From dee5e88f701f9e94d7beec6bd6cf4cc2eafbca87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 15:40:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Hoare style proofs for one_shot example. --- examples/one_shot.v | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/one_shot.v b/examples/one_shot.v index 6fb21e84e..fcd7f5bd6 100644 --- a/examples/one_shot.v +++ b/examples/one_shot.v @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ From iris.algebra Require Import one_shot dec_agree. +From iris.program_logic Require Import hoare. From iris.heap_lang Require Import heap assert wp_tactics notation. Import uPred. @@ -35,8 +36,8 @@ Definition one_shot_inv (γ : gname) (l : loc) : iProp := Lemma wp_one_shot (Φ : val → iProp) : (heap_ctx heapN ★ ∀ f1 f2 : val, - (∀ n : Z, WP f1 #n {{ λ w, w = #true ∨ w = #false }}) ★ - WP f2 #() {{ λ g, WP g #() {{ λ _, True }} }} -★ Φ (f1,f2)%V) + (∀ n : Z, □ WP f1 #n {{ λ w, w = #true ∨ w = #false }}) ★ + □ WP f2 #() {{ λ g, □ WP g #() {{ λ _, True }} }} -★ Φ (f1,f2)%V) ⊢ WP one_shot_example #() {{ Φ }}. Proof. wp_let. @@ -48,14 +49,14 @@ Proof. (* TODO: this is horrible *) trans (heap_ctx heapN ★ (|==> inv N (one_shot_inv γ l)) ★ (∀ f1 f2 : val, - (∀ n : Z, WP f1 #n {{ λ w, w = #true ∨ w = #false }}) ★ - WP f2 #() {{ λ g, WP g #() {{ λ _, True }} }} -★ Φ (f1, f2)%V))%I. + (∀ n : Z, □ WP f1 #n {{ λ w, w = #true ∨ w = #false }}) ★ + □ WP f2 #() {{ λ g, □ WP g #() {{ λ _, True }} }} -★ Φ (f1, f2)%V))%I. { ecancel [heap_ctx _; ∀ _, _]%I. rewrite -inv_alloc // -later_intro. apply or_intro_l'. solve_sep_entails. } rewrite pvs_frame_r pvs_frame_l; apply wp_strip_pvs; wp_let. rewrite !assoc 2!forall_elim; eapply wand_apply_r'; first done. rewrite (always_sep_dup (_ ★ _)); apply sep_mono. - - apply forall_intro=>n. wp_let. + - apply forall_intro=>n. apply: always_intro. wp_let. eapply (wp_inv_timeless _ _ _ (one_shot_inv γ l)); rewrite /= ?to_of_val; eauto 10 with I. rewrite (True_intro (inv _ _)) right_id. @@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ Proof. ecancel [l ↦ _]%I; apply wand_intro_l, sep_intro_True_r; eauto with I. rewrite -later_intro /one_shot_inv -or_intro_r -(exist_intro m). solve_sep_entails. - - wp_seq. + - apply: always_intro. wp_seq. wp_focus (Load (%l))%I. eapply (wp_inv_timeless _ _ _ (one_shot_inv γ l)); rewrite /= ?to_of_val; eauto 10 with I. @@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ Proof. solve_sep_entails. } cancel [one_shot_inv γ l]. (* FIXME: why aren't laters stripped? *) - wp_let. rewrite -later_intro. wp_seq. rewrite -later_intro. + wp_let. rewrite -later_intro. + apply: always_intro. wp_seq. rewrite -later_intro. rewrite !sep_or_l; apply or_elim. { rewrite assoc. apply const_elim_sep_r=>->. wp_case; wp_seq; eauto with I. } @@ -133,4 +135,20 @@ Proof. wp_case; fold of_val. wp_let. rewrite -wp_assert'. wp_op; by eauto using later_intro with I. Qed. + +Lemma hoare_one_shot (Φ : val → iProp) : + heap_ctx heapN ⊢ {{ True }} one_shot_example #() + {{ λ ff, + (∀ n : Z, {{ True }} Fst ff #n {{ λ w, w = #true ∨ w = #false }}) ★ + {{ True }} Snd ff #() {{ λ g, {{ True }} g #() {{ λ _, True }} }} + }}. +Proof. + apply: always_intro; rewrite left_id -wp_one_shot /=. + cancel [heap_ctx heapN]. + apply forall_intro=> f1; apply forall_intro=> f2. + apply wand_intro_l; rewrite right_id; apply sep_mono. + - apply forall_mono=>n. apply always_mono; rewrite left_id. by wp_proj. + - apply always_mono; rewrite left_id. wp_proj. + apply wp_mono=> v. by apply always_mono; rewrite left_id. +Qed. End proof. -- GitLab