From 9f013a0b752fa314bbd91c7b6778d2640d9ba0ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 20:38:58 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Implement the crazy agreement RA with metric and completion --- lib/ModuRes/RAConstr.v | 200 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 126 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/ModuRes/RAConstr.v b/lib/ModuRes/RAConstr.v index b0cf72184..fa2f60ea5 100644 --- a/lib/ModuRes/RAConstr.v +++ b/lib/ModuRes/RAConstr.v @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect Omega. +Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect Ssreflect.ssrfun Omega. Require Import PreoMet RA. Local Open Scope ra_scope. @@ -304,52 +304,87 @@ Section Agreement. Local Open Scope ra_scope. Inductive ra_agree : Type := - | ag_inj (t: T) (valid: Prop) + | ag_inj (valid: Prop) (ts: valid -> T) | ag_unit. Global Instance ra_agree_unit : RA_unit _ := ag_unit. Global Instance ra_agree_valid : RA_valid _ := - fun x => match x with ag_unit => True | ag_inj _ valid => valid end. + fun x => match x with ag_unit => True | ag_inj valid _ => valid end. Global Instance ra_dag_op : RA_op _ := fun x y => match x, y with - | ag_inj t1 v1, ag_inj t2 v2 => ag_inj t1 (v1 /\ v2 /\ t1 == t2) + | ag_inj v1 ts1, ag_inj v2 ts2 => + ag_inj (exists v1 v2, ts1 v1 == ts2 v2) (fun t => ts1 match t with ex_intro vp1 _ => vp1 end) + (* We need an "exists v1" here, to be able to access ts1 *) | ag_unit, y => y | x, ag_unit => x end. + Definition ra_ag_inj (t: T): ra_agree := ag_inj True (fun _ => t). Definition ra_agree_eq (x y: ra_agree): Prop := match x, y with - | ag_inj t1 v1, ag_inj t2 v2 => v1 == v2 /\ (v1 -> t1 == t2) - | ag_unit, ag_unit => True - | _, _ => False + | ag_inj v1 ts1, ag_inj v2 ts2 => v1 == v2 /\ (forall pv1 pv2, ts1 pv1 == ts2 pv2) + (* The equality on the ts looks way too strong. However, + thanks to PI, this is actally the same as + "if both are valid, then pv1 and pv2 agree somewhere". *) + | ag_unit, ag_unit => True + | _, _ => False end. - Definition ra_ag_inj (t: T): ra_agree := ag_inj t True. + Local Ltac ra_ag_destr := repeat (match goal with [ x : ra_agree |- _ ] => destruct x end). - Local Ltac ra_agree_destr := repeat (match goal with [ x : ra_agree |- _ ] => destruct x end); simpl in *. + (* Land of dragons starts here *) + Axiom ProofIrrelevance: forall (P: Prop) (p q: P), p = q. + Ltac pi p q := erewrite (ProofIrrelevance _ p q). + Local Ltac ra_ag_auto := first [by firstorder | split; [by firstorder|intros pv1 pv2; pi pv1 pv2; by firstorder ]]. + Global Instance ra_agree_eq_equiv : Equivalence ra_agree_eq. Proof. - split; intro; intros; destruct x as [tx vx|]; try destruct y as [ty vy|]; try destruct z as [tz vz|]; simpl in *; try (exact I || contradiction); [| |]. (* 3 goals left. *) - - split; first tauto. intros; reflexivity. - - split; first tauto. intros; symmetry; tauto. - - split; first tauto. intros. etransitivity; [eapply H|eapply H0]; tauto. + split; repeat intro; ra_ag_destr; try (exact I || contradiction); [| |]. (* 3 goals left. *) + - split; first reflexivity. intros. pi pv1 pv2. reflexivity. + - destruct H. split; intros; by symmetry. + - destruct H, H0. + split; first (etransitivity; now eauto). + intro; etransitivity; [now eapply H1 | now eapply H2]. + Grab Existential Variables. + { rewrite -H. assumption. } Qed. Global Instance ra_agree_type : Setoid ra_agree := mkType ra_agree_eq. Global Instance ra_agree_res : RA ra_agree. Proof. split; repeat intro. - - ra_agree_destr; try firstorder; [|]. - + find_rewrite3 t1 t2 t0 t. reflexivity. - + find_rewrite3 t2 t1 t t0. reflexivity. - - ra_agree_destr; try firstorder; [|]. - + find_rewrite2 t1 t0 t. reflexivity. - + find_rewrite2 t0 t1 t. reflexivity. - - ra_agree_destr; firstorder. - - ra_agree_destr; firstorder. - - ra_agree_destr; firstorder. + - ra_ag_destr; try ra_ag_auto; []. + destruct H as (HeqV1 & HeqT1), H0 as (HeqV2 & HeqT2). + split. + + split; intros (pv1 & pv2 & Heq); do 2 eexists. + * rewrite <-HeqT1, <-HeqT2. eassumption. + * rewrite ->HeqT1, ->HeqT2. eassumption. + + intros (pv11 & pv12 & Heqp1) (pv21 & pv22 & Heqp2). + by apply: HeqT1. + - ra_ag_destr; try ra_ag_auto; []. split. + + split. + * intros [pv1 [[pv2 [pv3 Heq1] Heq2]]]. do 2 eexists. + transitivity (ts0 pv2); last eassumption. + erewrite (ProofIrrelevance _ _ pv1). assumption. + * intros [[pv1 [pv2 Heq1]] [pv3 Heq2]]. do 2 eexists. + erewrite (ProofIrrelevance _ _ pv2). eassumption. + + intros (pv11 & pv12 & Heqp1) (pv21 & pv22 & Heqp2). + f_equiv. by eapply ProofIrrelevance. + - ra_ag_destr; try ra_ag_auto; []. split. + + split; intros (pv1 & pv2 & Heq); do 2 eexists; symmetry; eassumption. + + intros (pv11 & pv12 & Heqp1) (pv21 & pv22 & Heqp2). + pi pv21 pv12. assumption. + - ra_ag_destr; reflexivity. + - ra_ag_destr; unfold ra_valid, ra_agree_valid in *; firstorder. - firstorder. - - ra_agree_destr; firstorder. + - ra_ag_destr; firstorder. + Grab Existential Variables. + { do 2 eexists. transitivity (ts1 pv1); last eassumption. symmetry. eassumption. } + { do 2 eexists. eassumption. } + { simpl in *. tauto. } + { simpl in *. tauto. } + { simpl in *. tauto. } + { simpl in *. tauto. } Qed. (* We also have a metric *) @@ -359,7 +394,7 @@ Section Agreement. match n with | O => fun _ _ => True | S n => fun x y => match x, y with - | ag_inj t1 v1, ag_inj t2 v2 => v1 == v2 /\ (v1 -> t1 = S n = t2) + | ag_inj v1 t1, ag_inj v2 t2 => v1 == v2 /\ (forall pv1 pv2, t1 pv1 = S n = t2 pv2) | ag_unit, ag_unit => True | _, _ => False end @@ -368,96 +403,113 @@ Section Agreement. Global Program Instance ra_agree_metric : metric ra_agree := mkMetr ra_agree_dist. Next Obligation. repeat intro. destruct n as [|n]; first by auto. - ra_agree_destr; try firstorder. - - find_rewrite1 t1 t2. find_rewrite1 t t0. assumption. - - find_rewrite1 t2 t1. find_rewrite1 t0 t. assumption. + ra_ag_destr; try firstorder. + - etransitivity; first (symmetry; eapply dist_refl; now eauto). + etransitivity; last (eapply dist_refl; now eauto). now eauto. + - etransitivity; first (eapply dist_refl; now eauto). + etransitivity; last (symmetry; eapply dist_refl; now eauto). now eauto. + Grab Existential Variables. + { tauto. } + { tauto. } + { tauto. } + { tauto. } Qed. Next Obligation. repeat intro. split. - - intros Hall. ra_agree_destr; last exact I; try (specialize (Hall (S O)); now firstorder); []. + - intros Hall. ra_ag_destr; last exact I; try (specialize (Hall (S O)); now firstorder); []. split. + specialize (Hall (S O)); now firstorder. - + intro. eapply dist_refl. intro. specialize (Hall n). destruct n as [|n]; first by apply: dist_bound. + + intros pv1 pv2. eapply dist_refl. intro. specialize (Hall n). destruct n as [|n]; first by apply: dist_bound. firstorder. - - repeat intro. destruct n as [|n]; first by auto. ra_agree_destr; try firstorder. - + find_rewrite1 t0 t. reflexivity. + - repeat intro. destruct n as [|n]; first by auto. ra_ag_destr; try firstorder. + + eapply dist_refl. now eauto. Qed. Next Obligation. repeat intro. destruct n as [|n]; first by auto. - ra_agree_destr; try firstorder. + ra_ag_destr; try firstorder; []. + - symmetry. now eauto. Qed. Next Obligation. repeat intro. destruct n as [|n]; first by auto. - ra_agree_destr; try firstorder; []. - etransitivity; eassumption. + ra_ag_destr; try firstorder; []. + etransitivity; now eauto. + Grab Existential Variables. + { tauto. } Qed. Next Obligation. repeat intro. destruct n as [|n]; first by auto. - ra_agree_destr; try firstorder; []. - eapply dist_mono. assumption. + ra_ag_destr; try firstorder; []. + eapply dist_mono. eapply H0. Qed. (* And a complete metric! *) Context {cmT: cmetric T}. - Program Definition unInj (σ : chain ra_agree) {σc : cchain σ} (HNE : σ (S O) <> ag_unit) : chain T := + Program Definition unInj (σ : chain ra_agree) {σc : cchain σ} {v ts} (HNE : σ (S O) = ag_inj v ts) (pv: v): chain T := fun i => match σ (S i) with | ag_unit => False_rect _ _ - | ag_inj t v => t + | ag_inj v' ts' => ts' _ end. Next Obligation. specialize (σc (S O) (S O) (S i)); rewrite <- Heq_anonymous in σc. - destruct (σ (S O)) as [ t v |]; last (contradiction HNE; reflexivity). - apply σc; omega. + destruct (σ (S O)) as [ v' ts' |]. + - apply σc; omega. + - discriminate. + Qed. + Next Obligation. + cut (σ (S O) = (S 0) = σ (S i)). + { move=> EQ. rewrite ->HNE, <-Heq_anonymous in EQ. destruct EQ as [EQ _]. rewrite -EQ. assumption. } + eapply σc; omega. Qed. - (* Instance unInj_c (σ : chain ra_agree) {σc : cchain σ} HNE : cchain (unInj σ HNE). + Instance unInj_c (σ : chain ra_agree) {σc : cchain σ} {v ts} (HNE : σ (S O) = ag_inj v ts) pv : + cchain (unInj σ HNE pv). Proof. - (* This does NOT hold! - intros [| k] n m HLE1 HLE2; [apply dist_bound |]; unfold unSome. + intros [| k] n m HLE1 HLE2; [now apply dist_bound |]; unfold unInj. generalize (@eq_refl _ (σ (S n))); pattern (σ (S n)) at 1 3. - destruct (σ (S n)) as [v |]; simpl; intros EQn. + destruct (σ (S n)) as [v1 ts1 |]; simpl; intros EQn. - generalize (@eq_refl _ (σ (S m))); pattern (σ (S m)) at 1 3. - destruct (σ (S m)) as [v' |]; simpl; intros EQm. - + specialize (σc (S k) (S n) (S m)); rewrite <- EQm, <- EQn in σc. - apply σc; auto with arith. - + exfalso; specialize (σc 1 1 (S m)); rewrite <- EQm in σc. - destruct (σ 1) as [v' |]; [contradiction σc; auto with arith | contradiction HNE; reflexivity]. - - exfalso; specialize (σc 1 1 (S n)); rewrite <- EQn in σc. - destruct (σ 1) as [v |]; [contradiction σc; auto with arith | contradiction HNE; reflexivity].*) - Admitted. + destruct (σ (S m)) as [v2 ts2 |]; simpl; intros EQm. + + pose (σc' := σc (S k) (S n) (S m)); rewrite <- EQm, <- EQn in σc'. + apply σc'; auto with arith. + + exfalso; specialize (σc (S O) (S O) (S m)); rewrite <- EQm in σc. + destruct (σ (S O)) as [v2 ts2 |]; first by (contradiction σc; auto with arith). + discriminate. + - exfalso; specialize (σc (S O) (S O) (S n)); rewrite <- EQn in σc. + destruct (σ (S O)) as [v2 ts2 |]; [contradiction σc; auto with arith | discriminate]. + Qed. - Program Definition option_compl (σ : chain ra_agree) {σc : cchain σ} := + Program Definition ra_ag_compl (σ : chain ra_agree) {σc : cchain σ} := match σ (S O) with | ag_unit => ag_unit - | ag_inj t v => ag_inj (compl (unInj σ _)) v + | ag_inj v ts => ag_inj v (fun pv => (compl (unInj (ts:=ts) σ _ pv))) end. - - Global Program Instance option_cmt : cmetric (option T) := mkCMetr option_compl. + Global Program Instance ra_ag_cmt : cmetric ra_agree := mkCMetr ra_ag_compl. Next Obligation. - intros [| n]; [exists 0; intros; apply dist_bound | unfold option_compl]. - generalize (@eq_refl _ (σ 1)) as EQ1; pattern (σ 1) at 1 3; destruct (σ 1) as [v |]; intros. - - assert (HT := conv_cauchy (unSome σ (option_compl_obligation_1 _ _ _ EQ1)) (S n)). - destruct HT as [k HT]; exists (max k (S n)); intros. - destruct (σ i) as [vi |] eqn: EQi; [unfold dist; simpl; rewrite (HT i) by eauto with arith | exfalso]. - + unfold unSome; generalize (@eq_refl _ (σ (S i))); pattern (σ (S i)) at 1 3. + intros [| n]; [now intros; apply dist_bound | unfold ra_ag_compl]. + generalize (@eq_refl _ (σ (S O))) as EQ1; pattern (σ (S O)) at 1 3. destruct (σ (S O)) as [v0 ts0 |]; intros. + - destruct (σ i) as [vi |] eqn: EQi; [split| exfalso]. + + move:(σc (S 0)). move/(_ (S 0) i _ _)/Wrap. intros H. edestruct H as [HEQ]=>{H}; first omega. + rewrite <-EQ1, EQi in HEQ. destruct HEQ as [HEQ _]. assumption. + + move=>pv1 pv2. + assert (HT := conv_cauchy (unInj σ (ra_ag_compl_obligation_1 _ _ _ _ EQ1 pv1) pv1) (S n)). + unfold dist; simpl; rewrite ->(HT i) by eauto with arith. + unfold unInj; generalize (@eq_refl _ (σ (S i))); pattern (σ (S i)) at 1 3. destruct (σ (S i)) as [vsi |]; intros EQsi; clear HT; [| exfalso]. * assert (HT : S n <= i) by eauto with arith. - specialize (σc (S n) (S i) i); rewrite EQi, <- EQsi in σc. - apply σc; auto with arith. - * specialize (σc 1 1 (S i)); rewrite <- EQ1, <- EQsi in σc. + assert (σc':=σc (S n) (S i) i); rewrite ->EQi, <- EQsi in σc'. + apply σc'; now auto with arith. + * specialize (σc (S O) (S O) (S i)); rewrite <- EQ1, <- EQsi in σc. apply σc; auto with arith. - + clear HT; specialize (σc 1 1 i); rewrite <- EQ1, EQi in σc. + + specialize (σc (S O) (S O) i); rewrite <- EQ1, EQi in σc. apply σc; auto with arith. - rewrite <- HLe, <- Max.le_max_r; auto with arith. - - exists 1; intros. - destruct (σ i) as [vi |] eqn: EQi; [| reflexivity]. - specialize (σc 1 1 i); rewrite <- EQ1, EQi in σc. - apply σc; auto with arith. - Qed.*) - - + rewrite <- HLe; auto with arith. + - intros. + destruct (σ i) as [vi tsvi |] eqn: EQi; [| reflexivity]. + specialize (σc (S O) (S O) i); rewrite <- EQ1, EQi in σc. + apply σc; omega. + Qed. End Agreement. -- GitLab