from global_types.parametric.ParametricGlobalTypes import ParametricKinds import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt CUTOFF_X = 1000 CUTOFF_Y = 20 SMALL_SIZE = 12 FONT_SIZE = 16 LEGEND_SIZE = 14 LINE_WIDTH = 4 ALPHA = 1 def output_plot(num_size, all_eval_folder_path, where_to_save=None): set_up_plot(num_size) add_plots_from_folder(all_eval_folder_path, True) add_plots_from_folder(all_eval_folder_path, False) finish_plot(where_to_save) def set_up_plot(cutoff_x): plt.rc('font', size=FONT_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt.rc('axes', titlesize=FONT_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=FONT_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=LEGEND_SIZE) # legend fontsize plt.xlim([0, cutoff_x]) plt.plot([], [], 'yellow', label="mem_cache", linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) plt.plot([], [], 'green', label="tree_broadcast", linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) plt.plot([], [], 'purple', label="p2p_broadcast", linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) plt.plot([], [], 'orange', label="map_reduce", linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) plt.plot([], [], 'black', linestyle='--', label="lazy evaluation_data", linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) plt.plot([], [], 'black', linestyle=':', label="no avail. check", linewidth=LINE_WIDTH) def add_plots_from_folder(folder_path, avail_check): # folder_path contains "evaluation_*_timestamp/" folder_name_avail = "/optional_avail/" if avail_check else "/no_avail/" map_reduce_mapping = folder_path + "map_reduce" + folder_name_avail + "/a_mapping_map_reduce.txt" mem_cache_mapping = folder_path + "mem_cache" + folder_name_avail + "/a_mapping_mem_cache.txt" p2p_broadcast_mapping = folder_path + "p2p_broadcast" + folder_name_avail + "/a_mapping_p2p_broadcast.txt" tree_broadcast_mapping = folder_path + "tree_broadcast" + folder_name_avail + "/a_mapping_tree_broadcast.txt" # 1 line_option = 2 if avail_check else 1 add_to_plot(folder_path + "map_reduce" + folder_name_avail + "/a_summary_map_reduce.txt", line_option, 12, 5, map_reduce_mapping) add_to_plot(folder_path + "mem_cache" + folder_name_avail + "/a_summary_mem_cache.txt", line_option, 12, 3, mem_cache_mapping) add_to_plot(folder_path + "p2p_broadcast" + folder_name_avail + "/a_summary_p2p_broadcast.txt", line_option, 12, 4, p2p_broadcast_mapping) add_to_plot(folder_path + "tree_broadcast" + folder_name_avail + "/a_summary_tree_broadcast.txt", line_option, 12, 6, tree_broadcast_mapping) def finish_plot(where_to_save): plt.ylabel("time in s") plt.xlabel("size") plt.legend(loc='best') if where_to_save is not None: plt.savefig(where_to_save, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.clf() def add_to_plot(filename, line_option, line_period, color_option, size_mapping_file): data = np.loadtxt(filename) param = data[:, 0] time = [x/1000 for x in data[:, 1]] time = list(filter(lambda x: x <= 60 * 10, time)) size_mapping = np.loadtxt(size_mapping_file) param = size_mapping[:, 1] # we assume that the param are the same # we limit the axis now # param = list(filter(lambda x: x <= CUTOFF_SIZE, param)) min_dim = min(len(time), len(param)) param = param[:min_dim] time = time[:min_dim] if color_option == 1: param_color = 'red' line_offset = 0 elif color_option == 2: param_color = 'blue' line_offset = line_period / 3 elif color_option == 3: param_color = 'yellow' line_offset = 2 * line_period / 3 elif color_option == 4: param_color = 'purple' line_offset = 0 elif color_option == 5: param_color = 'orange' line_offset = line_period / 3 elif color_option == 6: param_color = 'green' line_offset = 2 * line_period / 3 if line_option == 1: plt.plot(param, time, linestyle=':', color=param_color, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH, alpha=ALPHA) elif line_option == 2: plt.plot(param, time, linestyle=(line_offset, (line_period/3, 2*line_period/3)), color=param_color, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH, alpha=ALPHA) elif line_option == 3: plt.plot(param, time, linestyle='-', color=param_color, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH, alpha=ALPHA) # plt.plot(param, time, linestyle=(0, (2.5, 0.5)), color=param_color, linewidth=LINE_WIDTH, alpha=ALPHA) # helper functions def get_prefix_from_kind(kind): return "../evaluation_data/" + kind.value + "/" def get_pattern_for_parameter(num): return "evaluation_" + str(num) + "_*.txt"