From cfc8037b6569511a7e99f5c55a2d39f6ba386c02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dan Frumin <> Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2020 16:06:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Stronger specs for array_init --- theories/heap_lang/lib/array.v | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/theories/heap_lang/lib/array.v b/theories/heap_lang/lib/array.v index 52ecd3aa7..e46424e4a 100644 --- a/theories/heap_lang/lib/array.v +++ b/theories/heap_lang/lib/array.v @@ -131,39 +131,42 @@ Section proof. length xs = i → i ≤ n → ([∗ list] k↦x∈xs, Q k x) -∗ - (□ ∀ i : nat, WP f #i @ stk; E {{ v, ∃ x : A, ⌜v = g x⌠∗ Q i x }}) -∗ + ([∗ list] j ∈ seq i (n-i), WP f #(j : nat) @ stk; E {{ v, ∃ x : A, ⌜v = g x⌠∗ Q j x }}) -∗ l ↦∗ ((g <$> xs) ++ replicate (n - i) #()) -∗ WP array_init_loop #l #i #n f @ stk; E {{ _, ∃ ys, l ↦∗ (g <$> (xs ++ ys)) ∗ ⌜length (xs++ys) = n⌠∗ ([∗ list] k↦x∈(xs++ys), Q k x) }}. Proof. - iIntros (Hn Hxs Hi) "Hxs #Hf Hl". iRevert (Hxs Hi). + iIntros (Hn Hxs Hi) "Hxs Hf Hl". iRevert (Hxs Hi). iLöb as "IH" forall (xs i). iIntros (Hxs Hi). wp_rec. wp_pures. case_bool_decide; simplify_eq/=; wp_pures. - iExists []. iFrame. assert (length xs - length xs = 0) as -> by lia. rewrite !app_nil_r. eauto with iFrame. - - wp_bind (f #(length xs)). iApply (wp_wand with "Hf"). + - wp_bind (f #(length xs)). + destruct n as [|n]; first by lia. + assert (length xs ≠S n) by congruence. + rewrite Nat.sub_succ_l; last by lia. + iSimpl in "Hf". iDestruct "Hf" as "[H Hf]". + iApply (wp_wand with "H"). iIntros (v). iDestruct 1 as (x) "[-> Hx]". wp_apply (wp_store_offset with "Hl"). { apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. rewrite app_length. - assert (length xs ≠n) by naive_solver. - assert (n - length xs > 0) by lia. + assert (S n - length xs > 0) by lia. rewrite fmap_length replicate_length. lia. } iIntros "Hl". wp_pures. assert ((Z.of_nat (length xs) + 1)%Z = Z.of_nat (length xs + 1)) as -> by lia. - iSpecialize ("IH" $! (xs++[x]) (length xs + 1) with "[Hx Hxs] [Hl] [%] [%]"). + iSpecialize ("IH" $! (xs++[x]) (length xs + 1) with "[Hx Hxs] [Hf] [Hl] [%] [%]"). { rewrite big_sepL_app /= Nat.add_0_r. by iFrame. } + { by rewrite Nat.add_1_r Nat.sub_succ. } { assert (length xs = length xs + 0) as Hlen1 by lia. rewrite {1}Hlen1. rewrite -{1}(fmap_length g xs). rewrite insert_app_r fmap_app /=. rewrite app_assoc_reverse /=. - assert (length xs ≠n) by naive_solver. - assert ((n - length xs) = S (n - (length xs + 1))) as -> by lia. - done. } + by rewrite Nat.add_1_r Nat.sub_succ. } { by rewrite app_length. } - { assert (length xs ≠n) by naive_solver. lia. } + { lia. } iApply (wp_wand with "IH"). iIntros (_). iDestruct 1 as (ys) "(Hys & Hlen & HQs)". iDestruct "Hlen" as %Hlen. @@ -175,14 +178,15 @@ Section proof. Theorem wp_array_init {A : Type} (g : A → val) (Q : nat → A → iProp Σ) n (f : val) stk E : (0 < n)%Z → - {{{ (□ ∀ i : nat, WP f #i @ stk; E {{ v, ∃ x : A, ⌜v = g x⌠∗ Q i x }}) }}} + {{{ [∗ list] i ∈ seq 0 (Z.to_nat n), WP f #(i : nat) @ stk; E {{ v, ∃ x : A, ⌜v = g x⌠∗ Q i x }} }}} array_init #n f @ stk; E {{{ l xs, RET #l; l ↦∗ (g <$> xs) ∗ ⌜Z.of_nat (length xs) = n⌠∗ ([∗ list] k↦x∈xs, Q k x) }}}. Proof. - intros Hn. iIntros (Φ) "#Hf HΦ". + intros Hn. iIntros (Φ) "Hf HΦ". wp_rec. wp_pures. wp_alloc l as "Hl"; first done. wp_pures. - iPoseProof (wp_array_init_loop g Q [] 0 (Z.to_nat n) with "[//] Hf [Hl]") as "H"; try by (simpl; lia). + iPoseProof (wp_array_init_loop g Q [] 0 (Z.to_nat n) with "[//] [Hf] [Hl]") as "H"; try by (simpl; lia). + { simpl. assert (Z.to_nat n - 0 = Z.to_nat n) as -> by lia. done. } { simpl. assert (Z.to_nat n - 0 = Z.to_nat n) as -> by lia. done. } assert (Z.of_nat 0%nat = 0%Z) as -> by lia. assert (Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat n) = n) as -> by lia. @@ -192,7 +196,8 @@ Section proof. iFrame "Hl HQs". iPureIntro. lia. Qed. - (* Version of [wp_array_init] with the auxiliary type [A] set to [val]. *) + (* Version of [wp_array_init] with the auxiliary type [A] set to + [val], and with the persistent assumption on the function [f]. *) Lemma wp_array_init' (Q : nat → val → iProp Σ) n (f : val) stk E : (0 < n)%Z → {{{ (□ ∀ i : nat, WP f #i @ stk; E {{ v, Q i v }}) }}} @@ -201,8 +206,12 @@ Section proof. Proof. intros Hn. iIntros (Φ) "#Hf HΦ". iApply (wp_array_init id Q with "[Hf]"); try done. - { iModIntro. iIntros (i). iApply (wp_wand with "Hf"). - iIntros (v) "Hv". iExists v; eauto with iFrame. } + { generalize 0. intros j. + iInduction (Z.to_nat n) as [|k] "IH" forall (j); eauto. + simpl. iSplitL "Hf". + - iApply (wp_wand with "Hf"). + iIntros (v) "Hv". iExists v; eauto with iFrame. + - iApply "IH". } iNext. iIntros (l xs). by rewrite list_fmap_id. Qed. -- GitLab