From 528c968c5948cfa626ff7b78affbe7996c1d538f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:05:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Removed redundant _pers specs, and added missing matrix file

 multi_actris/channel/channel.v |   8 +-
 multi_actris/utils/matrix.v    | 162 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 multi_actris/utils/matrix.v

diff --git a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
index f8dc651..8573236 100644
--- a/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
+++ b/multi_actris/channel/channel.v
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ Section channel.
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
     iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
-    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec_pers with "Hls"); [done..|].
-    iIntros (l') "Hl'".
+    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec with "Hls"); [done..|].
+    iIntros (l') "[Hl' _]".
     iDestruct "Hl'" as (γt) "#IHl1".
     wp_pures. wp_bind (Store _ _).
     iInv "IHl1" as "HIp".
@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ Section channel.
     wp_pure _.
     iDestruct "Hi" as %Hi.
     iDestruct "Hj" as %Hj.
-    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec_pers with "Hls"); [done..|].
-    iIntros (l') "Hl'".
+    wp_smart_apply (matrix_get_spec with "Hls"); [done..|].
+    iIntros (l') "[Hl' _]".
     iDestruct "Hl'" as (γt) "#IHl2".
     wp_bind (Xchg _ _).
diff --git a/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066da4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multi_actris/utils/matrix.v
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+From Require Import big_op.
+From iris.heap_lang Require Export primitive_laws notation proofmode.
+Definition new_matrix : val :=
+  λ: "m" "n" "v", (AllocN ("m"*"n") "v","m","n").
+Definition pos (n i j : nat) : nat := i * n + j.
+Definition vpos : val := λ: "n" "i" "j", "i"*"n" + "j".
+Definition matrix_get : val :=
+  λ: "m" "i" "j",
+    let: "l" := Fst (Fst "m") in
+    let: "n" := Snd "m" in
+    "l" +â‚— vpos "n" "i" "j".
+Section with_Σ.
+  Context `{heapGS Σ}.
+  Definition is_matrix (v : val) (m n : nat)
+             (P : nat → nat → loc → iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
+    ∃ (l:loc),
+      ⌜v = PairV (PairV #l #m) #n⌝ ∗
+      [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j).
+  Lemma array_to_matrix_pre l n m v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (n * m) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (), (l +ₗ i*m) ↦∗ replicate m v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    replace ((n + 1) * m) with (n * m + m) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /= array_app=> /=.
+    iDestruct "Hl" as "[Hl Hls]".
+    iDestruct ("IHn" with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iFrame=> /=.
+    rewrite Nat.add_0_r !replicate_length.
+    replace (Z.of_nat (n * m)) with (Z.of_nat n * Z.of_nat m)%Z by lia.
+    by iFrame.
+  Qed.
+  (* TODO: rename *)
+  Lemma big_sepL_replicate_type {A B} n (x1 : A) (x2 : B) (P : nat → iProp Σ) :
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x1, P i) ⊢
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate n x2, P i).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "H".
+    iInduction n as [|n] "IHn"; [done|].
+    replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia.
+    rewrite !replicate_add /=. iDestruct "H" as "[H1 H2]".
+    iSplitL "H1"; [by iApply "IHn"|]=> /=.
+    by rewrite !replicate_length.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma array_to_matrix l m n v :
+    l ↦∗ replicate (m * n) v -∗
+    [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+      [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+        (l +ₗ pos n i j) ↦ v.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros "Hl".
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix_pre with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (i ? _) "Hl".
+    iApply big_sepL_replicate_type.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hl").
+    iIntros "!>" (j ? HSome) "Hl".
+    rewrite Loc.add_assoc.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j))%Z by lia.
+    by apply lookup_replicate in HSome as [-> _].
+  Qed.
+  Lemma new_matrix_spec E m n v P :
+    0 < m → 0 < n →
+    {{{ [∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (), [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+  ∀ l, l ↦ v ={E}=∗ P i j l }}}
+      new_matrix #m #n v @ E
+    {{{ mat, RET mat; is_matrix mat m n P }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "HP HΦ".
+    wp_lam. wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply wp_allocN; [lia|done|].
+    iIntros (l) "[Hl _]".
+    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ".
+    iExists _. iSplitR; [done|].
+    replace (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat m * Z.of_nat n)) with (m * n) by lia.
+    iDestruct (array_to_matrix with "Hl") as "Hl".
+    iCombine "HP Hl" as "HPl".
+    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
+    iApply big_sepL_fupd.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "HPl").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin) "H".
+    rewrite -big_sepL_sep.
+    iApply big_sepL_fupd.
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "H").
+    iIntros "!>" (k' x' Hin') "[HP Hl]".
+    by iApply "HP".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_sep m n l (P : _ → _ → _ → iProp Σ) i j :
+    i < m → j < n →
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j)) -∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) ∗
+    (P i j (l +ₗ pos n i j) -∗
+    ([∗ list] i ↦ _ ∈ replicate m (),
+        [∗ list] j ↦ _ ∈ replicate n (),
+          P i j (l +â‚— pos n i j)))).
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn) "Hm".
+    iDestruct (big_sepL_impl with "Hm []") as "Hm".
+    { iIntros "!>" (k x HIn).
+      iApply (big_sepL_lookup_acc _ _ j ()).
+      by apply lookup_replicate. }
+    simpl.
+    rewrite {1}(big_sepL_lookup_acc _ (replicate m ()) i ());
+      [|by apply lookup_replicate].
+    iDestruct "Hm" as "[[Hij Hi] Hm]".
+    iFrame.
+    iIntros "HP".
+    iDestruct ("Hm" with "[$Hi $HP]") as "Hm".
+    iApply (big_sepL_impl with "Hm").
+    iIntros "!>" (k x Hin).
+    iIntros "[Hm Hm']". iApply "Hm'". done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma vpos_spec (n i j : nat) :
+    {{{ True }}} vpos #n #i #j {{{ RET #(pos n i j); True }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Φ) "_ HΦ". wp_lam. wp_pures. rewrite /pos.
+    replace (Z.of_nat i * Z.of_nat n + Z.of_nat j)%Z with
+      (Z.of_nat (i * n + j)) by lia.
+    by iApply "HΦ".
+  Qed.
+  Lemma matrix_get_spec m n i j v P :
+    i < m → j < n →
+    {{{ is_matrix v m n P }}}
+      matrix_get v #i #j
+    {{{ l, RET #l; P i j l ∗ (P i j l -∗ is_matrix v m n P) }}}.
+  Proof.
+    iIntros (Hm Hn Φ) "Hm HΦ".
+    wp_lam.
+    iDestruct "Hm" as (l ->) "Hm".
+    wp_pures.
+    wp_smart_apply vpos_spec; [done|].
+    iIntros "_".
+    wp_pures.
+    iApply "HΦ".
+    iModIntro.
+    iDestruct (matrix_sep _ _ _ _ i j with "Hm") as "[$ Hm]"; [lia|lia|].
+    iIntros "H".
+    iDestruct ("Hm" with "H") as "Hm".
+    iExists _. iSplit; [done|]. iFrame.
+  Qed.
+End with_Σ.