From heap_lang Require Export heap_lang. From prelude Require Import fin_maps. Import heap_lang. (** The tactic [inv_step] performs inversion on hypotheses of the shape [prim_step] and [head_step]. For hypotheses of the shape [prim_step] it will decompose the evaluation context. The tactic will discharge head-reductions starting from values, and simplifies hypothesis related to conversions from and to values, and finite map operations. This tactic is slightly ad-hoc and tuned for proving our lifting lemmas. *) Ltac inv_step := repeat match goal with | _ => progress simplify_map_equality' (* simplify memory stuff *) | H : to_val _ = Some _ |- _ => apply of_to_val in H | H : context [to_val (of_val _)] |- _ => rewrite to_of_val in H | H : prim_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => destruct H; subst | H : _ = fill ?K ?e |- _ => destruct K as [|[]]; simpl in H; first [subst e|discriminate H|injection' H] (* ensure that we make progress for each subgoal *) | H : head_step ?e _ _ _ _, Hv : of_val ?v = fill ?K ?e |- _ => apply values_head_stuck, (fill_not_val K) in H; by rewrite -Hv to_of_val in H (* maybe use a helper lemma here? *) | H : head_step ?e _ _ _ _ |- _ => try (is_var e; fail 1); (* inversion yields many goals if e is a variable and can thus better be avoided. *) inversion H; subst; clear H end. (** The tactic [reshape_expr e tac] decomposes the expression [e] into an evaluation context [K] and a subexpression [e']. It calls the tactic [tac K e'] for each possible decomposition until [tac] succeeds. *) Ltac reshape_val e tac := let rec go e := match e with | of_val ?v => v | Rec ?f ?x ?e => constr:(RecV f x e) | Lit ?l => constr:(LitV l) | Pair ?e1 ?e2 => let v1 := reshape_val e1 in let v2 := reshape_val e2 in constr:(PairV v1 v2) | InjL ?e => let v := reshape_val e in constr:(InjLV v) | InjR ?e => let v := reshape_val e in constr:(InjRV v) | Loc ?l => constr:(LocV l) end in let v := go e in first [tac v | fail 2]. Ltac reshape_expr e tac := let rec go K e := match e with | _ => tac (reverse K) e | App ?e1 ?e2 => reshape_val e1 ltac:(fun v1 => go (AppRCtx v1 :: K) e2) | App ?e1 ?e2 => go (AppLCtx e2 :: K) e1 | UnOp ?op ?e => go (UnOpCtx op :: K) e | BinOp ?op ?e1 ?e2 => reshape_val e1 ltac:(fun v1 => go (BinOpRCtx op v1 :: K) e2) | BinOp ?op ?e1 ?e2 => go (BinOpLCtx op e2 :: K) e1 | If ?e0 ?e1 ?e2 => go (IfCtx e1 e2 :: K) e0 | Pair ?e1 ?e2 => reshape_val e1 ltac:(fun v1 => go (PairRCtx v1 :: K) e2) | Pair ?e1 ?e2 => go (PairLCtx e2 :: K) e1 | Fst ?e => go (FstCtx :: K) e | Snd ?e => go (SndCtx :: K) e | InjL ?e => go (InjLCtx :: K) e | InjR ?e => go (InjRCtx :: K) e | Case ?e0 ?e1 ?e2 => go (CaseCtx e1 e2 :: K) e0 | Alloc ?e => go (AllocCtx :: K) e | Load ?e => go (LoadCtx :: K) e | Store ?e1 ?e2 => reshape_val e1 ltac:(fun v1 => go (StoreRCtx v1 :: K) e2) | Store ?e1 ?e2 => go (StoreLCtx e2 :: K) e1 | Cas ?e0 ?e1 ?e2 => reshape_val e0 ltac:(fun v0 => first [ reshape_val e1 ltac:(fun v1 => go (CasRCtx v0 v1 :: K) e2) | go (CasMCtx v0 e2 :: K) e1 ]) | Cas ?e0 ?e1 ?e2 => go (CasLCtx e1 e2 :: K) e0 end in go (@nil ectx_item) e. (** The tactic [do_step tac] solves goals of the shape [reducible], [prim_step] and [head_step] by performing a reduction step and uses [tac] to solve any side-conditions generated by individual steps. In case of goals of the shape [reducible] and [prim_step], it will try to decompose to expression on the LHS into an evaluation context and head-redex. *) Ltac do_step tac := try match goal with |- language.reducible _ _ => eexists _, _, _ end; simpl; match goal with | |- prim_step ?e1 ?σ1 ?e2 ?σ2 ?ef => reshape_expr e1 ltac:(fun K e1' => eapply Ectx_step with K e1' _; [reflexivity|reflexivity|]; first [apply alloc_fresh|econstructor]; rewrite ?to_of_val; tac; fail) | |- head_step ?e1 ?σ1 ?e2 ?σ2 ?ef => first [apply alloc_fresh|econstructor]; rewrite ?to_of_val; tac; fail end.