From 470705ea24bb081f19c5772227612239f580f3b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jacques-Henri Jourdan <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2017 17:41:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Stylistic improvements in monpred.v

 theories/bi/monpred.v | 612 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 320 insertions(+), 292 deletions(-)

diff --git a/theories/bi/monpred.v b/theories/bi/monpred.v
index d1c905ba5..11970742e 100644
--- a/theories/bi/monpred.v
+++ b/theories/bi/monpred.v
@@ -1,251 +1,255 @@
 From Require Import derived_laws.
+(** Definitions. *)
 Structure bi_index :=
     { bi_index_type :> Type;
       bi_index_rel : SqSubsetEq bi_index_type;
       bi_index_rel_preorder : PreOrder (⊑) }.
-Local Notation mono R P := (Proper (R ==> bi_entails) P).
 Existing Instances bi_index_rel bi_index_rel_preorder.
 Record monPred (I : bi_index) (B : bi) :=
-    { monPred_car :> I -c> B;
-      monPred_mono :> mono (⊑) monPred_car }.
-Arguments monPred _ _ : clear implicits.
-Arguments FUN [_ _] _ _.
-Arguments monPred_car [_ _] _ _.
-Arguments monPred_mono [_ _] _ _ _ _ .
-Notation monPred_upclose I B :=
-  (λ (P : bi_index_type I → B) i, (∀ j (_ : i ⊑ j), (P j))%I).
-Instance monPred_upclose_mono I (B : bi) (P : bi_index_type I → B) :
-  mono (⊑) (monPred_upclose I B (P)).
-  repeat intro. do !apply bi.forall_intro => ?.
-  rewrite !bi.forall_elim; [reflexivity|by etransitivity].
-Notation monPred_upclosed I B P :=
-  (@FUN I B%type (monPred_upclose I B P%function) (monPred_upclose_mono I B%type P%function)).
+    { monPred_car :> I -> B;
+      monPred_mono :> Proper ((⊑) ==> (⊢)) monPred_car }.
+Local Existing Instance monPred_mono.
-Instance monPred_dist {I B} : Dist (monPred I B) := λ n P1 P2, dist n (monPred_car P1) (monPred_car P2).
-Instance monPred_equiv {I B} : Equiv (monPred I B) := λ P1 P2, (monPred_car P1) ≡ (monPred_car P2).
+Arguments FUN {_ _} _ _.
+Arguments monPred_car {_ _} _ _.
+Arguments monPred_mono {_ _} _ _ _ _ .
-Global Instance monPred_car_ne I B : NonExpansive (@monPred_car I B).
-  rewrite /monPred_car. move => n [f /= fm] [g gm].
-  by rewrite {1}/dist /= /monPred_dist /=.
+(** Ofe + Cofe instances  *)
 Section Ofe_Cofe.
   Context {I : bi_index} {B : bi}.
   Implicit Types i : I.
-  Implicit Types P : monPred I B.
+  Implicit Types P Q : monPred I B.
-  Definition monPred_sig P:
-    sig (fun f : I -c> B => mono (⊑) f) :=
+  Inductive monPred_equiv' (P Q : monPred I B) : Prop :=
+    { monPred_in_equiv i : P i ≡ Q i } .
+  Instance monPred_equiv : Equiv (monPred I B) := monPred_equiv'.
+  Inductive monPred_dist' (n : nat) (P Q : monPred I B) : Prop :=
+    { monPred_in_dist i : P i ≡{n}≡ Q i }.
+  Instance monPred_dist : Dist (monPred I B) := monPred_dist'.
+  Definition monPred_sig P : { f : I -c> B | Proper ((⊑) ==> (⊢)) f } :=
     exist _ (monPred_car P) (monPred_mono P).
-  Definition sig_monPred
-             (P' : sig (fun f : I -c> B => mono (⊑) f)):
-    monPred I B :=
+  Definition sig_monPred (P' : { f : I -c> B | Proper ((⊑) ==> (⊢)) f })
+    : monPred I B :=
     FUN (proj1_sig P') (proj2_sig P').
-  Lemma monPred_sig_equiv:
+  (* These two lemma use the wrong Equiv and Dist instance for
+    monPred. so we make sure they are not accessible outside of the
+    section by using Let. *)
+  Let monPred_sig_equiv:
     ∀ P Q, P ≡ Q ↔ monPred_sig P ≡ monPred_sig Q.
-  Proof. done. Qed.
-  Lemma monPred_sig_dist:
+  Proof. by split; [intros []|]. Qed.
+  Let monPred_sig_dist:
     ∀ n, ∀ P Q : monPred I B, P ≡{n}≡ Q ↔ monPred_sig P ≡{n}≡ monPred_sig Q.
-  Proof. done. Qed.
+  Proof. by split; [intros []|]. Qed.
   Definition monPred_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (monPred I B).
   Proof. by apply (iso_ofe_mixin monPred_sig monPred_sig_equiv monPred_sig_dist). Qed.
   Canonical Structure monPred_ofe := OfeT (monPred I B) (monPred_ofe_mixin).
-  Instance monPred_cofe
-  {C : Cofe B}
-  {limit_preserving_entails :
-     ∀ cP cQ : chain B, (∀ n, cP n ⊢ cQ n) → compl cP ⊢ compl cQ}
-    : Cofe (monPred_ofe).
+  Global Instance monPred_cofe {C : Cofe B} : Cofe (monPred_ofe).
-    unshelve refine (iso_cofe_subtype (A:=I-c>B)
-                                      (fun f => mono (⊑) f)
-                                      (@FUN _ _)
-                                      (@monPred_car _ _) _ _ _);
-    [done|done|].
-    intros c i j Hij.
-    apply limit_preserving_entails.
-    intros. by apply monPred_mono.
+    unshelve refine (iso_cofe_subtype (A:=I-c>B) _ (@FUN _ _) (@monPred_car _ _) _ _ _);
+    [apply _|by apply monPred_sig_dist|done|].
+    intros c i j Hij. apply @limit_preserving;
+      [by apply bi.limit_preserving_entails; intros ??|]=>n. by rewrite Hij.
 End Ofe_Cofe.
+Arguments monPred_ofe _ _ : clear implicits.
+Section Iso.
+  Context {I : bi_index} {B : bi}.
+  Implicit Types i : I.
+  Implicit Types P Q : monPred I B.
+  Lemma monPred_sig_monPred (P' : { f : I -c> B | Proper ((⊑) ==> (⊢)) f }) :
+    monPred_sig (sig_monPred P') ≡ P'.
+  Proof. by change (P' ≡ P'). Qed.
+  Lemma sig_monPred_sig P : sig_monPred (monPred_sig P) ≡ P.
+  Proof. done. Qed.
-Inductive monPred_entails {I B} (P1 P2 : monPred I B) : Prop := monPred_in_entails : (∀ i, bi_entails (monPred_car P1 i) (monPred_car P2 i)) → monPred_entails P1 P2.
-Lemma monPred_entails_eq {I B} P1 P2 : @monPred_entails I B P1 P2 ↔ (∀ i, bi_entails (monPred_car P1 i) (monPred_car P2 i)).
-Proof. split=>[[]//|//]. Qed.
+  Global Instance monPred_sig_ne : NonExpansive (@monPred_sig I B).
+  Proof. move=> ??? [?] ? //=. Qed.
+  Global Instance monPred_sig_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@monPred_sig I B).
+  Proof. eapply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+  Global Instance sig_monPred_ne : NonExpansive (@sig_monPred I B).
+  Proof. split=>? //=. Qed.
+  Global Instance sig_monPred_proper : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@sig_monPred I B).
+  Proof. eapply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+End Iso.
+(* We generalize over the relation R which is morally the equivalence
+   relation over B. That way, the BI index can use equality as an
+   equivalence relation (and Coq is able to infer the Proper and
+   Reflexive instances properly), or any other equivalence relation,
+   provided it is compatible with (⊑). *)
+Instance monPred_car_ne {I : bi_index} {B} (R : relation I) :
+  Proper (R ==> R ==> iff) (⊑) → Reflexive R →
+  ∀ n, Proper (dist n ==> R ==> dist n) (@monPred_car I B).
+  intros ????? [Hd] ?? HR. rewrite Hd.
+  apply equiv_dist, bi.equiv_spec; split; f_equiv; rewrite ->HR; done.
+Instance monPred_car_proper {I : bi_index} {B} (R : relation I) :
+  Proper (R ==> R ==> iff) (⊑) → Reflexive R →
+  Proper ((≡) ==> R ==> (≡)) (@monPred_car I B).
+Proof. repeat intro. apply equiv_dist=>?. f_equiv=>//. by apply equiv_dist. Qed.
+(** BI and SBI structures. *)
+Inductive monPred_entails {I B} (P1 P2 : monPred I B) : Prop :=
+  { monPred_in_entails i : P1 i ⊢ P2 i }.
 Hint Immediate monPred_in_entails.
-Program Definition monPred_pure_def {I B} : Prop → monPred I B := λ P, FUN (λ _, bi_pure P) _.
-Definition monPred_pure_aux : seal (@monPred_pure_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition monPred_pure {I B} := unseal (@monPred_pure_aux) I B.
-Definition monPred_pure_eq : @monPred_pure = _ := seal_eq _.
+Instance monPred_upclose_mono I (B : bi) (P : bi_index_type I → B) :
+  Proper ((⊑) ==> (⊢)) (λ i, (∀ j, ⌜i ⊑ j⌝ → P j)%I).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Definition monPred_upclosed {I B} P :=
+  FUN _ (monPred_upclose_mono I B P%function).
-Program Definition monPred_emp {I B} := @FUN I B (λ _, emp)%I _.
+Definition monPred_ipure_def {I} {B : bi} (P : B) : monPred I B := FUN (λ _, P) _.
+Definition monPred_ipure_aux : seal (@monPred_ipure_def). by eexists. Qed.
+Definition monPred_ipure {I B} := unseal monPred_ipure_aux I B.
+Definition monPred_ipure_eq : @monPred_ipure = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_and_def {I B} := λ (P Q : monPred I B), @FUN I B (λ i, monPred_car P i ∧ monPred_car Q i)%I _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P Q V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.and_mono; apply monPred_mono.
+Definition monPred_pure {I B} (P : Prop) : monPred I B :=
+  monPred_ipure (bi_pure P).
+Definition monPred_emp {I B} : monPred I B :=
+  monPred_ipure emp%I.
+Program Definition monPred_and_def {I B} (P Q : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i, P i ∧ Q i)%I _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_and_aux : seal (@monPred_and_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_and {I B} := unseal (@monPred_and_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_and_eq : @monPred_and = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_or_def {I B} := λ (P Q : monPred I B), @FUN I B (λ i, monPred_car P i ∨ monPred_car Q i)%I _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P Q V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.or_mono; apply monPred_mono.
+Program Definition monPred_or_def {I B} (P Q : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i, P i ∨ Q i)%I _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_or_aux : seal (@monPred_or_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_or {I B} := unseal (@monPred_or_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_or_eq : @monPred_or = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_impl_def {I B} := λ (P Q : monPred I B), monPred_upclosed I B (λ i, monPred_car P i → monPred_car Q i)%I.
+Definition monPred_impl_def {I B} (P Q : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  monPred_upclosed (λ i, P i → Q i)%I.
 Definition monPred_impl_aux : seal (@monPred_impl_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_impl {I B} := unseal (@monPred_impl_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_impl_eq : @monPred_impl = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_forall_def {I B} A := λ (Φ : A -> monPred I B), @FUN I B (λ i, ∀ x : A, monPred_car (Φ x) i)%I _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P Q V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.forall_mono; intros; apply monPred_mono.
+Program Definition monPred_forall_def {I B} A (Φ : A → monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i, ∀ x : A, Φ x i)%I _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_forall_aux : seal (@monPred_forall_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_forall {I B} := unseal (@monPred_forall_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_forall_eq : @monPred_forall = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_exist_def {I B} A := λ (Φ : A -> monPred I B), FUN (λ i, ∃ x : A, monPred_car (Φ x) i)%I _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P Q V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.exist_mono; intros; apply monPred_mono.
+Program Definition monPred_exist_def {I B} A (Φ : A → monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i, ∃ x : A, Φ x i)%I _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_exist_aux : seal (@monPred_exist_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_exist {I B} := unseal (@monPred_exist_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_exist_eq : @monPred_exist = _ := seal_eq _.
-Definition monPred_internal_eq_def {I B} A := λ a b, @FUN I B (λ _, @bi_internal_eq B A a b) _.
+Definition monPred_internal_eq_def {I B} (A : ofeT) (a b : A) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ _, bi_internal_eq a b) _.
 Definition monPred_internal_eq_aux : seal (@monPred_internal_eq_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_internal_eq {I B} := unseal (@monPred_internal_eq_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_internal_eq_eq : @monPred_internal_eq = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_sep_def {I B} := λ (P Q : monPred I B), FUN (λ i, monPred_car P i ∗ monPred_car Q i)%I _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P Q V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.sep_mono; intros; apply monPred_mono.
+Program Definition monPred_sep_def {I B} (P Q : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i, P i ∗ Q i)%I _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_sep_aux : seal (@monPred_sep_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_sep {I B} := unseal monPred_sep_aux I B.
 Definition monPred_sep_eq : @monPred_sep = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_wand_def {I B} := λ (P Q : monPred I B), monPred_upclosed I B (λ i, monPred_car P i -∗ monPred_car Q i)%I.
+Definition monPred_wand_def {I B} (P Q : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  monPred_upclosed (λ i, P i -∗ Q i)%I.
 Definition monPred_wand_aux : seal (@monPred_wand_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_wand {I B} := unseal monPred_wand_aux I B.
 Definition monPred_wand_eq : @monPred_wand = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_persistently_def {I B} : monPred I B → monPred I B := λ P, FUN (λ i, bi_persistently (monPred_car P i)) _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.persistently_mono; intros; apply monPred_mono.
+Program Definition monPred_persistently_def {I B} (P : monPred I B) : monPred I B := 
+  FUN (λ i, bi_persistently (P i)) _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_persistently_aux : seal (@monPred_persistently_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_persistently {I B} := unseal monPred_persistently_aux I B.
 Definition monPred_persistently_eq : @monPred_persistently = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_plainly_def {I B} : monPred I B → monPred I B := λ P, FUN (λ i, bi_plainly (monPred_car P i)) _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.plainly_mono; intros; apply monPred_mono.
-Definition monPred_plainly_aux : seal (@monPred_plainly_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition monPred_plainly {I B} := unseal monPred_plainly_aux I B.
-Definition monPred_plainly_eq : @monPred_plainly = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_later_def {I} {B : sbi} (P : monPred I B) : monPred I B := FUN (λ i, ▷ (monPred_car P i))%I _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B P V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.later_mono; intros; apply monPred_mono.
+Definition monPred_plainly {I B} (P : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  monPred_ipure (∀ i, bi_plainly (P i))%I.
+Program Definition monPred_later_def {I} {B : sbi} (P : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i, ▷ (P i))%I _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_later_aux : seal (@monPred_later_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_later {I B} := unseal monPred_later_aux I B.
 Definition monPred_later_eq : @monPred_later = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_in_def {I B} (i_0 : bi_index_type I) : monPred I B := FUN (λ i : I, ⌜i_0 ⊑ i⌝%I) _.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros I B V V1 V2 HV.
-  by apply bi.pure_mono; intros; etrans.
+Program Definition monPred_in_def {I : bi_index} {B} (i_0 : I) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ i : I, ⌜i_0 ⊑ i⌝%I) _.
+Next Obligation. solve_proper. Qed.
 Definition monPred_in_aux : seal (@monPred_in_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_in {I B} := unseal (@monPred_in_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_in_eq : @monPred_in = _ := seal_eq _.
-Lemma monPred_all_def_mono {I B} (P : monPred I B) : mono (⊑) (λ _ : I, ∀ i, monPred_car P i)%I.
-Proof. apply _. Qed.
-Program Definition monPred_all_def {I B} := λ (P : monPred I B), FUN (λ _ : I, ∀ i, monPred_car P i)%I (monPred_all_def_mono P).
+Definition monPred_all_def {I B} (P : monPred I B) : monPred I B :=
+  FUN (λ _ : I, ∀ i, P i)%I _.
 Definition monPred_all_aux : seal (@monPred_all_def). by eexists. Qed.
 Definition monPred_all {I B} := unseal (@monPred_all_aux) I B.
 Definition monPred_all_eq : @monPred_all = _ := seal_eq _.
-Program Definition monPred_ipure_def {I B} P : monPred I B := FUN (λ _, P) _.
-Definition monPred_ipure_aux : seal (@monPred_ipure_def). by eexists. Qed.
-Definition monPred_ipure {I B} := unseal monPred_ipure_aux I B.
-Definition monPred_ipure_eq : @monPred_ipure = _ := seal_eq _.
-Local Definition unseal_eqs :=
-  (@monPred_pure_eq, @monPred_and_eq, @monPred_or_eq, @monPred_impl_eq, @monPred_forall_eq,
-   @monPred_exist_eq, @monPred_internal_eq_eq, @monPred_sep_eq, @monPred_wand_eq, @monPred_persistently_eq,
-   @monPred_plainly_eq,
-   @monPred_entails_eq, @monPred_later_eq, @monPred_in_eq, @monPred_all_eq, @monPred_ipure_eq 
-  ).
-Lemma monPred_bi_mixin I B :
-  BiMixin  (@monPred_ofe_mixin I B) monPred_entails monPred_emp monPred_pure monPred_and monPred_or monPred_impl monPred_forall monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq monPred_sep monPred_wand monPred_plainly monPred_persistently.
+Definition unseal_eqs :=
+  (@monPred_and_eq, @monPred_or_eq, @monPred_impl_eq,
+   @monPred_forall_eq, @monPred_exist_eq, @monPred_internal_eq_eq,
+   @monPred_sep_eq, @monPred_wand_eq,
+   @monPred_persistently_eq, @monPred_later_eq,
+   @monPred_in_eq, @monPred_all_eq, @monPred_ipure_eq).
+Ltac unseal :=
+  unfold bi_affinely, bi_absorbingly, sbi_except_0, bi_pure, bi_emp,
+         monPred_upclosed, bi_and, bi_or, bi_impl, bi_forall, bi_exist,
+         bi_internal_eq, bi_sep, bi_wand, bi_persistently, bi_affinely,
+         sbi_later; simpl;
+  unfold sbi_emp, sbi_pure, sbi_and, sbi_or, sbi_impl, sbi_forall, sbi_exist,
+         sbi_internal_eq, sbi_sep, sbi_wand, sbi_persistently, sbi_plainly,
+         bi_plainly; simpl;
+  unfold monPred_pure, monPred_emp, monPred_plainly; simpl;
+  rewrite !unseal_eqs /=.
+Lemma monPred_bi_mixin I B : BiMixin (@monPred_ofe_mixin I B)
+  monPred_entails monPred_emp monPred_pure monPred_and monPred_or
+  monPred_impl monPred_forall monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq
+  monPred_sep monPred_wand monPred_plainly monPred_persistently.
-  rewrite !unseal_eqs.
-  split;
-  (* repeat setoid_rewrite monPred_entails_eq; repeat intro. *)
-  repeat (match goal with | [|- monPred_entails _ _ -> _] => intros [] end
-          || intro
-         );
-  try match goal with | [ |- monPred_entails _ _] => split => ? end.
+  split; try unseal;
+    repeat match goal with
+        | _ => intro || done
+        | [ H : monPred_entails _ _ |- _] => destruct H as [H]
+        | [ |- monPred_entails _ _ ] => split => ? /=
+        | [ |- @dist _ monPred_dist _ _ _ ] => split => ? /=
+        | [ |- ?f _ ≡{_}≡ ?f _ ] => f_equiv
+        | [ |- ?f _ _ ≡{_}≡ ?f _ _ ] => f_equiv
+        end.
   - split.
-    + intros ?. by econstructor.
-    + intros ? ? ? [e1] [e2]. constructor => ?. by rewrite e1 e2.
+    + intros ?. by split.
+    + intros ? ? ? [e1] [e2]. split => ?. by rewrite e1 e2.
   - split.
-    + intros. split; split => i; move: (H i); by apply bi.equiv_spec.
-    + intros [[] []] ?. by apply bi.equiv_spec.
-  - by apply: bi.pure_ne.
-  - by apply: bi.and_ne.
-  - by apply: bi.or_ne.
-  - do 2!apply bi.forall_ne => ?. by repeat apply: bi.impl_ne.
-  - apply bi.forall_ne => ?. by firstorder.
-  - apply bi.exist_ne => ?. by firstorder.
-  - by apply bi.sep_ne.
-  - do 2!apply bi.forall_ne => ?. by apply bi.wand_ne.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_ne.
-  - by apply bi.persistently_ne.
-  - by apply bi.internal_eq_ne.
+    + intros [HPQ]. split; split => i; move: (HPQ i); by apply bi.equiv_spec.
+    + intros [[] []]. split=>i. by apply bi.equiv_spec.
   - by apply bi.pure_intro.
-  - apply bi.pure_elim'. by move/H => [] /(_ _) /=.
+  - apply bi.pure_elim'. move/H => [] //=.
   - by apply bi.pure_forall_2.
   - by apply bi.and_elim_l.
   - by apply bi.and_elim_r.
@@ -253,20 +257,17 @@ Proof.
   - by apply bi.or_intro_l.
   - by apply bi.or_intro_r.
   - by apply bi.or_elim.
-  - do 2!apply bi.forall_intro => ?.
-    rewrite -H monPred_mono //.
-    apply: bi.impl_intro_l.
-      by rewrite (comm (∧)%I).
-  - do !setoid_rewrite bi.forall_elim in H; last reflexivity.
-    rewrite /= H. by rewrite bi.impl_elim_l.
+  - setoid_rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall. do 2 apply bi.forall_intro => ?.
+    apply bi.impl_intro_r. rewrite -H /=. by do 2 f_equiv.
+  - rewrite H /=. rewrite bi.forall_elim bi.pure_impl_forall bi.forall_elim //.
+    apply bi.impl_elim_l.
   - apply bi.forall_intro => ?. by apply H.
   - by apply: bi.forall_elim.
   - by rewrite /= -bi.exist_intro.
   - apply bi.exist_elim => ?. by apply H.
   - by apply bi.internal_eq_refl.
-  - do 2!apply bi.forall_intro => ? /=.
-    erewrite (bi.internal_eq_rewrite _ _ (λ c, monPred_car (Ψ c) _)) => //.
-    intros ? ? ? ?. by apply H.
+  - setoid_rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall. do 2 apply bi.forall_intro => ?.
+    erewrite (bi.internal_eq_rewrite _ _ (flip Ψ _)) => //=. solve_proper.
   - by apply bi.fun_ext.
   - by apply bi.sig_eq.
   - by apply bi.discrete_eq_1.
@@ -275,163 +276,190 @@ Proof.
   - by apply bi.emp_sep_2.
   - by apply bi.sep_comm'.
   - by apply bi.sep_assoc'.
-  - apply bi.forall_intro => ?.
-    apply bi.forall_intro => M.
-    apply bi.wand_intro_r.
-    rewrite (monPred_mono _ _ _ M). by apply H.
+  - setoid_rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall. do 2 apply bi.forall_intro => ?.
+    apply bi.wand_intro_r. rewrite -H /=. by do 2 f_equiv.
   - apply bi.wand_elim_l'.
-      by do !setoid_rewrite bi.forall_elim in H; last reflexivity.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_mono.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_elim_persistently.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_idemp_2.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_forall_2.
-  - rewrite /=. admit.
-  (* apply bi.prop_ext *)
-  - rewrite /=.
-    do 2!(rewrite -bi.persistently_forall_2; apply bi.forall_intro => ?).
-    rewrite !bi.forall_elim //.
-    by apply bi.persistently_impl_plainly.
-  - rewrite /=.
-    do 2!(rewrite -bi.plainly_forall_2; apply bi.forall_intro => ?).
-    rewrite !bi.forall_elim //.
-    by apply bi.plainly_impl_plainly.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_emp_intro.
-  - rewrite /=.
-    apply: (bi_mixin_plainly_absorbing (PROP:=B) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (bi_bi_mixin B)).
-    (* XXX: FIXME *)
-  - by apply bi.persistently_mono.
+    rewrite H /= bi.forall_elim bi.pure_impl_forall bi.forall_elim //.
+  - by do 3 f_equiv.
+  - by rewrite bi.forall_elim bi.plainly_elim_persistently.
+  - repeat setoid_rewrite <-bi.plainly_forall.
+    rewrite -bi.plainly_idemp_2. f_equiv. by apply bi.forall_intro=>_.
+  - apply bi.forall_intro=>?. rewrite bi.plainly_forall. apply bi.forall_intro=>?.
+    by rewrite !bi.forall_elim.
+  - rewrite <-(sig_monPred_sig P), <-(sig_monPred_sig Q), <-(bi.f_equiv _).
+    rewrite -bi.sig_equivI /= -bi.fun_ext. f_equiv=>i.
+    rewrite -bi.prop_ext !(bi.forall_elim i) !bi.pure_impl_forall
+            !bi.forall_elim //.
+  - repeat setoid_rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall.
+    repeat setoid_rewrite <-bi.plainly_forall.
+    repeat setoid_rewrite bi.persistently_forall. do 4 f_equiv.
+    apply bi.persistently_impl_plainly.
+  - repeat setoid_rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall. rewrite 2!bi.forall_elim //.
+    repeat setoid_rewrite <-bi.plainly_forall.
+    setoid_rewrite bi.plainly_impl_plainly. f_equiv.
+    do 3 apply bi.forall_intro => ?. f_equiv. rewrite bi.forall_elim //.
+  - apply bi.forall_intro=>_. by apply bi.plainly_emp_intro.
+  - apply bi.sep_elim_l, _.
+  - by f_equiv.
   - by apply bi.persistently_idemp_2.
-  - by apply bi.plainly_persistently_1.
+  - by setoid_rewrite bi.plainly_persistently_1.
   - by apply bi.persistently_forall_2.
   - by apply bi.persistently_exist_1.
-  - rewrite /=.
-    refine (bi_mixin_persistently_absorbing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
-    exact (bi_bi_mixin B). (* WTF? *)
+  - apply bi.sep_elim_l, _.
   - by apply bi.persistently_and_sep_elim.
 Canonical Structure monPredI I B : bi :=
-  Bi (monPred I B) monPred_dist monPred_equiv monPred_entails monPred_emp monPred_pure monPred_and monPred_or monPred_impl monPred_forall monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq monPred_sep monPred_wand monPred_plainly monPred_persistently monPred_ofe_mixin (monPred_bi_mixin _ _).
-Instance monPred_affine I B : BiAffine B → BiAffine (monPredI I B).
-Proof. split => ?. by apply affine. Qed.
-Arguments monPred_ofe _ _ : clear implicits.
-Arguments monPred _ _ : clear implicits.
-Module Prelim.
-  Ltac unseal := rewrite 
-                   /sbi_except_0
-                   (* TODO: the next line used to contain uPred.emp and that was necessary *)
-                   /bi_emp /= /bi_pure /bi_and /bi_or /bi_impl
-                   /bi_forall /bi_exist /bi_internal_eq /bi_sep /bi_wand /bi_persistently /bi_plainly /bi_affinely /sbi_later /=
-                   /sbi_emp /sbi_pure /sbi_and /sbi_or /sbi_impl
-                   /sbi_forall /sbi_exist /sbi_internal_eq /sbi_sep /sbi_wand /sbi_persistently /sbi_plainly
-                   /=
-                   !unseal_eqs /=.
-End Prelim.
-Lemma monPred_wand_force I B (P Q : monPred I B) i:
-  monPred_car (P -∗ Q) i -∗ (monPred_car P i -∗ monPred_car Q i).
-Proof. Prelim.unseal. by rewrite !bi.forall_elim. Qed.
-Lemma monPred_impl_force I B (P Q : monPred I B) i:
-  monPred_car (P → Q) i -∗ (monPred_car P i → monPred_car Q i).
-Proof. Prelim.unseal. by rewrite !bi.forall_elim. Qed.
-Lemma monPred_persistently_if_eq I B p (P : monPred I B) i:
-  monPred_car (bi_persistently_if p P) i = bi_persistently_if p (monPred_car P i).
-Proof. rewrite /bi_persistently_if. Prelim.unseal. by destruct p. Qed.
-Lemma monPred_plainly_if_eq I B p (P : monPred I B) i:
-  monPred_car (bi_plainly_if p P) i = bi_plainly_if p (monPred_car P i).
-Proof. rewrite /bi_plainly_if. Prelim.unseal. by destruct p. Qed.
-Lemma monPred_affinely_if_eq I B p (P : monPred I B) i:
-  monPred_car (bi_affinely_if p P) i = bi_affinely_if p (monPred_car P i).
-Proof. rewrite /bi_affinely_if. destruct p => //. rewrite /bi_affinely. by Prelim.unseal. Qed.
+  Bi (monPred I B) monPred_dist monPred_equiv monPred_entails monPred_emp
+     monPred_pure monPred_and monPred_or monPred_impl monPred_forall
+     monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq monPred_sep monPred_wand monPred_plainly
+     monPred_persistently monPred_ofe_mixin (monPred_bi_mixin _ _).
 Lemma monPred_sbi_mixin I (B : sbi) :
-    SbiMixin (PROP:=monPred I B) monPred_entails monPred_pure monPred_or monPred_impl monPred_forall monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq monPred_sep monPred_plainly monPred_persistently monPred_later.
+  SbiMixin (PROP:=monPred I B) monPred_entails monPred_pure monPred_or
+           monPred_impl monPred_forall monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq
+           monPred_sep monPred_plainly monPred_persistently monPred_later.
-  intros.
-  Prelim.unseal.
-  split; repeat setoid_rewrite monPred_entails_eq; repeat intro.
+  intros. split; try unseal;
+    repeat match goal with
+           | _ => intro || done
+           | [ H : monPred_entails _ _ |- _] => destruct H as [H]
+           | [ |- monPred_entails _ _ ] => split => ? /=
+           | [ |- @dist _ _ _ _ _ ] => split => ? /=
+           end.
   - apply bi.later_contractive. rewrite /dist_later in H. destruct n => //. by apply H.
   - by apply bi.later_eq_1.
   - by apply bi.later_eq_2.
   - by apply bi.later_mono.
-  - rewrite /= !bi.forall_elim; last reflexivity. by apply bi.löb.
+  - setoid_rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall. rewrite /= !bi.forall_elim //. by apply bi.löb.
   - by apply bi.later_forall_2.
   - by apply bi.later_exist_false.
   - by apply bi.later_sep_1.
   - by apply bi.later_sep_2.
-  - by apply bi.later_plainly_1.
-  - by apply bi.later_plainly_2.
+  - rewrite bi.later_forall. f_equiv=>?. by rewrite -bi.later_plainly_1.
+  - rewrite bi.later_forall. f_equiv=>?. by rewrite -bi.later_plainly_2.
   - by apply bi.later_persistently_1.
   - by apply bi.later_persistently_2.
   - rewrite /= -bi.forall_intro. apply bi.later_false_em.
-    intros. rewrite <-bi.forall_intro. reflexivity.
-    intros. by rewrite monPred_mono.
+    intros. rewrite bi.pure_impl_forall. apply bi.forall_intro=>?. by repeat f_equiv.
 Canonical Structure monPredSI I (B : sbi) : sbi :=
-    Sbi (monPred I B) monPred_dist monPred_equiv monPred_entails monPred_emp monPred_pure monPred_and monPred_or monPred_impl monPred_forall monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq monPred_sep monPred_wand monPred_plainly monPred_persistently monPred_later monPred_ofe_mixin (bi_bi_mixin _) (monPred_sbi_mixin _ _).
-Ltac unseal := rewrite
-                 /(@sbi_except_0 (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_emp (monPredI _ _)) /=
-                 /(@bi_pure (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_and (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_or (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_impl (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_forall (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_exist (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_internal_eq (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_sep (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_wand (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@bi_persistently (monPredI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_later (monPredSI _ _)) /=
-                 /(@sbi_emp (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_pure (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_and (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_or (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_impl (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_forall (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_exist (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_internal_eq (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_sep (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_wand (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /(@sbi_persistently (monPredSI _ _))
-                 /=
-                 !unseal_eqs /=.
-Section ProofmodeInstances.
-  Global Instance monPred_car_persistent B I P i : Persistent P → Persistent (@monPred_car B I P i).
-  Proof. move => [] /(_ i). by unseal. Qed.
-  Global Instance monPred_in_persistent {I B} V : Persistent (@monPred_in I B V).
-  Proof.
-    unfold Persistent.
-    unseal; split => ?.
-      by apply bi.pure_persistent.
-  Qed. (* TODO: why is this so long and why can I not rewrite monPred_persistently after move? *)
-End ProofmodeInstances.
+  Sbi (monPred I B) monPred_dist monPred_equiv monPred_entails monPred_emp
+      monPred_pure monPred_and monPred_or monPred_impl monPred_forall
+      monPred_exist monPred_internal_eq monPred_sep monPred_wand monPred_plainly
+      monPred_persistently monPred_later monPred_ofe_mixin
+      (bi_bi_mixin _) (monPred_sbi_mixin _ _).
+(** Primitive facts that cannot be deduced from the BI structure. *)
+Instance monPred_car_mono {I B} : Proper ((⊢) ==> (⊑) ==> (⊢)) (@monPred_car I B).
+Proof. by move=> ?? [?] ?? ->. Qed.
+Instance monPred_car_mono_flip {I B} :
+  Proper (flip (⊢) ==> flip (⊑) ==> flip (⊢)) (@monPred_car I B).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_ipure_ne {I B} : NonExpansive (@monPred_ipure I B).
+Proof. unseal. by split. Qed.
+Instance monPred_ipure_proper {I B} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@monPred_ipure I B).
+Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+Instance monPred_ipure_mono {I B} : Proper ((⊢) ==> (⊢)) (@monPred_ipure I B).
+Proof. unseal. by split. Qed.
+Instance monPred_ipure_mono_flip {I B} :
+  Proper (flip (⊢) ==> flip (⊢)) (@monPred_ipure I B).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_in_proper {I : bi_index} {B} (R : relation I) :
+  Proper (R ==> R ==> iff) (⊑) → Reflexive R →
+  Proper (R ==> (≡)) (@monPred_in I B).
+Proof. unseal. split. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_in_mono {I : bi_index} {B} :
+  Proper (flip (⊑) ==> (⊢)) (@monPred_in I B).
+Proof. unseal. split. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_in_mono_flip {I : bi_index} {B} :
+  Proper ((⊑) ==> flip (⊢)) (@monPred_in I B).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_all_ne {I B} : NonExpansive (@monPred_all I B).
+Proof. unseal. split. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_all_proper {I B} : Proper ((≡) ==> (≡)) (@monPred_all I B).
+Proof. apply (ne_proper _). Qed.
+Instance monPred_all_mono {I B} : Proper ((⊢) ==> (⊢)) (@monPred_all I B).
+Proof. unseal. split. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_all_mono_flip {I B} :
+  Proper (flip (⊢) ==> flip (⊢)) (@monPred_all I B).
+Proof. solve_proper. Qed.
+Instance monPred_affine I B : BiAffine B → BiAffine (monPredI I B).
+Proof. split => ?. unseal. by apply affine. Qed.
+Lemma monPred_wand_force I B (P Q : monPred I B) i:
+  (P -∗ Q) i -∗ (P i -∗ Q i).
+Proof. unseal. rewrite bi.forall_elim bi.pure_impl_forall bi.forall_elim //. Qed.
+Lemma monPred_impl_force I B (P Q : monPred I B) i:
+  (P → Q) i -∗ (P i → Q i).
+Proof. unseal. rewrite bi.forall_elim bi.pure_impl_forall bi.forall_elim //. Qed.
+Lemma monPred_persistently_if_eq I B p (P : monPred I B) i:
+  (bi_persistently_if p P) i = bi_persistently_if p (P i).
+Proof. rewrite /bi_persistently_if. unseal. by destruct p. Qed.
+Lemma monPred_affinely_if_eq I B p (P : monPred I B) i:
+  (bi_affinely_if p P) i = bi_affinely_if p (P i).
+Proof. rewrite /bi_affinely_if. destruct p => //. rewrite /bi_affinely. by unseal. Qed.
+(* TODO : if we use this for linear BIs, we should additionally define
+   Absorbing and Affine instances. *)
+Global Instance monPred_car_timeless {I B} (P : monPred I (sbi_bi B)) i :
+  Timeless P → Timeless (P i).
+Proof. move => [] /(_ i). unfold Timeless. by unseal. Qed.
+Global Instance monPred_car_persistent {I B} (P : monPred I B) i :
+  Persistent P → Persistent (P i).
+Proof. move => [] /(_ i). by unseal. Qed.
+Global Instance monPred_car_plain I B (P : monPred I B) i :
+  Plain P → Plain (P i).
+Proof. move => [] /(_ i). unfold Plain. unseal. rewrite bi.forall_elim //. Qed.
 (* Notation "☐ P" := (monPred_ipure P%I) *)
 (*   (at level 20, right associativity) : bi_scope. *)
 Global Instance monPred_ipure_timeless {I B} (P : sbi_car B) :
-  Timeless (P) → Timeless (@monPred_ipure I B P).
+  Timeless P → Timeless (@monPred_ipure I B P).
+Proof. intros. split => ? /=. unseal. exact: H. Qed.
+Global Instance monPred_ipure_plain {I B} P :
+  Plain P → Plain (@monPred_ipure I B P).
+Proof. intros. split => ? /=. unseal. apply bi.forall_intro=>?. apply (plain _). Qed.
+Global Instance monPred_ipure_persistent {I B} P :
+  Persistent P → Persistent (@monPred_ipure I B P).
+Proof. intros. split => ? /=. unseal. exact: H. Qed.
+Global Instance monPred_in_timeless {I} {B : sbi} V :
+  Timeless (@monPred_in I B V).
+Proof. split => ? /=. unseal. apply timeless, _. Qed.
+(* Note that monPred_in is *not* Plain, because it does depend on the
+   index. *)
+Global Instance monPred_in_persistent {I B} V :
+  Persistent (@monPred_in I B V).
+Proof. unfold Persistent. unseal; split => ?. by apply bi.pure_persistent. Qed.
+Global Instance monPred_all_timeless {I} {B : sbi} P :
+  Timeless P → Timeless (@monPred_all I B P).
-  intros. split => ? /=.
-  unseal. rewrite /monPred_ipure_def. exact: H.
+  move=>[]. unfold Timeless. unseal=>Hti. split=> ? /=.
+  by apply timeless, bi.forall_timeless.
-Global Instance monPred_ipure_persistent {I B} (P : sbi_car B) :
-  Persistent (P) → Persistent (@monPred_ipure I B P).
+Global Instance monPred_all_plain {I B} P :
+  Plain P → Plain (@monPred_all I B P).
+  move=>[]. unfold Plain. unseal=>Hp. split=>? /=.
+  apply bi.forall_intro=>i. rewrite {1}(bi.forall_elim i) Hp.
+  by rewrite bi.plainly_forall.
+Global Instance monPred_all_persistent {I B} P :
+  Persistent P → Persistent (@monPred_all I B P).
-  intros. split => ? /=.
-  unseal. rewrite /monPred_ipure_def. exact: H.
+  move=>[]. unfold Persistent. unseal=>Hp. split => ?.
+  by apply persistent, bi.forall_persistent.