diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 377949cff127dc3de3f26389a40d1b0485cea8b6..6348f69adad97641e1068268c6aa1bad3c659e22 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ theories/utils/compare.v
diff --git a/theories/examples/list_sort.v b/theories/examples/list_sort.v
index 7034d19432ca344d49109cdc604d9fb25e5623d4..bfb1d34ea08d18f1a5dd09f7e4aa8cd38be07275 100644
--- a/theories/examples/list_sort.v
+++ b/theories/examples/list_sort.v
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 From stdpp Require Import sorting.
-From osiris.channel Require Import proto_channel.
+From osiris.channel Require Import proto_channel proofmode.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
 From osiris.utils Require Import list compare.
@@ -89,17 +89,14 @@ Section list_sort.
     iIntros (Ψ) "Hc HΨ". iLöb as "IH" forall (p c Ψ).
-    wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-    iIntros (A I R ?? cmp) "/= Hc #Hcmp".
-    wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-    iIntros (xs l vs) "/= Hc [Hl HI]".
+    wp_recv (A I R ?? cmp) with "#Hcmp".
+    wp_recv (xs l vs) with "[Hl HI]".
     wp_load. wp_apply (llength_spec (A:=val) with "[//]"); iIntros (_).
     iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "HI") as %<-.
     wp_op; case_bool_decide as Hlen; wp_if.
     { assert (Sorted R xs).
       { destruct xs as [|x1 [|x2 xs]]; simpl in *; eauto with lia. }
-      wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-      iExists xs, vs; iSplit; first done. eauto 10 with iFrame. }
+      wp_send with "[$Hl $HI]"; first by auto. by iApply "HΨ". }
     wp_load. wp_apply (lsplit_spec (A:=val) with "[//]"); iIntros (vs1 vs2 <-).
     wp_alloc l1 as "Hl1"; wp_alloc l2 as "Hl2".
     iDestruct (big_sepL2_app_inv_r with "HI") as (xs1 xs2 ->) "[HI1 HI2]".
@@ -109,26 +106,20 @@ Section list_sort.
     wp_apply (start_chan_proto_spec N sort_protocol); iIntros (cz) "Hcz".
     { rewrite -{2}(right_id END%proto _ (iProto_dual _)).
       wp_apply ("IH" with "Hcz"); auto. }
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hcy"); simpl.
-    iExists _, I, R, _, _, cmp. iSplit; first done. iIntros "{$Hcmp} !> Hcy".
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hcy"); simpl.
-    iExists xs1, l1, vs1. iSplit; first done. iIntros "{$Hl1 $HI1} !> Hcy".
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hcz"); simpl.
-    iExists _, I, R, _, _, cmp. iSplit; first done. iIntros "{$Hcmp} !> Hcz".
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hcz"); simpl.
-    iExists xs2, l2, vs2. iSplit; first done. iIntros "{$Hl2 $HI2} !> Hcz".
-    wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hcy"); simpl.
-    iIntros (ys1 ws1) "_". iDestruct 1 as (??) "[Hl1 HI1]".
-    wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hcz"); simpl.
-    iIntros (ys2 ws2) "_". iDestruct 1 as (??) "[Hl2 HI2]".
+    wp_send with "[$Hcmp]".
+    wp_send with "[$Hl1 $HI1]".
+    wp_send with "[$Hcmp]".
+    wp_send with "[$Hl2 $HI2]".
+    wp_recv (ys1 ws1) with (??) "[Hl1 HI1]".
+    wp_recv (ys2 ws2) with (??) "[Hl2 HI2]".
     do 2 wp_load.
     wp_apply (lmerge_spec with "Hcmp [$HI1 $HI2]"). iIntros (ws) "HI".
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-    iExists (list_merge R ys1 ys2), ws.
-    iSplit; first done. iFrame. iSplit; iPureIntro.
-    - by apply (Sorted_list_merge _).
-    - rewrite (merge_Permutation R). by f_equiv.
+    wp_send ((list_merge R ys1 ys2) ws) with "[$Hl $HI]".
+    - iSplit; iPureIntro.
+      + by apply (Sorted_list_merge _).
+      + rewrite (merge_Permutation R). by f_equiv.
+    - by iApply "HΨ".
   Lemma list_sort_client_spec {A} (I : A → val → iProp Σ) R
@@ -143,17 +134,9 @@ Section list_sort.
     wp_apply (start_chan_proto_spec N sort_protocol); iIntros (c) "Hc".
     { rewrite -(right_id END%proto _ (iProto_dual _)).
       wp_apply (list_sort_service_spec with "Hc"); auto. }
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-    iExists _, I, R, _, _, cmp.
-    iSplitR=> //.
-    iSplitR=> //.
-    iIntros "!> Hc".
-    wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-    iExists xs, l, vs.
-    iSplitR=> //.
-    iIntros "{$Hl} !> Hc".
-    wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-    iIntros (ys ws) "Hc (Hsorted & Hperm & Hl & HI)".
-    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iFrame.
+    wp_send with "[$Hcmp]".
+    wp_send with "[$Hl]".
+    wp_recv (ys ws) with "(Hsorted & Hperm & Hl & HI)".
+    wp_pures. iApply "HΦ"; iFrame.
 End list_sort.
diff --git a/theories/examples/list_sort_elem.v b/theories/examples/list_sort_elem.v
index 3967fd5c244f9b0b87cf6283ca6e0bdd44b9dc9b..6534b35e9c5decdb509fab80af64659621ee1583 100644
--- a/theories/examples/list_sort_elem.v
+++ b/theories/examples/list_sort_elem.v
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 From stdpp Require Import sorting.
-From osiris.channel Require Import proto_channel.
+From osiris.channel Require Import proto_channel proofmode.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Import proofmode notation.
 From iris.heap_lang Require Import assert.
 From osiris.utils Require Import list compare.
@@ -93,10 +93,9 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
     iIntros (Ψ) "(Hc & Hc1 & Hc2) HΨ". iLöb as "IH" forall (c c1 c2 xs xs1 xs2 Ψ).
     wp_rec. wp_apply (branch_spec with "Hc"); iIntros ([]) "[Hc _]"; wp_pures.
-    - wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc"); iIntros (x v) "/= Hc HI".
+    - wp_recv (x v) with "HI".
       wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc1]")=> //=; iIntros "Hc1".
-      wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc1"); simpl.
-      iExists x, v. iSplit; [done|]. iIntros "{$HI} !> Hc1".
+      wp_send with "[$HI]".
       wp_apply ("IH" with "Hc Hc2 Hc1").
       iIntros (xs' xs1' xs2'); iDestruct 1 as (Hxs') "(Hc & Hc2 & Hc1)".
       rewrite -!(assoc_L (++)).
@@ -121,12 +120,9 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
     iIntros (Hxs Hys Hsorted Hrel Ψ) "[Hc Hcin] HΨ".
     iLöb as "IH" forall (c cin xs ys xs' ys' Hxs Hys Hsorted Hrel).
     wp_rec. wp_apply (branch_spec with "Hcin"); iIntros ([]) "[Hcin Hys']".
-    - iClear "Hys'".
-      wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hcin"); iIntros (x v) "/= Hcin".
-      iDestruct 1 as (Hx) "HI".
+    - iClear "Hys'". wp_recv (x v) with (Htl) "HI".
       wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]")=> //=; iIntros "Hc".
-      wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-      iExists x, v. iFrame "HI". do 2 (iSplit; [by auto|]); iIntros "!> Hc".
+      wp_send with "[$HI]"; first by auto.
       wp_apply ("IH" with "[%] [%] [%] [%] Hc Hcin HΨ").
       { done. }
       { by rewrite Hys -!assoc_L (comm _ zs). }
@@ -158,13 +154,11 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
     iLöb as "IH" forall (c1 c2 xs1 xs2 ys y1 w1 ys1 ys2 Hxs Hys Hsort Htl Htl_le).
     wp_rec. wp_apply (branch_spec with "[$Hc2]"); iIntros ([]) "[Hc2 Hys2]".
     - iClear "Hys2".
-      wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc2"); iIntros (x v) "/= Hc2".
-      iDestruct 1 as (Htl2) "HIx".
+      wp_recv (x v) with (Htl2) "HIx".
       wp_pures. wp_apply ("Hcmp" with "[$HIy1 $HIx]"); iIntros "[HIy1 HIx]".
       + wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]")=> //=; iIntros "Hc".
-        wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-        iExists y1, w1. iFrame "HIy1". do 2 (iSplit; [done|]); iIntros "!> Hc".
+        wp_send with "[$HIy1 //]".
         wp_apply ("IH" with "[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] Hc Hc2 Hc1 HIx").
         { by rewrite comm. }
         { by rewrite assoc (comm _ ys2) Hys. }
@@ -174,10 +168,8 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
           inversion 1; discriminate_list || simplify_list_eq. by constructor. }
         iIntros "(?&?&?)". iApply "HΨ"; iFrame.
       + wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]")=> //=; iIntros "Hc".
-        wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-        iExists x, v. iFrame "HIx". iSplit; [done|]; iSplit.
+        wp_send with "[$HIx]".
         { iPureIntro. by apply Htl_le, total_not. }
-        iIntros "!> Hc".
         wp_apply ("IH" with "[% //] [%] [%] [%] [%] Hc Hc1 Hc2 HIy1 HΨ").
         { by rewrite Hys assoc. }
         { rewrite fmap_app. by apply Sorted_snoc, Htl_le, total_not. }
@@ -186,8 +178,7 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
           inversion 1; discriminate_list || simplify_list_eq. by constructor. }
     - iDestruct "Hys2" as %Hys2.
       wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]")=> //=; iIntros "Hc".
-      wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-      iExists y1, w1. iFrame "HIy1". do 2 (iSplit; [done|]); iIntros "!> Hc".
+      wp_send with "[$HIy1 //]".
       wp_apply (list_sort_elem_service_move_spec with "[$Hc $Hc1]").
       { done. }
       { by rewrite Hys Hys2 -!assoc_L (comm _ xs2). }
@@ -206,9 +197,9 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
     iIntros "#Hcmp !>" (Ψ) "Hc HΨ". iLöb as "IH" forall (c Ψ).
     wp_rec; wp_pures.
     wp_apply (branch_spec with "Hc"); iIntros ([]) "[Hc _]"; wp_pures.
-    - wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc"); iIntros (x1 v1) "/= Hc HIx1".
+    - wp_recv (x1 v1) with "HIx1".
       wp_apply (branch_spec with "Hc"); iIntros ([]) "[Hc _]"; wp_pures.
-      + wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hc"); iIntros (x2 v2) "/= Hc HIx2".
+      + wp_recv (x2 v2) with "HIx2".
         wp_apply (start_chan_proto_spec N list_sort_elem_protocol).
         { iIntros (cy) "Hcy". wp_apply ("IH" with "Hcy"); auto. }
         iIntros (cy) "Hcy".
@@ -216,26 +207,23 @@ Section list_sort_elem.
         { iIntros (cz) "Hcz". wp_apply ("IH" with "Hcz"); auto. }
         iIntros (cz) "Hcz".
         wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hcy]")=> //; iIntros "Hcy".
-        wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hcy")=> //=.
-        iExists x1, v1. iFrame "HIx1". iSplit; [done|]; iIntros "!> Hcy".
+        wp_send with "[$HIx1]".
         wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hcz]")=> //; iIntros "Hcz".
-        wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hcz")=> //=.
-        iExists x2, v2. iFrame "HIx2". iSplit; [done|]; iIntros "!> Hcz".
+        wp_send with "[$HIx2]".
         wp_apply (list_sort_elem_service_split_spec with "[$Hc $Hcy $Hcz]").
         iIntros (xs' xs1' xs2'); iDestruct 1 as (Hxs') "(Hc & Hcy & Hcz) /=".
         wp_apply (branch_spec with "Hcy"); iIntros (b) "[Hcy Hnil]".
         destruct b; last first.
         { by iDestruct "Hnil" as %?%Permutation_nil_cons. }
         iClear "Hnil".
-        wp_apply (recv_proto_spec with "Hcy"); iIntros (x v) "/= Hcy [_ HIx]".
+        wp_recv (x v) with "[_ HIx]".
         wp_apply (list_sort_elem_service_merge_spec _ _ _ _ _ [] _ _ _ _ [] []
           with "Hcmp [$Hc $Hcy $Hcz $HIx]"); simpl; auto using TlRel_nil, Sorted_nil.
         { by rewrite Hxs' Permutation_middle. }
         iIntros "(Hc & Hcy & Hcz)". by iApply "HΨ".
       + wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]")=> //=; iIntros "Hc".
-        wp_apply (send_proto_spec with "Hc"); simpl.
-        iExists x1, v1. iFrame "HIx1". do 2 (iSplit; [by auto using TlRel_nil|]).
-        iIntros "!> Hc". by wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]").
+        wp_send with "[$HIx1]"; first by auto using TlRel_nil.
+        by wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]").
     - by wp_apply (select_spec with "[$Hc]").
 End list_sort_elem.