diff --git a/opam.pins b/opam.pins
index 7a3b4083d5cbf4aa667381d700d095014e6dd6e3..7af26ad434a7dd207eb035c8a7da483e68358851 100644
--- a/opam.pins
+++ b/opam.pins
@@ -1 +1 @@
-coq-stdpp https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/robbertkrebbers/coq-stdpp 24aef2fea9481e65d1f6658005ddde25ae9a64ee
+coq-stdpp https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/robbertkrebbers/coq-stdpp 7d7c9871312719a4e1296d52eb95ea0ac959249f
diff --git a/theories/algebra/cmra.v b/theories/algebra/cmra.v
index fde8e5ce0bd43bf1b1739fc3f4812b80a6754b9a..cc67b05413f754405adcb5381ea00a57d495801b 100644
--- a/theories/algebra/cmra.v
+++ b/theories/algebra/cmra.v
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ From iris.algebra Require Export ofe monoid.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 Class PCore (A : Type) := pcore : A → option A.
+Hint Mode PCore ! : typeclass_instances.
 Instance: Params (@pcore) 2.
 Class Op (A : Type) := op : A → A → A.
+Hint Mode Op ! : typeclass_instances.
 Instance: Params (@op) 2.
 Infix "â‹…" := op (at level 50, left associativity) : C_scope.
 Notation "(â‹…)" := op (only parsing) : C_scope.
@@ -21,11 +23,13 @@ Hint Extern 0 (_ ≼ _) => reflexivity.
 Instance: Params (@included) 3.
 Class ValidN (A : Type) := validN : nat → A → Prop.
+Hint Mode ValidN ! : typeclass_instances.
 Instance: Params (@validN) 3.
 Notation "✓{ n } x" := (validN n x)
   (at level 20, n at next level, format "✓{ n }  x").
 Class Valid (A : Type) := valid : A → Prop.
+Hint Mode Valid ! : typeclass_instances.
 Instance: Params (@valid) 2.
 Notation "✓ x" := (valid x) (at level 20) : C_scope.
@@ -165,8 +169,10 @@ Instance: Params (@IdFree) 1.
 (** The function [core] may return a dummy when used on CMRAs without total
 core. *)
 Class CMRATotal (A : cmraT) := cmra_total (x : A) : is_Some (pcore x).
+Hint Mode CMRATotal ! : typeclass_instances.
 Class Core (A : Type) := core : A → A.
+Hint Mode Core ! : typeclass_instances.
 Instance: Params (@core) 2.
 Instance core' `{PCore A} : Core A := λ x, from_option id x (pcore x).
@@ -233,6 +239,7 @@ Class CMRADiscrete (A : cmraT) := {
   cmra_discrete :> Discrete A;
   cmra_discrete_valid (x : A) : ✓{0} x → ✓ x
+Hint Mode CMRADiscrete ! : typeclass_instances.
 (** * Morphisms *)
 Class CMRAMorphism {A B : cmraT} (f : A → B) := {
@@ -690,8 +697,8 @@ End ucmra_leibniz.
 (** * Constructing a CMRA with total core *)
 Section cmra_total.
   Context A `{Dist A, Equiv A, PCore A, Op A, Valid A, ValidN A}.
-  Context (total : ∀ x, is_Some (pcore x)).
-  Context (op_ne : ∀ (x : A), NonExpansive (op x)).
+  Context (total : ∀ x : A, is_Some (pcore x)).
+  Context (op_ne : ∀ x : A, NonExpansive (op x)).
   Context (core_ne : NonExpansive (@core A _)).
   Context (validN_ne : ∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> impl) (@validN A _ n)).
   Context (valid_validN : ∀ (x : A), ✓ x ↔ ∀ n, ✓{n} x).
@@ -885,8 +892,8 @@ Notation discreteR A ra_mix :=
 Section ra_total.
   Local Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
   Context A `{Equiv A, PCore A, Op A, Valid A}.
-  Context (total : ∀ x, is_Some (pcore x)).
-  Context (op_proper : ∀ (x : A), Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (op x)).
+  Context (total : ∀ x : A, is_Some (pcore x)).
+  Context (op_proper : ∀ x : A, Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (op x)).
   Context (core_proper: Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@core A _)).
   Context (valid_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> impl) (@valid A _)).
   Context (op_assoc : Assoc (≡) (@op A _)).
@@ -1217,6 +1224,7 @@ Qed.
 (** ** CMRA for the option type *)
 Section option.
   Context {A : cmraT}.
+  Implicit Types a : A.
   Local Arguments core _ _ !_ /.
   Local Arguments pcore _ _ !_ /.
diff --git a/theories/algebra/gmap.v b/theories/algebra/gmap.v
index 99e6fcc8a32db62d5af812f2bd471a78e9018d07..7513358c697b7df2b27e22896288527a9bfc3f29 100644
--- a/theories/algebra/gmap.v
+++ b/theories/algebra/gmap.v
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Proof.
   - intros n m1 m2 Hm i; apply cmra_validN_op_l with (m2 !! i).
     by rewrite -lookup_op.
   - intros n m. induction m as [|i x m Hi IH] using map_ind=> m1 m2 Hmv Hm.
-    { exists ∅, ∅. split_and!=> -i; symmetry; symmetry in Hm; move: Hm=> /(_ i);
+    { eexists ∅, ∅. split_and!=> -i; symmetry; symmetry in Hm; move: Hm=> /(_ i);
         rewrite !lookup_op !lookup_empty ?dist_None op_None; intuition. }
     destruct (IH (delete i m1) (delete i m2)) as (m1'&m2'&Hm'&Hm1'&Hm2').
     { intros j; move: Hmv=> /(_ j). destruct (decide (i = j)) as [->|].
@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ Section freshness.
     assert (i ∉ I ∧ i ∉ dom (gset K) m ∧ i ∉ dom (gset K) mf) as [?[??]].
     { rewrite -not_elem_of_union -dom_op -not_elem_of_union; apply is_fresh. }
     exists (<[i:=x]>m); split.
-    { by apply HQ; last done; apply not_elem_of_dom. }
-    rewrite insert_singleton_op; last by apply not_elem_of_dom.
+    { apply HQ; last done. by eapply not_elem_of_dom. }
+    rewrite insert_singleton_op; last by eapply not_elem_of_dom.
     rewrite -assoc -insert_singleton_op;
-      last by apply not_elem_of_dom; rewrite dom_op not_elem_of_union.
+      last by eapply (not_elem_of_dom (D:=gset K)); rewrite dom_op not_elem_of_union.
     by apply insert_validN; [apply cmra_valid_validN|].
   Lemma alloc_updateP (Q : gmap K A → Prop) m x :
diff --git a/theories/algebra/list.v b/theories/algebra/list.v
index dfc8f6cc7e844ec9d3a6f51682d0195d7e06d3de..978d1909d0e73442ab7082e4cc1836ffb9414da4 100644
--- a/theories/algebra/list.v
+++ b/theories/algebra/list.v
@@ -298,16 +298,17 @@ Section properties.
   Global Instance list_singletonM_proper i :
     Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (list_singletonM i) := ne_proper _.
-  Lemma elem_of_list_singletonM i z x : z ∈ {[i := x]} → z = ∅ ∨ z = x.
+  Lemma elem_of_list_singletonM i z x : z ∈ ({[i := x]} : list A) → z = ∅ ∨ z = x.
     rewrite elem_of_app elem_of_list_singleton elem_of_replicate. naive_solver.
-  Lemma list_lookup_singletonM i x : {[ i := x ]} !! i = Some x.
+  Lemma list_lookup_singletonM i x : ({[ i := x ]} : list A) !! i = Some x.
   Proof. induction i; by f_equal/=. Qed.
   Lemma list_lookup_singletonM_ne i j x :
-    i ≠ j → {[ i := x ]} !! j = None ∨ {[ i := x ]} !! j = Some ∅.
+    i ≠ j →
+    ({[ i := x ]} : list A) !! j = None ∨ ({[ i := x ]} : list A) !! j = Some ∅.
   Proof. revert j; induction i; intros [|j]; naive_solver auto with omega. Qed.
-  Lemma list_singletonM_validN n i x : ✓{n} {[ i := x ]} ↔ ✓{n} x.
+  Lemma list_singletonM_validN n i x : ✓{n} ({[ i := x ]} : list A) ↔ ✓{n} x.
     rewrite list_lookup_validN. split.
     { move=> /(_ i). by rewrite list_lookup_singletonM. }
@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ Section properties.
     - destruct (list_lookup_singletonM_ne i j x) as [Hi|Hi]; first done;
         rewrite Hi; by try apply (ucmra_unit_validN (A:=A)).
-  Lemma list_singleton_valid  i x : ✓ {[ i := x ]} ↔ ✓ x.
+  Lemma list_singleton_valid  i x : ✓ ({[ i := x ]} : list A) ↔ ✓ x.
     rewrite !cmra_valid_validN. by setoid_rewrite list_singletonM_validN.
@@ -336,7 +337,8 @@ Section properties.
     rewrite /singletonM /list_singletonM /=.
     induction i; constructor; rewrite ?left_id; auto.
-  Lemma list_alter_singletonM f i x : alter f i {[i := x]} = {[i := f x]}.
+  Lemma list_alter_singletonM f i x :
+    alter f i ({[i := x]} : list A) = {[i := f x]}.
     rewrite /singletonM /list_singletonM /=. induction i; f_equal/=; auto.
diff --git a/theories/algebra/ofe.v b/theories/algebra/ofe.v
index ce44a5526a985b69332496fb1c3819353607192d..b5c1ef0b0a6e5b1fa408c9a772a39512d1f7887f 100644
--- a/theories/algebra/ofe.v
+++ b/theories/algebra/ofe.v
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ Hint Mode Timeless + ! : typeclass_instances.
 Instance: Params (@Timeless) 1.
 Class Discrete (A : ofeT) := discrete_timeless (x : A) :> Timeless x.
+Hint Mode Discrete ! : typeclass_instances.
 (** OFEs with a completion *)
 Record chain (A : ofeT) := {
diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v
index 8866a4d181b80a1c0683ab682efbcdc22d489185..c73634130e297a9ba7532c60baa2f8d58a3bf4df 100644
--- a/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v
+++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/invariants.v
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Import uPred.
 (** Derived forms and lemmas about them. *)
 Definition inv_def `{invG Σ} (N : namespace) (P : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-  (∃ i, ⌜i ∈ ↑N⌝ ∧ ownI i P)%I.
+  (∃ i, ⌜i ∈ (↑N:coPset)⌝ ∧ ownI i P)%I.
 Definition inv_aux : seal (@inv_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition inv {Σ i} := unseal inv_aux Σ i.
 Definition inv_eq : @inv = @inv_def := seal_eq inv_aux.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Proof. apply ne_proper, _. Qed.
 Global Instance inv_persistent N P : PersistentP (inv N P).
 Proof. rewrite inv_eq /inv; apply _. Qed.
-Lemma fresh_inv_name (E : gset positive) N : ∃ i, i ∉ E ∧ i ∈ ↑N.
+Lemma fresh_inv_name (E : gset positive) N : ∃ i, i ∉ E ∧ i ∈ (↑N:coPset).
   exists (coPpick (↑ N ∖ coPset.of_gset E)).
   rewrite -coPset.elem_of_of_gset (comm and) -elem_of_difference.
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Qed.
 Lemma inv_alloc N E P : ▷ P ={E}=∗ inv N P.
   rewrite inv_eq /inv_def fupd_eq /fupd_def. iIntros "HP [Hw $]".
-  iMod (ownI_alloc (∈ ↑ N) P with "[$HP $Hw]")
+  iMod (ownI_alloc (∈ (↑N : coPset)) P with "[$HP $Hw]")
     as (i) "(% & $ & ?)"; auto using fresh_inv_name.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Lemma inv_alloc_open N E P :
   ↑N ⊆ E → True ={E, E∖↑N}=∗ inv N P ∗ (▷P ={E∖↑N, E}=∗ True).
   rewrite inv_eq /inv_def fupd_eq /fupd_def. iIntros (Sub) "[Hw HE]".
-  iMod (ownI_alloc_open (∈ ↑ N) P with "Hw")
+  iMod (ownI_alloc_open (∈ (↑N : coPset)) P with "Hw")
     as (i) "(% & Hw & #Hi & HD)"; auto using fresh_inv_name.
   iAssert (ownE {[i]} ∗ ownE (↑ N ∖ {[i]}) ∗ ownE (E ∖ ↑ N))%I
     with "[HE]" as "(HEi & HEN\i & HE\N)".
diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/na_invariants.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/na_invariants.v
index 39fb911ddc3e9b91b85a84a5f7c6fa2c3fcfa311..bb351a767f1e4ecb30c53e23068f99a12f3d072c 100644
--- a/theories/base_logic/lib/na_invariants.v
+++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/na_invariants.v
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Section defs.
     own p (CoPset E, ∅).
   Definition na_inv (p : na_inv_pool_name) (N : namespace) (P : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
-    (∃ i, ⌜i ∈ ↑N⌝ ∧
+    (∃ i, ⌜i ∈ (↑N:coPset)⌝ ∧
           inv N (P ∗ own p (∅, GSet {[i]}) ∨ na_own p {[i]}))%I.
 End defs.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Section proofs.
     iMod (own_empty (prodUR coPset_disjUR (gset_disjUR positive)) p) as "Hempty".
     iMod (own_updateP with "Hempty") as ([m1 m2]) "[Hm Hown]".
     { apply prod_updateP'. apply cmra_updateP_id, (reflexivity (R:=eq)).
-      apply (gset_disj_alloc_empty_updateP_strong' (λ i, i ∈ ↑N)).
+      apply (gset_disj_alloc_empty_updateP_strong' (λ i, i ∈ (↑N:coPset))).
       intros Ef. exists (coPpick (↑ N ∖ coPset.of_gset Ef)).
       rewrite -coPset.elem_of_of_gset comm -elem_of_difference.
       apply coPpick_elem_of=> Hfin.
diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/namespaces.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/namespaces.v
index cb8dde637b03df530425f207568dd4d447f52da1..c55135e4629b5e0214dcd81c22b07009b329bca9 100644
--- a/theories/base_logic/lib/namespaces.v
+++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/namespaces.v
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Section namespace.
   Lemma nclose_nroot : ↑nroot = ⊤.
   Proof. rewrite nclose_eq. by apply (sig_eq_pi _). Qed.
-  Lemma encode_nclose N : encode N ∈ ↑N.
+  Lemma encode_nclose N : encode N ∈ (↑N:coPset).
     rewrite nclose_eq.
     by apply elem_coPset_suffixes; exists xH; rewrite (left_id_L _ _).
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Section namespace.
   Lemma nclose_subseteq' E N x : ↑N ⊆ E → ↑N.@x ⊆ E.
   Proof. intros. etrans; eauto using nclose_subseteq. Qed.
-  Lemma ndot_nclose N x : encode (N.@x) ∈ ↑ N.
+  Lemma ndot_nclose N x : encode (N.@x) ∈ (↑N:coPset).
   Proof. apply nclose_subseteq with x, encode_nclose. Qed.
   Lemma nclose_infinite N : ¬set_finite (↑ N : coPset).
   Proof. rewrite nclose_eq. apply coPset_suffixes_infinite. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lang.v b/theories/heap_lang/lang.v
index 6c7a70a605dfe6d247f87767c6996d3c53ad0990..9200b96fba9964ce80d648dc81bc285511231143 100644
--- a/theories/heap_lang/lang.v
+++ b/theories/heap_lang/lang.v
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ Proof.
 Lemma alloc_fresh e v σ :
-  let l := fresh (dom _ σ) in
+  let l := fresh (dom (gset loc) σ) in
   to_val e = Some v → head_step (Alloc e) σ (Lit (LitLoc l)) (<[l:=v]>σ) [].
 Proof. by intros; apply AllocS, (not_elem_of_dom (D:=gset _)), is_fresh. Qed.
diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lib/barrier/proof.v b/theories/heap_lang/lib/barrier/proof.v
index a216ff6ba0ebbda873b82161de87e86d7f5e5f9e..71b5cacf90095fd7a9e35f999feea7d6fc012f25 100644
--- a/theories/heap_lang/lib/barrier/proof.v
+++ b/theories/heap_lang/lib/barrier/proof.v
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ Proof.
   iMod (sts_openS (barrier_inv l P) _ _ γ with "[Hγ]")
     as ([p I]) "(% & [Hl Hr] & Hclose)"; eauto.
   wp_load. destruct p.
-  - iMod ("Hclose" $! (State Low I) {[ Change i ]} with "[Hl Hr]") as "Hγ".
+  - iMod ("Hclose" $! (State Low I) with "[Hl Hr]") as "Hγ".
     { iSplit; first done. rewrite /barrier_inv /=. by iFrame. }
     iAssert (sts_ownS γ (i_states i) {[Change i]})%I with "[> Hγ]" as "Hγ".
     { iApply (sts_own_weaken with "Hγ"); eauto using i_states_closed. }
@@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ Proof.
   iMod (saved_prop_alloc_strong (R2: ∙%CF (iProp Σ)) (I ∪ {[i1]}))
     as (i2) "[Hi2' #Hi2]"; iDestruct "Hi2'" as %Hi2.
   rewrite ->not_elem_of_union, elem_of_singleton in Hi2; destruct Hi2.
-  iMod ("Hclose" $! (State p ({[i1; i2]} ∪ I ∖ {[i]}))
-                   {[Change i1; Change i2 ]} with "[-]") as "Hγ".
+  iMod ("Hclose" $! (State p ({[i1; i2]} ∪ I ∖ {[i]})) with "[-]") as "Hγ".
   { iSplit; first by eauto using split_step.
     rewrite /barrier_inv /=. iNext. iFrame "Hl".
     by iApply (ress_split with "HQ Hi1 Hi2 HQR"). }