From 7f548a31c9c839520b422088cdae977ae8ae0292 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Jung <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 19:55:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] add documentation of the global RA pattern

---                            |  84 ------------                        | 188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++                            |  21 ++-                        | 118 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/one_shot.v                     |   3 +-
 theories/base_logic/lib/saved_prop.v |   6 +-
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-# Naming conventions for variables/arguments/hypotheses in the Coq development
-## small letters
-* a : A = cmraT or cofeT
-* b : B = cmraT or cofeT
-* c
-* d
-* e : expr = expressions
-* f = some generic function
-* g = some generic function
-* h : heap
-* i
-* j
-* k
-* l
-* m : iGst = ghost state
-* m* = prefix for option
-* n
-* o
-* p
-* q
-* r : iRes = resources
-* s = state (STSs)
-* s = stuckness bits
-* t
-* u
-* v : val = values of language
-* w
-* x
-* y
-* z 
-## capital letters
-* A : Type, cmraT or cofeT
-* B : Type, cmraT or cofeT
-* C
-* D   
-* E : coPset = Viewshift masks
-* F = a functor
-* G
-* H = hypotheses
-* I = indexing sets
-* J
-* K : ectx = evaluation contexts
-* K = keys of a map
-* L
-* M = maps / global CMRA
-* N : namespace
-* O 
-* P : uPred, iProp or Prop
-* Q : uPred, iProp or Prop
-* R : uPred, iProp or Prop
-* S : set state = state sets in STSs
-* T : set token = token sets in STSs
-* U
-* V : abstraction of value type in frame shift assertions
-* W
-* X : sets
-* Y : sets
-* Z : sets
-## small greek letters
-* γ : gname
-* σ : state = state of language
-* φ : interpretation of STS/Auth
-## capital greek letters
-* Φ : general predicate (over uPred, iProp or Prop)
-* Ψ : general predicate (over uPred, iProp or Prop)
-# Naming conventions for algebraic classes in the Coq development
-## Suffixes
-* C: OFEs
-* R: cameras
-* UR: unital cameras or resources algebras
-* F: functors (can be combined with all of the above, e.g. CF is an OFE functor)
-* G: global camera functor management
-* T: canonical structurs for algebraic classes (for example ofeT for OFEs, cmraT for cameras)
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+# Iris Proof Guide
+This work-in-progress document serves to explain how Iris proofs are typically
+carried out in Coq: what are the common patterns, what are the common pitfalls.
+This complements the tactic documentation for the [proof mode]( and
+[HeapLang]( as well as the documentation of syntactic conventions in
+the [style guide](
+## Resource algebra management
+When using ghost state in Iris, you have to make sure that the resource algebras
+you need are actually available.  Every Iris proof is carried out using a
+universally quantified list `Σ: gFunctors` defining which resource algebras are
+available.  You can think of this as a list of resource algebras, though in
+reality it is a list of functors from OFEs to Cameras (where Cameras are a
+step-indexed generalization of resource algebras).  This is the *global* list of
+resources that the entire proof can use.  We keep it universally quantified to
+enable composition of proofs.  The formal side of this is described in §7.4 of
+[The Iris Documentation](; here we
+describe the Coq aspects of this approach.
+The assumptions that an Iris proof makes are collected in a type class called
+`somethingG`.  The most common kind of assumptions is `inG`, which says that a
+particular resource algebra is available for ghost state.  For example, in the
+[one-shot example](tests/one_shot.v):
+Class one_shotG Σ := { one_shot_inG :> inG Σ one_shotR }.
+The `:>` means that the projection `one_shot_inG` is automatically registered as
+an instance for type-class resolution.  If you need several resource algebras,
+just add more `inG` fields.  If you are using another module as part of yours,
+add a field like `one_shot_other :> otherG Σ`.
+Having defined the type class, we need to provide a way to instantiate it.  This
+is an important step, as not every resource algebra can actually be used: if
+your resource algebra refers to `Σ`, the definition becomes recursive.  That is
+actually legal under some conditions (which is why the global list `Σ` contains
+functors and not just resource algebras), but for the purpose of this guide we
+will ignore that case.  We have to define a list that contains all the resource
+algebras we need:
+Definition one_shotΣ : gFunctors := #[GFunctor one_shotR].
+This time, there is no `Σ` in the context, so we cannot accidentally introduce a
+bad dependency.  If you are using another module as part of yours, add their
+`somethingΣ` to yours, as in `#[GFunctor one_shotR; somethingΣ]`.  (The
+`#[F1; F2; ...]` syntax *appends* the functor lists `F1`, `F2`, ... to each
+other; together with a coercion from a single functor to a singleton list, this
+means lists can be nested arbitrarily.)
+Now we can define the one and only instance that our type class will ever need:
+Instance subG_one_shotΣ {Σ} : subG one_shotΣ Σ → one_shotG Σ.
+Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+The `subG` assumption here says that the list `one_shotΣ` is a sublist of the
+global list `Σ`.  Typically, this should be the only assumption your instance
+needs, showing that the assumptions of the module (and all the modules it
+uses internally) can trivially be satisfied by picking the right `Σ`.
+Now you can add `one_shotG` as an assumption to all your module definitions and
+proofs.  We typically use a section for this:
+Section proof.
+Context `{!heapG Σ, !one_shotG Σ}.
+Notice that besides our own assumptions `one_shotG`, we also assume `heapG`,
+which are assumptions that every HeapLang proof makes (they are related to
+defining the `↦` connective as well as the basic Iris infrastructure for
+invariants and WP).  For this purpose, `heapG` contains not only assumptions
+about `Σ`, it also contains some ghost names to refer to particular ghost state
+(see "global ghost state instances" below).
+The backtic (`` ` ``) is used to make anonymous assumptions and to automatically
+generalize the `Σ`.  When adding assumptions with backtic, you should most of
+the time also add a `!` in front of every assumption.  If you do not then Coq
+will also automatically generalize all indices of type-classes that you are
+assuming.  This can easily lead to making more assumptions than you are aware
+of, and often it leads to duplicate assumptions which breaks type class
+### Obtaining a closed proof
+To obtain a closed Iris proof, i.e., a proof that does not make assumptions like
+`inG`, you have to assemble a list of functors of all the involved modules,
+and if your proof relies on some singleton (most do, at least indirectly; also
+see the next section), you have to call the respective initialization or
+adequacy lemma.  [For example](tests/one_shot.v):
+Section client.
+  Context `{!heapG Σ, !one_shotG Σ, !spawnG Σ}.
+  Lemma client_safe : WP client {{ _, True }}%I.
+  (* ... *)
+End client.
+(** Assemble all functors needed by the [client_safe] proof. *)
+Definition clientΣ : gFunctors := #[ heapΣ; one_shotΣ; spawnΣ ].
+(** Apply [heap_adequacy] with this list of all functors. *)
+Lemma client_adequate σ : adequate NotStuck client σ (λ _ _, True).
+Proof. apply (heap_adequacy clientΣ)=> ?. apply client_safe. Qed.
+### Advanced topic: Ghost state singletons
+Some Iris modules involve a form of "global state".  For example, defining the
+`↦` for HeapLang involves a piece of ghost state that matches the current
+physical heap.  The `gname` of that ghost state must be picked once when the
+proof starts, and then globally known everywhere.  Hence it is added to
+`gen_heapG`, the type class for the generalized heap module:
+Class gen_heapG (L V : Type) (Σ : gFunctors) `{Countable L} := {
+  gen_heap_inG :> inG Σ (authR (gen_heapUR L V));
+  gen_heap_name : gname
+Such modules always need some kind of "initialization" to create an instance
+of their type class.  For example, the initialization for `heapG` is happening
+as part of [`heap_adequacy`](theories/heap_lang/adequacy.v); this in turn uses
+the initialization lemma for `gen_heapG` from
+Lemma gen_heap_init `{gen_heapPreG L V Σ} σ :
+  (|==> ∃ _ : gen_heapG L V Σ, gen_heap_ctx σ)%I.
+These lemmas themselves only make assumptions the way normal modules (those
+without global state) do, which are typically collected in a `somethingPreG`
+type class (such as `gen_heapPreG`):
+Class gen_heapPreG (L V : Type) (Σ : gFunctors) `{Countable L} := {
+  gen_heap_preG_inG :> inG Σ (authR (gen_heapUR L V))
+Just like in the normal case, `somethingPreG` type classes have an `Instance`
+showing that a `subG` is enough to instantiate them:
+Instance subG_gen_heapPreG {Σ L V} `{Countable L} :
+  subG (gen_heapΣ L V) Σ → gen_heapPreG L V Σ.
+Proof. solve_inG. Qed.
+The initialization lemma then shows that the `somethingPreG` type class is
+enough to create an instance of the main `somethingG` class *below a view
+shift*.  This is written with an existential quantifier in the lemma because the
+statement after the view shift (`gen_heap_ctx σ` in this case) depends on having
+an instance of `gen_heapG` in the context.
+Given that these global ghost state instances are singletons, they must be
+assumed explicitly everywhere.  Bundling `heapG` in a module type class like
+`one_shotG` would lose track of the fact that there exists just one `heapG`
+instance that is shared by everyone.
+### Advanced topic: Additional module assumptions
+Some modules need additional assumptions.  For example, the STS module is
+parameterized by an STS and assumes that the STS state space is inhabited:
+Class stsG Σ (sts : stsT) := {
+  sts_inG :> inG Σ (stsR sts);
+  sts_inhabited :> Inhabited (sts.state sts);
+In this rather exceptional case, the `Instance` for this class has more than
+just a `subG` assumption:
+Instance subG_stsΣ Σ sts :
+  subG (stsΣ sts) Σ → Inhabited (sts.state sts) → stsG Σ sts.
+If users of this module follow the pattern described above, their own type class
+instance will check these additional assumption.  But this is one more reason
+why it is important for every module to have an instance for its `somethingG`:
+to make sure that it does not accidentally make more assumptions than it intends
+Another subtle detail here is that the `subG` assumption comes first in
+`subG_stsΣ`, i.e., it appears before the `Inhabited`.  This is important because
+otherwise, `sts_inhabited` and `subG_stsΣ` form an instance cycle that makes
+type class search diverge.
+## Canonical structures and type classes
+In Iris, we use both canonical structures and type classes, and some careful
+tweaking is necessary to make the two work together properly.  The details of
+this still need to be written up properly, but here is some background material:
+* [Type Classes for Mathematics in Type Theory](
+* [Canonical Structures for the working Coq user](
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--- a/
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@@ -111,13 +111,17 @@ that should be compatible with this version:
 ## Further Resources
-* Information on how to set up your editor for unicode input and output is
-  collected in [](
-* The Iris Proof Mode (IPM) / MoSeL is documented at [](
-* HeapLang (the Iris example language) and its tactics are documented at
-  [](
-* Naming conventions are documented at [](
+Getting along with Iris in Coq:
+* Iris proof patterns are documented in the [proof guide](
+* Syntactic conventions are described in the [style guide](
+* The Iris tactics are described in the
+  [the Iris Proof Mode (IPM) / MoSeL documentation]( as well as the
+  [HeapLang documentation](
 * The generated coqdoc is [available online](
+Contacting the developers:
 * Discussion about the Iris Coq development happens on the mailing list
   and in the [Iris Chat](  This is also the
@@ -128,6 +132,11 @@ that should be compatible with this version:
   [issue tracker](, which also
   requires an MPI-SWS GitLab account.
 * To contribute to Iris itself, see the [contribution guide](
+* Information on how to set up your editor for unicode input and output is
+  collected in [](
 * If you are writing a paper that uses Iris in one way or another, you could use
   the [Iris LaTeX macros](docs/iris.sty) for typesetting the various Iris
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+# Iris Style Guide
+This document lays down syntactic conventions about how we usually write our
+Iris proofs in Coq.  It is a work-in-progress.  This complements the tactic
+documentation for the [proof mode]( and [HeapLang]( as
+well as the [proof guide](
+## Implicit generalization
+We often use the implicit generalization feature of Coq, triggered by a backtic:
+`` `{!term A B}`` means that an implicit argument of type `term A B` is added,
+and if any of the identifiers that are used here is not yet bound, it gets added
+as well.  Usually, `term` will be some existing type class or similar, and we
+use this syntax to also generalize over `A` and `B`; then the above is
+equivalent to `{A B} {Hterm: term A B}`.  The `!` in front of the term disables
+an even stronger form of generalization, where if `term` is a type class then
+all missing arguments get implicitly generalized as well.  This is sometimes
+useful, e.g. we can write `` `{Countable C}`` instead of `` `{!EqDecision C,
+!Countable C}``.  However, generally it is more important to be aware of the
+assumptions you are making, so implicit generalization without `!` should be
+## Type class resolution control
+When you are writing a module that exports some Iris term for others to use
+(e.g., `join_handle` in the [spawn module](theories/heap_lang/lib/spawn.v)), be
+sure to mark these terms as opaque for type class search at the *end* of your
+module (and outside any section):
+Typeclasses Opaque join_handle.
+This makes sure that the proof mode does not "look into" your definition when it
+is used by clients.
+## Naming conventions for variables/arguments/hypotheses
+### small letters
+* a : A = cmraT or cofeT
+* b : B = cmraT or cofeT
+* c
+* d
+* e : expr = expressions
+* f = some generic function
+* g = some generic function
+* h : heap
+* i
+* j
+* k
+* l
+* m : iGst = ghost state
+* m* = prefix for option
+* n
+* o
+* p
+* q
+* r : iRes = resources
+* s = state (STSs)
+* s = stuckness bits
+* t
+* u
+* v : val = values of language
+* w
+* x
+* y
+* z 
+### capital letters
+* A : Type, cmraT or cofeT
+* B : Type, cmraT or cofeT
+* C
+* D   
+* E : coPset = Viewshift masks
+* F = a functor
+* G
+* H = hypotheses
+* I = indexing sets
+* J
+* K : ectx = evaluation contexts
+* K = keys of a map
+* L
+* M = maps / global CMRA
+* N : namespace
+* O 
+* P : uPred, iProp or Prop
+* Q : uPred, iProp or Prop
+* R : uPred, iProp or Prop
+* S : set state = state sets in STSs
+* T : set token = token sets in STSs
+* U
+* V : abstraction of value type in frame shift assertions
+* W
+* X : sets
+* Y : sets
+* Z : sets
+### small greek letters
+* γ : gname
+* σ : state = state of language
+* φ : interpretation of STS/Auth
+### capital greek letters
+* Φ : general predicate (over uPred, iProp or Prop)
+* Ψ : general predicate (over uPred, iProp or Prop)
+## Naming conventions for algebraic classes
+### Suffixes
+* C: OFEs
+* R: cameras
+* UR: unital cameras or resources algebras
+* F: functors (can be combined with all of the above, e.g. CF is an OFE functor)
+* G: global camera functor management
+* T: canonical structurs for algebraic classes (for example ofeT for OFEs, cmraT for cameras)
diff --git a/tests/one_shot.v b/tests/one_shot.v
index a71159b6a..1b5ff38cf 100644
--- a/tests/one_shot.v
+++ b/tests/one_shot.v
@@ -103,11 +103,10 @@ Definition client : expr :=
   (Fst "ff" #5 ||| let: "check" := Snd "ff" #() in "check" #()).
 Section client.
-  Local Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
   Context `{!heapG Σ, !one_shotG Σ, !spawnG Σ}.
   Lemma client_safe : WP client {{ _, True }}%I.
-  Proof.
+  Proof using Type*.
     rewrite /client. wp_apply wp_one_shot. iIntros (f1 f2) "[#Hf1 #Hf2]".
     wp_let. wp_apply wp_par.
     - wp_apply "Hf1".
diff --git a/theories/base_logic/lib/saved_prop.v b/theories/base_logic/lib/saved_prop.v
index cb956f556..7e3401fd3 100644
--- a/theories/base_logic/lib/saved_prop.v
+++ b/theories/base_logic/lib/saved_prop.v
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ Import uPred.
 (* "Saved anything" -- this can give you saved propositions, saved predicates,
    saved whatever-you-like. *)
-Class savedAnythingG (Σ : gFunctors) (F : cFunctor) :=
-  saved_anything_inG :> inG Σ (agreeR (F (iPreProp Σ))).
+Class savedAnythingG (Σ : gFunctors) (F : cFunctor) := SavedAnythingG {
+  saved_anything_inG :> inG Σ (agreeR (F (iPreProp Σ)));
+  saved_anything_contractive : cFunctorContractive F (* NOT an instance to avoid cycles with [subG_savedAnythingΣ]. *)
 Definition savedAnythingΣ (F : cFunctor) `{!cFunctorContractive F} : gFunctors :=
   #[ GFunctor (agreeRF F) ].