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Commit 8e8c7228 authored by Ralf Jung's avatar Ralf Jung
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change IntoVal so that it is easier to use in specs

parent bf9fd4f5
  • Author Owner

    Interestingly, this change (or rather, made atomic_heap.v and par.v almost double their compile time:*)

    Zooming out shows that this is consistent and not just noise.

    However, heap_lang/lifting.v (which uses IntoVal much more often!) is unaffected. What?!?

    Cc @robbertkrebbers

    Edited by Ralf Jung
  • Author Owner

    And here is why:

    Time rewrite /IntoVal; iIntros (<-). (* Finished transaction in 0.001 secs *)
    Time iIntros (<-). (* Finished transaction in 2.085 secs *)
  • Robbert Krebbers @robbertkrebbers ·

    In the case of par, we are basically performing a rewrite on:

    IntoVal e (f1,f2)

    this thing is not directly an equality, so Coq's rewrite (which is used by the <- introduction pattern) somehow first tries to see if it can use this thing as a setoid relation.

    If you enable Typeclasses eauto := debug, so see its awful attempt.

    Edited by Robbert Krebbers
  • Robbert Krebbers @robbertkrebbers ·

    IMHO, let's revert this whole change. The mount of porting it took to adapt existing developments was also not really worth the effort.

  • Author Owner

    Here's the slow TC trace:

    The fast one doesn't even trigger TC search.

  • Author Owner

    The mount of porting it took to adapt existing developments was also not really worth the effort.

    Except that that work is already done.

  • Robbert Krebbers @robbertkrebbers ·

    Except that that work is already done.

    There are surely developments by other people that have not been ported.

    Edited by Robbert Krebbers
  • Robbert Krebbers @robbertkrebbers ·

    The fast one doesn't even trigger TC search.

    The problem is, I think, that only IntoVal e (f1,f2) can be turned into a relation on the same type, namely λ v1 v2, IntoVal e (v1, v2), whereas for the others, that is not the case.

  • Author Owner

    IntoVal doesn't even appear in that TC trace so I am wondering what the heck it is doing.

    The problem is, I think, that only IntoVal e (f1,f2) can be turned into a relation on the same type, namely λ v1 v2, IntoVal e (v1, v2), whereas for the others, that is not the case.

    I don't think so, atomic_heap also got slower and it only uses IntoVal e v.

  • Author Owner

    On the other hand, it is looking for something about rtc?!???

    4.1-1.2-2.1-1.1-3.1-2 : (subrelation (bi_entails ==> bi_entails)%signature
                               (rtc ?Goal0 --> flip ?r)%signature)

    EDIT: Ah, here

    Debug: 1.1-1.3-1.1-1.1-1 : (Reflexive ?r)
    Debug: 1.1-1.3-1.1-1.1-1: looking for (Reflexive ?r) with backtracking
    Debug: 1.1-1.3-1.1-1.1-1.1: simple apply @rtc_reflexive on (Reflexive ?r), 0 subgoal(s)

    Should Reflexive have a Hint Mode?

    Edited by Ralf Jung
  • Author Owner

    After adding

    Hint Mode Reflexive ! ! : typeclass_instances.

    The time is down from 2s to 0.4s.

  • Author Owner

    Ouch, but there is a use of setoid_rewrite which fails with that mode. Wtf.

    EDIT: That setoid_rewrite indeed uses rtc for some intermediate result... that's probably discarded again later. That doesn't seem right.

    Edited by Ralf Jung
  • Author Owner


    Remove Hints rtc_reflexive : typeclass_instances.

    also reduces the time to 0.4s. It then picks iff_reflexive instead which doesn't introduce a new evar, which seems to help. It may be worth reducing the priority of rtc_reflexive, not just for this case.

    Edited by Ralf Jung
  • Author Owner decreased the time the rewrite takes from 2s to 0.38s.

  • Robbert Krebbers @robbertkrebbers ·

    Good to hear this had an effect, but IMHO these rewrites should take something much closer to 0.

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