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`Cancelable` instances for all elements of option/gmap

Robbert Krebbers requested to merge robbert/cancelable into master

Although the instances in this MR surely make sense, I am not so sure I like them very much: they overlap with already existing instances for specific elements, and could cause a lot of backtracking on deeply nested algebraic structures.

Global Instance cancelable_Some a :
  IdFree a  Cancelable a  Cancelable (Some a).
Global Instance option_cancelable ma :
  ( a, IdFree a)  ( a, Cancelable a)  Cancelable ma.

As I suggested in the comments in this MR, it may be better to have a type class of CmraCancelable that states that all elements of a camera are cancelable. However, on second thoughts I don't think that actually solves the backtracking problem.

Anyone an idea how to solve this? Should we care? We have the same problem for Discrete, e.g.:

Class OfeDiscrete (A : ofeT) := ofe_discrete_discrete (x : A) :> Discrete x.
Global Instance option_ofe_discrete : OfeDiscrete A  OfeDiscrete optionC.
Global Instance None_discrete : Discrete (@None A).
Global Instance Some_discrete x : Discrete x  Discrete (Some x).
Edited by Robbert Krebbers

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