diff --git a/theories/algebra/iprod.v b/theories/algebra/iprod.v
index e3051d27f9b7e4d4fc730c14eb8ac68afde98794..905a8567ba162990c204426788721f9731e4ab80 100644
--- a/theories/algebra/iprod.v
+++ b/theories/algebra/iprod.v
@@ -4,47 +4,19 @@ From stdpp Require Import finite.
 Set Default Proof Using "Type".
 (** * Indexed product *)
-(** Need to put this in a definition to make canonical structures to work. *)
-Definition iprod `{Finite A} (B : A → ofeT) := ∀ x, B x.
-Definition iprod_insert `{Finite A} {B : A → ofeT}
-    (x : A) (y : B x) (f : iprod B) : iprod B := λ x',
+Definition iprod_insert `{EqDecision A} {B : A → ofeT}
+    (x : A) (y : B x) (f : iprodC B) : iprodC B := λ x',
   match decide (x = x') with left H => eq_rect _ B y _ H | right _ => f x' end.
 Instance: Params (@iprod_insert) 5.
-Section iprod_cofe.
-  Context `{Finite A} {B : A → ofeT}.
+Section iprod_operations.
+  Context `{Heqdec : EqDecision A} {B : A → ofeT}.
   Implicit Types x : A.
   Implicit Types f g : iprod B.
-  Instance iprod_equiv : Equiv (iprod B) := λ f g, ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
-  Instance iprod_dist : Dist (iprod B) := λ n f g, ∀ x, f x ≡{n}≡ g x.
-  Definition iprod_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (iprod B).
-  Proof.
-    split.
-    - intros f g; split; [intros Hfg n k; apply equiv_dist, Hfg|].
-      intros Hfg k; apply equiv_dist; intros n; apply Hfg.
-    - intros n; split.
-      + by intros f x.
-      + by intros f g ? x.
-      + by intros f g h ?? x; trans (g x).
-    - intros n f g Hfg x; apply dist_S, Hfg.
-  Qed.
-  Canonical Structure iprodC : ofeT := OfeT (iprod B) iprod_ofe_mixin.
-  Program Definition iprod_chain (c : chain iprodC) (x : A) : chain (B x) :=
-    {| chain_car n := c n x |}.
-  Next Obligation. by intros c x n i ?; apply (chain_cauchy c). Qed.
-  Global Program Instance iprod_cofe `{∀ a, Cofe (B a)} : Cofe iprodC :=
-    {| compl c x := compl (iprod_chain c x) |}.
-  Next Obligation.
-    intros ? n c x.
-    rewrite (conv_compl n (iprod_chain c x)).
-    apply (chain_cauchy c); lia.
-  Qed.
   (** Properties of iprod_insert. *)
   Global Instance iprod_insert_ne x :
-    NonExpansive2 (iprod_insert x).
+    NonExpansive2 (iprod_insert (B:=B) x).
     intros n y1 y2 ? f1 f2 ? x'; rewrite /iprod_insert.
     by destruct (decide _) as [[]|].
@@ -62,7 +34,7 @@ Section iprod_cofe.
   Proof. by rewrite /iprod_insert; destruct (decide _). Qed.
   Global Instance iprod_lookup_discrete f x : Discrete f → Discrete (f x).
-  Proof.
+  Proof using Heqdec.
     intros ? y ?.
     cut (f ≡ iprod_insert x y f).
     { by move=> /(_ x)->; rewrite iprod_lookup_insert. }
@@ -78,12 +50,10 @@ Section iprod_cofe.
     - rewrite iprod_lookup_insert_ne //.
       apply: discrete. by rewrite -(Heq x') iprod_lookup_insert_ne.
-End iprod_cofe.
-Arguments iprodC {_ _ _} _.
+End iprod_operations.
 Section iprod_cmra.
-  Context `{Finite A} {B : A → ucmraT}.
+  Context `{Hfin : Finite A} {B : A → ucmraT}.
   Implicit Types f g : iprod B.
   Instance iprod_op : Op (iprod B) := λ f g x, f x ⋅ g x.
@@ -95,13 +65,13 @@ Section iprod_cmra.
   Definition iprod_lookup_core f x : (core f) x = core (f x) := eq_refl.
   Lemma iprod_included_spec (f g : iprod B) : f ≼ g ↔ ∀ x, f x ≼ g x.
-  Proof.
+  Proof using Hfin.
     split; [by intros [h Hh] x; exists (h x); rewrite /op /iprod_op (Hh x)|].
     intros [h ?]%finite_choice. by exists h.
   Lemma iprod_cmra_mixin : CmraMixin (iprod B).
-  Proof.
+  Proof using Hfin.
     apply cmra_total_mixin.
     - eauto.
     - by intros n f1 f2 f3 Hf x; rewrite iprod_lookup_op (Hf x).
@@ -264,24 +234,6 @@ Section iprod_singleton.
 End iprod_singleton.
 (** * Functor *)
-Definition iprod_map `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x)
-  (g : iprod B1) : iprod B2 := λ x, f _ (g x).
-Lemma iprod_map_ext `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f1 f2 : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x) (g : iprod B1) :
-  (∀ x, f1 x (g x) ≡ f2 x (g x)) → iprod_map f1 g ≡ iprod_map f2 g.
-Proof. done. Qed.
-Lemma iprod_map_id `{Finite A} {B : A → ofeT} (g : iprod B) :
-  iprod_map (λ _, id) g = g.
-Proof. done. Qed.
-Lemma iprod_map_compose `{Finite A} {B1 B2 B3 : A → ofeT}
-    (f1 : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x) (f2 : ∀ x, B2 x → B3 x) (g : iprod B1) :
-  iprod_map (λ x, f2 x ∘ f1 x) g = iprod_map f2 (iprod_map f1 g).
-Proof. done. Qed.
-Instance iprod_map_ne `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x) n :
-  (∀ x, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (f x)) →
-  Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (iprod_map f).
-Proof. by intros ? y1 y2 Hy x; rewrite /iprod_map (Hy x). Qed.
 Instance iprod_map_cmra_morphism
     `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A → ucmraT} (f : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x) :
   (∀ x, CmraMorphism (f x)) → CmraMorphism (iprod_map f).
@@ -292,35 +244,6 @@ Proof.
   - intros g1 g2 i. by rewrite /iprod_map iprod_lookup_op cmra_morphism_op.
-Definition iprodC_map `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT}
-    (f : iprod (λ x, B1 x -n> B2 x)) :
-  iprodC B1 -n> iprodC B2 := CofeMor (iprod_map f).
-Instance iprodC_map_ne `{Finite A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} :
-  NonExpansive (@iprodC_map A _ _ B1 B2).
-Proof. intros n f1 f2 Hf g x; apply Hf. Qed.
-Program Definition iprodCF `{Finite C} (F : C → cFunctor) : cFunctor := {|
-  cFunctor_car A B := iprodC (λ c, cFunctor_car (F c) A B);
-  cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := iprodC_map (λ c, cFunctor_map (F c) fg)
-Next Obligation.
-  intros C ?? F A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g. by apply iprodC_map_ne=>?; apply cFunctor_ne.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros C ?? F A B g; simpl. rewrite -{2}(iprod_map_id g).
-  apply iprod_map_ext=> y; apply cFunctor_id.
-Next Obligation.
-  intros C ?? F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f1 f2 f1' f2' g. rewrite /= -iprod_map_compose.
-  apply iprod_map_ext=>y; apply cFunctor_compose.
-Instance iprodCF_contractive `{Finite C} (F : C → cFunctor) :
-  (∀ c, cFunctorContractive (F c)) → cFunctorContractive (iprodCF F).
-  intros ? A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g.
-  by apply iprodC_map_ne=>c; apply cFunctor_contractive.
 Program Definition iprodURF `{Finite C} (F : C → urFunctor) : urFunctor := {|
   urFunctor_car A B := iprodUR (λ c, urFunctor_car (F c) A B);
   urFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := iprodC_map (λ c, urFunctor_map (F c) fg)
diff --git a/theories/algebra/ofe.v b/theories/algebra/ofe.v
index 56d17e71096d71848325e74fce4f1ea7b0b9e2b3..a72b0bdbe8e19850d04de7e7802e85bbfd43c614 100644
--- a/theories/algebra/ofe.v
+++ b/theories/algebra/ofe.v
@@ -512,15 +512,15 @@ Section fixpointAB_ne.
 End fixpointAB_ne.
 (** Function space *)
-(* We make [ofe_fun] a definition so that we can register it as a canonical
+(* We make [iprod] a definition so that we can register it as a canonical
 structure. *)
-Definition ofe_fun (A : Type) (B : ofeT) := A → B.
+Definition iprod {A} (B : A → ofeT) := ∀ x : A, B x.
-Section ofe_fun.
-  Context {A : Type} {B : ofeT}.
-  Instance ofe_fun_equiv : Equiv (ofe_fun A B) := λ f g, ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
-  Instance ofe_fun_dist : Dist (ofe_fun A B) := λ n f g, ∀ x, f x ≡{n}≡ g x.
-  Definition ofe_fun_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (ofe_fun A B).
+Section iprod.
+  Context {A : Type} {B : A → ofeT}.
+  Instance iprod_equiv : Equiv (iprod B) := λ f g, ∀ x, f x ≡ g x.
+  Instance iprod_dist : Dist (iprod B) := λ n f g, ∀ x, f x ≡{n}≡ g x.
+  Definition iprod_ofe_mixin : OfeMixin (iprod B).
     - intros f g; split; [intros Hfg n k; apply equiv_dist, Hfg|].
@@ -531,21 +531,21 @@ Section ofe_fun.
       + by intros f g h ?? x; trans (g x).
     - by intros n f g ? x; apply dist_S.
-  Canonical Structure ofe_funC := OfeT (ofe_fun A B) ofe_fun_ofe_mixin.
+  Canonical Structure iprodC := OfeT (iprod B) iprod_ofe_mixin.
-  Program Definition ofe_fun_chain `(c : chain ofe_funC)
-    (x : A) : chain B := {| chain_car n := c n x |}.
+  Program Definition iprod_chain `(c : chain iprodC)
+    (x : A) : chain (B x) := {| chain_car n := c n x |}.
   Next Obligation. intros c x n i ?. by apply (chain_cauchy c). Qed.
-  Global Program Instance ofe_fun_cofe `{Cofe B} : Cofe ofe_funC :=
-    { compl c x := compl (ofe_fun_chain c x) }.
-  Next Obligation. intros ? n c x. apply (conv_compl n (ofe_fun_chain c x)). Qed.
-End ofe_fun.
+  Global Program Instance iprod_cofe `{∀ x, Cofe (B x)} : Cofe iprodC :=
+    { compl c x := compl (iprod_chain c x) }.
+  Next Obligation. intros ? n c x. apply (conv_compl n (iprod_chain c x)). Qed.
+End iprod.
-Arguments ofe_funC : clear implicits.
+Arguments iprodC {_} _.
 Notation "A -c> B" :=
-  (ofe_funC A B) (at level 99, B at level 200, right associativity).
-Instance ofe_fun_inhabited {A} {B : ofeT} `{Inhabited B} :
-  Inhabited (A -c> B) := populate (λ _, inhabitant).
+  (@iprodC A (λ _, B)) (at level 99, B at level 200, right associativity).
+Instance iprod_inhabited {A} {B : A → ofeT} `{∀ x, Inhabited (B x)} :
+  Inhabited (iprodC B) := populate (λ _, inhabitant).
 (** Non-expansive function space *)
 Record ofe_mor (A B : ofeT) : Type := CofeMor {
@@ -762,37 +762,58 @@ Proof.
     by apply prodC_map_ne; apply cFunctor_contractive.
-Instance compose_ne {A} {B B' : ofeT} (f : B -n> B') :
-  NonExpansive (compose f : (A -c> B) → A -c> B').
-Proof. intros n g g' Hf x; simpl. by rewrite (Hf x). Qed.
+Definition iprod_map {A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x)
+  (g : iprod B1) : iprod B2 := λ x, f _ (g x).
+Lemma iprod_map_ext {A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f1 f2 : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x)
+  (g : iprod B1) :
+  (∀ x, f1 x (g x) ≡ f2 x (g x)) → iprod_map f1 g ≡ iprod_map f2 g.
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Lemma iprod_map_id {A} {B : A → ofeT} (g : iprod B) :
+  iprod_map (λ _, id) g = g.
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Lemma iprod_map_compose {A} {B1 B2 B3 : A → ofeT}
+    (f1 : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x) (f2 : ∀ x, B2 x → B3 x) (g : iprod B1) :
+  iprod_map (λ x, f2 x ∘ f1 x) g = iprod_map f2 (iprod_map f1 g).
+Proof. done. Qed.
+Instance iprod_map_ne {A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f : ∀ x, B1 x → B2 x) n :
+  (∀ x, Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (f x)) →
+  Proper (dist n ==> dist n) (iprod_map f).
+Proof. by intros ? y1 y2 Hy x; rewrite /iprod_map (Hy x). Qed.
-Definition ofe_funC_map {A B B'} (f : B -n> B') : (A -c> B) -n> (A -c> B') :=
-  @CofeMor (_ -c> _) (_ -c> _) (compose f) _.
-Instance ofe_funC_map_ne {A B B'} :
-  NonExpansive (@ofe_funC_map A B B').
-Proof. intros n f f' Hf g x. apply Hf. Qed.
+Definition iprodC_map {A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} (f : iprod (λ x, B1 x -n> B2 x)) :
+  iprodC B1 -n> iprodC B2 := CofeMor (iprod_map f).
+Instance iprodC_map_ne {A} {B1 B2 : A → ofeT} :
+  NonExpansive (@iprodC_map A B1 B2).
+Proof. intros n f1 f2 Hf g x; apply Hf. Qed.
-Program Definition ofe_funCF (T : Type) (F : cFunctor) : cFunctor := {|
-  cFunctor_car A B := ofe_funC T (cFunctor_car F A B);
-  cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := ofe_funC_map (cFunctor_map F fg)
+Program Definition iprodCF {C} (F : C → cFunctor) : cFunctor := {|
+  cFunctor_car A B := iprodC (λ c, cFunctor_car (F c) A B);
+  cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg := iprodC_map (λ c, cFunctor_map (F c) fg)
 Next Obligation.
-  intros ?? A1 A2 B1 B2 n ???; by apply ofe_funC_map_ne; apply cFunctor_ne.
+  intros C F A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g. by apply iprodC_map_ne=>?; apply cFunctor_ne.
-Next Obligation. intros F1 F2 A B ??. by rewrite /= /compose /= !cFunctor_id. Qed.
 Next Obligation.
-  intros T F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f g f' g' ??; simpl.
-  by rewrite !cFunctor_compose.
+  intros C F A B g; simpl. rewrite -{2}(iprod_map_id g).
+  apply iprod_map_ext=> y; apply cFunctor_id.
+Next Obligation.
+  intros C F A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 f1 f2 f1' f2' g. rewrite /= -iprod_map_compose.
+  apply iprod_map_ext=>y; apply cFunctor_compose.
-Notation "T -c> F" := (ofe_funCF T%type F%CF) : cFunctor_scope.
-Instance ofe_funCF_contractive (T : Type) (F : cFunctor) :
-  cFunctorContractive F → cFunctorContractive (ofe_funCF T F).
+Notation "T -c> F" := (@iprodCF T%type (λ _, F%CF)) : cFunctor_scope.
+Instance iprodCF_contractive `{Finite C} (F : C → cFunctor) :
+  (∀ c, cFunctorContractive (F c)) → cFunctorContractive (iprodCF F).
-  intros ?? A1 A2 B1 B2 n ???;
-    by apply ofe_funC_map_ne; apply cFunctor_contractive.
+  intros ? A1 A2 B1 B2 n ?? g.
+  by apply iprodC_map_ne=>c; apply cFunctor_contractive.
 Program Definition ofe_morCF (F1 F2 : cFunctor) : cFunctor := {|
   cFunctor_car A B := cFunctor_car F1 B A -n> cFunctor_car F2 A B;
   cFunctor_map A1 A2 B1 B2 fg :=