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  • Tom Trahan's avatar
    Enable Shippable CI/CD with Amazon ECS (#400) · fdf2aee7
    Tom Trahan authored
    * initial upload of Shippable config for ci-cd to Amazon ECS; merge upstream
    * update instructions; update cloudformation template; cluster name
    * change front-end port mapping to port 8079
    * update seed image tag
    * re-build resources
    * remove duplicate shippable.*.yml files
    * update Target Group ARNs in shippable.resources.yml
    * update replicas in prod
    * update ports registered with ALB
    * update ports; remove fixed cloudformation health check ports
    * remove release job; add output to cloudformation for TargetGroupARNs
    * fixes prod deploy input to test deploy job
    * update new values for TargetGroupARNs; update instructions
    * add ECR repo to CF template; update instructions
    * updates to instructions
    * updates to instructions
    * fixes incorrect TargetGroup ALB mapping; adds dockerOptions to prod deploy job