From be4eb64840d1d69dc44d098d1a3c6ef55c4575c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 16:03:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Versions of `elem_of_list_split` that give first or last element. --- theories/list.v | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+) diff --git a/theories/list.v b/theories/list.v index 56a35631..b74c1a13 100644 --- a/theories/list.v +++ b/theories/list.v @@ -647,6 +647,28 @@ Proof. induction 1 as [x l|x y l ? [l1 [l2 ->]]]; [by eexists [], l|]. by exists (y :: l1), l2. Qed. +Lemma elem_of_list_split_l `{EqDecision A} l x : + x ∈ l → ∃ l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2 ∧ x ∉ l1. +Proof. + induction 1 as [x l|x y l ? IH]. + { exists [], l. rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver. } + destruct (decide (x = y)) as [->|?]. + - exists [], l. rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver. + - destruct IH as (l1 & l2 & -> & ?). + exists (y :: l1), l2. rewrite elem_of_cons. naive_solver. +Qed. +Lemma elem_of_list_split_r `{EqDecision A} l x : + x ∈ l → ∃ l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2 ∧ x ∉ l2. +Proof. + induction l as [|y l IH] using rev_ind. + { by rewrite elem_of_nil. } + destruct (decide (x = y)) as [->|]. + - exists l, []. rewrite elem_of_nil. naive_solver. + - rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_singleton. intros [?| ->]; try done. + destruct IH as (l1 & l2 & -> & ?); auto. + exists l1, (l2 ++ [y]). + rewrite elem_of_app, elem_of_list_singleton, <-(assoc_L (++)). naive_solver. +Qed. Lemma elem_of_list_lookup_1 l x : x ∈ l → ∃ i, l !! i = Some x. Proof. induction 1 as [|???? IH]; [by exists 0 |]. -- GitLab