diff --git a/iris/bi/weakestpre.v b/iris/bi/weakestpre.v
index b2c248e6b5db44cf5fa4dfda60663115b7a744c9..c248f3411aba054c334a55b1cbd78f8b10b55954 100644
--- a/iris/bi/weakestpre.v
+++ b/iris/bi/weakestpre.v
@@ -56,24 +56,28 @@ Notation "'WP' e {{ Φ } }" := (wp NotStuck ⊤ e%E Φ)
 Notation "'WP' e ? {{ Φ } }" := (wp MaybeStuck ⊤ e%E Φ)
   (at level 20, e, Φ at level 200, only parsing) : bi_scope.
-(** Notations with binder.  The indentation for the inner format block is chosen
-such that *if* one has a single-character mask (e.g. [E]), the second line
-should align with the binder(s) on the first line. *)
+(** Notations with binder. *)
+(** The general approach we use for all these complex notations: an outer '[hv'
+to switch bwteen "horizontal mode" where it all fits on one line, and "vertical
+mode" where each '/' becomes a line break. Then, as appropriate, nested boxes
+('['...']') for things like preconditions and postconditions such that they are
+maximally horizontal and suitably indented inside the parentheses that surround
+them. *)
 Notation "'WP' e @ s ; E {{ v , Q } }" := (wp s E e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[          ' @  s ;  E  {{  v ,  Q  } } ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' @  '[' s ;  '/' E  ']' '/' {{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } } ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e @ E {{ v , Q } }" := (wp NotStuck E e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[       ' @  E  {{  v ,  Q  } } ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' @  E  '/' {{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } } ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e @ E ? {{ v , Q } }" := (wp MaybeStuck E e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[        ' @  E  ? {{  v ,  Q  } } ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' @  E  '/' ? {{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } } ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e {{ v , Q } }" := (wp NotStuck ⊤ e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[   ' {{  v ,  Q  } } ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' {{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } } ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e ? {{ v , Q } }" := (wp MaybeStuck ⊤ e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[    ' ? {{  v ,  Q  } } ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' ? {{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } } ']'") : bi_scope.
 (* Texan triples *)
 Notation "'{{{' P } } } e @ s ; E {{{ x .. y , 'RET' pat ; Q } } }" :=
@@ -159,24 +163,22 @@ Notation "'WP' e [{ Φ } ]" := (twp NotStuck ⊤ e%E Φ)
 Notation "'WP' e ? [{ Φ } ]" := (twp MaybeStuck ⊤ e%E Φ)
   (at level 20, e, Φ at level 200, only parsing) : bi_scope.
-(** Notations with binder.  The indentation for the inner format block is chosen
-such that *if* one has a single-character mask (e.g. [E]), the second line
-should align with the binder(s) on the first line. *)
+(** Notations with binder. *)
 Notation "'WP' e @ s ; E [{ v , Q } ]" := (twp s E e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[          ' @  s ;  E  [{  v ,  Q  } ] ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' @  '[' s ;  '/' E  ']' '/' [{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } ] ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e @ E [{ v , Q } ]" := (twp NotStuck E e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[       ' @  E  [{  v ,  Q  } ] ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' @  E  '/' [{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } ] ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e @ E ? [{ v , Q } ]" := (twp MaybeStuck E e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[        ' @  E  ? [{  v ,  Q  } ] ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' @  E  '/' ? [{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } ] ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e [{ v , Q } ]" := (twp NotStuck ⊤ e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[   ' [{  v ,  Q  } ] ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' [{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } ] ']'") : bi_scope.
 Notation "'WP' e ? [{ v , Q } ]" := (twp MaybeStuck ⊤ e%E (λ v, Q))
   (at level 20, e, Q at level 200,
-   format "'[' 'WP'  e  '/' '[    ' ? [{  v ,  Q  } ] ']' ']'") : bi_scope.
+   format "'[hv' 'WP'  e  '/' ? [{  '[' v ,  '/' Q  ']' } ] ']'") : bi_scope.
 (* Texan triples *)
 Notation "'[[{' P } ] ] e @ s ; E [[{ x .. y , 'RET' pat ; Q } ] ]" :=
diff --git a/tests/heap_lang.ref b/tests/heap_lang.ref
index 2cf9ac222f035deeae5075af0599ac7b9c7f0473..ecab7bdd6a9a190f402ca6ecec3c33c3ace5c769 100644
--- a/tests/heap_lang.ref
+++ b/tests/heap_lang.ref
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
   "Hl" : l ↦ #1
   WP let: "x" := #l in let: "y" := ref #1 in "x" <- ! "x" + #1;; ! "x"
-  @ E [{ v, ⌜v = #2⌝ }]
+  @ E
+  [{ v, ⌜v = #2⌝ }]
 1 goal
diff --git a/tests/heap_lang_printing.ref b/tests/heap_lang_printing.ref
index b9f357b8ad41ef51565a202f9668dacf0d3f609d..d45a1612fa2b9dc8fbef1223a19b36213da2bf50 100644
--- a/tests/heap_lang_printing.ref
+++ b/tests/heap_lang_printing.ref
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@
   WP fun1 #()
-  {{ v, WP let: "val1" := v in
-           let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
-           let: "val3" := fun3 "val2" in
-           if: "val1" = "val2" then "val" else "val3" 
-        {{ _, True }} }}
+  {{ v,
+     WP let: "val1" := v in
+        let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
+        let: "val3" := fun3 "val2" in
+        if: "val1" = "val2" then "val" else "val3"
+     {{ _, True }} }}
 1 goal
@@ -43,9 +44,9 @@
   WP let: "val1" := fun1 #() in
      let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
      let: "v" := fun3 "v" in if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
-  {{ _, long_post
-        ∗ long_post
-          ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }}
+  {{ _,
+     long_post
+     ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }}
 1 goal
@@ -56,12 +57,14 @@
   WP fun1 #()
-  {{ v, WP let: "val1" := v in
-           let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
-           let: "v" := fun3 "v" in if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
-        {{ _, long_post
-              ∗ long_post
-                ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }} }}
+  {{ v,
+     WP let: "val1" := v in
+        let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
+        let: "v" := fun3 "v" in if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
+     {{ _,
+        long_post
+        ∗ long_post
+          ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }} }}
 1 goal
@@ -79,10 +82,10 @@
   WP let: "val1" := ! #l1 in
      let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
      let: "v" := fun3 "v" in if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
-  @ E_long {{ _, long_post
-                 ∗ long_post
-                   ∗ long_post
-                     ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }}
+  @ E_long
+  {{ _,
+     long_post
+     ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }}
 1 goal
@@ -98,14 +101,16 @@
   "Hinv" : inv N True
   WP ! #l1
-  @ E_long {{ v, WP let: "val1" := v in
-                    let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
-                    let: "v" := fun3 "v" in if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
-                 @ E_long {{ _, long_post
-                                ∗ long_post
-                                  ∗ long_post
-                                    ∗ long_post
-                                      ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }} }}
+  @ E_long
+  {{ v,
+     WP let: "val1" := v in
+        let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
+        let: "v" := fun3 "v" in if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
+     @ E_long
+     {{ _,
+        long_post
+        ∗ long_post
+          ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }} }}
 1 goal
@@ -120,26 +125,20 @@
   WP ! #l1
-  @ E_long ∖ ↑N {{ v, |={E_long ∖ ↑N}=> ▷ True
-                                        ∗ WP let: "val1" := 
-                                             v in
-                                             let: "val2" := 
-                                             fun2 "val1" in
-                                             let: "v" := 
-                                             fun3 "v" in
-                                             if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
-                                          @ E_long {{ _, 
-                                                 long_post
-                                                 ∗ 
-                                                 long_post
-                                                 ∗ 
-                                                 long_post
-                                                 ∗ 
-                                                 long_post
-                                                 ∗ 
-                                                 long_post
-                                                 ∗ 
-                                                 long_post ∗ long_post }} }}
+  @ E_long ∖ ↑N
+  {{ v,
+     |={E_long ∖ ↑N}=> ▷ True
+                       ∗ WP let: "val1" := v in
+                            let: "val2" := fun2 "val1" in
+                            let: "v" := fun3 "v" in
+                            if: "v" = "v" then "v" else "v"
+                         @ E_long
+                         {{ _,
+                            long_post
+                            ∗ long_post
+                              ∗ long_post
+                                ∗ long_post
+                                  ∗ long_post ∗ long_post ∗ long_post }} }}
 1 goal
diff --git a/tests/list_reverse.ref b/tests/list_reverse.ref
index cd47ff4bdd1763eb219c002b3b74f50dd5d0308e..f673d83d48d901ecd528dbb5b0fe60093d725090 100644
--- a/tests/list_reverse.ref
+++ b/tests/list_reverse.ref
@@ -29,5 +29,6 @@
        let: "tmp1" := Fst ! "l" in
        let: "tmp2" := Snd ! "l" in
        "l" <- ("tmp1", acc);; rev "tmp2" (InjLV #())
-     end [{ v, Φ v }]
+     end
+  [{ v, Φ v }]
diff --git a/tests/one_shot.ref b/tests/one_shot.ref
index 94a3ddc05772f1ed1db1cd01a26a0c45d7698dfc..a4b6aa00646ce84d2e23352a30ae09ec3d36a974 100644
--- a/tests/one_shot.ref
+++ b/tests/one_shot.ref
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
                ∗ WP match: InjRV #m' with
                       InjL <> => assert: #false
                     | InjR "m" => assert: #m = "m"
-                    end {{ _, True }}
+                    end
+                 {{ _, True }}
 Closed under the global context
diff --git a/tests/one_shot_once.ref b/tests/one_shot_once.ref
index 4be43be0dc1b52d1098fb69503a0791d46ee5469..5fb4112bd12fd42d37a9dfb3ff764765b2f0baf9 100644
--- a/tests/one_shot_once.ref
+++ b/tests/one_shot_once.ref
@@ -39,5 +39,6 @@
                     match: InjRV #m with
                       InjL <> => #()
                     | InjR <> => assert: InjRV #m = "y'"
-                    end {{ _, True }}
+                    end
+                 {{ _, True }}