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+# Prosa Analysis Library
+This module provides virtually all **analysis concepts and definitions** and encapsulates the bulk of the **intermediate proofs** in Prosa. 
+More precisely, this module collects all definitions that are not needed to define the behavioral semantics (found in [prosa.behavior](../behavior)) and that also do not conceptually form part of the task and system model (found in [prosa.model](../model)). For example, precise notions of "schedulability," "busy window," or "response time" are clearly analysis concepts and consequently defined here. 
+The proofs found in this module are "intermediate proofs" in the sense that they are not an end in of themselves; rather, they are a means to enable the proofs of the high-level results provided in the [prosa.results](../results) module.
+## Structure
+The Prosa analysis library is currently organized as follows:
+- [abstract](./abstract): This provides **abstract RTA** analysis framework, a general and extensible approach to response-time analysis (RTA).
+- [definitions](./definitions): This folder currently collects all major and minor **analysis definitions** (such as schedulability, priority inversion, etc.).
+- [transform](./transform): This folder contains procedures for transforming schedules, to be used in proofs that rely on modifying a given reference schedule in some way (e.g., the EDF "swapping argument").
+- [facts](./facts): Currently the home of virtually all **intermediate proofs**. In particular, [facts.behavior](./facts/behavior) provides a library of basic facts that follow (mostly) directly from Prosa's trace semantics (as given in [prosa.behavior](../behavior)).
+**NB**: It is expected that the analysis module will be further (re)organized and (re)structured in future versions of Prosa.
+## Guidelines
+- As a general rule, keep definitions and proofs separate, so that casual readers may read and understand the Prosa specification without encountering intermediate lemmas and proofs. 
+- Prefer subfolders with many short files over fewer, longer files. 
+- In each file that is specific to some system model, explicitly `Require` the specific modules that jointly constitute the assumed system model (e.g., `Require prosa.model.processor.ideal` to express that the results in a file depend on the ideal-uniprocessor assumption).
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