From f6247dfd1cb714dc1aadaf329f4fab665ff91b52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2020 16:21:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add missing `Proper` instances for non-expansiveness of HO-functions on lists. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Copied from std++, but adapted from `≡` to `≡{n}≡`. --- theories/algebra/list.v | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/algebra/list.v b/theories/algebra/list.v index 6325e1716..b97825411 100644 --- a/theories/algebra/list.v +++ b/theories/algebra/list.v @@ -94,13 +94,36 @@ End cofe. Arguments listO : clear implicits. +(** Non-expansiveness of higher-order list functions and big-ops *) +Instance list_fmap_ne {A B : ofeT} (f : A → B) n : + Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f → Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap (M:=list) f). +Proof. intros Hf l k ?; by eapply Forall2_fmap, Forall2_impl; eauto. Qed. +Instance list_omap_ne {A B : ofeT} (f : A → option B) n : + Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f → Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (omap (M:=list) f). +Proof. + intros Hf. induction 1 as [|x1 x2 l1 l2 Hx Hl]; csimpl; [constructor|]. + destruct (Hf _ _ Hx); [f_equiv|]; auto. +Qed. +Instance imap_ne {A B : ofeT} (f : nat → A → B) n : + (∀ i, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (f i)) → Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (imap f). +Proof. + intros Hf l1 l2 Hl. revert f Hf. + induction Hl; intros f Hf; simpl; [constructor|f_equiv; naive_solver]. +Qed. +Instance list_bind_ne {A B : ofeT} (f : A → list A) n : + Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f → Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (mbind f). +Proof. induction 2; simpl; [constructor|solve_proper]. Qed. +Instance list_join_ne {A : ofeT} : NonExpansive (mjoin (M:=list) (A:=A)). +Proof. induction 1; simpl; [constructor|solve_proper]. Qed. +Instance zip_with_ne {A B C : ofeT} (f : A → B → C) : + Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) f → + Proper (dist n ==> dist n ==> dist n) (zip_with f). +Proof. induction 2; destruct 1; simpl; [constructor..|f_equiv; [f_equiv|]; auto]. Qed. + (** Functor *) Lemma list_fmap_ext_ne {A} {B : ofeT} (f g : A → B) (l : list A) n : (∀ x, f x ≡{n}≡ g x) → f <$> l ≡{n}≡ g <$> l. Proof. intros Hf. by apply Forall2_fmap, Forall_Forall2, Forall_true. Qed. -Instance list_fmap_ne {A B : ofeT} (f : A → B) n: - Proper (dist n ==> dist n) f → Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (fmap (M:=list) f). -Proof. intros Hf l k ?; by eapply Forall2_fmap, Forall2_impl; eauto. Qed. Definition listO_map {A B} (f : A -n> B) : listO A -n> listO B := OfeMor (fmap f : listO A → listO B). Instance listO_map_ne A B : NonExpansive (@listO_map A B). -- GitLab