From c918f68fbea32bbddd67937db7e9af1dc643b8d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2019 12:26:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] More test cases for `iSpecialize`. --- tests/proofmode.ref | 18 +++++++++++++++ tests/proofmode.v | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+) diff --git a/tests/proofmode.ref b/tests/proofmode.ref index 6cbde74af..93b90699c 100644 --- a/tests/proofmode.ref +++ b/tests/proofmode.ref @@ -66,6 +66,24 @@ In nested Ltac calls to "iClear (constr)", "iElaborateSelPat" and "<iris.proofmode.ltac_tactics.iElaborateSelPat_go>", last call failed. Tactic failure: iElaborateSelPat: "HQ" not found. The command has indeed failed with message: +In nested Ltac calls to "iSpecialize (open_constr) as #", +"iSpecializeCore (open_constr) as (constr)", +"iSpecializeCore (open_constr) as (constr)" and +"iSpecializeCore (open_constr) with (open_constr) (open_constr) as (constr)", +last call failed. +Tactic failure: iSpecialize: Q not persistent. +"test_iAssert_intuitionistic" + : string +The command has indeed failed with message: +In nested Ltac calls to "<ssreflect_plugin::ssrtclseq@0> iAssert (|==> P)%I with "[#]" as "#HPupd2" ; first done", +"<ssreflect_plugin::ssrtclseq@0> iAssert (|==> P)%I with "[#]" as "#HPupd2" ; first done", +"iAssert (open_constr) with (constr) as (constr)", +"iAssertCore (open_constr) with (constr) as (constr) (tactic3)", +"iSpecializeCore (open_constr) with (open_constr) (open_constr) as (constr)", +"iSpecializePat (open_constr) (constr)" and "iSpecializePat_go", last call +failed. +Tactic failure: iSpecialize: (|==> P)%I not persistent. +The command has indeed failed with message: In nested Ltac calls to "iSpecialize (open_constr)", "iSpecializeCore (open_constr) as (constr)", "iSpecializeCore (open_constr) as (constr)", diff --git a/tests/proofmode.v b/tests/proofmode.v index 9194db0b7..27b0a34e1 100644 --- a/tests/proofmode.v +++ b/tests/proofmode.v @@ -157,6 +157,62 @@ Lemma test_iSpecialize_Coq_entailment P Q R : P → (P -∗ Q) → Q. Proof. iIntros (HP HPQ). iDestruct (HPQ $! HP) as "?". done. Qed. +Lemma test_iSpecialize_intuitionistic P Q R : + □ P -∗ □ (P -∗ P -∗ P -∗ P -∗ □ P -∗ P -∗ Q) -∗ R -∗ R ∗ □ (P ∗ Q). +Proof. + iIntros "#HP #H HR". + (* Test that [H] remains in the intuitionistic context *) + iSpecialize ("H" with "HP"). + iSpecialize ("H" with "[HP]"); first done. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[]"); first done. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[-HR]"); first done. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[#]"); first done. + iFrame "HR". + iSpecialize ("H" with "[-]"); first done. + by iFrame "#". +Qed. + +Lemma test_iSpecialize_intuitionistic_2 P Q R : + □ P -∗ □ (P -∗ P -∗ P -∗ P -∗ □ P -∗ P -∗ Q) -∗ R -∗ R ∗ □ (P ∗ Q). +Proof. + iIntros "#HP #H HR". + (* Test that [H] remains in the intuitionistic context *) + iSpecialize ("H" with "HP") as #. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[HP]") as #; first done. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[]") as #; first done. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[-HR]") as #; first done. + iSpecialize ("H" with "[#]") as #; first done. + iFrame "HR". + iSpecialize ("H" with "[-]") as #; first done. + by iFrame "#". +Qed. + +Lemma test_iSpecialize_intuitionistic_3 P Q R : + P -∗ □ (P -∗ Q) -∗ □ (P -∗ <pers> Q) -∗ □ (Q -∗ R) -∗ P ∗ □ (Q ∗ R). +Proof. + iIntros "HP #H1 #H2 #H3". + (* Should fail, [Q] is not persistent *) + Fail iSpecialize ("H1" with "HP") as #. + (* Should succeed, [<pers> Q] is persistent *) + iSpecialize ("H2" with "HP") as #. + (* Should succeed, despite [R] not being persistent, no spatial premises are + needed to prove [Q] *) + iSpecialize ("H3" with "H2") as #. + by iFrame "#". +Qed. + +Check "test_iAssert_intuitionistic". +Lemma test_iAssert_intuitionistic `{!BiBUpd PROP} P : + □ P -∗ □ |==> P. +Proof. + iIntros "#HP". + (* Test that [HPupd1] ends up in the intuitionistic context *) + iAssert (|==> P)%I with "[]" as "#HPupd1"; first done. + (* This should not work, [|==> P] is not persistent. *) + Fail iAssert (|==> P)%I with "[#]" as "#HPupd2"; first done. + done. +Qed. + Lemma test_iPure_intro_emp R `{!Affine R} : R -∗ emp. Proof. iIntros "HR". by iPureIntro. Qed. -- GitLab