diff --git a/awk.Makefile b/awk.Makefile
index e014962ba3adc39e57fe75daafdc3947ba342158..526cf3c4ed7895f7197fb248bc1fecb60928e238 100644
--- a/awk.Makefile
+++ b/awk.Makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
 # awk program that patches the Makefile generated by Coq.
+# Detect the name this project will be installed under.
+/\$\(COQLIBINSTALL\)\/.*\/\$\$i/ {
+# Wow, POSIX awk is really broken.  I mean, isn't it supposed to be a text processing language?
+# And there is not even a way to access the matched groups of a regexp...?!? Lucky enough,
+# we can just split the string at '/' here.
+	split($0, PIECES, /\//);
 # Patch the uninstall target to work properly, and to also uninstall stale files.
 # Also see <https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=4907>.
 /^uninstall:/ {
 	print "uninstall:";
-	print "\tif [ -d \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/iris/ ]; then find \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/iris/ -name \"*.vo\" -print -delete; fi";
+	print "\tif [ -d \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/"PROJECT"/ ]; then find \"$$(DSTROOT)\"$$(COQLIBINSTALL)/"PROJECT"/ -name \"*.vo\" -print -delete; fi";