From d35d89022325753ee8d3404c11df7b087d4829d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robbert Krebbers <> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 09:30:09 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Add missing lemmas for big ops over two lists/maps. That is, `big_sepL2_intuitionistically_forall`, `big_sepL2_forall`, and `big_sepM2_intuitionistically_forall`. --- theories/bi/big_op.v | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/bi/big_op.v b/theories/bi/big_op.v index 9441f1a52..2f260da12 100644 --- a/theories/bi/big_op.v +++ b/theories/bi/big_op.v @@ -551,21 +551,44 @@ Section sep_list2. by rewrite !big_sepL2_alt persistently_and persistently_pure big_sepL_persistently. Qed. + Lemma big_sepL2_intuitionistically_forall Φ l1 l2 : + length l1 = length l2 → + □ (∀ k x1 x2, ⌜l1 !! k = Some x1⌠→ ⌜l2 !! k = Some x2⌠→ Φ k x1 x2) ⊢ + [∗ list] k↦x1;x2 ∈ l1;l2, Φ k x1 x2. + Proof. + revert l2 Φ. induction l1 as [|x1 l1 IH]=> -[|x2 l2] Φ ?; simplify_eq/=. + { by apply (affine _). } + rewrite intuitionistically_sep_dup. f_equiv. + - rewrite (forall_elim 0) (forall_elim x1) (forall_elim x2). + by rewrite !pure_True // !True_impl intuitionistically_elim. + - rewrite -IH //. f_equiv. + by apply forall_intro=> k; by rewrite (forall_elim (S k)). + Qed. + + Lemma big_sepL2_forall `{BiAffine PROP} Φ l1 l2 : + (∀ k x1 x2, Persistent (Φ k x1 x2)) → + ([∗ list] k↦x1;x2 ∈ l1;l2, Φ k x1 x2) ⊣⊢ + ⌜length l1 = length l2⌠+ ∧ (∀ k x1 x2, ⌜l1 !! k = Some x1⌠→ ⌜l2 !! k = Some x2⌠→ Φ k x1 x2). + Proof. + intros. apply (anti_symm _). + - apply and_intro; [apply big_sepL2_length|]. + apply forall_intro=> k. apply forall_intro=> x1. apply forall_intro=> x2. + do 2 (apply impl_intro_l; apply pure_elim_l=> ?). by apply :big_sepL2_lookup. + - apply pure_elim_l=> ?. rewrite -big_sepL2_intuitionistically_forall //. + repeat setoid_rewrite pure_impl_forall. + by rewrite intuitionistic_intuitionistically. + Qed. + Lemma big_sepL2_impl Φ Ψ l1 l2 : ([∗ list] k↦y1;y2 ∈ l1;l2, Φ k y1 y2) -∗ □ (∀ k x1 x2, ⌜l1 !! k = Some x1⌠→ ⌜l2 !! k = Some x2⌠→ Φ k x1 x2 -∗ Ψ k x1 x2) -∗ [∗ list] k↦y1;y2 ∈ l1;l2, Ψ k y1 y2. Proof. - apply wand_intro_l. revert Φ Ψ l2. - induction l1 as [|x1 l1 IH]=> Φ Ψ [|x2 l2] /=; [by rewrite sep_elim_r..|]. - rewrite intuitionistically_sep_dup -assoc [(□ _ ∗ _)%I]comm -!assoc assoc. - apply sep_mono. - - rewrite (forall_elim 0) (forall_elim x1) (forall_elim x2) !pure_True // !True_impl. - by rewrite intuitionistically_elim wand_elim_l. - - rewrite comm -(IH (Φ ∘ S) (Ψ ∘ S)) /=. - apply sep_mono_l, affinely_mono, persistently_mono. - apply forall_intro=> k. by rewrite (forall_elim (S k)). + rewrite -(idemp bi_and (big_sepL2 _ _ _)) {1}big_sepL2_length. + apply pure_elim_l=> ?. rewrite big_sepL2_intuitionistically_forall //. + apply bi.wand_intro_l. rewrite -big_sepL2_sep. by setoid_rewrite wand_elim_l. Qed. Lemma big_sepL2_later_1 `{BiAffine PROP} Φ l1 l2 : @@ -1386,24 +1409,33 @@ Section map2. persistently_pure big_sepM_persistently. Qed. + Lemma big_sepM2_intuitionistically_forall Φ m1 m2 : + (∀ k : K, is_Some (m1 !! k) ↔ is_Some (m2 !! k)) → + □ (∀ k x1 x2, ⌜m1 !! k = Some x1⌠→ ⌜m2 !! k = Some x2⌠→ Φ k x1 x2) ⊢ + [∗ map] k↦x1;x2 ∈ m1;m2, Φ k x1 x2. + Proof. + intros. rewrite big_sepM2_eq /big_sepM2_def. + apply and_intro; [by apply pure_intro|]. + rewrite -big_sepM_intuitionistically_forall. f_equiv; f_equiv=> k. + apply forall_intro=> -[x1 x2]. rewrite (forall_elim x1) (forall_elim x2). + apply impl_intro_l, pure_elim_l. + intros (?&?&[= <- <-]&?&?)%map_lookup_zip_with_Some. + by rewrite !pure_True // !True_impl. + Qed. + Lemma big_sepM2_forall `{BiAffine PROP} Φ m1 m2 : (∀ k x1 x2, Persistent (Φ k x1 x2)) → ([∗ map] k↦x1;x2 ∈ m1;m2, Φ k x1 x2) ⊣⊢ ⌜∀ k : K, is_Some (m1 !! k) ↔ is_Some (m2 !! k)⌠∧ (∀ k x1 x2, ⌜m1 !! k = Some x1⌠→ ⌜m2 !! k = Some x2⌠→ Φ k x1 x2). Proof. - rewrite big_sepM2_eq /big_sepM2_def=> ?. apply and_proper=>//. - rewrite big_sepM_forall. apply forall_proper=>k. - apply (anti_symm _). - - apply forall_intro=> x1. apply forall_intro=> x2. - rewrite (forall_elim (x1,x2)). - rewrite impl_curry -pure_and. apply impl_mono=>//. - apply pure_mono. rewrite map_lookup_zip_with. by intros [-> ->]. - - apply forall_intro=> [[x1 x2]]. - rewrite (forall_elim x1) (forall_elim x2). - rewrite impl_curry -pure_and. apply impl_mono=>//. - apply pure_mono. rewrite map_lookup_zip_with. - by destruct (m1 !! k), (m2 !! k)=>/= // ?; simplify_eq. + intros. apply (anti_symm _). + - apply and_intro; [apply big_sepM2_lookup_iff|]. + apply forall_intro=> k. apply forall_intro=> x1. apply forall_intro=> x2. + do 2 (apply impl_intro_l; apply pure_elim_l=> ?). by apply :big_sepM2_lookup. + - apply pure_elim_l=> ?. rewrite -big_sepM2_intuitionistically_forall //. + repeat setoid_rewrite pure_impl_forall. + by rewrite intuitionistic_intuitionistically. Qed. Lemma big_sepM2_impl Φ Ψ m1 m2 : @@ -1412,18 +1444,9 @@ Section map2. ⌜m1 !! k = Some x1⌠→ ⌜m2 !! k = Some x2⌠→ Φ k x1 x2 -∗ Ψ k x1 x2) -∗ [∗ map] k↦y1;y2 ∈ m1;m2, Ψ k y1 y2. Proof. - apply wand_intro_l. - rewrite big_sepM2_eq /big_sepM2_def. - rewrite !persistent_and_affinely_sep_l /=. - rewrite sep_assoc. rewrite (sep_comm (□ _)%I) -sep_assoc. - apply sep_mono_r. apply wand_elim_r'. - rewrite (big_sepM_impl _ (λ k xx, Ψ k xx.1 xx.2)). apply wand_mono=>//. - apply intuitionistically_mono'. - apply forall_mono=> k. apply forall_intro=> [[x y]]. - rewrite (forall_elim x) (forall_elim y). - rewrite impl_curry -pure_and. apply impl_mono=>//. - apply pure_mono. rewrite map_lookup_zip_with. - destruct (m1 !! k) as [x1|], (m2 !! k) as [x2|]; naive_solver. + rewrite -(idemp bi_and (big_sepM2 _ _ _)) {1}big_sepM2_lookup_iff. + apply pure_elim_l=> ?. rewrite big_sepM2_intuitionistically_forall //. + apply bi.wand_intro_l. rewrite -big_sepM2_sep. by setoid_rewrite wand_elim_l. Qed. Lemma big_sepM2_later_1 `{BiAffine PROP} Φ m1 m2 : -- GitLab