diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index da8b15ac80881ac1a4a23190d69969c5877b0cac..324ebde14f3f78ff491569807a4e2edbd7f49af8 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -5,21 +5,14 @@ stages:
   CPU_CORES: "10"
 .template: &template
   stage: build
   - fp
-  # prepare
-  - . build/opam-ci.sh $OPAM_PINS
-  - env | egrep '^(CI_BUILD_REF|CI_RUNNER)' > build-env.txt
-  # build
-  - 'time make -k -j$CPU_CORES TIMED=y 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt'
-  - 'if fgrep Axiom build-log.txt >/dev/null; then exit 1; fi'
-  - 'cat build-log.txt | egrep "[a-zA-Z0-9_/-]+ \((real|user): [0-9]" | tee build-time.txt'
-  # maybe validate
-  - 'if [[ -n "$VALIDATE" ]]; then make validate; fi'
+  - ci/buildjob
     key: "$CI_JOB_NAME"
@@ -33,21 +26,19 @@ variables:
 ## Build jobs
   <<: *template
-    OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.8.dev"
+    OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.8.0"
   <<: *template
     OPAM_PINS: "coq version 8.7.2"
+    TIMING_PROJECT: "igps"
+    TIMING_CONF: "coq-8.7.2"
   - fp-timing
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-    - build-time.txt
-    - build-env.txt
   <<: *template
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53648fdc2581a4d79760bf124d570b7692157ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "ci"]
+	path = ci
+	url = https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/FP/iris-ci.git
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2aa31aa00ed15829352d41b9919eceeee8a92937..aa91ea531c5f0c1a60dddd855097151ae5c06042 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Makefile.coq: _CoqProject Makefile awk.Makefile
 # Install build-dependencies
 build-dep/opam: opam Makefile
-	# Creating the build-dep package.
+	@echo "# Creating build-dep package."
 	@mkdir -p build-dep
 	@sed <opam -E 's/^(build|install|remove):.*/\1: []/; s/^name: *"(.*)" */name: "\1-builddep"/' >build-dep/opam
 	@fgrep builddep build-dep/opam >/dev/null || (echo "sed failed to fix the package name" && exit 1) # sanity check
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@ build-dep: build-dep/opam phony
 	@# that are incompatible with our build requirements.
 	@# To achieve this, we create a fake opam package that has our build-dependencies as
 	@# dependencies, but does not actually install anything.
-	@# Upgrading is needed in case the pin already exists, but the builddep package changed.
+	@# Reinstalling is needed in case the pin already exists, but the builddep package changed.
+	@# Once we depend on opam 2, we can remove that last step.
 	@BUILD_DEP_PACKAGE="$$(egrep "^name:" build-dep/opam | sed 's/^name: *"\(.*\)" */\1/')"; \
 	  echo "# Pinning build-dep package." && \
 	  opam pin add -k path $(OPAMFLAGS) "$$BUILD_DEP_PACKAGE".dev build-dep && \
-	  echo "# Updating build-dep package." && \
-	  opam upgrade "$$BUILD_DEP_PACKAGE"
+	  echo "# Reinstalling build-dep package." && \
+	  opam reinstall $(OPAMFLAGS) "$$BUILD_DEP_PACKAGE"
 # Some files that do *not* need to be forwarded to Makefile.coq
 Makefile: ;
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7bbad27d01711f193f0292cdfad6121173174254..fd3d1dd27d53c39e04519e340c550877c6582f0a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ which are variants of **GPS** and **RSL** in Iris.
 ## Dependencies
 The master branch is known to compile with:
-* Coq 8.7.1
+* Coq 8.7.2 / 8.8.0
 * Iris (MoSeL branch)
 ## Build
diff --git a/awk.Makefile b/awk.Makefile
index 91f7d7374d1fd76f61ef2f9404ba4e1b1ac3dfb7..dc1c7eee18ec6f3d5f1530e777e707dc9c1ff393 100644
--- a/awk.Makefile
+++ b/awk.Makefile
@@ -19,17 +19,5 @@
-# Add new target quick2vo to (a) run "make quick" with the same number of jobs, ensuring
-# that the .vio files are up-to-date, and (b) only schedule vio2vo for those
-# files where the .vo is *older* than the .vio.
-/^vio2vo:/ {
-	print "quick2vo:";
-	print "\t@make -j $(J) quick"
-	print "\t@VIOFILES=$$(for vofile in $(VOFILES); do viofile=\"$$(echo \"$$vofile\" | sed \"s/\\.vo/.vio/\")\"; if [ \"$$vofile\" -ot \"$$viofile\" -o ! -e \"$$vofile\" ]; then echo -n \"$$viofile \"; fi; done); \\"
-	print "\t echo \"VIO2VO: $$VIOFILES\"; \\"
-	print "\t if [ -n \"$$VIOFILES\" ]; then $(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) -schedule-vio2vo $(J) $$VIOFILES; fi"
-	print ".PHONY: quick2vo"
 # This forwards all unchanged lines
diff --git a/build/opam-ci.sh b/build/opam-ci.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index bc51df87ef1e4c3867512df9f8b309111109a151..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/opam-ci.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-set -x
-## This script installs the build dependencies for CI builds.
-# Prepare OPAM configuration
-export OPAMROOT="$(pwd)/opamroot"
-export OPAMJOBS="$((2*$CPU_CORES))"
-export OPAM_EDITOR="$(which false)"
-# Make sure we got a good OPAM.
-test -d "$OPAMROOT" || (mkdir "$OPAMROOT" && opam init --no-setup -y)
-eval `opam conf env`
-# Make sure the pin for the builddep package is not stale.
-make build-dep/opam
-# Update repositories
-opam update
-# Make sure we got the right set of repositories registered
-if echo "$@" | fgrep "dev" > /dev/null; then
-    # We are compiling against a dev version of something.  Get ourselves the dev repositories.
-    test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-extra-dev" || opam repo add coq-extra-dev https://coq.inria.fr/opam/extra-dev -p 0
-    test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-core-dev" || opam repo add coq-core-dev https://coq.inria.fr/opam/core-dev -p 5
-    # No dev version, make sure we do not have the dev repositories.
-    test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-extra-dev" && opam repo remove coq-extra-dev
-    test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-core-dev" && opam repo remove coq-core-dev
-test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/coq-released" || opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released -p 10
-test -d "$OPAMROOT/repo/iris-dev" || opam repo add iris-dev https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/FP/opam-dev.git -p 20
-# We really want to run all of the following in one opam transaction, but due to opam limitations,
-# that is not currently possible.
-# Install fixed versions of some dependencies.
-while (( "$#" )); do # while there are arguments left
-    PACKAGE="$1" ; shift
-    KIND="$1" ; shift
-    VERSION="$1" ; shift
-    # Check if the pin is already set
-    read -a PIN <<< $(opam pin list | (egrep "^$PACKAGE[. ]"))
-    if [[ "${PIN[1]}" == "$KIND" && "${PIN[2]}" == "$VERSION" ]]; then
-        echo "[opam-ci] $PACKAGE already $KIND-pinned to $VERSION"
-    else
-        echo "[opam-ci] $KIND-pinning $PACKAGE to $VERSION"
-        opam pin add -y -k "$KIND" "$PACKAGE" "$VERSION"
-    fi
-# Upgrade cached things.
-echo "[opam-ci] Upgrading opam"
-opam upgrade -y --fixup && opam upgrade -y
-# Install build-dependencies.
-echo "[opam-ci] Installing build-dependencies"
-make build-dep OPAMFLAGS=-y
-# done
-set +x
-coqc -v
diff --git a/ci b/ci
new file mode 160000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40b71102efe051c777a785035aebcbaa4c2ec19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 40b71102efe051c777a785035aebcbaa4c2ec19f