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AVA / FloVer
BSD 2-Clause with views sentenceA certificate checker for roundoff error bounds
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Burcu Özkan / pctcp-cass
OtherPCTCP (Probabilistic Concurrency Testing with Chain Partitioning) algorithm for testing Cassandra system. Implemented on top of SAMC/DMCK distributed system model checking tool.
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This project hopes to gather bibliographic sources regarding weak memory.
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cld / systems / hadoop
Apache License 2.0Hadoop, YARN, and HDFS, instrumented with tracing framework. Up to date with version 2.7.2. Most up to date branch is brownsys-tracingplane-2.7.2
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Michael Sammler / iris-coq
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe Coq development for Iris. [project website] [coqdoc]
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Rodolphe Lepigre / Iris
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThe Coq development for Iris. [project website] [coqdoc]
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Paolo G. Giarrusso / stdpp
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseAn extended "Standard Library" for Coq. [coqdoc]
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A fork from in order to explore using (a subset of) LTL as a core language of Flipper
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Paolo G. Giarrusso / examples
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseSome example verification demonstrating the use of Iris.
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Standalone prebuilt X-Trace server and dockerized X-Trace server
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cld / workloads / ycsb
Apache License 2.0YCSB is a cloud database benchmark that we use for HBase