. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "Hprot" as "[Hprot _]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("Hprot" with "[//] [//]") as (p') "[Hm Hprot]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p'') "[Hle H]". *)
-  (*   iExists p''. *)
-  (*   iSpecialize ("Heq" $! v (Next p'')). iRewrite -"Heq". *)
-  (*   iFrame. iIntros "!>". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hprot Hle"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //". *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)". *)
-  (*   by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //". *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_inv p1 m2 : *)
-  (*   p1 ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ ∃ a1 m1, *)
-  (*     (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ *)
-  (*     match a1 with *)
-  (*     | Send => ∀ v p2', *)
-  (*        iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', *)
-  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') *)
-  (*     | Recv => ∀ v1 v2 p1' p2', *)
-  (*        iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
-  (*          ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2') *)
-  (*     end. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
-  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
-  (*   iExists _, _; iSplit; [done|]. destruct a1, a2. *)
-  (*   - iIntros (v p2') "Hm2". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
-  (*     iApply "H". by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v (Next p2')). *)
-  (*   - done. *)
-  (*   - iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "Hm1 Hm2". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (_) "{Hp2} #Hm". *)
-  (*     iApply ("H" with "Hm1"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v2 (Next p2')). *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as ([=]) "_". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv m1 m2 v p2' : *)
-  (*   (<!> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (<-) "Hm1". *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*   iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_send_inv m1 m2 v1 v2 p1' p2' : *)
-  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m1 v1 (Next p1') -∗ iMsg_car m2 v2 (Next p2') -∗ ∃ pt, *)
-  (*     ▷ (p1' ⊑ <!> MSG v2; pt) ∗ ▷ ((<?> MSG v1; pt) ⊑ p2'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H Hm1 Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a m1') "[Hm H]". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (<-) "{Hm} #Hm". *)
-  (*   iApply ("H" with "[Hm1] Hm2"). by iRewrite -("Hm" $! v1 (Next p1')). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv p1 m2 : *)
-  (*   p1 ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, *)
-  (*     (p1 ≡ <?> m1) ∗ *)
-  (*     ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', *)
-  (*       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]". *)
-  (*   { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. } *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)". *)
-  (*   iExists m1. *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hp2") as (<-) "{Hp2} #Hm2". *)
-  (*   destruct a1; [done|]. iSplit; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iIntros (v p1') "Hm". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm") as (p2') "[Hle Hm]". *)
-  (*   iExists p2'. iIntros "{$Hle}". by iRewrite ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv m1 m2 v p1' : *)
-  (*   (<?> m1) ⊑ (<?> m2) -∗ *)
-  (*   iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2'). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]". *)
-  (*   iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1". *)
-  (*   by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&m&->)]. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_end. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&m&->)].
+    - iApply iProto_le_end.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-    iIntros "H1 H2" (p) "Hprot".
-    iApply "H2". iApply "H1". done.
-  Qed.
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l a m v P p : *)
-  (*   (P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= (#?&#?&HP) Hm2 /=". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r a m v P p : *)
-  (*   (P -∗ (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 (->&#?&HP) /=". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP) Hm1"); simpl; auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l v P p : *)
-  (*   P -∗ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r v P p : *)
-  (*   P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<? x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
-  (*     iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l_inhabited `{!Inhabited A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m x) ⊑ p) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<? x> m x) ⊑ p. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
-  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
-  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
-  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
-  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=". *)
-  (*       iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<! x> m2 x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*     by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
-  (*     iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
-  (*     iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r_inhabited `{Hinh : Inhabited A} p (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, p ⊑ (<!> m x)) -∗ *)
-  (*   p ⊑ (<! x> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]]. *)
-  (*   - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _. *)
-  (*     rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H". *)
-  (*     rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq. *)
-  (*     iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]". *)
-  (*   - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H"). *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1". *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq. *)
-  (*       iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<! x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m a). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<?> m a) ⊑ (<? x> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=". *)
-  (*   iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) a m2 : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<?.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x). *)
-  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} a m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) : *)
-  (*   (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!.. x> m2 x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x). *)
-  (*   iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<!.. x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
-  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<?> m x) ⊑ (<?.. x> m x). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl. *)
-  (*   { iApply iProto_le_refl. } *)
-  (*   iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ *)
-  (*   (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a. *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (*   - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)". *)
-  (*     iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_base_swap v1 v2 P1 P2 p : *)
-  (*   ⊢ (<?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; <!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; p) *)
-  (*   ⊑ (<!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; <?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; p). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite {1 3}iMsg_base_eq. iApply iProto_le_swap. *)
-  (*   iIntros (v1' v2' p1' p2') "/= (->&#Hp1&HP1) (->&#Hp2&HP2)". iExists p. *)
-  (*   iSplitL "HP2". *)
-  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp1". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
-  (*   - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp2". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&m1&->)]. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message). *)
-  (*     destruct a2; simpl. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2'). *)
-  (*       iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1d p2d). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2 Hm1") as (pt) "[H1 H2]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "H1". iDestruct ("IH" with "H2") as "H2 {IH}". *)
-  (*       rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=. iExists (iProto_dual pt). iSplitL "H2". *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp2d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=). *)
-  (*     iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d). *)
-  (*     iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]". *)
-  (*     iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]". *)
-  (*     iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1'). *)
-  (*     iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_internal (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
-  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
-  (*   □ (∀ rec1 rec2, ▷ (rec1 ⊑ rec2) → p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) -∗ *)
-  (*   fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "#H". iLöb as "IH". *)
-  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p1)). *)
-  (*   iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2)). *)
-  (*   iApply "H". iApply "IH". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_amber_external (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) *)
-  (*     `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}: *)
-  (*   (∀ rec1 rec2, (⊢ rec1 ⊑ rec2) → ⊢ p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) → *)
-  (*   ⊢ fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   intros IH. apply fixpoint_ind. *)
-  (*   - by intros p1' p2' -> ?. *)
-  (*   - exists (fixpoint p2). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*   - intros p' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2). by apply IH. *)
-  (*   - apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; [done|solve_proper]. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)). *)
-  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 -∗ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)). *)
-  (*   by iApply iProto_le_dual. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 : *)
-  (*   p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4). *)
-  (*   destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&m2&->)]. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id. *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl. *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
-  (*       iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]". *)
-  (*       iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
-  (*       iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
-  (*     + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p13 p24). *)
-  (*       iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]". *)
-  (*       iSpecialize ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2"). *)
-  (*       iDestruct "H1" as (pt) "[H1 H1']". *)
-  (*       iExists (pt <++> p3). iSplitL "H1". *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". *)
-  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
-  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1"). iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (*       * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". *)
-  (*         rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message. *)
-  (*         iApply ("IH" with "H1' H2"). *)
-  (*   - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]". *)
-  (*     iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv. *)
-  (*     iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". *)
-  (*     iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]". *)
-  (*     iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto]. *)
-  (*     iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1"). *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
+    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&m3&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2. destruct a2.
+      + iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+        iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. destruct a1.
+        * iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
+          iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+          iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
+          iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
+        * iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v3 p1' p3') "Hm1 Hm3".
+          iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+          iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2") as (pt) "[Hp1' Hp2']".
+          iExists pt. iIntros "{$Hp1'} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hp2'").
+      + iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+        iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. iApply iProto_le_swap.
+        iIntros (v1 v3 p1' p3') "Hm1 Hm3".
+        iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+        iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm2 Hm3") as (pt) "[Hp2' Hp3']".
+        iExists pt. iIntros "{$Hp3'} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
+      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l a m v P p :
+    (P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) ⊢
+    (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= (#?&#?&HP) Hm2 /=".
+      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
+      iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r a m v P p :
+    (P -∗ (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) ⊢
+    (<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
+      iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 (->&#?&HP) /=".
+      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "(H HP) Hm1"); simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l v P p :
+    P -∗ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r v P p :
+    P -∗ (<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) a m2 :
+    (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) ⊢
+    (<? x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=".
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1".
+      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+      by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l_inhabited `{!Inhabited A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    (∀ x, (<?> m x) ⊑ p) ⊢
+    (<? x> m x) ⊑ p.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
+    destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]].
+    - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _.
+      rewrite Heq.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H".
+      rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq.
+      iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]".
+    - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a.
+      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1 Hm2 /=".
+        iDestruct "Hm1" as (x) "Hm1".
+        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
+        iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
+      + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
+        by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) ⊢
+    (<a> m1) ⊑ (<! x> m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+      by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
+    - iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1".
+      iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2".
+      iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r_inhabited `{Hinh : Inhabited A} p (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, p ⊑ (<!> m x)) ⊢
+    p ⊑ (<! x> m x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
+    destruct (iProto_case p) as [Heq | [a [m' Heq]]].
+    - unshelve iSpecialize ("H" $!inhabitant); first by apply _.
+      rewrite Heq.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H".
+      rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_message_eq.
+      iDestruct (proto_message_end_equivI with "H") as "[]".
+    - iEval (rewrite Heq). destruct a.
+      + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
+        by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
+      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1' p2') "/= Hm1".
+        iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm2".
+        iSpecialize ("H" $! x). rewrite Heq.
+        iApply (iProto_le_recv_send_inv with "H Hm1 Hm2").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
+    ⊢ (<! x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m a).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
+    ⊢ (<?> m a) ⊑ (<? x> m x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) a m2 :
+    (∀ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2)) ⊢
+    (<?.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
+    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x).
+    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} a m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x)) -∗
+    (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!.. x> m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
+    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x).
+    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
+    ⊢ (<!.. x> m x) ⊑ (<!> m x).
+  Proof.
+    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
+    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
+    ⊢ (<?> m x) ⊑ (<?.. x> m x).
+  Proof.
+    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
+    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
+    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) ⊢
+    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_base_swap v1 v2 P1 P2 p :
+    ⊢ (<?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; <!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; p)
+    ⊑ (<!> MSG v2 {{ P2 }}; <?> MSG v1 {{ P1 }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite {1 3}iMsg_base_eq. iApply iProto_le_swap.
+    iIntros (v1' v2' p1' p2') "/= (->&#Hp1&HP1) (->&#Hp2&HP2)". iExists p.
+    iSplitL "HP2".
+    - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp1". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
+    - iIntros "!>". iRewrite -"Hp2". by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&m1&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H") as "H".
+      iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (a2 m2) "[Hp2 H]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message).
+      destruct a2; simpl.
+      + iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d).
+        iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]".
+        iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]".
+        iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2').
+        iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto.
+      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p1d p2d).
+        iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
+        iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2 Hm1") as (pt) "[H1 H2]".
+        iDestruct ("IH" with "H1") as "H1". iDestruct ("IH" with "H2") as "H2 {IH}".
+        rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=. iExists (iProto_dual pt). iSplitL "H2".
+        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base.
+        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp2d". by rewrite -iMsg_dual_base.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=).
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]".
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1').
+      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_amber_internal (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V)
+      `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}:
+    □ (∀ rec1 rec2, ▷ (rec1 ⊑ rec2) → p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) ⊢
+    fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "#H". iLöb as "IH".
+    iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p1)).
+    iEval (rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2)).
+    iApply "H". iApply "IH".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_amber_external (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V)
+      `{Contractive p1, Contractive p2}:
+    (∀ rec1 rec2, (⊢ rec1 ⊑ rec2) → ⊢ p1 rec1 ⊑ p2 rec2) →
+    ⊢ fixpoint p1 ⊑ fixpoint p2.
+  Proof.
+    intros IH. apply fixpoint_ind.
+    - by intros p1' p2' -> ?.
+    - exists (fixpoint p2). iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    - intros p' ?. rewrite (fixpoint_unfold p2). by apply IH.
+    - apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; [done|solve_proper].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 ⊢ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)).
+    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 ⊢ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)).
+    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 :
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4).
+    destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&m2&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "H1") as "H1".
+      iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (a1 m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. destruct a1; simpl.
+      + iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24).
+        iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
+        iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]".
+        iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto].
+        iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
+      + iApply iProto_le_swap. iIntros (v1 v2 p13 p24).
+        iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]". iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
+        iSpecialize ("H1" with "Hm1 Hm2").
+        iDestruct "H1" as (pt) "[H1 H1']".
+        iExists (pt <++> p3). iSplitL "H1".
+        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13".
+          rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message.
+          iApply ("IH" with "H1"). iApply iProto_le_refl.
+        * iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24".
+          rewrite /= -iMsg_app_base -iProto_app_message.
+          iApply ("IH" with "H1' H2").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message. iApply iProto_le_recv.
+      iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]".
+      iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto].
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
+  Qed.
   (** ** Lemmas about the auxiliary definitions and invariants *)
   Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_ne vs :
@@ -1150,6 +1019,12 @@ Section proto.
   Global Instance iProto_app_recvs_proper vs :
     Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_app_recvs (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vs).
   Proof. induction vs; solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_interp_ne vsl vsr :
+    NonExpansive2 (iProto_interp (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vsl vsr).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_interp_proper vsl vsr :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_interp (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) vsl vsr).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
@@ -1157,8 +1032,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ s p p' :
     iProto_own_auth γ s p -∗ iProto_own_frag γ s p' -∗ ▷ (p ≡ p').
-    iIntros "H● H◯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
-    iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓".
+    iIntros "H● H◯". iCombine "H● H◯" gives "H✓".
+    iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "{H✓} H✓".
     iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓").
@@ -1171,6 +1046,67 @@ Section proto.
     by rewrite own_op.
+  Lemma iProto_interp_nil p : ⊢ iProto_interp [] [] p (iProto_dual p).
+  Proof. iExists p; simpl. iSplitL; iApply iProto_le_refl. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_interp_flip vsl vsr pl pr :
+    iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr -∗ iProto_interp vsr vsl pr pl.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp]". iExists (iProto_dual p).
+    rewrite (involutive iProto_dual). iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_interp_le_l vsl vsr pl pl' pr :
+    iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr -∗ pl ⊑ pl' -∗ iProto_interp vsl vsr pl' pr.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp]". iIntros "Hle". iExists p.
+    iFrame "Hdp". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hp").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_interp_le_r vsl vsr pl pr pr' :
+    iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr -∗ pr ⊑ pr' -∗ iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr'.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hle". iApply iProto_interp_flip.
+    iApply (iProto_interp_le_l with "[H] Hle"). by iApply iProto_interp_flip.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_interp_send vl ml vsl vsr pr pl' :
+    iProto_interp vsl vsr (<!> ml) pr -∗
+    iMsg_car ml vl (Next pl') -∗
+    â–·^(length vsr) iProto_interp (vsl ++ [vl]) vsr pl' pr.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp] /="; iIntros "Hml".
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_trans _ _ (<!> MSG vl; pl') with "Hp [Hml]") as "Hp".
+    { iApply iProto_le_send. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+      iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. by iRewrite -"Hp". }
+    iInduction vsr as [|vr vsr] "IH" forall (pl'); simpl.
+    { iExists pl'; simpl. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|].
+      iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[Hp] Hdp").
+      iInduction vsl as [|vl' vsl] "IH"; simpl.
+      { iApply iProto_le_dual_r. rewrite iProto_dual_message iMsg_dual_base /=.
+        by rewrite involutive. }
+      iApply iProto_le_base; iIntros "!>". by iApply "IH". }
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_send_inv _ _ vr vl
+      (iProto_app_recvs vsr p) pl' with "Hp [] []") as (p') "[H1 H2]";
+      [rewrite iMsg_base_eq; by auto..|].
+    iIntros "!>". iSpecialize ("IH" with "Hdp H1"). iIntros "!>".
+    iDestruct "IH" as (p'') "[Hp'' Hdp'']". iExists p''. iFrame "Hdp''".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[Hp''] H2"); simpl. by iApply iProto_le_base.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_interp_recv vl vsl vsr pl mr :
+    iProto_interp (vl :: vsl) vsr pl (<?> mr) -∗
+    ∃ pr, iMsg_car mr vl (Next pr) ∗ ▷ iProto_interp vsl vsr pl pr.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hp Hdp] /=".
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv with "Hdp") as (m) "[#Hm Hpr]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (_) "{Hm} #Hm".
+    iDestruct ("Hpr" $! vl (iProto_app_recvs vsl (iProto_dual p)) with "[]")
+      as (pr'') "[Hler Hpr]".
+    { iRewrite -("Hm" $! vl (Next (iProto_app_recvs vsl (iProto_dual p)))).
+      rewrite iMsg_base_eq; auto. }
+    iExists pr''. iIntros "{$Hpr} !>". iExists p. iFrame.
+  Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
   Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
@@ -1185,7 +1121,8 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_init p :
     ⊢ |==> ∃ γ,
-      iProto_ctx γ ∗ iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p).
+      iProto_ctx γ [] [] ∗
+      iProto_own γ Left p ∗ iProto_own γ Right (iProto_dual p).
     iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[H●l H◯l]".
     { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
@@ -1193,154 +1130,166 @@ Section proto.
       ◯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[H●r H◯r]".
     { by apply excl_auth_valid. }
     pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "H●l H●r".
-    { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. }
+    { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_interp_nil. }
     iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Definition side_dual s :=
-    match s with
-    | Left => Right
-    | Right => Left
-    end.
-  Lemma iProto_step_l γ m1 m2 p1 v :
-    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<!> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<?> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
-              iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
-    iIntros "Hm".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
-    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m1))%I
-      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
-    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <?> m2))%I
-      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
-      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
-    iIntros "!>!>".
-    iExists p2. iFrame.
-    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
-    - iExists _, _. iFrame.
-    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_step_r γ m1 m2 p2 v :
-    iProto_ctx γ -∗ iProto_own γ Left (<?> m1) -∗ iProto_own γ Right (<!> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ==∗
-      ▷ ∃ p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ∗
-              iProto_own γ Left p1 ∗ iProto_own γ Right p2.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hconsistent)".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hlel Hâ—¯l]".
-    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hler Hâ—¯r]".
-    iIntros "Hm".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯l") as "#Hpl".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯r") as "#Hpr".
-    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <?> m1))%I
-      with "[Hlel]" as "{Hpl} Hlel"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpl").
-    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m2))%I
-      with "[Hler]" as "{Hpr} Hler"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hpr").
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_l with "Hconsistent Hlel") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le_r with "Hconsistent Hler") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_flip with "Hconsistent") as
-      "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [Hm //]") as
-      (p1) "[Hm1 Hconsistent]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "H●l H◯l") as "[H●l H◯l]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "H●r H◯r") as "[H●r H◯r]".
-    iIntros "!>!>".
-    iExists p1. iFrame.
-    iSplitL "Hconsistent H●l H●r".
-    - iExists _, _. iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_flip. iFrame.
-    - iSplitL "Hâ—¯l".
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-      + iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
-  (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name : *)
-  (*   AsIdentName m1 name → *)
-  (*   FromForall (iProto_message Recv (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<a> m2)) *)
-  (*              (λ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2))%I name | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name : *)
-  (*   AsIdentName m2 name → *)
-  (*   FromForall ((<a> m1) ⊑ iProto_message Send (iMsg_exist m2)) *)
-  (*              (λ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x))%I name | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l a m v P p : *)
-  (*   TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue → *)
-  (*   FromWand ((<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) P ((<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r a m v P p : *)
-  (*   FromWand ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
-  (*   FromExist ((<! x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<!> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p : *)
-  (*   FromExist (p ⊑ <? x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<?> m a))%I | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l m v P p : *)
-  (*   FromSep ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) P ((<!> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r m v P p : *)
-  (*   FromSep ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v; p)) | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l q m v R P Q p : *)
-  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
-  (*   Frame q R ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) *)
-  (*             ((<!> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r q m v R P Q p : *)
-  (*   Frame q R P Q → *)
-  (*   Frame q R ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) *)
-  (*             ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11. *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]". *)
-  (*   iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  (* Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 : *)
-  (*   FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2) *)
-  (*             ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2). *)
-  (* Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_base. Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_send_l γ m vsr vsl vl p :
+    iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr -∗
+    iProto_own γ Left (<!> m) -∗
+    iMsg_car m vl (Next p) ==∗
+      ▷^(length vsr) iProto_ctx γ (vsl ++ [vl]) vsr ∗
+      iProto_own γ Left p.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl') "[Hle Hâ—¯]". iIntros "Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯") as "#Hp".
+    iAssert (▷ (pl ⊑ <!> m))%I
+      with "[Hle]" as "{Hp} Hle"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hp").
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_l with "Hinterp Hle") as "Hinterp".
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_send with "Hinterp [Hm //]") as "Hinterp".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p with "H●l H◯") as "[H●l H◯]".
+    iIntros "!>". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
+    - iIntros "!>". iExists p, pr. iFrame.
+    - iExists p. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_send_r γ m vsr vsl vr p :
+    iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr -∗
+    iProto_own γ Right (<!> m) -∗
+    iMsg_car m vr (Next p) ==∗
+      ▷^(length vsl) iProto_ctx γ vsl (vsr ++ [vr]) ∗
+      iProto_own γ Right p.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (pr') "[Hle Hâ—¯]". iIntros "Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯") as "#Hp".
+    iAssert (▷ (pr ⊑ <!> m))%I
+      with "[Hle]" as "{Hp} Hle"; first (iNext; by iRewrite "Hp").
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_flip with "Hinterp") as "Hinterp".
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_l with "Hinterp Hle") as "Hinterp".
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_send with "Hinterp [Hm //]") as "Hinterp".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p with "H●r H◯") as "[H●r H◯]".
+    iIntros "!>". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
+    - iIntros "!>". iExists pl, p. iFrame. by iApply iProto_interp_flip.
+    - iExists p. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_recv_l γ m vr vsr vsl :
+    iProto_ctx γ vsl (vr :: vsr) -∗
+    iProto_own γ Left (<?> m) ==∗
+    ▷ ∃ p,
+      iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr ∗
+      iProto_own γ Left p ∗
+      iMsg_car m vr (Next p).
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hle Hâ—¯]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●l H◯") as "#Hp".
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_l with "Hinterp [Hle]") as "Hinterp".
+    { iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp". }
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_flip with "Hinterp") as "Hinterp".
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_recv with "Hinterp") as (q) "[Hm Hinterp]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ q with "H●l H◯") as "[H●l H◯]".
+    iIntros "!> !> /=". iExists q. iFrame "Hm". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
+    - iExists q, pr. iFrame. by iApply iProto_interp_flip.
+    - iExists q. iIntros "{$Hâ—¯} !>". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_recv_r γ m vl vsr vsl :
+    iProto_ctx γ (vl :: vsl) vsr -∗
+    iProto_own γ Right (<?> m) ==∗
+    ▷ ∃ p,
+      iProto_ctx γ vsl vsr ∗
+      iProto_own γ Right p ∗
+      iMsg_car m vl (Next p).
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (pl pr) "(H●l & H●r & Hinterp)".
+    iDestruct 1 as (p) "[Hle Hâ—¯]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "H●r H◯") as "#Hp".
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_le_r with "Hinterp [Hle]") as "Hinterp".
+    { iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp". }
+    iDestruct (iProto_interp_recv with "Hinterp") as (q) "[Hm Hinterp]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ q with "H●r H◯") as "[H●r H◯]".
+    iIntros "!> !> /=". iExists q. iFrame "Hm". iSplitR "Hâ—¯".
+    - iExists pl, q. iFrame.
+    - iExists q. iIntros "{$Hâ—¯} !>". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros],
+  [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *)
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} a (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name :
+    AsIdentName m1 name →
+    FromForall (iProto_message Recv (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<a> m2))
+               (λ x, (<?> m1 x) ⊑ (<a> m2))%I name | 10.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} a m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name :
+    AsIdentName m2 name →
+    FromForall ((<a> m1) ⊑ iProto_message Send (iMsg_exist m2))
+               (λ x, (<a> m1) ⊑ (<!> m2 x))%I name | 11.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l a m v P p :
+    TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue →
+    FromWand ((<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) P ((<?> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<a> m)) | 10.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r a m v P p :
+    FromWand ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<a> m) ⊑ (<!> MSG v; p)) | 11.
+  Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    FromExist ((<! x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<!> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    FromExist (p ⊑ <? x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<?> m a))%I | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l m v P p :
+    FromSep ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) P ((<!> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r m v P p :
+    FromSep ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v; p)) | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l q m v R P Q p :
+    Frame q R P Q →
+    Frame q R ((<!> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m))
+              ((<!> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<!> m)) | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r.
+    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r q m v R P Q p :
+    Frame q R P Q →
+    Frame q R ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ P }}; p))
+              ((<?> m) ⊑ (<?> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l.
+    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 :
+    FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2)
+              ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2).
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_base. Qed.
 End proto.
-Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
+Global Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
 Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
   first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.

From 16764081e3f24f903d82c1a5d5449a989e9afc14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 14:13:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 38/81] More refactoring

 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v              | 134 +++++++++++++++---
 .../channel/proto_consistency_examples.v      | 118 ---------------
 2 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 33e7d5a..cc8cc20 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ standard pattern using type classes to perform the normalization.
 In addition to the tactics for symbolic execution, this file defines the tactic
 [solve_proto_contractive], which can be used to automatically prove that
 recursive protocols are contractive. *)
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics reduction spec_patterns.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode notation.
 From Require Import proto_model.
 From multi_actris Require Export channel.
-Export action.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * Tactics for proving contractiveness of protocols *)
 Ltac f_dist_le :=
@@ -343,28 +344,115 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")
   wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
                 eexists x6; eexists x7; eexists x8) with pat.
-(* Section channel. *)
-(*   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}. *)
-(*   Implicit Types p : iProto Σ. *)
-(*   Implicit Types TT : tele. *)
+Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
+  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
+  (∀ i j m1 m2,
+     (ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto) -∗
+     (ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto) -∗
+     ∃ m1' m2' (TT1:tele) (TT2:tele) tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2,
+       (<(Send, j)> m1')%proto ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto ∗
+       (<(Recv, i)> m2')%proto ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto ∗
+       ⌜MsgTele (TT:=TT1) m1' tv1 tP1 tp1⌝ ∗
+       ⌜MsgTele (TT:=TT2) m2' tv2 tP2 tp2⌝ ∗
+   ∀.. (x : TT1), tele_app tP1 x -∗
+   ∃.. (y : TT2), ⌜tele_app tv1 x = tele_app tv2 y⌝ ∗
+                  tele_app tP2 y ∗
+                  â–· (iProto_consistent
+                       (<[i:=tele_app tp1 x]>(<[j:=tele_app tp2 y]>ps)))) -∗
+  iProto_consistent ps.
+  iIntros "[H' H]".
+  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
+  iFrame.
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
+  iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1 Hm2")
+    as (m1' m2' TT1 TT2 tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2)
+         "(Heq1 & Heq2& %Hm1' & %Hm2' & H)".
+  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
+  iDestruct "Heq1" as "[_ Heq1]".
+  iDestruct "Heq2" as "[_ Heq2]".
+  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
+  iSpecialize ("Heq1" $! v (Next p1)).
+  iRewrite -"Heq1" in "Hm1".
+  rewrite Hm1'.
+  rewrite iMsg_base_eq. rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+  iDestruct "Hm1" as (x Htv1) "[Hp1 HP1]".
+  iDestruct ("H" with "HP1") as (y Htv2) "[HP2 H]".
+  iExists (tele_app tp2 y).
+  iSpecialize ("Heq2" $! v (Next (tele_app tp2 y))).
+  iRewrite -"Heq2".
+  rewrite Hm2'. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+  iSplitL "HP2".
+  { iExists y. iFrame.
+    iSplit; [|done].
+    iPureIntro. subst. done. }
+  iNext. iRewrite -"Hp1". done.
+(* TODO: Improve automation *)
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_step" :=
+  let i := fresh in
+  let j := fresh in
+  let m1 := fresh in
+  let m2 := fresh in
+  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
+  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
+          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
+           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
+                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
+            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
+  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
+  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm2")
+    as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq;
+  try (iClear "Hm1' Hm2'";
+       iExists _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_;
+       iSplitL "Hm1"; [iFrame "#"|];
+       iSplitL "Hm2"; [iFrame "#"|];
+       iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
+       iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
+       simpl; iClear "Hm1 Hm2"; clear m1 m2);
+  try (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
+  rewrite insert_insert;
+  repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ j); [|done]);
+  rewrite insert_insert).
-(*   (* TODO: Why do the tactics not strip laters? *) *)
-(*   Lemma recv_test c p : *)
-(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Recv,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
-(*       recv c #0 *)
-(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
-(*   Proof. *)
-(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
-(*     wp_recv (x) as "_". *)
-(*   Admitted. *)
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_target" :=
+  let i := fresh in
+  iIntros (i j a m); rewrite /valid_target;
+            iIntros "#Hm";
+  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
+          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
+           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
+                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
+            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
+  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
+  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
+  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm")
+    as "[%Heq Hm']";simplify_eq;
+  repeat (try rewrite lookup_empty;
+          try rewrite lookup_insert;
+          rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|lia]);
+    try rewrite lookup_insert; try done.
-(*   Lemma send_test c p : *)
-(*     {{{ c ↣ (<(Send,0) @(x:Z)> MSG #x ; p) }}} *)
-(*       send c #0 #42 *)
-(*     {{{ x, RET #x; c ↣ p }}}. *)
-(*   Proof. *)
-(*     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". *)
-(*     wp_send (42%Z) with "[//]". *)
-(*   Admitted. *)
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
+  try iNext;
+  iApply iProto_consistent_equiv_proof;
+  iSplitR; [iProto_consistent_take_step_target|
+             iProto_consistent_take_step_step].
-(* End channel. *)
+Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
+  iEval (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]));
+  rewrite (insert_insert _ i).
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
index 14771d2..0583fb2 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
@@ -1,124 +1,6 @@
-From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
-From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
-From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
-From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
 From Require Import proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
-  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
-  (∀ i j m1 m2,
-     (ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto) -∗
-     (ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto) -∗
-     ∃ m1' m2' (TT1:tele) (TT2:tele) tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2,
-       (<(Send, j)> m1')%proto ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto ∗
-       (<(Recv, i)> m2')%proto ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)%proto ∗
-       ⌜MsgTele (TT:=TT1) m1' tv1 tP1 tp1⌝ ∗
-       ⌜MsgTele (TT:=TT2) m2' tv2 tP2 tp2⌝ ∗
-   ∀.. (x : TT1), tele_app tP1 x -∗
-   ∃.. (y : TT2), ⌜tele_app tv1 x = tele_app tv2 y⌝ ∗
-                  tele_app tP2 y ∗
-                  â–· (iProto_consistent
-                       (<[i:=tele_app tp1 x]>(<[j:=tele_app tp2 y]>ps)))) -∗
-  iProto_consistent ps.
-  iIntros "[H' H]".
-  rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold.
-  iFrame.
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "Hm1 Hm2".
-  iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1 Hm2")
-    as (m1' m2' TT1 TT2 tv1 tP1 tp1 tv2 tP2 tp2)
-         "(Heq1 & Heq2& %Hm1' & %Hm2' & H)".
-  rewrite !iProto_message_equivI.
-  iDestruct "Heq1" as "[_ Heq1]".
-  iDestruct "Heq2" as "[_ Heq2]".
-  iIntros (v p1) "Hm1".
-  iSpecialize ("Heq1" $! v (Next p1)).
-  iRewrite -"Heq1" in "Hm1".
-  rewrite Hm1'.
-  rewrite iMsg_base_eq. rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
-  iDestruct "Hm1" as (x Htv1) "[Hp1 HP1]".
-  iDestruct ("H" with "HP1") as (y Htv2) "[HP2 H]".
-  iExists (tele_app tp2 y).
-  iSpecialize ("Heq2" $! v (Next (tele_app tp2 y))).
-  iRewrite -"Heq2".
-  rewrite Hm2'. rewrite iMsg_base_eq. rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
-  iSplitL "HP2".
-  { iExists y. iFrame.
-    iSplit; [|done].
-    iPureIntro. subst. done. }
-  iNext. iRewrite -"Hp1". done.
-(* TODO: Improve automation *)
-(* Could clean up repeated inserts to save traverses *)
-Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_step" :=
-  let i := fresh in
-  let j := fresh in
-  let m1 := fresh in
-  let m2 := fresh in
-  iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
-  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
-          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
-           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
-                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
-                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
-            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
-  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
-  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm2")
-    as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq;
-  try (iClear "Hm1' Hm2'";
-       iExists _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_;
-       iSplitL "Hm1"; [iFrame "#"|];
-       iSplitL "Hm2"; [iFrame "#"|];
-       iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
-       iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
-       simpl; iClear "Hm1 Hm2"; clear m1 m2);
-  try (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
-  rewrite insert_insert;
-  repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ j); [|done]);
-  rewrite insert_insert).
-Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_target" :=
-  let i := fresh in
-  iIntros (i j a m); rewrite /valid_target;
-            iIntros "#Hm";
-  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
-          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
-           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
-                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
-                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
-            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
-  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
-  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm")
-    as "[%Heq Hm']";simplify_eq;
-  repeat (try rewrite lookup_empty;
-          try rewrite lookup_insert;
-          rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-    try rewrite lookup_insert; try done.
-Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
-  try iNext;
-  iApply iProto_consistent_equiv_proof;
-  iSplitR; [iProto_consistent_take_step_target|
-             iProto_consistent_take_step_step].
-Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
-  iEval (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]));
-  rewrite (insert_insert _ i).
 Definition iProto_empty {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) := ∅.
 Lemma iProto_consistent_empty {Σ} :

From fd433c0e8c0dba0fd3f48394c8761b9dda7b990a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 14:30:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 39/81] Refactoring of examples

 .../basics.v}                                 | 172 ++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
 rename multi_actris/{channel/proto_consistency_examples.v => examples/basics.v} (91%)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
similarity index 91%
rename from multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
rename to multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 0583fb2..69a94fb 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_consistency_examples.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ Lemma iProto_consistent_empty {Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_empty Σ).
 Proof. iProto_consistent_take_step. Qed.
-Definition iProto_binary `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+Definition iProto_binary `{!heapGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
   <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto ]>
   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto ]>
-Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_binary Σ invGS0).
+Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!heapGS Σ} :
+  ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_binary.
   rewrite /iProto_binary.
@@ -21,24 +21,6 @@ Proof.
-Definition iProto_roundtrip `{!invGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-   <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]> ∅)).
-Lemma iProto_roundtrip_consistent `{!invGS Σ} :
-  ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_roundtrip Σ invGS0).
-  rewrite /iProto_roundtrip.
-  iProto_consistent_take_step.
-  iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-  iProto_consistent_take_step.
-  iIntros "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-  iProto_consistent_take_step.
-  iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-  iProto_consistent_take_step.
 Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
      let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
@@ -51,18 +33,32 @@ Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
-  Implicit Types TT : tele.
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
+    (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]> ∅)).
+  Lemma iProto_roundtrip_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_roundtrip.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  Qed.
   (* TODO: Fix nat/Z coercion. *)
   Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip).
-    { lia. }
-    { set_solver. }
-    { iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent. }
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip);
+      [lia|set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
     wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
     iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
@@ -74,15 +70,23 @@ Section channel.
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
-    wp_send with "[//]".
-    wp_recv as "_".
-    by iApply "HΦ".
+    wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv as "_". by iApply "HΦ".
 End channel.
+Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l");;
+     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #());;
+     let: "l" := ref #40 in send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
 Section roundtrip_ref.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
@@ -107,23 +111,6 @@ Section roundtrip_ref.
-End roundtrip_ref.
-Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l");;
-     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #());;
-     let: "l" := ref #40 in send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
-Section proof.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
-  Implicit Types TT : tele.
   Lemma roundtrip_ref_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
@@ -149,27 +136,39 @@ Section proof.
     by iApply "HΦ".
-End proof.
+End roundtrip_ref.
+Definition roundtrip_ref_rec_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     Fork ((rec: "go" "c1" :=
+             let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l";;
+             "go" "c1") "c1");;
+     Fork ((rec: "go" "c2" :=
+           let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #();;
+           "go" "c2") "c2");;
+     let: "l" := ref #38 in
+     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;;
+     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
 Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
      <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; rec)%proto.
   Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_contractive :
     Contractive iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux.
   Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1 :=
     fixpoint iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux.
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_unfold :
     iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1 ≡
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_proto_unfold :
     ProtoUnfold iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1).
@@ -178,14 +177,11 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
      <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; rec)%proto.
   Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_contractive :
     Contractive iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux.
   Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2 :=
     fixpoint iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux.
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold :
     iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2 ≡
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2).
@@ -195,23 +191,18 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
     ProtoUnfold iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2).
   Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
      <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; rec)%proto.
   Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_contractive :
     Contractive iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux.
   Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
   Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3 :=
     fixpoint iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux.
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_unfold :
     iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3 ≡
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
   Global Instance iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_proto_unfold :
     ProtoUnfold iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3).
@@ -243,29 +234,6 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
-End roundtrip_ref_rec.
-Definition roundtrip_ref_rec_prog : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     Fork ((rec: "go" "c1" :=
-             let: "l" := recv "c1" #0 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c1" #2 "l";;
-             "go" "c1") "c1");;
-     Fork ((rec: "go" "c2" :=
-           let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #1;; send "c2" #0 #();;
-           "go" "c2") "c2");;
-     let: "l" := ref #38 in
-     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;;
-     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
-Section proof.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Implicit Types p : iProto Σ.
-  Implicit Types TT : tele.
   Lemma roundtrip_ref_rec_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_rec_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
@@ -294,21 +262,12 @@ Section proof.
     by iApply "HΦ".
-End proof.
+End roundtrip_ref_rec.
 Section parallel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-    0 -> 1 : (x1:Z) < x1 > .
-    0 -> 2 : (x2:Z) < x2 > .
-    2 -> 3 : (y1:Z) < x1+y1 > ;
-    3 -> 4 : (y2:Z) < x2+y2 > ;
-    3 -> 0 : < x1+y1 > ;
-    4 -> 0 : < x2+y2 > ;
-    end
        /   \
       1     2
@@ -541,10 +500,21 @@ Section two_buyer_ref.
 End two_buyer_ref.
-Section fwd.
+Section forwarder.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition iProto_fwd : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+  (** 
+          0
+        / | \
+      /   |   \
+     |    1    |
+      \ /   \ /
+       2     3
+   *)
+  Definition iProto_forwarder : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 1) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
             <(Send, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
@@ -558,10 +528,10 @@ Section fwd.
    (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]> ∅))).
-  Lemma iProto_fwd_consistent :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_fwd.
+  Lemma iProto_forwarder_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_forwarder.
-    rewrite /iProto_fwd.
+    rewrite /iProto_forwarder.
     iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
@@ -576,4 +546,4 @@ Section fwd.
-End fwd.
+End forwarder.

From 22e341f421adc9d9fbb7d798617e3193f7168848 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 13:16:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 40/81] Fixed _CoqProject bug

 _CoqProject                      | 2 +-
 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 98b145e..4489ccb 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index cc8cc20..9e729ed 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import gmap.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics reduction spec_patterns.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode notation.
 From Require Import proto_model.
-From multi_actris Require Export channel.
+From Require Export channel.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * Tactics for proving contractiveness of protocols *)

From d8122f698b622427381e50fa81bf088ed10d3abf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 14:46:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 41/81] Minor cleanup

 multi_actris/channel/proto.v | 13 ++++++-------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index 2575c7a..dbb1b16 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -636,6 +636,11 @@ Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
 Global Instance iProto_own_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
   Contractive (iProto_own γ i).
 Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_own_ne `{protoG Σ V} γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_own_proper `{protoG Σ V} γ s :
+  Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
+Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
 (** * Proofs *)
 Section proto.
@@ -889,7 +894,6 @@ Section proto.
       inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
       iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
       iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle".
-      (* iRewrite -"Hm2" in "Hm2'". *)
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
       { done. }
@@ -977,7 +981,7 @@ Section proto.
     - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
-Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
     destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&i&m1&->)].
@@ -1173,11 +1177,6 @@ Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
     iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. done.
-  Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
     ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.

From 19bea05beea55fde69c491004405aaac198f0e11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 15:59:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 42/81] Added another example

 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v |   7 ++
 multi_actris/examples/basics.v   | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 9e729ed..07c0449 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -456,3 +456,10 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
 Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
   iEval (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]));
   rewrite (insert_insert _ i).
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_resolve_step" :=
+  repeat iIntros (?); repeat iIntros "?";
+  repeat iExists _; repeat (iSplit; [done|]); try iFrame.
+Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_steps" :=
+  repeat (iProto_consistent_take_step; iProto_consistent_resolve_step).
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 69a94fb..8ff18fa 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -14,12 +14,7 @@ Definition iProto_binary `{!heapGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
 Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!heapGS Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_binary.
-  rewrite /iProto_binary.
-  iProto_consistent_take_step.
-  iIntros (x) "HP". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-  iProto_consistent_take_step.
+Proof. rewrite /iProto_binary. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
 Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
   λ: <>,
@@ -41,16 +36,7 @@ Section channel.
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_roundtrip.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (x) "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "_". iExists x. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-  Qed.
+  Proof. rewrite /iProto_roundtrip. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
   (* TODO: Fix nat/Z coercion. *)
   Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
@@ -101,13 +87,8 @@ Section roundtrip_ref.
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip_ref.
     rewrite /iProto_roundtrip_ref.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (l x) "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "Hloc". iExists _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "Hloc". iSplit; [done|].
-    replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    replace (x0 + 1 + 1)%Z with (x0+2)%Z by lia. iFrame.
@@ -231,7 +212,7 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
     replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame.
     rewrite -iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold.
     do 2 clean_map 0. do 2 clean_map 1. do 2 clean_map 2.
-    done.
+    iApply "IH".
   Lemma roundtrip_ref_rec_prog_spec :
@@ -517,7 +498,7 @@ Section forwarder.
   Definition iProto_forwarder : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 1) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
-            <(Send, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+            <(Recv, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Recv, 0) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b;
             if b
@@ -539,11 +520,122 @@ Section forwarder.
     - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+      iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+End forwarder.
+Section forwarder_rec.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
+  (** 
+          0
+        / | \
+      /   |   \
+     |    1    |
+      \ /   \ /
+       2     3
+   *)
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_0_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+     <(Send, 1) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+     <(Recv, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance iProto_forwarder_rec_0_contractive :
+    Contractive iProto_forwarder_rec_0_aux.
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_0 :=
+    fixpoint iProto_forwarder_rec_0_aux.
+  Lemma iProto_forwarder_rec_0_unfold :
+    iProto_forwarder_rec_0 ≡
+                (iProto_forwarder_rec_0_aux iProto_forwarder_rec_0).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_1_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+     <(Recv, 0) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b;
+     if b
+     then <(Send,2)> MSG #x ; rec
+     else <(Send,3)> MSG #x ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance iProto_forwarder_rec_1_contractive :
+    Contractive iProto_forwarder_rec_1_aux.
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_1 :=
+    fixpoint iProto_forwarder_rec_1_aux.
+  Lemma iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold :
+    iProto_forwarder_rec_1 ≡
+                (iProto_forwarder_rec_1_aux iProto_forwarder_rec_1).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_n_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+     <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance iProto_forwarder_rec_n_contractive :
+    Contractive iProto_forwarder_rec_n_aux.
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_n :=
+    fixpoint iProto_forwarder_rec_n_aux.
+  Lemma iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold :
+    iProto_forwarder_rec_n ≡
+                (iProto_forwarder_rec_n_aux iProto_forwarder_rec_n).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := iProto_forwarder_rec_0]>
+   (<[1 := iProto_forwarder_rec_1]>
+   (<[2 := iProto_forwarder_rec_n]>
+   (<[3 := iProto_forwarder_rec_n]>∅))).
+  Lemma iProto_forwarder_rec_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_forwarder_rec.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH".
+    rewrite /iProto_forwarder_rec.
+    iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_0_unfold).
+    iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
+    iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iIntros ([]) "_".
+    - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
+      iNext.
+      iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
+      iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+      iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
+      rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
+      iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
+      iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+      iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+      iApply "IH".
     - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
+      iNext.
+      iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
+      iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+      iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
+      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 3. repeat clean_map 0. 
+      rewrite (insert_commute _ 3 1); [|done].
+      iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
+      iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+      iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
+      iApply "IH".
-End forwarder.
+End forwarder_rec.

From e90d9120ead5358968f45c60f6e866a972c32417 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 20:34:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 43/81] WIP: Leader electon

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 210 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c1f3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+From Require Import proofmode.
+From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
+(** Inspired by *)
+Definition process : val :=
+  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" "is_participant" :=
+    if: recv "c" "idr"
+    then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
+         if: "id_max" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id'" "is_participant"
+         else if: "id_max" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" #false
+         else if: "is_participant" (** Case 3 *)
+         then "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" "is_participant" (** Case 4 *)
+         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" #true
+    else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
+         assert: ("id_max" = "id'");;
+         if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
+         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";; "id_max".
+Definition init : val :=
+  λ: "c" "idl" "idr" "id",
+    (* Notice missing leader *)
+    send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+    process "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id" #true.
+Definition program : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c1" #3 #2 #1 in send "c1" #0 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #3 #2 #2 #false in
+           send "c2" #0 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c3" #2 #1 #3 in send "c3" #0 "id_max");;
+     let: "res1" := recv "c0" #1 in
+     let: "res2" := recv "c0" #2 in
+     let: "res3" := recv "c0" #3 in
+     assert: ("res1" = "res2");;
+     assert: ("res2" = "res3").
+Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
+  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
+Section ring_leader_election_example.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
+  Definition my_send_prot (il ir i : nat) i'
+    (rec : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ :=
+    λ (isp:bool) (i_max:nat),
+      iProto_choice (Send,il)
+        (<(Send,il)> MSG #(max i' i_max) ; rec isp (max i' i_max))%proto
+        (<(Send,il)> MSG #i_max ; rec isp i_max)%proto.
+  Definition my_recv_prot (il ir i : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
+             (rec : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ :=
+    λ (isp:bool) (i_max:nat),
+      iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
+         if bool_decide (i_max < i')
+         then my_send_prot il ir i i' rec isp i_max
+         else if bool_decide (i_max = i')
+         then my_send_prot il ir i i' rec false i_max
+         else if isp then rec isp i_max
+         else my_send_prot il ir i i' rec true i_max)%proto
+        (<(Recv,ir)> MSG #i_max ;
+         if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then p i_max
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i_max; p i_max)%proto.
+  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il ir i p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il ir i p).
+  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot /my_send_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition rle_prot il ir i p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il ir i p).
+  Instance rle_prot_unfold il ir i isp max_id p :
+    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
+  Definition rle_preprot (il ir i : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
+    rle_prot il ir i p true i)%proto.
+  Lemma process_spec il ir i p i_max c (isp:bool) :
+    i <= i_max →
+    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il ir i p isp i_max) }}}
+      process c #il #ir #i #i_max #isp
+    {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hle Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp i_max Hle).    
+    wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
+    destruct b.
+    - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+      { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
+        wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
+        iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
+      { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
+        wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_send with "[//]".
+        iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
+      case_bool_decide; [lia|].
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_pures. 
+      destruct isp.
+      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
+      wp_pures.
+      rewrite /my_send_prot.
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      iEval (replace i_max with (max i' i_max) by lia).
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia.
+    - wp_pures.
+      wp_recv as "_".
+      wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
+      wp_pures. iModIntro.
+      iSplitR.
+      { iPureIntro. f_equiv. f_equiv. apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. done. }
+      iNext.
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide.
+      { wp_pures. simplify_eq.
+        case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia]. wp_pures.
+        iModIntro. by iApply "HΦ". }
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|]. wp_pures.
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma init_spec c il ir i p :
+    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il ir i p }}}
+      init c #il #ir #i
+    {{{ res, RET #res; c ↣ p res }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_pures. by iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
+  Qed.
+  Definition prot_tail (i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send,0)> MSG #i_max; END)%proto.
+  Definition prot_pool : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+     <[0 := (<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
+             <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
+             <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
+             END)%proto ]>
+    (<[1 := rle_preprot 3 2 1 prot_tail ]>
+    (<[2 := rle_prot 1 3 2 prot_tail false 2 ]>
+    (<[3 := rle_preprot 2 1 3 prot_tail ]> ∅))).
+  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il ir i isp max_id p :
+    (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) ≡ (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  Lemma program_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} 
+      program #()
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof. 
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
+    wp_lam.
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 4 prot_pool);
+      [lia|set_solver|iApply prot_pool_consistent|].
+    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 3 with "Hcs"); [done|].
+    iIntros (c3) "[Hc3 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc1". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2"); [lia|].
+      iIntros (i') "Hc2". wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]". done. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc3").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc3". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
+    wp_recv (id_max) as "_".
+    wp_recv as "_".
+    wp_recv as "_".
+    wp_smart_apply wp_assert. wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplitR; [iPureIntro|].
+    { do 2 f_equiv. apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. done. }
+    iIntros "!>".
+    wp_smart_apply wp_assert. wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplitR; [iPureIntro|].
+    { do 2 f_equiv. apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. done. }
+    iIntros "!>".
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End ring_leader_election_example.

From c70cb821355bed1b82a83d4181dfd1600a38a8f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:14:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 44/81] Closed proof

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index 0c1f3da..9a21b17 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -51,30 +51,25 @@ Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
 Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
-  Definition my_send_prot (il ir i : nat) i'
-    (rec : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ :=
-    λ (isp:bool) (i_max:nat),
-      iProto_choice (Send,il)
-        (<(Send,il)> MSG #(max i' i_max) ; rec isp (max i' i_max))%proto
-        (<(Send,il)> MSG #i_max ; rec isp i_max)%proto.
   Definition my_recv_prot (il ir i : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
              (rec : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ :=
     λ (isp:bool) (i_max:nat),
       iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
         (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
          if bool_decide (i_max < i')
-         then my_send_prot il ir i i' rec isp i_max
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #(max i' i_max) ;
+              rec isp (max i' i_max)
          else if bool_decide (i_max = i')
-         then my_send_prot il ir i i' rec false i_max
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i_max ; rec false i_max
          else if isp then rec isp i_max
-         else my_send_prot il ir i i' rec true i_max)%proto
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #(max i' i_max) ;
+              rec true (max i' i_max))%proto
         (<(Recv,ir)> MSG #i_max ;
          if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then p i_max
          else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i_max; p i_max)%proto.
   Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il ir i p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il ir i p).
-  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot /my_send_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
   Definition rle_prot il ir i p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il ir i p).
   Instance rle_prot_unfold il ir i isp max_id p :
     ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
@@ -100,7 +95,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
         wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
         iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.        
         iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
       case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
       { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
@@ -116,7 +111,6 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       destruct isp.
       { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
-      rewrite /my_send_prot.
       wp_send with "[//]".
       iEval (replace i_max with (max i' i_max) by lia).
       wp_send with "[//]".
@@ -166,8 +160,64 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
   Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
-  Proof. Admitted.
+  Proof.    
+    rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
+    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
+    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+  Qed.
   Lemma program_spec :
     {{{ True }}} 
       program #()

From b265d4e15de48a20f18fd829aa8c3ea6ee2f415f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:21:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 45/81] Typo

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index 9a21b17..05ea6a3 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Definition process : val :=
          then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
               "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" #false
          else if: "is_participant" (** Case 3 *)
-         then "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" "is_participant" (** Case 4 *)
+         then "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" "is_participant" (** Case 2 *)
          else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
               "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" #true
     else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in

From 206ac1d7ef042ae8b417761d8f5ac26bb0de0279 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 14:18:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 46/81] Refactoring

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 68 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index 05ea6a3..d881432 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Instance rle_prot_unfold il ir i isp max_id p :
     ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
   Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
+  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il ir i isp max_id p :
+    (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) ≡
+    (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
   Definition rle_preprot (il ir i : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
@@ -127,11 +131,8 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       { wp_pures. simplify_eq.
         case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia]. wp_pures.
         iModIntro. by iApply "HΦ". }
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|]. wp_pures.
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+      wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|]. wp_pures.
+      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
   Lemma init_spec c il ir i p :
@@ -146,6 +147,19 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Definition prot_tail (i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send,0)> MSG #i_max; END)%proto.
+  Definition pre_prot_pool id_max : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+     <[0 := (<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
+             <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
+             <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
+             END)%proto ]>
+    (<[1 := prot_tail id_max ]>
+    (<[2 := prot_tail id_max ]>
+    (<[3 := prot_tail id_max ]> ∅))).
+  Lemma pre_prot_pool_consistent id_max :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent (pre_prot_pool id_max).
+  Proof. rewrite /pre_prot_pool. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
   Definition prot_pool : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
      <[0 := (<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
              <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
@@ -155,12 +169,8 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     (<[2 := rle_prot 1 3 2 prot_tail false 2 ]>
     (<[3 := rle_preprot 2 1 3 prot_tail ]> ∅))).
-  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il ir i isp max_id p :
-    (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) ≡ (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
-  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
   Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
-  Proof.    
+  Proof.
     rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
     rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
@@ -207,24 +217,17 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
     repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 3); [|lia]).
+    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 2); [|lia]).
+    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 1); [|lia]).
+    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 0); [|lia]).
+    iApply pre_prot_pool_consistent.
   Lemma program_spec :
-    {{{ True }}} 
-      program #()
-    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+    {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ".
-    wp_lam.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 4 prot_pool);
       [lia|set_solver|iApply prot_pool_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
@@ -238,23 +241,20 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     iIntros (c3) "[Hc3 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc1". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
+      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_send with "[//]". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2"); [lia|].
-      iIntros (i') "Hc2". wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]". done. }
+      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_send with "[//]". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc3").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc3". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
-    wp_recv (id_max) as "_".
-    wp_recv as "_".
-    wp_recv as "_".
+      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_send with "[//]". }
+    wp_recv (id_max) as "_". wp_recv as "_". wp_recv as "_".
     wp_smart_apply wp_assert. wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplitR; [iPureIntro|].
-    { do 2 f_equiv. apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. done. }
+    { do 2 f_equiv. by apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. }
     iIntros "!>".
     wp_smart_apply wp_assert. wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplitR; [iPureIntro|].
-    { do 2 f_equiv. apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. done. }
-    iIntros "!>".
-    by iApply "HΦ".
+    { do 2 f_equiv. by apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. }
+    iIntros "!>". by iApply "HΦ".
 End ring_leader_election_example.

From 7b66c5329fc412a683f53ffaf34a2c55a87deb7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 14:23:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 47/81] Refactoring

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 64 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index d881432..c0a16a8 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@ From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
 (** Inspired by *)
 Definition process : val :=
-  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" "is_participant" :=
+  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" "id_max" :=
     if: recv "c" "idr"
     then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
          if: "id_max" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
          then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id'" "is_participant"
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" "id'"
          else if: "id_max" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
          then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" #false
-         else if: "is_participant" (** Case 3 *)
-         then "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" "is_participant" (** Case 2 *)
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false "id_max"
+         else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
+         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" "id_max" (** Case 2 *)
          else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id_max" #true
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true "id_max"
     else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
          assert: ("id_max" = "id'");;
          if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
          else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";; "id_max".
 Definition init : val :=
-  λ: "c" "idl" "idr" "id",
+  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
     (* Notice missing leader *)
     send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-    process "c" "idl" "idr" "id" "id" #true.
+    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true "id".
 Definition program : val :=
   λ: <>,
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ Definition program : val :=
      let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
      let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
      let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c1" #3 #2 #1 in send "c1" #0 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #3 #2 #2 #false in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c1" #3 #1 #2 in send "c1" #0 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false #2 in
            send "c2" #0 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c3" #2 #1 #3 in send "c3" #0 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c3" #2 #3 #1 in send "c3" #0 "id_max");;
      let: "res1" := recv "c0" #1 in
      let: "res2" := recv "c0" #2 in
      let: "res3" := recv "c0" #3 in
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
 Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
-  Definition my_recv_prot (il ir i : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
+  Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
              (rec : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ :=
     λ (isp:bool) (i_max:nat),
       iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
@@ -68,25 +68,25 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
          if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then p i_max
          else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i_max; p i_max)%proto.
-  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il ir i p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il ir i p).
+  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
   Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
-  Definition rle_prot il ir i p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il ir i p).
-  Instance rle_prot_unfold il ir i isp max_id p :
-    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
-  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
-  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il ir i isp max_id p :
-    (rle_prot il ir i p isp max_id) ≡
-    (my_recv_prot il ir i p (rle_prot il ir i p) isp max_id).
-  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il ir i p)). Qed.
+  Definition rle_prot il i ir p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
+  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp max_id p :
+    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp max_id) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp max_id).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
+  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp max_id p :
+    (rle_prot il i ir p isp max_id) ≡
+    (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp max_id).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
-  Definition rle_preprot (il ir i : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
+  Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
-    rle_prot il ir i p true i)%proto.
+    rle_prot il i ir p true i)%proto.
-  Lemma process_spec il ir i p i_max c (isp:bool) :
+  Lemma process_spec il i ir p i_max c (isp:bool) :
     i <= i_max →
-    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il ir i p isp i_max) }}}
-      process c #il #ir #i #i_max #isp
+    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp i_max) }}}
+      process c #il #i #ir #isp #i_max
     {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
     iIntros (Hle Φ) "Hc HΦ".
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
-  Lemma init_spec c il ir i p :
-    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il ir i p }}}
-      init c #il #ir #i
+  Lemma init_spec c il i ir p :
+    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il i ir p }}}
+      init c #il #i #ir
     {{{ res, RET #res; c ↣ p res }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
              <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
              <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
              END)%proto ]>
-    (<[1 := rle_preprot 3 2 1 prot_tail ]>
-    (<[2 := rle_prot 1 3 2 prot_tail false 2 ]>
-    (<[3 := rle_preprot 2 1 3 prot_tail ]> ∅))).
+    (<[1 := rle_preprot 3 1 2 prot_tail ]>
+    (<[2 := rle_prot 1 2 3 prot_tail false 2 ]>
+    (<[3 := rle_preprot 2 3 1 prot_tail ]> ∅))).
   Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.

From 1833321542e204ae50829280b0b228a11b1d03d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:05:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 48/81] Simplified lemma

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 15 +++++++--------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index c0a16a8..a464555 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -84,13 +84,12 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     rle_prot il i ir p true i)%proto.
   Lemma process_spec il i ir p i_max c (isp:bool) :
-    i <= i_max →
     {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp i_max) }}}
       process c #il #i #ir #isp #i_max
     {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
-    iIntros (Hle Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp i_max Hle).    
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp i_max).    
     wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
     destruct b.
     - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
@@ -100,25 +99,25 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
         wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
         iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
         wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.        
-        iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
+        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
       { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
         wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
         wp_send with "[//]".
         iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
         wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
+        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       case_bool_decide; [lia|].
       case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
       destruct isp.
-      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia. }
+      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       wp_send with "[//]".
       iEval (replace i_max with (max i' i_max) by lia).
       wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "[] Hc HΦ"). iPureIntro. lia.
+      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
     - wp_pures.
       wp_recv as "_".
       wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
@@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc1").
       iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_send with "[//]". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2"); [lia|].
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
       iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_send with "[//]". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc3").

From 179c1a13f7665d8ec7bccb9a9ee8b93c5ce69f8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:11:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 49/81] Added smuggle example

 multi_actris/examples/basics.v | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 8ff18fa..e505c2e 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ Section roundtrip_ref.
    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
             <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
    (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
-            ∅)).
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]> ∅)).
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip_ref.
@@ -245,6 +244,58 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
 End roundtrip_ref_rec.
+Definition smuggle_ref_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     Fork (send "c1" #2 (recv "c1" #0));;
+     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #2;; send "c2" #0 #());;
+     let: "l" := ref #40 in
+     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
+Section smuggle_ref.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Definition iProto_smuggle_ref : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
+    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
+            <(Recv,2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (v:val)> MSG v ; <(Send,2)> MSG v ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
+            <(Send,0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]> ∅)).
+  Lemma iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_smuggle_ref.
+  Proof. rewrite /iProto_smuggle_ref. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
+  Lemma smuggle_ref_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} smuggle_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
+  Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_smuggle_ref with "[]").
+    { lia. }
+    { set_solver. }
+    { iApply iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent. }
+    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
+    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (v) as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store.
+      by wp_send with "[$Hl]". }
+    wp_alloc l as "Hl". wp_send with "[$Hl]". wp_recv as "Hl". wp_load.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End smuggle_ref.
 Section parallel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
@@ -501,9 +552,7 @@ Section forwarder.
             <(Recv, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Recv, 0) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b;
-            if b
-            then <(Send,2)> MSG #x ; END
-            else <(Send,3)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
+            <(Send, if b then 2 else 3)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
    (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
    (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
@@ -535,14 +584,12 @@ Section forwarder_rec.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
         / | \
       /   |   \
      |    1    |
       \ /   \ /
        2     3
   Definition iProto_forwarder_rec_0_aux (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=

From 88379326564689bb431f64cdd29477b7ebbfe34f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 23:14:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 50/81] Also smuggle on return

 multi_actris/examples/basics.v | 16 +++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index e505c2e..9efa72b 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -250,20 +250,21 @@ Definition smuggle_ref_prog : val :=
      let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
      let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
      let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     Fork (send "c1" #2 (recv "c1" #0));;
-     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #2;; send "c2" #0 #());;
+     Fork (send "c1" #2 (recv "c1" #0);; send "c1" #0 (recv "c1" #2));;
+     Fork (let: "l" := recv "c2" #1 in "l" <- !"l" + #2;; send "c2" #1 #());;
      let: "l" := ref #40 in
-     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #2;; !"l".
+     send "c0" #1 "l";; recv "c0" #1;; !"l".
 Section smuggle_ref.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
   Definition iProto_smuggle_ref : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
-            <(Recv,2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (v:val)> MSG v ; <(Send,2)> MSG v ; END)%proto]>
+            <(Recv,1)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
+   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (v:val)> MSG v ; <(Send,2)> MSG v ;
+            <(Recv, 2)> MSG #(); <(Send,0)> MSG #() ; END)%proto]>
    (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
-            <(Send,0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]> ∅)).
+            <(Send,1)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]> ∅)).
   Lemma iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_smuggle_ref.
@@ -286,7 +287,8 @@ Section smuggle_ref.
     wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
     iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (v) as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (v) as "_". wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_recv as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store.
       by wp_send with "[$Hl]". }

From afe9f282945a0cbfeb59928857a3932eb32cc04d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2024 18:33:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 51/81] Improved leader election

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 95 +++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index a464555..cb21e82 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -4,29 +4,28 @@ From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
 (** Inspired by *)
 Definition process : val :=
-  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" "id_max" :=
+  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" :=
     if: recv "c" "idr"
     then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
-         if: "id_max" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
+         if: "id" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
          then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" "id'"
-         else if: "id_max" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
-         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false "id_max"
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
+         else if: "id" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false
          else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
-         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" "id_max" (** Case 2 *)
-         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true "id_max"
+         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" (** Case 2 *)
+         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
     else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
-         assert: ("id_max" = "id'");;
          if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
-         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id_max";; "id_max".
+         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id'";; "id'".
 Definition init : val :=
   λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
     (* Notice missing leader *)
     send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true "id".
+    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
 Definition program : val :=
   λ: <>,
@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ Definition program : val :=
      let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
      let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
      Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c1" #3 #1 #2 in send "c1" #0 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false #2 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
            send "c2" #0 "id_max");;
      Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c3" #2 #3 #1 in send "c3" #0 "id_max");;
      let: "res1" := recv "c0" #1 in
@@ -52,44 +51,42 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
   Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
-             (rec : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> nat -d> iProto Σ :=
-    λ (isp:bool) (i_max:nat),
+             (rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
+    λ (isp:bool),
       iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
         (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
-         if bool_decide (i_max < i')
-         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #(max i' i_max) ;
-              rec isp (max i' i_max)
-         else if bool_decide (i_max = i')
-         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i_max ; rec false i_max
-         else if isp then rec isp i_max
-         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #(max i' i_max) ;
-              rec true (max i' i_max))%proto
-        (<(Recv,ir)> MSG #i_max ;
-         if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then p i_max
-         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i_max; p i_max)%proto.
+         if bool_decide (i < i')
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i' ; rec true
+         else if bool_decide (i = i')
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
+         else if isp then rec isp
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
+         if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
   Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
   Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
   Definition rle_prot il i ir p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
-  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp max_id p :
-    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp max_id) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp max_id).
+  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp p :
+    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
   Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
-  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp max_id p :
-    (rle_prot il i ir p isp max_id) ≡
-    (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp max_id).
+  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp p :
+    (rle_prot il i ir p isp) ≡
+    (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
   Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
-    rle_prot il i ir p true i)%proto.
+    rle_prot il i ir p true)%proto.
-  Lemma process_spec il i ir p i_max c (isp:bool) :
-    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp i_max) }}}
-      process c #il #i #ir #isp #i_max
+  Lemma process_spec il i ir p c (isp:bool) :
+    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp) }}}
+      process c #il #i #ir #isp
     {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp i_max).    
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
     wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
     destruct b.
     - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
@@ -97,40 +94,30 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       case_bool_decide as Hlt.
       { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
         wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
-        iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.        
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
         iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
       { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
         wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
         wp_send with "[//]".
-        iEval (replace i' with (max i' i_max) by lia).
         wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
         iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       case_bool_decide; [lia|].
       case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_pures. 
+      wp_pures.
       destruct isp.
       { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       wp_send with "[//]".
-      iEval (replace i_max with (max i' i_max) by lia).
       wp_send with "[//]".
       wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
     - wp_pures.
-      wp_recv as "_".
-      wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
-      wp_pures. iModIntro.
-      iSplitR.
-      { iPureIntro. f_equiv. f_equiv. apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. done. }
-      iNext.
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide.
-      { wp_pures. simplify_eq.
-        case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia]. wp_pures.
-        iModIntro. by iApply "HΦ". }
-      wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|]. wp_pures.
+      wp_recv (id') as "_". wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+      { case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_pures. subst. by iApply "HΦ". }
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
       wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
@@ -165,7 +152,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
              <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
              END)%proto ]>
     (<[1 := rle_preprot 3 1 2 prot_tail ]>
-    (<[2 := rle_prot 1 2 3 prot_tail false 2 ]>
+    (<[2 := rle_prot 1 2 3 prot_tail false ]>
     (<[3 := rle_preprot 2 3 1 prot_tail ]> ∅))).
   Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.

From 4e7fc218ec1ad468e9929fc5ead65d2ca4bfe4dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 17:46:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 52/81] WIP: Used lists in iProto_consistent instead of maps

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v | 184 +++++++++++++++----------
 multi_actris/channel/proto.v   | 237 +++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 199 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 89937a2..0a1248a 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ γ γE1 (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
     ⌜ c = (#l,#n,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)) ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ n) ∗
     ([∗list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
        ∃ γE2 γt1 γt2,
          inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
   (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
 Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
-    (cs : val) (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (l:loc) (n:nat),
-    ⌜cs = (#l,#n)%V⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ i, is_Some (ps !! i) → i < n⌝ ∗
-    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)) ∗
+    (cs : val) (i':nat) (ps : list (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (n:nat) (l:loc),
+    ⌜cs = (#l,#n)%V⌝ ∗ ⌜(i' + length ps = n)%nat⌝ ∗
+    inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ n) ∗
     [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-      (∀ p, ⌜ps !! i = Some p⌝ -∗
+      (∀ p, ⌜i' <= i⌝ -∗ ⌜ps !! (i - i') = Some p⌝ -∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p)) ∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p)) ∗
             iProto_own γ i p) ∗
@@ -203,63 +203,53 @@ Section channel.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
-  Lemma new_chan_spec (n:nat) (ps:gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
-    0 < n →
-    dom ps = set_seq 0 n →
+  Lemma new_chan_spec (ps:list (iProto Σ)) :
+    0 < length ps →
     {{{ iProto_consistent ps }}}
-      new_chan #n
-    {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs ps }}}.
+      new_chan #(length ps)
+    {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs 0 ps }}}.
-    iIntros (Hle Hdom Φ) "Hps HΦ". wp_lam.
+    iIntros (Hle Φ) "Hps HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
     iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
     iMod (iProto_init with "Hps") as (γ) "[Hps Hps']".
     wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
     iAssert (|==> ∃ (γEs : list gname),
-                ⌜length γEs = n⌝ ∗
-                [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+                ⌜length γEs = length ps⌝ ∗
+                [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate (length ps) (),
                   own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   iProto_own γ i (ps !!! i))%I with "[Hps']" as "H".
     { clear Hle.
-      iInduction n as [|n] "IHn" forall (ps Hdom).
+      iInduction ps as [|p ps] "IHn" using rev_ind.
       { iExists []. iModIntro. simpl. done. }
-      assert (is_Some (ps !! n)) as [p HSome].
-      { apply elem_of_dom. rewrite Hdom. apply elem_of_set_seq. lia. }
-      iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ n with "Hps'") as "[Hp Hps']"; [done|].
+      iDestruct "Hps'" as "[Hps' Hp]".
       iMod (own_alloc (●E (Next p) ⋅ ◯E (Next p))) as (γE) "[Hauth Hfrag]".
       { apply excl_auth_valid. }
-      iMod ("IHn" with "[] Hps'") as (γEs Hlen) "H".
-      { iPureIntro.
-        rewrite dom_delete_L Hdom.
-        replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-        rewrite set_seq_add_L /= right_id_L difference_union_distr_l_L
-          difference_diag_L right_id_L.
-        assert (n ∉ (set_seq 0 n:gset _)); [|set_solver].
-        intros Hin%elem_of_set_seq. lia. }
+      iMod ("IHn" with "Hps'") as (γEs Hlen) "H".
       iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
-      replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-      rewrite replicate_add big_sepL_app app_length Hlen.
-      iSplit; [done|]=> /=.
+      rewrite !app_length Hlen.
+      iSplit; [iPureIntro=>/=;lia|]=> /=.
+      rewrite replicate_add.
       iSplitL "H".
       { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
         iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
-        assert (i < n) as Hle.
+        assert (i < length ps) as Hle.
         { by apply lookup_replicate_1 in HSome' as [??]. }
-        assert (delete n ps !!! i = ps !!! i) as Heq'.
-        { apply lookup_total_delete_ne. lia. }
-        rewrite Heq'. iFrame.
-        rewrite lookup_total_app_l; [|lia]. iFrame. }
+        rewrite !lookup_total_app_l; [|lia..]. iFrame. }
       rewrite replicate_length Nat.add_0_r.
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_middle; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_alt HSome. by iFrame. }
+      simpl. rewrite right_id_L.
+      rewrite !lookup_total_app_r; [|lia..]. rewrite !Hlen.
+      rewrite Nat.sub_diag. simpl. iFrame.
+      iDestruct "Hp" as "[$ _]". }
     iMod "H" as (γEs Hlen) "H".
+    set n := length ps.
     iAssert (|={⊤}=>
-        [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-          [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+        [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate (length ps) (),
+          [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate (length ps) (),
             ∃ γt,
             inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j
-                                       (l +â‚— (pos n i j))))%I with "[Hl]" as "IH".
+                                       (l +â‚— (pos (length ps) i j))))%I with "[Hl]" as "IH".
     { replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat n)) with (n*n) by lia.
       iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
       iApply big_sepL_fupd.
@@ -273,19 +263,19 @@ Section channel.
     iMod "IH" as "#IH".
     iMod (inv_alloc with "Hps") as "#IHp".
     iExists _,_,_,_.
-    iModIntro. iSplit; [done|].
+    iModIntro.
+    iSplit.
+    { iPureIntro. done. }
-    { iPureIntro. intros i HSome.
-      apply elem_of_dom in HSome.
-      rewrite Hdom in HSome.
-      apply elem_of_set_seq in HSome. lia. }
-    rewrite Hdom. iFrame "IHp".
+    { done. }
+    iFrame "IHp".
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
-    { iIntros (p HSome'').
-      rewrite lookup_total_alt. rewrite HSome''.
-      iFrame. }
+    { iIntros (p Hle' HSome'').
+      iFrame. rewrite right_id_L in HSome''.
+      rewrite (list_lookup_total_alt ps).
+      rewrite HSome''. simpl. iFrame. }
     iApply big_sepL_intro.
     iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome'').
     assert (i < n) as Hle'.
@@ -305,40 +295,64 @@ Section channel.
     iExists _, _. iFrame "#".
-  Lemma get_chan_spec cs (i:nat) ps p :
-    ps !! i = Some p →
-    {{{ chan_pool cs ps }}}
+  Lemma get_chan_spec cs i ps p :
+    {{{ chan_pool cs i (p::ps) }}}
       get_chan cs #i
-    {{{ c, RET c; c ↣ p ∗ chan_pool cs (delete i ps) }}}.
+    {{{ c, RET c; c ↣ p ∗ chan_pool cs (i+1) ps }}}.
-    iIntros (HSome Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
-    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs l n -> Hle) "[#IHp Hl]".
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
+    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs n l -> <-) "[#IHp Hl]".
     wp_lam. wp_pures.
-    assert (i < n); [by apply Hle|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_delete _ _ i () with "Hl") as "[[Hi #IHs] H]";
-      [by apply lookup_replicate|].
-    iDestruct ("Hi" with "[//]") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)".
+    simpl.
+    rewrite replicate_add. simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl1 [[Hi #IHs] Hl3]]". simpl.
+    iDestruct ("Hi" with "[] []") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)".
+    { rewrite right_id_L. rewrite replicate_length. iPureIntro. lia. }
+    { rewrite right_id_L. rewrite replicate_length.
+      rewrite Nat.sub_diag. simpl. done. }
     iApply "HΦ".
-    iSplitR "H".
+    iSplitR "Hl1 Hl3".
     { rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
-      iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". iSplit; [|iNext; done].
+      iSplit; [done|].
+      rewrite replicate_length. rewrite right_id_L.
+      iFrame "#∗".
+      iSplit; [|iNext; done].
+      rewrite replicate_add.
       iApply (big_sepL_impl with "IHs").
       iIntros "!>" (???). iDestruct 1 as (γt1 γt2) "[??]".
       iExists _,_,_. iFrame. }
     iExists _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
-    { iPureIntro. intros i' HSome'. apply Hle.
-      assert (i ≠ i').
-      { intros ->. rewrite lookup_delete in HSome'. by inversion HSome'. }
-      by rewrite lookup_delete_ne in HSome'. }
+    { iPureIntro. lia. }
     iFrame "#∗".
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    rewrite replicate_add.
+    simpl.
+    iSplitL "Hl1".
+    { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl1").
+      iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
+      assert (i' < i).
+      { rewrite lookup_replicate in HSome''. lia. }
+      iIntros "[H $]" (p' Hle'). lia. }
+    simpl.
+    iFrame "#∗".
+    iSplitR.
+    { iIntros (p' Hle'). rewrite right_id_L in Hle'.
+      rewrite replicate_length in Hle'. lia. }
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl3").
     iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
-    case_decide.
-    { simplify_eq. iFrame "#".
-      iIntros "_" (p' Hin). simplify_eq. by rewrite lookup_delete in Hin. }
-    rewrite lookup_delete_ne; [|done]. by eauto.
+    assert (i' < length ps).
+    { rewrite lookup_replicate in HSome''. lia. }
+    iIntros "[H $]" (p' Hle' HSome).
+    iApply "H".
+    { iPureIntro. lia. }
+    iPureIntro.
+    rewrite replicate_length.
+    rewrite replicate_length in HSome.
+    replace (i + S i' - i) with (S i') by lia.
+    simpl.
+    replace (i + S i' - (i+1)) with (i') in HSome by lia.
+    done.
   Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
@@ -363,10 +377,10 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
     iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]"
+                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[HI Hown]"
       as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
     { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[Hin [$ $]]".
-      iFrame. iNext. iDestruct "Hin" as %Hin. by set_solver. }
+      iFrame. }
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
     iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
@@ -456,9 +470,9 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
     iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ (set_seq 0 n)))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
+                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
     { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[Hin [$$]]".
-      iFrame. iNext. iDestruct "Hin" as %Hin. by set_solver. }
+      iFrame. }
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
     iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
@@ -505,4 +519,28 @@ Section channel.
     iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Lemma iProto_le_select_l {TT1 TT2:tele} j
+        (v1 : TT1 → val) (v2 : TT2 → val) P1 P2 (p1 : TT1 → iProto Σ) (p2 : TT2 → iProto Σ) :
+    ⊢ (iProto_choice (Send, j) v1 v2 P1 P2 p1 p2) ⊑
+      (<(Send,j) @.. (tt:TT1)> MSG (InjLV (v1 tt)) {{ P1 tt }} ; p1 tt).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_choice.
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; last first.
+    { iApply iProto_le_texist_elim_r. iIntros (x). iExists x.
+      iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iIntros (tt). by iExists (inl tt).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_select_r {TT1 TT2:tele} j
+        (v1 : TT1 → val) (v2 : TT2 → val) P1 P2 (p1 : TT1 → iProto Σ) (p2 : TT2 → iProto Σ) :
+    ⊢ (iProto_choice (Send, j) v1 v2 P1 P2 p1 p2) ⊑
+      (<(Send,j) @.. (tt:TT2)> MSG (InjRV (v2 tt)) {{ P2 tt }} ; p2 tt).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_choice.
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; last first.
+    { iApply iProto_le_texist_elim_r. iIntros (x). iExists x.
+      iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iIntros (tt). by iExists (inr tt).
+  Qed.
 End channel.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index dbb1b16..e5a2b78 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -173,22 +173,6 @@ Notation "< a @.. x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m)
   (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
    format "< a  @..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
-Notation "<!> m" := (<Send> m) (at level 200, m at level 200) : proto_scope.
-Notation "<! x1 .. xn > m" := (<!> ∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..)
-  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
-   format "<!  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
-Notation "<!.. x1 .. xn > m" := (<!> ∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..)
-  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
-   format "<!..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
-Notation "<?> m" := (<Recv> m) (at level 200, m at level 200) : proto_scope.
-Notation "<? x1 .. xn > m" := (<?> ∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..)
-  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
-   format "<?  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
-Notation "<?.. x1 .. xn > m" := (<?> ∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..)
-  (at level 200, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
-   format "<?..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
 Class MsgTele {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : iMsg Σ V)
     (tv : TT -t> V) (tP : TT -t> iProp Σ) (tp : TT -t> iProto Σ V) :=
   msg_tele : m ≡ (∃.. x, MSG tele_app tv x {{ tele_app tP x }}; tele_app tp x)%msg.
@@ -512,8 +496,8 @@ End proto.
 Global Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate END.
-Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
-           (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
+           (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ m1 m2,
     (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗
     (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
@@ -521,21 +505,21 @@ Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
             ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
                   â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
-Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ a m, (ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
-Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
-  (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
+  (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
   (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗ (∀ i j, can_step rec ps i j).
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
-       (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
+       (rec : listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
   NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre rec).
 Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step /valid_target. solve_proper. Qed.
 Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
-  (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
-  gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ :=
+  (rec : listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ :=
   λne ps, iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps) ps.
 Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
@@ -544,7 +528,7 @@ Proof.
-Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
   fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
 Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto.
@@ -555,7 +539,7 @@ Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
 Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) :
+Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
   iProto_consistent ps ≡ (iProto_consistent_pre iProto_consistent) ps.
   apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
@@ -615,12 +599,13 @@ Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
   own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))).
 Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
-    (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps) : gmap _ _)).
+    (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$>
+    (list_to_map (zip (seq 0 (length ps)) ps))) : gmap _ _)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
-    (γ : gname) (ps_dom : gset nat) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ ps, ⌜dom ps = ps_dom⌝ ∗ iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
+    (γ : gname) (ps_len : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ ps, ⌜length ps = ps_len⌝ ∗ iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
 (** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
@@ -802,34 +787,34 @@ Section proto.
     ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
     p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
     (∀ i' j', valid_target (<[i := p2]>ps) i' j') ∗ p1 ⊑ p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle".
-    pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg].
-    { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H".
-      iFrame "Hle".
-      iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm".
-      destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
-      { by rewrite lookup_insert. }
-      rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
-      destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm".
-        by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". }
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      by iApply "Hprot". }
-    destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg).
-    setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
-    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle".
-    iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm".
-    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
-    { rewrite lookup_insert. done. }
-    rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm".
-      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm".
-      simplify_eq. by iApply "Hprot". }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    by iApply "Hprot".
-  Qed.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle". *)
+  (*   pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg]. *)
+  (*   { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H". *)
+  (*     iFrame "Hle". *)
+  (*     iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm". *)
+  (*     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
+  (*     { Search list_lookup_total insert. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. ; [done|]. lia. done. } *)
+  (*     rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
+  (*     { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm". *)
+  (*       by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". } *)
+  (*     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*     by iApply "Hprot". } *)
+  (*   destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg). *)
+  (*   setoid_rewrite Hmsg. *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle". *)
+  (*   iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm". *)
+  (*   destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
+  (*   { rewrite lookup_insert. done. } *)
+  (*   rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*   destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
+  (*   { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm". *)
+  (*     simplify_eq. by iApply "Hprot". } *)
+  (*   rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*   by iApply "Hprot". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
@@ -847,7 +832,7 @@ Section proto.
     iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|admit].
       pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
       { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
       destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
@@ -865,23 +850,23 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq H]".
       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1'") as (p') "[Hle H]".
       destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq].
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. }
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. admit. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j' with "[] [] H") as "Hprot".
-      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
-      { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
       iExists p''. iFrame.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
-      { by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
       iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
-      rewrite insert_insert.
-      rewrite (insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
-      rewrite insert_insert. done. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_insert_insert.
+      rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
+      rewrite list_insert_insert. done. }
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq'].
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert.
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert.
       pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
       { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
       destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
@@ -897,31 +882,31 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
       { done. }
-      { rewrite !lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+      { rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
       iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']".
       iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
       iExists p2'.
       iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []") as "HI".
-      { iPureIntro. rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite lookup_total_insert. done. }
-      rewrite insert_commute; [|done].
-      rewrite !insert_insert. done. }
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. done. admit. }
+      rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done].
+      rewrite !list_insert_insert. done. admit. }
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
     iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' j' with "[//] [//] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
     iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm2' Hprot]".
     iExists p'. iFrame.
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
-    rewrite (insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
+    rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
+    rewrite (list_insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
     iApply ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []").
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-  Qed.
+  Admitted.
   Lemma iProto_le_send i m1 m2 :
     (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
       ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
@@ -1156,16 +1141,16 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
     iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H● H◯".
-    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
-    rewrite gmap_view_both_validI.
-    iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]".
-    rewrite lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap.
-    destruct (ps !! i); last first.
-    { by rewrite !option_equivI. }
-    simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext.
-  Qed.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓". *)
+  (*   rewrite gmap_view_both_validI. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]". *)
+  (*   rewrite list_lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap. *)
+  (*   destruct (ps !! i); last first. *)
+  (*   { rewrite !option_equivI. } *)
+  (*   simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
     iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
@@ -1174,25 +1159,24 @@ Section proto.
     iIntros "H● H◯".
     iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro].
     { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. }
-    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. done.
-  Qed.
+    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. Admitted.
   Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
-    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
-  Proof.
-    iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth".
-    { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. }
-    iExists γ.
-    iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind.
-    { iModIntro. iFrame. by iApply big_sepM_empty. }
-    iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]".
-    rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags".
-    iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]".
-    { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done].
-      by rewrite lookup_fmap Hin. }
-    iModIntro. rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame.
-    iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth". *)
+  (*   { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. } *)
+  (*   iExists γ. *)
+  (*   iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind. *)
+  (*   { iModIntro. iFrame. by iApply big_sepM_empty. } *)
+  (*   iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]". *)
+  (*   rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags". *)
+  (*   iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]". *)
+  (*   { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done]. *)
+  (*     by rewrite lookup_fmap Hin. } *)
+  (*   iModIntro. rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame. *)
+  (*   iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
   Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
     iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
@@ -1203,7 +1187,7 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_init ps :
     ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (dom ps) ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (length ps) ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
     iIntros "Hconsistent".
     iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
@@ -1227,28 +1211,28 @@ Section proto.
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
     iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
     iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
-    { by rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne. }
+    { by rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne. }
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝ ∗ (pi ⊑ (<(Send, j)> m1))))%I with "[Hile]"
       as "[Hi' Hile]".
     { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#Heq".
-      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". rewrite lookup_total_alt.
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". rewrite list_lookup_total_alt.
       destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
       iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ (pj ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))))%I with "[Hjle]"
       as "[Hj' Hjle]".
     { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#Heq".
-      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj". rewrite !lookup_total_alt.
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt.
       destruct (ps !! j); [done|].
       iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
       (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
-    { rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      by rewrite lookup_total_insert. }
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
     iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame "Hm2".
@@ -1256,17 +1240,18 @@ Section proto.
     iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
     { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
-      { rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done..|by rewrite lookup_insert_ne]. }
-      iFrame. rewrite insert_insert.
-      rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite insert_insert.
-      by rewrite insert_commute; [|done]. }
+      { admit.
+      (* rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done..|by rewrite lookup_insert_ne].  *)}
+      iFrame. rewrite list_insert_insert.
+      rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite list_insert_insert.
+      by rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. }
     iSplitL "Hi"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
+  Admitted.
   Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
     iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
     iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m) -∗
-    ▷ (⌜j ∈ ps_dom⌝) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m).
+    ▷ (⌜j < ps_dom⌝) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m).
     iIntros "Hctx Hown".
     rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
@@ -1280,9 +1265,9 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps Hi") as "#$". by iFrame. }
     iSplitL "HSome".
     { iNext. iDestruct "HSome" as %Heq.
-      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. by apply elem_of_dom. }
+      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. admit. }
     iSplitL "Hauth Hps"; iExists _; by iFrame.
-  Qed.
+  Admitted.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)

From c914ef04e2c79d3f52d40ace2a9c6faea0ad63e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 20:27:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 53/81] WIP: Computable consistency

 multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v | 1408 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1408 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29d8603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+(** This file defines the core of the Actris logic: It defines dependent
+separation protocols and the various operations on it like dual, append, and
+Dependent separation protocols [iProto] are defined by instantiating the
+parameterized version in [proto_model] with the type of propositions [iProp] of Iris.
+We define ways of constructing instances of the instantiated type via two
+- [iProto_end], which is identical to [proto_end].
+- [iProto_message], which takes an [action] and an [iMsg]. The type [iMsg] is a
+  sequence of binders [iMsg_exist], terminated by the payload constructed with
+  [iMsg_base] based on arguments [v], [P] and [prot], which are the value, the
+  carried proposition and the [iProto] tail, respectively.
+For convenience sake, we provide the following notations:
+- [END], which is simply [iProto_end].
+- [∃ x, m], which is [iMsg_exist] with argument [m].
+- [MSG v {{ P }}; prot], which is [iMsg_Base] with arguments [v], [P] and [prot].
+- [<a> m], which is [iProto_message] with arguments [a] and [m].
+We also include custom notation to more easily construct complete constructions:
+- [<a x1 .. xn> m], which is [<a> ∃ x1, .. ∃ xn, m].
+- [<a x1 .. xn> MSG v; {{ P }}; prot], which constructs a full protocol.
+Futhermore, we define the following operations:
+- [iProto_dual], which turns all [Send] of a protocol into [Recv] and vice-versa.
+- [iProto_app], which appends two protocols.
+In addition we define the subprotocol relation [iProto_le] [⊑], which generalises
+the following inductive definition for asynchronous subtyping on session types:
+                 p1 <: p2           p1 <: p2          p1 <: !B.p3    ?A.p3 <: p2
+----------   ----------------   ----------------     ----------------------------
+end <: end    !A.p1 <: !A.p2     ?A.p1 <: ?A.p2             ?A.p1 <: !B.p2
+!R <: !R  ?Q <: ?Q      ?Q <: ?Q
+-------------------  --------------
+?Q.!R <: !R.?Q       ?P.?Q <: ?P.?Q
+   ?P.?Q.!R <: !R.?P.?Q
+Lastly, relevant type classes instances are defined for each of the above
+notions, such as contractiveness and non-expansiveness, after which the
+specifications of the message-passing primitives are defined in terms of the
+protocol connectives. *)
+From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
+From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
+From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
+From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
+From Require Import proto_model.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Export action.
+(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
+Class protoG Σ V :=
+  protoG_authG ::
+    inG Σ (gmap_viewR natO
+      (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))))).
+Definition protoΣ V := #[
+  GFunctor ((gmap_viewRF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))))
+Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V.
+Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+(** * Types *)
+Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
+Declare Scope proto_scope.
+Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
+Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
+Local Open Scope proto.
+(** * Messages *)
+Section iMsg.
+  Set Primitive Projections.
+  Record iMsg Σ V := IMsg { iMsg_car : V → laterO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ }.
+End iMsg.
+Arguments IMsg {_ _} _.
+Arguments iMsg_car {_ _} _.
+Declare Scope msg_scope.
+Delimit Scope msg_scope with msg.
+Bind Scope msg_scope with iMsg.
+Global Instance iMsg_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iMsg Σ V) := populate (IMsg inhabitant).
+Section imsg_ofe.
+  Context {Σ : gFunctors} {V : Type}.
+  Instance iMsg_equiv : Equiv (iMsg Σ V) := λ m1 m2,
+    ∀ w p, iMsg_car m1 w p ≡ iMsg_car m2 w p.
+  Instance iMsg_dist : Dist (iMsg Σ V) := λ n m1 m2,
+    ∀ w p, iMsg_car m1 w p ≡{n}≡ iMsg_car m2 w p.
+  Lemma iMsg_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (iMsg Σ V).
+  Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin (iMsg_car : _ → V -d> _ -n> _)). Qed.
+  Canonical Structure iMsgO := Ofe (iMsg Σ V) iMsg_ofe_mixin.
+  Global Instance iMsg_cofe : Cofe iMsgO.
+  Proof. by apply (iso_cofe (IMsg : (V -d> _ -n> _) → _) iMsg_car). Qed.
+End imsg_ofe.
+Program Definition iMsg_base_def {Σ V}
+    (v : V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  IMsg (λ v', λne p', ⌜ v = v' ⌝ ∗ Next p ≡ p' ∗ P)%I.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_base_aux : seal (@iMsg_base_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_base := iMsg_base_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iMsg_base_eq : @iMsg_base = @iMsg_base_def := iMsg_base_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%V _%I _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_base) 3 := {}.
+Program Definition iMsg_exist_def {Σ V A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  IMsg (λ v', λne p', ∃ x, iMsg_car (m x) v' p')%I.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_exist_aux : seal (@iMsg_exist_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iMsg_exist := iMsg_exist_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iMsg_exist_eq : @iMsg_exist = @iMsg_exist_def := iMsg_exist_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%msg.
+Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_exist) 3 := {}.
+Definition iMsg_texist {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  tele_fold (@iMsg_exist Σ V) (λ x, x) (tele_bind m).
+Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%msg /.
+Notation "'MSG' v {{ P } } ; p" := (iMsg_base v P p)
+  (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
+   format "MSG  v  {{  P  } } ;  p") : msg_scope.
+Notation "'MSG' v ; p" := (iMsg_base v True p)
+  (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
+   format "MSG  v ;  p") : msg_scope.
+Notation "∃ x .. y , m" :=
+  (iMsg_exist (λ x, .. (iMsg_exist (λ y, m)) ..)%msg) : msg_scope.
+Notation "'∃..' x .. y , m" :=
+  (iMsg_texist (λ x, .. (iMsg_texist (λ y, m)) .. )%msg)
+  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity,
+   format "∃..  x  ..  y ,  m") : msg_scope.
+Lemma iMsg_texist_exist {Σ V} {TT : tele} w lp (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
+  iMsg_car (∃.. x, m x)%msg w lp ⊣⊢ (∃.. x, iMsg_car (m x) w lp).
+  rewrite /iMsg_texist iMsg_exist_eq.
+  induction TT as [|T TT IH]; simpl; [done|]. f_equiv=> x. apply IH.
+(** * Operators *)
+Definition iProto_end_def {Σ V} : iProto Σ V := proto_end.
+Definition iProto_end_aux : seal (@iProto_end_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_end := iProto_end_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_end_eq : @iProto_end = @iProto_end_def := iProto_end_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_end {_ _}.
+Definition iProto_message_def {Σ V} (a : action) (m : iMsg Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  proto_message a (iMsg_car m).
+Definition iProto_message_aux : seal (@iProto_message_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_message := iProto_message_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_message_eq :
+  @iProto_message = @iProto_message_def := iProto_message_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%msg.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_message) 3 := {}.
+Notation "'END'" := iProto_end : proto_scope.
+Notation "< a > m" := (iProto_message a m)
+  (at level 200, a at level 10, m at level 200,
+   format "< a >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "< a @ x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..))
+  (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "< a  @  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Notation "< a @.. x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..))
+  (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
+   format "< a  @..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
+Class MsgTele {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : iMsg Σ V)
+    (tv : TT -t> V) (tP : TT -t> iProp Σ) (tp : TT -t> iProto Σ V) :=
+  msg_tele : m ≡ (∃.. x, MSG tele_app tv x {{ tele_app tP x }}; tele_app tp x)%msg.
+Global Hint Mode MsgTele ! ! - ! - - - : typeclass_instances.
+(** * Operations *)
+Program Definition iMsg_map {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) (m : iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
+  IMsg (λ v, λne p1', ∃ p1, iMsg_car m v (Next p1) ∗ p1' ≡ Next (rec p1))%I.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Program Definition iProto_map_app_aux {Σ V}
+    (f : action → action) (p2 : iProto Σ V)
+    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V := λne p,
+  proto_elim p2 (λ a m,
+    proto_message (f a) (iMsg_car (iMsg_map rec (IMsg m)))) p.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros Σ V f p2 rec n p1 p1' Hp. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
+  apply proto_message_ne=> v p' /=. by repeat f_equiv.
+Global Instance iProto_map_app_aux_contractive {Σ V} f (p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+  Contractive (iProto_map_app_aux f p2).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1; simpl. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
+  apply proto_message_ne=> v p' /=. by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
+Definition iProto_map_app {Σ V} (f : action → action)
+    (p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V :=
+  fixpoint (iProto_map_app_aux f p2).
+Definition iProto_app_def {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  iProto_map_app id p2 p1.
+Definition iProto_app_aux : seal (@iProto_app_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_app := iProto_app_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_app_eq : @iProto_app = @iProto_app_def := iProto_app_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_app) 2 := {}.
+Infix "<++>" := iProto_app (at level 60) : proto_scope.
+Notation "m <++> p" := (iMsg_map (flip iProto_app p) m) : msg_scope.
+Definition iProto_dual_def {Σ V} (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  iProto_map_app action_dual proto_end p.
+Definition iProto_dual_aux : seal (@iProto_dual_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
+Definition iProto_dual := iProto_dual_aux.(unseal).
+Definition iProto_dual_eq :
+  @iProto_dual = @iProto_dual_def := iProto_dual_aux.(seal_eq).
+Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual) 2 := {}.
+Notation iMsg_dual := (iMsg_map iProto_dual).
+Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
+  if d then iProto_dual p else p.
+Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
+(** * Proofs *)
+Section proto.
+  Context `{!protoG Σ V}.
+  Implicit Types v : V.
+  Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
+  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
+  (** ** Equality *)
+  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ t n m, p ≡ <(t,n)> m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq.
+    destruct (proto_case p) as [|([a n]&m&?)]; [by left|right].
+    by exists a, n, (IMsg m).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
+    (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧
+      (∀ v lp, iMsg_car m1 v lp ≡ iMsg_car m2 v lp).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. apply proto_message_equivI. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
+    (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq. apply proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
+    END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False.
+  Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
+  (** ** Non-expansiveness of operators *)
+  Global Instance iMsg_car_proper :
+    Proper (iMsg_equiv ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
+  Proof.
+    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
+    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_car_ne n :
+    Proper (iMsg_dist n ==> (=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
+  Proof.
+    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
+    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_contractive v n :
+    Proper (dist n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_contractive. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_ne v : NonExpansive2 (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_proper v :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_exist_ne A n :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance iMsg_exist_proper A :
+    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
+  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_tele_base (v:V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) :
+    MsgTele (TT:=TeleO) (MSG v {{ P }}; p) v P p.
+  Proof. done. Qed.
+  Global Instance msg_tele_exist {A} {TT : A → tele} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) tv tP tp :
+  (∀ x, MsgTele (TT:=TT x) (m x) (tv x) (tP x) (tp x)) →
+  MsgTele (TT:=TeleS TT) (∃ x, m x) tv tP tp.
+  Proof. intros Hm. rewrite /MsgTele /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_message_ne a :
+    NonExpansive (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_message_proper a :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_message_equiv {TT1 TT2 : tele} a1 a2
+        (m1 m2 : iMsg Σ V)
+        (v1 : TT1 -t> V) (v2 : TT2 -t> V)
+        (P1 : TT1 -t> iProp Σ) (P2 : TT2 -t> iProp Σ)
+        (prot1 : TT1 -t> iProto Σ V) (prot2 : TT2 -t> iProto Σ V) :
+    MsgTele m1 v1 P1 prot1 →
+    MsgTele m2 v2 P2 prot2 →
+    ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ -∗
+    (■ ∀.. (xs1 : TT1), tele_app P1 xs1 -∗
+       ∃.. (xs2 : TT2), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
+                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
+                        tele_app P2 xs2) -∗
+    (■ ∀.. (xs2 : TT2), tele_app P2 xs2 -∗
+       ∃.. (xs1 : TT1), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
+                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
+                        tele_app P1 xs1) -∗
+      (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm1 Hm2 Heq) "#Heq1 #Heq2".
+    unfold MsgTele in Hm1. rewrite Hm1. clear Hm1.
+    unfold MsgTele in Hm2. rewrite Hm2. clear Hm2.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq proto_message_equivI.
+    iSplit; [ done | ].
+    iIntros (v p').
+    do 2 rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=.
+    iApply prop_ext.
+    iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
+      iDestruct ("Heq1" with "HP1") as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
+      iExists xs2. rewrite -Hveq1 Hveq2.
+      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP2"; [ | done ].
+      iRewrite -"Hrec1". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec2".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
+      iDestruct ("Heq2" with "HP2") as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
+      iExists xs1. rewrite -Hveq2 Hveq1.
+      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP1"; [ | done ].
+      iRewrite -"Hrec2". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec1".
+  Qed.
+  (** Helpers *)
+  Lemma iMsg_map_base f v P p :
+    NonExpansive f →
+    iMsg_map f (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; f p)%msg.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. intros ? v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[(->&Hp&$) Hp']". iSplit; [done|].
+      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp".
+    - iIntros "(->&Hp'&$)". iExists p. iRewrite -"Hp'". auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_map_exist {A} f (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    iMsg_map f (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_map f (m x))%msg.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. intros v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[H Hp']". iDestruct "H" as (x) "H"; auto.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (x p'') "[Hm Hp']". auto.
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Dual *)
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_ne : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_dual_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_ne d : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_proper d :
+    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_end : iProto_dual (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) END ≡ END.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_message a m :
+    iProto_dual (<a> m) ≡ <action_dual a> iMsg_dual m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+    intros a' m1 m2 Hm; f_equiv; solve_proper.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_dual_base v P p :
+    iMsg_dual (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; iProto_dual p)%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_base, _. Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_dual_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    iMsg_dual (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_dual (m x))%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_dual_involutive : Involutive (≡) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&n&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !iProto_dual_end. }
+    rewrite !iProto_dual_message involutive.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (pd) "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
+      iDestruct "H" as (pdd) "[H #Hpd]".
+      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
+      iRewrite "Hpd". by iRewrite ("IH" $! pdd).
+    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists _.
+      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
+  Qed.
+  (** ** Append *)
+  Global Instance iProto_app_end_l : LeftId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_app_message a m p2 : (<a> m) <++> p2 ≡ <a> m <++> p2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
+    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
+    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
+    intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_ne : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    assert (∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> dist n) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
+    { intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
+    assert (Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
+    { intros p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
+    intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' Hp2. rewrite Hp1. clear p1 Hp1.
+    revert p1'. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros p1.
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !left_id. }
+    rewrite !iProto_app_message. f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 4 f_equiv.
+    f_contractive. apply IH; eauto using dist_le with lia.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_app_base v P p1 p2 :
+    ((MSG v {{ P }}; p1) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; p1 <++> p2)%msg.
+  Proof. apply: iMsg_map_base. Qed.
+  Lemma iMsg_app_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p2 :
+    ((∃ x, m x) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (∃ x, m x <++> p2)%msg.
+  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_end_r : RightId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite left_id. }
+    rewrite iProto_app_message.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
+      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
+      by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
+    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists p''.
+      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_app_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@iProto_app Σ V).
+  Proof.
+    intros p1 p2 p3. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite !left_id. }
+    rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p123) "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp']".
+      iExists (p1' <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". iApply "IH".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p12) "[H #Hp123]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12]".
+      iExists p1'. iFrame "H". iRewrite "Hp123".
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_dual_app p1 p2 :
+    iProto_dual (p1 <++> p2) ≡ iProto_dual p1 <++> iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
+    { by rewrite iProto_dual_end !left_id. }
+    rewrite iProto_dual_message !iProto_app_message iProto_dual_message /=.
+    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p12) "/=".
+    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p12d) "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12d]".
+      iExists (iProto_dual p1'). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12d". iApply "IH".
+    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1d) "[H #Hp1']".
+      iExists (p1d <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
+      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
+  Qed.
+End proto.
+Global Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate END.
+Program Definition iProto_elim {Σ V A}
+    (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) (p : iProto Σ V) : A :=
+  proto_elim x (λ a m, f a (IMsg (λ v, λne p, m v p)))%I p.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
+Lemma iProto_elim_message {Σ V} {A:ofe}
+    (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) a m 
+   (* `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} : *)
+    :
+   iProto_elim x f (iProto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
+  rewrite /iProto_elim.
+  rewrite iProto_message_eq /iProto_message_def. simpl.
+  setoid_rewrite proto_elim_message.
+  { f_equiv. destruct m. f_equiv. simpl. 
+    admit. }
+  intros a'.
+  intros f1 f2 Hf'. f_equiv. f_equiv.  
+Definition nat_beq := Eval compute in Nat.eqb.
+Definition find_recv {Σ V} (i:nat) (j:nat) (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
+  option $ iMsg Σ V :=
+  iProto_elim None (λ a m,
+                      match a with
+                      | (Recv, i') => if nat_beq i i' then Some m else None
+                      | (Send, _) => None
+                      end) (ps !!! j).
+Fixpoint sync_pairs_aux {Σ V} (i : nat) (ps_full ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
+  list (nat * nat * iMsg Σ V * iMsg Σ V) :=
+  match ps with
+  | [] => []
+  | p :: ps =>
+      iProto_elim (sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps)
+        (λ a mi, match a with
+                 | (Recv,_) => sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps
+                 | (Send,j) => match find_recv i j ps_full with
+                               | None => sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps
+                               | Some mj => (i,j,mi,mj) ::
+                                           sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps
+                              end
+                 end) p
+  end.
+Notation sync_pairs ps := (sync_pairs_aux 0 ps ps).
+Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
+           (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  [∧ list] '(i,j,m1,m2) ∈ sync_pairs ps,
+    ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+            ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
+                  â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import notation.
+Definition iProto_binary `{!heapGS Σ} : list (iProto Σ val) :=
+  [(<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto;
+   (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto].
+Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!heapGS Σ} :
+  ⊢ can_step (λ _, True) (@iProto_binary _ Σ heapGS).
+Proof. rewrite /iProto_binary /can_step /iProto_elim. simpl.
+       rewrite /find_recv. simpl.
+       Fail rewrite iProto_elim_message.
+       (* OBS: Break here *)
+Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∀ a m, (ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
+Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
+  (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗ (can_step rec ps).
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
+       (rec : listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre rec).
+Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step /valid_target. solve_proper. Qed.
+Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
+  (rec : listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
+  listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ :=
+  λne ps, iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps) ps.
+Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
+  rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre' /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step.
+  solve_contractive.
+Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
+Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 1 := {}.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_consistent_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
+  iProto_consistent ps ≡ (iProto_consistent_pre iProto_consistent) ps.
+  apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
+(** * Protocol entailment *)
+Definition iProto_le_pre {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  (p1 ≡ END ∗ p2 ≡ END) ∨
+  ∃ a1 a2 m1 m2,
+    (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ (p2 ≡ <a2> m2) ∗
+    match a1, a2 with
+    | (Recv,i), (Recv,j) => ⌜i = j⌝ ∗ ∀ v p1',
+       iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')
+    | (Send,i), (Send,j) => ⌜i = j⌝ ∗ ∀ v p2',
+       iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
+    | _, _ => False
+    end.
+Global Instance iProto_le_pre_ne {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) :
+  NonExpansive2 (iProto_le_pre rec).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Program Definition iProto_le_pre' {Σ V}
+    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
+    iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ := λne p1 p2,
+  iProto_le_pre (λ p1' p2', rec p1' p2') p1 p2.
+Solve Obligations with solve_proper.
+Local Instance iProto_le_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_le_pre' Σ V).
+  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1 p2. rewrite /iProto_le_pre' /iProto_le_pre /=.
+  by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
+Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
+Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
+Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
+Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_le Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
+Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
+  populate (ProtName inhabitant).
+Global Instance proto_name_eq_dec : EqDecision proto_name.
+Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
+Global Instance proto_name_countable : Countable proto_name.
+ refine (inj_countable (λ '(ProtName γs), (γs))
+   (λ '(γs), Some (ProtName γs)) _); by intros [].
+Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
+    (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))).
+Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
+    (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
+  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$>
+    (list_to_map (zip (seq 0 (length ps)) ps))) : gmap _ _)).
+Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
+    (γ : gname) (ps_len : nat) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ ps, ⌜length ps = ps_len⌝ ∗ iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
+(** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
+Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
+    (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
+Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
+Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}.
+Global Instance iProto_own_frag_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
+  Contractive (iProto_own_frag γ i).
+Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_own_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
+  Contractive (iProto_own γ i).
+Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_own_ne `{protoG Σ V} γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Global Instance iProto_own_proper `{protoG Σ V} γ s :
+  Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
+Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+(** * Proofs *)
+Section proto.
+  Context `{!protoG Σ V}.
+  Implicit Types v : V.
+  Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
+  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
+  Lemma own_prot_idx γ i j (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag j (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
+    ⌜i ≠ j⌝.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hown Hown'" (->).
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hown'") as "H".
+    rewrite uPred.cmra_valid_elim.
+    by iDestruct "H" as %[]%gmap_view_frag_op_validN.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
+    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
+    False.
+  Proof. iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %?. Qed.
+  (** ** Protocol entailment **)
+  Lemma iProto_le_unfold p1 p2 : iProto_le p1 p2 ≡ iProto_le_pre iProto_le p1 p2.
+  Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_le_pre'). Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
+  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iLeft. auto 10. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //".
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)".
+    by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //".
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)".
+    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send_inv i p1 m2 :
+    p1 ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
+      (p1 ≡ <(Send,i)> m1) ∗
+      ∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗
+               ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { by iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
+    simplify_eq.
+    destruct a1 as [[]]; [|done].
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". iExists m1. iFrame "Hp1".
+    iIntros (v p2). iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2)). by iRewrite "Hm2".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv i m1 m2 v p2' :
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (Heq) "Hm1".
+    iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]".
+    iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_l i m1 p2 :
+    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2,
+      (p2 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m2) ∗
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗
+               ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp1" as "[%Heq Hm1]".
+    simplify_eq.
+    destruct a2 as [[]]; [done|].
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". iExists m2. iFrame "Hp2".
+    iIntros (v p1). iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p1)). by iRewrite "Hm1".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_r i p1 m2 :
+    (p1 ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
+      (p1 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m1) ∗
+      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗
+               ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+    iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
+    simplify_eq.
+    destruct a1 as [[]]; [done|].
+    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
+    iExists m1. iFrame.
+    iIntros (v p2).
+    iIntros "Hm1". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle H]".
+    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
+    iExists p2'. iFrame.
+    iRewrite "Hm2". iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv i m1 m2 v p1' :
+    (<(Recv, i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
+    iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1".
+    by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_l i a m1 p2 :
+    (<(a,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2, p2 ≡ <(a,i)> m2.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre.
+    iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    destruct a1 as [t1 ?], a2 as [t2 ?].
+    destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_r j a p1 m2 :
+    (p1 ⊑ <(a,j)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, p1 ≡ <(a,j)> m1.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre.
+    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
+    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
+    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
+    destruct a1 as [t1 ?], a2 as [t2 ?].
+    destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
+    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
+      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma valid_target_le ps i p1 p2 :
+    (∀ i' j', valid_target ps i' j') -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
+    (∀ i' j', valid_target (<[i := p2]>ps) i' j') ∗ p1 ⊑ p2.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle". *)
+  (*   pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg]. *)
+  (*   { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H". *)
+  (*     iFrame "Hle". *)
+  (*     iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm". *)
+  (*     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
+  (*     { Search list_lookup_total insert. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. ; [done|]. lia. done. } *)
+  (*     rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
+  (*     { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm". *)
+  (*       by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". } *)
+  (*     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*     by iApply "Hprot". } *)
+  (*   destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg). *)
+  (*   setoid_rewrite Hmsg. *)
+  (*   iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle". *)
+  (*   iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm". *)
+  (*   destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
+  (*   { rewrite lookup_insert. done. } *)
+  (*   rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*   destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
+  (*   { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm". *)
+  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm". *)
+  (*     simplify_eq. by iApply "Hprot". } *)
+  (*   rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
+  (*   by iApply "Hprot". *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
+    iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle".
+    iRevert "HSome".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps).
+    iIntros "#HSome".
+    rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
+    iDestruct "Hprot" as "(Htar & Hprot)".
+    iDestruct (valid_target_le with "Htar HSome Hle") as "[Htar Hle]".
+    iFrame.
+    iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
+    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|admit].
+      pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
+      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
+      destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
+      setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
+      destruct a; last first.
+      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]". done. }
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]".
+      inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
+      iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
+      iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p)).
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "Hle") as "Hle".
+      iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
+      iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq H]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1'") as (p') "[Hle H]".
+      destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq].
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. admit. }
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j' with "[] [] H") as "Hprot".
+      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
+      iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
+      iExists p''. iFrame.
+      iNext.
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
+      iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
+      rewrite list_insert_insert.
+      rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
+      rewrite list_insert_insert. done. }
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq'].
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert.
+      pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
+      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
+      destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
+      setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
+      destruct a.
+      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]". done. }
+      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]".
+      inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
+      iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle".
+      iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
+      iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
+      { done. }
+      { rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+      iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
+      iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']".
+      iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
+      iExists p2'.
+      iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []") as "HI".
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+        rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. done. admit. }
+      rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done].
+      rewrite !list_insert_insert. done. admit. }
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' j' with "[//] [//] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
+    iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm2' Hprot]".
+    iExists p'. iFrame.
+    iNext.
+    rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
+    rewrite (list_insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
+    iApply ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []").
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    done.
+  Admitted.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send i m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iRight. iExists (Send, i), (Send, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv i m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
+    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iRight. iExists (Recv, i), (Recv, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
+    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗
+    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a as [[]].
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
+    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&i&m3&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1.
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
+      iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
+      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&i&m&->)].
+    - iApply iProto_le_end.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
+    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&i&m1&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H".
+      iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message).
+      iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2').
+      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=).
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
+      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]".
+      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1').
+      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 ⊢ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)).
+    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 ⊢ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)).
+    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 :
+    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4).
+    destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&i&m2&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H1") as "H1".
+      iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id.
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24).
+      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]".
+      iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto].
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
+      iApply iProto_le_recv.
+      iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]".
+      iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto].
+      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l i m v P p :
+    (P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) ⊢
+    (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
+    iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r i m v P p :
+    (P -∗ (<(Send, i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send, i)> MSG v; p)) ⊢
+    (<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
+    iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l i v P p :
+    P -∗ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r i v P p :
+    P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
+    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 :
+    (∀ x, (<(Recv,i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2)) ⊢
+    (<(Recv,i) @ x> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+    by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} i m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x)) ⊢
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i) @ x> m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
+    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
+    by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
+    ⊢ (<(Send,i) @ x> m x) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m a).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
+    ⊢ (<(Recv,i)> m a) ⊑ (<(Recv,i) @ x> m x).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
+    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} i (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) m2 :
+    (∀ x, (<(Recv,i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2)) ⊢
+    (<(Recv,i) @.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
+    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x).
+    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} i m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
+    (∀ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x)) -∗
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i) @.. x> m2 x).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
+    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x).
+    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} i (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
+    ⊢ (<(Send,i) @.. x> m x) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m x).
+  Proof.
+    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
+    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} i (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
+    ⊢ (<(Recv,i)> m x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i) @.. x> m x).
+  Proof.
+    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
+    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
+    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_target ps m a i j :
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ (<(a, j)> m) -∗
+    ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold. iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]". iApply "Htar".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
+    iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
+    ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
+    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
+          â–· iProto_consistent (<[i := p1]>(<[j := p2]>ps)).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hprot #Hi #Hj Hm1".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
+    iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    iExists p2. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓". *)
+  (*   rewrite gmap_view_both_validI. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]". *)
+  (*   rewrite list_lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap. *)
+  (*   destruct (ps !! i); last first. *)
+  (*   { rewrite !option_equivI. } *)
+  (*   simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
+    iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯".
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro].
+    { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. }
+    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. Admitted.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+  Proof. Admitted.
+  (*   iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth". *)
+  (*   { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. } *)
+  (*   iExists γ. *)
+  (*   iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind. *)
+  (*   { iModIntro. iFrame. by iApply big_sepM_empty. } *)
+  (*   iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]". *)
+  (*   rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags". *)
+  (*   iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]". *)
+  (*   { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done]. *)
+  (*     by rewrite lookup_fmap Hin. } *)
+  (*   iModIntro. rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame. *)
+  (*   iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
+    iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
+  Proof.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'".
+    iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_init ps :
+    ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
+    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (length ps) ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hconsistent".
+    iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
+    iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. by iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
+    iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
+    iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
+    iProto_own γ j (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
+    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗
+            iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
+    iDestruct "Hi" as (pi) "[Hile Hi]".
+    iDestruct "Hj" as (pj) "[Hjle Hj]".
+    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hi") as "#Hpi".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
+    iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
+    iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
+    { by rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne. }
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝ ∗ (pi ⊑ (<(Send, j)> m1))))%I with "[Hile]"
+      as "[Hi' Hile]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#Heq".
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". rewrite list_lookup_total_alt.
+      destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ (pj ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))))%I with "[Hjle]"
+      as "[Hj' Hjle]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#Heq".
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt.
+      destruct (ps !! j); [done|].
+      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
+      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
+    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
+    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame "Hm2".
+    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi. iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj.
+    iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
+    { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
+      iSplit.
+      { admit.
+      (* rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done..|by rewrite lookup_insert_ne].  *)}
+      iFrame. rewrite list_insert_insert.
+      rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite list_insert_insert.
+      by rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. }
+    iSplitL "Hi"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Admitted.
+  Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
+    iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
+    iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m) -∗
+    ▷ (⌜j < ps_dom⌝) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hctx Hown".
+    rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
+    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hps]".
+    iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[Hle Hown]".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hown") as "#Hi".
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ iProto_consistent ps))%I
+      with "[Hps]" as "[HSome Hps]".
+    { iNext. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hi".
+      iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps Hi") as "#$". by iFrame. }
+    iSplitL "HSome".
+    { iNext. iDestruct "HSome" as %Heq.
+      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. admit. }
+    iSplitL "Hauth Hps"; iExists _; by iFrame.
+  Admitted.
+  (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
+  (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name :
+    AsIdentName m1 name →
+    FromForall (iProto_message (Recv,i) (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2))
+               (λ x, (<(Recv, i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))%I name | 10.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} i m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name :
+    AsIdentName m2 name →
+    FromForall ((<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ iProto_message (Send,i) (iMsg_exist m2))
+               (λ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x))%I name | 11.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l i m v P p :
+    TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue →
+    FromWand ((<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) P ((<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) | 10.
+  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r i m v P p :
+    FromWand ((<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v; p)) | 11.
+  Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    FromExist ((<(Send,i) @ x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<(Send,i)> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
+    FromExist (p ⊑ <(Recv,i) @ x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m a))%I | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l i m v P p :
+    FromSep ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) P ((<(Send,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r i m v P p :
+    FromSep ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p)) | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l i q m v R P Q p :
+    Frame q R P Q →
+    Frame q R ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m))
+              ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) | 10.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r.
+    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r i q m v R P Q p :
+    Frame q R P Q →
+    Frame q R ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p))
+              ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
+    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l.
+    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 :
+    FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2)
+              ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2).
+  Proof. intros _. iApply iProto_le_base. Qed.
+End proto.
+Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
+Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
+  first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.

From 20dcdc7175abba7a8e4fe0860810686fb03ce225 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 18:20:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 54/81] Improved defs, closed admits, bumped proofmode to lists

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v          | 160 ++++-----
 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v        |  59 ++--
 multi_actris/channel/proto.v            | 432 ++++++++++++++----------
 multi_actris/examples/basics.v          | 337 +++++-------------
 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v |  94 ++----
 5 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 633 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 0a1248a..11c498b 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -93,23 +93,21 @@ Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
 Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
   (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt)%I ∨
-  (∃ v m, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
+  (∃ v m p, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
             iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m)%proto ∗
-            (∃ p, iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p)))) ∨
+            iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))) ∨
   (∃ p, l ↦ NONEV ∗
           iProto_own γ i p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ γE1 (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
+  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
     ⌜ c = (#l,#n,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ n) ∗
-    ([∗list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-       ∃ γE2 γt1 γt2,
-         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE1 γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
-         inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ γE2 γt2 j i (l +ₗ (pos n j i)))) ∗
+    (∀ i j, ⌜i < n ⌝ -∗ ⌜j < n⌝ -∗
+      ∃ γt, inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j)))) ∗
     ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗
-    own γE1 (●E (Next p')) ∗ own γE1 (◯E (Next p')) ∗
+    own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p')) ∗ own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p')) ∗
     iProto_own γ i p'.
 Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
@@ -125,15 +123,13 @@ Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
   ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (n:nat) (l:loc),
     ⌜cs = (#l,#n)%V⌝ ∗ ⌜(i' + length ps = n)%nat⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ n) ∗
+    (∀ i j, ⌜i < n ⌝ -∗ ⌜j < n⌝ -∗
+      ∃ γt, inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j)))) ∗
     [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
       (∀ p, ⌜i' <= i⌝ -∗ ⌜ps !! (i - i') = Some p⌝ -∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p)) ∗
             own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p)) ∗
-            iProto_own γ i p) ∗
-      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-        ∃ γt1 γt2,
-        inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt1 i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j))) ∗
-        inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! j) γt2 j i (l +ₗ (pos n j i))).
+            iProto_own γ i p).
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
@@ -269,30 +265,17 @@ Section channel.
     { done. }
     iFrame "IHp".
+    iSplit.
+    { iIntros (i j Hi Hj).
+      rewrite (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i); [|by rewrite lookup_replicate].
+      rewrite (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j); [|by rewrite lookup_replicate].
+      iApply "IH". }
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
-    iSplitL.
-    { iIntros (p Hle' HSome'').
-      iFrame. rewrite right_id_L in HSome''.
-      rewrite (list_lookup_total_alt ps).
-      rewrite HSome''. simpl. iFrame. }
-    iApply big_sepL_intro.
-    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome'').
-    assert (i < n) as Hle'.
-    { apply lookup_replicate in HSome' as [_ Hle']. done. }
-    assert (j < n) as Hle''.
-    { apply lookup_replicate in HSome'' as [_ Hle'']. done. }
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "IH") as "IH'";
-      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH'") as "IH''";
-      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j () with "IH") as "H";
-      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i () with "H") as "H'";
-      [by rewrite lookup_replicate|].
-    iDestruct "IH''" as (γ1) "?".
-    iDestruct "H'" as (γ2) "?".
-    iExists _, _. iFrame "#".
+    iIntros (p Hle' HSome'').
+    iFrame. rewrite right_id_L in HSome''.
+    rewrite (list_lookup_total_alt ps).
+    rewrite HSome''. simpl. iFrame.
   Lemma get_chan_spec cs i ps p :
@@ -301,11 +284,10 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ c, RET c; c ↣ p ∗ chan_pool cs (i+1) ps }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
-    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs n l -> <-) "[#IHp Hl]".
-    wp_lam. wp_pures.
-    simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs n l -> <-) "(#IHp & #IHl & Hl)".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures. 
     rewrite replicate_add. simpl.
-    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl1 [[Hi #IHs] Hl3]]". simpl.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl1 [Hi Hl3]]". 
     iDestruct ("Hi" with "[] []") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)".
     { rewrite right_id_L. rewrite replicate_length. iPureIntro. lia. }
     { rewrite right_id_L. rewrite replicate_length.
@@ -316,16 +298,11 @@ Section channel.
     { rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
       iSplit; [done|].
       rewrite replicate_length. rewrite right_id_L.
-      iFrame "#∗".
-      iSplit; [|iNext; done].
-      rewrite replicate_add.
-      iApply (big_sepL_impl with "IHs").
-      iIntros "!>" (???). iDestruct 1 as (γt1 γt2) "[??]".
-      iExists _,_,_. iFrame. }
-    iExists _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
+      iFrame. iFrame "#∗". iNext. done. }
+    iExists γp, γEs, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
     { iPureIntro. lia. }
-    iFrame "#∗".
+    iFrame. iFrame "#∗".
     rewrite replicate_add.
     iSplitL "Hl1".
@@ -333,7 +310,7 @@ Section channel.
       iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
       assert (i' < i).
       { rewrite lookup_replicate in HSome''. lia. }
-      iIntros "[H $]" (p' Hle'). lia. }
+      iIntros "H" (p' Hle'). lia. }
     iFrame "#∗".
@@ -343,7 +320,7 @@ Section channel.
     iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
     assert (i' < length ps).
     { rewrite lookup_replicate in HSome''. lia. }
-    iIntros "[H $]" (p' Hle' HSome).
+    iIntros "H" (p' Hle' HSome).
     iApply "H".
     { iPureIntro. lia. }
@@ -373,44 +350,42 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
       (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     wp_bind (Fst _).
-    iInv "IH" as "HI".
+    iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜i < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
+                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]"
+      as "[Hi [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx Hown") as %Hi.
+      iFrame. done. }
     iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[HI Hown]"
-      as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[Hin [$ $]]".
+                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]"
+      as "[Hj [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx Hown") as "[Hin [$ $]]".
       iFrame. }
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
-    iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]";
-      [by apply lookup_replicate_2|].
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
+    iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
+    iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
+    iDestruct ("Hls" $! i j with "[//] [//]") as (γt) "IHl1". 
     wp_pures. wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m p'') "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
-        rewrite /iProto_own.
-        iDestruct "Hown" as (p'') "[Hle' Hown]".
-        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p''') "[Hle'' Hown']".
-        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done.
+        iDestruct (iProto_own_excl with "Hown Hown'") as %[].
       - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
-        rewrite /iProto_own.
-        iDestruct "Hown" as (p''') "[Hle' Hown]".
-        iDestruct "Hown'" as (p'''') "[Hle'' Hown']".
-        iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hown Hown'") as "H". done. }
+        iDestruct (iProto_own_excl with "Hown Hown'") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[>Hl' Htok]".
     iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]"; [by apply excl_auth_update|].
     iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown Hle".
-    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
+    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _, _. iFrame.
       iSplitL "Hown Hle"; [by iApply (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle")|].
-      iExists _. iFrame. by rewrite iMsg_base_eq. }
+      by rewrite iMsg_base_eq. }
     iLöb as "HL".
@@ -420,10 +395,10 @@ Section channel.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok']".
       iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m) "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
       wp_load. iModIntro.
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
-      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _. iFrame. }
+      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _,_. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Htok H◯").
     - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
@@ -466,19 +441,23 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
       (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
     do 6 wp_pure _. wp_bind (Fst _). wp_pure _.
-    iInv "IH" as "HI".
+    iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
+    iAssert (▷ (⌜i < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
+                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]"
+      as "[Hi [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx Hown") as %Hi.
+      iFrame. done. }
     iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[HI Hown]" as "[HI [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "HI Hown") as "[Hin [$$]]".
+                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]" as "[Hj [Hown Hctx]]".
+    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx Hown") as "[Hin [$$]]".
       iFrame. }
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
-    iDestruct "HI" as %Hle.
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup_acc with "Hls") as "[Hj _]";
-      [by apply lookup_replicate_2|].
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (γE' γt γt') "#[IHl1 IHl2]".
+    iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
+    iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
+    iDestruct ("Hls" $! j i with "[//] [//]") as (γt) "IHl2".
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
     iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
@@ -497,8 +476,7 @@ Section channel.
       { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hle] HΦ").
       iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as (w m) "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
-    iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "[Hm Hp']".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (w m p'') "(>Hl' & Hown' & Hm & Hp')".
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle") as "Hown".
@@ -519,28 +497,4 @@ Section channel.
     iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Lemma iProto_le_select_l {TT1 TT2:tele} j
-        (v1 : TT1 → val) (v2 : TT2 → val) P1 P2 (p1 : TT1 → iProto Σ) (p2 : TT2 → iProto Σ) :
-    ⊢ (iProto_choice (Send, j) v1 v2 P1 P2 p1 p2) ⊑
-      (<(Send,j) @.. (tt:TT1)> MSG (InjLV (v1 tt)) {{ P1 tt }} ; p1 tt).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_choice.
-    iApply iProto_le_trans; last first.
-    { iApply iProto_le_texist_elim_r. iIntros (x). iExists x.
-      iApply iProto_le_refl. }
-    iIntros (tt). by iExists (inl tt).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_select_r {TT1 TT2:tele} j
-        (v1 : TT1 → val) (v2 : TT2 → val) P1 P2 (p1 : TT1 → iProto Σ) (p2 : TT2 → iProto Σ) :
-    ⊢ (iProto_choice (Send, j) v1 v2 P1 P2 p1 p2) ⊑
-      (<(Send,j) @.. (tt:TT2)> MSG (InjRV (v2 tt)) {{ P2 tt }} ; p2 tt).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_choice.
-    iApply iProto_le_trans; last first.
-    { iApply iProto_le_texist_elim_r. iIntros (x). iExists x.
-      iApply iProto_le_refl. }
-    iIntros (tt). by iExists (inr tt).
-  Qed.
 End channel.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 07c0449..a125a6f 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")
   wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
                 eexists x6; eexists x7; eexists x8) with pat.
-Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ)) :
+Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : list (iProto Σ)) :
   (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
   (∀ i j m1 m2,
      (ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)%proto) -∗
@@ -396,56 +396,32 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_step" :=
   let m1 := fresh in
   let m2 := fresh in
   iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
-  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
-          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
-           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
-                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
-                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
-            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
-  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
-  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
+  repeat (destruct i as [|i]=> /=;
+          [try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+           iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
+                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq=> /=|
+            try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
+  try (rewrite lookup_total_nil);
+  try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm2")
-    as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq;
+    as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq=> /=;
   try (iClear "Hm1' Hm2'";
        iExists _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_;
        iSplitL "Hm1"; [iFrame "#"|];
        iSplitL "Hm2"; [iFrame "#"|];
        iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
        iSplit; [iPureIntro; tc_solve|];
-       simpl; iClear "Hm1 Hm2"; clear m1 m2);
-  try (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]);
-  rewrite insert_insert;
-  repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ j); [|done]);
-  rewrite insert_insert).
+       simpl; iClear "Hm1 Hm2"; clear m1 m2).
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_target" :=
   let i := fresh in
   iIntros (i j a m); rewrite /valid_target;
-            iIntros "#Hm";
-  repeat (destruct i as [|i];
-          [repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-           try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI);
-           try (rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-                try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
-                iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
-                  as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq)|
-            repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-            try (by rewrite lookup_total_empty iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
-  repeat (rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-  try rewrite lookup_total_empty;
-  try (by iProto_end_message_equivI);
-  rewrite lookup_total_insert;
-  iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm")
-    as "[%Heq Hm']";simplify_eq;
-  repeat (try rewrite lookup_empty;
-          try rewrite lookup_insert;
-          rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|lia]);
-    try rewrite lookup_insert; try done.
+            iIntros "#Hm1";
+  repeat (destruct i as [|i]=> /=;
+          [try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+           by iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
+                    as "[%Heq1 Hm1']" ; simplify_eq=> /=|
+           try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI)]).
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
   try iNext;
@@ -463,3 +439,6 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_resolve_step" :=
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_steps" :=
   repeat (iProto_consistent_take_step; iProto_consistent_resolve_step).
+Tactic Notation "wp_get_chan" "(" simple_intropattern(c) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec with "[$]"); iIntros (c); iIntros pat.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index e5a2b78..aa0826a 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -499,14 +499,14 @@ Global Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate EN
 Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
            (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
   ∀ m1 m2,
-    (ps !!! i ≡ <(Send, j)> m1) -∗
-    (ps !!! j ≡ <(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    (ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1)) -∗
+    (ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2)) -∗
     ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
             ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
                   â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
 Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ a m, (ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
+  ∀ a m, (ps !!! i ≡ (<(a, j)> m)) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
 Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
   (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
@@ -600,8 +600,7 @@ Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
 Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
     (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$>
-    (list_to_map (zip (seq 0 (length ps)) ps))) : gmap _ _)).
+  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$> map_seq 0 ps)).
 Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
     (γ : gname) (ps_len : nat) : iProp Σ :=
@@ -781,44 +780,191 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
       iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
+  Lemma iProto_le_send i m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
+    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iRight. iExists (Send, i), (Send, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_recv i m1 m2 :
+    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
+      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
+    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
+    iRight. iExists (Recv, i), (Recv, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
+    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗
+    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a as [[]].
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
+      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
+    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&i&m3&->)].
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2.
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1.
+      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
+      iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
+    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
+      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
+      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
+      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
+      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
+      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
+      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
+  Proof.
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&i&m&->)].
+    - iApply iProto_le_end.
+    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
+    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
+  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !! i ≡ Some p).
+  Proof.    
+    iIntros "H● H◯".
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
+    rewrite gmap_view_both_validI.
+    iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]".
+    rewrite lookup_fmap.
+    simpl.
+    rewrite lookup_map_seq_0.    
+    destruct (ps !! i) eqn:Heqn; last first.
+    { rewrite Heqn. rewrite !option_equivI. done. }
+    rewrite Heqn.
+    simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree_Some γ ps i p :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯".
+    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓".
+    rewrite gmap_view_both_validI.
+    iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]".
+    rewrite lookup_fmap.
+    simpl.
+    rewrite lookup_map_seq_0.    
+    destruct (ps !! i) eqn:Heqn; last first.
+    { rewrite Heqn. rewrite !option_equivI. done. }
+    rewrite Heqn.
+    simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. done. 
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
+    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
+    iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H● H◯".
+    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree_Some with "H● H◯") as %HSome.
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro].
+    { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. }
+    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert.
+    rewrite /iProto_own_auth. 
+    rewrite insert_map_seq_0; [done|].
+    by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
+    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
+  Proof.
+    iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth".
+    { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. }
+    iExists γ.
+    iInduction ps as [|p ps] "IH" using rev_ind.
+    { iModIntro. iFrame. done. }
+    iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]".
+    iFrame "Hfrags".
+    iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]".
+    { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ (length ps) (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done].
+      rewrite fmap_map_seq.
+      rewrite lookup_map_seq_0.
+      apply lookup_ge_None_2. rewrite fmap_length. done. }
+    simpl.
+    iModIntro. 
+    rewrite right_id_L. 
+    rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame.
+    iSplitL "Hauth".
+    - rewrite /iProto_own_auth.
+      rewrite map_seq_snoc. simpl. done.
+    - iSplit; [|done].
+      iExists _. iFrame. by iApply iProto_le_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma list_lookup_Some_le (ps : list $ iProto Σ V) (i : nat) (p1 : iProto Σ V) :
+    ⊢@{iProp Σ} ps !! i ≡ Some p1 -∗ ⌜i < length ps⌝.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "HSome".
+    rewrite option_equivI.
+    destruct (ps !! i) eqn:Heqn; [|done].
+    iPureIntro.
+    by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1.
+  Qed.
   Lemma valid_target_le ps i p1 p2 :
     (∀ i' j', valid_target ps i' j') -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
+    ps !! i ≡ Some p1 -∗
     p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
     (∀ i' j', valid_target (<[i := p2]>ps) i' j') ∗ p1 ⊑ p2.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle". *)
-  (*   pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg]. *)
-  (*   { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H". *)
-  (*     iFrame "Hle". *)
-  (*     iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm". *)
-  (*     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
-  (*     { Search list_lookup_total insert. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. ; [done|]. lia. done. } *)
-  (*     rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
-  (*     { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm". *)
-  (*       by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". } *)
-  (*     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*     by iApply "Hprot". } *)
-  (*   destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg). *)
-  (*   setoid_rewrite Hmsg. *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle". *)
-  (*   iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm". *)
-  (*   destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
-  (*   { rewrite lookup_insert. done. } *)
-  (*   rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*   destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
-  (*   { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm". *)
-  (*     simplify_eq. by iApply "Hprot". } *)
-  (*   rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*   by iApply "Hprot". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle".
+    iDestruct (list_lookup_Some_le with "HSome") as %Hi.
+    pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg].
+    { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H".
+      iFrame "Hle".
+      iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm".
+      destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
+      { rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|]. done. }
+      rewrite (list_lookup_insert_ne _ i j'); [|done].
+      destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|done]. iRewrite "H" in "Hm".
+        by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". }
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+      by iApply "Hprot". }
+    destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg).
+    setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
+    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle".
+    iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm".
+    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj].
+    { by rewrite list_lookup_insert. }
+    rewrite (list_lookup_insert_ne _ i j'); [|done].
+    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi].
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|done]. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm".
+      iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm".
+      simplify_eq. iApply ("Hprot" $! i'). 
+      rewrite list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    by iApply "Hprot".
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
+    ps !! i ≡ Some p1 -∗
     p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
     iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
@@ -826,19 +972,21 @@ Section proto.
     iRevert "HSome".
     iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps).
     iIntros "#HSome".
+    iDestruct (list_lookup_Some_le with "HSome") as %Hi.
     rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
     iDestruct "Hprot" as "(Htar & Hprot)".
     iDestruct (valid_target_le with "Htar HSome Hle") as "[Htar Hle]".
     iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|admit].
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|done].
       pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
-      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
+      { setoid_rewrite Hend.
+        rewrite !option_equivI. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
       destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
       setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
       destruct a; last first.
-      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      { rewrite !option_equivI. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
         iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]". done. }
       rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
       iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]".
@@ -850,29 +998,35 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq H]".
       iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1'") as (p') "[Hle H]".
       destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq].
-      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. admit. }
+      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|done].
+        rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j' with "[] [] H") as "Hprot".
-      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+      { iRewrite -"Heq". iEval (rewrite list_lookup_total_alt). 
+        iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
       iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
       iExists p''. iFrame.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
-      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
+      { rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|].
+        by rewrite insert_length. }
       iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
       rewrite list_insert_insert.
       rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
       rewrite list_insert_insert. done. }
     rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq'].
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert.
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|done].
       pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
-      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
+      { setoid_rewrite Hend.
+        rewrite !option_equivI.
+        rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
       destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
       setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
       destruct a.
-      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
+      { rewrite !option_equivI.
+        rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
         iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]". done. }
       rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
       iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]".
@@ -882,17 +1036,17 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
       iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
       { done. }
-      { rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
+      { iEval (rewrite list_lookup_total_alt). iRewrite "HSome". done. }
       iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
       iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']".
       iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
       iExists p2'.
       iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []") as "HI".
-      { iPureIntro. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. done. admit. }
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+        by rewrite list_lookup_insert. }
       rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done].
-      rewrite !list_insert_insert. done. admit. }
+      rewrite !list_insert_insert. done. }
     rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
     iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
     iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' j' with "[//] [//] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
@@ -902,68 +1056,9 @@ Section proto.
     rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
     rewrite (list_insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
     iApply ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []").
-    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+    rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send i m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
-    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iRight. iExists (Send, i), (Send, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv i m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
-    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iRight. iExists (Recv, i), (Recv, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
-    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗
-    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a as [[]].
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
-      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
-      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
-    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&i&m3&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2.
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1.
-      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
-      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
-      iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
-      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&i&m&->)].
-    - iApply iProto_le_end.
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
   Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
@@ -1115,16 +1210,18 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_target ps m a i j :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ (<(a, j)> m) -∗
+    ps !! i ≡ Some (<(a, j)> m) -∗
     ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold. iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]". iApply "Htar".
+    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold. iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]".
+    iIntros "H". iApply ("Htar" $! i).
+    rewrite list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "H". done.
   Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
     iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
-    ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
+    ps !! i ≡ Some (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
+    ps !! j ≡ Some (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
     iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
     ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
           â–· iProto_consistent (<[i := p1]>(<[j := p2]>ps)).
@@ -1132,52 +1229,12 @@ Section proto.
     iIntros "Hprot #Hi #Hj Hm1".
     rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
     iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]".
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    iDestruct ("Hprot" $! i j with "[Hi] [Hj] Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "Hi". done. }
+    { rewrite list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "Hj". done. }
     iExists p2. iFrame.
-  Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
-    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓". *)
-  (*   rewrite gmap_view_both_validI. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]". *)
-  (*   rewrite list_lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap. *)
-  (*   destruct (ps !! i); last first. *)
-  (*   { rewrite !option_equivI. } *)
-  (*   simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
-    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
-    iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H● H◯".
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro].
-    { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. }
-    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. Admitted.
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
-    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth". *)
-  (*   { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. } *)
-  (*   iExists γ. *)
-  (*   iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind. *)
-  (*   { iModIntro. iFrame. by iApply big_sepM_empty. } *)
-  (*   iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]". *)
-  (*   rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags". *)
-  (*   iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]". *)
-  (*   { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done]. *)
-  (*     by rewrite lookup_fmap Hin. } *)
-  (*   iModIntro. rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame. *)
-  (*   iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
   Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
     iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
@@ -1185,6 +1242,29 @@ Section proto.
     iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle").
+  Lemma iProto_own_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
+    iProto_own γ i p1 -∗ iProto_own γ i p2 -∗ False.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /iProto_own.
+    iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[_ Hp1]".
+    iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[_ Hp2]".
+    iDestruct (own_prot_excl with "Hp1 Hp2") as %[].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma iProto_ctx_agree γ n i p :
+    iProto_ctx γ n -∗
+    iProto_own γ i p -∗
+    ⌜i < n⌝.
+  Proof. 
+      iIntros "Hctx Hown".
+      rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
+      iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps <-) "[Hauth Hps]".
+      iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[Hle Hown]".
+      iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree_Some with "Hauth Hown") as %HSome.
+      iPureIntro.
+      by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1.
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_init ps :
     ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
     |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (length ps) ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
@@ -1194,7 +1274,6 @@ Section proto.
     iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. by iFrame.
   Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
     iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
     iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
@@ -1204,49 +1283,48 @@ Section proto.
             iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
     iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
+    iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx Hi") as %Hi.
+    iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx Hj") as %Hij.
     iDestruct "Hi" as (pi) "[Hile Hi]".
     iDestruct "Hj" as (pj) "[Hjle Hj]".
     iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hi") as "#Hpi".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
     iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
-    iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
-    { by rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne. }
+    iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !! j ≡ Some pj))%I as "Hpj'".
+    { by rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne. }
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝ ∗ (pi ⊑ (<(Send, j)> m1))))%I with "[Hile]"
       as "[Hi' Hile]".
     { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#Heq".
-      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". rewrite list_lookup_total_alt.
-      destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
+      by rewrite option_equivI. }
     iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ (pj ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))))%I with "[Hjle]"
       as "[Hj' Hjle]".
     { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#Heq".
-      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt.
-      destruct (ps !! j); [done|].
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
+      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj".
+      destruct (ps !! j); [done|]. by rewrite !option_equivI. }
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
     iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
       (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
+    { rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|]. lia. }
+    { rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
+      rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|]. rewrite insert_length. lia. }
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
     iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame "Hm2".
-    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi. iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj.
+    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi'. iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj'.
     iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
     { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
-      { admit.
-      (* rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done..|by rewrite lookup_insert_ne].  *)}
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite !insert_length. done. } 
       iFrame. rewrite list_insert_insert.
       rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite list_insert_insert.
       by rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. }
     iSplitL "Hi"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Admitted.
+  Qed.
   Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
     iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
@@ -1265,9 +1343,9 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps Hi") as "#$". by iFrame. }
     iSplitL "HSome".
     { iNext. iDestruct "HSome" as %Heq.
-      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. admit. }
+      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1. }
     iSplitL "Hauth Hps"; iExists _; by iFrame.
-  Admitted.
+  Qed.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
   (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 9efa72b..e6b46d3 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 From Require Import proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Definition iProto_empty {Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) := ∅.
+Definition iProto_empty {Σ} : list (iProto Σ) := [].
 Lemma iProto_consistent_empty {Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent (@iProto_empty Σ).
-Proof. iProto_consistent_take_step. Qed.
+Proof. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
-Definition iProto_binary `{!heapGS Σ} : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-  <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto ]>
-  (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto ]>
-   ∅).
+Definition iProto_binary `{!heapGS Σ} : list (iProto Σ) :=
+  [(<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto;
+   (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto].
 Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!heapGS Σ} :
   ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_binary.
@@ -29,10 +28,10 @@ Definition roundtrip_prog : val :=
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Definition iProto_roundtrip : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-     <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-    (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]>
-    (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto ]> ∅)).
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [(<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Recv, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto;
+      (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 2)> MSG #x; END)%proto;
+      (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto].
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip.
@@ -43,15 +42,12 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip);
-      [lia|set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent|].
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_roundtrip);
+      [set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan  (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan  (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
@@ -74,13 +70,13 @@ Definition roundtrip_ref_prog : val :=
 Section roundtrip_ref.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-            <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-            <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]>
-   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto]> ∅)).
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [(<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Recv, 2)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 0) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Send, 2)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ (l ↦ #x)%I }} ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+1) }}; END)%proto].
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip_ref.
@@ -95,17 +91,12 @@ Section roundtrip_ref.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip_ref with "[]").
-    { lia. }
-    { set_solver. }
-    { iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent. }
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_roundtrip_ref);
+      [set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
       wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. by wp_send with "[$Hl]". }
@@ -188,10 +179,10 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
                 (iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3_aux iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3).
   Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
-  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1]>
-   (<[1 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2]>
-   (<[2 := iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3]> ∅)).
+  Definition iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec1;
+     iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2;
+     iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec3].
   Lemma iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec.
@@ -210,7 +201,6 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
     iIntros "Hloc". iSplit; [done|].
     replace (x + 1 + 1)%Z with (x+2)%Z by lia. iFrame.
     rewrite -iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec2_unfold.
-    do 2 clean_map 0. do 2 clean_map 1. do 2 clean_map 2.
     iApply "IH".
@@ -218,17 +208,12 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_rec_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec with "[]").
-    { lia. }
-    { set_solver. }
-    { iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent. }
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec);
+      [set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]". 
+    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_pure _. iLöb as "IH".
       wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. wp_send with "[$Hl]".
@@ -258,13 +243,13 @@ Definition smuggle_ref_prog : val :=
 Section smuggle_ref.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
-  Definition iProto_smuggle_ref : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
-            <(Recv,1)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (v:val)> MSG v ; <(Send,2)> MSG v ;
-            <(Recv, 2)> MSG #(); <(Send,0)> MSG #() ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
-            <(Send,1)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto]> ∅)).
+  Definition iProto_smuggle_ref : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [(<(Send, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
+            <(Recv,1)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 0) @ (v:val)> MSG v ; <(Send,2)> MSG v ;
+            <(Recv, 2)> MSG #(); <(Send,0)> MSG #() ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 1) @ (l:loc) (x:Z)> MSG #l {{ l ↦ #x }} ;
+            <(Send,1)> MSG #() {{ l ↦ #(x+2) }} ; END)%proto].
   Lemma iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_smuggle_ref.
@@ -274,18 +259,13 @@ Section smuggle_ref.
     {{{ True }}} smuggle_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 3 iProto_smuggle_ref with "[]").
-    { lia. }
-    { set_solver. }
-    { iApply iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent. }
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_smuggle_ref);
+      [set_solver|iApply iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [set_solver|].
-    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (v) as "_". wp_send with "[//]".
       wp_recv as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
@@ -311,149 +291,57 @@ Section parallel.
-  Definition iProto_parallel : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x1:Z)> MSG #x1 ;
+  Definition iProto_parallel : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [(<(Send, 1) @ (x1:Z)> MSG #x1 ;
             <(Send, 2) @ (x2:Z)> MSG #x2 ;
             <(Recv, 3) @ (y1:Z)> MSG #(x1+y1);
-            <(Recv, 4) @ (y2:Z)> MSG #(x2+y2); END)%proto]>
-   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 3) @ (y:Z)> MSG #(x+y); END)%proto]>
-   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 4) @ (y:Z)> MSG #(x+y) ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto]>
-   (<[4 := (<(Recv, 2) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]> ∅)))).
+            <(Recv, 4) @ (y2:Z)> MSG #(x2+y2); END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 3) @ (y:Z)> MSG #(x+y); END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 4) @ (y:Z)> MSG #(x+y) ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 2) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto].
   Lemma iProto_parallel_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_parallel.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /iProto_parallel.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (x1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    - iIntros (x2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      + iIntros (y1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        * iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-          clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-          iProto_consistent_take_step.
-          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-          clean_map 0. clean_map 3.
-          iProto_consistent_take_step.
-          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-          iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        * iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-          clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-          iProto_consistent_take_step.
-          iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-          clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-          iProto_consistent_take_step.
-          iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-          clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-          iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      + iIntros (y1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    - iIntros (y1) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 1. clean_map 3.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros (x2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      + iIntros (y2) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      + iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 3. clean_map 0.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros (z) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 2. clean_map 4.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-        iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-        clean_map 4. clean_map 0.
-        iProto_consistent_take_step.
-  Qed.
+  Proof. rewrite /iProto_parallel. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
 End parallel.
 Section two_buyer.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition two_buyer_prot : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+  Definition two_buyer_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [(<(Send, 1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
             <(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-            <(Send, 2) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+            <(Send, 2) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 0) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
             <(Send, 0) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
             <(Send, 2)> MSG #quote ;
             <(Recv, 2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
             if b then
               <(Recv, 2) @ (address:Z)> MSG #address ;
               <(Send, 2) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
-            else END)%proto]>
-   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+            else END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
             <(Recv, 0) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
             if bool_decide (contrib >= quote/2)%Z then
               <(Send, 1)> MSG #true ;
               <(Send, 1) @ (address:Z)> MSG #address ;
               <(Recv, 1) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
-              <(Send, 1)> MSG #false ; END)%proto]>
-      ∅)).
+              <(Send, 1)> MSG #false ; END)%proto].
   Lemma two_buyer_prot_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_prot.
-    rewrite /two_buyer_prot.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (title) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (quote) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (contrib) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-    case_bool_decide.
-    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros (address) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros (date) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    rewrite /two_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps. 
+    case_bool_decide; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
 End two_buyer.
 Section two_buyer_ref.
@@ -493,47 +381,21 @@ Section two_buyer_ref.
      else END)%proto.
-  Definition two_buyer_ref_prot : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := two_buyer_ref_b1_prot]>
-   (<[1 := two_buyer_ref_s_prot]>
-   (<[2 := two_buyer_ref_b2_prot]>
-      ∅)).
+  Definition two_buyer_ref_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [two_buyer_ref_b1_prot;
+     two_buyer_ref_s_prot;
+     two_buyer_ref_b2_prot].
+  (* TODO: Anonymous variable in this is unsatisfactory *)
   Lemma two_buyer_ref_prot_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_ref_prot.
-    rewrite /two_buyer_prot.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (title) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (quote) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 1.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (l1 amount1 contrib) "Hl1". iExists _,_,_. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (b) "Hl1". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-    clean_map 0. clean_map 2.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    clean_map 1. clean_map 2.
-    destruct b.
-    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros (l2 amount2 address) "Hl2". iExists _,_,_. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-      clean_map 2. clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros (date) "Hl2". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    - iProto_consistent_take_step.
+    rewrite /two_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    iNext. destruct x4; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
 End two_buyer_ref.
 Section forwarder.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
@@ -548,36 +410,25 @@ Section forwarder.
-  Definition iProto_forwarder : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := (<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+  Definition iProto_forwarder : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [(<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 1) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
-            <(Recv, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[1 := (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Recv, if b then 2 else 3) > MSG #x ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Recv, 0) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b;
-            <(Send, if b then 2 else 3)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[2 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]>
-   (<[3 := (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
-            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto]> ∅))).
+            <(Send, if b then 2 else 3)> MSG #x ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto;
+     (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
+            <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto].
+  (* TODO: Anonymous variable in this is unsatisfactory *)
   Lemma iProto_forwarder_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_forwarder.
     rewrite /iProto_forwarder.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros (x) "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iIntros ([]) "_".
-    - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      iProto_consistent_take_step.
-      iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-      iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    destruct x0; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
 End forwarder.
@@ -637,11 +488,11 @@ Section forwarder_rec.
                 (iProto_forwarder_rec_n_aux iProto_forwarder_rec_n).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold _). Qed.
-  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-    <[0 := iProto_forwarder_rec_0]>
-   (<[1 := iProto_forwarder_rec_1]>
-   (<[2 := iProto_forwarder_rec_n]>
-   (<[3 := iProto_forwarder_rec_n]>∅))).
+  Definition iProto_forwarder_rec : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [iProto_forwarder_rec_0;
+     iProto_forwarder_rec_1;
+     iProto_forwarder_rec_n;
+     iProto_forwarder_rec_n].
   Lemma iProto_forwarder_rec_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_forwarder_rec.
@@ -665,7 +516,6 @@ Section forwarder_rec.
       iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
-      rewrite (insert_commute _ 2 1); [|done].
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
@@ -680,7 +530,6 @@ Section forwarder_rec.
       iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 3. repeat clean_map 0. 
-      rewrite (insert_commute _ 3 1); [|done].
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index cb21e82..0a3bcff 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -133,98 +133,54 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Definition prot_tail (i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send,0)> MSG #i_max; END)%proto.
-  Definition pre_prot_pool id_max : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-     <[0 := (<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
+  Definition pre_prot_pool id_max : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [(<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
              <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
              <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
-             END)%proto ]>
-    (<[1 := prot_tail id_max ]>
-    (<[2 := prot_tail id_max ]>
-    (<[3 := prot_tail id_max ]> ∅))).
+             END)%proto;
+      prot_tail id_max;
+      prot_tail id_max;
+      prot_tail id_max].
   Lemma pre_prot_pool_consistent id_max :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent (pre_prot_pool id_max).
   Proof. rewrite /pre_prot_pool. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
-  Definition prot_pool : gmap nat (iProto Σ) :=
-     <[0 := (<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
+  Definition prot_pool : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [(<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
              <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
              <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
-             END)%proto ]>
-    (<[1 := rle_preprot 3 1 2 prot_tail ]>
-    (<[2 := rle_prot 1 2 3 prot_tail false ]>
-    (<[3 := rle_preprot 2 3 1 prot_tail ]> ∅))).
+             END)%proto;
+      rle_preprot 3 1 2 prot_tail;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 prot_tail false;
+      rle_preprot 2 3 1 prot_tail].
   Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
     rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
     rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
     rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
     rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    iProto_consistent_take_step.
-    iProto_consistent_resolve_step.
-    repeat clean_map 0. repeat clean_map 1.
-    repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 3.
-    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 3); [|lia]).
-    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 2); [|lia]).
-    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 1); [|lia]).
-    repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ 0); [|lia]).
-    iApply pre_prot_pool_consistent.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
   Lemma program_spec :
     {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec 4 prot_pool);
-      [lia|set_solver|iApply prot_pool_consistent|].
+    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot_pool);
+      [set_solver|iApply prot_pool_consistent|].
     iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 0 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 1 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 2 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
-    wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec _ 3 with "Hcs"); [done|].
-    iIntros (c3) "[Hc3 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_get_chan (c3) "[Hc3 Hcs]".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc1").
       iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_send with "[//]". }

From 19d0c303fd32e32922582ac383f8b3dc2c5aa5af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 18:31:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 55/81] Further clean up of proofmode

 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v | 11 +++++------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index a125a6f..f0fff71 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -397,11 +397,10 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_step" :=
   let m2 := fresh in
   iIntros (i j m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2";
   repeat (destruct i as [|i]=> /=;
-          [try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+          [try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
            iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
                   as "[%Heq1 Hm1']";simplify_eq=> /=|
-            try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
-  try (rewrite lookup_total_nil);
+            try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI)]);
   try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
   iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm2")
     as "[%Heq2 Hm2']";simplify_eq=> /=;
@@ -418,10 +417,10 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_target" :=
   iIntros (i j a m); rewrite /valid_target;
             iIntros "#Hm1";
   repeat (destruct i as [|i]=> /=;
-          [try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
+          [try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI);
            by iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1")
-                    as "[%Heq1 Hm1']" ; simplify_eq=> /=|
-           try (rewrite lookup_total_nil); try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI)]).
+                    as "[%Heq1 _]" ; simplify_eq=> /=|
+           try (by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI)]).
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
   try iNext;

From 59850ce17ac2fbe2f31df917eca9bba4d1f83cc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 18:32:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 56/81] Added leader election to _CoqProject

 _CoqProject | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 4489ccb..496c210 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -61,3 +61,4 @@ multi_actris/channel/proto.v

From 834704aba336443335543e09a1ad645288350f60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 16:09:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 57/81] Improved proofmode

 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v        | 87 +++++++------------------
 multi_actris/examples/basics.v          | 33 +++-------
 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v |  9 +--
 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index f0fff71..5f9d7b8 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -205,42 +205,14 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_recv_core" tactic3(tac_intros) "as" tactic3(tac) :=
   | _ => fail "wp_recv: not a 'wp'"
 Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "as" constr(pat) :=
   wp_recv_core (idtac) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
 Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" constr(pat) :=
   wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "wp_recv" "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" "as"
+    "(" ne_simple_intropattern_list(ys) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_recv_core (intros xs) as (fun H => _iDestructHyp H ys pat).
 Lemma tac_wp_send `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ} {TT : tele} Δ neg i js K (n:nat) w c v p m tv tP tp Φ :
   w = #n →
@@ -318,31 +290,8 @@ Tactic Notation "wp_send_core" tactic3(tac_exist) "with" constr(pat) :=
 Tactic Notation "wp_send" "with" constr(pat) :=
   wp_send_core (idtac) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) ")"
-    "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
-    "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4)
-    uconstr(x5) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
-    uconstr(x5) uconstr(x6) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
-                eexists x6) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
-    uconstr(x5) uconstr(x6) uconstr(x7) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
-                eexists x6; eexists x7) with pat.
-Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" uconstr(x1) uconstr(x2) uconstr(x3) uconstr(x4) ")"
-    uconstr(x5) uconstr(x6) uconstr(x7) uconstr(x8) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_send_core (eexists x1; eexists x2; eexists x3; eexists x4; eexists x5;
-                eexists x6; eexists x7; eexists x8) with pat.
+Tactic Notation "wp_send" "(" ne_uconstr_list(xs) ")" "with" constr(pat) :=
+  wp_send_core (ltac1_list_iter ltac:(fun x => eexists x) xs) with pat.
 Lemma iProto_consistent_equiv_proof {Σ} (ps : list (iProto Σ)) :
   (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗
@@ -428,10 +377,6 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step" :=
   iSplitR; [iProto_consistent_take_step_target|
-Tactic Notation "clean_map" constr(i) :=
-  iEval (repeat (rewrite (insert_commute _ _ i); [|done]));
-  rewrite (insert_insert _ i).
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_resolve_step" :=
   repeat iIntros (?); repeat iIntros "?";
   repeat iExists _; repeat (iSplit; [done|]); try iFrame.
@@ -440,4 +385,22 @@ Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_steps" :=
   repeat (iProto_consistent_take_step; iProto_consistent_resolve_step).
 Tactic Notation "wp_get_chan" "(" simple_intropattern(c) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec with "[$]"); iIntros (c); iIntros pat.
+  wp_smart_apply (get_chan_spec with "[$]"); iIntros (c) "[_TMP ?]";
+  iRevert "_TMP"; iIntros pat.
+Ltac ltac1_list_iter2 tac l1 l2 :=
+  let go := ltac2:(tac l1 l2 |- List.iter2 (ltac1:(tac x y |- tac x y) tac)
+                                          (of_ltac1_list l1) (of_ltac1_list l2)) in
+  go tac l1 l2.
+Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "as"
+       "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr_list(pats) :=
+  wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot);
+    [set_solver| |iIntros (?) "?"];
+    [|ltac1_list_iter2 ltac:(fun x y => wp_get_chan (x) y) xs pats].
+Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "with" constr(lem) "as"
+       "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr_list(pats) :=
+  wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot);
+    [set_solver|by iApply lem|iIntros (?) "?"];
+    ltac1_list_iter2 ltac:(fun x y => wp_get_chan (x) y) xs pats.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index e6b46d3..4656fbd 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -42,12 +42,8 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_roundtrip);
-      [set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_consistent|].
-    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan  (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan  (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_new_chan iProto_roundtrip with iProto_roundtrip_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (x) as "_". wp_send with "[//]". done. }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
@@ -91,12 +87,8 @@ Section roundtrip_ref.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_roundtrip_ref);
-      [set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent|].
-    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_new_chan iProto_roundtrip_ref with iProto_roundtrip_ref_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>".
       wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. by wp_send with "[$Hl]". }
@@ -208,12 +200,8 @@ Section roundtrip_ref_rec.
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_ref_rec_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec);
-      [set_solver|iApply iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent|].
-    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]". 
-    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_new_chan iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec with iProto_roundtrip_ref_rec_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_pure _. iLöb as "IH".
       wp_recv (l x) as "Hl". wp_load. wp_store. wp_send with "[$Hl]".
@@ -259,13 +247,8 @@ Section smuggle_ref.
     {{{ True }}} smuggle_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec iProto_smuggle_ref);
-      [set_solver|iApply iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent|].
-    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
+    wp_new_chan iProto_smuggle_ref with iProto_smuggle_ref_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (v) as "_". wp_send with "[//]".
       wp_recv as "_". by wp_send with "[//]". }
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index 0a3bcff..e8810fc 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -174,13 +174,8 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot_pool);
-      [set_solver|iApply prot_pool_consistent|].
-    iIntros (cs) "Hcs".
-    wp_get_chan (c0) "[Hc0 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c1) "[Hc1 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c2) "[Hc2 Hcs]".
-    wp_get_chan (c3) "[Hc3 Hcs]".
+    wp_new_chan prot_pool with prot_pool_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc1").
       iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_send with "[//]". }

From 0c291783639d509056445050de9b21790753f5eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 16:11:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 58/81] Removed deprecated tactic calls

 multi_actris/examples/basics.v | 4 ----
 1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 4656fbd..36c500f 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -492,13 +492,11 @@ Section forwarder_rec.
     - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
       iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
       iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
@@ -506,13 +504,11 @@ Section forwarder_rec.
     - iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
       iIntros "_". iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 2. repeat clean_map 0. 
       iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
       iIntros "_". iSplit; [done|]. iSplit; [done|].
-      repeat clean_map 1. repeat clean_map 3. repeat clean_map 0. 
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_1_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).
       iEval (rewrite -iProto_forwarder_rec_n_unfold).

From 684acce4f53d825005517e610b3720b7176a5b70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 16:25:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 59/81] Added last attempted changes of proto_alt

 multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v | 21 +++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
index 29d8603..8e27dbf 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
@@ -502,19 +502,28 @@ Program Definition iProto_elim {Σ V A}
 Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Lemma iProto_elim_message {Σ V} {A:ofe}
+     (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) a m
+    `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} :
+  iProto_elim x f (iProto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
+ Proof.
+  rewrite /iProto_elim iProto_message_eq /iProto_message_def /=.
+   setoid_rewrite proto_elim_message.
+  { apply Hf. done. }
+  intros a' f1 f2 Hf'. apply Hf=> v p /=. apply Hf'.
+Lemma iProto_elim_message' {Σ V} {A:ofe}
     (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) a m 
-   (* `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} : *)
-    :
+   `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} :
    iProto_elim x f (iProto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
   rewrite /iProto_elim.
   rewrite iProto_message_eq /iProto_message_def. simpl.
   setoid_rewrite proto_elim_message.
-  { f_equiv. destruct m. f_equiv. simpl. 
-    admit. }
+  { f_equiv. done. }
   intros a'.
-  intros f1 f2 Hf'. f_equiv. f_equiv.  
+  intros f1 f2 Hf'. f_equiv. done.
 Definition nat_beq := Eval compute in Nat.eqb.

From 3cfa16786c293611ee9c2584e4c83945609fcc2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 17:35:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 60/81] Simplified invariant

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v | 20 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 11c498b..4ed4b47 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -93,9 +93,8 @@ Definition tok `{!chanG Σ} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := own γ (Excl ()).
 Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :=
   (l ↦ NONEV ∗ tok γt)%I ∨
-  (∃ v m p, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
-            iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m)%proto ∗
-            iMsg_car m v (Next p) ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))) ∨
+  (∃ v p, l ↦ SOMEV v ∗
+          iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> MSG v ; p)%proto ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))) ∨
   (∃ p, l ↦ NONEV ∗
           iProto_own γ i p ∗ own γE (●E (Next p))).
@@ -372,7 +371,7 @@ Section channel.
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m p'') "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
+      - iDestruct "HIp" as (? p'') "(>Hl & Hown' & HIp)".
         iDestruct (iProto_own_excl with "Hown Hown'") as %[].
       - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown' & HIp)".
@@ -383,8 +382,8 @@ Section channel.
     iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]"; [by apply excl_auth_update|].
     iSplitL "Hl' H● Hown Hle".
-    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _, _. iFrame.
-      iSplitL "Hown Hle"; [by iApply (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle")|].
+    { iRight. iLeft. iIntros "!>". iExists _, _. iFrame.
+      iDestruct (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle") as "Hown".
       by rewrite iMsg_base_eq. }
     iLöb as "HL".
@@ -395,10 +394,10 @@ Section channel.
     { iDestruct "HIp" as ">[Hl' Htok']".
       iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Htok Htok'") as %[]. }
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]".
-    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? m p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
+    - iDestruct "HIp" as (? p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & HIp)".
       wp_load. iModIntro.
       iSplitL "Hl' Hown HIp".
-      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _, _,_. iFrame. }
+      { iRight. iLeft. iExists _,_. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "HΦ Htok H◯").
     - iDestruct "HIp" as (p'') "(>Hl' & Hown & H●)".
@@ -476,12 +475,13 @@ Section channel.
       { iRight. iRight. iExists _. iFrame. }
       wp_pures. iApply ("HL" with "[H● H◯ Hown Hle] HΦ").
       iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame "#∗". }
-    iDestruct "HIp" as (w m p'') "(>Hl' & Hown' & Hm & Hp')".
+    iDestruct "HIp" as (w p'') "(>Hl' & Hown' & Hp')".
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_le with "Hown Hle") as "Hown".
-    iMod (iProto_step with "Hctx Hown' Hown Hm") as
+    iMod (iProto_step with "Hctx Hown' Hown []") as
       (p''') "(Hm & Hctx & Hown & Hown')".
+    { by rewrite iMsg_base_eq. }
     iSplitL "Hctx"; [done|].

From 4ca1240f5d6ec0a0a6e905e7286ada31baf71767 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2024 18:01:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 61/81] Simplified iProto_target lemma

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v | 23 ++++-------------------
 multi_actris/channel/proto.v   | 14 +++++---------
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 11c498b..09d12c0 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -353,16 +353,8 @@ Section channel.
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
-    iAssert (▷ (⌜i < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]"
-      as "[Hi [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx Hown") as %Hi.
-      iFrame. done. }
-    iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]"
-      as "[Hj [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx Hown") as "[Hin [$ $]]".
-      iFrame. }
+    iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hi".
+    iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hj".
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
@@ -444,15 +436,8 @@ Section channel.
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
-    iAssert (▷ (⌜i < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]"
-      as "[Hi [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx Hown") as %Hi.
-      iFrame. done. }
-    iAssert (▷ (▷ ⌜j < n⌝ ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(Recv, j)> m') ∗
-                iProto_ctx γ n))%I with "[Hctx Hown]" as "[Hj [Hown Hctx]]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx Hown") as "[Hin [$$]]".
-      iFrame. }
+    iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hi".
+    iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hj".
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
     wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index aa0826a..dea40ec 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@ Section proto.
   Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
     iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
     iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m) -∗
-    ▷ (⌜j < ps_dom⌝) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m).
+    ▷ (⌜j < ps_dom⌝).
     iIntros "Hctx Hown".
     rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
@@ -1337,14 +1337,10 @@ Section proto.
     iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[Hle Hown]".
     iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hown") as "#Hi".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
-    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ iProto_consistent ps))%I
-      with "[Hps]" as "[HSome Hps]".
-    { iNext. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hi".
-      iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps Hi") as "#$". by iFrame. }
-    iSplitL "HSome".
-    { iNext. iDestruct "HSome" as %Heq.
-      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1. }
-    iSplitL "Hauth Hps"; iExists _; by iFrame.
+    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps []") as "#H".
+    { iNext. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hi". done. }
+    iNext. iDestruct "H" as %HSome.
+    iPureIntro. subst. by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1.
   (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)

From dc5a67a07094fcccb3816bdea1777ad54e24adc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:07:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 62/81] Added matrix abstraction and redefined channels using

 _CoqProject                    |   1 +
 multi_actris/channel/channel.v | 227 +++++++++------------------------
 multi_actris/channel/matrix.v  | 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/channel/matrix.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 496c210..e46494d 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ theories/logrel/examples/compute_service.v
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index dec9b4d..f8dc651 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
+From multi_actris.utils Require Import matrix.
 From Require Import proto_model.
 From Require Export proto.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
 Definition new_chan : val :=
-  λ: "n", (AllocN ("n"*"n") NONEV, "n").
+  λ: "n", new_matrix "n" "n" NONEV.
 Definition get_chan : val :=
   λ: "cs" "i", ("cs","i").
@@ -42,25 +43,19 @@ Definition wait : val :=
     | SOME <> => "go" "c"
-Definition pos (n i j : nat) : nat := i * n + j.
-Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
 Definition send : val :=
   λ: "c" "j" "v",
-    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in
-    let: "ls" := Fst (Fst "c") in
+    let: "m" := Fst "c" in
     let: "i" := Snd "c" in
-    let: "l" := "ls" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j" in
+    let: "l" := matrix_get "m" "i" "j" in
     "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l".
 (* TODO: Move recursion further in *)
 Definition recv : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" "j" :=
-    let: "n" := Snd (Fst "c") in
-    let: "ls" := Fst (Fst "c") in
+    let: "m" := Fst "c" in
     let: "i" := Snd "c" in
-    let: "l" := "ls" +â‚— vpos "n" "j" "i" in
+    let: "l" := matrix_get "m" "j" "i" in
     let: "v" := Xchg "l" NONEV in
     match: "v" with
       NONE     => "go" "c" "j"
@@ -100,11 +95,11 @@ Definition chan_inv `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ} γ γE γt i j (l:loc) : iProp Σ :
 Definition iProto_pointsto_def `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
     (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (l:loc) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
-    ⌜ c = (#l,#n,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
+  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (m:val) (i:nat) (n:nat) p',
+    ⌜ c = (m,#i)%V ⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ n) ∗
-    (∀ i j, ⌜i < n ⌝ -∗ ⌜j < n⌝ -∗
-      ∃ γt, inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j)))) ∗
+    is_matrix m n n
+      (λ i j l, ∃ γt, inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j l)) ∗
     ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗
     own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p')) ∗ own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p')) ∗
     iProto_own γ i p'.
@@ -118,17 +113,16 @@ Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
   (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
 Definition chan_pool `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}
-    (cs : val) (i':nat) (ps : list (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (n:nat) (l:loc),
-    ⌜cs = (#l,#n)%V⌝ ∗ ⌜(i' + length ps = n)%nat⌝ ∗
+    (m : val) (i':nat) (ps : list (iProto Σ)) : iProp Σ :=
+  ∃ γ (γEs : list gname) (n:nat),
+    ⌜(i' + length ps = n)%nat⌝ ∗
     inv (nroot.@"ctx") (iProto_ctx γ n) ∗
-    (∀ i j, ⌜i < n ⌝ -∗ ⌜j < n⌝ -∗
-      ∃ γt, inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j (l +ₗ (pos n i j)))) ∗
-    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-      (∀ p, ⌜i' <= i⌝ -∗ ⌜ps !! (i - i') = Some p⌝ -∗
-            own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next p)) ∗
-            own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next p)) ∗
-            iProto_own γ i p).
+    is_matrix m n n (λ i j l,
+      ∃ γt, inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j l)) ∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ p ∈ ps,
+      (own (γEs !!! (i+i')) (●E (Next p)) ∗
+       own (γEs !!! (i+i')) (◯E (Next p)) ∗
+       iProto_own γ (i+i') p).
 Section channel.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
@@ -149,54 +143,6 @@ Section channel.
     iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle Hle'").
-  Lemma big_sepL_replicate {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H".
-    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
-    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
-    iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
-    by rewrite !replicate_length.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
-    l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
-    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hl".
-    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
-    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-    replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add /= array_app=> /=.
-    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
-    iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
-    iFrame=> /=.
-    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
-    replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
-    by iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma array_to_matrix l n v :
-    l ↦∗ replicate (n * n) v -∗
-    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-        (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hl".
-    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "Hl") as "Hl".
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
-    iIntros "!>" (i ? _) "Hl".
-    iApply big_sepL_replicate.
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
-    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
-    rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
-    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
-      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
-    by apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _].
-  Qed.
   (** ** Specifications of [send] and [recv] *)
   Lemma new_chan_spec (ps:list (iProto Σ)) :
     0 < length ps →
@@ -205,13 +151,10 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ cs, RET cs; chan_pool cs 0 ps }}}.
     iIntros (Hle Φ) "Hps HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
-    iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
     iMod (iProto_init with "Hps") as (γ) "[Hps Hps']".
-    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
     iAssert (|==> ∃ (γEs : list gname),
                 ⌜length γEs = length ps⌝ ∗
-                [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate (length ps) (),
+                [∗ list] i ↦ p ∈ ps,
                   own (γEs !!! i) (●E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   own (γEs !!! i) (◯E (Next (ps !!! i))) ∗
                   iProto_own γ i (ps !!! i))%I with "[Hps']" as "H".
@@ -225,56 +168,42 @@ Section channel.
       iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
       rewrite !app_length Hlen.
       iSplit; [iPureIntro=>/=;lia|]=> /=.
-      rewrite replicate_add.
       iSplitL "H".
       { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
         iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
         assert (i < length ps) as Hle.
-        { by apply lookup_replicate_1 in HSome' as [??]. }
+        { by apply lookup_lt_is_Some_1. }
         rewrite !lookup_total_app_l; [|lia..]. iFrame. }
-      rewrite replicate_length Nat.add_0_r.
+      rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
       simpl. rewrite right_id_L.
       rewrite !lookup_total_app_r; [|lia..]. rewrite !Hlen.
       rewrite Nat.sub_diag. simpl. iFrame.
       iDestruct "Hp" as "[$ _]". }
     iMod "H" as (γEs Hlen) "H".
-    set n := length ps.
-    iAssert (|={⊤}=>
-        [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate (length ps) (),
-          [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate (length ps) (),
-            ∃ γt,
+    iMod (inv_alloc with "Hps") as "#IHp".
+    wp_smart_apply (new_matrix_spec _ _ _ _
+                     (λ i j l, ∃ γt,
             inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j
-                                       (l +â‚— (pos (length ps) i j))))%I with "[Hl]" as "IH".
-    { replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat n)) with (n*n) by lia.
-      iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
-      iApply big_sepL_fupd.
-      iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
-      iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "H1".
-      iApply big_sepL_fupd.
-      iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H1").
-      iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome'') "H1".
+                                       l))%I); [done..| |].
+    { iApply (big_sepL_intro).
+      iIntros "!>" (k tt Hin).
+      iApply (big_sepL_intro).
+      iIntros "!>" (k' tt' Hin').
+      iIntros (l) "Hl".
       iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ') "Hγ'"; [done|].
-      iExists γ'. iApply inv_alloc. iLeft. iFrame. }
-    iMod "IH" as "#IH".
-    iMod (inv_alloc with "Hps") as "#IHp".
-    iExists _,_,_,_.
-    iModIntro.
-    iSplit.
-    { iPureIntro. done. }
-    iSplit.
-    { done. }
-    iFrame "IHp".
-    iSplit.
-    { iIntros (i j Hi Hj).
-      rewrite (big_sepL_lookup _ _ i); [|by rewrite lookup_replicate].
-      rewrite (big_sepL_lookup _ _ j); [|by rewrite lookup_replicate].
-      iApply "IH". }
+      iExists γ'.
+      iApply inv_alloc.
+      iNext.
+      iLeft. iFrame. }
+    iIntros (mat) "Hmat".
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iExists _, _, _. iFrame "#∗".
+    rewrite left_id. iSplit; [done|].
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
     iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
-    iIntros (p Hle' HSome'').
-    iFrame. rewrite right_id_L in HSome''.
+    iFrame.
     rewrite (list_lookup_total_alt ps).
-    rewrite HSome''. simpl. iFrame.
+    simpl. rewrite right_id_L. rewrite HSome'. iFrame.
   Lemma get_chan_spec cs i ps p :
@@ -283,61 +212,24 @@ Section channel.
     {{{ c, RET c; c ↣ p ∗ chan_pool cs (i+1) ps }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "Hcs HΦ".
-    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs n l -> <-) "(#IHp & #IHl & Hl)".
-    wp_lam. wp_pures. 
-    rewrite replicate_add. simpl.
-    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl1 [Hi Hl3]]". 
-    iDestruct ("Hi" with "[] []") as "(Hauth & Hown & Hp)".
-    { rewrite right_id_L. rewrite replicate_length. iPureIntro. lia. }
-    { rewrite right_id_L. rewrite replicate_length.
-      rewrite Nat.sub_diag. simpl. done. }
+    iDestruct "Hcs" as (γp γEs n <-) "(#IHp & #Hm & Hl)".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
     iApply "HΦ".
-    iSplitR "Hl1 Hl3".
+    iSplitL "Hl".
     { rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq. iExists _, _, _, _, _, _.
       iSplit; [done|].
-      rewrite replicate_length. rewrite right_id_L.
       iFrame. iFrame "#∗". iNext. done. }
-    iExists γp, γEs, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
-    iSplit.
-    { iPureIntro. lia. }
+    iExists γp, γEs, _. iSplit; [done|].
     iFrame. iFrame "#∗".
-    rewrite replicate_add.
-    simpl.
-    iSplitL "Hl1".
-    { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl1").
-      iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
-      assert (i' < i).
-      { rewrite lookup_replicate in HSome''. lia. }
-      iIntros "H" (p' Hle'). lia. }
-    iFrame "#∗".
-    iSplitR.
-    { iIntros (p' Hle'). rewrite right_id_L in Hle'.
-      rewrite replicate_length in Hle'. lia. }
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl3").
-    iIntros "!>" (i' ? HSome'').
-    assert (i' < length ps).
-    { rewrite lookup_replicate in HSome''. lia. }
-    iIntros "H" (p' Hle' HSome).
-    iApply "H".
-    { iPureIntro. lia. }
-    iPureIntro.
-    rewrite replicate_length.
-    rewrite replicate_length in HSome.
-    replace (i + S i' - i) with (S i') by lia.
-    simpl.
-    replace (i + S i' - (i+1)) with (i') in HSome by lia.
-    done.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
-    {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
-    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
-      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j)) by lia.
-    by iApply "HΦ".
+    replace (i + 1 + length ps) with (i + (S $ length ps))%nat by lia.
+    iFrame "#".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hls").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x HSome) "(H1 & H2 & H3)".
+    replace (S (k + i)) with (k + (i + 1)) by lia.
+    iFrame.
   Lemma send_spec c j v p :
@@ -355,10 +247,12 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hi".
     iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hj".
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
-    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
+    wp_pures.
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
     iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
-    iDestruct ("Hls" $! i j with "[//] [//]") as (γt) "IHl1". 
+    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec_pers with "Hls"); [done..|].
+    iIntros (l') "Hl'".
+    iDestruct "Hl'" as (γt) "#IHl1".
     wp_pures. wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
     iDestruct "HIp" as "[HIp|HIp]"; last first.
@@ -431,17 +325,20 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iProto_pointsto_eq.
     iDestruct "Hc" as
       (γ γE l i n p' ->) "(#IH & #Hls & Hle & H● & H◯ & Hown)".
-    do 6 wp_pure _. wp_bind (Fst _). wp_pure _.
+    do 5 wp_pure _.
+    wp_bind (Snd _).
     iInv "IH" as "Hctx".
     iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
     iRewrite "Heq" in "Hown".
     iDestruct (iProto_ctx_agree with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hi".
     iDestruct (iProto_target with "Hctx [Hown//]") as "#Hj".
     iRewrite -"Heq" in "Hown". wp_pures. iModIntro. iFrame.
-    wp_smart_apply (vpos_spec); [done|]; iIntros "_".
+    wp_pure _.
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
     iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
-    iDestruct ("Hls" $! j i with "[//] [//]") as (γt) "IHl2".
+    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec_pers with "Hls"); [done..|].
+    iIntros (l') "Hl'".
+    iDestruct "Hl'" as (γt) "#IHl2".
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
     iInv "IHl2" as "HIp".
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/matrix.v b/multi_actris/channel/matrix.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b642da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/matrix.v
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+From Require Import big_op.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
+Definition new_matrix : val :=
+  λ: "m" "n" "v", (AllocN ("m"*"n") "v","m","n").
+Definition pos (n i j : nat) : nat := i * n + j.
+Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
+Definition matrix_get : val :=
+  λ: "m" "i" "j", 
+    let: "l" := Fst (Fst "m") in
+    let: "n" := Snd "m" in
+    "l" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j".
+Section with_Σ.
+  Context `{heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition is_matrix (v : val) (m n : nat)
+             (P : nat → nat → loc → iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
+    ∃ (l:loc),
+      ⌜v = PairV (PairV #l #m) #n⌝ ∗
+      [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j).
+  Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /= array_app=> /=.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
+    iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iFrame=> /=.
+    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
+    replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
+    by iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  (* TODO: rename *)
+  Lemma big_sepL_replicate_type {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
+    iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
+    by rewrite !replicate_length.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma array_to_matrix l m n v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (m * n) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+        (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? _) "Hl".
+    iApply big_sepL_replicate_type.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
+    rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
+    by apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma new_matrix_spec m n v P :
+    0 < m → 0 < n →
+    {{{ [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (), [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), 
+  ∀ l, l ↦ v -∗ P i j l }}}
+    (* {{{ (∀ i j l, ⌜i < m⌝ -∗ ⌜j < n⌝ -∗ l ↦ v -∗ P i j l) }}} *)
+      new_matrix #m #n v
+    {{{ mat, RET mat; is_matrix mat m n P }}}. 
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "HP HΦ".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
+    iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
+    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
+    iModIntro.
+    iExists _. iSplit; [done|].
+    replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat m * Z.of_nat n)) with (m * n) by lia.
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iCombine "HP Hl" as "HPl".
+    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "HPl").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin) "H".
+    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (k' x' Hin') "[HP Hl]".
+    by iApply "HP".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_sep m n l (P : _ → _ → _ → iProp Σ) i j :
+    i < m → j < n →
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j)) -∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) ∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) -∗
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j)))).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn) "Hm".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_impl with "Hm []") as "Hm".
+    { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn).
+      iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()).
+      by apply lookup_replicate. }
+    simpl.
+    rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ());
+      [|by apply lookup_replicate].
+    iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]". 
+    iFrame.
+    iIntros "HP".
+    iDestruct ("Hm" with "[$Hi $HP]") as "Hm".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hm").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin).
+    iIntros "[Hm Hm']". iApply "Hm'". done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_sep_pers m n l (P : _ → _ → _ → iProp Σ) i j :
+    (∀ i j l, Persistent (P i j l)) →
+    i < m → j < n →
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j)) -∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) ∗
+    (([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j)))).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hpers Hm Hn) "Hm".
+    iDestruct (matrix_sep with "Hm") as "[#HP Hm]"; [done..|].
+    iFrame "#". by iApply "Hm".
+  Qed.
+  (* Lemma is_matrix_sep m n v P i j : *)
+  (*   i < m → j < n → *)
+  (*   is_matrix v m n P -∗ (∃ l, P i j l ∗ (P i j l -∗ is_matrix v m n P)). *)
+  (* Proof. *)
+  (*   iDestruct 1 as (l ->) "Hm". *)
+  (*   iDestruct (big_sepL_impl with "Hm []") as "Hm". *)
+  (*   { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn). *)
+  (*     iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()). *)
+  (*     by apply lookup_replicate. } *)
+  (*   simpl. *)
+  (*   rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ()); *)
+  (*     [|by apply lookup_replicate]. *)
+  (*   iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]".  *)
+  (*   iExists (l +â‚— pos n i j). *)
+  (*   iFrame. *)
+  (*   iIntros "HP". *)
+  (*   iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. *)
+  (*   iDestruct ("Hm" with "[$Hi $HP]") as "Hm". *)
+  (*   iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hm"). *)
+  (*   iIntros "!>" (k x Hin). *)
+  (*   iIntros "[Hm Hm']". iApply "Hm'". done. *)
+  (* Qed. *)
+  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
+    {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j)) by lia.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_get_spec m n i j v P :
+    i < m → j < n →
+    {{{ is_matrix v m n P }}}
+      matrix_get v #i #j
+    {{{ l, RET #l; P i j l ∗ (P i j l -∗ is_matrix v m n P) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "Hm HΦ".
+    wp_lam.
+    iDestruct "Hm" as (l ->) "Hm".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply vpos_spec; [done|].
+    iIntros "_".
+    wp_pures. 
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iModIntro.
+    iDestruct (matrix_sep _ _ _ _ i j with "Hm") as "[$ Hm]"; [lia|lia|].
+    iIntros "H".
+    iDestruct ("Hm" with "H") as "Hm".
+    iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_get_spec_pers m n i j v P :
+    (∀ i j l, Persistent (P i j l)) →
+    i < m → j < n →
+    {{{ is_matrix v m n P }}}
+      matrix_get v #i #j
+    {{{ l, RET #l; P i j l ∗ is_matrix v m n P }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hpers Hm Hn Φ) "Hm HΦ".
+    wp_lam.
+    iDestruct "Hm" as (l ->) "Hm".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply vpos_spec; [done|].
+    iIntros "_".
+    wp_pures. 
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iModIntro.
+    iDestruct (matrix_sep_pers _ _ _ _ i j with "Hm") as "[$ Hm]"; [lia|lia|].
+    iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+End with_Σ.

From 528c968c5948cfa626ff7b78affbe7996c1d538f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:05:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 63/81] Removed redundant _pers specs, and added missing matrix

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v |   8 +-
 multi_actris/utils/matrix.v    | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/utils/matrix.v

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index f8dc651..8573236 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
     iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
-    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec_pers with "Hls"); [done..|].
-    iIntros (l') "Hl'".
+    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec with "Hls"); [done..|].
+    iIntros (l') "[Hl' _]".
     iDestruct "Hl'" as (γt) "#IHl1".
     wp_pures. wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ Section channel.
     wp_pure _.
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
     iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
-    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec_pers with "Hls"); [done..|].
-    iIntros (l') "Hl'".
+    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec with "Hls"); [done..|].
+    iIntros (l') "[Hl' _]".
     iDestruct "Hl'" as (γt) "#IHl2".
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066da4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+From Require Import big_op.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
+Definition new_matrix : val :=
+  λ: "m" "n" "v", (AllocN ("m"*"n") "v","m","n").
+Definition pos (n i j : nat) : nat := i * n + j.
+Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
+Definition matrix_get : val :=
+  λ: "m" "i" "j",
+    let: "l" := Fst (Fst "m") in
+    let: "n" := Snd "m" in
+    "l" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j".
+Section with_Σ.
+  Context `{heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition is_matrix (v : val) (m n : nat)
+             (P : nat → nat → loc → iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
+    ∃ (l:loc),
+      ⌜v = PairV (PairV #l #m) #n⌝ ∗
+      [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j).
+  Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /= array_app=> /=.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
+    iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iFrame=> /=.
+    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
+    replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
+    by iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  (* TODO: rename *)
+  Lemma big_sepL_replicate_type {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
+    iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
+    by rewrite !replicate_length.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma array_to_matrix l m n v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (m * n) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+        (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? _) "Hl".
+    iApply big_sepL_replicate_type.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
+    rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
+    by apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma new_matrix_spec E m n v P :
+    0 < m → 0 < n →
+    {{{ [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (), [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+  ∀ l, l ↦ v ={E}=∗ P i j l }}}
+      new_matrix #m #n v @ E
+    {{{ mat, RET mat; is_matrix mat m n P }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "HP HΦ".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
+    iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
+    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
+    iExists _. iSplitR; [done|].
+    replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat m * Z.of_nat n)) with (m * n) by lia.
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iCombine "HP Hl" as "HPl".
+    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
+    iApply big_sepL_fupd.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "HPl").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin) "H".
+    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
+    iApply big_sepL_fupd.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (k' x' Hin') "[HP Hl]".
+    by iApply "HP".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_sep m n l (P : _ → _ → _ → iProp Σ) i j :
+    i < m → j < n →
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j)) -∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) ∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) -∗
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j)))).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn) "Hm".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_impl with "Hm []") as "Hm".
+    { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn).
+      iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()).
+      by apply lookup_replicate. }
+    simpl.
+    rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ());
+      [|by apply lookup_replicate].
+    iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]".
+    iFrame.
+    iIntros "HP".
+    iDestruct ("Hm" with "[$Hi $HP]") as "Hm".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hm").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin).
+    iIntros "[Hm Hm']". iApply "Hm'". done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
+    {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j)) by lia.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_get_spec m n i j v P :
+    i < m → j < n →
+    {{{ is_matrix v m n P }}}
+      matrix_get v #i #j
+    {{{ l, RET #l; P i j l ∗ (P i j l -∗ is_matrix v m n P) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "Hm HΦ".
+    wp_lam.
+    iDestruct "Hm" as (l ->) "Hm".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply vpos_spec; [done|].
+    iIntros "_".
+    wp_pures.
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iModIntro.
+    iDestruct (matrix_sep _ _ _ _ i j with "Hm") as "[$ Hm]"; [lia|lia|].
+    iIntros "H".
+    iDestruct ("Hm" with "H") as "Hm".
+    iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+End with_Σ.

From d4b1567add962b76e5247055772ad92f86c0293a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:49:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 64/81] Added adequacy proof for ring leader election

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
index e8810fc..0fa6ef5 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-From Require Import proofmode.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
 From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
+From Require Import proofmode.
 (** Inspired by *)
@@ -195,3 +196,11 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
 End ring_leader_election_example.
+Lemma program_spec_adequate :
+  adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
+           (λ _ _, True).
+  apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
+  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.

From 621aa83c54244f41796a80d93eff63be930487d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2024 18:04:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 65/81] Some clean up.

 _CoqProject                |  1 -
 theories/channel/channel.v |  2 +-
 theories/channel/proto.v   | 16 ++++++++--------
 theories/utils/skip.v      | 11 -----------
 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 theories/utils/skip.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index e46494d..843f066 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 # Fixing this one requires Coq 8.19
 -arg -w -arg -argument-scope-delimiter
diff --git a/theories/channel/channel.v b/theories/channel/channel.v
index e8d038e..2c53a5e 100644
--- a/theories/channel/channel.v
+++ b/theories/channel/channel.v
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode.
 From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import spin_lock.
 From Require Export proto.
-From actris.utils Require Import llist skip.
+From actris.utils Require Import llist.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Local Existing Instance spin_lock.
diff --git a/theories/channel/proto.v b/theories/channel/proto.v
index 92c4c00..9e9dfcf 100644
--- a/theories/channel/proto.v
+++ b/theories/channel/proto.v
@@ -54,10 +54,17 @@ From Require Import proto_model.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
+(** * Types *)
+Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
+Declare Scope proto_scope.
+Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
+Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
+Open Scope proto.
 (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
 Class protoG Σ V :=
   protoG_authG ::
-    inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))).
+    inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (iProto Σ V))).
 Definition protoΣ V := #[
   GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))
@@ -65,13 +72,6 @@ Definition protoΣ V := #[
 Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V.
 Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
-(** * Types *)
-Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
-Declare Scope proto_scope.
-Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
-Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
-Open Scope proto.
 (** * Messages *)
 Section iMsg.
   Set Primitive Projections.
diff --git a/theories/utils/skip.v b/theories/utils/skip.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c38b3..0000000
--- a/theories/utils/skip.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-From iris.heap_lang Require Export lang.
-From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
-Definition skipN : val :=
-  rec: "go" "n" := if: #0 < "n" then "go" ("n" - #1) else #().
-Lemma skipN_spec `{heapGS Σ} Φ (n : nat) : ▷^n (Φ #()) -∗ WP skipN #n {{ Φ }}.
-  iIntros "HΦ". iInduction n as [|n] "IH"; wp_rec; wp_pures; [done|].
-  rewrite Z.sub_1_r Nat2Z.inj_succ Z.pred_succ. by iApply "IH".

From d6fb18080144aae68794dc90bcedc4d60d7a5b78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:59:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 66/81] Bump Iris (iFrame).

 coq-actris.opam              | 2 +-
 theories/examples/list_rev.v | 3 +--
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/coq-actris.opam b/coq-actris.opam
index d79e967..0a6f3ae 100644
--- a/coq-actris.opam
+++ b/coq-actris.opam
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ bug-reports: ""
 dev-repo: "git+"
 depends: [
-  "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2024-02-02.1.b30c53e2") | (= "dev") }
+  "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2024-02-16.1.06f499e0") | (= "dev") }
 build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
diff --git a/theories/examples/list_rev.v b/theories/examples/list_rev.v
index 70d0ade..17cbdcd 100644
--- a/theories/examples/list_rev.v
+++ b/theories/examples/list_rev.v
@@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ Section list_rev_example.
       + iExists []. eauto.
       + iDestruct "Hl" as (v lcons) "[HIT [Hlcons Hrec]]".
         iDestruct ("IH" with "Hrec") as (vs) "[Hvs H]".
-        iExists (v::vs). iFrame.
-        iExists v, lcons. eauto with iFrame.
+        iExists (v::vs). by iFrame.
     - iDestruct 1 as (vs) "[Hvs HIT]".
       iInduction xs as [|x xs] "IH" forall (l vs).
       + by iDestruct (big_sepL2_nil_inv_l with "HIT") as %->.

From 9e2761b026b9331a90c84f39f878af16ad2245c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 07:29:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 67/81] Bump Iris.

 coq-actris.opam | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/coq-actris.opam b/coq-actris.opam
index 0a6f3ae..08e7857 100644
--- a/coq-actris.opam
+++ b/coq-actris.opam
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ bug-reports: ""
 dev-repo: "git+"
 depends: [
-  "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2024-02-16.1.06f499e0") | (= "dev") }
+  "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2024-03-12.0.c1e15cdc") | (= "dev") }
 build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"]

From 9c0c5bb3e562feb65b63580fa2d9bcfa76dde350 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024 08:20:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 68/81] Remove old comment, minor tweak.

 theories/channel/proto_model.v | 8 +++-----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/channel/proto_model.v b/theories/channel/proto_model.v
index c6f6855..7305940 100644
--- a/theories/channel/proto_model.v
+++ b/theories/channel/proto_model.v
@@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ Lemma proto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe P
   proto_end ≡ proto_message (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn) (PROP:=PROP) a m ⊢@{SPROP} False.
 Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
-(** The eliminator [proto_elim x f p] is only well-behaved if the function [f]
-is contractive *)
 Definition proto_elim {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A}
     (x : A) (f : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A)
     (p : proto V PROPn PROP) : A :=
@@ -151,11 +149,11 @@ Proof.
   by destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold None)) as [[??]|] eqn:E; inversion Hfold.
 Lemma proto_elim_message {V} `{!Cofe PROPn, !Cofe PROP} {A : ofe}
-    (x : A) (f : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A)
-    `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} a m :
+    (x : A) (f : action → (V → laterO (proto V PROP PROPn) -n> PROP) → A) a m :
+  (∀ a, Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)) →
   proto_elim x f (proto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
-  rewrite /proto_elim /proto_message /=.
+  intros. rewrite /proto_elim /proto_message /=.
   pose proof (proto_unfold_fold (V:=V) (PROPn:=PROPn)
     (PROP:=PROP) (Some (a, m))) as Hfold.
   destruct (proto_unfold (proto_fold (Some (a, m))))

From 9b32c5b01575662249c04bbadef4b6bf3749270c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robbert Krebbers <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 14:45:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 69/81] Bump Iris.

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v | 8 ++++----
 multi_actris/channel/proto.v   | 7 +++----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 8573236..7e68d81 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -373,10 +373,10 @@ Section channel.
     rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
     iDestruct (iMsg_texist_exist with "Hm") as (x <-) "[Hp HP]".
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]";[apply excl_auth_update|].
-    iModIntro. iApply "HΦ".
-    iFrame. iExists _, _, _, _, _, _. iSplit; [done|].
-    iRewrite "Hp". iFrame "#∗". iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H● H◯]";
+      [apply (excl_auth_update _ _ (Next p'''))|].
+    iModIntro. iApply "HΦ". rewrite /iProto_pointsto_def. iFrame "IH Hls ∗".
+    iSplit; [done|]. iRewrite "Hp". iApply iProto_le_refl.
 End channel.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index dea40ec..fdd225f 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -912,8 +912,7 @@ Section proto.
     iSplitL "Hauth".
     - rewrite /iProto_own_auth.
       rewrite map_seq_snoc. simpl. done.
-    - iSplit; [|done].
-      iExists _. iFrame. by iApply iProto_le_refl.
+    - by iApply iProto_le_refl.
   Lemma list_lookup_Some_le (ps : list $ iProto Σ V) (i : nat) (p1 : iProto Σ V) :
@@ -1271,7 +1270,7 @@ Section proto.
     iIntros "Hconsistent".
     iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
-    iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. by iFrame.
+    iExists γ. by iFrame.
   Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
@@ -1416,7 +1415,7 @@ Section proto.
 End proto.
-Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
+Global Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
 Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
   first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.

From 8e968ab284f344b0b180b19fd181579e111b9e08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 16:49:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 70/81] Added delegation variant of leader election

 multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v | 277 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 277 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c40b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
+From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
+From Require Import proofmode.
+(** Inspired by *)
+Definition process : val :=
+  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" :=
+    if: recv "c" "idr"
+    then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
+         if: "id" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
+         else if: "id" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false
+         else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
+         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" (** Case 2 *)
+         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
+    else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
+         if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
+         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id'";; "id'".
+Definition init : val :=
+  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
+    (* Notice missing leader *)
+    send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
+Definition forward : val :=
+  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "id_max",
+    if: "id" = "id_max" then
+      let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
+      let: "c0" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
+      let: "c1" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
+      send "c1" #0 "id_max";;
+      send "c" "idl" "c1";;
+      Fork ((rec: "f" <> :=
+              let: "id'" := recv "c0" #1 in
+              assert: ("id'" = "id_max");; "f" #()) #());;
+      recv "c" "idr";; #()
+    else
+      let: "c1" := recv "c" "idr" in
+      send "c1" #0 "id_max";;
+      send "c" "idl" "c1".
+Definition program : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in 
+           forward "c1" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in 
+           forward "c2" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in 
+           forward "c3" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
+     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
+     forward "c0" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
+Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
+  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
+Section ring_leader_election_example.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
+  Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
+             (rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
+    λ (isp:bool),
+      iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
+         if bool_decide (i < i')
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i' ; rec true
+         else if bool_decide (i = i')
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
+         else if isp then rec isp
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
+         if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
+  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
+  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition rle_prot il i ir p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
+  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp p :
+    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
+  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp p :
+    (rle_prot il i ir p isp) ≡
+    (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
+  Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
+    rle_prot il i ir p true)%proto.
+  Lemma process_spec il i ir p c (isp:bool) :
+    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp) }}}
+      process c #il #i #ir #isp
+    {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
+    wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
+    destruct b.
+    - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+      { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
+        wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
+      { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
+        wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_send with "[//]".
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      case_bool_decide; [lia|].
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_pures.
+      destruct isp.
+      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      wp_pures.
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
+    - wp_pures.
+      wp_recv (id') as "_". wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+      { case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_pures. subst. by iApply "HΦ". }
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma init_spec c il i ir p :
+    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il i ir p }}}
+      init c #il #i #ir
+    {{{ res, RET #res; c ↣ p res }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_pures. by iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
+  Qed.
+  Definition forward_prot (p : iProto Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
+    if bool_decide (i = i_max) then
+      (<(Send,il) @ (c:val)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto
+    else
+      (<(Recv,ir) @ (c:val)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Send,il)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto.
+  Definition relay_send_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send,0)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance relay_send_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_send_aux i).
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition relay_send_prot i := fixpoint (relay_send_aux i).
+  Instance relay_send_prot_unfold i :
+    ProtoUnfold (relay_send_prot i) (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
+  Lemma relay_send_prot_unfold' i :
+    (relay_send_prot i) ≡
+    (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
+  Definition relay_recv_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv,1)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance relay_recv_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_recv_aux i).
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition relay_recv_prot i := fixpoint (relay_recv_aux i).
+  Instance relay_recv_prot_unfold i :
+    ProtoUnfold (relay_recv_prot i) (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
+  Lemma relay_recv_prot_unfold' i :
+    (relay_recv_prot i) ≡
+    (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
+  Definition prot_pool : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
+      rle_prot 0 1 2 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 2 3 0 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+  Definition prot_pool' (i:nat) : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [relay_recv_prot i;
+      relay_send_prot i].
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent' i : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool' i).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /prot_pool'.
+    iLöb as "IH".
+    iEval (rewrite relay_recv_prot_unfold').
+    iEval (rewrite relay_send_prot_unfold').
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma forward_spec c il i ir i_max :
+    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot (relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max }}}
+      forward c #il #i #ir #i_max
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    rewrite /forward_prot.
+    wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+    - simplify_eq. wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+      wp_new_chan (prot_pool' i_max) with (prot_pool_consistent' i_max)
+        as (c0 c1) "Hc0" "Hc1".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_send with "[Hc1//]".
+      wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc0]").
+      { iIntros "!>".
+        wp_pures.
+        iLöb as "IH".
+        wp_recv as "_".
+        wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
+        wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
+        iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
+      wp_recv as "Hc'". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_pures.
+      wp_recv (c') as "Hc'".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_send with "[Hc'//]". 
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma program_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof. 
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_new_chan prot_pool with prot_pool_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc1"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc2"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc3"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc0").
+    iIntros (i') "Hc0". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc0").
+  Qed.
+End ring_leader_election_example.
+Lemma program_spec_adequate :
+  adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
+           (λ _ _, True).
+  apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
+  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.

From 8b313fcad5a3ffbb7ab413d96455e1725c920c0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 16:15:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 71/81] Added implementation for two-buyer and refactored

 _CoqProject                       |   1 +
 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v  |   4 +-
 multi_actris/examples/basics.v    |  85 -------------------
 multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 843f066..f187ca7 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -61,4 +61,5 @@ multi_actris/channel/proto.v
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 5f9d7b8..319de3c 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ Ltac ltac1_list_iter2 tac l1 l2 :=
 Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "as"
        "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr_list(pats) :=
   wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot);
-    [set_solver| |iIntros (?) "?"];
+    [set_solver| |iIntros (_cs) "?"];
     [|ltac1_list_iter2 ltac:(fun x y => wp_get_chan (x) y) xs pats].
 Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "with" constr(lem) "as"
        "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr_list(pats) :=
   wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot);
-    [set_solver|by iApply lem|iIntros (?) "?"];
+    [set_solver|by iApply lem|iIntros (_cs) "?"];
     ltac1_list_iter2 ltac:(fun x y => wp_get_chan (x) y) xs pats.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 36c500f..82a0173 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -294,91 +294,6 @@ Section parallel.
 End parallel.
-Section two_buyer.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition two_buyer_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
-    [(<(Send, 1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
-            <(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-            <(Send, 2) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ; END)%proto;
-     (<(Recv, 0) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
-            <(Send, 0) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-            <(Send, 2)> MSG #quote ;
-            <(Recv, 2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
-            if b then
-              <(Recv, 2) @ (address:Z)> MSG #address ;
-              <(Send, 2) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
-            else END)%proto;
-     (<(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-            <(Recv, 0) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
-            if bool_decide (contrib >= quote/2)%Z then
-              <(Send, 1)> MSG #true ;
-              <(Send, 1) @ (address:Z)> MSG #address ;
-              <(Recv, 1) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
-            else
-              <(Send, 1)> MSG #false ; END)%proto].
-  Lemma two_buyer_prot_consistent :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_prot.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /two_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps. 
-    case_bool_decide; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-  Qed.
-End two_buyer.
-Section two_buyer_ref.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition two_buyer_ref_b1_prot : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Send, 1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
-     <(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-     <(Send, 2) @ (l : loc) (amount:Z) (contrib:Z)>
-       MSG (#l,#contrib) {{ l ↦ #amount }} ;
-     <(Recv, 2) @ (b : bool)>
-       MSG #b {{ l ↦ #(if b then amount - contrib else amount) }};
-     END)%proto.
-  Definition two_buyer_ref_s_prot : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Recv, 0) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
-     <(Send, 0) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-     <(Send, 2)> MSG #quote ;
-     <(Recv, 2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
-     if b then
-       <(Recv, 2) @ (l2 : loc) (amount2:Z) (address:Z)> 
-         MSG (#l2,#address) {{ l2 ↦ #amount2 }} ;
-       <(Send, 2) @ (date : Z)> MSG #date {{ l2 ↦ #(amount2-quote) }}; END
-     else END)%proto.
-  Definition two_buyer_ref_b2_prot : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Recv, 1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
-     <(Recv, 0) @ (l1 : loc) (amount1:Z) (contrib:Z)>
-       MSG (#l1,#contrib) {{ l1 ↦ #amount1 }};
-     <(Send, 0) @ (b : bool)>
-       MSG #b {{ l1 ↦ #(if b then amount1 - contrib else amount1) }};
-     <(Send, 1)> MSG #b;
-     if b then
-       <(Send, 1) @ (l2 : loc) (amount2:Z) (address:Z)>
-         MSG (#l2,#address) {{ l2 ↦ #amount2 }} ;
-       <(Recv, 1) @ (date : Z)> MSG #date {{ l2 ↦ #(amount2-quote) }};
-       END
-     else END)%proto.
-  Definition two_buyer_ref_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
-    [two_buyer_ref_b1_prot;
-     two_buyer_ref_s_prot;
-     two_buyer_ref_b2_prot].
-  (* TODO: Anonymous variable in this is unsatisfactory *)
-  Lemma two_buyer_ref_prot_consistent :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_ref_prot.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /two_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    iNext. destruct x4; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-  Qed.
-End two_buyer_ref.
 Section forwarder.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ}.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v b/multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15eef77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+From Require Import proofmode.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Definition buyer1_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cb1" "s" "b2",
+    send "cb1" "s" #0;;
+    let: "quote" := recv "cb1" "s" in
+    send "cb1" "b2" ("quote" `rem` #2);;
+    recv "cb1" "b2";; #().
+Definition seller_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cs" "b1" "b2",
+    let: "title" := recv "cs" "b1" in
+    send "cs" "b1" #42;; send "cs" "b2" #42;;
+    let: "b" := recv "cs" "b2" in
+    if: "b" then
+      send "cs" "b2" #0
+    else #().
+Definition buyer2_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cb2" "b1" "s",
+    let: "quote" := recv "cb2" "s" in
+    let: "contrib" := recv "cb2" "b1" in
+    if: ("quote" - "contrib" < #100)
+    then send "cb2" "s" #true;; send "cb2" "b1" #true;;
+         recv "cb2" "s"
+    else #().
+Definition two_buyer_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "b1" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "s" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "b2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     Fork (seller_prog "s" #0 #2);;
+     Fork (buyer2_prog "b2" #0 #1);;
+     buyer1_prog "b1" #1 #2.
+Section two_buyer.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Definition buyer1_prot s b2 : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, s) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+     <(Recv, s) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, b2) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ; 
+     <(Recv, b2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b; END)%proto.
+  Lemma buyer1_spec c s b2 :
+    {{{ c ↣ buyer1_prot s b2 }}}
+      buyer1_prog c #s #b2 
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv (quote) as "_".
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv (b) as "_". wp_pures.
+    by iApply "HΦ". 
+  Qed.
+  Definition seller_prot b1 b2 : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, b1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+     <(Send, b1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, b2)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, b2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+     if b then
+       <(Send, b2) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+     else END)%proto.
+  Lemma seller_spec c b1 b2 :
+    {{{ c ↣ seller_prot b1 b2 }}}
+      seller_prog c #b1 #b2 
+    {{{ b, RET #b; True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_recv (title) as "_".
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv (b) as "_".
+    destruct b.
+    - wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]". by iApply "HΦ". 
+    - wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Definition buyer2_prot b1 s : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, s) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, b1) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
+     <(Send, s) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+     <(Send, b1)> MSG #b ;
+     if b then <(Recv, s) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+     else <(Send, s)> MSG #false ; END)%proto.
+  Lemma buyer2_spec c b1 s :
+    {{{ c ↣ buyer2_prot b1 s }}}
+      buyer2_prog c #b1 #s 
+    {{{ b, RET #b; True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_recv (quote) as "_".
+    wp_recv (contrib) as "_".
+    wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+    - wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv (date) as "_".
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+    - wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Definition two_buyer_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [buyer1_prot 1 2 ; seller_prot 0 2; buyer2_prot 0 1].
+  Lemma two_buyer_prot_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_prot.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /two_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    destruct x2; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma two_buyer_spec :
+    {{{ True }}}
+      two_buyer_prog #()
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_new_chan two_buyer_prot with two_buyer_prot_consistent
+      as (???) "Hcb1" "Hcs" "Hcb2".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hcs]").
+    { by iApply (seller_spec with "Hcs"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hcb2]").
+    { by iApply (buyer2_spec with "Hcb2"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (buyer1_spec with "Hcb1").
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End two_buyer.

From 32e16a45718a540c15cac881251ed2d84f25d5c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 17:22:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 72/81] Added three buyer example

 _CoqProject                         |   1 +
 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v    |   4 +-
 multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index f187ca7..f25af83 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -62,4 +62,5 @@ multi_actris/channel/channel.v
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 319de3c..5f9d7b8 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ Ltac ltac1_list_iter2 tac l1 l2 :=
 Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "as"
        "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr_list(pats) :=
   wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot);
-    [set_solver| |iIntros (_cs) "?"];
+    [set_solver| |iIntros (?) "?"];
     [|ltac1_list_iter2 ltac:(fun x y => wp_get_chan (x) y) xs pats].
 Tactic Notation "wp_new_chan" constr(prot) "with" constr(lem) "as"
        "(" simple_intropattern_list(xs) ")" constr_list(pats) :=
   wp_smart_apply (new_chan_spec prot);
-    [set_solver|by iApply lem|iIntros (_cs) "?"];
+    [set_solver|by iApply lem|iIntros (?) "?"];
     ltac1_list_iter2 ltac:(fun x y => wp_get_chan (x) y) xs pats.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v b/multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa4c6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+From Require Import proofmode.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Definition buyer1_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cb1" "s" "b2",
+    send "cb1" "s" #0;;
+    let: "quote" := recv "cb1" "s" in
+    send "cb1" "b2" ("quote" `rem` #2);;
+    recv "cb1" "b2";; #().
+Definition seller_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cs" "b1" "b2",
+    let: "title" := recv "cs" "b1" in
+    send "cs" "b1" #42;; send "cs" "b2" #42;;
+    let: "b" := recv "cs" "b2" in
+    if: "b" then
+      send "cs" "b2" #0
+    else #().
+Definition buyer2_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cb2" "b1" "s" "cb2'" "b3",
+    let: "quote" := recv "cb2" "s" in
+    let: "contrib" := recv "cb2" "b1" in
+    if: ("quote" - "contrib" < #100)
+    then send "cb2" "s" #true;; send "cb2" "b1" #true;;
+         recv "cb2" "s"
+    else send "cb2'" "b3" "quote";;
+         send "cb2'" "b3" ("contrib" + #100);;
+         send "cb2'" "b3" "cb2".
+Definition buyer3_prog : val :=
+  λ: "cb3" "b1" "b2'" "s",
+    let: "quote" := recv "cb3" "b2'" in
+    let: "contrib" := recv "cb3" "b2'" in
+    let: "cb2" := recv "cb3" "b2'" in
+    if: ("quote" - "contrib" < #100)
+    then send "cb2" "s" #true;; send "cb2" "b1" #true;;
+         recv "cb2" "s"
+    else #().
+Definition three_buyer_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #3 in
+     let: "b1" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "s" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "b2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
+     let: "b2'" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
+     let: "b3" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
+     Fork (seller_prog "s" #0 #2);;
+     Fork (buyer2_prog "b2" #0 #1 "b2'" #1);;
+     Fork (buyer3_prog "b3" #0 #1 #0);;
+     buyer1_prog "b1" #1 #2.
+Section three_buyer.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, !chanG Σ}.
+  Definition buyer1_prot s b2 : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, s) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+     <(Recv, s) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, b2) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ; 
+     <(Recv, b2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b; END)%proto.
+  Lemma buyer1_spec c s b2 :
+    {{{ c ↣ buyer1_prot s b2 }}}
+      buyer1_prog c #s #b2 
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv (quote) as "_".
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv (b) as "_". wp_pures.
+    by iApply "HΦ". 
+  Qed.
+  Definition seller_prot b1 b2 : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, b1) @ (title:Z)> MSG #title ;
+     <(Send, b1) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, b2)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, b2) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+     if b then
+       <(Send, b2) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+     else END)%proto.
+  Lemma seller_spec c b1 b2 :
+    {{{ c ↣ seller_prot b1 b2 }}}
+      seller_prog c #b1 #b2 
+    {{{ b, RET #b; True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_recv (title) as "_".
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_send with "[//]".
+    wp_recv (b) as "_".
+    destruct b.
+    - wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]". by iApply "HΦ". 
+    - wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Definition buyer2_prot b1 s : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, s) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, b1) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
+     <(Send, s) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+     <(Send, b1)> MSG #b ;
+     if b then <(Recv, s) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+     else <(Send, s)> MSG #false ; END)%proto.
+  Definition buyer2_prot' b3 b1 s : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, b3) @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Send, b3) @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
+     <(Send, b3) @ (c:val)> MSG c
+                               {{ c ↣ (<(Send, s) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+                                  <(Send, b1)> MSG #b ;
+                                  if b then <(Recv, s) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+                                  else <(Send, s)> MSG #false ; END)%proto }} ;
+     END)%proto.
+  Lemma buyer2_spec c b1 s c' b3 :
+    {{{ c ↣ buyer2_prot b1 s ∗ c' ↣ buyer2_prot' b3 b1 s }}}
+      buyer2_prog c #b1 #s c' #b3
+    {{{ b, RET #b; True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[Hc Hc'] HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_recv (quote) as "_".
+    wp_recv (contrib) as "_".
+    wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+    - wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv (date) as "_".
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+    - wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[Hc//]".
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Definition buyer3_prot b1 b2' s : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv, b2') @ (quote:Z)> MSG #quote ;
+     <(Recv, b2') @ (contrib:Z)> MSG #contrib ;
+     <(Recv, b2') @ (c:val)> MSG c
+                               {{ c ↣ (<(Send, s) @ (b:bool)> MSG #b ;
+                                  <(Send, b1)> MSG #b ;
+                                  if b then <(Recv, s) @ (date:Z)> MSG #date ; END
+                                  else <(Send, s)> MSG #false ; END)%proto }} ;
+     END)%proto.
+  Lemma buyer3_spec c b1 b2' s :
+    {{{ c ↣ buyer3_prot b1 b2' s }}}
+      buyer3_prog c #b1 #b2' #s 
+    {{{ b, RET #b; True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures.
+    wp_recv (quote) as "_".
+    wp_recv (contrib) as "_".
+    wp_recv (c') as "Hc'".
+    wp_pures.
+    case_bool_decide.
+    - wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_recv (date) as "_".
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+    - wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Definition two_buyer_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [buyer1_prot 1 2 ; seller_prot 0 2; buyer2_prot 0 1].
+  Lemma two_buyer_prot_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent two_buyer_prot.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /two_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    destruct x2; iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+  Definition three_buyer_prot : list (iProto Σ) :=
+    [buyer2_prot' 1 0 1; buyer3_prot 0 1 0].
+  Lemma three_buyer_prot_consistent :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent three_buyer_prot.
+  Proof. rewrite /three_buyer_prot. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
+  Lemma three_buyer_spec :
+    {{{ True }}}
+      three_buyer_prog #()
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_new_chan two_buyer_prot with two_buyer_prot_consistent
+      as (???) "Hcb1" "Hcs" "Hcb2".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_new_chan three_buyer_prot with three_buyer_prot_consistent
+      as (??) "Hcb2'" "Hcb3".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hcs]").
+    { by iApply (seller_spec with "Hcs"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hcb2 Hcb2']").
+    { by iApply (buyer2_spec with "[$Hcb2 $Hcb2']"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hcb3]").
+    { by iApply (buyer3_spec with "Hcb3"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (buyer1_spec with "Hcb1").
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+End three_buyer.

From df6f77e7de7bd88477c7c71e06cd0b61453bbc3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 20:34:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 73/81] Attempt at better delegation example

 .../examples/leader_election_del_alt.v        | 291 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 291 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5b63aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
+From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
+From Require Import proofmode.
+(** Inspired by *)
+Definition process : val :=
+  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" :=
+    if: recv "c" "idr"
+    then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
+         if: "id" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
+         else if: "id" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
+         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false
+         else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
+         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" (** Case 2 *)
+         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
+    else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
+         if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
+         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id'";; "id'".
+Definition init : val :=
+  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
+    (* Notice missing leader *)
+    send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
+    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
+Definition forward : val :=
+  λ: "c" "c'" "idl" "id" "idr" "id_max",
+    if: "id" = "id_max" then
+      send "c'" #0 "id_max";;
+      send "c" "idl" #();;
+      recv "c" "idr"
+    else
+      recv "c" "idr";;
+      send "c'" #0 "id_max";;
+      send "c" "idl" #().
+Definition program : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
+     let: "c0'" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
+     let: "c1'" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := recv "c0'" #1 in
+           (rec: "f" <> :=
+              let: "id'" := recv "c0'" #1 in
+              assert: ("id'" = "id_max");; "f" #()) #());;
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in 
+           forward "c1" "c1'" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in 
+           forward "c2" "c1'" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in 
+           forward "c3" "c1'" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
+     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
+     forward "c0" "c1'" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
+Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
+  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
+Section ring_leader_election_example.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
+  Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (P : iProp Σ) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
+             (rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
+    λ (isp:bool),
+      iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i';
+         if bool_decide (i < i')
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i' ; rec true
+         else if bool_decide (i = i')
+         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
+         else if isp then rec isp
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i'  {{ if bool_decide (i = i') then P else True%I }};
+         if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
+         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
+  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir P p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir P p).
+  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition rle_prot il i ir P p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir P p).
+  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp P p :
+    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir P p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir P p (rle_prot il i ir P p) isp).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir P p)). Qed.
+  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp P p :
+    (rle_prot il i ir P p isp) ≡
+    (my_recv_prot il i ir P p (rle_prot il i ir P p) isp).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir P p)). Qed.
+  Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) P p : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i {{ P }} ;
+    rle_prot il i ir P p true)%proto.
+  Lemma process_spec il i ir P p c (isp:bool) :
+    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir P p isp) }}}
+      process c #il #i #ir #isp
+    {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' ∗ if (bool_decide (i = i')) then P else True%I }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
+    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
+    wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
+    destruct b.
+    - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+      { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
+        wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
+      { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
+        wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_send with "[//]".
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
+        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      case_bool_decide; [lia|].
+      wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_pures.
+      destruct isp.
+      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      wp_pures.
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
+    - wp_pures.
+      wp_recv (id') as "HP". wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+      { case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_pures. subst. iApply "HΦ".
+        iFrame.
+        case_bool_decide; [|lia].
+        done. }
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
+      iFrame.
+      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma init_spec c il i ir p P :
+    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il i ir P p ∗ P }}}
+      init c #il #i #ir
+    {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' ∗ if (bool_decide (i = i')) then P else True%I }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[HP//]".
+    wp_pures. iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
+  Qed.
+  Definition forward_prot (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
+    if bool_decide (i = i_max) then
+      (<(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto
+    else
+      (<(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto.
+  Definition relay_send_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send,0)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance relay_send_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_send_aux i).
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition relay_send_prot i := fixpoint (relay_send_aux i).
+  Instance relay_send_prot_unfold i :
+    ProtoUnfold (relay_send_prot i) (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
+  Lemma relay_send_prot_unfold' i :
+    (relay_send_prot i) ≡
+    (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
+  Definition relay_send_preprot : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Send,0) @ (i_max:nat)> MSG #i_max ; relay_send_prot i_max)%proto.
+  Definition relay_recv_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv,1)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
+  Instance relay_recv_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_recv_aux i).
+  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
+  Definition relay_recv_prot i := fixpoint (relay_recv_aux i).
+  Instance relay_recv_prot_unfold i :
+    ProtoUnfold (relay_recv_prot i) (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
+  Lemma relay_recv_prot_unfold' i :
+    (relay_recv_prot i) ≡
+    (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
+  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
+  Definition relay_recv_preprot : iProto Σ :=
+    (<(Recv,1) @ (i_max:nat)> MSG #i_max ; relay_recv_prot i_max)%proto.
+  Definition prot_pool c P : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
+      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent c P : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool c P).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+  Definition prot_pool' : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [relay_recv_preprot;
+      relay_send_preprot].
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent' : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool').
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /prot_pool'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    iLöb as "IH".
+    iEval (rewrite relay_recv_prot_unfold').
+    iEval (rewrite relay_send_prot_unfold').
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma forward_spec c c' il i ir i_max :
+    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot c' (relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗ 
+        if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then c' ↣ relay_send_preprot else True%I }}}
+      forward c c' #il #i #ir #i_max
+    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "[Hc Hc'] HΦ". wp_lam.
+    rewrite /forward_prot.
+    wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+    - simplify_eq. wp_pures.
+      case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_pures. wp_send with "[Hc'//]".
+      wp_recv as "Hc'". by iApply "HΦ".
+    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      wp_pures. iClear "Hc'".
+      wp_recv as "Hc'".
+      wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_send with "[Hc'//]". 
+      by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma program_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof. 
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_new_chan (prot_pool') with (prot_pool_consistent')
+      as (c0' c1') "Hc0'" "Hc1'".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc0']").
+    { iIntros "!>".
+      wp_pures.
+      wp_recv (i_max) as "_". wp_pures.
+      iLöb as "IH".
+      wp_recv as "_". wp_pures.
+      wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
+      wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
+      iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
+    wp_new_chan (prot_pool c1' (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot)) with prot_pool_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc1]"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc2]"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
+      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc3]"). }
+    wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "[$Hc0 $Hc1']").
+    iIntros (i') "Hc0". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc0]").
+  Qed.
+End ring_leader_election_example.
+Lemma program_spec_adequate :
+  adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
+           (λ _ _, True).
+  apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
+  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.

From 4dd80e836173024c6330893ddcc5d100e64aea71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 20:41:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 74/81] Generalised resources further

 .../examples/leader_election_del_alt.v        | 22 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
index a5b63aa..4495041 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     wp_pures. iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
-  Definition forward_prot (c : val) (p : iProto Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
+  Definition forward_prot (P:iProp Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
     if bool_decide (i = i_max) then
-      (<(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto
+      (<(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ P }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ P }}; END)%proto
-      (<(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto.
+      (<(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ P }} ; <(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ P }}; END)%proto.
   Definition relay_send_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Send,0)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
@@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Definition relay_recv_preprot : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Recv,1) @ (i_max:nat)> MSG #i_max ; relay_recv_prot i_max)%proto.
-  Definition prot_pool c P : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
-      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
-      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
-      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, forward_prot c (relay_send_prot id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
+  Definition prot_pool P Φ : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
+      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent c P : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool c P).
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent P Φ : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool P Φ).
     rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
     rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Lemma forward_spec c c' il i ir i_max :
-    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot c' (relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗ 
+    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot (c' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗ 
         if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then c' ↣ relay_send_preprot else True%I }}}
       forward c c' #il #i #ir #i_max
     {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
       wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
       iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
-    wp_new_chan (prot_pool c1' (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot)) with prot_pool_consistent
+    wp_new_chan (prot_pool (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot) (λ i_max, c1' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max)) with prot_pool_consistent
       as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").

From afed8a408f7a802a63687fb8c1201b358c37d32b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 01:17:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 75/81] Clean up

 .../examples/leader_election_del_alt.v        | 93 +++++++------------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
index 4495041..e7429c2 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Definition process : val :=
 Definition init : val :=
   λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
-    (* Notice missing leader *)
     send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
     process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
@@ -53,11 +52,11 @@ Definition program : val :=
      let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
      let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
      let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in 
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
            forward "c1" "c1'" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in 
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
            forward "c2" "c1'" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in 
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
            forward "c3" "c1'" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
      let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
      forward "c0" "c1'" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
@@ -79,15 +78,18 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
          then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
          else if isp then rec isp
          else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
-        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i'  {{ if bool_decide (i = i') then P else True%I }};
+        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i'
+           {{ if bool_decide (i = i') then P else True%I }};
          if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
          else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
-  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir P p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir P p).
+  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir P p :
+    Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir P p).
   Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
   Definition rle_prot il i ir P p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir P p).
   Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp P p :
-    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir P p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir P p (rle_prot il i ir P p) isp).
+    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir P p isp)
+                (my_recv_prot il i ir P p (rle_prot il i ir P p) isp).
   Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir P p)). Qed.
   Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp P p :
     (rle_prot il i ir P p isp) ≡
@@ -107,42 +109,27 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
     wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
     destruct b.
-    - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
+    - wp_recv (i') as "_".
+      wp_pures. case_bool_decide as Hlt.
       { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
-        wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
+        wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
-      { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
-        wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-        wp_send with "[//]".
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
+      { case_bool_decide; [lia|]. wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
+        wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
+        wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
       case_bool_decide; [lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      destruct isp.
-      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
-    - wp_pures.
-      wp_recv (id') as "HP". wp_pures.
+      wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|]. wp_pures.
+      destruct isp; [by wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ")|].
+      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
+      wp_smart_apply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
+    - wp_recv (id') as "HP". wp_pures.
       case_bool_decide as Hlt.
       { case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-        wp_pures. subst. iApply "HΦ".
-        iFrame.
-        case_bool_decide; [|lia].
-        done. }
+        wp_pures. subst. iApply "HΦ". iFrame. by case_bool_decide. }
       case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
       wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
-      iFrame.
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      done.
+      iFrame. by case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
   Lemma init_spec c il i ir p P :
@@ -151,7 +138,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' ∗ if (bool_decide (i = i')) then P else True%I }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "[Hc HP] HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[HP//]".
-    wp_pures. iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
+    wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
   Definition forward_prot (P:iProp Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
@@ -214,8 +201,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Definition prot_pool' : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [relay_recv_preprot;
-      relay_send_preprot].
+     [relay_recv_preprot; relay_send_preprot].
   Lemma prot_pool_consistent' : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool').
@@ -229,7 +215,7 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Lemma forward_spec c c' il i ir i_max :
-    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot (c' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗ 
+    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot (c' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗
         if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then c' ↣ relay_send_preprot else True%I }}}
       forward c c' #il #i #ir #i_max
     {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
@@ -239,34 +225,27 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
     - simplify_eq. wp_pures.
       case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_pures. wp_send with "[Hc'//]".
-      wp_recv as "Hc'". by iApply "HΦ".
-    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_pures. iClear "Hc'".
-      wp_recv as "Hc'".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[Hc'//]". 
+      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[Hc'//]". wp_recv as "Hc'".
       by iApply "HΦ".
+    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
+      iClear "Hc'". wp_recv as "Hc'".
+      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[Hc'//]". by iApply "HΦ".
   Lemma program_spec :
     {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
-  Proof. 
+  Proof.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
     wp_new_chan (prot_pool') with (prot_pool_consistent')
       as (c0' c1') "Hc0'" "Hc1'".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc0']").
-    { iIntros "!>".
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_recv (i_max) as "_". wp_pures.
-      iLöb as "IH".
-      wp_recv as "_". wp_pures.
-      wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (i_max) as "_". wp_pures.
+      iLöb as "IH". wp_recv as "_". wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
       wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
       iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
-    wp_new_chan (prot_pool (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot) (λ i_max, c1' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max)) with prot_pool_consistent
-      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
+    wp_new_chan (prot_pool (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot)
+                           (λ i_max, c1' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max))
+      with prot_pool_consistent as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
       iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc1]"). }

From 5e0b1ef1bbe822af0f624f9869b1a8a8140f9d7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 01:31:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 76/81] Mechanised rle_ref_prog

 .../examples/leader_election_del_alt.v        | 74 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
index e7429c2..e3445c3 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
   (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
 Section ring_leader_election_example.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ}.
   Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (P : iProp Σ) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
              (rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
@@ -268,3 +268,75 @@ Proof.
   apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
   iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.
+Definition program2 : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "l" := ref #42 in
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
+           if: "id_max" = #1 then Free "l" else #());;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
+           if: "id_max" = #2 then Free "l" else #());;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
+           if: "id_max" = #3 then Free "l" else #());;
+     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
+     if: "id_max" = #0 then Free "l" else #().
+Section ring_leader_election_example.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ}.
+  Definition prot_pool'' P : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, END)%proto;
+      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false;
+      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false].
+  Lemma prot_pool_consistent'' P : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool'' P).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /prot_pool'' /rle_preprot.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma program_spec'' :
+    {{{ True }}} program2 #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_alloc l as "Hl".
+    wp_new_chan (prot_pool'' (l ↦ #42))
+      with prot_pool_consistent'' as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
+      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
+      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
+      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
+      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
+      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
+    wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "[$Hc0 $Hl]").
+    iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+    - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. wp_free. by iApply "HΦ".
+    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ". 
+  Qed.
+End ring_leader_election_example.

From d470e20005e4e98cca8c9bc23c93ddcd8d57159b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 01:41:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 77/81] Refactored leader election example

 .../examples/leader_election_del_alt.v        | 284 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 149 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
index e3445c3..093badc 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
@@ -27,44 +27,10 @@ Definition init : val :=
     send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
     process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
-Definition forward : val :=
-  λ: "c" "c'" "idl" "id" "idr" "id_max",
-    if: "id" = "id_max" then
-      send "c'" #0 "id_max";;
-      send "c" "idl" #();;
-      recv "c" "idr"
-    else
-      recv "c" "idr";;
-      send "c'" #0 "id_max";;
-      send "c" "idl" #().
-Definition program : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
-     let: "c0'" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
-     let: "c1'" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := recv "c0'" #1 in
-           (rec: "f" <> :=
-              let: "id'" := recv "c0'" #1 in
-              assert: ("id'" = "id_max");; "f" #()) #());;
-     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
-           forward "c1" "c1'" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
-           forward "c2" "c1'" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
-           forward "c3" "c1'" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
-     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
-     forward "c0" "c1'" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
 Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
   (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
-Section ring_leader_election_example.
+Section ring_leader_election_protocols.
   Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ}.
   Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (P : iProp Σ) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
@@ -141,7 +107,124 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
-  Definition forward_prot (P:iProp Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
+End ring_leader_election_protocols.
+Definition rle_ref_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "l" := ref #42 in
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
+           if: "id_max" = #1 then Free "l" else #());;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
+           if: "id_max" = #2 then Free "l" else #());;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
+           if: "id_max" = #3 then Free "l" else #());;
+     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
+     if: "id_max" = #0 then Free "l" else #().
+Section rle_ref_prog_proof.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ}.
+  Definition rle_ref_prog_prot_pool P : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, END)%proto;
+      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false;
+      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false].
+  Lemma rle_ref_prog_prot_pool_consistent P :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent (rle_ref_prog_prot_pool P).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /rle_ref_prog_prot_pool /rle_preprot.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+    case_bool_decide; try lia.
+    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
+    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma rle_ref_prog_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} rle_ref_prog #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
+    wp_alloc l as "Hl".
+    wp_new_chan (rle_ref_prog_prot_pool (l ↦ #42))
+      with rle_ref_prog_prot_pool_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
+      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
+      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
+      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
+      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
+    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
+    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
+      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
+      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
+    wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "[$Hc0 $Hl]").
+    iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
+    - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. wp_free. by iApply "HΦ".
+    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ". 
+  Qed.
+End rle_ref_prog_proof.
+Lemma rle_ref_prog_adequate :
+  adequate NotStuck (rle_ref_prog #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
+           (λ _ _, True).
+  apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
+  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply rle_ref_prog_spec.
+Definition relay : val :=
+  λ: "c" "c'" "idl" "id" "idr" "id_max",
+    if: "id" = "id_max" then
+      send "c'" #0 "id_max";; send "c" "idl" #();; recv "c" "idr"
+    else
+      recv "c" "idr";; send "c'" #0 "id_max";; send "c" "idl" #().
+Definition rle_del_prog : val :=
+  λ: <>,
+     let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
+     let: "c0'" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
+     let: "c1'" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := recv "c0'" #1 in
+           (rec: "f" <> :=
+              let: "id'" := recv "c0'" #1 in
+              assert: ("id'" = "id_max");; "f" #()) #());;
+     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
+     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
+     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
+     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
+     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
+           relay "c1" "c1'" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
+           relay "c2" "c1'" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
+     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
+           relay "c3" "c1'" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
+     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
+     relay "c0" "c1'" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
+Section rle_del_prog_proof.
+  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ}.
+  Definition relay_del_prot (P:iProp Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
     if bool_decide (i = i_max) then
       (<(Send,il)> MSG #() {{ P }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG #() {{ P }}; END)%proto
@@ -178,15 +261,16 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
   Definition relay_recv_preprot : iProto Σ :=
     (<(Recv,1) @ (i_max:nat)> MSG #i_max ; relay_recv_prot i_max)%proto.
-  Definition prot_pool P Φ : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
-      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
-      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
-      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, forward_prot (Φ id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
+  Definition rle_del_prog_prot_pool P Φ : list (iProto Σ) :=
+     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, relay_del_prot (Φ id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
+      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, relay_del_prot (Φ id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, relay_del_prot (Φ id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
+      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, relay_del_prot (Φ id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent P Φ : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool P Φ).
+  Lemma rle_del_prog_prot_pool_consistent P Φ :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent (rle_del_prog_prot_pool P Φ).
-    rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
+    rewrite /rle_del_prog_prot_pool /rle_preprot.
     rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
     case_bool_decide; try lia.
@@ -200,12 +284,13 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
-  Definition prot_pool' : list (iProto Σ) :=
+  Definition rle_del_prog_prot_pool' : list (iProto Σ) :=
      [relay_recv_preprot; relay_send_preprot].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent' : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool').
+  Lemma rle_del_prog_prot_pool_consistent' :
+    ⊢ iProto_consistent (rle_del_prog_prot_pool').
-    rewrite /prot_pool'.
+    rewrite /rle_del_prog_prot_pool'.
     iLöb as "IH".
     iEval (rewrite relay_recv_prot_unfold').
@@ -214,14 +299,14 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
-  Lemma forward_spec c c' il i ir i_max :
-    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot (c' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗
+  Lemma relay_spec c c' il i ir i_max :
+    {{{ c ↣ relay_del_prot (c' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max ∗
         if (bool_decide (i = i_max)) then c' ↣ relay_send_preprot else True%I }}}
-      forward c c' #il #i #ir #i_max
+      relay c c' #il #i #ir #i_max
     {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "[Hc Hc'] HΦ". wp_lam.
-    rewrite /forward_prot.
+    rewrite /relay_del_prot.
     wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
     - simplify_eq. wp_pures.
       case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
@@ -232,111 +317,40 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
       wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[Hc'//]". by iApply "HΦ".
-  Lemma program_spec :
-    {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
+  Lemma rle_del_prog_spec :
+    {{{ True }}} rle_del_prog #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
     iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_new_chan (prot_pool') with (prot_pool_consistent')
+    wp_new_chan rle_del_prog_prot_pool' with rle_del_prog_prot_pool_consistent'
       as (c0' c1') "Hc0'" "Hc1'".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc0']").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_recv (i_max) as "_". wp_pures.
       iLöb as "IH". wp_recv as "_". wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
       wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
       iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
-    wp_new_chan (prot_pool (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot)
+    wp_new_chan (rle_del_prog_prot_pool (c1' ↣ relay_send_preprot)
                            (λ i_max, c1' ↣ relay_send_prot i_max))
-      with prot_pool_consistent as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
+      with rle_del_prog_prot_pool_consistent
+      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc1]"). }
+      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (relay_spec with "[$Hc1]"). }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc2]"). }
+      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_smart_apply (relay_spec with "[$Hc2]"). }
     wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
     { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc3]"). }
+      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_smart_apply (relay_spec with "[$Hc3]"). }
     wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "[$Hc0 $Hc1']").
-    iIntros (i') "Hc0". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "[$Hc0]").
+    iIntros (i') "Hc0". by wp_smart_apply (relay_spec with "[$Hc0]").
-End ring_leader_election_example.
+End rle_del_prog_proof.
-Lemma program_spec_adequate :
-  adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
+Lemma rle_del_prog_adequate :
+  adequate NotStuck (rle_del_prog #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
            (λ _ _, True).
   apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
-  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.
+  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply rle_del_prog_spec.
-Definition program2 : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "l" := ref #42 in
-     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in
-           if: "id_max" = #1 then Free "l" else #());;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
-           if: "id_max" = #2 then Free "l" else #());;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in
-           if: "id_max" = #3 then Free "l" else #());;
-     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
-     if: "id_max" = #0 then Free "l" else #().
-Section ring_leader_election_example.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ}.
-  Definition prot_pool'' P : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 P (λ id_max, END)%proto;
-      rle_prot 0 1 2 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false;
-      rle_prot 1 2 3 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false;
-      rle_prot 2 3 0 P (λ id_max, END)%proto false].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent'' P : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool'' P).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /prot_pool'' /rle_preprot.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma program_spec'' :
-    {{{ True }}} program2 #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_alloc l as "Hl".
-    wp_new_chan (prot_pool'' (l ↦ #42))
-      with prot_pool_consistent'' as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
-      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
-      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
-      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
-      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
-      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
-      iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
-      - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. by wp_free.
-      - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. by wp_pures. }
-    wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "[$Hc0 $Hl]").
-    iIntros (i') "[_ Hl]". wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
-    - case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq; lia]. wp_free. by iApply "HΦ".
-    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq; lia|]. wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ". 
-  Qed.
-End ring_leader_election_example.

From 15a1c8011eff36a3299701e38419f3c999f3f2ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2024 02:00:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 78/81] Misc changes

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v              | 44 +++++++-----------
 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v            |  1 -
 multi_actris/channel/proto.v                | 50 ++-------------------
 multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v          |  5 ++-
 multi_actris/examples/basics.v              |  2 -
 multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v |  1 -
 multi_actris/utils/matrix.v                 |  3 --
 7 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 7e68d81..9fa9113 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
-(** This file contains the definition of the channels, encoded as a pair of
-lock-protected buffers, and their primitive proof rules. Moreover:
+(** This file contains the definition of the channels,
+and their primitive proof rules. Moreover:
 - It defines the connective [c ↣ prot] for ownership of channel endpoints,
   which describes that channel endpoint [c] adheres to protocol [prot].
-- It proves Actris's specifications of [send] and [recv] w.r.t. dependent
-  separation protocols.
-An encoding of the usual (binary) choice connectives [prot1 <{Q1}+{Q2}> prot2]
-and [prot1 <{Q1}&{Q2}> prot2], inspired by session types, is also included in
-this file.
+- It proves Actris's specifications of [send] and [recv] w.r.t.
+  multiparty dependent separation protocols.
 In this file we define the three message-passing connectives:
-- [new_chan] creates references to two empty buffers and a lock, and returns a
-  pair of endpoints, where the order of the two references determines the
-  polarity of the endpoints.
-- [send] takes an endpoint and adds an element to the first buffer.
-- [recv] performs a busy loop until there is something in the second buffer,
-  which it pops and returns, locking during each peek.
+- [new_chan] creates an n*n matrix of references where [i,j] is the singleton
+  buffer from participant i to participant j
+- [send] takes an endpoint, a participant id, and a value, and puts the value in 
+  the reference corresponding to the participant id, and waits until recv takes
+  it out.
+- [recv] takes an endpoint, and a participant id, and waits until a value is put
+  into the corresponding reference.
 It is additionaly shown that the channel ownership [c ↣ prot] is closed under
 the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
@@ -50,7 +47,6 @@ Definition send : val :=
     let: "l" := matrix_get "m" "i" "j" in
     "l" <- SOME "v";; wait "l".
-(* TODO: Move recursion further in *)
 Definition recv : val :=
   rec: "go" "c" "j" :=
     let: "m" := Fst "c" in
@@ -185,23 +181,15 @@ Section channel.
                      (λ i j l, ∃ γt,
             inv (nroot.@"p") (chan_inv γ (γEs !!! i) γt i j
                                        l))%I); [done..| |].
-    { iApply (big_sepL_intro).
-      iIntros "!>" (k tt Hin).
-      iApply (big_sepL_intro).
-      iIntros "!>" (k' tt' Hin').
-      iIntros (l) "Hl".
+    { iApply (big_sepL_intro). iIntros "!>" (k tt Hin). iApply (big_sepL_intro).
+      iIntros "!>" (k' tt' Hin'). iIntros (l) "Hl".
       iMod (own_alloc (Excl ())) as (γ') "Hγ'"; [done|].
-      iExists γ'.
-      iApply inv_alloc.
-      iNext.
-      iLeft. iFrame. }
-    iIntros (mat) "Hmat".
-    iApply "HΦ".
+      iExists γ'. iApply inv_alloc. iNext. iLeft. iFrame. }
+    iIntros (mat) "Hmat". iApply "HΦ".
     iExists _, _, _. iFrame "#∗".
     rewrite left_id. iSplit; [done|].
     iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
-    iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)".
-    iFrame.
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? HSome') "(Hauth & Hfrag & Hown)". iFrame.
     rewrite (list_lookup_total_alt ps).
     simpl. rewrite right_id_L. rewrite HSome'. iFrame.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 5f9d7b8..81ca7e6 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -338,7 +338,6 @@ Proof.
   iNext. iRewrite -"Hp1". done.
-(* TODO: Improve automation *)
 Tactic Notation "iProto_consistent_take_step_step" :=
   let i := fresh in
   let j := fresh in
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index fdd225f..75efec7 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -1,50 +1,6 @@
-(** This file defines the core of the Actris logic: It defines dependent
-separation protocols and the various operations on it like dual, append, and
-Dependent separation protocols [iProto] are defined by instantiating the
-parameterized version in [proto_model] with the type of propositions [iProp] of Iris.
-We define ways of constructing instances of the instantiated type via two
-- [iProto_end], which is identical to [proto_end].
-- [iProto_message], which takes an [action] and an [iMsg]. The type [iMsg] is a
-  sequence of binders [iMsg_exist], terminated by the payload constructed with
-  [iMsg_base] based on arguments [v], [P] and [prot], which are the value, the
-  carried proposition and the [iProto] tail, respectively.
-For convenience sake, we provide the following notations:
-- [END], which is simply [iProto_end].
-- [∃ x, m], which is [iMsg_exist] with argument [m].
-- [MSG v {{ P }}; prot], which is [iMsg_Base] with arguments [v], [P] and [prot].
-- [<a> m], which is [iProto_message] with arguments [a] and [m].
-We also include custom notation to more easily construct complete constructions:
-- [<a x1 .. xn> m], which is [<a> ∃ x1, .. ∃ xn, m].
-- [<a x1 .. xn> MSG v; {{ P }}; prot], which constructs a full protocol.
-Futhermore, we define the following operations:
-- [iProto_dual], which turns all [Send] of a protocol into [Recv] and vice-versa.
-- [iProto_app], which appends two protocols.
-In addition we define the subprotocol relation [iProto_le] [⊑], which generalises
-the following inductive definition for asynchronous subtyping on session types:
-                 p1 <: p2           p1 <: p2          p1 <: !B.p3    ?A.p3 <: p2
-----------   ----------------   ----------------     ----------------------------
-end <: end    !A.p1 <: !A.p2     ?A.p1 <: ?A.p2             ?A.p1 <: !B.p2
-!R <: !R  ?Q <: ?Q      ?Q <: ?Q
--------------------  --------------
-?Q.!R <: !R.?Q       ?P.?Q <: ?P.?Q
-   ?P.?Q.!R <: !R.?P.?Q
-Lastly, relevant type classes instances are defined for each of the above
-notions, such as contractiveness and non-expansiveness, after which the
-specifications of the message-passing primitives are defined in terms of the
-protocol connectives. *)
+(** This file defines the core of the Multiparty Actris logic:
+It defines multiparty dependent separation protocols, and the Multiparty Actris
+ghost theory. *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
index 8bd4bd3..007f8ef 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ recursive domain equation:
 Here, the left-hand side of the sum is used for the terminated process, while
 the right-hand side is used for the communication constructors. The type
-[action] is an inductively defined datatype with two constructors [Send] and
-[Recv]. Compared to having an additional sum in [proto], this makes it
+[action] is a pair of a an inductively defined datatype [tag] with two
+constructors [Send] and [Recv], and a synchronosation id of [nat].
+Compared to having an additional sum in [proto], this makes it
 possible to factorize the code in a better way.
 The remainder [V → ▶ proto → PROP] is a predicate that ranges over the
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
index 82a0173..80169be 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ Section channel.
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_roundtrip.
   Proof. rewrite /iProto_roundtrip. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
-  (* TODO: Fix nat/Z coercion. *)
   Lemma roundtrip_prog_spec :
     {{{ True }}} roundtrip_prog #() {{{ RET #42 ; True }}}.
   Proof using chanG0 heapGS0 Σ.
@@ -320,7 +319,6 @@ Section forwarder.
      (<(Recv, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ;
             <(Send, 0)> MSG #x ; END)%proto].
-  (* TODO: Anonymous variable in this is unsatisfactory *)
   Lemma iProto_forwarder_consistent :
     ⊢ iProto_consistent iProto_forwarder.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
index 7c40b66..1ff5abd 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
+++ b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
@@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ Section ring_leader_election_example.
     (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
   Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
   Definition prot_pool : list (iProto Σ) :=
      [rle_preprot 3 0 1 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
       rle_prot 0 1 2 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
index 066da4f..166b7d2 100644
--- a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
+++ b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Section with_Σ.
         [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
           P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j).
   Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
     l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
     [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ Section with_Σ.
     by iFrame.
-  (* TODO: rename *)
   Lemma big_sepL_replicate_type {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
     ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
     ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
@@ -117,7 +115,6 @@ Section with_Σ.
     { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn).
       iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()).
       by apply lookup_replicate. }
-    simpl.
     rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ());
       [|by apply lookup_replicate].
     iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]".

From a1e24f8c217eff05e97fdc9bef152520b48806a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:10:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 79/81] Bumped multiparty branch

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v   |  2 +-
 multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v |  4 ++--
 multi_actris/channel/proto.v     | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v | 20 ++++++++++----------
 multi_actris/utils/matrix.v      |  4 ++--
 5 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index 9fa9113..c0a0fbb 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Definition iProto_pointsto_aux : seal (@iProto_pointsto_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_pointsto := iProto_pointsto_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_pointsto_eq :
   @iProto_pointsto = @iProto_pointsto_def := iProto_pointsto_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_pointsto {_ _ _} _ _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_pointsto {_ _ _} _ _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_pointsto) 5 := {}.
 Notation "c ↣ p" := (iProto_pointsto c p)
   (at level 20, format "c  ↣  p").
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
index 81ca7e6..2c02a5c 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Class ProtoNormalize {Σ} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ)
     ⊢ iProto_dual_if d p <++>
         foldr (iProto_app ∘ uncurry iProto_dual_if) END%proto pas ⊑ q.
 Global Hint Mode ProtoNormalize ! ! ! ! - : typeclass_instances.
-Arguments ProtoNormalize {_} _ _%proto _%proto _%proto.
+Arguments ProtoNormalize {_} _ _%_proto _%_proto _%_proto.
 Notation ProtoUnfold p1 p2 := (∀ d pas q,
   ProtoNormalize d p2 pas q → ProtoNormalize d p1 pas q).
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Class MsgNormalize {Σ} (d : bool) (m1 : iMsg Σ)
   msg_normalize a :
     ProtoNormalize d (<a> m1) pas (<(if d then action_dual a else a)> m2).
 Global Hint Mode MsgNormalize ! ! ! ! - : typeclass_instances.
-Arguments MsgNormalize {_} _ _%msg _%msg _%msg.
+Arguments MsgNormalize {_} _ _%_msg _%_msg _%_msg.
 Section classes.
   Context `{!chanG Σ, !heapGS Σ}.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
index 75efec7..aaae475 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_base_aux : seal (@iMsg_base_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_base := iMsg_base_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iMsg_base_eq : @iMsg_base = @iMsg_base_def := iMsg_base_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%V _%I _%proto.
+Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%_V _%_I _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_base) 3 := {}.
 Program Definition iMsg_exist_def {Σ V A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
@@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_exist_aux : seal (@iMsg_exist_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_exist := iMsg_exist_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iMsg_exist_eq : @iMsg_exist = @iMsg_exist_def := iMsg_exist_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%msg.
+Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%_msg.
 Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_exist) 3 := {}.
 Definition iMsg_texist {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
   tele_fold (@iMsg_exist Σ V) (λ x, x) (tele_bind m).
-Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%msg /.
+Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%_msg /.
 Notation "'MSG' v {{ P } } ; p" := (iMsg_base v P p)
   (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Definition iProto_message_aux : seal (@iProto_message_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_message := iProto_message_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_message_eq :
   @iProto_message = @iProto_message_def := iProto_message_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%msg.
+Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%_msg.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_message) 3 := {}.
 Notation "'END'" := iProto_end : proto_scope.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Definition iProto_app_def {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
 Definition iProto_app_aux : seal (@iProto_app_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_app := iProto_app_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_app_eq : @iProto_app = @iProto_app_def := iProto_app_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%_proto _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_app) 2 := {}.
 Infix "<++>" := iProto_app (at level 60) : proto_scope.
 Notation "m <++> p" := (iMsg_map (flip iProto_app p) m) : msg_scope.
@@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ Definition iProto_dual_aux : seal (@iProto_dual_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_dual := iProto_dual_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_dual_eq :
   @iProto_dual = @iProto_dual_def := iProto_dual_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual) 2 := {}.
 Notation iMsg_dual := (iMsg_map iProto_dual).
 Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
   if d then iProto_dual p else p.
-Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
 (** * Proofs *)
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Qed.
 Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
   fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
-Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 1 := {}.
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ Proof.
 Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
   fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
-Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%_proto _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
 Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
     (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
-Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}.
 Global Instance iProto_own_frag_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ Section proto.
     { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ (length ps) (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done].
       rewrite fmap_map_seq.
       rewrite lookup_map_seq_0.
-      apply lookup_ge_None_2. rewrite fmap_length. done. }
+      apply lookup_ge_None_2. rewrite length_fmap. done. }
     rewrite right_id_L. 
@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ Section proto.
       iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
       { rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|].
-        by rewrite insert_length. }
+        by rewrite length_insert. }
       iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
       rewrite list_insert_insert.
       rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ Section proto.
       rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
       rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|]. lia. }
     { rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|]. rewrite insert_length. lia. }
+      rewrite list_lookup_insert; [done|]. rewrite length_insert. lia. }
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
     iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
     iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame "Hm2".
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ Section proto.
     iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
     { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
-      { iPureIntro. rewrite !insert_length. done. } 
+      { iPureIntro. rewrite !length_insert. done. }
       iFrame. rewrite list_insert_insert.
       rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite list_insert_insert.
       by rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. }
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
index 8e27dbf..1b4f380 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_base_aux : seal (@iMsg_base_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_base := iMsg_base_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iMsg_base_eq : @iMsg_base = @iMsg_base_def := iMsg_base_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%V _%I _%proto.
+Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%_V _%_I _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_base) 3 := {}.
 Program Definition iMsg_exist_def {Σ V A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_exist_aux : seal (@iMsg_exist_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iMsg_exist := iMsg_exist_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iMsg_exist_eq : @iMsg_exist = @iMsg_exist_def := iMsg_exist_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%msg.
+Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%_msg.
 Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_exist) 3 := {}.
 Definition iMsg_texist {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
   tele_fold (@iMsg_exist Σ V) (λ x, x) (tele_bind m).
-Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%msg /.
+Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%_msg /.
 Notation "'MSG' v {{ P } } ; p" := (iMsg_base v P p)
   (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Definition iProto_message_aux : seal (@iProto_message_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_message := iProto_message_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_message_eq :
   @iProto_message = @iProto_message_def := iProto_message_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%msg.
+Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%_msg.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_message) 3 := {}.
 Notation "'END'" := iProto_end : proto_scope.
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Definition iProto_app_def {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
 Definition iProto_app_aux : seal (@iProto_app_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_app := iProto_app_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_app_eq : @iProto_app = @iProto_app_def := iProto_app_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%_proto _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_app) 2 := {}.
 Infix "<++>" := iProto_app (at level 60) : proto_scope.
 Notation "m <++> p" := (iMsg_map (flip iProto_app p) m) : msg_scope.
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ Definition iProto_dual_aux : seal (@iProto_dual_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
 Definition iProto_dual := iProto_dual_aux.(unseal).
 Definition iProto_dual_eq :
   @iProto_dual = @iProto_dual_def := iProto_dual_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual) 2 := {}.
 Notation iMsg_dual := (iMsg_map iProto_dual).
 Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
   if d then iProto_dual p else p.
-Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
 (** * Proofs *)
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ Qed.
 Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
   fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
-Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 1 := {}.
 Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ Proof.
 Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
   fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
-Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%proto _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%_proto _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
 Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
 Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
     (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
   ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
-Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%proto.
+Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%_proto.
 Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}.
 Global Instance iProto_own_frag_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
index 166b7d2..6a64360 100644
--- a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
+++ b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Section with_Σ.
     iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
     iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
     iFrame=> /=.
-    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
+    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !length_replicate.
     replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
     by iFrame.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Section with_Σ.
     replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
     rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
     iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
-    by rewrite !replicate_length.
+    by rewrite !length_replicate.
   Lemma array_to_matrix l m n v :

From a041e7dfd5868a89d6f874914f0477c51956445c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:43:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 80/81] Renamed theories -> actris and let .opam package only
 publish actris

 _CoqProject                                   | 92 +++++++++----------
 {theories => actris}/channel/channel.v        |  0
 {theories => actris}/channel/proofmode.v      |  0
 {theories => actris}/channel/proto.v          |  0
 {theories => actris}/channel/proto_model.v    |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/basics.v        |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/equivalence.v   |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/list_rev.v      |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/map_reduce.v    |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/par_map.v       |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/pizza.v         |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/rpc.v           |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/sort.v          |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/sort_br_del.v   |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/sort_fg.v       |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/subprotocols.v  |  0
 {theories => actris}/examples/swap_mapper.v   |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/contexts.v        |  0
 .../logrel/examples/choice_subtyping.v        |  0
 .../logrel/examples/compute_client_list.v     |  0
 .../logrel/examples/compute_service.v         |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/mapper.v |  0
 .../logrel/examples/mapper_list.v             |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/pair.v   |  0
 .../logrel/examples/par_recv.v                |  0
 .../logrel/examples/rec_subtyping.v           |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/lib/list.v        |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/lib/mutex.v       |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/lib/par_start.v   |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/model.v           |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/napp.v            |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/operators.v       |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/session_types.v   |  0
 .../logrel/session_typing_rules.v             |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/subtyping.v       |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/subtyping_rules.v |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/telescopes.v      |  0
 {theories => actris}/logrel/term_types.v      |  0
 .../logrel/term_typing_judgment.v             |  0
 .../logrel/term_typing_rules.v                |  0
 {theories => actris}/utils/cofe_solver_2.v    |  0
 {theories => actris}/utils/compare.v          |  0
 {theories => actris}/utils/contribution.v     |  0
 {theories => actris}/utils/group.v            |  0
 {theories => actris}/utils/llist.v            |  0
 {theories => actris}/utils/switch.v           |  0
 coq-actris.opam                               |  4 +-
 make-package                                  | 32 +++++++
 48 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
 rename {theories => actris}/channel/channel.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/channel/proofmode.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/channel/proto.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/channel/proto_model.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/basics.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/equivalence.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/list_rev.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/map_reduce.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/par_map.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/pizza.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/rpc.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/sort.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/sort_br_del.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/sort_fg.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/subprotocols.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/examples/swap_mapper.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/contexts.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/choice_subtyping.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/compute_client_list.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/compute_service.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/mapper.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/mapper_list.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/pair.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/par_recv.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/examples/rec_subtyping.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/lib/list.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/lib/mutex.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/lib/par_start.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/model.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/napp.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/operators.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/session_types.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/session_typing_rules.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/subtyping.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/subtyping_rules.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/telescopes.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/term_types.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/term_typing_judgment.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/logrel/term_typing_rules.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/utils/cofe_solver_2.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/utils/compare.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/utils/contribution.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/utils/group.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/utils/llist.v (100%)
 rename {theories => actris}/utils/switch.v (100%)
 create mode 100755 make-package

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 77a40ad..5baef5e 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--Q theories actris
+-Q actris actris
 -Q multi_actris multi_actris
 # We sometimes want to locally override notation, and there is no good way to do that with scopes.
 -arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
@@ -6,51 +6,51 @@
 # (
 -arg -w -arg -redundant-canonical-projection
diff --git a/theories/channel/channel.v b/actris/channel/channel.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/channel/channel.v
rename to actris/channel/channel.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/proofmode.v b/actris/channel/proofmode.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/channel/proofmode.v
rename to actris/channel/proofmode.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/proto.v b/actris/channel/proto.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/channel/proto.v
rename to actris/channel/proto.v
diff --git a/theories/channel/proto_model.v b/actris/channel/proto_model.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/channel/proto_model.v
rename to actris/channel/proto_model.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/basics.v b/actris/examples/basics.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/basics.v
rename to actris/examples/basics.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/equivalence.v b/actris/examples/equivalence.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/equivalence.v
rename to actris/examples/equivalence.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/list_rev.v b/actris/examples/list_rev.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/list_rev.v
rename to actris/examples/list_rev.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/map_reduce.v b/actris/examples/map_reduce.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/map_reduce.v
rename to actris/examples/map_reduce.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/par_map.v b/actris/examples/par_map.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/par_map.v
rename to actris/examples/par_map.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/pizza.v b/actris/examples/pizza.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/pizza.v
rename to actris/examples/pizza.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/rpc.v b/actris/examples/rpc.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/rpc.v
rename to actris/examples/rpc.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/sort.v b/actris/examples/sort.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/sort.v
rename to actris/examples/sort.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/sort_br_del.v b/actris/examples/sort_br_del.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/sort_br_del.v
rename to actris/examples/sort_br_del.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/sort_fg.v b/actris/examples/sort_fg.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/sort_fg.v
rename to actris/examples/sort_fg.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/subprotocols.v b/actris/examples/subprotocols.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/subprotocols.v
rename to actris/examples/subprotocols.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/swap_mapper.v b/actris/examples/swap_mapper.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/examples/swap_mapper.v
rename to actris/examples/swap_mapper.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/contexts.v b/actris/logrel/contexts.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/contexts.v
rename to actris/logrel/contexts.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/choice_subtyping.v b/actris/logrel/examples/choice_subtyping.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/choice_subtyping.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/choice_subtyping.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/compute_client_list.v b/actris/logrel/examples/compute_client_list.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/compute_client_list.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/compute_client_list.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/compute_service.v b/actris/logrel/examples/compute_service.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/compute_service.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/compute_service.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/mapper.v b/actris/logrel/examples/mapper.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/mapper.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/mapper.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/mapper_list.v b/actris/logrel/examples/mapper_list.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/mapper_list.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/mapper_list.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/pair.v b/actris/logrel/examples/pair.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/pair.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/pair.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/par_recv.v b/actris/logrel/examples/par_recv.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/par_recv.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/par_recv.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/examples/rec_subtyping.v b/actris/logrel/examples/rec_subtyping.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/examples/rec_subtyping.v
rename to actris/logrel/examples/rec_subtyping.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/lib/list.v b/actris/logrel/lib/list.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/lib/list.v
rename to actris/logrel/lib/list.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/lib/mutex.v b/actris/logrel/lib/mutex.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/lib/mutex.v
rename to actris/logrel/lib/mutex.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/lib/par_start.v b/actris/logrel/lib/par_start.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/lib/par_start.v
rename to actris/logrel/lib/par_start.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/model.v b/actris/logrel/model.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/model.v
rename to actris/logrel/model.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/napp.v b/actris/logrel/napp.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/napp.v
rename to actris/logrel/napp.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/operators.v b/actris/logrel/operators.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/operators.v
rename to actris/logrel/operators.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/session_types.v b/actris/logrel/session_types.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/session_types.v
rename to actris/logrel/session_types.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/session_typing_rules.v b/actris/logrel/session_typing_rules.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/session_typing_rules.v
rename to actris/logrel/session_typing_rules.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/subtyping.v b/actris/logrel/subtyping.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/subtyping.v
rename to actris/logrel/subtyping.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/subtyping_rules.v b/actris/logrel/subtyping_rules.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/subtyping_rules.v
rename to actris/logrel/subtyping_rules.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/telescopes.v b/actris/logrel/telescopes.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/telescopes.v
rename to actris/logrel/telescopes.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/term_types.v b/actris/logrel/term_types.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/term_types.v
rename to actris/logrel/term_types.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/term_typing_judgment.v b/actris/logrel/term_typing_judgment.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/term_typing_judgment.v
rename to actris/logrel/term_typing_judgment.v
diff --git a/theories/logrel/term_typing_rules.v b/actris/logrel/term_typing_rules.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/logrel/term_typing_rules.v
rename to actris/logrel/term_typing_rules.v
diff --git a/theories/utils/cofe_solver_2.v b/actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
rename to actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
diff --git a/theories/utils/compare.v b/actris/utils/compare.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/utils/compare.v
rename to actris/utils/compare.v
diff --git a/theories/utils/contribution.v b/actris/utils/contribution.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/utils/contribution.v
rename to actris/utils/contribution.v
diff --git a/theories/utils/group.v b/actris/utils/group.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/utils/group.v
rename to actris/utils/group.v
diff --git a/theories/utils/llist.v b/actris/utils/llist.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/utils/llist.v
rename to actris/utils/llist.v
diff --git a/theories/utils/switch.v b/actris/utils/switch.v
similarity index 100%
rename from theories/utils/switch.v
rename to actris/utils/switch.v
diff --git a/coq-actris.opam b/coq-actris.opam
index 0f0153a..c94b261 100644
--- a/coq-actris.opam
+++ b/coq-actris.opam
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ depends: [
   "coq-iris-heap-lang" { (= "dev.2024-10-30.0.27f837c1") | (= "dev") }
-build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"]
-install: [make "install"]
+build: ["./make-package" "actris" "-j%{jobs}%"]
+install: ["./make-package" "actris"  "install"]
diff --git a/make-package b/make-package
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5bf541b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make-package
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+set -e
+# Helper script to build and/or install just one package out of this repository.
+# Assumes that all the other packages it depends on have been installed already!
+if ! grep -E -q "^$PROJECT/" _CoqProject; then
+    echo "No files in $PROJECT/ found in _CoqProject; this does not seem to be a valid project name."
+    exit 1
+# Generate _CoqProject file and Makefile
+rm -f "$COQFILE"
+# Get the right "-Q" line.
+grep -E "^-Q $PROJECT[ /]" _CoqProject >> "$COQFILE"
+# Get everything until the first empty line except for the "-Q" lines.
+sed -n '/./!q;p' _CoqProject | grep -E -v "^-Q " >> "$COQFILE"
+# Get the files.
+grep -E "^$PROJECT/" _CoqProject >> "$COQFILE"
+# Now we can run coq_makefile.
+"${COQBIN}coq_makefile" -f "$COQFILE" -o "$MAKEFILE"
+# Run build
+make -f "$MAKEFILE" "$@"
+# Cleanup
+rm -f ".$MAKEFILE.d" "$MAKEFILE"*

From 90edf73754629cef47a65a25c28f03dc0fa42364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 17:02:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 81/81] Renamed multi_actris into multris

 _CoqProject                                   |   22 +-
 multi_actris/channel/matrix.v                 |  221 ---
 multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v              | 1417 -----------------
 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v       |  206 ---
 multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v   |  276 ----
 {multi_actris => multris}/channel/channel.v   |    8 +-
 {multi_actris => multris}/channel/proofmode.v |    4 +-
 {multi_actris => multris}/channel/proto.v     |    2 +-
 .../channel/proto_model.v                     |    2 +-
 {multi_actris => multris}/examples/basics.v   |    2 +-
 .../examples/leader_election.v                |    2 +-
 .../examples/three_buyer.v                    |    2 +-
 .../examples/two_buyer.v                      |    2 +-
 .../utils/cofe_solver_2.v                     |    0
 {multi_actris => multris}/utils/matrix.v      |    0
 15 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 2143 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 multi_actris/channel/matrix.v
 delete mode 100644 multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
 delete mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
 delete mode 100644 multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/channel/channel.v (98%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/channel/proofmode.v (99%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/channel/proto.v (99%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/channel/proto_model.v (99%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/examples/basics.v (99%)
 rename multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v => multris/examples/leader_election.v (99%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/examples/three_buyer.v (99%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/examples/two_buyer.v (98%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/utils/cofe_solver_2.v (100%)
 rename {multi_actris => multris}/utils/matrix.v (100%)

diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 5baef5e..1041167 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 -Q actris actris
--Q multi_actris multi_actris
+-Q multris multris
 # We sometimes want to locally override notation, and there is no good way to do that with scopes.
 -arg -w -arg -notation-overridden
 # Cannot use non-canonical projections as it causes massive unification failures
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ actris/logrel/examples/mapper_list.v
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/matrix.v b/multi_actris/channel/matrix.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b642da..0000000
--- a/multi_actris/channel/matrix.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-From Require Import big_op.
-From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
-Definition new_matrix : val :=
-  λ: "m" "n" "v", (AllocN ("m"*"n") "v","m","n").
-Definition pos (n i j : nat) : nat := i * n + j.
-Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
-Definition matrix_get : val :=
-  λ: "m" "i" "j", 
-    let: "l" := Fst (Fst "m") in
-    let: "n" := Snd "m" in
-    "l" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j".
-Section with_Σ.
-  Context `{heapGS Σ}.
-  Definition is_matrix (v : val) (m n : nat)
-             (P : nat → nat → loc → iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-    ∃ (l:loc),
-      ⌜v = PairV (PairV #l #m) #n⌝ ∗
-      [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
-        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j).
-  Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
-    l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
-    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hl".
-    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
-    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-    replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add /= array_app=> /=.
-    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
-    iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
-    iFrame=> /=.
-    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
-    replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
-    by iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  (* TODO: rename *)
-  Lemma big_sepL_replicate_type {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H".
-    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
-    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
-    rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
-    iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
-    by rewrite !replicate_length.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma array_to_matrix l m n v :
-    l ↦∗ replicate (m * n) v -∗
-    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
-      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-        (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hl".
-    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "Hl") as "Hl".
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
-    iIntros "!>" (i ? _) "Hl".
-    iApply big_sepL_replicate_type.
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
-    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
-    rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
-    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
-      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
-    by apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma new_matrix_spec m n v P :
-    0 < m → 0 < n →
-    {{{ [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (), [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), 
-  ∀ l, l ↦ v -∗ P i j l }}}
-    (* {{{ (∀ i j l, ⌜i < m⌝ -∗ ⌜j < n⌝ -∗ l ↦ v -∗ P i j l) }}} *)
-      new_matrix #m #n v
-    {{{ mat, RET mat; is_matrix mat m n P }}}. 
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "HP HΦ".
-    wp_lam. wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
-    iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
-    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
-    iModIntro.
-    iExists _. iSplit; [done|].
-    replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat m * Z.of_nat n)) with (m * n) by lia.
-    iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
-    iCombine "HP Hl" as "HPl".
-    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "HPl").
-    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin) "H".
-    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
-    iIntros "!>" (k' x' Hin') "[HP Hl]".
-    by iApply "HP".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma matrix_sep m n l (P : _ → _ → _ → iProp Σ) i j :
-    i < m → j < n →
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
-        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-          P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j)) -∗
-    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) ∗
-    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) -∗
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
-        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j)))).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hm Hn) "Hm".
-    iDestruct (big_sepL_impl with "Hm []") as "Hm".
-    { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn).
-      iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()).
-      by apply lookup_replicate. }
-    simpl.
-    rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ());
-      [|by apply lookup_replicate].
-    iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]". 
-    iFrame.
-    iIntros "HP".
-    iDestruct ("Hm" with "[$Hi $HP]") as "Hm".
-    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hm").
-    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin).
-    iIntros "[Hm Hm']". iApply "Hm'". done.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma matrix_sep_pers m n l (P : _ → _ → _ → iProp Σ) i j :
-    (∀ i j l, Persistent (P i j l)) →
-    i < m → j < n →
-    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
-        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-          P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j)) -∗
-    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) ∗
-    (([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
-        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
-          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j)))).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hpers Hm Hn) "Hm".
-    iDestruct (matrix_sep with "Hm") as "[#HP Hm]"; [done..|].
-    iFrame "#". by iApply "Hm".
-  Qed.
-  (* Lemma is_matrix_sep m n v P i j : *)
-  (*   i < m → j < n → *)
-  (*   is_matrix v m n P -∗ (∃ l, P i j l ∗ (P i j l -∗ is_matrix v m n P)). *)
-  (* Proof. *)
-  (*   iDestruct 1 as (l ->) "Hm". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (big_sepL_impl with "Hm []") as "Hm". *)
-  (*   { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn). *)
-  (*     iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()). *)
-  (*     by apply lookup_replicate. } *)
-  (*   simpl. *)
-  (*   rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ()); *)
-  (*     [|by apply lookup_replicate]. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]".  *)
-  (*   iExists (l +â‚— pos n i j). *)
-  (*   iFrame. *)
-  (*   iIntros "HP". *)
-  (*   iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. *)
-  (*   iDestruct ("Hm" with "[$Hi $HP]") as "Hm". *)
-  (*   iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hm"). *)
-  (*   iIntros "!>" (k x Hin). *)
-  (*   iIntros "[Hm Hm']". iApply "Hm'". done. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
-    {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
-    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
-      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j)) by lia.
-    by iApply "HΦ".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma matrix_get_spec m n i j v P :
-    i < m → j < n →
-    {{{ is_matrix v m n P }}}
-      matrix_get v #i #j
-    {{{ l, RET #l; P i j l ∗ (P i j l -∗ is_matrix v m n P) }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "Hm HΦ".
-    wp_lam.
-    iDestruct "Hm" as (l ->) "Hm".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply vpos_spec; [done|].
-    iIntros "_".
-    wp_pures. 
-    iApply "HΦ".
-    iModIntro.
-    iDestruct (matrix_sep _ _ _ _ i j with "Hm") as "[$ Hm]"; [lia|lia|].
-    iIntros "H".
-    iDestruct ("Hm" with "H") as "Hm".
-    iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma matrix_get_spec_pers m n i j v P :
-    (∀ i j l, Persistent (P i j l)) →
-    i < m → j < n →
-    {{{ is_matrix v m n P }}}
-      matrix_get v #i #j
-    {{{ l, RET #l; P i j l ∗ is_matrix v m n P }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hpers Hm Hn Φ) "Hm HΦ".
-    wp_lam.
-    iDestruct "Hm" as (l ->) "Hm".
-    wp_pures.
-    wp_smart_apply vpos_spec; [done|].
-    iIntros "_".
-    wp_pures. 
-    iApply "HΦ".
-    iModIntro.
-    iDestruct (matrix_sep_pers _ _ _ _ i j with "Hm") as "[$ Hm]"; [lia|lia|].
-    iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
-  Qed.
-End with_Σ.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v b/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4f380..0000000
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_alt.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1417 +0,0 @@
-(** This file defines the core of the Actris logic: It defines dependent
-separation protocols and the various operations on it like dual, append, and
-Dependent separation protocols [iProto] are defined by instantiating the
-parameterized version in [proto_model] with the type of propositions [iProp] of Iris.
-We define ways of constructing instances of the instantiated type via two
-- [iProto_end], which is identical to [proto_end].
-- [iProto_message], which takes an [action] and an [iMsg]. The type [iMsg] is a
-  sequence of binders [iMsg_exist], terminated by the payload constructed with
-  [iMsg_base] based on arguments [v], [P] and [prot], which are the value, the
-  carried proposition and the [iProto] tail, respectively.
-For convenience sake, we provide the following notations:
-- [END], which is simply [iProto_end].
-- [∃ x, m], which is [iMsg_exist] with argument [m].
-- [MSG v {{ P }}; prot], which is [iMsg_Base] with arguments [v], [P] and [prot].
-- [<a> m], which is [iProto_message] with arguments [a] and [m].
-We also include custom notation to more easily construct complete constructions:
-- [<a x1 .. xn> m], which is [<a> ∃ x1, .. ∃ xn, m].
-- [<a x1 .. xn> MSG v; {{ P }}; prot], which constructs a full protocol.
-Futhermore, we define the following operations:
-- [iProto_dual], which turns all [Send] of a protocol into [Recv] and vice-versa.
-- [iProto_app], which appends two protocols.
-In addition we define the subprotocol relation [iProto_le] [⊑], which generalises
-the following inductive definition for asynchronous subtyping on session types:
-                 p1 <: p2           p1 <: p2          p1 <: !B.p3    ?A.p3 <: p2
-----------   ----------------   ----------------     ----------------------------
-end <: end    !A.p1 <: !A.p2     ?A.p1 <: ?A.p2             ?A.p1 <: !B.p2
-!R <: !R  ?Q <: ?Q      ?Q <: ?Q
--------------------  --------------
-?Q.!R <: !R.?Q       ?P.?Q <: ?P.?Q
-   ?P.?Q.!R <: !R.?P.?Q
-Lastly, relevant type classes instances are defined for each of the above
-notions, such as contractiveness and non-expansiveness, after which the
-specifications of the message-passing primitives are defined in terms of the
-protocol connectives. *)
-From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
-From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
-From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
-From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
-From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
-From Require Import proto_model.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Export action.
-(** * Setup of Iris's cameras *)
-Class protoG Σ V :=
-  protoG_authG ::
-    inG Σ (gmap_viewR natO
-      (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))))).
-Definition protoΣ V := #[
-  GFunctor ((gmap_viewRF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))))
-Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V.
-Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
-(** * Types *)
-Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ).
-Declare Scope proto_scope.
-Delimit Scope proto_scope with proto.
-Bind Scope proto_scope with iProto.
-Local Open Scope proto.
-(** * Messages *)
-Section iMsg.
-  Set Primitive Projections.
-  Record iMsg Σ V := IMsg { iMsg_car : V → laterO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ }.
-End iMsg.
-Arguments IMsg {_ _} _.
-Arguments iMsg_car {_ _} _.
-Declare Scope msg_scope.
-Delimit Scope msg_scope with msg.
-Bind Scope msg_scope with iMsg.
-Global Instance iMsg_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iMsg Σ V) := populate (IMsg inhabitant).
-Section imsg_ofe.
-  Context {Σ : gFunctors} {V : Type}.
-  Instance iMsg_equiv : Equiv (iMsg Σ V) := λ m1 m2,
-    ∀ w p, iMsg_car m1 w p ≡ iMsg_car m2 w p.
-  Instance iMsg_dist : Dist (iMsg Σ V) := λ n m1 m2,
-    ∀ w p, iMsg_car m1 w p ≡{n}≡ iMsg_car m2 w p.
-  Lemma iMsg_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (iMsg Σ V).
-  Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin (iMsg_car : _ → V -d> _ -n> _)). Qed.
-  Canonical Structure iMsgO := Ofe (iMsg Σ V) iMsg_ofe_mixin.
-  Global Instance iMsg_cofe : Cofe iMsgO.
-  Proof. by apply (iso_cofe (IMsg : (V -d> _ -n> _) → _) iMsg_car). Qed.
-End imsg_ofe.
-Program Definition iMsg_base_def {Σ V}
-    (v : V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
-  IMsg (λ v', λne p', ⌜ v = v' ⌝ ∗ Next p ≡ p' ∗ P)%I.
-Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
-Definition iMsg_base_aux : seal (@iMsg_base_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition iMsg_base := iMsg_base_aux.(unseal).
-Definition iMsg_base_eq : @iMsg_base = @iMsg_base_def := iMsg_base_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iMsg_base {_ _} _%_V _%_I _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_base) 3 := {}.
-Program Definition iMsg_exist_def {Σ V A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
-  IMsg (λ v', λne p', ∃ x, iMsg_car (m x) v' p')%I.
-Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
-Definition iMsg_exist_aux : seal (@iMsg_exist_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition iMsg_exist := iMsg_exist_aux.(unseal).
-Definition iMsg_exist_eq : @iMsg_exist = @iMsg_exist_def := iMsg_exist_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iMsg_exist {_ _ _} _%_msg.
-Global Instance: Params (@iMsg_exist) 3 := {}.
-Definition iMsg_texist {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
-  tele_fold (@iMsg_exist Σ V) (λ x, x) (tele_bind m).
-Arguments iMsg_texist {_ _ !_} _%_msg /.
-Notation "'MSG' v {{ P } } ; p" := (iMsg_base v P p)
-  (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
-   format "MSG  v  {{  P  } } ;  p") : msg_scope.
-Notation "'MSG' v ; p" := (iMsg_base v True p)
-  (at level 200, v at level 20, right associativity,
-   format "MSG  v ;  p") : msg_scope.
-Notation "∃ x .. y , m" :=
-  (iMsg_exist (λ x, .. (iMsg_exist (λ y, m)) ..)%msg) : msg_scope.
-Notation "'∃..' x .. y , m" :=
-  (iMsg_texist (λ x, .. (iMsg_texist (λ y, m)) .. )%msg)
-  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity,
-   format "∃..  x  ..  y ,  m") : msg_scope.
-Lemma iMsg_texist_exist {Σ V} {TT : tele} w lp (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
-  iMsg_car (∃.. x, m x)%msg w lp ⊣⊢ (∃.. x, iMsg_car (m x) w lp).
-  rewrite /iMsg_texist iMsg_exist_eq.
-  induction TT as [|T TT IH]; simpl; [done|]. f_equiv=> x. apply IH.
-(** * Operators *)
-Definition iProto_end_def {Σ V} : iProto Σ V := proto_end.
-Definition iProto_end_aux : seal (@iProto_end_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition iProto_end := iProto_end_aux.(unseal).
-Definition iProto_end_eq : @iProto_end = @iProto_end_def := iProto_end_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_end {_ _}.
-Definition iProto_message_def {Σ V} (a : action) (m : iMsg Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
-  proto_message a (iMsg_car m).
-Definition iProto_message_aux : seal (@iProto_message_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition iProto_message := iProto_message_aux.(unseal).
-Definition iProto_message_eq :
-  @iProto_message = @iProto_message_def := iProto_message_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_message {_ _} _ _%_msg.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_message) 3 := {}.
-Notation "'END'" := iProto_end : proto_scope.
-Notation "< a > m" := (iProto_message a m)
-  (at level 200, a at level 10, m at level 200,
-   format "< a >  m") : proto_scope.
-Notation "< a @ x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃ x1, .. (∃ xn, m) ..))
-  (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
-   format "< a  @  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
-Notation "< a @.. x1 .. xn > m" := (iProto_message a (∃.. x1, .. (∃.. xn, m) ..))
-  (at level 200, a at level 10, x1 closed binder, xn closed binder, m at level 200,
-   format "< a  @..  x1  ..  xn >  m") : proto_scope.
-Class MsgTele {Σ V} {TT : tele} (m : iMsg Σ V)
-    (tv : TT -t> V) (tP : TT -t> iProp Σ) (tp : TT -t> iProto Σ V) :=
-  msg_tele : m ≡ (∃.. x, MSG tele_app tv x {{ tele_app tP x }}; tele_app tp x)%msg.
-Global Hint Mode MsgTele ! ! - ! - - - : typeclass_instances.
-(** * Operations *)
-Program Definition iMsg_map {Σ V}
-    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V) (m : iMsg Σ V) : iMsg Σ V :=
-  IMsg (λ v, λne p1', ∃ p1, iMsg_car m v (Next p1) ∗ p1' ≡ Next (rec p1))%I.
-Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
-Program Definition iProto_map_app_aux {Σ V}
-    (f : action → action) (p2 : iProto Σ V)
-    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V := λne p,
-  proto_elim p2 (λ a m,
-    proto_message (f a) (iMsg_car (iMsg_map rec (IMsg m)))) p.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros Σ V f p2 rec n p1 p1' Hp. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
-  apply proto_message_ne=> v p' /=. by repeat f_equiv.
-Global Instance iProto_map_app_aux_contractive {Σ V} f (p2 : iProto Σ V) :
-  Contractive (iProto_map_app_aux f p2).
-  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1; simpl. apply proto_elim_ne=> // a m1 m2 Hm.
-  apply proto_message_ne=> v p' /=. by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
-Definition iProto_map_app {Σ V} (f : action → action)
-    (p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V :=
-  fixpoint (iProto_map_app_aux f p2).
-Definition iProto_app_def {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
-  iProto_map_app id p2 p1.
-Definition iProto_app_aux : seal (@iProto_app_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
-Definition iProto_app := iProto_app_aux.(unseal).
-Definition iProto_app_eq : @iProto_app = @iProto_app_def := iProto_app_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_app {_ _} _%_proto _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_app) 2 := {}.
-Infix "<++>" := iProto_app (at level 60) : proto_scope.
-Notation "m <++> p" := (iMsg_map (flip iProto_app p) m) : msg_scope.
-Definition iProto_dual_def {Σ V} (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
-  iProto_map_app action_dual proto_end p.
-Definition iProto_dual_aux : seal (@iProto_dual_def). Proof. by eexists. Qed.
-Definition iProto_dual := iProto_dual_aux.(unseal).
-Definition iProto_dual_eq :
-  @iProto_dual = @iProto_dual_def := iProto_dual_aux.(seal_eq).
-Arguments iProto_dual {_ _} _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual) 2 := {}.
-Notation iMsg_dual := (iMsg_map iProto_dual).
-Definition iProto_dual_if {Σ V} (d : bool) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProto Σ V :=
-  if d then iProto_dual p else p.
-Arguments iProto_dual_if {_ _} _ _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_dual_if) 3 := {}.
-(** * Proofs *)
-Section proto.
-  Context `{!protoG Σ V}.
-  Implicit Types v : V.
-  Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
-  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
-  (** ** Equality *)
-  Lemma iProto_case p : p ≡ END ∨ ∃ t n m, p ≡ <(t,n)> m.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq.
-    destruct (proto_case p) as [|([a n]&m&?)]; [by left|right].
-    by exists a, n, (IMsg m).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a1 a2 m1 m2 :
-    (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2) ⊣⊢@{SPROP} ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ ∧
-      (∀ v lp, iMsg_car m1 v lp ≡ iMsg_car m2 v lp).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. apply proto_message_equivI. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_message_end_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
-    (<a> m) ≡ END ⊢@{SPROP} False.
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_end_eq. apply proto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_end_message_equivI `{!BiInternalEq SPROP} a m :
-    END ≡ (<a> m) ⊢@{SPROP} False.
-  Proof. by rewrite internal_eq_sym iProto_message_end_equivI. Qed.
-  (** ** Non-expansiveness of operators *)
-  Global Instance iMsg_car_proper :
-    Proper (iMsg_equiv ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
-  Proof.
-    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
-    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_car_ne n :
-    Proper (iMsg_dist n ==> (=) ==> (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (iMsg_car (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V)).
-  Proof.
-    intros m1 m2 meq v1 v2 veq p1 p2 peq. rewrite meq.
-    f_equiv; [ by f_equiv | done ].
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_contractive v n :
-    Proper (dist n ==> dist_later n ==> dist n) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_contractive. Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_ne v : NonExpansive2 (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_base_eq=> P1 P2 HP p1 p2 Hp w q /=. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_proper v :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (iMsg_base (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) v).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_exist_ne A n :
-    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (dist n) ==> (dist n)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
-  Global Instance iMsg_exist_proper A :
-    Proper (pointwise_relation _ (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iMsg_exist Σ V A).
-  Proof. rewrite iMsg_exist_eq=> m1 m2 Hm v p /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
-  Global Instance msg_tele_base (v:V) (P : iProp Σ) (p : iProto Σ V) :
-    MsgTele (TT:=TeleO) (MSG v {{ P }}; p) v P p.
-  Proof. done. Qed.
-  Global Instance msg_tele_exist {A} {TT : A → tele} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) tv tP tp :
-  (∀ x, MsgTele (TT:=TT x) (m x) (tv x) (tP x) (tp x)) →
-  MsgTele (TT:=TeleS TT) (∃ x, m x) tv tP tp.
-  Proof. intros Hm. rewrite /MsgTele /=. f_equiv=> x. apply Hm. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_message_ne a :
-    NonExpansive (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_message_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_message_proper a :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_message (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) a).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_message_equiv {TT1 TT2 : tele} a1 a2
-        (m1 m2 : iMsg Σ V)
-        (v1 : TT1 -t> V) (v2 : TT2 -t> V)
-        (P1 : TT1 -t> iProp Σ) (P2 : TT2 -t> iProp Σ)
-        (prot1 : TT1 -t> iProto Σ V) (prot2 : TT2 -t> iProto Σ V) :
-    MsgTele m1 v1 P1 prot1 →
-    MsgTele m2 v2 P2 prot2 →
-    ⌜ a1 = a2 ⌝ -∗
-    (■ ∀.. (xs1 : TT1), tele_app P1 xs1 -∗
-       ∃.. (xs2 : TT2), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
-                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
-                        tele_app P2 xs2) -∗
-    (■ ∀.. (xs2 : TT2), tele_app P2 xs2 -∗
-       ∃.. (xs1 : TT1), ⌜tele_app v1 xs1 = tele_app v2 xs2⌝ ∗
-                        ▷ (tele_app prot1 xs1 ≡ tele_app prot2 xs2) ∗
-                        tele_app P1 xs1) -∗
-      (<a1> m1) ≡ (<a2> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Hm1 Hm2 Heq) "#Heq1 #Heq2".
-    unfold MsgTele in Hm1. rewrite Hm1. clear Hm1.
-    unfold MsgTele in Hm2. rewrite Hm2. clear Hm2.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq proto_message_equivI.
-    iSplit; [ done | ].
-    iIntros (v p').
-    do 2 rewrite iMsg_texist_exist.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq /=.
-    iApply prop_ext.
-    iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
-      iDestruct ("Heq1" with "HP1") as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
-      iExists xs2. rewrite -Hveq1 Hveq2.
-      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP2"; [ | done ].
-      iRewrite -"Hrec1". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec2".
-    - iDestruct 1 as (xs2 Hveq2) "[Hrec2 HP2]".
-      iDestruct ("Heq2" with "HP2") as (xs1 Hveq1) "[Hrec1 HP1]".
-      iExists xs1. rewrite -Hveq2 Hveq1.
-      iSplitR; [ done | ]. iSplitR "HP1"; [ | done ].
-      iRewrite -"Hrec2". iApply later_equivI. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hrec1".
-  Qed.
-  (** Helpers *)
-  Lemma iMsg_map_base f v P p :
-    NonExpansive f →
-    iMsg_map f (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; f p)%msg.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. intros ? v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[(->&Hp&$) Hp']". iSplit; [done|].
-      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". by iRewrite "Hp".
-    - iIntros "(->&Hp'&$)". iExists p. iRewrite -"Hp'". auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_map_exist {A} f (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    iMsg_map f (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_map f (m x))%msg.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. intros v' p'; simpl. iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p'') "[H Hp']". iDestruct "H" as (x) "H"; auto.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (x p'') "[Hm Hp']". auto.
-  Qed.
-  (** ** Dual *)
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_ne : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual Σ V).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_dual_eq. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_ne d : NonExpansive (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_if_proper d :
-    Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_dual_if Σ V d).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_end : iProto_dual (Σ:=Σ) (V:=V) END ≡ END.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_message a m :
-    iProto_dual (<a> m) ≡ <action_dual a> iMsg_dual m.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_dual_eq /iProto_dual_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
-    intros a' m1 m2 Hm; f_equiv; solve_proper.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_dual_base v P p :
-    iMsg_dual (MSG v {{ P }}; p) ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; iProto_dual p)%msg.
-  Proof. apply iMsg_map_base, _. Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_dual_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    iMsg_dual (∃ x, m x) ≡ (∃ x, iMsg_dual (m x))%msg.
-  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_dual_involutive : Involutive (≡) (@iProto_dual Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&n&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite !iProto_dual_end. }
-    rewrite !iProto_dual_message involutive.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>"; iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (pd) "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
-      iDestruct "H" as (pdd) "[H #Hpd]".
-      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
-      iRewrite "Hpd". by iRewrite ("IH" $! pdd).
-    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists _.
-      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
-  Qed.
-  (** ** Append *)
-  Global Instance iProto_app_end_l : LeftId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p. rewrite iProto_end_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    by rewrite proto_elim_end.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_app_message a m p2 : (<a> m) <++> p2 ≡ <a> m <++> p2.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_message_eq iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def /iProto_map_app.
-    etrans; [apply (fixpoint_unfold (iProto_map_app_aux _ _))|]; simpl.
-    rewrite /iProto_message_def. rewrite ->proto_elim_message; [done|].
-    intros a' m1 m2 Hm. f_equiv; solve_proper.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_ne : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    assert (∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> (=) ==> dist n) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
-    { intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
-    assert (Proper ((≡) ==> (=) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V)).
-    { intros p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' <-. by rewrite iProto_app_eq /iProto_app_def Hp1. }
-    intros n p1 p1' Hp1 p2 p2' Hp2. rewrite Hp1. clear p1 Hp1.
-    revert p1'. induction (lt_wf n) as [n _ IH]; intros p1.
-    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite !left_id. }
-    rewrite !iProto_app_message. f_equiv=> v p' /=. do 4 f_equiv.
-    f_contractive. apply IH; eauto using dist_le with lia.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof. apply (ne_proper_2 _). Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_app_base v P p1 p2 :
-    ((MSG v {{ P }}; p1) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (MSG v {{ P }}; p1 <++> p2)%msg.
-  Proof. apply: iMsg_map_base. Qed.
-  Lemma iMsg_app_exist {A} (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p2 :
-    ((∃ x, m x) <++> p2)%msg ≡ (∃ x, m x <++> p2)%msg.
-  Proof. apply iMsg_map_exist. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_end_r : RightId (≡) END (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite left_id. }
-    rewrite iProto_app_message.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p') "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H Hp']". iRewrite "Hp'".
-      iApply (internal_eq_rewrite); [|done]; iIntros "!>".
-      by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
-    - iIntros "H". destruct (Next_uninj p') as [p'' Hp']. iExists p''.
-      rewrite Hp'. iSplitL; [by auto|]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p'').
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_app_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@iProto_app Σ V).
-  Proof.
-    intros p1 p2 p3. apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite !left_id. }
-    rewrite !iProto_app_message.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p123) "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp']".
-      iExists (p1' <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
-      iRewrite "Hp'". iIntros "!>". iApply "IH".
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p12) "[H #Hp123]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12]".
-      iExists p1'. iFrame "H". iRewrite "Hp123".
-      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1').
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_dual_app p1 p2 :
-    iProto_dual (p1 <++> p2) ≡ iProto_dual p1 <++> iProto_dual p2.
-  Proof.
-    apply (uPred.internal_eq_soundness (M:=iResUR Σ)).
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2). destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|(a&i&m&->)].
-    { by rewrite iProto_dual_end !left_id. }
-    rewrite iProto_dual_message !iProto_app_message iProto_dual_message /=.
-    iApply iProto_message_equivI; iSplit; [done|]; iIntros (v p12) "/=".
-    iApply prop_ext; iIntros "!>". iSplit.
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p12d) "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1') "[H #Hp12d]".
-      iExists (iProto_dual p1'). iSplitL; [by auto|].
-      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp12d". iApply "IH".
-    - iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[H #Hp12]". iDestruct "H" as (p1d) "[H #Hp1']".
-      iExists (p1d <++> p2). iSplitL; [by auto|].
-      iRewrite "Hp12". iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp1'". by iRewrite ("IH" $! p1d p2).
-  Qed.
-End proto.
-Global Instance iProto_inhabited {Σ V} : Inhabited (iProto Σ V) := populate END.
-Program Definition iProto_elim {Σ V A}
-    (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) (p : iProto Σ V) : A :=
-  proto_elim x (λ a m, f a (IMsg (λ v, λne p, m v p)))%I p.
-Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
-Lemma iProto_elim_message {Σ V} {A:ofe}
-     (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) a m
-    `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} :
-  iProto_elim x f (iProto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
- Proof.
-  rewrite /iProto_elim iProto_message_eq /iProto_message_def /=.
-   setoid_rewrite proto_elim_message.
-  { apply Hf. done. }
-  intros a' f1 f2 Hf'. apply Hf=> v p /=. apply Hf'.
-Lemma iProto_elim_message' {Σ V} {A:ofe}
-    (x : A) (f : action → iMsg Σ V -> A) a m 
-   `{Hf : ∀ a, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (f a)} :
-   iProto_elim x f (iProto_message a m) ≡ f a m.
-  rewrite /iProto_elim.
-  rewrite iProto_message_eq /iProto_message_def. simpl.
-  setoid_rewrite proto_elim_message.
-  { f_equiv. done. }
-  intros a'.
-  intros f1 f2 Hf'. f_equiv. done.
-Definition nat_beq := Eval compute in Nat.eqb.
-Definition find_recv {Σ V} (i:nat) (j:nat) (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
-  option $ iMsg Σ V :=
-  iProto_elim None (λ a m,
-                      match a with
-                      | (Recv, i') => if nat_beq i i' then Some m else None
-                      | (Send, _) => None
-                      end) (ps !!! j).
-Fixpoint sync_pairs_aux {Σ V} (i : nat) (ps_full ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
-  list (nat * nat * iMsg Σ V * iMsg Σ V) :=
-  match ps with
-  | [] => []
-  | p :: ps =>
-      iProto_elim (sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps)
-        (λ a mi, match a with
-                 | (Recv,_) => sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps
-                 | (Send,j) => match find_recv i j ps_full with
-                               | None => sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps
-                               | Some mj => (i,j,mi,mj) ::
-                                           sync_pairs_aux (S i) ps_full ps
-                              end
-                 end) p
-  end.
-Notation sync_pairs ps := (sync_pairs_aux 0 ps ps).
-Definition can_step {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
-           (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  [∧ list] '(i,j,m1,m2) ∈ sync_pairs ps,
-    ∀ v p1, iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-            ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
-                  â–· (rec (<[i:=p1]>(<[j:=p2]>ps))).
-From iris.heap_lang Require Import notation.
-Definition iProto_binary `{!heapGS Σ} : list (iProto Σ val) :=
-  [(<(Send, 1) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto;
-   (<(Recv, 0) @ (x:Z)> MSG #x ; END)%proto].
-Lemma iProto_binary_consistent `{!heapGS Σ} :
-  ⊢ can_step (λ _, True) (@iProto_binary _ Σ heapGS).
-Proof. rewrite /iProto_binary /can_step /iProto_elim. simpl.
-       rewrite /find_recv. simpl.
-       Fail rewrite iProto_elim_message.
-       (* OBS: Break here *)
-Definition valid_target {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) (i j : nat) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∀ a m, (ps !!! i ≡ <(a, j)> m) -∗ ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
-Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : list (iProto Σ V) → iProp Σ)
-  (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  (∀ i j, valid_target ps i j) ∗ (can_step rec ps).
-Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V}
-       (rec : listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
-  NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre rec).
-Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step /valid_target. solve_proper. Qed.
-Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V}
-  (rec : listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) :
-  listO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ :=
-  λne ps, iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps) ps.
-Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V).
-  rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre' /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step.
-  solve_contractive.
-Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps.
-Arguments iProto_consistent {_ _} _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_consistent) 1 := {}.
-Global Instance iProto_consistent_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_consistent_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_consistent Σ V).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Lemma iProto_consistent_unfold {Σ V} (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) :
-  iProto_consistent ps ≡ (iProto_consistent_pre iProto_consistent) ps.
-  apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_consistent_pre').
-(** * Protocol entailment *)
-Definition iProto_le_pre {Σ V}
-    (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  (p1 ≡ END ∗ p2 ≡ END) ∨
-  ∃ a1 a2 m1 m2,
-    (p1 ≡ <a1> m1) ∗ (p2 ≡ <a2> m2) ∗
-    match a1, a2 with
-    | (Recv,i), (Recv,j) => ⌜i = j⌝ ∗ ∀ v p1',
-       iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')
-    | (Send,i), (Send,j) => ⌜i = j⌝ ∗ ∀ v p2',
-       iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ rec p1' p2' ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')
-    | _, _ => False
-    end.
-Global Instance iProto_le_pre_ne {Σ V} (rec : iProto Σ V → iProto Σ V → iProp Σ) :
-  NonExpansive2 (iProto_le_pre rec).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Program Definition iProto_le_pre' {Σ V}
-    (rec : iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ) :
-    iProto Σ V -n> iProto Σ V -n> iPropO Σ := λne p1 p2,
-  iProto_le_pre (λ p1' p2', rec p1' p2') p1 p2.
-Solve Obligations with solve_proper.
-Local Instance iProto_le_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_le_pre' Σ V).
-  intros n rec1 rec2 Hrec p1 p2. rewrite /iProto_le_pre' /iProto_le_pre /=.
-  by repeat (f_contractive || f_equiv).
-Definition iProto_le {Σ V} (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  fixpoint iProto_le_pre' p1 p2.
-Arguments iProto_le {_ _} _%_proto _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_le) 2 := {}.
-Notation "p ⊑ q" := (iProto_le p q) : bi_scope.
-Global Instance iProto_le_ne {Σ V} : NonExpansive2 (@iProto_le Σ V).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_le_proper {Σ V} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (⊣⊢)) (@iProto_le Σ V).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }.
-Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name :=
-  populate (ProtName inhabitant).
-Global Instance proto_name_eq_dec : EqDecision proto_name.
-Proof. solve_decision. Qed.
-Global Instance proto_name_countable : Countable proto_name.
- refine (inj_countable (λ '(ProtName γs), (γs))
-   (λ '(γs), Some (ProtName γs)) _); by intros [].
-Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
-    (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))).
-Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname)
-    (ps : list (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ :=
-  own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$>
-    (list_to_map (zip (seq 0 (length ps)) ps))) : gmap _ _)).
-Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V}
-    (γ : gname) (ps_len : nat) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ ps, ⌜length ps = ps_len⌝ ∗ iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ ▷ iProto_consistent ps.
-(** * The connective for ownership of channel ends *)
-Definition iProto_own `{!protoG Σ V}
-    (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ :=
-  ∃ p', ▷ (p' ⊑ p) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
-Arguments iProto_own {_ _ _} _ _ _%_proto.
-Global Instance: Params (@iProto_own) 3 := {}.
-Global Instance iProto_own_frag_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
-  Contractive (iProto_own_frag γ i).
-Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_own_contractive `{protoG Σ V} γ i :
-  Contractive (iProto_own γ i).
-Proof. solve_contractive. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_own_ne `{protoG Σ V} γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s).
-Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-Global Instance iProto_own_proper `{protoG Σ V} γ s :
-  Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s).
-Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
-(** * Proofs *)
-Section proto.
-  Context `{!protoG Σ V}.
-  Implicit Types v : V.
-  Implicit Types p pl pr : iProto Σ V.
-  Implicit Types m : iMsg Σ V.
-  Lemma own_prot_idx γ i j (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag j (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
-    ⌜i ≠ j⌝.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hown Hown'" (->).
-    iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hown Hown'") as "H".
-    rewrite uPred.cmra_valid_elim.
-    by iDestruct "H" as %[]%gmap_view_frag_op_validN.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma own_prot_excl γ i (p1 p2 : iProto Σ V) :
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p1))) -∗
-    own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p2))) -∗
-    False.
-  Proof. iIntros "Hi Hj". by iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %?. Qed.
-  (** ** Protocol entailment **)
-  Lemma iProto_le_unfold p1 p2 : iProto_le p1 p2 ≡ iProto_le_pre iProto_le p1 p2.
-  Proof. apply: (fixpoint_unfold iProto_le_pre'). Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end : ⊢ END ⊑ (END : iProto Σ V).
-  Proof. rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iLeft. auto 10. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_r p : p ⊑ END -∗ (p ≡ END).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[Hp _]|H] //".
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(_ & Heq & _)".
-    by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_end_inv_l p : END ⊑ p -∗ (p ≡ END).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold. iIntros "[[_ Hp]|H] //".
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2) "(Heq & _ & _)".
-    iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Heq") as %[].
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send_inv i p1 m2 :
-    p1 ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
-      (p1 ≡ <(Send,i)> m1) ∗
-      ∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗
-               ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
-    { by iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
-    simplify_eq.
-    destruct a1 as [[]]; [|done].
-    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". iExists m1. iFrame "Hp1".
-    iIntros (v p2). iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2)). by iRewrite "Hm2".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send_send_inv i m1 m2 v p2' :
-    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1').
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (Heq) "Hm1".
-    iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle Hm]".
-    iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')) in "Hm". auto with iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_l i m1 p2 :
-    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2,
-      (p2 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m2) ∗
-      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗
-               ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    rewrite iProto_message_equivI. iDestruct "Hp1" as "[%Heq Hm1]".
-    simplify_eq.
-    destruct a2 as [[]]; [done|].
-    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". iExists m2. iFrame "Hp2".
-    iIntros (v p1). iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p1)). by iRewrite "Hm1".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv_inv_r i p1 m2 :
-    (p1 ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1,
-      (p1 ≡ <(Recv,i)> m1) ∗
-      ∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗
-               ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-    iDestruct "Hp2" as "[%Heq Hm2]".
-    simplify_eq.
-    destruct a1 as [[]]; [done|].
-    iDestruct "H" as (->) "H".
-    iExists m1. iFrame.
-    iIntros (v p2).
-    iIntros "Hm1". iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle H]".
-    iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
-    iExists p2'. iFrame.
-    iRewrite "Hm2". iApply "H".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv_recv_inv i m1 m2 v p1' :
-    (<(Recv, i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2', ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2').
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H Hm2". iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H") as (m1') "[Hm1 H]".
-    iApply "H". iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm1") as (_) "Hm1".
-    by iRewrite -("Hm1" $! v (Next p1')).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_l i a m1 p2 :
-    (<(a,i)> m1) ⊑ p2 -∗ ∃ m2, p2 ≡ <(a,i)> m2.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre.
-    iIntros "[[Heq _]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1' m2) "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    destruct a1 as [t1 ?], a2 as [t2 ?].
-    destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
-    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
-    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hp1" as (Heq) "Hp1". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_msg_inv_r j a p1 m2 :
-    (p1 ⊑ <(a,j)> m2) -∗ ∃ m1, p1 ≡ <(a,j)> m1.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_le_unfold /iProto_le_pre.
-    iIntros "[[_ Heq]|H]".
-    { iDestruct (iProto_message_end_equivI with "Heq") as %[]. }
-    iDestruct "H" as (a1 a2 m1 m2') "(Hp1 & Hp2 & H)".
-    destruct a1 as [t1 ?], a2 as [t2 ?].
-    destruct t1,t2; [|done|done|].
-    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
-    - rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hp2" as (Heq) "Hp2". simplify_eq.
-      iDestruct "H" as (->) "H". by iExists _.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma valid_target_le ps i p1 p2 :
-    (∀ i' j', valid_target ps i' j') -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
-    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
-    (∀ i' j', valid_target (<[i := p2]>ps) i' j') ∗ p1 ⊑ p2.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle". *)
-  (*   pose proof (iProto_case p1) as [Hend|Hmsg]. *)
-  (*   { rewrite Hend. iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_l with "Hle") as "#H". *)
-  (*     iFrame "Hle". *)
-  (*     iIntros (i' j' a m) "Hm". *)
-  (*     destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
-  (*     { Search list_lookup_total insert. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. ; [done|]. lia. done. } *)
-  (*     rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*     destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
-  (*     { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "H" in "Hm". *)
-  (*       by iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hm") as "Hm". } *)
-  (*     rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*     by iApply "Hprot". } *)
-  (*   destruct Hmsg as (t & n & m & Hmsg). *)
-  (*   setoid_rewrite Hmsg. *)
-  (*   iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_l with "Hle") as (m2) "#Heq". iFrame "Hle". *)
-  (*   iIntros (i' j' a m') "Hm". *)
-  (*   destruct (decide (i = j')) as [->|Hneqj]. *)
-  (*   { rewrite lookup_insert. done. } *)
-  (*   rewrite lookup_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*   destruct (decide (i = i')) as [->|Hneqi]. *)
-  (*   { rewrite lookup_total_insert. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hm". *)
-  (*     iDestruct (iProto_message_equivI with "Hm") as (Heq) "Hm". *)
-  (*     simplify_eq. by iApply "Hprot". } *)
-  (*   rewrite lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. *)
-  (*   by iApply "Hprot". *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_le ps i p1 p2 :
-    iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ p1 -∗
-    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗
-    iProto_consistent (<[i := p2]>ps).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hprot #HSome Hle".
-    iRevert "HSome".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 ps).
-    iIntros "#HSome".
-    rewrite !iProto_consistent_unfold.
-    iDestruct "Hprot" as "(Htar & Hprot)".
-    iDestruct (valid_target_le with "Htar HSome Hle") as "[Htar Hle]".
-    iFrame.
-    iIntros (i' j' m1 m2) "#Hm1 #Hm2".
-    destruct (decide (i = i')) as [<-|Hneq].
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [|admit].
-      pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
-      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
-      destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
-      setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
-      destruct a; last first.
-      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-        iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]". done. }
-      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm1" as "[%Htag Hm1]".
-      inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
-      iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
-      iSpecialize ("Hm1" $! v (Next p)).
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "Hle") as "Hle".
-      iRewrite -"Hm1" in "Hm1'".
-      iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq H]".
-      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1'") as (p') "[Hle H]".
-      destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq].
-      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Heq _]". done. admit. }
-      iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i j' with "[] [] H") as "Hprot".
-      { iRewrite -"Heq". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
-      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done]. done. }
-      iDestruct "Hprot" as (p'') "[Hm Hprot]".
-      iExists p''. iFrame.
-      iNext.
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle [HSome]") as "HI".
-      { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
-      iClear "IH Hm1 Hm2 Heq".
-      rewrite list_insert_insert.
-      rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
-      rewrite list_insert_insert. done. }
-    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    destruct (decide (i = j')) as [<-|Hneq'].
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert.
-      pose proof (iProto_case p2) as [Hend|Hmsg].
-      { setoid_rewrite Hend. rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. done. }
-      destruct Hmsg as (a&?&m&Hmsg).
-      setoid_rewrite Hmsg.
-      destruct a.
-      { rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-        iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]". done. }
-      rewrite iProto_message_equivI.
-      iDestruct "Hm2" as "[%Htag Hm2]".
-      inversion Htag. simplify_eq.
-      iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "Hle") as "Hle".
-      iDestruct "Hle" as (m') "[#Heq Hle]".
-      iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' with "[] [] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
-      { done. }
-      { rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt. iRewrite "HSome". done. }
-      iDestruct ("Hprot") as (p') "[Hm1' Hprot]".
-      iDestruct ("Hle" with "Hm1'") as (p2') "[Hle Hm']".
-      iSpecialize ("Hm2" $! v (Next p2')).
-      iExists p2'.
-      iRewrite -"Hm2". iFrame.
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []") as "HI".
-      { iPureIntro. rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-        rewrite list_lookup_total_insert. done. admit. }
-      rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done].
-      rewrite !list_insert_insert. done. admit. }
-    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    iIntros (v p) "Hm1'".
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" $!i' j' with "[//] [//] Hm1'") as "Hprot".
-    iDestruct "Hprot" as (p') "[Hm2' Hprot]".
-    iExists p'. iFrame.
-    iNext.
-    rewrite (list_insert_commute _ j' i); [|done].
-    rewrite (list_insert_commute _ i' i); [|done].
-    iApply ("IH" with "Hprot Hle []").
-    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-    done.
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma iProto_le_send i m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p2', iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2') -∗ ∃ p1',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1')) -∗
-    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iRight. iExists (Send, i), (Send, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_recv i m1 m2 :
-    (∀ v p1', iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1') -∗ ∃ p2',
-      ▷ (p1' ⊑ p2') ∗ iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2')) -∗
-    (<(Recv,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hle". rewrite iProto_le_unfold.
-    iRight. iExists (Recv, i), (Recv, i), m1, m2. by eauto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_base a v P p1 p2 :
-    ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗
-    (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v {{ P }}; p2).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H". destruct a as [[]].
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
-      iExists p1. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&$)".
-      iExists p2. iSplit; [|by auto]. iIntros "!>". by iRewrite -"Hp".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_trans p1 p2 p3 : p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p2 ⊑ p3 -∗ p1 ⊑ p3.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3).
-    destruct (iProto_case p3) as [->|([]&i&m3&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H2") as "H2". by iRewrite "H2" in "H1".
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H2]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1"; clear p2.
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1.
-      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p3') "Hm3".
-      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm3") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[Hle' Hm1]".
-      iExists p1'. iIntros "{$Hm1} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle'").
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H2") as (m2) "[Hp2 H3]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2" in "H1".
-      iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H2]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "Hm1".
-      iDestruct ("H2" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[Hle Hm2]".
-      iDestruct ("H3" with "Hm2") as (p3') "[Hle' Hm3]".
-      iExists p3'. iIntros "{$Hm3} !>". by iApply ("IH" with "Hle").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_refl p : ⊢ p ⊑ p.
-  Proof.
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (p). destruct (iProto_case p) as [->|([]&i&m&->)].
-    - iApply iProto_le_end.
-    - iApply iProto_le_send. auto 10 with iFrame.
-    - iApply iProto_le_recv. auto 10 with iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_dual p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ p1 -∗ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2).
-    destruct (iProto_case p1) as [->|([]&i&m1&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H") as "H".
-      iRewrite "H". iApply iProto_le_refl.
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message).
-      iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1d).
-      iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp1d]".
-      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm1") as (p2') "[H Hm2]".
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p2').
-      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp1d"|]. simpl; auto.
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H") as (m2) "[Hp2 H]".
-      iRewrite "Hp2"; clear p2. iEval (rewrite !iProto_dual_message /=).
-      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2d).
-      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp2d]".
-      iDestruct ("H" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H Hm1]".
-      iDestruct ("IH" with "H") as "H". iExists (iProto_dual p1').
-      iSplitL "H"; [iIntros "!>"; by iRewrite "Hp2d"|]. simpl; auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_dual_l p1 p2 : iProto_dual p2 ⊑ p1 ⊢ iProto_dual p1 ⊑ p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p2)).
-    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_dual_r p1 p2 : p2 ⊑ iProto_dual p1 ⊢ p1 ⊑ iProto_dual p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iEval (rewrite -(involutive iProto_dual p1)).
-    by iApply iProto_le_dual.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_app p1 p2 p3 p4 :
-    p1 ⊑ p2 -∗ p3 ⊑ p4 -∗ p1 <++> p3 ⊑ p2 <++> p4.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H1 H2". iLöb as "IH" forall (p1 p2 p3 p4).
-    destruct (iProto_case p2) as [->|([]&i&m2&->)].
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_end_inv_r with "H1") as "H1".
-      iRewrite "H1". by rewrite !left_id.
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_send_inv with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
-      iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p24).
-      iDestruct 1 as (p2') "[Hm2 #Hp24]".
-      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm2") as (p1') "[H1 Hm1]".
-      iExists (p1' <++> p3). iSplitR "Hm1"; [|by simpl; eauto].
-      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp24". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
-    - iDestruct (iProto_le_recv_inv_r with "H1") as (m1) "[Hp1 H1]".
-      iRewrite "Hp1"; clear p1. rewrite !iProto_app_message.
-      iApply iProto_le_recv.
-      iIntros (v p13). iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hm1 #Hp13]".
-      iDestruct ("H1" with "Hm1") as (p2'') "[H1 Hm2]".
-      iExists (p2'' <++> p4). iSplitR "Hm2"; [|by simpl; eauto].
-      iIntros "!>". iRewrite "Hp13". by iApply ("IH" with "H1").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_l i m v P p :
-    (P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) ⊢
-    (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ <(Recv,i)> m.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
-    iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
-    iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_elim_r i m v P p :
-    (P -∗ (<(Send, i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send, i)> MSG v; p)) ⊢
-    (<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq. iIntros "H".
-    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&HP)".
-    iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "(H HP)"); simpl; auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_l i v P p :
-    P -∗ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
-    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_payload_intro_r i v P p :
-    P -∗ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_base_eq.
-    iIntros "HP". iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v' p') "(->&Hp&_) /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; [iApply iProto_le_refl|]. auto.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 :
-    (∀ x, (<(Recv,i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2)) ⊢
-    (<(Recv,i) @ x> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
-    iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p1') "/=". iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
-    by iApply (iProto_le_recv_recv_inv with "H").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_elim_r {A} i m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) :
-    (∀ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x)) ⊢
-    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i) @ x> m2 x).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iIntros "H".
-    iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p2'). iDestruct 1 as (x) "Hm".
-    by iApply (iProto_le_send_send_inv with "H").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_l {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
-    ⊢ (<(Send,i) @ x> m x) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m a).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_send. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_exist_intro_r {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) a :
-    ⊢ (<(Recv,i)> m a) ⊑ (<(Recv,i) @ x> m x).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iMsg_exist_eq. iApply iProto_le_recv. iIntros (v p') "Hm /=".
-    iExists p'. iSplitR; last by auto. iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_l {TT : tele} i (m1 : TT → iMsg Σ V) m2 :
-    (∀ x, (<(Recv,i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2)) ⊢
-    (<(Recv,i) @.. x> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
-    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_l; iIntros (x).
-    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_elim_r {TT : tele} i m1 (m2 : TT → iMsg Σ V) :
-    (∀ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x)) -∗
-    (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i) @.. x> m2 x).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H". iInduction TT as [|T TT] "IH"; simpl; [done|].
-    iApply iProto_le_exist_elim_r; iIntros (x).
-    iApply "IH". iIntros (xs). iApply "H".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_l {TT : tele} i (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
-    ⊢ (<(Send,i) @.. x> m x) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m x).
-  Proof.
-    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
-    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
-    iApply iProto_le_trans; [by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l|]. iApply IH.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_le_texist_intro_r {TT : tele} i (m : TT → iMsg Σ V) x :
-    ⊢ (<(Recv,i)> m x) ⊑ (<(Recv,i) @.. x> m x).
-  Proof.
-    induction x as [|T TT x xs IH] using tele_arg_ind; simpl.
-    { iApply iProto_le_refl. }
-    iApply iProto_le_trans; [|by iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r]. iApply IH.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_target ps m a i j :
-    iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ (<(a, j)> m) -∗
-    ⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold. iDestruct 1 as "[Htar _]". iApply "Htar".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_consistent_step ps m1 m2 i j v p1 :
-    iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    ps !!! i ≡ (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
-    ps !!! j ≡ (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) -∗
-    ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗
-          â–· iProto_consistent (<[i := p1]>(<[j := p2]>ps)).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hprot #Hi #Hj Hm1".
-    rewrite iProto_consistent_unfold /iProto_consistent_pre.
-    iDestruct "Hprot" as "[_ Hprot]".
-    iDestruct ("Hprot" with "Hi Hj Hm1") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hprot]".
-    iExists p2. iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s).
-  Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p :
-    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ ▷ (ps !!! i ≡ p).
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iIntros "H● H◯". *)
-  (*   iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "H● H◯") as "H✓". *)
-  (*   rewrite gmap_view_both_validI. *)
-  (*   iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]". *)
-  (*   rewrite list_lookup_total_alt lookup_fmap. *)
-  (*   destruct (ps !! i); last first. *)
-  (*   { rewrite !option_equivI. } *)
-  (*   simpl. rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. by iNext. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' :
-    iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗
-    iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "H● H◯".
-    iMod (own_update_2 with "H● H◯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro].
-    { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. }
-    iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. Admitted.
-  Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps :
-    ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
-  Proof. Admitted.
-  (*   iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth". *)
-  (*   { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. } *)
-  (*   iExists γ. *)
-  (*   iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind. *)
-  (*   { iModIntro. iFrame. by iApply big_sepM_empty. } *)
-  (*   iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]". *)
-  (*   rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags". *)
-  (*   iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]". *)
-  (*   { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))); [|done|done]. *)
-  (*     by rewrite lookup_fmap Hin. } *)
-  (*   iModIntro. rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame. *)
-  (*   iExists _. iFrame. iApply iProto_le_refl. *)
-  (* Qed. *)
-  Lemma iProto_own_le γ s p1 p2 :
-    iProto_own γ s p1 -∗ ▷ (p1 ⊑ p2) -∗ iProto_own γ s p2.
-  Proof.
-    iDestruct 1 as (p1') "[Hle H]". iIntros "Hle'".
-    iExists p1'. iFrame "H". by iApply (iProto_le_trans with "Hle").
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_init ps :
-    ▷ iProto_consistent ps -∗
-    |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ (length ps) ∗ [∗ list] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hconsistent".
-    iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]".
-    iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. by iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma iProto_step γ ps_dom i j m1 m2 p1 v :
-    iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
-    iProto_own γ i (<(Send, j)> m1) -∗
-    iProto_own γ j (<(Recv, i)> m2) -∗
-    iMsg_car m1 v (Next p1) ==∗
-    ▷ ∃ p2, iMsg_car m2 v (Next p2) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗
-            iProto_own γ i p1 ∗ iProto_own γ j p2.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hctx Hi Hj Hm".
-    iDestruct "Hi" as (pi) "[Hile Hi]".
-    iDestruct "Hj" as (pj) "[Hjle Hj]".
-    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hconsistent]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hi") as "#Hpi".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj".
-    iDestruct (own_prot_idx with "Hi Hj") as %Hneq.
-    iAssert (▷ (<[i:=<(Send, j)> m1]>ps !!! j ≡ pj))%I as "Hpj'".
-    { by rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne. }
-    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! i)⌝ ∗ (pi ⊑ (<(Send, j)> m1))))%I with "[Hile]"
-      as "[Hi' Hile]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hile") as (m) "#Heq".
-      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpi". rewrite list_lookup_total_alt.
-      destruct (ps !! i); [done|].
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpi") as "[]". }
-    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ (pj ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))))%I with "[Hjle]"
-      as "[Hj' Hjle]".
-    { iNext. iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hjle") as (m) "#Heq".
-      iFrame. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hpj". rewrite !list_lookup_total_alt.
-      destruct (ps !! j); [done|].
-      iDestruct (iProto_end_message_equivI with "Hpj") as "[]". }
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpi Hile") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_le with "Hconsistent Hpj' Hjle") as "Hconsistent".
-    iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step _ _ _ i j with "Hconsistent [] [] [Hm //]") as
-      (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]".
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
-    { rewrite list_lookup_total_insert_ne; [|done].
-      rewrite list_lookup_total_insert; [done|]. admit. }
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]".
-    iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]".
-    iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame "Hm2".
-    iDestruct "Hi'" as %Hi. iDestruct "Hj'" as %Hj.
-    iSplitL "Hconsistent Hauth".
-    { iExists (<[i:=p1]> (<[j:=p2]> ps)).
-      iSplit.
-      { admit.
-      (* rewrite !dom_insert_lookup_L; [done..|by rewrite lookup_insert_ne].  *)}
-      iFrame. rewrite list_insert_insert.
-      rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. rewrite list_insert_insert.
-      by rewrite list_insert_commute; [|done]. }
-    iSplitL "Hi"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl.
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma iProto_target γ ps_dom i a j m :
-    iProto_ctx γ ps_dom -∗
-    iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m) -∗
-    ▷ (⌜j < ps_dom⌝) ∗ iProto_ctx γ ps_dom ∗ iProto_own γ i (<(a, j)> m).
-  Proof.
-    iIntros "Hctx Hown".
-    rewrite /iProto_ctx /iProto_own.
-    iDestruct "Hctx" as (ps Hdom) "[Hauth Hps]".
-    iDestruct "Hown" as (p') "[Hle Hown]".
-    iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hown") as "#Hi".
-    iDestruct (iProto_le_msg_inv_r with "Hle") as (m') "#Heq".
-    iAssert (▷ (⌜is_Some (ps !! j)⌝ ∗ iProto_consistent ps))%I
-      with "[Hps]" as "[HSome Hps]".
-    { iNext. iRewrite "Heq" in "Hi".
-      iDestruct (iProto_consistent_target with "Hps Hi") as "#$". by iFrame. }
-    iSplitL "HSome".
-    { iNext. iDestruct "HSome" as %Heq.
-      iPureIntro. simplify_eq. admit. }
-    iSplitL "Hauth Hps"; iExists _; by iFrame.
-  Admitted.
-  (* (** The instances below make it possible to use the tactics [iIntros], *)
-  (* [iExist], [iSplitL]/[iSplitR], [iFrame] and [iModIntro] on [iProto_le] goals. *) *)
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_l {A} i (m1 : A → iMsg Σ V) m2 name :
-    AsIdentName m1 name →
-    FromForall (iProto_message (Recv,i) (iMsg_exist m1) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m2))
-               (λ x, (<(Recv, i)> m1 x) ⊑ (<(Recv, i)> m2))%I name | 10.
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_l. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_forall_r {A} i m1 (m2 : A → iMsg Σ V) name :
-    AsIdentName m2 name →
-    FromForall ((<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ iProto_message (Send,i) (iMsg_exist m2))
-               (λ x, (<(Send,i)> m1) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m2 x))%I name | 11.
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_exist_elim_r. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_l i m v P p :
-    TCIf (TCEq P True%I) False TCTrue →
-    FromWand ((<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) P ((<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m)) | 10.
-  Proof. intros _. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_l. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_wand_r i m v P p :
-    FromWand ((<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<(Send,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> MSG v; p)) | 11.
-  Proof. apply iProto_le_payload_elim_r. Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_l {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
-    FromExist ((<(Send,i) @ x> m x) ⊑ p) (λ a, (<(Send,i)> m a) ⊑ p)%I | 10.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[] H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_l.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_exist_r {A} i (m : A → iMsg Σ V) p :
-    FromExist (p ⊑ <(Recv,i) @ x> m x) (λ a, p ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> m a))%I | 11.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromExist. iDestruct 1 as (x) "H".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_exist_intro_r.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_l i m v P p :
-    FromSep ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) P ((<(Send,i)> MSG v; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) | 10.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HP] H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_sep_r i m v P p :
-    FromSep ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p)) P ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v; p)) | 11.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /FromSep. iIntros "[HP H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). by iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_l i q m v R P Q p :
-    Frame q R P Q →
-    Frame q R ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m))
-              ((<(Send,i)> MSG v {{ Q }}; p) ⊑ (<(Send,i)> m)) | 10.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "[HR] H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_r.
-    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_l. iApply HP; iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_frame_r i q m v R P Q p :
-    Frame q R P Q →
-    Frame q R ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ P }}; p))
-              ((<(Recv,i)> m) ⊑ (<(Recv,i)> MSG v {{ Q }}; p)) | 11.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Frame /=. iIntros (HP) "[HR H]".
-    iApply (iProto_le_trans with "H"). iApply iProto_le_payload_elim_l.
-    iIntros "HQ". iApply iProto_le_payload_intro_r. iApply HP; iFrame.
-  Qed.
-  Global Instance iProto_le_from_modal a v p1 p2 :
-    FromModal True (modality_instances.modality_laterN 1) (p1 ⊑ p2)
-              ((<a> MSG v; p1) ⊑ (<a> MSG v; p2)) (p1 ⊑ p2).
-  Proof. intros _. iApply iProto_le_base. Qed.
-End proto.
-Typeclasses Opaque iProto_ctx iProto_own.
-Global Hint Extern 0 (environments.envs_entails _ (?x ⊑ ?y)) =>
-  first [is_evar x; fail 1 | is_evar y; fail 1|iApply iProto_le_refl] : core.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa6ef5..0000000
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
-From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
-From Require Import proofmode.
-(** Inspired by *)
-Definition process : val :=
-  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" :=
-    if: recv "c" "idr"
-    then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
-         if: "id" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
-         then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
-         else if: "id" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
-         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false
-         else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
-         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" (** Case 2 *)
-         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
-    else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
-         if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
-         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id'";; "id'".
-Definition init : val :=
-  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
-    (* Notice missing leader *)
-    send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
-Definition program : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c1" #3 #1 #2 in send "c1" #0 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in
-           send "c2" #0 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := init "c3" #2 #3 #1 in send "c3" #0 "id_max");;
-     let: "res1" := recv "c0" #1 in
-     let: "res2" := recv "c0" #2 in
-     let: "res3" := recv "c0" #3 in
-     assert: ("res1" = "res2");;
-     assert: ("res2" = "res3").
-Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
-  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
-Section ring_leader_election_example.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
-  Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
-             (rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
-    λ (isp:bool),
-      iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
-        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
-         if bool_decide (i < i')
-         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i' ; rec true
-         else if bool_decide (i = i')
-         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
-         else if isp then rec isp
-         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
-        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
-         if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
-         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
-  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
-  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
-  Definition rle_prot il i ir p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
-  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp p :
-    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
-  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
-  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp p :
-    (rle_prot il i ir p isp) ≡
-    (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
-  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
-  Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
-    rle_prot il i ir p true)%proto.
-  Lemma process_spec il i ir p c (isp:bool) :
-    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp) }}}
-      process c #il #i #ir #isp
-    {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
-    wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
-    destruct b.
-    - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
-      { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
-        wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
-      { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
-        wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-        wp_send with "[//]".
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      case_bool_decide; [lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      destruct isp.
-      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
-    - wp_pures.
-      wp_recv (id') as "_". wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
-      { case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-        wp_pures. subst. by iApply "HΦ". }
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma init_spec c il i ir p :
-    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il i ir p }}}
-      init c #il #i #ir
-    {{{ res, RET #res; c ↣ p res }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
-    wp_pures. by iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
-  Qed.
-  Definition prot_tail (i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Send,0)> MSG #i_max; END)%proto.
-  Definition pre_prot_pool id_max : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [(<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
-             <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
-             <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
-             END)%proto;
-      prot_tail id_max;
-      prot_tail id_max;
-      prot_tail id_max].
-  Lemma pre_prot_pool_consistent id_max :
-    ⊢ iProto_consistent (pre_prot_pool id_max).
-  Proof. rewrite /pre_prot_pool. iProto_consistent_take_steps. Qed.
-  Definition prot_pool : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [(<(Recv,1) @ (id_max : nat)> MSG #id_max ;
-             <(Recv,2)> MSG #id_max ;
-             <(Recv,3)> MSG #id_max ;
-             END)%proto;
-      rle_preprot 3 1 2 prot_tail;
-      rle_prot 1 2 3 prot_tail false;
-      rle_preprot 2 3 1 prot_tail].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma program_spec :
-    {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
-  Proof. 
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_new_chan prot_pool with prot_pool_consistent
-      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_send with "[//]". }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_send with "[//]". }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc3").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_send with "[//]". }
-    wp_recv (id_max) as "_". wp_recv as "_". wp_recv as "_".
-    wp_smart_apply wp_assert. wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplitR; [iPureIntro|].
-    { do 2 f_equiv. by apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. }
-    iIntros "!>".
-    wp_smart_apply wp_assert. wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplitR; [iPureIntro|].
-    { do 2 f_equiv. by apply bool_decide_eq_true_2. }
-    iIntros "!>". by iApply "HΦ".
-  Qed.
-End ring_leader_election_example.
-Lemma program_spec_adequate :
-  adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
-           (λ _ _, True).
-  apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
-  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v b/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff5abd..0000000
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
-From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
-From Require Import proofmode.
-(** Inspired by *)
-Definition process : val :=
-  rec: "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" :=
-    if: recv "c" "idr"
-    then let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
-         if: "id" < "id'"          (** Case 1 *)
-         then send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id'";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
-         else if: "id" = "id'"     (** Case 4 *)
-         then send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #false
-         else if: "isp" (** Case 3 *)
-         then "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "isp" (** Case 2 *)
-         else send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-              "go" "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true
-    else let: "id'" := recv "c" "idr" in
-         if: "id" = "id'" then "id'"
-         else send "c" "idl" #false;; send "c" "idl" "id'";; "id'".
-Definition init : val :=
-  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr",
-    (* Notice missing leader *)
-    send "c" "idl" #true;; send "c" "idl" "id";;
-    process "c" "idl" "id" "idr" #true.
-Definition forward : val :=
-  λ: "c" "idl" "id" "idr" "id_max",
-    if: "id" = "id_max" then
-      let: "cs'" := new_chan #2 in
-      let: "c0" := get_chan "cs'" #0 in
-      let: "c1" := get_chan "cs'" #1 in
-      send "c1" #0 "id_max";;
-      send "c" "idl" "c1";;
-      Fork ((rec: "f" <> :=
-              let: "id'" := recv "c0" #1 in
-              assert: ("id'" = "id_max");; "f" #()) #());;
-      recv "c" "idr";; #()
-    else
-      let: "c1" := recv "c" "idr" in
-      send "c1" #0 "id_max";;
-      send "c" "idl" "c1".
-Definition program : val :=
-  λ: <>,
-     let: "cs" := new_chan #4 in
-     let: "c0" := get_chan "cs" #0 in
-     let: "c1" := get_chan "cs" #1 in
-     let: "c2" := get_chan "cs" #2 in
-     let: "c3" := get_chan "cs" #3 in
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c1" #0 #1 #2 #false in 
-           forward "c1" #0 #1 #2 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c2" #1 #2 #3 #false in 
-           forward "c2" #1 #2 #3 "id_max");;
-     Fork (let: "id_max" := process "c3" #2 #3 #0 #false in 
-           forward "c3" #2 #3 #0 "id_max");;
-     let: "id_max" := init "c0" #3 #0 #1 in
-     forward "c0" #3 #0 #1 "id_max".
-Notation iProto_choice a p1 p2 :=
-  (<a @ (b : bool)> MSG #b; if b then p1 else p2)%proto.
-Section ring_leader_election_example.
-  Context `{!heapGS Σ, chanG Σ, spawnG Σ, mono_natG Σ}.
-  Definition my_recv_prot (il i ir : nat) (p : nat → iProto Σ)
-             (rec : bool -d> iProto Σ) : bool -d> iProto Σ :=
-    λ (isp:bool),
-      iProto_choice (Recv,ir)
-        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
-         if bool_decide (i < i')
-         then <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i' ; rec true
-         else if bool_decide (i = i')
-         then <(Send,il)> MSG #false ; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ; rec false
-         else if isp then rec isp
-         else <(Send,il)> MSG #true ; <(Send,il)> MSG #i ; rec true)%proto
-        (<(Recv,ir) @ (i':nat)> MSG #i' ;
-         if (bool_decide (i = i')) then p i
-         else <(Send,il)> MSG #false; <(Send,il)> MSG #i'; p i')%proto.
-  Instance rle_prot_aux_contractive il i ir p : Contractive (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
-  Proof. rewrite /my_recv_prot. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
-  Definition rle_prot il i ir p := fixpoint (my_recv_prot il i ir p).
-  Instance rle_prot_unfold il i ir isp p :
-    ProtoUnfold (rle_prot il i ir p isp) (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
-  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
-  Lemma rle_prot_unfold' il i ir isp p :
-    (rle_prot il i ir p isp) ≡
-    (my_recv_prot il i ir p (rle_prot il i ir p) isp).
-  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (my_recv_prot il i ir p)). Qed.
-  Definition rle_preprot (il i ir : nat) p : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Send, il)> MSG #true; <(Send, il)> MSG #i ;
-    rle_prot il i ir p true)%proto.
-  Lemma process_spec il i ir p c (isp:bool) :
-    {{{ c ↣ (rle_prot il i ir p isp) }}}
-      process c #il #i #ir #isp
-    {{{ i', RET #i'; c ↣ p i' }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ".
-    iLöb as "IH" forall (Φ isp).
-    wp_lam. wp_recv (b) as "_".
-    destruct b.
-    - wp_pures. wp_recv (i') as "_".
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
-      { case_bool_decide; [|lia].
-        wp_pures. wp_send with "[//]".
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt2.
-      { case_bool_decide; [lia|].
-        wp_pures. case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-        wp_send with "[//]".
-        wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures.
-        iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      case_bool_decide; [lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      destruct isp.
-      { wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ"). }
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_pures. iApply ("IH" with "Hc HΦ").
-    - wp_pures.
-      wp_recv (id') as "_". wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide as Hlt.
-      { case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-        wp_pures. subst. by iApply "HΦ". }
-      case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma init_spec c il i ir p :
-    {{{ c ↣ rle_preprot il i ir p }}}
-      init c #il #i #ir
-    {{{ res, RET #res; c ↣ p res }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam. wp_send with "[//]". wp_send with "[//]".
-    wp_pures. by iApply (process_spec with "Hc HΦ").
-  Qed.
-  Definition forward_prot (p : iProto Σ) (il i ir i_max : nat) : iProto Σ :=
-    if bool_decide (i = i_max) then
-      (<(Send,il) @ (c:val)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Recv,ir)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto
-    else
-      (<(Recv,ir) @ (c:val)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }} ; <(Send,il)> MSG c {{ c ↣ p }}; END)%proto.
-  Definition relay_send_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Send,0)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
-  Instance relay_send_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_send_aux i).
-  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
-  Definition relay_send_prot i := fixpoint (relay_send_aux i).
-  Instance relay_send_prot_unfold i :
-    ProtoUnfold (relay_send_prot i) (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
-  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
-  Lemma relay_send_prot_unfold' i :
-    (relay_send_prot i) ≡
-    (relay_send_aux i (relay_send_prot i)).
-  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_send_aux i)). Qed.
-  Definition relay_recv_aux (id : nat) (rec : iProto Σ) : iProto Σ :=
-    (<(Recv,1)> MSG #id ; rec)%proto.
-  Instance relay_recv_aux_contractive i : Contractive (relay_recv_aux i).
-  Proof. solve_proto_contractive. Qed.
-  Definition relay_recv_prot i := fixpoint (relay_recv_aux i).
-  Instance relay_recv_prot_unfold i :
-    ProtoUnfold (relay_recv_prot i) (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
-  Proof. apply proto_unfold_eq, (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
-  Lemma relay_recv_prot_unfold' i :
-    (relay_recv_prot i) ≡
-    (relay_recv_aux i (relay_recv_prot i)).
-  Proof. apply (fixpoint_unfold (relay_recv_aux i)). Qed.
-  Definition prot_pool : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [rle_preprot 3 0 1 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 3 0 1 id_max);
-      rle_prot 0 1 2 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 0 1 2 id_max) false;
-      rle_prot 1 2 3 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 1 2 3 id_max) false;
-      rle_prot 2 3 0 (λ id_max, forward_prot (relay_send_prot id_max) 2 3 0 id_max) false].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent : ⊢ iProto_consistent prot_pool.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /prot_pool /rle_preprot.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    case_bool_decide; try lia.
-    rewrite !rle_prot_unfold'.
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-  Qed.
-  Definition prot_pool' (i:nat) : list (iProto Σ) :=
-     [relay_recv_prot i;
-      relay_send_prot i].
-  Lemma prot_pool_consistent' i : ⊢ iProto_consistent (prot_pool' i).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /prot_pool'.
-    iLöb as "IH".
-    iEval (rewrite relay_recv_prot_unfold').
-    iEval (rewrite relay_send_prot_unfold').
-    iProto_consistent_take_steps.
-    done.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma forward_spec c il i ir i_max :
-    {{{ c ↣ forward_prot (relay_send_prot i_max) il i ir i_max }}}
-      forward c #il #i #ir #i_max
-    {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
-  Proof.
-    iIntros (Φ) "Hc HΦ". wp_lam.
-    rewrite /forward_prot.
-    wp_pures. case_bool_decide.
-    - simplify_eq. wp_pures.
-      case_bool_decide; [|simplify_eq;lia].
-      wp_new_chan (prot_pool' i_max) with (prot_pool_consistent' i_max)
-        as (c0 c1) "Hc0" "Hc1".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[Hc1//]".
-      wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc0]").
-      { iIntros "!>".
-        wp_pures.
-        iLöb as "IH".
-        wp_recv as "_".
-        wp_smart_apply wp_assert.
-        wp_pures. iModIntro. iSplit; [iPureIntro; f_equiv; by case_bool_decide|].
-        iIntros "!>". wp_pures. by iApply "IH". }
-      wp_recv as "Hc'". wp_pures. by iApply "HΦ".
-    - case_bool_decide; [simplify_eq;lia|].
-      wp_pures.
-      wp_recv (c') as "Hc'".
-      wp_send with "[//]".
-      wp_send with "[Hc'//]". 
-      by iApply "HΦ".
-  Qed.
-  Lemma program_spec :
-    {{{ True }}} program #() {{{ RET #(); True }}}.
-  Proof. 
-    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam.
-    wp_new_chan prot_pool with prot_pool_consistent
-      as (c0 c1 c2 c3) "Hc0" "Hc1" "Hc2" "Hc3".
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc1]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc1").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc1". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc1"). }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc2]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc2").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc2". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc2"). }
-    wp_smart_apply (wp_fork with "[Hc3]").
-    { iIntros "!>". wp_smart_apply (process_spec with "Hc3").
-      iIntros (i') "Hc3". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc3"). }
-    wp_smart_apply (init_spec with "Hc0").
-    iIntros (i') "Hc0". by wp_smart_apply (forward_spec with "Hc0").
-  Qed.
-End ring_leader_election_example.
-Lemma program_spec_adequate :
-  adequate NotStuck (program #()) ({|heap := ∅; used_proph_id := ∅|})
-           (λ _ _, True).
-  apply (heap_adequacy #[heapΣ; chanΣ]).
-  iIntros (Σ) "H". by iApply program_spec.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multris/channel/channel.v
similarity index 98%
rename from multi_actris/channel/channel.v
rename to multris/channel/channel.v
index c0a0fbb..46083fd 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multris/channel/channel.v
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ the subprotocol relation [⊑] *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view.
 From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import invariants.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
-From multi_actris.utils Require Import matrix.
-From Require Import proto_model.
-From Require Export proto.
+From multris.utils Require Import matrix.
+From Require Import proto_model.
+From Require Export proto.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * The definition of the message-passing connectives *)
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Section channel.
       { apply excl_auth_valid. }
       iMod ("IHn" with "Hps'") as (γEs Hlen) "H".
       iModIntro. iExists (γEs++[γE]).
-      rewrite !app_length Hlen.
+      rewrite !length_app Hlen.
       iSplit; [iPureIntro=>/=;lia|]=> /=.
       iSplitL "H".
       { iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v b/multris/channel/proofmode.v
similarity index 99%
rename from multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
rename to multris/channel/proofmode.v
index 2c02a5c..d3da00d 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proofmode.v
+++ b/multris/channel/proofmode.v
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ recursive protocols are contractive. *)
 From iris.algebra Require Import gmap.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics reduction spec_patterns.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Export proofmode notation.
-From Require Import proto_model.
-From Require Export channel.
+From Require Import proto_model.
+From Require Export channel.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * Tactics for proving contractiveness of protocols *)
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v b/multris/channel/proto.v
similarity index 99%
rename from multi_actris/channel/proto.v
rename to multris/channel/proto.v
index aaae475..56522bb 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto.v
+++ b/multris/channel/proto.v
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
 From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop.
 From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own.
 From iris.program_logic Require Import language.
-From Require Import proto_model.
+From Require Import proto_model.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Export action.
diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v b/multris/channel/proto_model.v
similarity index 99%
rename from multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
rename to multris/channel/proto_model.v
index 007f8ef..3dc4bf0 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/proto_model.v
+++ b/multris/channel/proto_model.v
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The defined functions on the type [proto] are:
   all terminations [END] in [p1] with [p2]. *)
 From iris.base_logic Require Import base_logic.
 From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode.
-From multi_actris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
+From multris.utils Require Import cofe_solver_2.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Module Export action.
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v b/multris/examples/basics.v
similarity index 99%
rename from multi_actris/examples/basics.v
rename to multris/examples/basics.v
index 80169be..53ad44a 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/basics.v
+++ b/multris/examples/basics.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-From Require Import proofmode.
+From Require Import proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Definition iProto_empty {Σ} : list (iProto Σ) := [].
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v b/multris/examples/leader_election.v
similarity index 99%
rename from multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
rename to multris/examples/leader_election.v
index 093badc..c833695 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/leader_election_del_alt.v
+++ b/multris/examples/leader_election.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 From iris.heap_lang Require Import adequacy.
 From iris.heap_lang.lib Require Import assert.
-From Require Import proofmode.
+From Require Import proofmode.
 (** Inspired by *)
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v b/multris/examples/three_buyer.v
similarity index 99%
rename from multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v
rename to multris/examples/three_buyer.v
index aa4c6e8..a4d24c4 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/three_buyer.v
+++ b/multris/examples/three_buyer.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-From Require Import proofmode.
+From Require Import proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Definition buyer1_prog : val :=
diff --git a/multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v b/multris/examples/two_buyer.v
similarity index 98%
rename from multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v
rename to multris/examples/two_buyer.v
index 15eef77..a317924 100644
--- a/multi_actris/examples/two_buyer.v
+++ b/multris/examples/two_buyer.v
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-From Require Import proofmode.
+From Require Import proofmode.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Definition buyer1_prog : val :=
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v b/multris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
similarity index 100%
rename from multi_actris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
rename to multris/utils/cofe_solver_2.v
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v b/multris/utils/matrix.v
similarity index 100%
rename from multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
rename to multris/utils/matrix.v