From 86b8e9edb07f6c0da1b51472abc75217b0737deb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Jung <> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:30:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] define the set of low states and prove it closed --- barrier/barrier.v | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/barrier/barrier.v b/barrier/barrier.v index 584881739..c7fd88598 100644 --- a/barrier/barrier.v +++ b/barrier/barrier.v @@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ From heap_lang Require Export derived heap wp_tactics notation. Definition newchan := (λ: "", ref '0)%L. Definition signal := (λ: "x", "x" <- '1)%L. -Definition wait := (rec: "wait" "x" := if: !"x" = '1 then '() else "wait" "x")%L. +Definition wait := (rec: "wait" "x" :=if: !"x" = '1 then '() else "wait" "x")%L. -(** The STS describing the main barrier protocol. *) +(** The STS describing the main barrier protocol. Every state has an index-set + associated with it. These indices are actually [gname], because we use them + with saved propositions. *) Module barrier_proto. Inductive phase := Low | High. Record stateT := State { state_phase : phase; state_I : gset gname }. @@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ Module barrier_proto. Definition sts := sts.STS trans tok. + (* The set of states containing some particular i *) Definition i_states (i : gname) : set stateT := mkSet (λ s, i ∈ state_I s). @@ -34,17 +37,21 @@ Module barrier_proto. sts.closed sts (i_states i) {[ Change i ]}. Proof. split. - - apply (non_empty_inhabited (State Low {[ i ]})). rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /=. + - apply (non_empty_inhabited(State Low {[ i ]})). rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /=. apply lookup_singleton. - move=>[p I]. rewrite /= /tok !mkSet_elem_of /= =>HI. move=>s' /elem_of_intersection. rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /=. move=>[[Htok|Htok] ? ]; subst s'; first done. destruct p; done. - - move=>s1 s2. rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /==> Hs1 Hstep. + - (* If we do the destruct of the states early, and then inversion + on the proof of a transition, it doesn't work - we do not obtain + the equalities we need. So we destruct the states late, because this + means we can use "destruct" instead of "inversion". *) + move=>s1 s2. rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /==> Hs1 Hstep. (* We probably want some helper lemmas for this... *) inversion_clear Hstep as [T1 T2 Hdisj Hstep']. - inversion_clear Hstep' as [? ? ? ? Htrans Htok1 Htok2 Htok]. - destruct Htrans; last done; move:Hs1 Hdisj Htok1 Htok2 Htok. + inversion_clear Hstep' as [? ? ? ? Htrans _ _ Htok]. + destruct Htrans; last done; move:Hs1 Hdisj Htok. rewrite /= /tok /=. intros. apply dec_stable. assert (Change i ∉ change_tokens I1) as HI1 @@ -55,6 +62,25 @@ Module barrier_proto. - solve_elem_of +Htok Hdisj HI1 / discriminate. } done. Qed. - + + (* The set of low states *) + Definition low_states : set stateT := + mkSet (λ s, if state_phase s is Low then True else False). + + Lemma low_states_closed : + sts.closed sts low_states {[ Send ]}. + Proof. + split. + - apply (non_empty_inhabited(State Low ∅)). by rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /=. + - move=>[p I]. rewrite /= /tok !mkSet_elem_of /= =>HI. + destruct p; last done. solve_elem_of+ /discriminate. + - move=>s1 s2. rewrite !mkSet_elem_of /==> Hs1 Hstep. + inversion_clear Hstep as [T1 T2 Hdisj Hstep']. + inversion_clear Hstep' as [? ? ? ? Htrans _ _ Htok]. + destruct Htrans; move:Hs1 Hdisj Htok =>/=; + first by destruct p. + rewrite /= /tok /=. intros. solve_elem_of +Hdisj Htok. + Qed. + End barrier_proto. -- GitLab