From 1fab9b4d1f44df9e45dcc65c776cf51554949ee3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonas Kastberg Hinrichsen <> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 06:51:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Solve remaining admits --- theories/channel/multi_proto.v | 122 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v index 89da164..e5507e8 100644 --- a/theories/channel/multi_proto.v +++ b/theories/channel/multi_proto.v @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Lastly, relevant type classes instances are defined for each of the above notions, such as contractiveness and non-expansiveness, after which the specifications of the message-passing primitives are defined in terms of the protocol connectives. *) -From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth. +From iris.algebra Require Import gmap excl_auth gmap_view. From iris.proofmode Require Import proofmode. From iris.base_logic Require Export lib.iprop. From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.own. @@ -57,39 +57,15 @@ Export action. (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) Class protoG Σ V := protoG_authG :: - inG Σ (authUR (gmapR natO - (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ))))))). + inG Σ (gmap_viewR natO + (optionUR (exclR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))))). Definition protoΣ V := #[ - GFunctor (authRF (gmapURF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))) + GFunctor ((gmap_viewRF natO (optionRF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))) ]. Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. Proof. solve_inG. Qed. -(* (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) *) -(* Class protoG Σ V := *) -(* protoG_authG :: *) -(* inG Σ (gmapR natO *) -(* (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ))))). *) - -(* Definition protoΣ V := #[ *) -(* GFunctor (gmapRF natO (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF)))))) *) -(* ]. *) -(* Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. *) -(* Proof. solve_inG. Qed. *) - - -(* (** * Setup of Iris's cameras *) *) -(* Class protoG Σ V := *) -(* protoG_authG :: *) -(* inG Σ (excl_authR (laterO (proto (leibnizO V) (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ)))). *) - -(* Definition protoΣ V := #[ *) -(* GFunctor (authRF (optionURF (exclRF (laterOF (protoOF (leibnizO V) idOF idOF))))) *) -(* ]. *) -(* Global Instance subG_chanΣ {Σ V} : subG (protoΣ V) Σ → protoG Σ V. *) -(* Proof. solve_inG. Qed. *) - (** * Types *) Definition iProto Σ V := proto V (iPropO Σ) (iPropO Σ). Declare Scope proto_scope. @@ -550,8 +526,8 @@ Definition iProto_consistent_pre {Σ V} (rec : gmap nat (iProto Σ V) → iProp Global Instance iProto_consistent_pre_ne {Σ V} (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) : - NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps)). -Proof. Admitted. + NonExpansive (iProto_consistent_pre rec). +Proof. rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step. solve_proper. Qed. Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V} (rec : gmapO natO (iProto Σ V) -n> iPropO Σ) : @@ -559,7 +535,10 @@ Program Definition iProto_consistent_pre' {Σ V} λne ps, iProto_consistent_pre (λ ps, rec ps) ps. Local Instance iProto_consistent_pre_contractive {Σ V} : Contractive (@iProto_consistent_pre' Σ V). -Proof. Admitted. +Proof. + rewrite /iProto_consistent_pre' /iProto_consistent_pre /can_step. + solve_contractive. +Qed. Definition iProto_consistent {Σ V} (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ := fixpoint iProto_consistent_pre' ps. @@ -872,7 +851,7 @@ Proof. rewrite lookup_total_empty. by rewrite iProto_end_message_equivI. Qed. - + Record proto_name := ProtName { proto_names : gmap nat gname }. Global Instance proto_name_inhabited : Inhabited proto_name := populate (ProtName inhabitant). @@ -886,13 +865,12 @@ Qed. Definition iProto_own_frag `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname) (i : nat) (p : iProto Σ V) : iProp Σ := - own γ (â—¯ ({[i := Excl' (Next p)]})). + own γ (gmap_view_frag i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))). -(* TODO: Fix this def. *) Definition iProto_own_auth `{!protoG Σ V} (γ : gname) (ps : gmap nat (iProto Σ V)) : iProp Σ := - own γ (◠∅). - (* own γ (â— ((λ (p : iProto Σ V), Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps)). *) + (* own γ (◠∅). *) + own γ (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) (((λ p, Excl' (Next p)) <$> ps) : gmap _ _)). Definition iProto_ctx `{protoG Σ V} (γ : gname) : iProp Σ := @@ -937,42 +915,66 @@ Section proto. Global Instance iProto_own_frag_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own_frag γ s). Proof. solve_proper. Qed. - (* TODO: Relies on above def *) Lemma iProto_own_auth_agree γ ps i p : iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p -∗ â–· (ps !!! i ≡ p). - Proof. Admitted. - (* iIntros "Hâ— Hâ—¯". iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hâ— Hâ—¯") as "H✓". *) - (* iDestruct (excl_auth_agreeI with "H✓") as "H✓". *) - (* iApply (later_equivI_1 with "H✓"). *) - (* Qed. *) - + Proof. + iIntros "Hâ— Hâ—¯". + iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hâ— Hâ—¯") as "H✓". + rewrite gmap_view_both_validI. + iDestruct "H✓" as "[_ [H1 H2]]". + rewrite lookup_total_alt. + rewrite lookup_fmap. + destruct (ps !! i); last first. + { simpl. rewrite !option_equivI. done. } + simpl. + rewrite !option_equivI excl_equivI. + by iNext. + Qed. + Lemma iProto_own_auth_update γ ps i p p' : iProto_own_auth γ ps -∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p ==∗ iProto_own_auth γ (<[i := p']>ps) ∗ iProto_own_frag γ i p'. - Proof. Admitted. - (* iIntros "Hâ— Hâ—¯". iDestruct (own_update_2 with "Hâ— Hâ—¯") as "H". *) - (* { eapply (excl_auth_update _ _ (Next p'')). } *) - (* by rewrite own_op. *) - (* Qed. *) + Proof. + iIntros "Hâ— Hâ—¯". + iMod (own_update_2 with "Hâ— Hâ—¯") as "[H1 H2]"; [|iModIntro]. + { eapply (gmap_view_replace _ _ _ (Excl' (Next p'))). done. } + iFrame. rewrite -fmap_insert. done. + Qed. Global Instance iProto_own_ne γ s : NonExpansive (iProto_own γ s). Proof. solve_proper. Qed. Global Instance iProto_own_proper γ s : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (iProto_own γ s). Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed. + Lemma iProto_own_auth_alloc ps : + ⊢ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_own_auth γ ps ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p. + Proof. + iMod (own_alloc (gmap_view_auth (DfracOwn 1) ∅)) as (γ) "Hauth". + { apply gmap_view_auth_valid. } + iExists γ. + iInduction ps as [|i p ps Hin] "IH" using map_ind. + { iModIntro. iFrame. + by iApply big_sepM_empty. } + iMod ("IH" with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrags]". + rewrite big_sepM_insert; [|done]. iFrame "Hfrags". + iMod (own_update with "Hauth") as "[Hauth Hfrag]". + { apply (gmap_view_alloc _ i (DfracOwn 1) (Excl' (Next p))). + - rewrite lookup_fmap. rewrite Hin. done. + - done. + - done. } + iFrame. + iModIntro. + rewrite -fmap_insert. iFrame. + Qed. + Lemma iProto_init ps : - iProto_consistent ps -∗ + â–· iProto_consistent ps -∗ |==> ∃ γ, iProto_ctx γ ∗ [∗ map] i ↦p ∈ ps, iProto_own γ i p. - Proof. Admitted. - (* iMod (own_alloc (â—E (Next p) â‹… â—¯E (Next p))) as (lγ) "[Hâ—l Hâ—¯l]". *) - (* { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *) - (* iMod (own_alloc (â—E (Next (iProto_dual p)) â‹… *) - (* â—¯E (Next (iProto_dual p)))) as (rγ) "[Hâ—r Hâ—¯r]". *) - (* { by apply excl_auth_valid. } *) - (* pose (ProtName lγ rγ) as γ. iModIntro. iExists γ. iSplitL "Hâ—l Hâ—r". *) - (* { iExists p, (iProto_dual p). iFrame. iApply iProto_consistent_dual. } *) - (* iSplitL "Hâ—¯l"; iExists _; iFrame; iApply iProto_le_refl. *) - (* Qed. *) + Proof. + iIntros "Hconsistnet". + iMod iProto_own_auth_alloc as (γ) "[Hauth Hfrags]". + iExists γ. iFrame. iExists _. iFrame. done. + Qed. Lemma iProto_step γ i j m1 m2 p1 v : iProto_ctx γ -∗ @@ -988,8 +990,8 @@ Section proto. iDestruct (iProto_own_auth_agree with "Hauth Hj") as "#Hpj". iDestruct (iProto_consistent_step with "Hconsistent [//] [//] [Hm //]") as (p2) "[Hm2 Hconsistent]". - iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]". iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p2 with "Hauth Hj") as "[Hauth Hj]". + iMod (iProto_own_auth_update _ _ _ _ p1 with "Hauth Hi") as "[Hauth Hi]". iIntros "!>!>". iExists p2. iFrame. iIntros "!>". iExists _. iFrame. Qed. -- GitLab