diff --git a/Makefile.coq.local b/Makefile.coq.local
index 8d426e9e706ade94428ead1e7dccc3396425aca7..08385834f92455bdfa30f59a2bfde9f19c3f9a20 100644
--- a/Makefile.coq.local
+++ b/Makefile.coq.local
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ test: $(TESTFILES:.v=.vo)
 .PHONY: test
 COQ_TEST=$(COQTOP) $(COQDEBUG) -batch -test-mode
-COQ_BROKEN=$(shell echo "$(COQ_VERSION)" | egrep "^8\.(9|10)\b" > /dev/null && echo 1)
+COQ_OLD=$(shell echo "$(COQ_VERSION)" | egrep "^8\.7\b" > /dev/null && echo 1)
+COQ_MINOR_VERSION=$(shell echo "$(COQ_VERSION)" | egrep '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' -o)
 # Can't use pipes because that discards error codes and dash provides no way to control that.
 # Also egrep errors if it doesn't match anything, we have to ignore that.
@@ -21,17 +22,19 @@ tests/.coqdeps.d: $(TESTFILES)
 -include tests/.coqdeps.d
 $(TESTFILES:.v=.vo): %.vo: %.v $(if $(MAKE_REF),,%.ref)
-	$(SHOW)$(if $(MAKE_REF),COQTEST [ref],$(if $(COQ_BROKEN),COQTEST [ignored],COQTEST)) $<
 	$(HIDE)TEST="$$(basename -s .v $<)" && \
+	  if test -f "tests/$$TEST.$(COQ_MINOR_VERSION).ref"; then \
+	    REF="tests/$$TEST.$(COQ_MINOR_VERSION).ref"; \
+	  else \
+	    REF="tests/$$TEST.ref"; \
+	  fi && \
+	  echo $(if $(MAKE_REF),"COQTEST [ref] `basename "$$REF"`","COQTEST$(if $(COQ_OLD), [ignored],) `basename "$$REF"`") && \
 	  TMPFILE="$$(mktemp)" && \
 	  $(TIMER) $(COQ_TEST) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -load-vernac-source $< > "$$TMPFILE" && \
 	  ($(REF_FILTER) < "$$TMPFILE" > "$$TMPFILE.filtered" || true) && \
 	  $(if $(MAKE_REF), \
-	    mv "$$TMPFILE.filtered" "tests/$$TEST.ref", \
-	    $(if $(COQ_BROKEN), \
-	      true, \
-	      diff -u "tests/$$TEST.ref" "$$TMPFILE.filtered" \
-	    ) \
+	    mv "$$TMPFILE.filtered" "$$REF", \
+	    $(if $(COQ_OLD),true,diff -u "$$REF" "$$TMPFILE.filtered") \
 	  ) && \
 	  rm -f "$$TMPFILE" "$$TMPFILE.filtered" && \
 	  touch $@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c4fcf9e2e09398d916be7446eea2563d777bfcb7..9ac050820db8e3065277fad3063c782e13790ac6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -134,3 +134,7 @@ This is used to make sure the proof mode prints goals and reduces terms the way
 we expect it to.  You can run `MAKE_REF=1 make` to re-generate all the `.ref` files;
 this is useful after adding or removing `Show.` from a test.  If you do this,
 make sure to check the diff for any unexpected changes in the output!
+Some test cases have per-Coq-version `.ref` files (e.g., `atomic.8.8.ref` is a
+Coq-8.8-specific `.ref` file).  If you change one of these, remember to update
+*all* the `.ref` files.
diff --git a/tests/atomic.8.8.ref b/tests/atomic.8.8.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..238708315a1656731ecc3a853489338db7c99e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/atomic.8.8.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  P : val → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  <<< ∀ x : val, P x >>> code @ ⊤ <<< ∃ y : val, P y, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  P : val → iProp Σ
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << ∀ x : val, P x >> @ ⊤, ∅ << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  P : val → iProp Σ
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  _ : AACC << ∀ x : val, P x
+              ABORT AU << ∀ x : val, P x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+                       << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >> >> @ ⊤, ∅
+           << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< ∀ x : val, l ↦ x >>> code @ ⊤ <<< l ↦ x, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << ∀ x : val, l ↦ x >> @ ⊤, ∅ << l ↦ x, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  _ : AACC << ∀ x : val, l ↦ x
+              ABORT AU << ∀ x : val, l ↦ x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+                       << l ↦ x, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >> >> @ ⊤, ∅
+           << l ↦ x, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< l ↦ #() >>> code @ ⊤ <<< ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << l ↦ #() >> @ ⊤, ∅ << ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  _ : AACC << l ↦ #()
+              ABORT AU << l ↦ #() >> @ ⊤, ∅
+                       << ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >> >> @ ⊤, ∅
+           << ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< l ↦ #() >>> code @ ⊤ <<< l ↦ #(), RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << l ↦ #() >> @ ⊤, ∅ << l ↦ #(), COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  _ : AACC << l ↦ #()
+              ABORT AU << l ↦ #() >> @ ⊤, ∅ << l ↦ #(), COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >> >> 
+           @ ⊤, ∅ << l ↦ #(), COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+"Now come the long pre/post tests"
+     : string
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< ∀ x : val, l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >>> code @ ⊤ <<< ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << ∀ x : val, l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+            << ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< ∀ x : val, l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << ∀ x : val, l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >>
+            @ ⊤, ∅ << ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< ∀ xx : val, l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< ∃ yyyy : val, l ↦ yyyy ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx,
+      RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  _ : AU << ∀ xx : val, l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx >> @ ⊤, ∅
+         << ∃ yyyy : val, l ↦ yyyy
+                          ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx,
+            COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  ============================
+  <<< ∀ x : val, l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< l ↦ x, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << ∀ x : val, l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+            << l ↦ x, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  x : val
+  ============================
+  <<< l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  x : val
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+            << ∃ y : val, l ↦ y, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  x : val
+  ============================
+  <<< l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< l ↦ #(), RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  x : val
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x ∗ l ↦ x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+            << l ↦ #(), COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  xx, yyyy : val
+  ============================
+  <<< l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< l ↦ yyyy, RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  xx, yyyy : val
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx >>
+            @ ⊤, ∅ << l ↦ yyyy, COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  xx, yyyy : val
+  ============================
+  <<< l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx >>>
+    code @ ⊤
+  <<< l ↦ yyyy ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx,
+      RET #() >>>
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  l : loc
+  xx, yyyy : val
+  Q : iPropI Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  _ : Q
+  "AU" : AU << l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx >> @ ⊤, ∅
+            << l ↦ yyyy ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx ∗ l ↦ xx,
+               COMM Q -∗ Φ #() >>
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP code {{ v, Φ v }}
+     : string
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  P : val → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  ∀ Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ, AU << ∀ 
+                                             x : val, 
+                                             P x >> @ ⊤, ∅
+                                             << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Φ #() >>
+                                          -∗ WP ! #0 {{ v, Φ v }}
+1 subgoal
+  Σ : gFunctors
+  heapG0 : heapG Σ
+  P : val → iProp Σ
+  Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
+  ============================
+  "AU" : ∃ x : val, P x
+                    ∗ (P x
+                       ={∅,⊤}=∗ AU << ∀ x0 : val, 
+                                   P x0 >> @ ⊤, ∅
+                                   << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Φ #() >>)
+                      ∧ (∀ x0 : val, P x0 ={∅,⊤}=∗ Φ #())
+  --------------------------------------∗
+  WP ! #0 @ ∅ {{ v, |={∅,⊤}=> Φ v }}
diff --git a/tests/atomic.ref b/tests/atomic.ref
index 238708315a1656731ecc3a853489338db7c99e9d..c51ade4ecb45eae71cc5255da2e926e868412fbc 100644
--- a/tests/atomic.ref
+++ b/tests/atomic.ref
@@ -347,11 +347,9 @@
   P : val → iProp Σ
-  ∀ Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ, AU << ∀ 
-                                             x : val, 
-                                             P x >> @ ⊤, ∅
-                                             << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Φ #() >>
-                                          -∗ WP ! #0 {{ v, Φ v }}
+  ∀ Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ,
+    AU << ∀ x : val, P x >> @ ⊤, ∅ << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Φ #() >>
+    -∗ WP ! #0 {{ v, Φ v }}
 1 subgoal
@@ -360,12 +358,12 @@
   P : val → iProp Σ
   Φ : language.val heap_lang → iProp Σ
-  "AU" : ∃ x : val, P x
-                    ∗ (P x
-                       ={∅,⊤}=∗ AU << ∀ x0 : val, 
-                                   P x0 >> @ ⊤, ∅
-                                   << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Φ #() >>)
-                      ∧ (∀ x0 : val, P x0 ={∅,⊤}=∗ Φ #())
+  "AU" : ∃ x : val,
+           P x
+           ∗ (P x
+              ={∅,⊤}=∗ AU << ∀ x0 : val, P x0 >> @ ⊤, ∅
+                          << ∃ y : val, P y, COMM Φ #() >>)
+             ∧ (∀ x0 : val, P x0 ={∅,⊤}=∗ Φ #())
   WP ! #0 @ ∅ {{ v, |={∅,⊤}=> Φ v }}