diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index ef9ce69e3574f0f9b6b5e265c949f4fae273eae3..aa2bb70a727766892573925f427a02973e09aead 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ theories/heap_lang/lib/increment.v
diff --git a/theories/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v b/theories/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49999e5b61006220a477eabb52f4430a30eb3ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/proofmode/ltac_tactics.v
@@ -0,0 +1,2001 @@
+From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import base intro_patterns spec_patterns sel_patterns.
+From iris.bi Require Export bi.
+From stdpp Require Import namespaces.
+From iris.proofmode Require Export classes notation.
+From stdpp Require Import hlist pretty.
+Set Default Proof Using "Type".
+Export ident.
+Declare Reduction env_cbv := cbv [
+  option_bind
+  beq ascii_beq string_beq positive_beq Pos.succ ident_beq
+  env_lookup env_lookup_delete env_delete env_app env_replace env_dom
+  env_intuitionistic env_spatial env_counter env_spatial_is_nil envs_dom
+  envs_lookup envs_lookup_delete envs_delete envs_snoc envs_app
+    envs_simple_replace envs_replace envs_split
+    envs_clear_spatial envs_clear_persistent envs_incr_counter
+    envs_split_go envs_split prop_of_env].
+Ltac env_cbv :=
+  match goal with |- ?u => let v := eval env_cbv in u in change v end.
+Ltac env_reflexivity := env_cbv; exact eq_refl.
+(** For most of the tactics, we want to have tight control over the order and
+way in which type class inference is performed. To that end, many tactics make
+use of [notypeclasses refine] and the [iSolveTC] tactic to manually invoke type
+class inference.
+The tactic [iSolveTC] does not use [apply _], as that often leads to issues
+because it will try to solve all evars whose type is a typeclass, in
+dependency order (according to Matthieu). If one fails, it aborts. However, we
+generally rely on progress on the main goal to be solved to make progress
+elsewhere. With [typeclasses eauto], that seems to work better.
+A drawback of [typeclasses eauto] is that it is multi-success, i.e. whenever
+subsequent tactics fail, it will backtrack to [typeclasses eauto] to try the
+next type class instance. This is almost always undesired and leads to poor
+performance and horrible error messages, so we wrap it in a [once]. *)
+Ltac iSolveTC :=
+  solve [once (typeclasses eauto)].
+(** * Misc *)
+Ltac iMissingHyps Hs :=
+  let Δ :=
+    lazymatch goal with
+    | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ => Δ
+    | |- context[ envs_split _ _ ?Δ ] => Δ
+    end in
+  let Hhyps := eval env_cbv in (envs_dom Δ) in
+  eval vm_compute in (list_difference Hs Hhyps).
+Ltac iTypeOf H :=
+  let Δ := match goal with |- envs_entails ?Δ _ => Δ end in
+  eval env_cbv in (envs_lookup H Δ).
+Tactic Notation "iMatchHyp" tactic1(tac) :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- context[ environments.Esnoc _ ?x ?P ] => tac x P
+  end.
+(** * Start a proof *)
+Tactic Notation "iStartProof" :=
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- envs_entails _ _ => idtac
+  | |- ?φ => notypeclasses refine (as_emp_valid_2 φ _ _);
+               [apply _ || fail "iStartProof: not a Bi entailment"
+               |apply tac_adequate]
+  end.
+(* Same as above, with 2 differences :
+   - We can specify a BI in which we want the proof to be done
+   - If the goal starts with a let or a ∀, they are automatically
+     introduced. *)
+Tactic Notation "iStartProof" uconstr(PROP) :=
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- @envs_entails ?PROP' _ _ =>
+    (* This cannot be shared with the other [iStartProof], because
+    type_term has a non-negligeable performance impact. *)
+    let x := type_term (eq_refl : @eq Type PROP PROP') in idtac
+  (* We eta-expand [as_emp_valid_2], in order to make sure that
+     [iStartProof PROP] works even if [PROP] is the carrier type. In
+     this case, typing this expression will end up unifying PROP with
+     [bi_car _], and hence trigger the canonical structures mechanism
+     to find the corresponding bi. *)
+  | |- ?φ => notypeclasses refine ((λ P : PROP, @as_emp_valid_2 φ _ P) _ _ _);
+               [apply _ || fail "iStartProof: not a Bi entailment"
+               |apply tac_adequate]
+  end.
+(** * Generate a fresh identifier *)
+(* Tactic Notation tactics cannot return terms *)
+Ltac iFresh :=
+  (* We need to increment the environment counter using [tac_fresh].
+     But because [iFresh] returns a value, we have to let bind
+     [tac_fresh] wrapped under a match to force evaluation of this
+     side-effect. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/46178884 *)
+  let do_incr :=
+      lazymatch goal with
+      | _ => iStartProof; eapply tac_fresh; first by (env_reflexivity)
+      end in
+  lazymatch goal with
+  |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
+    let n := eval env_cbv in (env_counter Δ) in
+    constr:(IAnon n)
+  end.
+(** * Simplification *)
+Tactic Notation "iEval" tactic(t) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_eval;
+    [let x := fresh in intros x; t; unfold x; reflexivity
+    |].
+Tactic Notation "iEval" tactic(t) "in" constr(H) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_eval_in with _ H _ _ _;
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iEval:" H "not found"
+    |let x := fresh in intros x; t; unfold x; reflexivity
+    |env_reflexivity
+    |].
+Tactic Notation "iSimpl" := iEval simpl.
+Tactic Notation "iSimpl" "in" constr(H) := iEval simpl in H.
+(* It would be nice to also have an `iSsrRewrite`, however, for this we need to
+pass arguments to Ssreflect's `rewrite` like `/= foo /bar` in Ltac, see:
+  https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/coq-club/2018-01/msg00000.html
+PMP told me (= Robbert) in person that this is not possible today, but may be
+possible in Ltac2. *)
+(** * Context manipulation *)
+Tactic Notation "iRename" constr(H1) "into" constr(H2) :=
+  eapply tac_rename with _ H1 H2 _ _; (* (i:=H1) (j:=H2) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iRename:" H1 "not found"
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iRename:" H2 "not fresh"|].
+Local Inductive esel_pat :=
+  | ESelPure
+  | ESelIdent : bool → ident → esel_pat.
+Ltac iElaborateSelPat pat :=
+  let rec go pat Δ Hs :=
+    lazymatch pat with
+    | [] => eval cbv in Hs
+    | SelPure :: ?pat => go pat Δ (ESelPure :: Hs)
+    | SelPersistent :: ?pat =>
+       let Hs' := eval env_cbv in (env_dom (env_intuitionistic Δ)) in
+       let Δ' := eval env_cbv in (envs_clear_persistent Δ) in
+       go pat Δ' ((ESelIdent true <$> Hs') ++ Hs)
+    | SelSpatial :: ?pat =>
+       let Hs' := eval env_cbv in (env_dom (env_spatial Δ)) in
+       let Δ' := eval env_cbv in (envs_clear_spatial Δ) in
+       go pat Δ' ((ESelIdent false <$> Hs') ++ Hs)
+    | SelIdent ?H :: ?pat =>
+       lazymatch eval env_cbv in (envs_lookup_delete false H Δ) with
+       | Some (?p,_,?Δ') => go pat Δ' (ESelIdent p H :: Hs)
+       | None => fail "iElaborateSelPat:" H "not found"
+       end
+    end in
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
+    let pat := sel_pat.parse pat in go pat Δ (@nil esel_pat)
+  end.
+Local Ltac iClearHyp H :=
+  eapply tac_clear with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iClear:" H "not found"
+    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
+     fail "iClear:" H ":" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
+    |].
+Tactic Notation "iClear" constr(Hs) :=
+  let rec go Hs :=
+    lazymatch Hs with
+    | [] => idtac
+    | ESelPure :: ?Hs => clear; go Hs
+    | ESelIdent _ ?H :: ?Hs => iClearHyp H; go Hs
+    end in
+  let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in iStartProof; go Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iClear" "(" ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iClear Hs; clear xs.
+(** * Assumptions *)
+Tactic Notation "iExact" constr(H) :=
+  eapply tac_assumption with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iExact:" H "not found"
+    |apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromAssumption _ ?P _ => P end in
+     fail "iExact:" H ":" P "does not match goal"
+    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
+     fail "iExact:" H "not absorbing and the remaining hypotheses not affine"].
+Tactic Notation "iAssumptionCore" :=
+  let rec find Γ i P :=
+    lazymatch Γ with
+    | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?Q => first [unify P Q; unify i j|find Γ i P]
+    end in
+  match goal with
+  | |- envs_lookup ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P) =>
+     first [is_evar i; fail 1 | env_reflexivity]
+  | |- envs_lookup ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P) =>
+     is_evar i; first [find Γp i P | find Γs i P]; env_reflexivity
+  | |- envs_lookup_delete _ ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P, _) =>
+     first [is_evar i; fail 1 | env_reflexivity]
+  | |- envs_lookup_delete _ ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P, _) =>
+     is_evar i; first [find Γp i P | find Γs i P]; env_reflexivity
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iAssumption" :=
+  let Hass := fresh in
+  let rec find p Γ Q :=
+    lazymatch Γ with
+    | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?P => first
+       [pose proof (_ : FromAssumption p P Q) as Hass;
+        eapply (tac_assumption _ _ j p P);
+          [env_reflexivity
+          |apply Hass
+          |env_cbv; apply _ ||
+           fail 1 "iAssumption:" j "not absorbing and the remaining hypotheses not affine"]
+       |assert (P = False%I) as Hass by reflexivity;
+        apply (tac_false_destruct _ j p P);
+          [env_reflexivity
+          |exact Hass]
+       |find p Γ Q]
+    end in
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- envs_entails (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) ?Q =>
+     first [find true Γp Q | find false Γs Q
+           |fail "iAssumption:" Q "not found"]
+  end.
+(** * False *)
+Tactic Notation "iExFalso" := apply tac_ex_falso.
+(** * Making hypotheses persistent or pure *)
+Local Tactic Notation "iPersistent" constr(H) :=
+  eapply tac_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iPersistent:" H "not found"
+    |apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?P _ => P end in
+     fail "iPersistent:" P "not persistent"
+    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
+     fail "iPersistent:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
+    |env_reflexivity|].
+Local Tactic Notation "iPure" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
+  eapply tac_pure with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H1) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iPure:" H "not found"
+    |apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- IntoPure ?P _ => P end in
+     fail "iPure:" P "not pure"
+    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
+     fail "iPure:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
+    |intros pat].
+Tactic Notation "iEmpIntro" :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_emp_intro;
+    [env_cbv; apply _ ||
+     fail "iEmpIntro: spatial context contains non-affine hypotheses"].
+Tactic Notation "iPureIntro" :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_pure_intro;
+    [env_reflexivity
+    |apply _ ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromPure _ ?P _ => P end in
+     fail "iPureIntro:" P "not pure"
+    |].
+(** Framing *)
+Local Ltac iFrameFinish :=
+  lazy iota beta;
+  try match goal with
+  | |- envs_entails _ True => by iPureIntro
+  | |- envs_entails _ emp => iEmpIntro
+  end.
+Local Ltac iFramePure t :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let φ := type of t in
+  eapply (tac_frame_pure _ _ _ _ t);
+    [apply _ || fail "iFrame: cannot frame" φ
+    |iFrameFinish].
+Local Ltac iFrameHyp H :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_frame with _ H _ _ _;
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iFrame:" H "not found"
+    |apply _ ||
+     let R := match goal with |- Frame _ ?R _ _ => R end in
+     fail "iFrame: cannot frame" R
+    |iFrameFinish].
+Local Ltac iFrameAnyPure :=
+  repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => iFramePure H end.
+Local Ltac iFrameAnyPersistent :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let rec go Hs :=
+    match Hs with [] => idtac | ?H :: ?Hs => repeat iFrameHyp H; go Hs end in
+  match goal with
+  | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
+     let Hs := eval cbv in (env_dom (env_intuitionistic Δ)) in go Hs
+  end.
+Local Ltac iFrameAnySpatial :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let rec go Hs :=
+    match Hs with [] => idtac | ?H :: ?Hs => try iFrameHyp H; go Hs end in
+  match goal with
+  | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
+     let Hs := eval cbv in (env_dom (env_spatial Δ)) in go Hs
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" := iFrameAnySpatial.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) constr(t6) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) ")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) constr(t8)")" :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 ).
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" constr(Hs) :=
+  let rec go Hs :=
+    lazymatch Hs with
+    | [] => idtac
+    | SelPure :: ?Hs => iFrameAnyPure; go Hs
+    | SelPersistent :: ?Hs => iFrameAnyPersistent; go Hs
+    | SelSpatial :: ?Hs => iFrameAnySpatial; go Hs
+    | SelIdent ?H :: ?Hs => iFrameHyp H; go Hs
+    end
+  in let Hs := sel_pat.parse Hs in go Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 ) Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 ) Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4) ")"
+    constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 ) Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 ) Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) constr(t6) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 ) Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 ) Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
+    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) constr(t8)")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 ) Hs.
+(** * Basic introduction tactics *)
+Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "(" simple_intropattern(x) ")" :=
+  (* In the case the goal starts with an [let x := _ in _], we do not
+     want to unfold x and start the proof mode. Instead, we want to
+     use intros. So [iStartProof] has to be called only if [intros]
+     fails *)
+  intros x ||
+    (iStartProof;
+     lazymatch goal with
+     | |- envs_entails _ _ =>
+       eapply tac_forall_intro;
+       [apply _ ||
+              let P := match goal with |- FromForall ?P _ => P end in
+              fail "iIntro: cannot turn" P "into a universal quantifier"
+       |lazy beta; intros x]
+     end).
+Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" constr(H) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  first
+  [ (* (?Q → _) *)
+    eapply tac_impl_intro with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+      [apply _
+      |env_cbv; apply _ ||
+       let P := lazymatch goal with |- Persistent ?P => P end in
+       fail 1 "iIntro: introducing non-persistent" H ":" P
+              "into non-empty spatial context"
+      |env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
+      |apply _
+      |]
+  | (* (_ -∗ _) *)
+    eapply tac_wand_intro with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+      [apply _
+      | env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
+      |]
+  | fail "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ].
+Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "#" constr(H) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  first
+  [ (* (?P → _) *)
+    eapply tac_impl_intro_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+      [apply _
+      |apply _ ||
+       let P := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?P _ => P end in
+       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not persistent"
+      |env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
+      |]
+  | (* (?P -∗ _) *)
+    eapply tac_wand_intro_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
+      [ apply _
+      | apply _ ||
+       let P := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?P _ => P end in
+       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not persistent"
+      |apply _ ||
+       let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
+       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
+      |env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
+      |]
+  | fail "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ].
+Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "_" :=
+  first
+  [ (* (?Q → _) *)
+    iStartProof; eapply tac_impl_intro_drop;
+    [ apply _ | ]
+  | (* (_ -∗ _) *)
+    iStartProof; eapply tac_wand_intro_drop;
+      [ apply _
+      | apply _ ||
+       let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
+       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
+      |]
+  | (* (∀ _, _) *) iIntro (_)
+  | fail 1 "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ].
+Local Tactic Notation "iIntroForall" :=
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- ∀ _, ?P => fail (* actually an →, this is handled by iIntro below *)
+  | |- ∀ _, _ => intro
+  | |- let _ := _ in _ => intro
+  | |- _ =>
+    iStartProof;
+    lazymatch goal with
+    | |- envs_entails _ (∀ x : _, _) => let x' := fresh x in iIntro (x')
+    end
+  end.
+Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" :=
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- _ → ?P => intro
+  | |- _ =>
+    iStartProof;
+    lazymatch goal with
+    | |- envs_entails _ (_ -∗ _) => iIntro (?) || let H := iFresh in iIntro #H || iIntro H
+    | |- envs_entails _ (_ → _) => iIntro (?) || let H := iFresh in iIntro #H || iIntro H
+    end
+  end.
+(** * Specialize *)
+Record iTrm {X As S} :=
+  ITrm { itrm : X ; itrm_vars : hlist As ; itrm_hyps : S }.
+Arguments ITrm {_ _ _} _ _ _.
+Notation "( H $! x1 .. xn )" :=
+  (ITrm H (hcons x1 .. (hcons xn hnil) ..) "") (at level 0, x1, xn at level 9).
+Notation "( H $! x1 .. xn 'with' pat )" :=
+  (ITrm H (hcons x1 .. (hcons xn hnil) ..) pat) (at level 0, x1, xn at level 9).
+Notation "( H 'with' pat )" := (ITrm H hnil pat) (at level 0).
+(** There is some hacky stuff going on here: because of Coq bug #6583, unresolved
+type classes in the arguments `xs` are resolved at arbitrary moments. Tactics
+like `apply`, `split` and `eexists` wrongly trigger type class search to resolve
+these holes. To avoid TC being triggered too eagerly, this tactic uses `refine`
+at most places instead of `apply`. *)
+Local Tactic Notation "iSpecializeArgs" constr(H) open_constr(xs) :=
+  let rec go xs :=
+    lazymatch xs with
+    | hnil => idtac
+    | hcons ?x ?xs =>
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_forall_specialize _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H "not found"
+         |iSolveTC ||
+          let P := match goal with |- IntoForall ?P _ => P end in
+          fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" P "with" x
+         |lazymatch goal with (* Force [A] in [ex_intro] to deal with coercions. *)
+          | |- ∃ _ : ?A, _ =>
+            notypeclasses refine (@ex_intro A _ x (conj _ _))
+          end; [shelve..|env_reflexivity|go xs]]
+    end in
+  go xs.
+Local Tactic Notation "iSpecializePat" open_constr(H) constr(pat) :=
+  let solve_to_wand H1 :=
+    iSolveTC ||
+    let P := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P _ _ => P end in
+    fail "iSpecialize:" P "not an implication/wand" in
+  let solve_done d :=
+    lazymatch d with
+    | true =>
+       done ||
+       let Q := match goal with |- envs_entails _ ?Q => Q end in
+       fail "iSpecialize: cannot solve" Q "using done"
+    | false => idtac
+    end in
+  let rec go H1 pats :=
+    lazymatch pats with
+    | [] => idtac
+    | SForall :: ?pats =>
+       idtac "[IPM] The * specialization pattern is deprecated because it is applied implicitly.";
+       go H1 pats
+    | SIdent ?H2 :: ?pats =>
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize _ _ _ H2 _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H2 "not found"
+         |env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
+         |iSolveTC ||
+          let P := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => P end in
+          let Q := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => Q end in
+          fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" P "with" Q
+         |env_reflexivity|go H1 pats]
+    | SPureGoal ?d :: ?pats =>
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_pure _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
+         |solve_to_wand H1
+         |iSolveTC ||
+          let Q := match goal with |- FromPure _ ?Q _ => Q end in
+          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not pure"
+         |env_reflexivity
+         |solve_done d (*goal*)
+         |go H1 pats]
+    | SGoal (SpecGoal GPersistent false ?Hs_frame [] ?d) :: ?pats =>
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_persistent _ _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
+         |solve_to_wand H1
+         |iSolveTC ||
+          let Q := match goal with |- Persistent ?Q => Q end in
+          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not persistent"
+         |iSolveTC
+         |env_reflexivity
+         |iFrame Hs_frame; solve_done d (*goal*)
+         |go H1 pats]
+    | SGoal (SpecGoal GPersistent _ _ _ _) :: ?pats =>
+       fail "iSpecialize: cannot select hypotheses for persistent premise"
+    | SGoal (SpecGoal ?m ?lr ?Hs_frame ?Hs ?d) :: ?pats =>
+       let Hs' := eval cbv in (if lr then Hs else Hs_frame ++ Hs) in
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert _ _ _ _ H1 _ lr Hs' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
+         |solve_to_wand H1
+         |lazymatch m with
+          | GSpatial => notypeclasses refine (add_modal_id _ _)
+          | GModal => iSolveTC || fail "iSpecialize: goal not a modality"
+          end
+         |env_reflexivity ||
+          let Hs' := iMissingHyps Hs' in
+          fail "iSpecialize: hypotheses" Hs' "not found"
+         |iFrame Hs_frame; solve_done d (*goal*)
+         |go H1 pats]
+    | SAutoFrame GPersistent :: ?pats =>
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_persistent _ _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
+         |solve_to_wand H1
+         |iSolveTC ||
+          let Q := match goal with |- Persistent ?Q => Q end in
+          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not persistent"
+         |env_reflexivity
+         |solve [iFrame "∗ #"]
+         |go H1 pats]
+    | SAutoFrame ?m :: ?pats =>
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_frame _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
+         |solve_to_wand H1
+         |lazymatch m with
+          | GSpatial => notypeclasses refine (add_modal_id _ _)
+          | GModal => iSolveTC || fail "iSpecialize: goal not a modality"
+          end
+         |first
+            [notypeclasses refine (tac_unlock_emp _ _ _)
+            |notypeclasses refine (tac_unlock_True _ _ _)
+            |iFrame "∗ #"; notypeclasses refine (tac_unlock _ _ _)
+            |fail "iSpecialize: premise cannot be solved by framing"]
+         |exact eq_refl]; iIntro H1; go H1 pats
+    end in let pats := spec_pat.parse pat in go H pats.
+(* The argument [p] denotes whether the conclusion of the specialized term is
+persistent. If so, one can use all spatial hypotheses for both proving the
+premises and the remaning goal. The argument [p] can either be a Boolean or an
+introduction pattern, which will be coerced into [true] when it solely contains
+`#` or `%` patterns at the top-level.
+In case the specialization pattern in [t] states that the modality of the goal
+should be kept for one of the premises (i.e. [>[H1 .. Hn]] is used) then [p]
+defaults to [false] (i.e. spatial hypotheses are not preserved). *)
+Tactic Notation "iSpecializeCore" open_constr(H)
+    "with" open_constr(xs) open_constr(pat) "as" constr(p) :=
+  let p := intro_pat_persistent p in
+  let pat := spec_pat.parse pat in
+  let H :=
+    lazymatch type of H with
+    | string => constr:(INamed H)
+    | _ => H
+    end in
+  iSpecializeArgs H xs; [..|
+  lazymatch type of H with
+  | ident =>
+    (* The lemma [tac_specialize_persistent_helper] allows one to use all
+    spatial hypotheses for both proving the premises of the lemma we
+    specialize as well as those of the remaining goal. We can only use it when
+    the result of the specialization is persistent, and no modality is
+    eliminated. As an optimization, we do not use this when only universal
+    quantifiers are instantiated. *)
+    let pat := spec_pat.parse pat in
+    lazymatch eval compute in
+      (p && bool_decide (pat ≠ []) && negb (existsb spec_pat_modal pat)) with
+    | true =>
+       (* FIXME: do something reasonable when the BI is not affine *)
+       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_persistent_helper _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H "not found"
+         |iSpecializePat H pat;
+           [..
+           |refine (tac_specialize_persistent_helper_done _ H _ _ _);
+            env_reflexivity]
+         |iSolveTC ||
+          let Q := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?Q _ => Q end in
+          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not persistent"
+         |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
+          let Q := match goal with |- TCAnd _ (Affine ?Q) => Q end in
+          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not affine"
+         |env_reflexivity
+         |(* goal *)]
+    | false => iSpecializePat H pat
+    end
+  | _ => fail "iSpecialize:" H "should be a hypothesis, use iPoseProof instead"
+  end].
+Tactic Notation "iSpecializeCore" open_constr(t) "as" constr(p) :=
+  lazymatch type of t with
+  | string => iSpecializeCore t with hnil "" as p
+  | ident => iSpecializeCore t with hnil "" as p
+  | _ =>
+    lazymatch t with
+    | ITrm ?H ?xs ?pat => iSpecializeCore H with xs pat as p
+    | _ => fail "iSpecialize:" t "should be a proof mode term"
+    end
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iSpecialize" open_constr(t) :=
+  iSpecializeCore t as false.
+Tactic Notation "iSpecialize" open_constr(t) "as" "#" :=
+  iSpecializeCore t as true.
+(** * Pose proof *)
+(* The tactic [iIntoEmpValid] tactic solves a goal [bi_emp_valid Q]. The
+argument [t] must be a Coq term whose type is of the following shape:
+[∀ (x_1 : A_1) .. (x_n : A_n), φ]
+and so that we have an instance `AsValid φ Q`.
+Examples of such [φ]s are
+- [bi_emp_valid P], in which case [Q] should be [P]
+- [P1 ⊢ P2], in which case [Q] should be [P1 -∗ P2]
+- [P1 ⊣⊢ P2], in which case [Q] should be [P1 ↔ P2]
+The tactic instantiates each dependent argument [x_i] with an evar and generates
+a goal [R] for each non-dependent argument [x_i : R].  For example, if the
+original goal was [Q] and [t] has type [∀ x, P x → Q], then it generates an evar
+[?x] for [x] and a subgoal [P ?x]. *)
+Tactic Notation "iIntoEmpValid" open_constr(t) :=
+  let rec go t :=
+    (* We try two reduction tactics for the type of t before trying to
+       specialize it. We first try the head normal form in order to
+       unfold all the definition that could hide an entailment.  Then,
+       we try the much weaker [eval cbv zeta], because entailment is
+       not necessarilly opaque, and could be unfolded by [hnf].
+       However, for calling type class search, we only use [cbv zeta]
+       in order to make sure we do not unfold [bi_emp_valid]. *)
+    let tT := type of t in
+    first
+      [ let tT' := eval hnf in tT in go_specialize t tT'
+      | let tT' := eval cbv zeta in tT in go_specialize t tT'
+      | let tT' := eval cbv zeta in tT in
+        notypeclasses refine (as_emp_valid_1 tT _ _);
+          [iSolveTC || fail "iPoseProof: not a BI assertion"
+          |exact t]]
+  with go_specialize t tT :=
+    lazymatch tT with                (* We do not use hnf of tT, because, if
+                                        entailment is not opaque, then it would
+                                        unfold it. *)
+    | ?P → ?Q => let H := fresh in assert P as H; [|go uconstr:(t H); clear H]
+    | ∀ _ : ?T, _ =>
+      (* Put [T] inside an [id] to avoid TC inference from being invoked. *)
+      (* This is a workarround for Coq bug #6583. *)
+      let e := fresh in evar (e:id T);
+      let e' := eval unfold e in e in clear e; go (t e')
+    end
+  in
+  go t.
+(* The tactic [tac] is called with a temporary fresh name [H]. The argument
+[lazy_tc] denotes whether type class inference on the premises of [lem] should
+be performed before (if false) or after (if true) [tac H] is called.
+The tactic [iApply] uses laxy type class inference, so that evars can first be
+instantiated by matching with the goal, whereas [iDestruct] does not, because
+eliminations may not be performed when type classes have not been resolved.
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProofCore" open_constr(lem)
+    "as" constr(p) constr(lazy_tc) tactic(tac) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let Htmp := iFresh in
+  let t := lazymatch lem with ITrm ?t ?xs ?pat => t | _ => lem end in
+  let t := lazymatch type of t with string => constr:(INamed t) | _ => t end in
+  let spec_tac _ :=
+    lazymatch lem with
+    | ITrm ?t ?xs ?pat => iSpecializeCore (ITrm Htmp xs pat) as p
+    | _ => idtac
+    end in
+  let go goal_tac :=
+    lazymatch type of t with
+    | ident =>
+       eapply tac_pose_proof_hyp with _ _ t _ Htmp _;
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" t "not found"
+         |env_reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" Htmp "not fresh"
+         |goal_tac ()]
+    | _ =>
+       eapply tac_pose_proof with _ Htmp _; (* (j:=H) *)
+         [iIntoEmpValid t
+         |env_reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" Htmp "not fresh"
+         |goal_tac ()]
+    end;
+    try iSolveTC in
+  lazymatch eval compute in lazy_tc with
+  | true => go ltac:(fun _ => spec_tac (); last (tac Htmp))
+  | false => go spec_tac; last (tac Htmp)
+  end.
+(** * Apply *)
+Tactic Notation "iApplyHyp" constr(H) :=
+  let rec go H := first
+    [eapply tac_apply with _ H _ _ _;
+      [env_reflexivity
+      |iSolveTC
+      |lazy beta (* reduce betas created by instantiation *)]
+    |iSpecializePat H "[]"; last go H] in
+  iExact H ||
+  go H ||
+  lazymatch iTypeOf H with
+  | Some (_,?Q) => fail "iApply: cannot apply" Q
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iApply" open_constr(lem) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as false true (fun H => iApplyHyp H).
+(** * Revert *)
+Local Tactic Notation "iForallRevert" ident(x) :=
+  let err x :=
+    intros x;
+    iMatchHyp (fun H P =>
+      lazymatch P with
+      | context [x] => fail 2 "iRevert:" x "is used in hypothesis" H
+      end) in
+  iStartProof;
+  let A := type of x in
+  lazymatch type of A with
+  | Prop => revert x; first [apply tac_pure_revert|err x]
+  | _ => revert x; first [apply tac_forall_revert|err x]
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" constr(Hs) :=
+  let rec go Hs :=
+    lazymatch Hs with
+    | [] => idtac
+    | ESelPure :: ?Hs =>
+       repeat match goal with x : _ |- _ => revert x end;
+       go Hs
+    | ESelIdent _ ?H :: ?Hs =>
+       eapply tac_revert with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H2) *)
+         [env_reflexivity || fail "iRevert:" H "not found"
+         |env_cbv; go Hs]
+    end in
+  let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in iStartProof; go Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x1.
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x2; iRevert ( x1 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x3; iRevert ( x1 x2 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x4; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x5; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x6; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x7; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" :=
+  iForallRevert x8; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")"
+    constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ).
+Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ).
+(** * Disjunction *)
+Tactic Notation "iLeft" :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_or_l;
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromOr ?P _ _ => P end in
+     fail "iLeft:" P "not a disjunction"
+    |].
+Tactic Notation "iRight" :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_or_r;
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromOr ?P _ _ => P end in
+     fail "iRight:" P "not a disjunction"
+    |].
+Local Tactic Notation "iOrDestruct" constr(H) "as" constr(H1) constr(H2) :=
+  eapply tac_or_destruct with _ _ H _ H1 H2 _ _ _; (* (i:=H) (j1:=H1) (j2:=H2) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H "not found"
+    |iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- IntoOr ?P _ _ => P end in
+     fail "iOrDestruct: cannot destruct" P
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H1 "not fresh"
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H2 "not fresh"
+    | |].
+(** * Conjunction and separating conjunction *)
+Tactic Notation "iSplit" :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_and_split;
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromAnd ?P _ _ => P end in
+     fail "iSplit:" P "not a conjunction"| |].
+Tactic Notation "iSplitL" constr(Hs) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let Hs := words Hs in
+  let Hs := eval vm_compute in (INamed <$> Hs) in
+  eapply tac_sep_split with _ _ Left Hs _ _; (* (js:=Hs) *)
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromSep _ ?P _ _ => P end in
+     fail "iSplitL:" P "not a separating conjunction"
+    |env_reflexivity ||
+     let Hs := iMissingHyps Hs in
+     fail "iSplitL: hypotheses" Hs "not found"
+    | |].
+Tactic Notation "iSplitR" constr(Hs) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let Hs := words Hs in
+  let Hs := eval vm_compute in (INamed <$> Hs) in
+  eapply tac_sep_split with _ _ Right Hs _ _; (* (js:=Hs) *)
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromSep _ ?P _ _ => P end in
+     fail "iSplitR:" P "not a separating conjunction"
+    |env_reflexivity ||
+     let Hs := iMissingHyps Hs in
+     fail "iSplitR: hypotheses" Hs "not found"
+    | |].
+Tactic Notation "iSplitL" := iSplitR "".
+Tactic Notation "iSplitR" := iSplitL "".
+Local Tactic Notation "iAndDestruct" constr(H) "as" constr(H1) constr(H2) :=
+  eapply tac_and_destruct with _ H _ H1 H2 _ _ _; (* (i:=H) (j1:=H1) (j2:=H2) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestruct:" H "not found"
+    |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
+     let P :=
+       lazymatch goal with
+       | |- IntoSep ?P _ _ => P
+       | |- IntoAnd _ ?P _ _ => P
+       end in
+     fail "iAndDestruct: cannot destruct" P
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestruct:" H1 "or" H2 " not fresh"|].
+Local Tactic Notation "iAndDestructChoice" constr(H) "as" constr(d) constr(H') :=
+  eapply tac_and_destruct_choice with _ H _ d H' _ _ _;
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestructChoice:" H "not found"
+    |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (IntoAnd _ ?P _ _) _ => P end in
+     fail "iAndDestructChoice: cannot destruct" P
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestructChoice:" H' " not fresh"|].
+(** * Combinining hypotheses *)
+Tactic Notation "iCombine" constr(Hs) "as" constr(H) :=
+  let Hs := words Hs in
+  let Hs := eval vm_compute in (INamed <$> Hs) in
+  eapply tac_combine with _ _ Hs _ _ H _;
+    [env_reflexivity ||
+     let Hs := iMissingHyps Hs in
+     fail "iCombine: hypotheses" Hs "not found"
+    |iSolveTC
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iCombine:" H "not fresh"|].
+Tactic Notation "iCombine" constr(H1) constr(H2) "as" constr(H) :=
+  iCombine [H1;H2] as H.
+(** * Existential *)
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  eapply tac_exist;
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- FromExist ?P _ => P end in
+     fail "iExists:" P "not an existential"
+    |cbv beta; eexists x1].
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2.
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3.
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
+    uconstr(x4) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4.
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
+    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5.
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
+    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6.
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
+    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) "," uconstr(x7) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7.
+Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
+    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) "," uconstr(x7) ","
+    uconstr(x8) :=
+  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8.
+Local Tactic Notation "iExistDestruct" constr(H)
+    "as" simple_intropattern(x) constr(Hx) :=
+  eapply tac_exist_destruct with H _ Hx _ _; (* (i:=H) (j:=Hx) *)
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iExistDestruct:" H "not found"
+    |iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- IntoExist ?P _ => P end in
+     fail "iExistDestruct: cannot destruct" P|];
+  let y := fresh in
+  intros y; eexists; split;
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iExistDestruct:" Hx "not fresh"
+    |revert y; intros x].
+(** * Modality introduction *)
+Tactic Notation "iModIntro" uconstr(sel) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  notypeclasses refine (tac_modal_intro _ sel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     fail "iModIntro: the goal is not a modality"
+    |iSolveTC ||
+     let s := lazymatch goal with |- IntoModalPersistentEnv _ _ _ ?s => s end in
+     lazymatch eval hnf in s with
+     | MIEnvForall ?C => fail "iModIntro: persistent context does not satisfy" C
+     | MIEnvIsEmpty => fail "iModIntro: persistent context is non-empty"
+     end
+    |iSolveTC ||
+     let s := lazymatch goal with |- IntoModalPersistentEnv _ _ _ ?s => s end in
+     lazymatch eval hnf in s with
+     | MIEnvForall ?C => fail "iModIntro: spatial context does not satisfy" C
+     | MIEnvIsEmpty => fail "iModIntro: spatial context is non-empty"
+     end
+    |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
+     fail "iModIntro: cannot filter spatial context when goal is not absorbing"
+    |].
+Tactic Notation "iModIntro" := iModIntro _.
+Tactic Notation "iAlways" := iModIntro.
+(** * Later *)
+Tactic Notation "iNext" open_constr(n) := iModIntro (â–·^n _)%I.
+Tactic Notation "iNext" := iModIntro (â–·^_ _)%I.
+(** * Update modality *)
+Tactic Notation "iModCore" constr(H) :=
+  eapply tac_modal_elim with _ H _ _ _ _ _ _;
+    [env_reflexivity || fail "iMod:" H "not found"
+    |iSolveTC ||
+     let P := match goal with |- ElimModal _ _ _ ?P _ _ _ => P end in
+     let Q := match goal with |- ElimModal _ _ _ _ _ ?Q _ => Q end in
+     fail "iMod: cannot eliminate modality " P "in" Q
+    |try fast_done (* optional side-condition *)
+    |env_reflexivity|].
+(** * Basic destruct tactic *)
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" constr(pat) :=
+  let rec go Hz pat :=
+    lazymatch pat with
+    | IAnom =>
+       lazymatch Hz with
+       | IAnon _ => idtac
+       | INamed ?Hz => let Hz' := iFresh in iRename Hz into Hz'
+       end
+    | IDrop => iClearHyp Hz
+    | IFrame => iFrameHyp Hz
+    | IIdent ?y => iRename Hz into y
+    | IList [[]] => iExFalso; iExact Hz
+    | IList [[?pat1; IDrop]] => iAndDestructChoice Hz as Left Hz; go Hz pat1
+    | IList [[IDrop; ?pat2]] => iAndDestructChoice Hz as Right Hz; go Hz pat2
+    | IList [[?pat1; ?pat2]] =>
+       let Hy := iFresh in iAndDestruct Hz as Hz Hy; go Hz pat1; go Hy pat2
+    | IList [[?pat1];[?pat2]] => iOrDestruct Hz as Hz Hz; [go Hz pat1|go Hz pat2]
+    | IPureElim => iPure Hz as ?
+    | IRewrite Right => iPure Hz as ->
+    | IRewrite Left => iPure Hz as <-
+    | IAlwaysElim ?pat => iPersistent Hz; go Hz pat
+    | IModalElim ?pat => iModCore Hz; go Hz pat
+    | _ => fail "iDestruct:" pat "invalid"
+    end in
+  let rec find_pat found pats :=
+    lazymatch pats with
+    | [] =>
+      lazymatch found with
+      | true => idtac
+      | false => fail "iDestruct:" pat "should contain exactly one proper introduction pattern"
+      end
+    | ISimpl :: ?pats => simpl; find_pat found pats
+    | IClear ?H :: ?pats => iClear H; find_pat found pats
+    | IClearFrame ?H :: ?pats => iFrame H; find_pat found pats
+    | ?pat :: ?pats =>
+       lazymatch found with
+       | false => go H pat; find_pat true pats
+       | true => fail "iDestruct:" pat "should contain exactly one proper introduction pattern"
+       end
+    end in
+  let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in
+  find_pat false pats.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as @ pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 ) pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 ) pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 ) pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat.
+Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat.
+(** * Introduction tactic *)
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat) :=
+  let rec go pats startproof :=
+    lazymatch pats with
+    | [] =>
+      lazymatch startproof with
+      | true => iStartProof
+      | false => idtac
+      end
+    (* Optimizations to avoid generating fresh names *)
+    | IPureElim :: ?pats => iIntro (?); go pats startproof
+    | IAlwaysElim (IIdent ?H) :: ?pats => iIntro #H; go pats false
+    | IDrop :: ?pats => iIntro _; go pats startproof
+    | IIdent ?H :: ?pats => iIntro H; go pats startproof
+    (* Introduction patterns that can only occur at the top-level *)
+    | IPureIntro :: ?pats => iPureIntro; go pats false
+    | IAlwaysIntro :: ?pats => iAlways; go pats false
+    | IModalIntro :: ?pats => iModIntro; go pats false
+    | IForall :: ?pats => repeat iIntroForall; go pats startproof
+    | IAll :: ?pats => repeat (iIntroForall || iIntro); go pats startproof
+    (* Clearing and simplifying introduction patterns *)
+    | ISimpl :: ?pats => simpl; go pats startproof
+    | IClear ?H :: ?pats => iClear H; go pats false
+    | IClearFrame ?H :: ?pats => iFrame H; go pats false
+    | IDone :: ?pats => try done; go pats startproof
+    (* Introduction + destruct *)
+    | IAlwaysElim ?pat :: ?pats =>
+       let H := iFresh in iIntro #H; iDestructHyp H as pat; go pats false
+    | ?pat :: ?pats =>
+       let H := iFresh in iIntro H; iDestructHyp H as pat; go pats false
+    end
+  in let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in go pats true.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" := iIntros [IAll].
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" :=
+  iIntro ( x1 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 ); iIntro ( x2 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 ); iIntro ( x3 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ); iIntro ( x4 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ); iIntro ( x5 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ); iIntro ( x6 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ); iIntro ( x7 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ); iIntro ( x8 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ); iIntro ( x9 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ); iIntro ( x10 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ); iIntro ( x11 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11)
+    simple_intropattern(x12) ")" :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ); iIntro ( x12 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11)
+    ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
+    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
+    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
+    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11)
+    simple_intropattern(x12) ")" constr(p) :=
+  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 ); iIntros p.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
+    simple_intropattern(x11) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
+    simple_intropattern(x11) simple_intropattern(x12) ")" :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 ).
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
+    ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
+    simple_intropattern(x11) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ); iIntros p2.
+Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
+    simple_intropattern(x11) simple_intropattern(x12) ")" constr(p2) :=
+  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 ); iIntros p2.
+(* Used for generalization in iInduction and iLöb *)
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac) :=
+  let rec go Hs :=
+    lazymatch Hs with
+    | [] => tac
+    | ESelPure :: ?Hs => fail "iRevertIntros: % not supported"
+    | ESelIdent ?p ?H :: ?Hs =>
+       iRevert H; go Hs;
+       let H' :=
+         match p with true => constr:([IAlwaysElim (IIdent H)]) | false => H end in
+       iIntros H'
+    end in
+  try iStartProof; let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in go Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1); tac; iIntros (x1)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" constr(Hs)
+    "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2); tac; iIntros (x1 x2)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs)
+    "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3); tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")"
+    constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4); tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5); tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6);
+    tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7);
+    tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8);
+    tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)).
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "with" tactic(tac) :=
+  iRevertIntros "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")"
+    "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")"
+    "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with tac.
+Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
+    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
+  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with tac.
+(** * Destruct tactic *)
+Class CopyDestruct {PROP : bi} (P : PROP).
+Arguments CopyDestruct {_} _%I.
+Hint Mode CopyDestruct + ! : typeclass_instances.
+Instance copy_destruct_forall {PROP : bi} {A} (Φ : A → PROP) : CopyDestruct (∀ x, Φ x).
+Instance copy_destruct_impl {PROP : bi} (P Q : PROP) :
+  CopyDestruct Q → CopyDestruct (P → Q).
+Instance copy_destruct_wand {PROP : bi} (P Q : PROP) :
+  CopyDestruct Q → CopyDestruct (P -∗ Q).
+Instance copy_destruct_affinely {PROP : bi} (P : PROP) :
+  CopyDestruct P → CopyDestruct (<affine> P).
+Instance copy_destruct_persistently {PROP : bi} (P : PROP) :
+  CopyDestruct P → CopyDestruct (<pers> P).
+Tactic Notation "iDestructCore" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(p) tactic(tac) :=
+  let ident :=
+    lazymatch type of lem with
+    | ident => constr:(Some lem)
+    | string => constr:(Some (INamed lem))
+    | iTrm =>
+       lazymatch lem with
+       | @iTrm ident ?H _ _ => constr:(Some H)
+       | @iTrm string ?H _ _ => constr:(Some (INamed H))
+       | _ => constr:(@None ident)
+       end
+    | _ => constr:(@None ident)
+    end in
+  let intro_destruct n :=
+    let rec go n' :=
+      lazymatch n' with
+      | 0 => fail "iDestruct: cannot introduce" n "hypotheses"
+      | 1 => repeat iIntroForall; let H := iFresh in iIntro H; tac H
+      | S ?n' => repeat iIntroForall; let H := iFresh in iIntro H; go n'
+      end in
+    intros; go n in
+  lazymatch type of lem with
+  | nat => intro_destruct lem
+  | Z => (* to make it work in Z_scope. We should just be able to bind
+     tactic notation arguments to notation scopes. *)
+     let n := eval compute in (Z.to_nat lem) in intro_destruct n
+  | _ =>
+     (* Only copy the hypothesis in case there is a [CopyDestruct] instance.
+     Also, rule out cases in which it does not make sense to copy, namely when
+     destructing a lemma (instead of a hypothesis) or a spatial hyopthesis
+     (which cannot be kept). *)
+     iStartProof;
+     lazymatch ident with
+     | None => iPoseProofCore lem as p false tac
+     | Some ?H =>
+        lazymatch iTypeOf H with
+        | None => fail "iDestruct:" H "not found"
+        | Some (true, ?P) =>
+           (* persistent hypothesis, check for a CopyDestruct instance *)
+           tryif (let dummy := constr:(_ : CopyDestruct P) in idtac)
+           then (iPoseProofCore lem as p false tac)
+           else (iSpecializeCore lem as p; last (tac H))
+        | Some (false, ?P) =>
+           (* spatial hypothesis, cannot copy *)
+           iSpecializeCore lem as p; last (tac H)
+        end
+     end
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as true (fun H => iPure H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
+(** * Induction *)
+(* An invocation of [iInduction (x) as pat IH forall (x1...xn) Hs] will
+result in the following actions:
+- Revert the proofmode hypotheses [Hs]
+- Revert all remaining spatial hypotheses and the remaining persistent
+  hypotheses containing the induction variable [x]
+- Revert the pure hypotheses [x1..xn]
+- Actuall perform induction
+- Introduce thee pure hypotheses [x1..xn]
+- Introduce the spatial hypotheses and persistent hypotheses involving [x]
+- Introduce the proofmode hypotheses [Hs]
+Tactic Notation "iInductionCore" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH) :=
+  let rec fix_ihs rev_tac :=
+    lazymatch goal with
+    | H : context [envs_entails _ _] |- _ =>
+       eapply (tac_revert_ih _ _ _ H _);
+         [env_reflexivity
+          || fail "iInduction: spatial context not empty, this should not happen"
+         |clear H];
+       fix_ihs ltac:(fun j =>
+         let IH' := eval vm_compute in
+           match j with 0%N => IH | _ => IH +:+ pretty j end in
+         iIntros [IAlwaysElim (IIdent IH')];
+         let j := eval vm_compute in (1 + j)%N in
+         rev_tac j)
+    | _ => rev_tac 0%N
+    end in
+  induction x as pat; fix_ihs ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
+Ltac iHypsContaining x :=
+  let rec go Γ x Hs :=
+    lazymatch Γ with
+    | Enil => constr:(Hs)
+    | Esnoc ?Γ ?H ?Q =>
+       match Q with
+       | context [x] => go Γ x (H :: Hs)
+       | _ => go Γ x Hs
+       end
+     end in
+  let Γp := lazymatch goal with |- envs_entails (Envs ?Γp _ _) _ => Γp end in
+  let Γs := lazymatch goal with |- envs_entails (Envs _ ?Γs _) _ => Γs end in
+  let Hs := go Γp x (@nil ident) in go Γs x Hs.
+Tactic Notation "iInductionRevert" constr(x) constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac) :=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (
+    iRevertIntros "∗" with (
+      idtac;
+      let Hsx := iHypsContaining x in
+      iRevertIntros Hsx with tac
+    )
+  ).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH) :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
+    ident(x7) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
+    ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" :=
+  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iInductionCore x as pat IH).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")"
+    constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")"
+    constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
+    ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
+    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
+    ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
+(** * Löb Induction *)
+Tactic Notation "iLöbCore" "as" constr (IH) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  (* apply is sometimes confused wrt. canonical structures search.
+     refine should use the other unification algorithm, which should
+     not have this issue. *)
+  notypeclasses refine (tac_löb _ _ IH _ _ _ _);
+    [reflexivity || fail "iLöb: spatial context not empty, this should not happen"
+    |env_reflexivity || fail "iLöb:" IH "not fresh"|].
+Tactic Notation "iLöbRevert" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac) :=
+  iRevertIntros Hs with (
+    iRevertIntros "∗" with tac
+  ).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iLöbCore as IH).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" :=
+  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iLöbCore as IH).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")"
+    constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
+    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) :=
+  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
+(** * Assert *)
+(* The argument [p] denotes whether [Q] is persistent. It can either be a
+Boolean or an introduction pattern, which will be coerced into [true] if it
+only contains `#` or `%` patterns at the top-level, and [false] otherwise. *)
+Tactic Notation "iAssertCore" open_constr(Q)
+    "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(p) tactic(tac) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let pats := spec_pat.parse Hs in
+  lazymatch pats with
+  | [_] => idtac
+  | _ => fail "iAssert: exactly one specialization pattern should be given"
+  end;
+  let H := iFresh in
+  eapply tac_assert with _ H Q;
+    [env_reflexivity
+    |iSpecializeCore H with hnil pats as p; [..|tac H]].
+Tactic Notation "iAssertCore" open_constr(Q) "as" constr(p) tactic(tac) :=
+  let p := intro_pat_persistent p in
+  lazymatch p with
+  | true => iAssertCore Q with "[#]" as p tac
+  | false => iAssertCore Q with "[]" as p tac
+  end.
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
+    ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
+    simple_intropattern(x4) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
+    ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
+    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
+    simple_intropattern(x4) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs)
+    "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
+  iAssertCore Q with Hs as true (fun H => iPure H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
+  iAssert Q with "[-]" as %pat.
+(** * Rewrite *)
+Local Ltac iRewriteFindPred :=
+  match goal with
+  | |- _ ⊣⊢ ?Φ ?x =>
+     generalize x;
+     match goal with |- (∀ y, @?Ψ y ⊣⊢ _) => unify Φ Ψ; reflexivity end
+  end.
+Local Tactic Notation "iRewriteCore" constr(lr) open_constr(lem) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as true true (fun Heq =>
+    eapply (tac_rewrite _ Heq _ _ lr);
+      [env_reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq "not found"
+      |iSolveTC ||
+       let P := match goal with |- IntoInternalEq ?P _ _ ⊢ _ => P end in
+       fail "iRewrite:" P "not an equality"
+      |iRewriteFindPred
+      |intros ??? ->; reflexivity|lazy beta; iClearHyp Heq]).
+Tactic Notation "iRewrite" open_constr(lem) := iRewriteCore Right lem.
+Tactic Notation "iRewrite" "-" open_constr(lem) := iRewriteCore Left lem.
+Local Tactic Notation "iRewriteCore" constr(lr) open_constr(lem) "in" constr(H) :=
+  iPoseProofCore lem as true true (fun Heq =>
+    eapply (tac_rewrite_in _ Heq _ _ H _ _ lr);
+      [env_reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq "not found"
+      |env_reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" H "not found"
+      |iSolveTC ||
+       let P := match goal with |- IntoInternalEq ?P _ _ ⊢ _ => P end in
+       fail "iRewrite:" P "not an equality"
+      |iRewriteFindPred
+      |intros ??? ->; reflexivity
+      |env_reflexivity|lazy beta; iClearHyp Heq]).
+Tactic Notation "iRewrite" open_constr(lem) "in" constr(H) :=
+  iRewriteCore Right lem in H.
+Tactic Notation "iRewrite" "-" open_constr(lem) "in" constr(H) :=
+  iRewriteCore Left lem in H.
+Ltac iSimplifyEq := repeat (
+  iMatchHyp (fun H P => match P with ⌜_ = _⌝%I => iDestruct H as %? end)
+  || simplify_eq/=).
+(** * Update modality *)
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
+    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
+    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
+    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
+    constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
+    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
+    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
+    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
+    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
+Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
+  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; iPure H as pat).
+(** * Invariant *)
+(* Finds a hypothesis in the context that is an invariant with
+   namespace [N].  To do so, we check whether for each hypothesis
+   ["H":P] we can find an instance of [IntoInv P N] *)
+Tactic Notation "iAssumptionInv" constr(N) :=
+  let rec find Γ i :=
+    lazymatch Γ with
+    | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?P' =>
+      first [let H := constr:(_: IntoInv P' N) in unify i j|find Γ i]
+    end in
+  lazymatch goal with
+  | |- envs_lookup_delete _ ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some _ =>
+     first [find Γp i|find Γs i]; env_reflexivity
+  end.
+(* The argument [select] is the namespace [N] or hypothesis name ["H"] of the
+invariant. *)
+Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(select) "with" constr(pats) "as" tactic(tac) constr(Hclose) :=
+  iStartProof;
+  let pats := spec_pat.parse pats in
+  lazymatch pats with
+  | [_] => idtac
+  | _ => fail "iInv: exactly one specialization pattern should be given"
+  end;
+  let H := iFresh in
+  lazymatch type of select with
+  | string =>
+     eapply tac_inv_elim with _ select H _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
+     first by (iAssumptionCore || fail "iInv: invariant" select "not found")
+  | ident  =>
+     eapply tac_inv_elim with _ select H _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
+     first by (iAssumptionCore || fail "iInv: invariant" select "not found")
+  | namespace =>
+     eapply tac_inv_elim with _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
+     first by (iAssumptionInv select || fail "iInv: invariant" select "not found")
+  | _ => fail "iInv: selector" select "is not of the right type "
+  end;
+    [iSolveTC ||
+     let I := match goal with |- ElimInv _ ?I  _ _ _ _ _ => I end in
+     fail "iInv: cannot eliminate invariant " I
+    |try (split_and?; solve [ fast_done | solve_ndisj ])
+    |let R := fresh in intros R; eexists; split; [env_reflexivity|];
+     iSpecializePat H pats; last (
+       iApplyHyp H; clear R;
+       iIntros H; (* H was spatial, so it's gone due to the apply and we can reuse the name *)
+       iIntros Hclose;
+       tac H
+    )].
+Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(N) "as" tactic(tac) constr(Hclose) :=
+  iInvCore N with "[$]" as ltac:(tac) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")"
+    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
+    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")"
+    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
+    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
+    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
+   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat) Hclose.
+Tactic Notation "iAccu" :=
+  iStartProof; eapply tac_accu; [env_reflexivity || fail "iAccu: not an evar"].
+Hint Extern 0 (_ ⊢ _) => iStartProof.
+(* Make sure that by and done solve trivial things in proof mode *)
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ _) => iPureIntro; try done.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ ?Q) =>
+  first [is_evar Q; fail 1|iAssumption].
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ emp) => iEmpIntro.
+(* TODO: look for a more principled way of adding trivial hints like those
+below; see the discussion in !75 for further details. *)
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ ≡ _)) =>
+  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.internal_eq_refl.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opL _ _ _)) =>
+  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepL_nil'.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opM _ _ _)) =>
+  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepM_empty'.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opS _ _ _)) =>
+  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepS_empty'.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opMS _ _ _)) =>
+  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepMS_empty'.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (∀ _, _)) => iIntros.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ → _)) => iIntros.
+Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ -∗ _)) => iIntros.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∧ _)) => iSplit.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∗ _)) => iSplit.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â–· _)) => iNext.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â–  _)) => iAlways.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (<pers> _)) => iAlways.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (<affine> _)) => iAlways.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â–¡ _)) => iAlways.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (∃ _, _)) => iExists _.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â—‡ _)) => iModIntro.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∨ _)) => iLeft.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∨ _)) => iRight.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (|==> _)) => iModIntro.
+Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (<absorb> _)) => iModIntro.
+Hint Extern 2 (envs_entails _ (|={_}=> _)) => iModIntro.
+Hint Extern 2 (envs_entails _ (_ ∗ _)) => progress iFrame : iFrame.
diff --git a/theories/proofmode/tactics.v b/theories/proofmode/tactics.v
index b9592351dbe077d9eb7ab2887ad1cde6e56ce92b..dad2afd87f00f1b0bfdf3d80894886fd76e93676 100644
--- a/theories/proofmode/tactics.v
+++ b/theories/proofmode/tactics.v
@@ -1,2003 +1,2 @@
-From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics.
-From iris.proofmode Require Import base intro_patterns spec_patterns sel_patterns.
-From iris.bi Require Export bi.
-From stdpp Require Import namespaces.
-From iris.proofmode Require Export classes notation.
-From iris.proofmode Require Import modality_instances frame_instances
-     class_instances_bi class_instances_sbi.
-From stdpp Require Import hlist pretty.
-Set Default Proof Using "Type".
-Export ident.
-Declare Reduction env_cbv := cbv [
-  option_bind
-  beq ascii_beq string_beq positive_beq Pos.succ ident_beq
-  env_lookup env_lookup_delete env_delete env_app env_replace env_dom
-  env_intuitionistic env_spatial env_counter env_spatial_is_nil envs_dom
-  envs_lookup envs_lookup_delete envs_delete envs_snoc envs_app
-    envs_simple_replace envs_replace envs_split
-    envs_clear_spatial envs_clear_persistent envs_incr_counter
-    envs_split_go envs_split prop_of_env].
-Ltac env_cbv :=
-  match goal with |- ?u => let v := eval env_cbv in u in change v end.
-Ltac env_reflexivity := env_cbv; exact eq_refl.
-(** For most of the tactics, we want to have tight control over the order and
-way in which type class inference is performed. To that end, many tactics make
-use of [notypeclasses refine] and the [iSolveTC] tactic to manually invoke type
-class inference.
-The tactic [iSolveTC] does not use [apply _], as that often leads to issues
-because it will try to solve all evars whose type is a typeclass, in
-dependency order (according to Matthieu). If one fails, it aborts. However, we
-generally rely on progress on the main goal to be solved to make progress
-elsewhere. With [typeclasses eauto], that seems to work better.
-A drawback of [typeclasses eauto] is that it is multi-success, i.e. whenever
-subsequent tactics fail, it will backtrack to [typeclasses eauto] to try the
-next type class instance. This is almost always undesired and leads to poor
-performance and horrible error messages, so we wrap it in a [once]. *)
-Ltac iSolveTC :=
-  solve [once (typeclasses eauto)].
-(** * Misc *)
-Ltac iMissingHyps Hs :=
-  let Δ :=
-    lazymatch goal with
-    | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ => Δ
-    | |- context[ envs_split _ _ ?Δ ] => Δ
-    end in
-  let Hhyps := eval env_cbv in (envs_dom Δ) in
-  eval vm_compute in (list_difference Hs Hhyps).
-Ltac iTypeOf H :=
-  let Δ := match goal with |- envs_entails ?Δ _ => Δ end in
-  eval env_cbv in (envs_lookup H Δ).
-Tactic Notation "iMatchHyp" tactic1(tac) :=
-  match goal with
-  | |- context[ environments.Esnoc _ ?x ?P ] => tac x P
-  end.
-(** * Start a proof *)
-Tactic Notation "iStartProof" :=
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- envs_entails _ _ => idtac
-  | |- ?φ => notypeclasses refine (as_emp_valid_2 φ _ _);
-               [apply _ || fail "iStartProof: not a Bi entailment"
-               |apply tac_adequate]
-  end.
-(* Same as above, with 2 differences :
-   - We can specify a BI in which we want the proof to be done
-   - If the goal starts with a let or a ∀, they are automatically
-     introduced. *)
-Tactic Notation "iStartProof" uconstr(PROP) :=
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- @envs_entails ?PROP' _ _ =>
-    (* This cannot be shared with the other [iStartProof], because
-    type_term has a non-negligeable performance impact. *)
-    let x := type_term (eq_refl : @eq Type PROP PROP') in idtac
-  (* We eta-expand [as_emp_valid_2], in order to make sure that
-     [iStartProof PROP] works even if [PROP] is the carrier type. In
-     this case, typing this expression will end up unifying PROP with
-     [bi_car _], and hence trigger the canonical structures mechanism
-     to find the corresponding bi. *)
-  | |- ?φ => notypeclasses refine ((λ P : PROP, @as_emp_valid_2 φ _ P) _ _ _);
-               [apply _ || fail "iStartProof: not a Bi entailment"
-               |apply tac_adequate]
-  end.
-(** * Generate a fresh identifier *)
-(* Tactic Notation tactics cannot return terms *)
-Ltac iFresh :=
-  (* We need to increment the environment counter using [tac_fresh].
-     But because [iFresh] returns a value, we have to let bind
-     [tac_fresh] wrapped under a match to force evaluation of this
-     side-effect. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/46178884 *)
-  let do_incr :=
-      lazymatch goal with
-      | _ => iStartProof; eapply tac_fresh; first by (env_reflexivity)
-      end in
-  lazymatch goal with
-  |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
-    let n := eval env_cbv in (env_counter Δ) in
-    constr:(IAnon n)
-  end.
-(** * Simplification *)
-Tactic Notation "iEval" tactic(t) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_eval;
-    [let x := fresh in intros x; t; unfold x; reflexivity
-    |].
-Tactic Notation "iEval" tactic(t) "in" constr(H) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_eval_in with _ H _ _ _;
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iEval:" H "not found"
-    |let x := fresh in intros x; t; unfold x; reflexivity
-    |env_reflexivity
-    |].
-Tactic Notation "iSimpl" := iEval simpl.
-Tactic Notation "iSimpl" "in" constr(H) := iEval simpl in H.
-(* It would be nice to also have an `iSsrRewrite`, however, for this we need to
-pass arguments to Ssreflect's `rewrite` like `/= foo /bar` in Ltac, see:
-  https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/coq-club/2018-01/msg00000.html
-PMP told me (= Robbert) in person that this is not possible today, but may be
-possible in Ltac2. *)
-(** * Context manipulation *)
-Tactic Notation "iRename" constr(H1) "into" constr(H2) :=
-  eapply tac_rename with _ H1 H2 _ _; (* (i:=H1) (j:=H2) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iRename:" H1 "not found"
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iRename:" H2 "not fresh"|].
-Local Inductive esel_pat :=
-  | ESelPure
-  | ESelIdent : bool → ident → esel_pat.
-Ltac iElaborateSelPat pat :=
-  let rec go pat Δ Hs :=
-    lazymatch pat with
-    | [] => eval cbv in Hs
-    | SelPure :: ?pat => go pat Δ (ESelPure :: Hs)
-    | SelPersistent :: ?pat =>
-       let Hs' := eval env_cbv in (env_dom (env_intuitionistic Δ)) in
-       let Δ' := eval env_cbv in (envs_clear_persistent Δ) in
-       go pat Δ' ((ESelIdent true <$> Hs') ++ Hs)
-    | SelSpatial :: ?pat =>
-       let Hs' := eval env_cbv in (env_dom (env_spatial Δ)) in
-       let Δ' := eval env_cbv in (envs_clear_spatial Δ) in
-       go pat Δ' ((ESelIdent false <$> Hs') ++ Hs)
-    | SelIdent ?H :: ?pat =>
-       lazymatch eval env_cbv in (envs_lookup_delete false H Δ) with
-       | Some (?p,_,?Δ') => go pat Δ' (ESelIdent p H :: Hs)
-       | None => fail "iElaborateSelPat:" H "not found"
-       end
-    end in
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
-    let pat := sel_pat.parse pat in go pat Δ (@nil esel_pat)
-  end.
-Local Ltac iClearHyp H :=
-  eapply tac_clear with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iClear:" H "not found"
-    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
-     fail "iClear:" H ":" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
-    |].
-Tactic Notation "iClear" constr(Hs) :=
-  let rec go Hs :=
-    lazymatch Hs with
-    | [] => idtac
-    | ESelPure :: ?Hs => clear; go Hs
-    | ESelIdent _ ?H :: ?Hs => iClearHyp H; go Hs
-    end in
-  let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in iStartProof; go Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iClear" "(" ident_list(xs) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iClear Hs; clear xs.
-(** * Assumptions *)
-Tactic Notation "iExact" constr(H) :=
-  eapply tac_assumption with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iExact:" H "not found"
-    |apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromAssumption _ ?P _ => P end in
-     fail "iExact:" H ":" P "does not match goal"
-    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
-     fail "iExact:" H "not absorbing and the remaining hypotheses not affine"].
-Tactic Notation "iAssumptionCore" :=
-  let rec find Γ i P :=
-    lazymatch Γ with
-    | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?Q => first [unify P Q; unify i j|find Γ i P]
-    end in
-  match goal with
-  | |- envs_lookup ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P) =>
-     first [is_evar i; fail 1 | env_reflexivity]
-  | |- envs_lookup ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P) =>
-     is_evar i; first [find Γp i P | find Γs i P]; env_reflexivity
-  | |- envs_lookup_delete _ ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P, _) =>
-     first [is_evar i; fail 1 | env_reflexivity]
-  | |- envs_lookup_delete _ ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some (_, ?P, _) =>
-     is_evar i; first [find Γp i P | find Γs i P]; env_reflexivity
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iAssumption" :=
-  let Hass := fresh in
-  let rec find p Γ Q :=
-    lazymatch Γ with
-    | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?P => first
-       [pose proof (_ : FromAssumption p P Q) as Hass;
-        eapply (tac_assumption _ _ j p P);
-          [env_reflexivity
-          |apply Hass
-          |env_cbv; apply _ ||
-           fail 1 "iAssumption:" j "not absorbing and the remaining hypotheses not affine"]
-       |assert (P = False%I) as Hass by reflexivity;
-        apply (tac_false_destruct _ j p P);
-          [env_reflexivity
-          |exact Hass]
-       |find p Γ Q]
-    end in
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- envs_entails (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) ?Q =>
-     first [find true Γp Q | find false Γs Q
-           |fail "iAssumption:" Q "not found"]
-  end.
-(** * False *)
-Tactic Notation "iExFalso" := apply tac_ex_falso.
-(** * Making hypotheses persistent or pure *)
-Local Tactic Notation "iPersistent" constr(H) :=
-  eapply tac_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iPersistent:" H "not found"
-    |apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?P _ => P end in
-     fail "iPersistent:" P "not persistent"
-    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
-     fail "iPersistent:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
-    |env_reflexivity|].
-Local Tactic Notation "iPure" constr(H) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
-  eapply tac_pure with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H1) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iPure:" H "not found"
-    |apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- IntoPure ?P _ => P end in
-     fail "iPure:" P "not pure"
-    |env_cbv; apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
-     fail "iPure:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
-    |intros pat].
-Tactic Notation "iEmpIntro" :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_emp_intro;
-    [env_cbv; apply _ ||
-     fail "iEmpIntro: spatial context contains non-affine hypotheses"].
-Tactic Notation "iPureIntro" :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_pure_intro;
-    [env_reflexivity
-    |apply _ ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromPure _ ?P _ => P end in
-     fail "iPureIntro:" P "not pure"
-    |].
-(** Framing *)
-Local Ltac iFrameFinish :=
-  lazy iota beta;
-  try match goal with
-  | |- envs_entails _ True => by iPureIntro
-  | |- envs_entails _ emp => iEmpIntro
-  end.
-Local Ltac iFramePure t :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let φ := type of t in
-  eapply (tac_frame_pure _ _ _ _ t);
-    [apply _ || fail "iFrame: cannot frame" φ
-    |iFrameFinish].
-Local Ltac iFrameHyp H :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_frame with _ H _ _ _;
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iFrame:" H "not found"
-    |apply _ ||
-     let R := match goal with |- Frame _ ?R _ _ => R end in
-     fail "iFrame: cannot frame" R
-    |iFrameFinish].
-Local Ltac iFrameAnyPure :=
-  repeat match goal with H : _ |- _ => iFramePure H end.
-Local Ltac iFrameAnyPersistent :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let rec go Hs :=
-    match Hs with [] => idtac | ?H :: ?Hs => repeat iFrameHyp H; go Hs end in
-  match goal with
-  | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
-     let Hs := eval cbv in (env_dom (env_intuitionistic Δ)) in go Hs
-  end.
-Local Ltac iFrameAnySpatial :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let rec go Hs :=
-    match Hs with [] => idtac | ?H :: ?Hs => try iFrameHyp H; go Hs end in
-  match goal with
-  | |- envs_entails ?Δ _ =>
-     let Hs := eval cbv in (env_dom (env_spatial Δ)) in go Hs
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" := iFrameAnySpatial.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) constr(t6) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) ")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) constr(t8)")" :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 ).
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" constr(Hs) :=
-  let rec go Hs :=
-    lazymatch Hs with
-    | [] => idtac
-    | SelPure :: ?Hs => iFrameAnyPure; go Hs
-    | SelPersistent :: ?Hs => iFrameAnyPersistent; go Hs
-    | SelSpatial :: ?Hs => iFrameAnySpatial; go Hs
-    | SelIdent ?H :: ?Hs => iFrameHyp H; go Hs
-    end
-  in let Hs := sel_pat.parse Hs in go Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 ) Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 ) Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4) ")"
-    constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 ) Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 ) Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) constr(t6) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 ) Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 ) Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iFrame" "(" constr(t1) constr(t2) constr(t3) constr(t4)
-    constr(t5) constr(t6) constr(t7) constr(t8)")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iFramePure t1; iFrame ( t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 ) Hs.
-(** * Basic introduction tactics *)
-Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "(" simple_intropattern(x) ")" :=
-  (* In the case the goal starts with an [let x := _ in _], we do not
-     want to unfold x and start the proof mode. Instead, we want to
-     use intros. So [iStartProof] has to be called only if [intros]
-     fails *)
-  intros x ||
-    (iStartProof;
-     lazymatch goal with
-     | |- envs_entails _ _ =>
-       eapply tac_forall_intro;
-       [apply _ ||
-              let P := match goal with |- FromForall ?P _ => P end in
-              fail "iIntro: cannot turn" P "into a universal quantifier"
-       |lazy beta; intros x]
-     end).
-Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" constr(H) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  first
-  [ (* (?Q → _) *)
-    eapply tac_impl_intro with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-      [apply _
-      |env_cbv; apply _ ||
-       let P := lazymatch goal with |- Persistent ?P => P end in
-       fail 1 "iIntro: introducing non-persistent" H ":" P
-              "into non-empty spatial context"
-      |env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
-      |apply _
-      |]
-  | (* (_ -∗ _) *)
-    eapply tac_wand_intro with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-      [apply _
-      | env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
-      |]
-  | fail "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ].
-Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "#" constr(H) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  first
-  [ (* (?P → _) *)
-    eapply tac_impl_intro_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-      [apply _
-      |apply _ ||
-       let P := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?P _ => P end in
-       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not persistent"
-      |env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
-      |]
-  | (* (?P -∗ _) *)
-    eapply tac_wand_intro_persistent with _ H _ _ _; (* (i:=H) *)
-      [ apply _
-      | apply _ ||
-       let P := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?P _ => P end in
-       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not persistent"
-      |apply _ ||
-       let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
-       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
-      |env_reflexivity || fail 1 "iIntro:" H "not fresh"
-      |]
-  | fail "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ].
-Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" "_" :=
-  first
-  [ (* (?Q → _) *)
-    iStartProof; eapply tac_impl_intro_drop;
-    [ apply _ | ]
-  | (* (_ -∗ _) *)
-    iStartProof; eapply tac_wand_intro_drop;
-      [ apply _
-      | apply _ ||
-       let P := match goal with |- TCOr (Affine ?P) _ => P end in
-       fail 1 "iIntro:" P "not affine and the goal not absorbing"
-      |]
-  | (* (∀ _, _) *) iIntro (_)
-  | fail 1 "iIntro: nothing to introduce" ].
-Local Tactic Notation "iIntroForall" :=
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- ∀ _, ?P => fail (* actually an →, this is handled by iIntro below *)
-  | |- ∀ _, _ => intro
-  | |- let _ := _ in _ => intro
-  | |- _ =>
-    iStartProof;
-    lazymatch goal with
-    | |- envs_entails _ (∀ x : _, _) => let x' := fresh x in iIntro (x')
-    end
-  end.
-Local Tactic Notation "iIntro" :=
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- _ → ?P => intro
-  | |- _ =>
-    iStartProof;
-    lazymatch goal with
-    | |- envs_entails _ (_ -∗ _) => iIntro (?) || let H := iFresh in iIntro #H || iIntro H
-    | |- envs_entails _ (_ → _) => iIntro (?) || let H := iFresh in iIntro #H || iIntro H
-    end
-  end.
-(** * Specialize *)
-Record iTrm {X As S} :=
-  ITrm { itrm : X ; itrm_vars : hlist As ; itrm_hyps : S }.
-Arguments ITrm {_ _ _} _ _ _.
-Notation "( H $! x1 .. xn )" :=
-  (ITrm H (hcons x1 .. (hcons xn hnil) ..) "") (at level 0, x1, xn at level 9).
-Notation "( H $! x1 .. xn 'with' pat )" :=
-  (ITrm H (hcons x1 .. (hcons xn hnil) ..) pat) (at level 0, x1, xn at level 9).
-Notation "( H 'with' pat )" := (ITrm H hnil pat) (at level 0).
-(** There is some hacky stuff going on here: because of Coq bug #6583, unresolved
-type classes in the arguments `xs` are resolved at arbitrary moments. Tactics
-like `apply`, `split` and `eexists` wrongly trigger type class search to resolve
-these holes. To avoid TC being triggered too eagerly, this tactic uses `refine`
-at most places instead of `apply`. *)
-Local Tactic Notation "iSpecializeArgs" constr(H) open_constr(xs) :=
-  let rec go xs :=
-    lazymatch xs with
-    | hnil => idtac
-    | hcons ?x ?xs =>
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_forall_specialize _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H "not found"
-         |iSolveTC ||
-          let P := match goal with |- IntoForall ?P _ => P end in
-          fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" P "with" x
-         |lazymatch goal with (* Force [A] in [ex_intro] to deal with coercions. *)
-          | |- ∃ _ : ?A, _ =>
-            notypeclasses refine (@ex_intro A _ x (conj _ _))
-          end; [shelve..|env_reflexivity|go xs]]
-    end in
-  go xs.
-Local Tactic Notation "iSpecializePat" open_constr(H) constr(pat) :=
-  let solve_to_wand H1 :=
-    iSolveTC ||
-    let P := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P _ _ => P end in
-    fail "iSpecialize:" P "not an implication/wand" in
-  let solve_done d :=
-    lazymatch d with
-    | true =>
-       done ||
-       let Q := match goal with |- envs_entails _ ?Q => Q end in
-       fail "iSpecialize: cannot solve" Q "using done"
-    | false => idtac
-    end in
-  let rec go H1 pats :=
-    lazymatch pats with
-    | [] => idtac
-    | SForall :: ?pats =>
-       idtac "[IPM] The * specialization pattern is deprecated because it is applied implicitly.";
-       go H1 pats
-    | SIdent ?H2 :: ?pats =>
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize _ _ _ H2 _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H2 "not found"
-         |env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
-         |iSolveTC ||
-          let P := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => P end in
-          let Q := match goal with |- IntoWand _ _ ?P ?Q _ => Q end in
-          fail "iSpecialize: cannot instantiate" P "with" Q
-         |env_reflexivity|go H1 pats]
-    | SPureGoal ?d :: ?pats =>
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_pure _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
-         |solve_to_wand H1
-         |iSolveTC ||
-          let Q := match goal with |- FromPure _ ?Q _ => Q end in
-          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not pure"
-         |env_reflexivity
-         |solve_done d (*goal*)
-         |go H1 pats]
-    | SGoal (SpecGoal GPersistent false ?Hs_frame [] ?d) :: ?pats =>
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_persistent _ _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
-         |solve_to_wand H1
-         |iSolveTC ||
-          let Q := match goal with |- Persistent ?Q => Q end in
-          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not persistent"
-         |iSolveTC
-         |env_reflexivity
-         |iFrame Hs_frame; solve_done d (*goal*)
-         |go H1 pats]
-    | SGoal (SpecGoal GPersistent _ _ _ _) :: ?pats =>
-       fail "iSpecialize: cannot select hypotheses for persistent premise"
-    | SGoal (SpecGoal ?m ?lr ?Hs_frame ?Hs ?d) :: ?pats =>
-       let Hs' := eval cbv in (if lr then Hs else Hs_frame ++ Hs) in
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert _ _ _ _ H1 _ lr Hs' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
-         |solve_to_wand H1
-         |lazymatch m with
-          | GSpatial => notypeclasses refine (add_modal_id _ _)
-          | GModal => iSolveTC || fail "iSpecialize: goal not a modality"
-          end
-         |env_reflexivity ||
-          let Hs' := iMissingHyps Hs' in
-          fail "iSpecialize: hypotheses" Hs' "not found"
-         |iFrame Hs_frame; solve_done d (*goal*)
-         |go H1 pats]
-    | SAutoFrame GPersistent :: ?pats =>
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_assert_persistent _ _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
-         |solve_to_wand H1
-         |iSolveTC ||
-          let Q := match goal with |- Persistent ?Q => Q end in
-          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not persistent"
-         |env_reflexivity
-         |solve [iFrame "∗ #"]
-         |go H1 pats]
-    | SAutoFrame ?m :: ?pats =>
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_frame _ _ H1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H1 "not found"
-         |solve_to_wand H1
-         |lazymatch m with
-          | GSpatial => notypeclasses refine (add_modal_id _ _)
-          | GModal => iSolveTC || fail "iSpecialize: goal not a modality"
-          end
-         |first
-            [notypeclasses refine (tac_unlock_emp _ _ _)
-            |notypeclasses refine (tac_unlock_True _ _ _)
-            |iFrame "∗ #"; notypeclasses refine (tac_unlock _ _ _)
-            |fail "iSpecialize: premise cannot be solved by framing"]
-         |exact eq_refl]; iIntro H1; go H1 pats
-    end in let pats := spec_pat.parse pat in go H pats.
-(* The argument [p] denotes whether the conclusion of the specialized term is
-persistent. If so, one can use all spatial hypotheses for both proving the
-premises and the remaning goal. The argument [p] can either be a Boolean or an
-introduction pattern, which will be coerced into [true] when it solely contains
-`#` or `%` patterns at the top-level.
-In case the specialization pattern in [t] states that the modality of the goal
-should be kept for one of the premises (i.e. [>[H1 .. Hn]] is used) then [p]
-defaults to [false] (i.e. spatial hypotheses are not preserved). *)
-Tactic Notation "iSpecializeCore" open_constr(H)
-    "with" open_constr(xs) open_constr(pat) "as" constr(p) :=
-  let p := intro_pat_persistent p in
-  let pat := spec_pat.parse pat in
-  let H :=
-    lazymatch type of H with
-    | string => constr:(INamed H)
-    | _ => H
-    end in
-  iSpecializeArgs H xs; [..|
-  lazymatch type of H with
-  | ident =>
-    (* The lemma [tac_specialize_persistent_helper] allows one to use all
-    spatial hypotheses for both proving the premises of the lemma we
-    specialize as well as those of the remaining goal. We can only use it when
-    the result of the specialization is persistent, and no modality is
-    eliminated. As an optimization, we do not use this when only universal
-    quantifiers are instantiated. *)
-    let pat := spec_pat.parse pat in
-    lazymatch eval compute in
-      (p && bool_decide (pat ≠ []) && negb (existsb spec_pat_modal pat)) with
-    | true =>
-       (* FIXME: do something reasonable when the BI is not affine *)
-       notypeclasses refine (tac_specialize_persistent_helper _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iSpecialize:" H "not found"
-         |iSpecializePat H pat;
-           [..
-           |refine (tac_specialize_persistent_helper_done _ H _ _ _);
-            env_reflexivity]
-         |iSolveTC ||
-          let Q := match goal with |- IntoPersistent _ ?Q _ => Q end in
-          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not persistent"
-         |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
-          let Q := match goal with |- TCAnd _ (Affine ?Q) => Q end in
-          fail "iSpecialize:" Q "not affine"
-         |env_reflexivity
-         |(* goal *)]
-    | false => iSpecializePat H pat
-    end
-  | _ => fail "iSpecialize:" H "should be a hypothesis, use iPoseProof instead"
-  end].
-Tactic Notation "iSpecializeCore" open_constr(t) "as" constr(p) :=
-  lazymatch type of t with
-  | string => iSpecializeCore t with hnil "" as p
-  | ident => iSpecializeCore t with hnil "" as p
-  | _ =>
-    lazymatch t with
-    | ITrm ?H ?xs ?pat => iSpecializeCore H with xs pat as p
-    | _ => fail "iSpecialize:" t "should be a proof mode term"
-    end
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iSpecialize" open_constr(t) :=
-  iSpecializeCore t as false.
-Tactic Notation "iSpecialize" open_constr(t) "as" "#" :=
-  iSpecializeCore t as true.
-(** * Pose proof *)
-(* The tactic [iIntoEmpValid] tactic solves a goal [bi_emp_valid Q]. The
-argument [t] must be a Coq term whose type is of the following shape:
-[∀ (x_1 : A_1) .. (x_n : A_n), φ]
-and so that we have an instance `AsValid φ Q`.
-Examples of such [φ]s are
-- [bi_emp_valid P], in which case [Q] should be [P]
-- [P1 ⊢ P2], in which case [Q] should be [P1 -∗ P2]
-- [P1 ⊣⊢ P2], in which case [Q] should be [P1 ↔ P2]
-The tactic instantiates each dependent argument [x_i] with an evar and generates
-a goal [R] for each non-dependent argument [x_i : R].  For example, if the
-original goal was [Q] and [t] has type [∀ x, P x → Q], then it generates an evar
-[?x] for [x] and a subgoal [P ?x]. *)
-Tactic Notation "iIntoEmpValid" open_constr(t) :=
-  let rec go t :=
-    (* We try two reduction tactics for the type of t before trying to
-       specialize it. We first try the head normal form in order to
-       unfold all the definition that could hide an entailment.  Then,
-       we try the much weaker [eval cbv zeta], because entailment is
-       not necessarilly opaque, and could be unfolded by [hnf].
-       However, for calling type class search, we only use [cbv zeta]
-       in order to make sure we do not unfold [bi_emp_valid]. *)
-    let tT := type of t in
-    first
-      [ let tT' := eval hnf in tT in go_specialize t tT'
-      | let tT' := eval cbv zeta in tT in go_specialize t tT'
-      | let tT' := eval cbv zeta in tT in
-        notypeclasses refine (as_emp_valid_1 tT _ _);
-          [iSolveTC || fail "iPoseProof: not a BI assertion"
-          |exact t]]
-  with go_specialize t tT :=
-    lazymatch tT with                (* We do not use hnf of tT, because, if
-                                        entailment is not opaque, then it would
-                                        unfold it. *)
-    | ?P → ?Q => let H := fresh in assert P as H; [|go uconstr:(t H); clear H]
-    | ∀ _ : ?T, _ =>
-      (* Put [T] inside an [id] to avoid TC inference from being invoked. *)
-      (* This is a workarround for Coq bug #6583. *)
-      let e := fresh in evar (e:id T);
-      let e' := eval unfold e in e in clear e; go (t e')
-    end
-  in
-  go t.
-(* The tactic [tac] is called with a temporary fresh name [H]. The argument
-[lazy_tc] denotes whether type class inference on the premises of [lem] should
-be performed before (if false) or after (if true) [tac H] is called.
-The tactic [iApply] uses laxy type class inference, so that evars can first be
-instantiated by matching with the goal, whereas [iDestruct] does not, because
-eliminations may not be performed when type classes have not been resolved.
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProofCore" open_constr(lem)
-    "as" constr(p) constr(lazy_tc) tactic(tac) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let Htmp := iFresh in
-  let t := lazymatch lem with ITrm ?t ?xs ?pat => t | _ => lem end in
-  let t := lazymatch type of t with string => constr:(INamed t) | _ => t end in
-  let spec_tac _ :=
-    lazymatch lem with
-    | ITrm ?t ?xs ?pat => iSpecializeCore (ITrm Htmp xs pat) as p
-    | _ => idtac
-    end in
-  let go goal_tac :=
-    lazymatch type of t with
-    | ident =>
-       eapply tac_pose_proof_hyp with _ _ t _ Htmp _;
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" t "not found"
-         |env_reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" Htmp "not fresh"
-         |goal_tac ()]
-    | _ =>
-       eapply tac_pose_proof with _ Htmp _; (* (j:=H) *)
-         [iIntoEmpValid t
-         |env_reflexivity || fail "iPoseProof:" Htmp "not fresh"
-         |goal_tac ()]
-    end;
-    try iSolveTC in
-  lazymatch eval compute in lazy_tc with
-  | true => go ltac:(fun _ => spec_tac (); last (tac Htmp))
-  | false => go spec_tac; last (tac Htmp)
-  end.
-(** * Apply *)
-Tactic Notation "iApplyHyp" constr(H) :=
-  let rec go H := first
-    [eapply tac_apply with _ H _ _ _;
-      [env_reflexivity
-      |iSolveTC
-      |lazy beta (* reduce betas created by instantiation *)]
-    |iSpecializePat H "[]"; last go H] in
-  iExact H ||
-  go H ||
-  lazymatch iTypeOf H with
-  | Some (_,?Q) => fail "iApply: cannot apply" Q
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iApply" open_constr(lem) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as false true (fun H => iApplyHyp H).
-(** * Revert *)
-Local Tactic Notation "iForallRevert" ident(x) :=
-  let err x :=
-    intros x;
-    iMatchHyp (fun H P =>
-      lazymatch P with
-      | context [x] => fail 2 "iRevert:" x "is used in hypothesis" H
-      end) in
-  iStartProof;
-  let A := type of x in
-  lazymatch type of A with
-  | Prop => revert x; first [apply tac_pure_revert|err x]
-  | _ => revert x; first [apply tac_forall_revert|err x]
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" constr(Hs) :=
-  let rec go Hs :=
-    lazymatch Hs with
-    | [] => idtac
-    | ESelPure :: ?Hs =>
-       repeat match goal with x : _ |- _ => revert x end;
-       go Hs
-    | ESelIdent _ ?H :: ?Hs =>
-       eapply tac_revert with _ H _ _; (* (i:=H2) *)
-         [env_reflexivity || fail "iRevert:" H "not found"
-         |env_cbv; go Hs]
-    end in
-  let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in iStartProof; go Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x1.
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x2; iRevert ( x1 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x3; iRevert ( x1 x2 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x4; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x5; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x6; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x7; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" :=
-  iForallRevert x8; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")"
-    constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ).
-Tactic Notation "iRevert" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iRevert Hs; iRevert ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ).
-(** * Disjunction *)
-Tactic Notation "iLeft" :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_or_l;
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromOr ?P _ _ => P end in
-     fail "iLeft:" P "not a disjunction"
-    |].
-Tactic Notation "iRight" :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_or_r;
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromOr ?P _ _ => P end in
-     fail "iRight:" P "not a disjunction"
-    |].
-Local Tactic Notation "iOrDestruct" constr(H) "as" constr(H1) constr(H2) :=
-  eapply tac_or_destruct with _ _ H _ H1 H2 _ _ _; (* (i:=H) (j1:=H1) (j2:=H2) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H "not found"
-    |iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- IntoOr ?P _ _ => P end in
-     fail "iOrDestruct: cannot destruct" P
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H1 "not fresh"
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iOrDestruct:" H2 "not fresh"
-    | |].
-(** * Conjunction and separating conjunction *)
-Tactic Notation "iSplit" :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_and_split;
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromAnd ?P _ _ => P end in
-     fail "iSplit:" P "not a conjunction"| |].
-Tactic Notation "iSplitL" constr(Hs) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let Hs := words Hs in
-  let Hs := eval vm_compute in (INamed <$> Hs) in
-  eapply tac_sep_split with _ _ Left Hs _ _; (* (js:=Hs) *)
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromSep _ ?P _ _ => P end in
-     fail "iSplitL:" P "not a separating conjunction"
-    |env_reflexivity ||
-     let Hs := iMissingHyps Hs in
-     fail "iSplitL: hypotheses" Hs "not found"
-    | |].
-Tactic Notation "iSplitR" constr(Hs) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let Hs := words Hs in
-  let Hs := eval vm_compute in (INamed <$> Hs) in
-  eapply tac_sep_split with _ _ Right Hs _ _; (* (js:=Hs) *)
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromSep _ ?P _ _ => P end in
-     fail "iSplitR:" P "not a separating conjunction"
-    |env_reflexivity ||
-     let Hs := iMissingHyps Hs in
-     fail "iSplitR: hypotheses" Hs "not found"
-    | |].
-Tactic Notation "iSplitL" := iSplitR "".
-Tactic Notation "iSplitR" := iSplitL "".
-Local Tactic Notation "iAndDestruct" constr(H) "as" constr(H1) constr(H2) :=
-  eapply tac_and_destruct with _ H _ H1 H2 _ _ _; (* (i:=H) (j1:=H1) (j2:=H2) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestruct:" H "not found"
-    |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
-     let P :=
-       lazymatch goal with
-       | |- IntoSep ?P _ _ => P
-       | |- IntoAnd _ ?P _ _ => P
-       end in
-     fail "iAndDestruct: cannot destruct" P
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestruct:" H1 "or" H2 " not fresh"|].
-Local Tactic Notation "iAndDestructChoice" constr(H) "as" constr(d) constr(H') :=
-  eapply tac_and_destruct_choice with _ H _ d H' _ _ _;
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestructChoice:" H "not found"
-    |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- TCOr (IntoAnd _ ?P _ _) _ => P end in
-     fail "iAndDestructChoice: cannot destruct" P
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iAndDestructChoice:" H' " not fresh"|].
-(** * Combinining hypotheses *)
-Tactic Notation "iCombine" constr(Hs) "as" constr(H) :=
-  let Hs := words Hs in
-  let Hs := eval vm_compute in (INamed <$> Hs) in
-  eapply tac_combine with _ _ Hs _ _ H _;
-    [env_reflexivity ||
-     let Hs := iMissingHyps Hs in
-     fail "iCombine: hypotheses" Hs "not found"
-    |iSolveTC
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iCombine:" H "not fresh"|].
-Tactic Notation "iCombine" constr(H1) constr(H2) "as" constr(H) :=
-  iCombine [H1;H2] as H.
-(** * Existential *)
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  eapply tac_exist;
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- FromExist ?P _ => P end in
-     fail "iExists:" P "not an existential"
-    |cbv beta; eexists x1].
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2.
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3.
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
-    uconstr(x4) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4.
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
-    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5.
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
-    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6.
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
-    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) "," uconstr(x7) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7.
-Tactic Notation "iExists" uconstr(x1) "," uconstr(x2) "," uconstr(x3) ","
-    uconstr(x4) "," uconstr(x5) "," uconstr(x6) "," uconstr(x7) ","
-    uconstr(x8) :=
-  iExists x1; iExists x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8.
-Local Tactic Notation "iExistDestruct" constr(H)
-    "as" simple_intropattern(x) constr(Hx) :=
-  eapply tac_exist_destruct with H _ Hx _ _; (* (i:=H) (j:=Hx) *)
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iExistDestruct:" H "not found"
-    |iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- IntoExist ?P _ => P end in
-     fail "iExistDestruct: cannot destruct" P|];
-  let y := fresh in
-  intros y; eexists; split;
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iExistDestruct:" Hx "not fresh"
-    |revert y; intros x].
-(** * Modality introduction *)
-Tactic Notation "iModIntro" uconstr(sel) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  notypeclasses refine (tac_modal_intro _ sel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     fail "iModIntro: the goal is not a modality"
-    |iSolveTC ||
-     let s := lazymatch goal with |- IntoModalPersistentEnv _ _ _ ?s => s end in
-     lazymatch eval hnf in s with
-     | MIEnvForall ?C => fail "iModIntro: persistent context does not satisfy" C
-     | MIEnvIsEmpty => fail "iModIntro: persistent context is non-empty"
-     end
-    |iSolveTC ||
-     let s := lazymatch goal with |- IntoModalPersistentEnv _ _ _ ?s => s end in
-     lazymatch eval hnf in s with
-     | MIEnvForall ?C => fail "iModIntro: spatial context does not satisfy" C
-     | MIEnvIsEmpty => fail "iModIntro: spatial context is non-empty"
-     end
-    |env_cbv; iSolveTC ||
-     fail "iModIntro: cannot filter spatial context when goal is not absorbing"
-    |].
-Tactic Notation "iModIntro" := iModIntro _.
-Tactic Notation "iAlways" := iModIntro.
-(** * Later *)
-Tactic Notation "iNext" open_constr(n) := iModIntro (â–·^n _)%I.
-Tactic Notation "iNext" := iModIntro (â–·^_ _)%I.
-(** * Update modality *)
-Tactic Notation "iModCore" constr(H) :=
-  eapply tac_modal_elim with _ H _ _ _ _ _ _;
-    [env_reflexivity || fail "iMod:" H "not found"
-    |iSolveTC ||
-     let P := match goal with |- ElimModal _ _ _ ?P _ _ _ => P end in
-     let Q := match goal with |- ElimModal _ _ _ _ _ ?Q _ => Q end in
-     fail "iMod: cannot eliminate modality " P "in" Q
-    |try fast_done (* optional side-condition *)
-    |env_reflexivity|].
-(** * Basic destruct tactic *)
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" constr(pat) :=
-  let rec go Hz pat :=
-    lazymatch pat with
-    | IAnom =>
-       lazymatch Hz with
-       | IAnon _ => idtac
-       | INamed ?Hz => let Hz' := iFresh in iRename Hz into Hz'
-       end
-    | IDrop => iClearHyp Hz
-    | IFrame => iFrameHyp Hz
-    | IIdent ?y => iRename Hz into y
-    | IList [[]] => iExFalso; iExact Hz
-    | IList [[?pat1; IDrop]] => iAndDestructChoice Hz as Left Hz; go Hz pat1
-    | IList [[IDrop; ?pat2]] => iAndDestructChoice Hz as Right Hz; go Hz pat2
-    | IList [[?pat1; ?pat2]] =>
-       let Hy := iFresh in iAndDestruct Hz as Hz Hy; go Hz pat1; go Hy pat2
-    | IList [[?pat1];[?pat2]] => iOrDestruct Hz as Hz Hz; [go Hz pat1|go Hz pat2]
-    | IPureElim => iPure Hz as ?
-    | IRewrite Right => iPure Hz as ->
-    | IRewrite Left => iPure Hz as <-
-    | IAlwaysElim ?pat => iPersistent Hz; go Hz pat
-    | IModalElim ?pat => iModCore Hz; go Hz pat
-    | _ => fail "iDestruct:" pat "invalid"
-    end in
-  let rec find_pat found pats :=
-    lazymatch pats with
-    | [] =>
-      lazymatch found with
-      | true => idtac
-      | false => fail "iDestruct:" pat "should contain exactly one proper introduction pattern"
-      end
-    | ISimpl :: ?pats => simpl; find_pat found pats
-    | IClear ?H :: ?pats => iClear H; find_pat found pats
-    | IClearFrame ?H :: ?pats => iFrame H; find_pat found pats
-    | ?pat :: ?pats =>
-       lazymatch found with
-       | false => go H pat; find_pat true pats
-       | true => fail "iDestruct:" pat "should contain exactly one proper introduction pattern"
-       end
-    end in
-  let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in
-  find_pat false pats.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as @ pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 ) pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 ) pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 ) pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat.
-Tactic Notation "iDestructHyp" constr(H) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iExistDestruct H as x1 H; iDestructHyp H as ( x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat.
-(** * Introduction tactic *)
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(pat) :=
-  let rec go pats startproof :=
-    lazymatch pats with
-    | [] =>
-      lazymatch startproof with
-      | true => iStartProof
-      | false => idtac
-      end
-    (* Optimizations to avoid generating fresh names *)
-    | IPureElim :: ?pats => iIntro (?); go pats startproof
-    | IAlwaysElim (IIdent ?H) :: ?pats => iIntro #H; go pats false
-    | IDrop :: ?pats => iIntro _; go pats startproof
-    | IIdent ?H :: ?pats => iIntro H; go pats startproof
-    (* Introduction patterns that can only occur at the top-level *)
-    | IPureIntro :: ?pats => iPureIntro; go pats false
-    | IAlwaysIntro :: ?pats => iAlways; go pats false
-    | IModalIntro :: ?pats => iModIntro; go pats false
-    | IForall :: ?pats => repeat iIntroForall; go pats startproof
-    | IAll :: ?pats => repeat (iIntroForall || iIntro); go pats startproof
-    (* Clearing and simplifying introduction patterns *)
-    | ISimpl :: ?pats => simpl; go pats startproof
-    | IClear ?H :: ?pats => iClear H; go pats false
-    | IClearFrame ?H :: ?pats => iFrame H; go pats false
-    | IDone :: ?pats => try done; go pats startproof
-    (* Introduction + destruct *)
-    | IAlwaysElim ?pat :: ?pats =>
-       let H := iFresh in iIntro #H; iDestructHyp H as pat; go pats false
-    | ?pat :: ?pats =>
-       let H := iFresh in iIntro H; iDestructHyp H as pat; go pats false
-    end
-  in let pats := intro_pat.parse pat in go pats true.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" := iIntros [IAll].
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" :=
-  iIntro ( x1 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 ); iIntro ( x2 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 ); iIntro ( x3 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ); iIntro ( x4 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ); iIntro ( x5 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ); iIntro ( x6 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ); iIntro ( x7 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ); iIntro ( x8 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ); iIntro ( x9 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ); iIntro ( x10 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ); iIntro ( x11 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11)
-    simple_intropattern(x12) ")" :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ); iIntro ( x12 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11)
-    ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2)
-    simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) simple_intropattern(x5)
-    simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) simple_intropattern(x8)
-    simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) simple_intropattern(x11)
-    simple_intropattern(x12) ")" constr(p) :=
-  iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 ); iIntros p.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
-    simple_intropattern(x11) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
-    simple_intropattern(x11) simple_intropattern(x12) ")" :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 ).
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
-    ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
-    simple_intropattern(x11) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 ); iIntros p2.
-Tactic Notation "iIntros" constr(p) "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) simple_intropattern(x9) simple_intropattern(x10)
-    simple_intropattern(x11) simple_intropattern(x12) ")" constr(p2) :=
-  iIntros p; iIntros ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 ); iIntros p2.
-(* Used for generalization in iInduction and iLöb *)
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac) :=
-  let rec go Hs :=
-    lazymatch Hs with
-    | [] => tac
-    | ESelPure :: ?Hs => fail "iRevertIntros: % not supported"
-    | ESelIdent ?p ?H :: ?Hs =>
-       iRevert H; go Hs;
-       let H' :=
-         match p with true => constr:([IAlwaysElim (IIdent H)]) | false => H end in
-       iIntros H'
-    end in
-  try iStartProof; let Hs := iElaborateSelPat Hs in go Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1); tac; iIntros (x1)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" constr(Hs)
-    "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2); tac; iIntros (x1 x2)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs)
-    "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3); tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")"
-    constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4); tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5); tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6);
-    tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7);
-    tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (iRevert (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8);
-    tac; iIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8)).
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "with" tactic(tac) :=
-  iRevertIntros "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")"
-    "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")"
-    "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with tac.
-Tactic Notation "iRevertIntros" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4)
-    ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" "with" tactic(tac):=
-  iRevertIntros (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with tac.
-(** * Destruct tactic *)
-Class CopyDestruct {PROP : bi} (P : PROP).
-Arguments CopyDestruct {_} _%I.
-Hint Mode CopyDestruct + ! : typeclass_instances.
-Instance copy_destruct_forall {PROP : bi} {A} (Φ : A → PROP) : CopyDestruct (∀ x, Φ x).
-Instance copy_destruct_impl {PROP : bi} (P Q : PROP) :
-  CopyDestruct Q → CopyDestruct (P → Q).
-Instance copy_destruct_wand {PROP : bi} (P Q : PROP) :
-  CopyDestruct Q → CopyDestruct (P -∗ Q).
-Instance copy_destruct_affinely {PROP : bi} (P : PROP) :
-  CopyDestruct P → CopyDestruct (<affine> P).
-Instance copy_destruct_persistently {PROP : bi} (P : PROP) :
-  CopyDestruct P → CopyDestruct (<pers> P).
-Tactic Notation "iDestructCore" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(p) tactic(tac) :=
-  let ident :=
-    lazymatch type of lem with
-    | ident => constr:(Some lem)
-    | string => constr:(Some (INamed lem))
-    | iTrm =>
-       lazymatch lem with
-       | @iTrm ident ?H _ _ => constr:(Some H)
-       | @iTrm string ?H _ _ => constr:(Some (INamed H))
-       | _ => constr:(@None ident)
-       end
-    | _ => constr:(@None ident)
-    end in
-  let intro_destruct n :=
-    let rec go n' :=
-      lazymatch n' with
-      | 0 => fail "iDestruct: cannot introduce" n "hypotheses"
-      | 1 => repeat iIntroForall; let H := iFresh in iIntro H; tac H
-      | S ?n' => repeat iIntroForall; let H := iFresh in iIntro H; go n'
-      end in
-    intros; go n in
-  lazymatch type of lem with
-  | nat => intro_destruct lem
-  | Z => (* to make it work in Z_scope. We should just be able to bind
-     tactic notation arguments to notation scopes. *)
-     let n := eval compute in (Z.to_nat lem) in intro_destruct n
-  | _ =>
-     (* Only copy the hypothesis in case there is a [CopyDestruct] instance.
-     Also, rule out cases in which it does not make sense to copy, namely when
-     destructing a lemma (instead of a hypothesis) or a spatial hyopthesis
-     (which cannot be kept). *)
-     iStartProof;
-     lazymatch ident with
-     | None => iPoseProofCore lem as p false tac
-     | Some ?H =>
-        lazymatch iTypeOf H with
-        | None => fail "iDestruct:" H "not found"
-        | Some (true, ?P) =>
-           (* persistent hypothesis, check for a CopyDestruct instance *)
-           tryif (let dummy := constr:(_ : CopyDestruct P) in idtac)
-           then (iPoseProofCore lem as p false tac)
-           else (iSpecializeCore lem as p; last (tac H))
-        | Some (false, ?P) =>
-           (* spatial hypothesis, cannot copy *)
-           iSpecializeCore lem as p; last (tac H)
-        end
-     end
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iDestruct" open_constr(lem) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as true (fun H => iPure H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iPoseProof" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as pat false (fun H => iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
-(** * Induction *)
-(* An invocation of [iInduction (x) as pat IH forall (x1...xn) Hs] will
-result in the following actions:
-- Revert the proofmode hypotheses [Hs]
-- Revert all remaining spatial hypotheses and the remaining persistent
-  hypotheses containing the induction variable [x]
-- Revert the pure hypotheses [x1..xn]
-- Actuall perform induction
-- Introduce thee pure hypotheses [x1..xn]
-- Introduce the spatial hypotheses and persistent hypotheses involving [x]
-- Introduce the proofmode hypotheses [Hs]
-Tactic Notation "iInductionCore" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH) :=
-  let rec fix_ihs rev_tac :=
-    lazymatch goal with
-    | H : context [envs_entails _ _] |- _ =>
-       eapply (tac_revert_ih _ _ _ H _);
-         [env_reflexivity
-          || fail "iInduction: spatial context not empty, this should not happen"
-         |clear H];
-       fix_ihs ltac:(fun j =>
-         let IH' := eval vm_compute in
-           match j with 0%N => IH | _ => IH +:+ pretty j end in
-         iIntros [IAlwaysElim (IIdent IH')];
-         let j := eval vm_compute in (1 + j)%N in
-         rev_tac j)
-    | _ => rev_tac 0%N
-    end in
-  induction x as pat; fix_ihs ltac:(fun _ => idtac).
-Ltac iHypsContaining x :=
-  let rec go Γ x Hs :=
-    lazymatch Γ with
-    | Enil => constr:(Hs)
-    | Esnoc ?Γ ?H ?Q =>
-       match Q with
-       | context [x] => go Γ x (H :: Hs)
-       | _ => go Γ x Hs
-       end
-     end in
-  let Γp := lazymatch goal with |- envs_entails (Envs ?Γp _ _) _ => Γp end in
-  let Γs := lazymatch goal with |- envs_entails (Envs _ ?Γs _) _ => Γs end in
-  let Hs := go Γp x (@nil ident) in go Γs x Hs.
-Tactic Notation "iInductionRevert" constr(x) constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac) :=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (
-    iRevertIntros "∗" with (
-      idtac;
-      let Hsx := iHypsContaining x in
-      iRevertIntros Hsx with tac
-    )
-  ).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH) :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
-    ident(x7) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
-    ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" :=
-  iInductionRevert x "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iInductionCore x as pat IH).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")"
-    constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")"
-    constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
-    ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iInduction" constr(x) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) constr(IH)
-    "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6)
-    ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iInductionRevert x Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iInductionCore x as pat IH)).
-(** * Löb Induction *)
-Tactic Notation "iLöbCore" "as" constr (IH) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  (* apply is sometimes confused wrt. canonical structures search.
-     refine should use the other unification algorithm, which should
-     not have this issue. *)
-  notypeclasses refine (tac_löb _ _ IH _ _ _ _);
-    [reflexivity || fail "iLöb: spatial context not empty, this should not happen"
-    |env_reflexivity || fail "iLöb:" IH "not fresh"|].
-Tactic Notation "iLöbRevert" constr(Hs) "with" tactic(tac) :=
-  iRevertIntros Hs with (
-    iRevertIntros "∗" with tac
-  ).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iLöbCore as IH).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" :=
-  iLöbRevert "" with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iLöbCore as IH).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2) ")"
-    constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-Tactic Notation "iLöb" "as" constr (IH) "forall" "(" ident(x1) ident(x2)
-    ident(x3) ident(x4) ident(x5) ident(x6) ident(x7) ident(x8) ")" constr(Hs) :=
-  iLöbRevert Hs with (iRevertIntros(x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8) "" with (iLöbCore as IH)).
-(** * Assert *)
-(* The argument [p] denotes whether [Q] is persistent. It can either be a
-Boolean or an introduction pattern, which will be coerced into [true] if it
-only contains `#` or `%` patterns at the top-level, and [false] otherwise. *)
-Tactic Notation "iAssertCore" open_constr(Q)
-    "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(p) tactic(tac) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let pats := spec_pat.parse Hs in
-  lazymatch pats with
-  | [_] => idtac
-  | _ => fail "iAssert: exactly one specialization pattern should be given"
-  end;
-  let H := iFresh in
-  eapply tac_assert with _ H Q;
-    [env_reflexivity
-    |iSpecializeCore H with hnil pats as p; [..|tac H]].
-Tactic Notation "iAssertCore" open_constr(Q) "as" constr(p) tactic(tac) :=
-  let p := intro_pat_persistent p in
-  lazymatch p with
-  | true => iAssertCore Q with "[#]" as p tac
-  | false => iAssertCore Q with "[]" as p tac
-  end.
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
-    ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
-    simple_intropattern(x4) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q with Hs as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
-    ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as"
-    "(" simple_intropattern(x1) simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3)
-    simple_intropattern(x4) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q as pat (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "with" constr(Hs)
-    "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
-  iAssertCore Q with Hs as true (fun H => iPure H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iAssert" open_constr(Q) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
-  iAssert Q with "[-]" as %pat.
-(** * Rewrite *)
-Local Ltac iRewriteFindPred :=
-  match goal with
-  | |- _ ⊣⊢ ?Φ ?x =>
-     generalize x;
-     match goal with |- (∀ y, @?Ψ y ⊣⊢ _) => unify Φ Ψ; reflexivity end
-  end.
-Local Tactic Notation "iRewriteCore" constr(lr) open_constr(lem) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as true true (fun Heq =>
-    eapply (tac_rewrite _ Heq _ _ lr);
-      [env_reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq "not found"
-      |iSolveTC ||
-       let P := match goal with |- IntoInternalEq ?P _ _ ⊢ _ => P end in
-       fail "iRewrite:" P "not an equality"
-      |iRewriteFindPred
-      |intros ??? ->; reflexivity|lazy beta; iClearHyp Heq]).
-Tactic Notation "iRewrite" open_constr(lem) := iRewriteCore Right lem.
-Tactic Notation "iRewrite" "-" open_constr(lem) := iRewriteCore Left lem.
-Local Tactic Notation "iRewriteCore" constr(lr) open_constr(lem) "in" constr(H) :=
-  iPoseProofCore lem as true true (fun Heq =>
-    eapply (tac_rewrite_in _ Heq _ _ H _ _ lr);
-      [env_reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" Heq "not found"
-      |env_reflexivity || fail "iRewrite:" H "not found"
-      |iSolveTC ||
-       let P := match goal with |- IntoInternalEq ?P _ _ ⊢ _ => P end in
-       fail "iRewrite:" P "not an equality"
-      |iRewriteFindPred
-      |intros ??? ->; reflexivity
-      |env_reflexivity|lazy beta; iClearHyp Heq]).
-Tactic Notation "iRewrite" open_constr(lem) "in" constr(H) :=
-  iRewriteCore Right lem in H.
-Tactic Notation "iRewrite" "-" open_constr(lem) "in" constr(H) :=
-  iRewriteCore Left lem in H.
-Ltac iSimplifyEq := repeat (
-  iMatchHyp (fun H P => match P with ⌜_ = _⌝%I => iDestruct H as %? end)
-  || simplify_eq/=).
-(** * Update modality *)
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
-    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
-    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
-    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7) ")"
-    constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
-    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4)
-    simple_intropattern(x5) simple_intropattern(x6) simple_intropattern(x7)
-    simple_intropattern(x8) ")" constr(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H =>
-    iModCore H; last iDestructHyp H as ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 ) pat).
-Tactic Notation "iMod" open_constr(lem) "as" "%" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
-  iDestructCore lem as false (fun H => iModCore H; iPure H as pat).
-(** * Invariant *)
-(* Finds a hypothesis in the context that is an invariant with
-   namespace [N].  To do so, we check whether for each hypothesis
-   ["H":P] we can find an instance of [IntoInv P N] *)
-Tactic Notation "iAssumptionInv" constr(N) :=
-  let rec find Γ i :=
-    lazymatch Γ with
-    | Esnoc ?Γ ?j ?P' =>
-      first [let H := constr:(_: IntoInv P' N) in unify i j|find Γ i]
-    end in
-  lazymatch goal with
-  | |- envs_lookup_delete _ ?i (Envs ?Γp ?Γs _) = Some _ =>
-     first [find Γp i|find Γs i]; env_reflexivity
-  end.
-(* The argument [select] is the namespace [N] or hypothesis name ["H"] of the
-invariant. *)
-Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(select) "with" constr(pats) "as" tactic(tac) constr(Hclose) :=
-  iStartProof;
-  let pats := spec_pat.parse pats in
-  lazymatch pats with
-  | [_] => idtac
-  | _ => fail "iInv: exactly one specialization pattern should be given"
-  end;
-  let H := iFresh in
-  lazymatch type of select with
-  | string =>
-     eapply tac_inv_elim with _ select H _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
-     first by (iAssumptionCore || fail "iInv: invariant" select "not found")
-  | ident  =>
-     eapply tac_inv_elim with _ select H _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
-     first by (iAssumptionCore || fail "iInv: invariant" select "not found")
-  | namespace =>
-     eapply tac_inv_elim with _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
-     first by (iAssumptionInv select || fail "iInv: invariant" select "not found")
-  | _ => fail "iInv: selector" select "is not of the right type "
-  end;
-    [iSolveTC ||
-     let I := match goal with |- ElimInv _ ?I  _ _ _ _ _ => I end in
-     fail "iInv: cannot eliminate invariant " I
-    |try (split_and?; solve [ fast_done | solve_ndisj ])
-    |let R := fresh in intros R; eexists; split; [env_reflexivity|];
-     iSpecializePat H pats; last (
-       iApplyHyp H; clear R;
-       iIntros H; (* H was spatial, so it's gone due to the apply and we can reuse the name *)
-       iIntros Hclose;
-       tac H
-    )].
-Tactic Notation "iInvCore" constr(N) "as" tactic(tac) constr(Hclose) :=
-  iInvCore N with "[$]" as ltac:(tac) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")"
-    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1) ")"
-    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) ")" constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) ")"
-    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iInv" constr(N) "with" constr(Hs) "as" "(" simple_intropattern(x1)
-    simple_intropattern(x2) simple_intropattern(x3) simple_intropattern(x4) ")"
-    constr(pat) constr(Hclose) :=
-   iInvCore N with Hs as (fun H => iDestructHyp H as (x1 x2 x3 x4) pat) Hclose.
-Tactic Notation "iAccu" :=
-  iStartProof; eapply tac_accu; [env_reflexivity || fail "iAccu: not an evar"].
-Hint Extern 0 (_ ⊢ _) => iStartProof.
-(* Make sure that by and done solve trivial things in proof mode *)
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ _) => iPureIntro; try done.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ ?Q) =>
-  first [is_evar Q; fail 1|iAssumption].
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ emp) => iEmpIntro.
-(* TODO: look for a more principled way of adding trivial hints like those
-below; see the discussion in !75 for further details. *)
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ ≡ _)) =>
-  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.internal_eq_refl.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opL _ _ _)) =>
-  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepL_nil'.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opM _ _ _)) =>
-  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepM_empty'.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opS _ _ _)) =>
-  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepS_empty'.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (big_opMS _ _ _)) =>
-  rewrite envs_entails_eq; apply bi.big_sepMS_empty'.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (∀ _, _)) => iIntros.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ → _)) => iIntros.
-Hint Extern 0 (envs_entails _ (_ -∗ _)) => iIntros.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∧ _)) => iSplit.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∗ _)) => iSplit.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â–· _)) => iNext.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â–  _)) => iAlways.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (<pers> _)) => iAlways.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (<affine> _)) => iAlways.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â–¡ _)) => iAlways.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (∃ _, _)) => iExists _.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (â—‡ _)) => iModIntro.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∨ _)) => iLeft.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (_ ∨ _)) => iRight.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (|==> _)) => iModIntro.
-Hint Extern 1 (envs_entails _ (<absorb> _)) => iModIntro.
-Hint Extern 2 (envs_entails _ (|={_}=> _)) => iModIntro.
-Hint Extern 2 (envs_entails _ (_ ∗ _)) => progress iFrame : iFrame.
+From iris.proofmode Require Export ltac_tactics.
+From iris.proofmode Require Import class_instances_bi class_instances_sbi frame_instances modality_instances.