From 7514c59135a87b8386727e79ee049bc7b771dec2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Maxime=20D=C3=A9n=C3=A8s?= <> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 00:49:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Make trivial instances explicit This is in preparation for coq/coq#9274. --- theories/base.v | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- theories/collections.v | 4 +-- theories/list.v | 42 +++++++++++----------- theories/option.v | 4 +-- 4 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/base.v b/theories/base.v index 403948dd..264ecfc0 100644 --- a/theories/base.v +++ b/theories/base.v @@ -241,12 +241,12 @@ Definition equivL {A} : Equiv A := (=). (** A [Params f n] instance forces the setoid rewriting mechanism not to rewrite in the first [n] arguments of the function [f]. We will declare such instances for all operational type classes in this development. *) -Instance: Params (@equiv) 2. +Instance: Params (@equiv) 2 := {}. (** The following instance forces [setoid_replace] to use setoid equality (for types that have an [Equiv] instance) rather than the standard Leibniz equality. *) -Instance equiv_default_relation `{Equiv A} : DefaultRelation (≡) | 3. +Instance equiv_default_relation `{Equiv A} : DefaultRelation (≡) | 3 := {}. Hint Extern 0 (_ ≡ _) => reflexivity : core. Hint Extern 0 (_ ≡ _) => symmetry; assumption : core. @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ Proof. auto. Qed. (** The classes [PreOrder], [PartialOrder], and [TotalOrder] use an arbitrary relation [R] instead of [⊆] to support multiple orders on the same type. *) Definition strict {A} (R : relation A) : relation A := λ X Y, R X Y ∧ ¬R Y X. -Instance: Params (@strict) 2. +Instance: Params (@strict) 2 := {}. Class PartialOrder {A} (R : relation A) : Prop := { partial_order_pre :> PreOrder R; partial_order_anti_symm :> AntiSymm (=) R @@ -592,9 +592,9 @@ Notation "(, y )" := (λ x, (x,y)) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "p .1" := (fst p) (at level 2, left associativity, format "p .1"). Notation "p .2" := (snd p) (at level 2, left associativity, format "p .2"). -Instance: Params (@pair) 2. -Instance: Params (@fst) 2. -Instance: Params (@snd) 2. +Instance: Params (@pair) 2 := {}. +Instance: Params (@fst) 2 := {}. +Instance: Params (@snd) 2 := {}. Notation curry := prod_curry. Notation uncurry := prod_uncurry. @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ Instance empty_inhabited `(Empty A) : Inhabited A := populate ∅. Class Union A := union: A → A → A. Hint Mode Union ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@union) 2. +Instance: Params (@union) 2 := {}. Infix "∪" := union (at level 50, left associativity) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(∪)" := union (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ∪)" := (union x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ Notation "⋃ l" := (union_list l) (at level 20, format "⋃ l") : stdpp_scope. Class Intersection A := intersection: A → A → A. Hint Mode Intersection ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@intersection) 2. +Instance: Params (@intersection) 2 := {}. Infix "∩" := intersection (at level 40) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(∩)" := intersection (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ∩)" := (intersection x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ Notation "(∩ x )" := (λ y, intersection y x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Class Difference A := difference: A → A → A. Hint Mode Difference ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@difference) 2. +Instance: Params (@difference) 2 := {}. Infix "∖" := difference (at level 40, left associativity) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(∖)" := difference (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ∖)" := (difference x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ Infix "∖*∖**" := (zip_with (prod_zip (∖) (∖*))) Class Singleton A B := singleton: A → B. Hint Mode Singleton - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@singleton) 3. +Instance: Params (@singleton) 3 := {}. Notation "{[ x ]}" := (singleton x) (at level 1) : stdpp_scope. Notation "{[ x ; y ; .. ; z ]}" := (union .. (union (singleton x) (singleton y)) .. (singleton z)) @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ Notation "{[ x , y , z ]}" := (singleton (x,y,z)) Class SubsetEq A := subseteq: relation A. Hint Mode SubsetEq ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@subseteq) 2. +Instance: Params (@subseteq) 2 := {}. Infix "⊆" := subseteq (at level 70) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(⊆)" := subseteq (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( X ⊆)" := (subseteq X) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ Hint Mode Lexico ! : typeclass_instances. Class ElemOf A B := elem_of: A → B → Prop. Hint Mode ElemOf - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@elem_of) 3. +Instance: Params (@elem_of) 3 := {}. Infix "∈" := elem_of (at level 70) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(∈)" := elem_of (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ∈)" := (elem_of x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ Notation "(∈@{ B } )" := (@elem_of _ B _) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Class Disjoint A := disjoint : A → A → Prop. Hint Mode Disjoint ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@disjoint) 2. +Instance: Params (@disjoint) 2 := {}. Infix "##" := disjoint (at level 70) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(##)" := disjoint (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( X ##.)" := (disjoint X) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ Hint Extern 0 (_ ##* _) => symmetry; eassumption : core. Class DisjointE E A := disjointE : E → A → A → Prop. Hint Mode DisjointE - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@disjointE) 4. +Instance: Params (@disjointE) 4 := {}. Notation "X ##{ Γ } Y" := (disjointE Γ X Y) (at level 70, format "X ##{ Γ } Y") : stdpp_scope. Notation "(##{ Γ } )" := (disjointE Γ) (only parsing, Γ at level 1) : stdpp_scope. @@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ Hint Extern 0 (_ ##{_} _) => symmetry; eassumption : core. Class DisjointList A := disjoint_list : list A → Prop. Hint Mode DisjointList ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@disjoint_list) 2. +Instance: Params (@disjoint_list) 2 := {}. Notation "## Xs" := (disjoint_list Xs) (at level 20, format "## Xs") : stdpp_scope. Notation "##@{ A } Xs" := (@disjoint_list A _ Xs) (at level 20, only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -955,19 +955,19 @@ notations and do not formalize any theory on monads (we do not even define a class with the monad laws). *) Class MRet (M : Type → Type) := mret: ∀ {A}, A → M A. Arguments mret {_ _ _} _ : assert. -Instance: Params (@mret) 3. +Instance: Params (@mret) 3 := {}. Class MBind (M : Type → Type) := mbind : ∀ {A B}, (A → M B) → M A → M B. Arguments mbind {_ _ _ _} _ !_ / : assert. -Instance: Params (@mbind) 4. +Instance: Params (@mbind) 4 := {}. Class MJoin (M : Type → Type) := mjoin: ∀ {A}, M (M A) → M A. Arguments mjoin {_ _ _} !_ / : assert. -Instance: Params (@mjoin) 3. +Instance: Params (@mjoin) 3 := {}. Class FMap (M : Type → Type) := fmap : ∀ {A B}, (A → B) → M A → M B. Arguments fmap {_ _ _ _} _ !_ / : assert. -Instance: Params (@fmap) 4. +Instance: Params (@fmap) 4 := {}. Class OMap (M : Type → Type) := omap: ∀ {A B}, (A → option B) → M A → M B. Arguments omap {_ _ _ _} _ !_ / : assert. -Instance: Params (@omap) 4. +Instance: Params (@omap) 4 := {}. Notation "m ≫= f" := (mbind f m) (at level 60, right associativity) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( m ≫=)" := (λ f, mbind f m) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ on maps. In the file [fin_maps] we will axiomatize finite maps. The function look up [m !! k] should yield the element at key [k] in [m]. *) Class Lookup (K A M : Type) := lookup: K → M → option A. Hint Mode Lookup - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@lookup) 4. +Instance: Params (@lookup) 4 := {}. Notation "m !! i" := (lookup i m) (at level 20) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(!!)" := lookup (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( m !!)" := (λ i, m !! i) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -1015,14 +1015,14 @@ Arguments lookup _ _ _ _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. (** The singleton map *) Class SingletonM K A M := singletonM: K → A → M. Hint Mode SingletonM - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@singletonM) 5. +Instance: Params (@singletonM) 5 := {}. Notation "{[ k := a ]}" := (singletonM k a) (at level 1) : stdpp_scope. (** The function insert [<[k:=a]>m] should update the element at key [k] with value [a] in [m]. *) Class Insert (K A M : Type) := insert: K → A → M → M. Hint Mode Insert - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@insert) 5. +Instance: Params (@insert) 5 := {}. Notation "<[ k := a ]>" := (insert k a) (at level 5, right associativity, format "<[ k := a ]>") : stdpp_scope. Arguments insert _ _ _ _ !_ _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. @@ -1032,14 +1032,14 @@ Arguments insert _ _ _ _ !_ _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. returned. *) Class Delete (K M : Type) := delete: K → M → M. Hint Mode Delete - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@delete) 4. +Instance: Params (@delete) 4 := {}. Arguments delete _ _ _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. (** The function [alter f k m] should update the value at key [k] using the function [f], which is called with the original value. *) Class Alter (K A M : Type) := alter: (A → A) → K → M → M. Hint Mode Alter - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@alter) 5. +Instance: Params (@alter) 5 := {}. Arguments alter {_ _ _ _} _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. (** The function [partial_alter f k m] should update the value at key [k] using the @@ -1049,14 +1049,14 @@ yields [None]. *) Class PartialAlter (K A M : Type) := partial_alter: (option A → option A) → K → M → M. Hint Mode PartialAlter - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@partial_alter) 4. +Instance: Params (@partial_alter) 4 := {}. Arguments partial_alter _ _ _ _ _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. (** The function [dom C m] should yield the domain of [m]. That is a finite collection of type [C] that contains the keys that are a member of [m]. *) Class Dom (M C : Type) := dom: M → C. Hint Mode Dom ! ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@dom) 3. +Instance: Params (@dom) 3 := {}. Arguments dom : clear implicits. Arguments dom {_} _ {_} !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. @@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ constructing a new map whose value at key [k] is [f (m1 !! k) (m2 !! k)].*) Class Merge (M : Type → Type) := merge: ∀ {A B C}, (option A → option B → option C) → M A → M B → M C. Hint Mode Merge ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@merge) 4. +Instance: Params (@merge) 4 := {}. Arguments merge _ _ _ _ _ _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. (** The function [union_with f m1 m2] is supposed to yield the union of [m1] @@ -1074,20 +1074,20 @@ both [m1] and [m2]. *) Class UnionWith (A M : Type) := union_with: (A → A → option A) → M → M → M. Hint Mode UnionWith - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@union_with) 3. +Instance: Params (@union_with) 3 := {}. Arguments union_with {_ _ _} _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. (** Similarly for intersection and difference. *) Class IntersectionWith (A M : Type) := intersection_with: (A → A → option A) → M → M → M. Hint Mode IntersectionWith - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@intersection_with) 3. +Instance: Params (@intersection_with) 3 := {}. Arguments intersection_with {_ _ _} _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. Class DifferenceWith (A M : Type) := difference_with: (A → A → option A) → M → M → M. Hint Mode DifferenceWith - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@difference_with) 3. +Instance: Params (@difference_with) 3 := {}. Arguments difference_with {_ _ _} _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. Definition intersection_with_list `{IntersectionWith A M} @@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ Arguments intersection_with_list _ _ _ _ _ !_ / : assert. Class LookupE (E K A M : Type) := lookupE: E → K → M → option A. Hint Mode LookupE - - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@lookupE) 6. +Instance: Params (@lookupE) 6 := {}. Notation "m !!{ Γ } i" := (lookupE Γ i m) (at level 20, format "m !!{ Γ } i") : stdpp_scope. Notation "(!!{ Γ } )" := (lookupE Γ) (only parsing, Γ at level 1) : stdpp_scope. @@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ Arguments lookupE _ _ _ _ _ _ !_ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. Class InsertE (E K A M : Type) := insertE: E → K → A → M → M. Hint Mode InsertE - - - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@insertE) 6. +Instance: Params (@insertE) 6 := {}. Notation "<[ k := a ]{ Γ }>" := (insertE Γ k a) (at level 5, right associativity, format "<[ k := a ]{ Γ }>") : stdpp_scope. Arguments insertE _ _ _ _ _ _ !_ _ !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. @@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ enumerated as a list. These elements, given by the [elements] function, may be in any order and should not contain duplicates. *) Class Elements A C := elements: C → list A. Hint Mode Elements - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@elements) 3. +Instance: Params (@elements) 3 := {}. (** We redefine the standard library's [In] and [NoDup] using type classes. *) Inductive elem_of_list {A} : ElemOf A (list A) := @@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ Class FinCollection A C `{ElemOf A C, Empty C, Singleton A C, Union C, Class Size C := size: C → nat. Hint Mode Size ! : typeclass_instances. Arguments size {_ _} !_ / : simpl nomatch, assert. -Instance: Params (@size) 2. +Instance: Params (@size) 2 := {}. (** The class [CollectionMonad M] axiomatizes a type constructor [M] that can be used to construct a collection [M A] with elements of type [A]. The advantage @@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ will later prove that [fresh] is [Proper] with respect to the induced setoid equality on collections. *) Class Fresh A C := fresh: C → A. Hint Mode Fresh - ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@fresh) 3. +Instance: Params (@fresh) 3 := {}. Class FreshSpec A C `{ElemOf A C, Empty C, Singleton A C, Union C, Fresh A C} : Prop := { fresh_collection_simple :>> SimpleCollection A C; @@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ Notation "½*" := (fmap (M:=list) half) : stdpp_scope. for the \sqsubseteq symbol. *) Class SqSubsetEq A := sqsubseteq: relation A. Hint Mode SqSubsetEq ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@sqsubseteq) 2. +Instance: Params (@sqsubseteq) 2 := {}. Infix "⊑" := sqsubseteq (at level 70) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(⊑)" := sqsubseteq (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ⊑)" := (sqsubseteq x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -1223,13 +1223,13 @@ Notation "(⊑ y )" := (λ x, sqsubseteq x y) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Infix "⊑@{ A }" := (@sqsubseteq A _) (at level 70, only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(⊑@{ A } )" := (@sqsubseteq A _) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. -Instance sqsubseteq_rewrite `{SqSubsetEq A} : RewriteRelation (⊑). +Instance sqsubseteq_rewrite `{SqSubsetEq A} : RewriteRelation (⊑) := {}. Hint Extern 0 (_ ⊑ _) => reflexivity : core. Class Meet A := meet: A → A → A. Hint Mode Meet ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@meet) 2. +Instance: Params (@meet) 2 := {}. Infix "⊓" := meet (at level 40) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(⊓)" := meet (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ⊓)" := (meet x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. @@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ Notation "(⊓ y )" := (λ x, meet x y) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Class Join A := join: A → A → A. Hint Mode Join ! : typeclass_instances. -Instance: Params (@join) 2. +Instance: Params (@join) 2 := {}. Infix "⊔" := join (at level 50) : stdpp_scope. Notation "(⊔)" := join (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. Notation "( x ⊔)" := (join x) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope. diff --git a/theories/collections.v b/theories/collections.v index 082d16d1..68bef149 100644 --- a/theories/collections.v +++ b/theories/collections.v @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ Fixpoint fresh_list `{Fresh A C, Union C, Singleton A C} | 0 => [] | S n => let x := fresh X in x :: fresh_list n ({[ x ]} ∪ X) end. -Instance: Params (@fresh_list) 6. +Instance: Params (@fresh_list) 6 := {}. Inductive Forall_fresh `{ElemOf A C} (X : C) : list A → Prop := | Forall_fresh_nil : Forall_fresh X [] @@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ End seq_set. (** Mimimal elements *) Definition minimal `{ElemOf A C} (R : relation A) (x : A) (X : C) : Prop := ∀ y, y ∈ X → R y x → R x y. -Instance: Params (@minimal) 5. +Instance: Params (@minimal) 5 := {}. Typeclasses Opaque minimal. Section minimal. diff --git a/theories/list.v b/theories/list.v index 219ea36c..60cded9e 100644 --- a/theories/list.v +++ b/theories/list.v @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ Arguments length {_} _ : assert. Arguments cons {_} _ _ : assert. Arguments app {_} _ _ : assert. -Instance: Params (@length) 1. -Instance: Params (@cons) 1. -Instance: Params (@app) 1. +Instance: Params (@length) 1 := {}. +Instance: Params (@cons) 1 := {}. +Instance: Params (@app) 1 := {}. Notation tail := tl. Notation take := firstn. @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Arguments tail {_} _ : assert. Arguments take {_} !_ !_ / : assert. Arguments drop {_} !_ !_ / : assert. -Instance: Params (@tail) 1. -Instance: Params (@take) 1. -Instance: Params (@drop) 1. +Instance: Params (@tail) 1 := {}. +Instance: Params (@take) 1 := {}. +Instance: Params (@drop) 1 := {}. Arguments Permutation {_} _ _ : assert. Arguments Forall_cons {_} _ _ _ _ _ : assert. @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Fixpoint list_inserts {A} (i : nat) (k l : list A) : list A := | [] => l | y :: k => <[i:=y]>(list_inserts (S i) k l) end. -Instance: Params (@list_inserts) 1. +Instance: Params (@list_inserts) 1 := {}. (** The operation [delete i l] removes the [i]th element of [l] and moves all consecutive elements one position ahead. In case [i] is out of bounds, @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Instance list_delete {A} : Delete nat (list A) := (** The function [option_list o] converts an element [Some x] into the singleton list [[x]], and [None] into the empty list [[]]. *) Definition option_list {A} : option A → list A := option_rect _ (λ x, [x]) []. -Instance: Params (@option_list) 1. +Instance: Params (@option_list) 1 := {}. Instance maybe_list_singleton {A} : Maybe (λ x : A, [x]) := λ l, match l with [x] => Some x | _ => None end. @@ -126,23 +126,23 @@ Definition list_find {A} P `{∀ x, Decision (P x)} : list A → option (nat * A | [] => None | x :: l => if decide (P x) then Some (0,x) else prod_map S id <$> go l end. -Instance: Params (@list_find) 3. +Instance: Params (@list_find) 3 := {}. (** The function [replicate n x] generates a list with length [n] of elements with value [x]. *) Fixpoint replicate {A} (n : nat) (x : A) : list A := match n with 0 => [] | S n => x :: replicate n x end. -Instance: Params (@replicate) 2. +Instance: Params (@replicate) 2 := {}. (** The function [reverse l] returns the elements of [l] in reverse order. *) Definition reverse {A} (l : list A) : list A := rev_append l []. -Instance: Params (@reverse) 1. +Instance: Params (@reverse) 1 := {}. (** The function [last l] returns the last element of the list [l], or [None] if the list [l] is empty. *) Fixpoint last {A} (l : list A) : option A := match l with [] => None | [x] => Some x | _ :: l => last l end. -Instance: Params (@last) 1. +Instance: Params (@last) 1 := {}. (** The function [resize n y l] takes the first [n] elements of [l] in case [length l ≤ n], and otherwise appends elements with value [x] to [l] to obtain @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Fixpoint resize {A} (n : nat) (y : A) (l : list A) : list A := | x :: l => match n with 0 => [] | S n => x :: resize n y l end end. Arguments resize {_} !_ _ !_ : assert. -Instance: Params (@resize) 2. +Instance: Params (@resize) 2 := {}. (** The function [reshape k l] transforms [l] into a list of lists whose sizes are specified by [k]. In case [l] is too short, the resulting list will be @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Fixpoint reshape {A} (szs : list nat) (l : list A) : list (list A) := match szs with | [] => [] | sz :: szs => take sz l :: reshape szs (drop sz l) end. -Instance: Params (@reshape) 2. +Instance: Params (@reshape) 2 := {}. Definition sublist_lookup {A} (i n : nat) (l : list A) : option (list A) := guard (i + n ≤ length l); Some (take n (drop i l)). @@ -3603,23 +3603,23 @@ with a binding [i] for [x]. *) Section quote_lookup. Context {A : Type}. Class QuoteLookup (E1 E2 : list A) (x : A) (i : nat) := {}. - Global Instance quote_lookup_here E x : QuoteLookup (x :: E) (x :: E) x 0. - Global Instance quote_lookup_end x : QuoteLookup [] [x] x 0. + Global Instance quote_lookup_here E x : QuoteLookup (x :: E) (x :: E) x 0 := {}. + Global Instance quote_lookup_end x : QuoteLookup [] [x] x 0 := {}. Global Instance quote_lookup_further E1 E2 x i y : - QuoteLookup E1 E2 x i → QuoteLookup (y :: E1) (y :: E2) x (S i) | 1000. + QuoteLookup E1 E2 x i → QuoteLookup (y :: E1) (y :: E2) x (S i) | 1000 := {}. End quote_lookup. Section quote. Context {A : Type}. Class Quote (E1 E2 : env A) (l : list A) (t : rlist nat) := {}. - Global Instance quote_nil: Quote E1 E1 [] rnil. + Global Instance quote_nil: Quote E1 E1 [] rnil := {}. Global Instance quote_node E1 E2 l i: - QuoteLookup E1 E2 l i → Quote E1 E2 l (rnode i) | 1000. + QuoteLookup E1 E2 l i → Quote E1 E2 l (rnode i) | 1000 := {}. Global Instance quote_cons E1 E2 E3 x l i t : QuoteLookup E1 E2 [x] i → - Quote E2 E3 l t → Quote E1 E3 (x :: l) (rapp (rnode i) t). + Quote E2 E3 l t → Quote E1 E3 (x :: l) (rapp (rnode i) t) := {}. Global Instance quote_app E1 E2 E3 l1 l2 t1 t2 : - Quote E1 E2 l1 t1 → Quote E2 E3 l2 t2 → Quote E1 E3 (l1 ++ l2) (rapp t1 t2). + Quote E1 E2 l1 t1 → Quote E2 E3 l2 t2 → Quote E1 E3 (l1 ++ l2) (rapp t1 t2) := {}. End quote. Section eval. diff --git a/theories/option.v b/theories/option.v index db66b1a5..52abba33 100644 --- a/theories/option.v +++ b/theories/option.v @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Proof. congruence. Qed. (** The [from_option] is the eliminator for option. *) Definition from_option {A B} (f : A → B) (y : B) (mx : option A) : B := match mx with None => y | Some x => f x end. -Instance: Params (@from_option) 3. +Instance: Params (@from_option) 3 := {}. Arguments from_option {_ _} _ _ !_ / : assert. (** The eliminator with the identity function. *) @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Lemma option_eq_1_alt {A} (mx my : option A) x : Proof. congruence. Qed. Definition is_Some {A} (mx : option A) := ∃ x, mx = Some x. -Instance: Params (@is_Some) 1. +Instance: Params (@is_Some) 1 := {}. Lemma is_Some_alt {A} (mx : option A) : is_Some mx ↔ match mx with Some _ => True | None => False end. -- GitLab