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Add scripts for proof state recording and interspersing

Björn Brandenburg requested to merge proof-recorder into master

This MR adds two new scripts:

  • scripts/, which runs a .v file through coqtop and records the interactions as a JSON or YAML file, and
  • scripts/, which annotates a .v file by injecting the recorded proof state as a comment after each step of a proof.

I believe this will be helpful for studying and teaching how to work with Coq/Prosa.

This MR also hooks this up with GitLab CI to auto-generate documentation with interspersed proof state. You may see an example here: rt.restructuring.analysis.edf.optimality.html

Here's the tree:

Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.

CC: @sophie @mlesourd @sbozhko @proux @borni @mmaida

Merge request reports