From 7ed64c7caccaf5ce4a6f86666d45327597fd5a6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Jung <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 09:45:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] docs: update to latest changes in Coq development

---           |  3 ---
 docs/language.tex      |  2 +-
 docs/program-logic.tex | 14 ++++++--------
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index bc5c7dbf2..afe0debcb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ Coq development, but not every API-breaking change is listed.  Changes marked
 ## Iris 3.0
-* [#] Lifting lemmas do no longer take as hypothesis the fact the the
-  considered expression is not a value. This is deduced from the fact that
-  it is reducible.
 * View shifts are radically simplified to just internalize frame-preserving
   updates.  Weakestpre is defined inside the logic, and invariants and view
   shifts with masks are also coded up inside Iris.  Adequacy of weakestpre
diff --git a/docs/language.tex b/docs/language.tex
index f0d922fc0..ad097eb74 100644
--- a/docs/language.tex
+++ b/docs/language.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-A \emph{language} $\Lang$ consists of a set \Expr{} of \emph{expressions} (metavariable $\expr$), a set \Val{} of \emph{values} (metavariable $\val$), and a set \State of \emph{states} (metavariable $\state$) such that
+A \emph{language} $\Lang$ consists of a set \Expr{} of \emph{expressions} (metavariable $\expr$), a set \Val{} of \emph{values} (metavariable $\val$), and a nonempty set \State of \emph{states} (metavariable $\state$) such that
 \item There exist functions $\ofval : \Val \to \Expr$ and $\toval : \Expr \pfn \Val$ (notice the latter is partial), such that
diff --git a/docs/program-logic.tex b/docs/program-logic.tex
index ed3f8e772..3ed6b07bd 100644
--- a/docs/program-logic.tex
+++ b/docs/program-logic.tex
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ View updates satisfy the following basic proof rules:
 We further define the notions of \emph{view shifts} and \emph{linear view shifts}:
-  \prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \eqdef{}& \always(\prop \Ra \pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB) \\
-  \prop \vsW[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \eqdef{}& \prop \wand \pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB
+  \prop \vsW[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \eqdef{}& \prop \wand \pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \\
+  \prop \vs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB \eqdef{}& \always(\prop \wand \pvs[\mask_1][\mask_2] \propB)
 These two are useful when writing down specifications, but for reasoning, it is typically easier to just work directly with view updates.
 Still, just to give an idea of what view shifts ``are'', here are some proof rules for them:
@@ -208,14 +208,13 @@ We will also want rules that connect weakest preconditions to the operational se
 In order to cover the most general case, those rules end up being more complicated:
-  {\toval(\expr_1) = \bot}
+  {}
   { {\begin{inbox} % for some crazy reason, LaTeX is actually sensitive to the space between the "{ {" here and the "} }" below...
         ~~\pvs[\mask][\emptyset] \Exists \state_1. \red(\expr_1,\state_1) * \later\ownPhys{\state_1} * {}\\\qquad~~ \later\All \expr_2, \state_2, \vec\expr. \Bigl( (\expr_1, \state_1 \step \expr_2, \state_2, \vec\expr) * \ownPhys{\state_2} \Bigr) \wand \pvs[\emptyset][\mask] \Bigl(\wpre{\expr_2}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop} * \Sep_{\expr_\f \in \vec\expr} \wpre{\expr_\f}[\top]{\Ret\any.\TRUE}\Bigr)  {}\\\proves \wpre{\expr_1}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}
       \end{inbox}} }
-  {\toval(\expr_1) = \bot \and
-   \All \state_1. \red(\expr_1, \state_1) \and
+  {\All \state_1. \red(\expr_1, \state_1) \and
    \All \state_1, \expr_2, \state_2, \vec\expr. \expr_1,\state_1 \step \expr_2,\state_2,\vec\expr \Ra \state_1 = \state_2 }
   {\later\All \state, \expr_2, \vec\expr. (\expr_1,\state \step \expr_2, \state,\vec\expr)  \Ra \wpre{\expr_2}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop} * \Sep_{\expr_\f \in \vec\expr} \wpre{\expr_\f}[\top]{\Ret\any.\TRUE} \proves \wpre{\expr_1}[\mask]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
@@ -236,8 +235,7 @@ We can derive some specialized forms of the lifting axioms for the operational s
   {\later\ownPhys{\state_1} * \later \Bigl(\ownPhys{\state_2} \wand \prop[\val_2/\var] * \Sep_{\expr_\f \in \vec\expr} \wpre{\expr_\f}[\top]{\Ret\any.\TRUE} \Bigr) \proves \wpre{\expr_1}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
-  {\toval(\expr_1) = \bot \and
-   \All \state_1. \red(\expr_1, \state_1) \\
+  {\All \state_1. \red(\expr_1, \state_1) \\
    \All \state_1, \expr_2', \state'_2, \vec\expr'. \expr_1,\state_1 \step \expr'_2,\state'_2,\vec\expr' \Ra \state_1 = \state'_2 \land \expr_2 = \expr_2' \land \vec\expr = \vec\expr'}
   {\later \Bigl( \wpre{\expr_2}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop} * \Sep_{\expr_\f \in \vec\expr} \wpre{\expr_\f}[\top]{\Ret\any.\TRUE} \Bigr) \proves \wpre{\expr_1}[\mask_1]{\Ret\var.\prop}}
@@ -281,7 +279,7 @@ Notice that this is stronger than saying that the thread pool can reduce; we act
 It turns out that weakest precondition is actually quite convenient to work with, in particular when perfoming these proofs in Coq.
 Still, for a more traditional presentation, we can easily derive the notion of a Hoare triple:
-\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask] \eqdef \always{(\prop \Ra \wpre{\expr}[\mask]{\Ret\val.\propB})}
+\hoare{\prop}{\expr}{\Ret\val.\propB}[\mask] \eqdef \always{(\prop \wand \wpre{\expr}[\mask]{\Ret\val.\propB})}
 We only give some of the proof rules for Hoare triples here, since we usually do all our reasoning directly with weakest preconditions and use Hoare triples only to write specifications.