From 61819129615a340975307c83dd12f2fe99ee9fcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hoang-Hai Dang <> Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 15:43:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] bump iris --- opam | 2 +- theories/examples/repeat.v | 3 +- theories/lang.v | 2 +- theories/lang/ra_lang.v | 14 ++--- theories/lang/surface.v | 6 +- theories/lifting.v | 108 ++++++++++++++++-------------------- theories/lifting_vProp.v | 28 +++++----- theories/tactics.v | 4 +- theories/weakestpre.v | 8 ++- theories/wp_tactics.v | 6 +- theories/wp_tactics_vProp.v | 40 +++++++------ 11 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-) diff --git a/opam b/opam index c5a7746a..61cdb5ef 100644 --- a/opam +++ b/opam @@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ build: [make "-j%{jobs}%"] install: [make "install"] remove: [ "sh" "-c" "rm -rf '%{lib}%/coq/user-contrib/igps" ] depends: [ - "coq-iris" { (= "dev.2018-10-05.4.464c2449") | (= "dev") } + "coq-iris" { (= "dev.2018-10-22.2.46e20e91") | (= "dev") } ] diff --git a/theories/examples/repeat.v b/theories/examples/repeat.v index b682d818..6d9f1495 100644 --- a/theories/examples/repeat.v +++ b/theories/examples/repeat.v @@ -24,6 +24,5 @@ Proof. iIntros (v) "H". iDestruct "H" as (l) "(% & R)". rewrite /= H0 /= {H0}. wp_lam. - case HD: (bool_decide _); - wp_op; rewrite HD; [by wp_if_true|by wp_if_false]. + case HD: (bool_decide _); wp_op; rewrite HD; [by wp_if_true|by wp_if_false]. Qed. diff --git a/theories/lang.v b/theories/lang.v index 916b5814..9a4329d7 100644 --- a/theories/lang.v +++ b/theories/lang.v @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Proof. by rewrite IHK. Qed. -Lemma prim_step_view_mono e V1 σ1 e2 V2 σ2 efs : ectx_language.prim_step (Λ:=ra_lang.ra_ectx_lang) (e, V1) σ1 (e2, V2) σ2 efs → V1 ⊑ V2. +Lemma prim_step_view_mono e V1 σ1 κs e2 V2 σ2 efs : ectx_language.prim_step (Λ:=ra_lang.ra_ectx_lang) (e, V1) σ1 κs (e2, V2) σ2 efs → V1 ⊑ V2. Proof. destruct 1. destruct e1', e2'. cbn in *. diff --git a/theories/lang/ra_lang.v b/theories/lang/ra_lang.v index fd9dc005..8dd5b478 100644 --- a/theories/lang/ra_lang.v +++ b/theories/lang/ra_lang.v @@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ Inductive step (V : View) . Inductive head_step : -∀ (e : expr) (σ : state) (e' : expr) (σ' : state) (ef : list expr), Prop := +∀ (e : expr) (σ : state) (κs: list Empty_set) (e' : expr) (σ' : state) (ef : list expr), Prop := | pure_step σ π e e' (BaseStep : base.head_step e e') - : head_step (e, π) σ (e', π) σ [] + : head_step (e, π) σ [] (e', π) σ [] | impure_step σ σ' V V' e e' ef evt (ExprStep : step V e evt e' ef) (MachStep : machine_red σ evt V σ' V') - : head_step (e, V) σ (e', V') σ' ef + : head_step (e, V) σ [] (e', V') σ' ef . Lemma to_of_val v : to_val (of_val v) = Some v. @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Proof. move => [<- <-]. f_equal. exact: base.of_to_val. Qed. -Lemma val_stuck σ1 e1 σ2 e2 ef : head_step e1 σ1 e2 σ2 ef → to_val e1 = None. +Lemma val_stuck σ1 e1 κs σ2 e2 ef : head_step e1 σ1 κs e2 σ2 ef → to_val e1 = None. Proof. inversion 1; subst; last inversion ExprStep; first (cbv -[base.to_val]; by erewrite base.val_stuck; last eassumption); @@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ Proof. exact: base.fill_item_no_val_inj H1 H2 H3. Qed. -Lemma head_ctx_step_val Ki e σ e2 σ2 ef : - head_step (fill_item Ki e) σ e2 σ2 ef → is_Some (to_val e). +Lemma head_ctx_step_val Ki e σ κs e2 σ2 ef : + head_step (fill_item Ki e) σ κs e2 σ2 ef → is_Some (to_val e). Proof. inversion 1; subst; last inversion ExprStep; subst; simplify_option_eq; first @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Proof. intros. destruct e. cbv -[base.subst]. f_equal. exact: base.is_closed_nil Lemma is_closed_of_val X v : is_closed X (of_val v). Proof. exact: base.is_closed_of_val. Qed. -Lemma head_step_mono e1 V1 σ1 e2 V2 σ2 efs : head_step (e1, V1) σ1 (e2, V2) σ2 efs → V1 ⊑ V2. +Lemma head_step_mono e1 V1 σ1 κs e2 V2 σ2 efs : head_step (e1, V1) σ1 κs (e2, V2) σ2 efs → V1 ⊑ V2. Proof. inversion 1; subst; first done. exact: machine_red_mono. diff --git a/theories/lang/surface.v b/theories/lang/surface.v index 192e7af8..4b8181cf 100644 --- a/theories/lang/surface.v +++ b/theories/lang/surface.v @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ From igps.lang Require base ra_lang. Import base. -Definition head_step e1 σ1 e2 σ2 efs := - ra_lang.head_step (e1, fst σ1) (snd σ1) (e2, fst σ2) (snd σ2) (map (fun e => (e, fst σ2)) efs). +Definition head_step e1 σ1 κs e2 σ2 efs := + ra_lang.head_step (e1, fst σ1) (snd σ1) κs (e2, fst σ2) (snd σ2) (map (fun e => (e, fst σ2)) efs). (** Language *) Lemma surface_ectxi_language_mixin : @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Proof. - intros. destruct σ1 as [V1 σ1]. destruct σ2 as [V2 σ2]. cbn in H. cut (ra_lang.to_val (e1, V1) = None). + cbn. by rewrite fmap_None. - + refine (ectxi_language.mixin_val_stuck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). + + refine (ectxi_language.mixin_val_stuck _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H). exact ra_lang.ra_ectxi_language_mixin. (* ???? *) - intros. cut (Inj eq eq (ra_lang.fill_item Ki)). diff --git a/theories/lifting.v b/theories/lifting.v index 915248cc..0be8e257 100644 --- a/theories/lifting.v +++ b/theories/lifting.v @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ Implicit Types Φ : ra_lang.val → iProp Σ. Implicit Types ef : option (ra_lang.expr). (** Hot fix for fork *) -Definition atomic' e := ∀ σ1 e2 σ2 efs, prim_step (Λ:=ra_ectx_lang) e σ1 e2 σ2 efs → is_Some (to_val e2). +Definition atomic' e := ∀ σ1 κs e2 σ2 efs, prim_step (Λ:=ra_ectx_lang) e σ1 κs e2 σ2 efs → is_Some (to_val e2). Lemma wp_lift_atomic_step2 {E Φ} e1 σ1 : atomic' e1 → reducible e1 σ1 → ▷ ownP σ1 ∗ - ▷ (∀ v2 σ2 efs, - ⌜prim_step e1 σ1 (of_val v2) σ2 efs⌠∧ ownP σ2 -∗ + ▷ (∀ κs v2 σ2 efs, + ⌜prim_step e1 σ1 κs (of_val v2) σ2 efs⌠∧ ownP σ2 -∗ |==> (|={E}=> Φ v2) ∗ [∗ list] ef ∈ efs, WP ef {{ _, True }}) ⊢ WP e1 @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ Proof. iApply (ownP_lift_step _ E _ e1). iMod (fupd_intro_mask' E ∅) as "Hclose"; first set_solver+. iModIntro. iExists σ1. iFrame "Hσ"; iSplit; eauto. - iNext; iIntros (e2 σ2 efs) "% oP". - edestruct (Hatomic σ1 e2 σ2 efs) as [v2 <-%of_to_val]; eauto. - iDestruct ("H" $! v2 σ2 efs with "[$oP]") as ">[HΦ $]"; first by auto. + iNext; iIntros (κs e2 σ2 efs) "% oP". + edestruct (Hatomic σ1 κs e2 σ2 efs) as [v2 <-%of_to_val]; eauto. + iDestruct ("H" $! _ v2 σ2 efs with "[$oP]") as ">[HΦ $]"; first by auto. iMod "Hclose". iMod "HΦ". iApply wp_value; eauto. exact: of_to_val. Qed. @@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ Lemma wp_lift_atomic_head_step2 {E Φ} e1 σ1 : atomic' e1 → head_reducible e1 σ1 → ▷ ownP σ1 ∗ - ▷ (∀ v2 σ2 efs, - ⌜ectx_language.head_step e1 σ1 (of_val v2) σ2 efs⌠∧ ownP σ2 -∗ + ▷ (∀ κs v2 σ2 efs, + ⌜ectx_language.head_step e1 σ1 κs (of_val v2) σ2 efs⌠∧ ownP σ2 -∗ |==> (|={E}=> Φ v2) ∗ [∗ list] ef ∈ efs, WP ef {{ _, True }}) ⊢ WP e1 @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. iIntros (??) "[? H]". iApply wp_lift_atomic_step2; eauto. - by eapply head_prim_reducible. - iFrame. iNext. - iIntros (???) "[% ?]". iApply "H". iFrame. + iIntros (????) "[% ?]". iApply "H". iFrame. iPureIntro. by apply head_reducible_prim_step. Qed. @@ -233,18 +233,18 @@ Proof. have ? := (wp_fork_help H). subst; simpl in *; simplify_eq. inversion Step; simplify_eq; [inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]; simplify_eq; eauto. - - eexists _, σ, _. + - eexists _, _, σ, _. eright. + by econstructor. + by eright. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % [% HP]". destruct a. + iNext. iIntros (κs v2 σ2 efs) "[% HP]". destruct v2. inversion H; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; subst; first by inversion ThreadRed. simpl. destruct v; try discriminate. destruct l; try discriminate. - inversion H10. simplify_eq. + inversion H11. simplify_eq. iDestruct ("HΦ" with "[$HP]") as ">[$ $]"; last done. iFrame (Inv'). iSplit; [|iSplit]; iPureIntro. + inversion FRed; subst. by destruct (machine_red_safe Inv VOk MachStep). @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ Proof. move: (VOk _ _ Local0) => [m [In [EqLoc [EqTime SubView]]]]. assert (IsVal := initialized_reads_value _ _ _ Init m In EqLoc EqTime). case HVal: (mval m) => [| |v]; try (by rewrite HVal in IsVal; inversion IsVal). - eexists. + eexists. eexists. exists σ. econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto. @@ -351,10 +351,9 @@ Proof. eapply proof => //. intros. by exists tl. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; last by (subst; discriminate). subst. iSplit; last by rewrite big_opL_nil. inversion ThreadRed. subst. @@ -386,8 +385,7 @@ Proof. assert (IsVal := initialized_reads_value _ _ _ Init m In EqLoc EqTime). case Hmv: (mval m) => [| |v]; try (by rewrite Hmv in IsVal; inversion IsVal). - eexists. - exists σ. + do 2 eexists. exists σ. econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto. + move => ? [<-]. by econstructor. @@ -396,10 +394,9 @@ Proof. rewrite -> Hmv, EqTime, EqLoc in proof. eapply proof => //. exists tl => //. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; last by (subst; discriminate). subst. iSplit; last by rewrite big_opL_nil. inversion ThreadRed. subst. @@ -462,18 +459,16 @@ Proof. eapply Pos.le_lt_trans; last by apply Pos.lt_add_r. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. } - eexists. - exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (nats σ)). + do 2 eexists. exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (nats σ)). econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto => //. + move => ? [<-]. by econstructor. + econstructor => //. by rewrite -Local0. + simpl. econstructor; eauto. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a as [v' π']. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; last by (subst; discriminate). subst. iSplit; last by rewrite big_opL_nil. inversion ThreadRed. subst. simplify_option_eq. @@ -533,9 +528,8 @@ Proof. eapply Pos.le_lt_trans; last by apply Pos.lt_add_r. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. } - eexists. - exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) - (<[l:= mtime m]> (nats σ))). + do 2 eexists. + exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (<[l:= mtime m]> (nats σ))). econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto => //. + move => ? [<-]. by econstructor. @@ -549,10 +543,9 @@ Proof. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. + by econstructor. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a as [v' π']. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; last by (subst; discriminate). subst. iSplit; last by rewrite big_opL_nil. inversion ThreadRed. subst. simplify_option_eq. @@ -610,9 +603,8 @@ Proof. { rewrite Local0 -EqTime. eapply Pos.le_lt_trans; last by apply Pos.lt_add_r. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. } - eexists. - exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) - (<[l:=mtime m]> (nats σ))). + do 2 eexists. + exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (<[l:=mtime m]> (nats σ))). econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto => //. + move => ? [<-]. by econstructor. @@ -626,10 +618,9 @@ Proof. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. + by econstructor. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a as [v' π']. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. subst. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; last by (subst; discriminate). subst. simpl. iSplit; last done. inversion ThreadRed. subst. @@ -725,7 +716,7 @@ Proof. apply (Pos.lt_irrefl (mtime m0)). rewrite -{2}Eq. eapply Pos.le_lt_trans; last by apply Pos.lt_add_r. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. } - eexists. + do 2 eexists. exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (nats σ)). econstructor. eright; first by constructor. @@ -736,7 +727,7 @@ Proof. { rewrite -Eqv -Hv -H0. by destruct m'. } { exists tl. split => //. rewrite -EqTime. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. } - + eexists. + + do 2 eexists. exists (mkState (mem σ) (nats σ)). econstructor. eright. eapply ra_lang.CasFailS; eauto. econstructor; try eauto => //=. @@ -748,10 +739,9 @@ Proof. exists tl. split => //. rewrite -EqTime. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a as [v' π']. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|..]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). subst. inversion ExprStep; inversion MachStep; subst; try discriminate; simpl; (iSplit; last done). @@ -838,7 +828,7 @@ Proof. apply (Pos.le_lt_trans _ (mtime m')). - rewrite TEq. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. - apply Pos.lt_add_r. } - eexists. + do 2 eexists. exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (nats σ)). econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto => //=. @@ -849,10 +839,9 @@ Proof. { exists tl. split => //. rewrite -EqTime. by apply tMax, elem_of_hist. } - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a as [v' π']. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|..]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). subst. inversion ExprStep; inversion MachStep; subst; try discriminate; simpl; iSplit; last done. @@ -904,7 +893,7 @@ Proof. case (decide (mloc m = mloc m0)) => [LEq|LNEq]; last by left. exfalso. apply (Fresh _ HIn). rewrite /m in LEq. by simpl in LEq. } - eexists. + do 2 eexists. exists (mkState (add_ins (mem σ) m Disj) (<[l := mtime m]> (nats σ))). econstructor. eright; first by constructor. econstructor; try eauto => //. @@ -922,10 +911,9 @@ Proof. { by rewrite Eq /=. } + constructor; eauto. by rewrite NVl. - iSplitL "HP"; first by []. - iNext. iIntros "% % % % HP". destruct a as [v' π']. - match goal with | [H : ectx_language.head_step _ _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H end; - [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. - assert (Inv' : phys_inv a0) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). + iNext. iIntros (κ e2 σ2 efs STEP) "HP". + inversion STEP; [by inversion BaseStep|inversion ExprStep]. + assert (Inv' : phys_inv σ2) by exact: (proj1 (machine_red_safe _ _ _)). inversion MachStep; last by (subst; discriminate). subst. simpl. iSplit; last done. assert (AllocRed: alloc_red (mem σ) V l (EWrite na l A)). { by apply ARed. } diff --git a/theories/lifting_vProp.v b/theories/lifting_vProp.v index b6a1e1b4..9b95f54d 100644 --- a/theories/lifting_vProp.v +++ b/theories/lifting_vProp.v @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Proof. + simplify_eq. now rewrite -fill_view. + simplify_eq. now rewrite -fill_view. + now eauto. - - intros σ1 [e2' V'] σ2 efs HStep. - move: pure_step_det => /(_ (V, σ1) e2' (V', σ2) (map (fst) efs)) H. - destruct H as (? & ? & ?). + - intros σ1 κ [e2' V'] σ2 efs HStep. + move: pure_step_det => /(_ (V, σ1) κ e2' (V', σ2) (map (fst) efs)) H. + destruct H as (? & ? & ? & ?). + inversion HStep; cbn in *. destruct e1' as [e1' V1'], e2'0 as [e2'0 V2'0]. cbn in *. exists K (e1') (e2'0). @@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ Proof. { simplify_eq. unfold surface.head_step. cbn. exact H1. } { simplify_eq. inversion ExprStep; simplify_eq; cbn; try exact H1. inversion MachStep. simplify_map_eq. inversion ThreadRed. simplify_eq. - exact H1. - } + exact H1. } + simplify_eq. by destruct efs. Qed. @@ -43,15 +42,18 @@ Local Set Default Proof Using "Σ Iris". Implicit Types P Q : vProp Σ. Implicit Types Φ : base.val → vProp Σ. (* TODO: fix imports *) -Lemma wp_pure_step_later `{Inhabited (state)} E e1 e2 φ Φ : - (PureExec φ 1 e1 e2) → +Lemma wp_pure_step_later `{Inhabited (state)} E e1 e2 φ n Φ : + (PureExec φ n e1 e2) → φ → - ▷ WP e2 @ E {{ Φ }} ⊢ WP e1 @ E {{ Φ }}. + ▷^n WP e2 @ E {{ Φ }} ⊢ WP e1 @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. - iStartProof (uPred _). iIntros (?? V) "W". + iIntros (Hexec ?). iStartProof (uPred _). iIntros (V) "W". rewrite WP_Def.wp_eq /WP_Def.wp_def /=. iIntros (V' HV' π) "G". - iApply program_logic.lifting.wp_pure_step_fupd; [apply pure_exec_view; eassumption|done|]. - iIntros "!>". by iApply "W". + iApply (program_logic.lifting.wp_pure_step_fupd _ _ E); + [apply pure_exec_view;eassumption|done|]. clear Hexec. + induction n as [|n IH]; rewrite //=. + - by iApply "W". + - rewrite -step_fupd_intro //. iIntros "!>". by apply IH. Qed. End Lifting. @@ -68,11 +70,11 @@ Ltac inv_head_step := try (is_var e; fail 1); (* inversion yields many goals if [e] is a variable and can thus better be avoided. *) inversion H; subst; clear H - | H : surface.head_step ?e _ _ _ _ |- _ => + | H : surface.head_step ?e _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => try (is_var e; fail 1); (* inversion yields many goals if [e] is a variable and can thus better be avoided. *) inversion H; subst; clear H - | H : ra_lang.head_step ?e _ _ _ _ |- _ => + | H : ra_lang.head_step ?e _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => try (is_var e; fail 1); (* inversion yields many goals if [e] is a variable and can thus better be avoided. *) inversion H; subst; clear H diff --git a/theories/tactics.v b/theories/tactics.v index aed8f267..e92719e9 100644 --- a/theories/tactics.v +++ b/theories/tactics.v @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Ltac inv_head_step := try (is_var e; fail 1); (* inversion yields many goals if [e] is a variable and can thus better be avoided. *) inversion H; subst; clear H - | H : ra_lang.head_step ?e _ _ _ _ |- _ => + | H : ra_lang.head_step ?e _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => try (is_var e; fail 1); (* inversion yields many goals if [e] is a variable and can thus better be avoided. *) inversion H; subst; clear H @@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ Tactic Notation "do_head_step" tactic3(tac) := try match goal with |- head_reducible _ _ => eexists _, _, _ end; simpl; match goal with - | |- head_step ?e1 ?σ1 ?e2 ?σ2 ?ef => + | |- head_step ?e1 ?σ1 ?κ ?e2 ?σ2 ?ef => first [idtac|econstructor]; (* solve [to_val] side-conditions *) first [rewrite ?to_of_val; reflexivity|simpl_subst; tac; fast_done] diff --git a/theories/weakestpre.v b/theories/weakestpre.v index 7aac4c3f..0afb35d8 100644 --- a/theories/weakestpre.v +++ b/theories/weakestpre.v @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ Proof. iApply (fupd_mask_mono E1 _); first done. iExact "H". (* TODO why does `done` not work? *) } - iIntros (σ1) "Hσ". iMod (fupd_intro_mask' E2 E1) as "Hclose"; first done. + iIntros (σ1 κ κs) "Hσ". iMod (fupd_intro_mask' E2 E1) as "Hclose"; first done. iMod ("H" with "[$]") as "[$ H]". iModIntro. iIntros (e2 σ2 efs Hstep). iMod ("H" with "[//]") as "H". iIntros "!> !>". iMod "H" as "($ & H & $)"; auto. @@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ Proof. iIntros (V ? ?). rewrite !bi.forall_elim bi.pure_impl_forall bi.forall_elim //. destruct (ra_lang.to_val ((e, V))) as [v|] eqn:?; [by iMod "H"|]. - iIntros "S" (σ1) "Hσ1". iMod "H". iApply ("H" with "S Hσ1"). + iIntros "S" (σ1 κ κs) "Hσ1". iMod ("H" with "S") as "H". + iApply ("H" $! σ1 κ κs with "Hσ1"). Qed. Lemma wp_fupd E e Φ : WP e @ E {{ v, |={E}=> Φ v }} ⊢ WP e @ E {{ Φ }}. Proof. iIntros "H". iApply (wp_strong_mono E); try iFrame; auto. Qed. @@ -201,7 +202,8 @@ Proof. rewrite /to_val /= /ra_lang.to_val /=. iIntros (-> ?) "H". iIntros (V'' HV'' π) "S". iSpecialize ("H" with "[//]"). - iIntros (σ1) "Hσ". iMod "HR". iMod ("H" with "S [$]") as "[$ H]". + iIntros (σ1 κ κs) "Hσ". iMod "HR". iSpecialize ("H" with "S"). + iMod ("H" $! σ1 κ κs with "[$]") as "[$ H]". iModIntro; iIntros (e2 σ2 efs Hstep). iMod ("H" $! e2 σ2 efs with "[% //]") as "H". iIntros "!> !>". iMod "H" as "($ & H & $)". diff --git a/theories/wp_tactics.v b/theories/wp_tactics.v index 91f80b53..0d5e5bf3 100644 --- a/theories/wp_tactics.v +++ b/theories/wp_tactics.v @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ From iris.proofmode Require Import coq_tactics tactics. From igps Require Export lifting tactics_vProp ghosts. Import uPred. -Lemma tac_wp_pure `{ghosts.foundationG Σ} K Δ Δ' E e1 e2 φ Φ : - PureExec (Λ:=ra_lang) φ 1 e1 e2 → +Lemma tac_wp_pure `{ghosts.foundationG Σ} K Δ Δ' E e1 e2 φ n Φ : + PureExec (Λ:=ra_lang) φ n e1 e2 → φ → - MaybeIntoLaterNEnvs 1 Δ Δ' → + MaybeIntoLaterNEnvs n Δ Δ' → envs_entails Δ' (WP fill K e2 @ E {{ Φ }}) → envs_entails Δ (WP fill K e1 @ E {{ Φ }}). Proof. diff --git a/theories/wp_tactics_vProp.v b/theories/wp_tactics_vProp.v index 96b7d217..30130b8a 100644 --- a/theories/wp_tactics_vProp.v +++ b/theories/wp_tactics_vProp.v @@ -16,19 +16,26 @@ Ltac wp_expr_eval t := Ltac wp_expr_simpl := wp_expr_eval simpl. Ltac wp_expr_simpl_subst := wp_expr_eval simpl_subst. -Lemma tac_wp_pure `{foundationG Σ} Δ Δ' E e1 e2 φ Φ : - (PureExec (Λ:=surface_lang) φ 1 (e1) (e2)) → +Lemma tac_wp_pure `{foundationG Σ} K Δ Δ' E e1 e2 φ n Φ : + PureExec φ n e1 e2 → φ → - MaybeIntoLaterNEnvs 1 Δ Δ' → - envs_entails Δ' (WP e2 @ E {{ Φ }}) → - envs_entails Δ (WP e1 @ E {{ Φ }}). + MaybeIntoLaterNEnvs n Δ Δ' → + envs_entails Δ' (WP fill K e2 @ E {{ Φ }}) → + envs_entails Δ (WP fill K e1 @ E {{ Φ }}). Proof. rewrite envs_entails_eq=> ??? HΔ'. rewrite into_laterN_env_sound /=. - rewrite HΔ' -wp_pure_step_later //. + rewrite HΔ' wp_eq /wp_def /=. iStartProof (iProp _). + iIntros "% /= H" (𓥠? ?) "?". + iApply (lifting.wp_pure_step_later _ _ (fill K e1, _) (fill K e2, _) φ); + [|done|]. + { rewrite -2!fill_view => ?. + by apply (pure_step_nsteps_ctx (@ectxi_language.fill ra_lang.ra_ectxi_lang K)), + (pure_exec_view φ). } + iNext. by iApply ("H" with "[//] [$]"). Qed. Lemma tac_wp_value `{foundationG Σ} Δ E Φ e v : - (IntoVal (e) (v)) → + IntoVal e v → envs_entails Δ (Φ v) → envs_entails Δ (WP e @ E {{ Φ }}). Proof. rewrite envs_entails_eq=> <- ->. now apply: wp_value'. Qed. @@ -37,16 +44,15 @@ Ltac wp_value_head := eapply tac_wp_value; [apply _|reduction.pm_prettify]. Tactic Notation "wp_pure" open_constr(efoc) := iStartProof; lazymatch goal with - | |- envs_entails _ (WP_Def.wp ?E ?e ?Q) => tactics_vProp.reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => - unify e' efoc; - eapply tac_wp_pure; - [ - refine (@language.pure_exec_ctx _ _ (ectx_language.ectx_lang_ctx (Λ:=surface_ectx_lang) K) _ _ e' _ _); apply _ (* FIXME *) - (* PureExec *) - |try fast_done (* The pure condition for PureExec *) - |apply _ (* IntoLaters *) - |wp_expr_simpl_subst; try wp_value_head (* new goal *) - ]) + | |- envs_entails _ (WP_Def.wp ?E ?e ?Q) => + tactics_vProp.reshape_expr e ltac:(fun K e' => + unify e' efoc; + eapply (tac_wp_pure K); + [simpl; apply _ (* PureExec *) + |try fast_done (* The pure condition for PureExec *) + |apply _ (* IntoLaters *) + |wp_expr_simpl_subst; try wp_value_head (* new goal *) + ]) || fail "wp_pure: cannot find" efoc "in" e "or" efoc "is not a reduct" | _ => fail "wp_pure: not a 'wp'" end. -- GitLab