Move "classic" Prosa to rt.classic namespace and update documentation
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- Björn Brandenburg authored
+ 81
− 28
2. Being **explicit** is good. The overarching goal is to make it easy for the (non-expert) reader. Being explicit and (within reason) verbose and at times repetitive helps to make a spec more readable because most statements can then be understood within a local scope. Conversely, any advanced "magic" that works behind the scenes can quickly render a spec unreadable to novices.
3. **Good names** are essential. Choose long, self-explanatory names. Even if this means "more work" when typing the name a lot, it greatly helps with providing a helpful intuition to the reader. (Note to advanced users: if you find the long names annoying, consider using [Company Coq]('s autocompletion features.)
@@ -52,10 +41,74 @@ on keeping it as simple and as accessible as possible.
- However, making proofs as concise as possible is a *non-goal*. We are **not** playing [code golf]( If a proof is too long, the right answer is usually **not** to maximally compress it; rather, one should identify semantically meaningful steps that can be factored out and documented as local "helper" lemmas. Many small steps are good for readability.
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