diff --git a/Makefile.coq.local b/Makefile.coq.local
index 3f0d55bd630247560c11e9a84e942b48aea8b44e..5a8ffd47d259b34adfab66255092bdc0e9b34550 100644
--- a/Makefile.coq.local
+++ b/Makefile.coq.local
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ tests/.coqdeps.d: $(TESTFILES)
 # Main test script (comments out-of-line because macOS otherwise barfs?!?)
 # - Determine reference file (`REF`).
 # - Print user-visible status line.
+# - unset env vars that change Coq's output
 # - Dump Coq output into a temporary file.
 # - Run `sed -i` on that file in a way that works on macOS.
 # - Either compare the result with the reference file, or move it over the reference file.
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ $(TESTFILES:.v=.vo): %.vo: %.v $(if $(MAKE_REF),,%.ref) $(NORMALIZER)
 	  fi && \
 	  echo "COQTEST$(if $(MAKE_REF), [make ref],) $< (ref: $$REF)" && \
 	  TMPFILE="$$(mktemp)" && \
+	  unset OCAMLRUNPARAM && \
 	  $(TIMER) $(COQ_TEST) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -load-vernac-source $< > "$$TMPFILE" && \
 	  sed -f $(NORMALIZER) "$$TMPFILE" > "$$TMPFILE".new && \
 	  mv "$$TMPFILE".new "$$TMPFILE" && \