From c2d5b1570d93c871f36196834256d2ae8aa6c674 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 18:30:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] make it all work again by establishing our proof rules --- iris_derived_rules.v | 2 -- iris_ht_rules.v | 26 +++++++---------- iris_vs_rules.v | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) diff --git a/iris_derived_rules.v b/iris_derived_rules.v index 3d4b04cb8..eb9452559 100644 --- a/iris_derived_rules.v +++ b/iris_derived_rules.v @@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ Module Type IRIS_DERIVED_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (W Section DerivedRules. - Existing Instance LP_isval. - Implicit Types (P : Props) (i : nat) (m : mask) (e : expr) (r : res). Lemma vsFalse m1 m2 : diff --git a/iris_ht_rules.v b/iris_ht_rules.v index 7d5f1e5f4..203e9d70c 100644 --- a/iris_ht_rules.v +++ b/iris_ht_rules.v @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_HT_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO Existing Instance LP_isval. - Implicit Types (P : Props) (i : nat) (safe : bool) (m : mask) (e : expr) (Q : vPred) (r : pres). + Implicit Types (P : Props) (i : nat) (safe : bool) (m : mask) (e : expr) (Q : vPred) (r : res). (** Ret **) Program Definition eqV v : vPred := @@ -247,24 +247,20 @@ Module Type IRIS_HT_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO rewrite <- EQr, <- assoc in HE; edestruct He as [HV [HS [HF HS'] ] ]; try eassumption; []. clear He; split; [intros HVal; clear HS HF IH HE | split; [clear HV HF HE | clear HV HS HE; split; [clear HS' | clear HF] ]; intros ]. - specialize (HV HVal); destruct HV as [w'' [r1' [HSw' [Hφ HE] ] ] ]. - rewrite ->assoc in HE. exists w''. - exists↓ (ra_proj r1' · ra_proj r2). - { apply wsat_valid in HE. auto_valid. } + rewrite ->assoc in HE. exists w'' (r1' · r2). split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption ] ]. exists r1' r2; split; [reflexivity | split; [assumption |] ]. unfold lt in HLt; rewrite ->HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply HLR. - edestruct HS as [w'' [r1' [HSw' [He HE] ] ] ]; try eassumption; []; clear HS. destruct k as [| k]; [exists w' r1'; split; [reflexivity | split; [apply wpO | exact I] ] |]. - rewrite ->assoc in HE. exists w''. exists↓ (ra_proj r1' · ra_proj r2). - { apply wsat_valid in HE. auto_valid. } + rewrite ->assoc in HE. exists w'' (r1' · r2). split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. eapply IH; try eassumption; [ reflexivity |]. unfold lt in HLt; rewrite ->Le.le_n_Sn, HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply HLR. - specialize (HF _ _ HDec); destruct HF as [w'' [rfk [rret [HSw' [HWF [HWR HE] ] ] ] ] ]. destruct k as [| k]; [exists w' rfk rret; split; [reflexivity | split; [apply wpO | split; [apply wpO | exact I] ] ] |]. - rewrite ->assoc, <- (assoc (_ rfk)) in HE. - exists w''. exists rfk. exists↓ (ra_proj rret · ra_proj r2). - { clear- HE. apply wsat_valid in HE. eapply ra_op_valid2, ra_op_valid; try now apply _. eassumption. } + rewrite ->assoc, <- (assoc rfk) in HE. + exists w''. exists rfk (rret · r2). split; [eassumption | split; [| split; eassumption] ]. eapply IH; try eassumption; [ reflexivity |]. unfold lt in HLt; rewrite ->Le.le_n_Sn, HLt, <- HSw', <- HSw; apply HLR. @@ -288,8 +284,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_HT_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO edestruct He as [_ [HeS _] ]; try eassumption; []. edestruct HeS as [w'' [r1' [HSw' [He' HE'] ] ] ]; try eassumption; []. clear HE He HeS; rewrite ->assoc in HE'. - exists w''. exists↓ (ra_proj r1' · ra_proj r2). - { clear- HE'. apply wsat_valid in HE'. auto_valid. } + exists w'' (r1' · r2). split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. assert (HNV : ~ is_value ei) by (intros HV; eapply (values_stuck _ HV); [symmetry; apply fill_empty | repeat eexists; eassumption]). @@ -299,12 +294,11 @@ Module Type IRIS_HT_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO assert (HVal := atomic_step _ _ _ _ HAt HStep). clear - He' HVal HLR; rename w'' into w; rewrite ->unfold_wp; intros w'; intros. split; [intros HV; clear HVal | split; intros; [exfalso| split; intros; [exfalso |] ] ]. - + rewrite ->unfold_wp in He'. rewrite ra_proj_cancel in HE. rewrite <-assoc in HE. + + rewrite ->unfold_wp in He'. rewrite <-assoc in HE. edestruct He' as [HVal _]; try eassumption; []. specialize (HVal HV); destruct HVal as [w'' [r1'' [HSw' [Hφ HE'] ] ] ]. rewrite ->assoc in HE'. - exists w''. exists↓ (ra_proj r1'' · ra_proj r2). - { clear- HE'. apply wsat_valid in HE'. auto_valid. } + exists w'' (r1'' · r2). split; [eassumption | split; [| eassumption] ]. exists r1'' r2; split; [reflexivity | split; [assumption |] ]. unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HLt, HSw, HSw' in HLR; apply HLR. @@ -315,7 +309,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_HT_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO + unfold safeExpr. now auto. - subst; eapply fork_not_atomic; eassumption. - rewrite <- EQr, <- assoc in HE; rewrite ->unfold_wp in He. - specialize (He w' k (ra_proj r2 · rf) mf σ HSw HLt HD0 HE); clear HE. + specialize (He w' k (r2 · rf) mf σ HSw HLt HD0 HE); clear HE. destruct He as [_ [_ [_ HS'] ] ]; auto. Qed. @@ -339,7 +333,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_HT_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO rewrite ->fill_empty; rewrite ->unfold_wp; rewrite <- (le_S_n _ _ HLt), HSw in HLR. clear - HLR; intros w''; intros; split; [intros | split; intros; [exfalso | split; intros; [exfalso |] ] ]. + do 2 eexists; split; [reflexivity | split; [| eassumption] ]. - exists (ra_pos_unit) r2; split; [unfold ra_pos_unit; simpl; now erewrite ra_op_unit by apply _ |]. + exists 1 r2; split; [simpl; now erewrite ra_op_unit by apply _ |]. split; [| unfold lt in HLt; rewrite <- HLt, HSw in HLR; apply HLR]. simpl; reflexivity. + eapply values_stuck; [exact fork_ret_is_value | eassumption | repeat eexists; eassumption]. diff --git a/iris_vs_rules.v b/iris_vs_rules.v index 5b905802b..31b32531f 100644 --- a/iris_vs_rules.v +++ b/iris_vs_rules.v @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO Local Open Scope bi_scope. Local Open Scope iris_scope. - Implicit Types (P Q R : Props) (w : Wld) (n i k : nat) (m : mask) (r : pres) (σ : state). + Implicit Types (P Q R : Props) (w : Wld) (n i k : nat) (m : mask) (r : res) (σ : state). Section ViewShiftProps. @@ -38,14 +38,13 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO destruct HE as [rs [HE HM] ]. destruct (rs i) as [ri |] eqn: HLr. - rewrite ->comp_map_remove with (i := i) (r := ri) in HE by now eapply equivR. - rewrite ->assoc, <- (assoc (_ r)), (comm rf), assoc in HE. - exists w'. - exists↓ (ra_proj r · ra_proj ri). { destruct HE as [HE _]. eapply ra_op_valid, ra_op_valid; eauto with typeclass_instances. } + rewrite ->assoc, <- (assoc r), (comm rf), assoc in HE. + exists w' (r · ri). split; [reflexivity |]. split. + simpl; eapply HInv; [now auto with arith |]. eapply uni_pred, HM with i; - [| exists (ra_proj r) | | | rewrite HLr]; try reflexivity; [reflexivity| |]. + [| exists r | | | rewrite HLr]; try reflexivity. * left; unfold mask_sing, mask_set. destruct (Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec i i); tauto. * specialize (HSub i); rewrite HLu in HSub. @@ -72,17 +71,10 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO (* get rid of the invisible 1/2 *) do 8 red in HInv. destruct HE as [rs [HE HM] ]. - exists w' ra_pos_unit; split; [reflexivity | split; [exact I |] ]. - rewrite ->(comm (_ r)), <-assoc in HE. - remember (match rs i with Some ri => ri | None => ra_pos_unit end) as ri eqn: EQri. - pose↓ rri := (ra_proj ri · ra_proj r). - { destruct (rs i) as [rsi |] eqn: EQrsi; subst; - [| simpl; rewrite ->ra_op_unit by apply _; now apply ra_pos_valid]. - clear - HE EQrsi. destruct HE as [HE _]. - rewrite ->comp_map_remove with (i:=i) in HE by (eapply equivR; eassumption). - rewrite ->(assoc (_ r)), (comm (_ r)), comm, assoc, <-(assoc (_ rsi) _), (comm _ (ra_proj r)), assoc in HE. - eapply ra_op_valid, ra_op_valid; now eauto with typeclass_instances. - } + exists w' 1; split; [reflexivity | split; [exact I |] ]. + rewrite ->(comm r), <-assoc in HE. + remember (match rs i with Some ri => ri | None => 1 end) as ri eqn: EQri. + pose (rri := (ri · r)). exists (fdUpdate i rri rs); split; [| intros j Hm]. - simpl. erewrite ra_op_unit by apply _. clear - HE EQri. destruct (rs i) as [rsi |] eqn: EQrsi. @@ -102,11 +94,8 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO apply HInv; [now auto with arith |]. eapply uni_pred, HP; [now auto with arith |]. rewrite <-HLrs. clear dependent ri0. - exists (ra_proj ri · ra_proj r1). - subst rri. - (* Coq, are you serious?!?? *) - change (ra_proj ri · ra_proj r1 · ra_proj r2 == (ra_proj ri · ra_proj r)). - rewrite <-HR, assoc. reflexivity. + exists (ri · r1). + subst rri. rewrite <-HR, assoc. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma vsTrans P Q R m1 m2 m3 (HMS : m2 ⊆ m1 ∪ m3) : @@ -134,7 +123,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO intros w' n r1 Himp w HSub; rewrite ->HSub in Himp; clear w' HSub. intros np rp HLe HS Hp w1; intros. exists w1 rp; split; [reflexivity | split; [| assumption ] ]. - eapply Himp; [assumption | now eauto with arith | now apply ord_res_pres, unit_min | ]. + eapply Himp; [assumption | now eauto with arith | now apply unit_min | ]. unfold lt in HLe0; rewrite ->HLe0, <- HSub; assumption. Qed. @@ -143,8 +132,8 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO Proof. intros w' n r1 HVS w HSub; specialize (HVS _ HSub); clear w' r1 HSub. intros np rpr HLe _ [rp [rr [HR [Hp Hr] ] ] ] w'; intros. - assert (HS : ra_unit _ ⊑ ra_proj rp) by (eapply unit_min). - specialize (HVS _ _ HLe HS Hp w' (ra_proj rr · rf) (mf ∪ mf0) σ k); clear HS. + assert (HS : ra_unit _ ⊑ rp) by (eapply unit_min). + specialize (HVS _ _ HLe HS Hp w' (rr · rf) (mf ∪ mf0) σ k); clear HS. destruct HVS as [w'' [rq [HSub' [Hq HEq] ] ] ]; try assumption; [| |]. - (* disjointness of masks: possible lemma *) clear - HD HDisj; intros i [ [Hmf | Hmf] Hm12]; [eapply HDisj; now eauto |]. @@ -152,8 +141,7 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO - rewrite ->assoc, HR; eapply wsat_equiv, HE; try reflexivity; []. clear; intros i; unfold mcup; tauto. - rewrite ->assoc in HEq. - exists w''. exists↓ (ra_proj rq · ra_proj rr). - { apply wsat_valid in HEq. auto_valid. } + exists w'' (rq · rr). split; [assumption | split]. + unfold lt in HLe0; rewrite ->HSub, HSub', <- HLe0 in Hr; exists rq rr. split; now auto. @@ -174,18 +162,14 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO (HU : forall rf (HD : ↓(rl · rf)), exists sl, P sl /\ ↓(sl · rf)) : valid (vs m m (ownL rl) (xist (ownLP P))). Proof. - unfold ownLP; intros _ _ _ w _ n [ [rp' rl'] Hrval] _ _ HG w'; intros. - destruct HE as [rs [ Hsat HE] ]. rewrite <-assoc in Hsat. simpl in Hsat. destruct Hsat as [Hval Hst]. + unfold ownLP; intros _ _ _ w _ n [rp' rl'] _ _ HG w'; intros. + destruct HE as [rs [ Hsat HE] ]. rewrite <-assoc in Hsat. destruct Hsat as [Hval Hst]. destruct HG as [ [rdp rdl] [_ EQrl] ]. simpl in EQrl. clear rdp. destruct (HU (rdl · snd(rf · comp_map rs))) as [rsl [HPrsl HCrsl] ]. - clear - Hval EQrl. eapply ra_prod_valid in Hval. destruct Hval as [_ Hsnd]. rewrite ->assoc, (comm rl), EQrl. rewrite ra_op_prod_snd in Hsnd. exact Hsnd. - - exists w'. exists↓ (rp', rsl). - { clear - Hval HCrsl. - apply ra_prod_valid. split; [|auto_valid]. - eapply ra_prod_valid in Hval. destruct Hval as [Hfst _]. - rewrite ra_op_prod_fst in Hfst. auto_valid. } + - exists w' (rp', rsl). split; first reflexivity. split. + exists (exist _ rsl HPrsl). simpl. exists (rp', 1:RL.res). simpl. @@ -239,10 +223,10 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO { intros j; destruct (Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec i j); [subst j; rewrite HLi; exact I|]. now rewrite ->fdUpdate_neq by assumption. } - exists (fdUpdate i (ı' P) w) (ra_pos_unit); split; [assumption | split]. + exists (fdUpdate i (ı' P) w) 1; split; [assumption | split]. - exists (exist _ i Hm). do 22 red. unfold proj1_sig. rewrite fdUpdate_eq; reflexivity. - - unfold ra_pos_unit, proj1_sig. erewrite ra_op_unit by apply _. + - erewrite ra_op_unit by apply _. destruct HE as [rs [HE HM] ]. exists (fdUpdate i r rs). assert (HRi : rs i = None). @@ -264,6 +248,18 @@ Module Type IRIS_VS_RULES (RL : RA_T) (C : CORE_LANG) (R: IRIS_RES RL C) (WP: WO apply HM; assumption. Qed. + Lemma vsNotOwnInvalid m1 m2 r + (Hnval: ~↓r): + valid (vs m1 m2 (ownR r) ⊥). + Proof. + intros pw n s w _. clear pw s. + intros m s _ _. clear n. + intros [rs Heq] w' rf mf σ k _ _ _ [ ri [ [ Hval _ ] ] ]. + exfalso. + apply Hnval. rewrite <-Heq in Hval. + eapply ra_op_valid2, ra_op_valid, ra_op_valid; last eassumption; now apply _. + Qed. + End ViewShiftProps. End IRIS_VS_RULES. -- GitLab